b.1500 - Surrey, Eng
,b.1589 -
,m.1602 - , , , England
,- Living
,m.1560 - Great Bromley, Essex, Eng
,- Living
,- Living
,- Living
,b.1615 - , , , England
, Abigail m.1714 -
, Adam -
, Agnes - Living
, Agnes m.1518 -
, Agnes b.1429 - of, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
, Agnes b.1354 -
, Agnes b.1507 - Great Bromley, Essex, Eng
, Agnes b.1521 - of Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
, Aiofe b.240 -
, Alcey Elizabeth - Living
, Alcey Elizabeth - Living
, Alianora m.1333 -
, Alice - Living
, Alice m.1552 - Long Row, Norflk, Norfolk, England
, Alice - Living
, Alice - Living
, Alice m.1583 - South Elham, Suffolk, England
, Alice b.1551 - , , , England
, Alice b.1115 - of, Raby, Durham, England
, Alice m.1549 - Thornbury, Gloucester, England
, Alice m.1612 - , Newton, Lincolnshire, England
, Alice - Living
, Alice - Living
, Alice Shaw m.1640 - , York, Eng
, Alicia m.1578 - Clunsbury, Shropshire, England
, Alicia b.1538 - of, Shrewsberry, Clun, Shropshire, England
, Amy - Living
, Ann m.1646 -
, Ann - Living
, Ann m.1640 - , , Rhode Island
, Ann b.1570 - of, Wendover, Buckingham, Eng
, Ann - Living
, Ann - Living
, Ann b.1600 - England
, Ann - Living
, Ann - Living
, Ann m.1622 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
, Ann - Living
, Ann Anne b.1624 - of, Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
, Ann Elizabeth - Living
, Anna b.1602 - , , , Austria
, Anna b.1540 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
, Anna b.1616 -
, Anna b.1597 -
, Anna m.1646 - Stansteeead, Herts., England
, Anna (Unknown) - Living
, Anna Austye m.1586 -
, Anna Barbara m.1706 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
, Anna Barbara m.1722 -
, Anna Lee - Living
, Anna Maria b.1689 - Weierbach, Naumburch, Baaden
, Anna Maria (Weber) b.1655 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
, Anne - Living
, Anne m.1548 -
, Anne m.1603 - St. Anne Parish, Blackfriars, London, England
, Anne m.16 -
, Anne m.1678 - Ma
, Anne - Living
, Anne m.1597 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
, Anne Anna - Living
, Anne Margaretha b.1673 - Weisenheim, Am Berg, Pfalz, Germany
, Annie b.1671 - Cambridge, Suff., Mass.
, Arphazad b.1658 - After Adam, , Genesis, 11:12
, Astyoche of Acadia b.1300 - Bc
, Athra b.400 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Avelyn - Living
, Barbara - Living
, Barbara m.1712 - , , , Germany
, Batea of Teucri -
, Bedweg b.500 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Beldeg (Balder) b.243 - , , , Scandinavia
, Beltsa b.194 - of, Asgard, Asia or, East Europe
, Benedict b.1427 -
, Beorn b.301 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Brand (Brond) b.271 - , , , Scandinavia
, Bridget - Living
, Bridget - Living
, Cainan b.325 - After Adam
, Callirhoe -
, Catharine - Living
, Catherin - Living
, Catherine m.1629 - of, Dennington, Suffolk, England
, Catherine b.1722 - of, South Kingstown, , Rhode Island
, Catherine b.1575 - of Ehingen, I/Ries, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
, Catherine - Living
, Catherine -
, Catherine Catharine m.1665 -
, Christian - Living
, Cisley b.1545 - , , England
, Clemence b.1395 -
, Darda Dardanus Prince b.1350 - Bc, Prince, of, Judea
, Datre - Living
, Datre - Living
, Deborah - Living
, Deligly or Delightly - Living
, Deliverance m.1695 - , , Ri
, Dinah - Living
, Dinah - Living
, Donart b.415 -
, Dorcas b.1560 - of Assington, Suffolk, England
, Dorothea - Living
, Dorothy m.1626 -
, Dorothy - Living
, Dorothy - Living
, Dorothy m.1611 - , , England
, Dorothy - Living
, Eaba b.732 - of, , Wessex, England
, Earthum - Living
, Eber b.1723 - After Adam
, Edith - Living
, Edith - Living
, Einridi b.850 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Eleanor m.1746 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
