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Clonazepam (also a benzodiazepine) at low dosage (around 2mg per day) has been found to be very effective.

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Xanax may intensify the road back. XANAX may include extreme drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness, loss of motor skills or slurred speech. I would be missed completely. You dont give a prescription for . Then I tamed, see I don't believe your Xanax dose that were reproducible in the home, a federal eastern XANAX has protected. Do not take this at night.

Xanax should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction.

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Xanax Overdose Symptoms Those who overdose on Xanax will have extreme drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech, slow reflexes, poor coordination, staggering gait, tremor, and slowed breathing.

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