What ARE Clans anyways?
Ah yes the beauty of the clan it may seem like some joke but actually...well it happens to make you someone in the quake game and for that it made me the NKL-Gogeta that is today clans are supposedly like a family and treat you as an equal over my years of gaming ive noticed that clans are all over the place and all you have to do is find a place to try out whether it's asking the leader or just finding a server where they are trying people out and i have been in many clans and found that every one of them is unique in thier own way.....not heh but seriously NKL was definately my favorite clan whether it was online gaming or real life i always had a blast being called NKL-Gogeta NKL still exists today only well we just dont hold tryouts any more if you ask me i have no clue and really doubt that i ever will for that reason know the answer why but we have built up a sorta family bound between each nkl member and we all....most always get along but we are always friends when starting your own clan you have to make sure that you are strong enough to support your clan and not have to worry about you getting walked over by other clan members or other players because it would be VERY embarassing so with that been said look around for a clan room oh uh also clans often have 3 leters in there name newb clans or other clans have four or five but they almost always have a meaning to thier names except clan CROW which like i said heh heh 4 uh but honestly clans are built on thier names and what they stand for because the clans meaniong is what holds the clans uh power or whatever like NKL=National Killing League so have fun making your clans or joining your clans because its about fun and excitement and the love of your clan members. haha love well just make sure you find out the meaning and power of your clan before you join like if you think they are good most of the time a strong clan that can beat you is needed so enjoy...