, Elesa b.439 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Elfeda b.965 - , , Northumberland, England
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1676 - Ma
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1629 -
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1516 -
, Elizabeth m.1516 -
, Elizabeth m.1497 -
, Elizabeth m.1539 - of, Brydges Sollors, Herfordshire, England
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1600 - of Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1650 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
, Elizabeth m.1650 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
, Elizabeth m.1650 - of Wivenhoe, Essex, England
, Elizabeth b.1435 -
, Elizabeth b.1408 -
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1771 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Md
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1615 - Prob. Laxfield, Suffolk, England
, Elizabeth m.1616 -
, Elizabeth m.1564 -
, Elizabeth m.1655 - Ipswich, Mddsx., Ma
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth b.1710 - , Madison Co., Va
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1648 -
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth b.1749 - <, Pa, Poss. Germany>
, Elizabeth -
, Elizabeth m.1675 - , , Rhode Island
, Elizabeth b.1660 - Kingston, Wash., R.I.
, Elizabeth m.1671 - , , Ri
, Elizabeth m.1626 - , , England
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth b.1585 - of, Norwich, Norfolk, England
, Elizabeth b.1496 - , , , England
, Elizabeth b.1460 -
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth m.1620 - , Wiltshire, England
, Elizabeth m.1644 -
, Elizabeth - Living
, Elizabeth b.1567 - , of Istha, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
, Elizabeth b.1794 - North Carolina
, Elizabeth (Alcey) m.1735 - , , Va
, Elizabetha b.1668 -
, Elizamargaret - Living
, Ellen - Living
, Ellen - Living
, Ellen m.1588 - of Ipswich, Suffolk, England
, Ellen b.1520 - Somerton, Suffolk, England
, Ellen m.1661 -
, Elsa - Living
, Elsa - Living
, Elsa - Living
, Elzabeth b.1596 - Newcastle, , England
, Enoch b.622 - After Adam
, Enos b.235 - After Adam
, Eochy Moyvone b.287 -
, Eoppa b.706 - of, , Wessex, England
, Erichthonius of Acadia Prince b.1300 - Bc, Prince, of, Judea
, Esla b.411 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Esther b.1662 - Providence, Providence, Ri
, Esther m.1628 - , Essex, England
, Eve -
, Fedelmia b.331 -
, Fergus Mor Mac b.389 -
, Fiacha Srabhteine b.235 -
, Finn b.130 - of, , Asgard, Asia or East Europe
, Flocwald b.100 - of, Asgard, Asia or, East Europe
, Frances - Living
, Frances - Living
, Freawine b.327 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Freothalaf b.160 - of, Asgard, Asia or, East Europe
, Frithogar b.299 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Frithuwald (Bor) b.190 - of, Asgard, Asia or, East Europe
, Gabhran b.446 -
, Geata -
, Gertraut b.1686 - Weierbach, Naumburch, Baaden
, Gertrud m.1648 - Plankenbuehl, Gresten Parish, Austria
, Gewis b.383 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Godwulf b.80 - of, Asgard, Asia or, East Europe
, Grace b.1130 - of, , , England
, Hannah m.1859 - Illinois
, Hannah - Living
, Hannah m.1680 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
, Hannah - Living
, Hannah m.1649 -
, Hannah m.1685 - of Providence, Providence, Ri
, Hannah - Living
, Hannah - Living
, Hannah m.1679 - , , Rhode Island
, Hannah b.1610 -
, Hawisa b.1271 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
, Helen b.1240 -
, Hepzabah - Living
, Heremod b.300 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Hwala b.450 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Ilus b.1200 - Bc, King, Near, Troy
, Inne b.291 -
, Isaac b.1800 - Bc, Son of, Abraham, Genesis 21
, Isabel - Living
, Isabel b.1500 - of, Middleton, Warwick, Eng.
, Isabell b.1307 - of, Halsbury, Devonshire, England
, Isabelle b.1468 -
, Itormann b.350 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Jacob or Israel b.1500 - Bc, Genesis 29-30
, Jared b.460 - After Adam
, Jeane b.1690 - Hyattsville, Baltimore Co, Maryland
, Jenet b.1510 - Halifax, York, England
, Jennie - Living
, Joan - Living
, Joan m.1594 - (Bradfield), St.George, Co.Suffolk, England
, Joan m.1559 -
, Joan m.1539 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
, Joan - Living
, Joan - Living
, Joan b.1478 - Standon, Hertford, England
, Joan m.1666 - Ri
, Joanna m.1675 -
, Joanna Allerton m.1644 - New Amsterdam, , New York
, Johane b.1478 -
, Johanna m.1644 - St Andrews, Under Shaft
, Johanna m.1644 - St Andrews under, Shaft, London
, Judith m.1617 - , Kent, England
, Judith - Living
, Judith b.1618 - , Chelmsford, Essex, England
, Katharine - Living
, Katherine - Living
, Katherine - Living
, Katherine - Living
, Katherine m.1550 -
, Katherine b.1510 -
, Katherine b.1490 -
, Katherine II m.1550 -
, Laban b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
, Lady - Living
, Lamech b.874 - After Adam
, Laurencia - Living
, Leah Daughter of Laban b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30, Caanan
, Louisa m.1857 -
, Lovina m.1849 - , Preble, Ohio
, Lydia m.1676 - Providence, Providence, R. I.
, Lydia - Living
, Lydia - Living
, Magdalena b.1481 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
, Magi b.600 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Mahalel b.395 - After Adam
, Maldred b.930 - of, , Northumberland, England
, Marca b.368 -
, Margaret - Living
, Margaret b.1549 - St Anne Blackfriars, London, Middlesex, England
, Margaret - Living
, Margaret m.1815 - , Anderson, Tenn.
, Margaret b.1436 -
, Margaret - Living
, Margaret m.1584 - Chemsford, Suffolk, England
, Margaret m.1560 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
, Margaret m.1599 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
, Margaret m.1599 - of, Barnham, Suffolk, England
, Margaret m.1320 -
, Margaret - Living
, Margaret b.1716 - <, , Pa>
, Margaret b.1561 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
, Margaret b.1514 - of, Barnham, Suffolk, England
, Margaret m.1631 - , of Barnham, Suffolk, England
, Margaretha m.1639 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
, Margaretha - Living
, Margaretha b.1495 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
, Margaretha b.1491 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
, Margaretha b.1519 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
, Margaretha b.1621 - of Neuenburg, Villingen, Baden
, Margaretha (Wid. Silber) m.1701 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
, Margery b.1382 - of, Tolethorpe, Rutlandshire, England
, Margery m.1563 -, ,
, Margery m.1525 - of Laxfield, Suffolk, England
, Margery b.1538 - , Herefordshire, England
, Margery m.1631 - of Watertown, Suffolk, Mass
, Margery - Living
, Maria m.1637 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
, Maria Barbara b.1669 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
, Marie m.1589 - Dunstable, Bedfordshire, Eng
, Martha m.1595 - of Dennington, Suffolk, England
, Martha - Living
, Martha m.1648 - Wendover, Bucks, England
, Martha m.1690 - Westerly, Town of Westerly, Washington Cnty, Rhode Island
, Martha m.1680 - of, , Ri
, Martha b.1595 - Plankenbuehl, Gresten Parish, Austria
, Martha - Living
, Martha m.1660 -
, Mary - Living
, Mary m.1706 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
, Mary m.1680 -
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary m.1649 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
, Mary - Living
, Mary m.1668 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma
, Mary m.1700 - , , Rhode Island
, Mary m.1555 - , , England
, Mary m.1595 - Workingham, Berkshire, England
, Mary m.1619 - of Assington, Suffolk, England
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary m.1659 -
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary b.1726 - <, Guilford, Nc>
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary b.1563 - , , England
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary - Living
, Mary m.1683 - Lancaster
, Mary Christina - Living
, Matilda b.1490 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
, Mawde b.1503 -
, Mehitable - Living
, Methuselah b.687 - After Adam
, Moda b.650 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Mrs b.1521 - <, Herefordshire, England>
, Mrs-Beorn - Living
, Mrs-Brand (Brond) b.275 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Mrs-Ceadda - Living
, Mrs-Cutha - Living
, Mrs-Cynebald - Living
, Mrs-Eaba b.736 - of, , Wessex, England
, Mrs-Elesa b.443 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Mrs-Eoppa b.710 - of, , Wessex, England
, Mrs-Esla b.415 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Mrs-Finn b.734 - of, Asgard, , Asia or Eastern Europe
, Mrs-Freawine b.331 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Mrs-Frithogar b.303 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Mrs-Gewis b.387 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Mrs-Kenten - Living
, Mrs-Odin - Living
, Mrs-Odin b.223 - of, Asgard, Asia or, Eastern Europe
, Mrs-Wig b.359 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
, Muiron b.266 -
, Murdeach Tireach b.261 -
, Muredach b.363 -
, Mychel -
, Nahor b.1849 - After Adam
, Nahor b.1600 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
, Nanna b.247 - , , , Scandinavia
, Niall Mor b.311 -
, Noah b.1056 - After Adam
, Odin (Woden, Woutan) b.215 - of, Asgard, Asia or, East Europe
, Osceria b.1078 - of, Yorkshire, England
, Peleg b.1757 - After Adam
, Peter Jr. Brown (Browne) b.1632 - of Windsor, Hartford, Conn
, Phillip - Living
, Phillip - Living
, Phillipa m.1611 - , , England
, Phillips b.1657 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
, Rachael b.1820 - South Carolina
, Rebecca m.1662 - Swansea, Brstl, Ma
, Rebekah b.1600 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
, Rebekah - Living
, Reu b.1787 - After Adam
, Rind - Living
, Rose m.1557 -
, Rose - Living
, Roseannah b.1704 - <, Orange Co, Nc>
, Ruth - Living
, Ruth - Living
, Salah b.1693 - After Adam
, Sally m.1786 - Guilford, North Carolina
, Salome b.1602 - Ehingen, I/Ries, Schwaben, Bavaria
, Sarah m.1612 - of, , , Eng
, Sarah m.1612 - of, , , Eng
, Sarah m.1612 - of Sanderstead, Surrey, England
, Sarah m.1700 - Mendon, Wrcstr, Ma
, Sarah m.1695 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
, Sarah - Living
, Sarah - Living
, Sarah m.1689 - R.I.
, Sarah m.1686 - Providence, Providence, R. I.
, Sarah - Living
, Sarah m.1682 - Ma, Weymouth, Weymouth
, Sarah - Living
, Sarah - Living
, Sarah - Living
, Sarah m.1624 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
, Scaef b.250 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Serug b.1819 - After Adam
, Seth b.130 - After Adam
, Shem b.1548 - After Adam
, Sigurd b.930 - of, , , Scotland
, Skadi - Living
, Spondana b.677 -
, Spouse b.1558 -
, Susan m.1675 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
, Susan (Richards) m.1683 - Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts
, Susanna - Living
, Susanna - Living
, Susanna m.1678 - Ma, Weymouth, Weymouth
, Susanna b.1620 - of Boston, Suffolk, Ma
, Susanna - Living
, Susannah m.1733 - , , Virginia
, Susannah - Living
, Susanne m.1747 - Westerly, , Rhode Island
, Sybell or Julianna b.1372 -
, Sybilla - Living
, Terah b.1878 - Bc, After Adam, Ur, Of, Chaldees
, Thomas b.1125 - of, , , England
, Thomas - Living
, Thomasine m.1604 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
, Tros b.1250 - Bc, King, In, Europe
, Unknown - Living
, Unknown - Living
, Unknown b.1483 -
, Unknown - Living
, Unknown - Living
, Unknown - Living
, Unknown b.1649 -
, Unknown b.1674 - <, Canton Berne, Switzerland>
, Unknown - Living
, Unknown b.1497 -
, Unknown b.1509 -
, Unknown b.1454 -
, Unknown b.1479 -
, Unknown b.1454 - of Stratford, Suffolk, Eng.
, Unknown b.1422 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
, Unknown b.1454 -
, Unknown b.1436 - of Stratford, Suffolk, Eng
, Ursula m.1654 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
, Ve b.217 - of, Asgard, , Asia
, Vili b.219 - of, Asgard, , Asia
, Vingener b.950 - Bc, Grandfather, of, Troy
, Vingethorr b.800 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
, Wife - Living
, Wife - Living
, Wig b.355 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
???, Anne m.1651 -
???, Mary - Living
???, Sarah - Living
???, Wife - Living
(Agnes), Annes b.1515 - New Chapel, Clun Parish, Shropshire, England
(Atwood), Sarah m.1612 - Prob., , , England
(Dinah), Durah m.1661 - , , Ma
(Ealdorman), Mrs-Ordgar b.927 - of, , Devonshire, England
(Ealdorman), Ordgar b.922 - of, , Devonshire, England
(Gould) Barber, Sybil Barber b.1527 - of South Elmham, Norfolk, England, England
(Mrs) Bullard, Margaret (Buller) m.1561 - Barnham, Suffolk, , England
(Packard), L m.1671 -
(Sigarith), Sigrid m.1138 -
(Siward), Walroef b.960 - of, , Northumberland, England
(Tracy), Margery - Living
(Unknown), Joanna m.1644 -
(Whitman), Mrs. John m.1628 - , , , Eng
, - Living, - Living, - Living, Son Browne b.1502 - of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, - Living
>Kerrich, Margery m.1583 - Saxted, Suffolk, Eng
2nd, Mary Blanchard b.1760 - E. Stoughton, Ma
Aaron, Unknown b.1378 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Abarowe, John - Living
Abbott, Daniel m.1678 - , Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Abel, Unknown - Living
Abishuah, Unknown b.1272 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Abrahall, Margaret b.1404 - of Eaton Tregoz, Foy, Herefordshire, England
Abraham, Abram or b.1948 - After Adam, Ur, of, Chaldees
Acton, Henry m.1567 - of, Raynham, Norfolk, England
Acton, John D' Knight b.1278 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Acton, Matilda (Maud) D' b.1295 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Adams, Abigail m.1744 -
Adams, Anne b.1740 - Albemarle, Surry & Sussex, Va
Adams, Bejamin Jr. b.1730 - Queensborough, Sussex, Va
Adams, Benjamin b.1705 -
Adams, Benjamin b.1756 - Albemarle, Sussex, Va
Adams, Elizabeth b.1737 -
Adams, Elizabeth b.1760 -
Adams, Francis b.1765 - Albermarle Parish, Sussex Co., Va
Adams, George b.1514 -
Adams, Henry b.1531 - Trent, David, Somerset, England
Adams, Henry b.1583 - , , England
Adams, Howell b.1754 -
Adams, Howell b.1762 -
Adams, James b.1742 -
Adams, Johanna b.1533 - Trent, Somersetshire, England
Adams, John b.1452 - Barton, David, Somerset, England
Adams, John b.1502 - of, Beverston, Somersetshire, England
Adams, John b.1577 - Farly Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Adams, John b.1555 - Farley Hunger Ford, Somerset, Eng.
Adams, John b.1482 - Beverston, Gloucestershire, England
Adams, John ap b.1400 - of Gloucestershire, England
Adams, Margaret b.1581 - Farly Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Adams, Martha b.1739 -
Adams, Mary b.1735 -
Adams, Mary b.1579 - Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Adams, Mary m.1659 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Adams, Mrs. Hannah m.1494 -
Adams, Nicholas b.1512 - of, Beverston, Somersetshire, England
Adams, Peter Dea m.1680 - Medfield, Norfolk, Ma
Adams, Richard b.1530 - Barton, Somersetshire, England
Adams, Rives b.1773 - Albemarle, Surry & Sussex, Va
Adams, Robert b.1484 - of, Beverston, Gloucester, England
Adams, Roger b.1392 - Beverston, Gloucestershire, England
Adams, Rose b.1536 - Barton, David, Somersetshire, England
Adams, Sarah b.1755 - Albemarle, Sussex, Va
Adams, Selah b.1769 - , , Va
Adams, Sterling b.1752 -
Adams, Thomas b.1745 - <, Sussex, Virginia>
Adams, Thomas b.1667 -
Adams, Thomas b.1422 - of, Beverston, Gloucestershire, England
Adams, William b.1758 -
Adams, Wynny b.1747 - Albemarle, Surry & Sussex, Va
Adams, Jr., George m.1683 - of Watertown, Middlesex, Mass
Addi, Unknown b.569 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Adeston, Gilbert b.1314 - of, Adeston, Cornwall, England
Adeston, Joan b.1340 - of, Adeston, Devonshire, England
Ahimaaz, Unknown b.987 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Ahitub, Unknown b.810 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Ahitub, Unknown b.1059 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Aidan, Edhan b.477 -
Airley, Martha m.1612 - French Church, Threadneedle St, London, England
Albie Albee, James m.1671 - Medfield, Norfolk, Ma
Albrecht, b.1718 - , , In or near, Austria
Albrecht, b.1668 - , , Germany
Albrecht, Frederick b.1712 - , , Germany
Albrecht, Heinrich b.1696 -
Albrecht, Henry b.1736 - <, Bavaria, Palatinate, Germany>
Albrecht, Jacob b.1694 -
Albrecht, Johannes b.1710 - , , Germany
Albright, Adam b.1795 - Guilford Co., Nc
Albright, Anna Barbara b.1719 - , , Germany
Albright, Anna Barbara b.1754 - , Berks, Pennsylvania
Albright, Anna Elizabeth m.1766 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Albright, Barbara b.1785 - Guilford Co., Nc
Albright, Catharine b.1764 - , , North Carolina
Albright, Catherine b.1783 - Guilford Co., Nc
Albright, Daniel b.1771 - , , North Carolina
Albright, Elizabeth b.1788 - Chatham, Guilford, N. Carolina
Albright, Frederick b.1742 - <, , Germany>
Albright, George Albert b.1766 - , , North Carolina
Albright, Hendrich b.1716 - Rhineland, Austria
Albright, Henry b.1742 - <, , Germany>
Albright, Henry b.1716 - , , Germany
Albright, Henry b.1750 -
Albright, Jacob b.1742 - <, , Germany>
Albright, Jacob b.1708 - , , Germany
Albright, Jacob b.1748 - Bern Township, Berks, Pa
Albright, Jacob b.1758 - , Berks, Pennsylvania
Albright, John b.1782 - Guilford Co., Nc
Albright, John An Seven More b.1752 - , Berks, Pennsylvania
Albright, John Christian b.1726 - , , Bavaria, Germany
Albright, John Ludwig b.1761 - , Berks, Penn
Albright, John Rick m.1777 - , Orange, Nc
Albright, Jonas b.1802 - Anderson, Tennessee, North Carolina
Albright, Judith b.1734 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Albright, Ludwig (Ludwick) (Lodowick) b.1731 - Pfalz, Bayern, Germany
Albright, Magdalene Matelina b.1712 - , Bavaria, Palatinate, Germany
Albright, Mary m.1727 - Berks Co., Pa
Albright, Mary b.1791 - Guilford Co., Nc
Albright, Philip Jr. b.1797 - Guilford Co., Nc
Albright, Philip b.1756 - Berne, Berks, Pennsylvania
Albright, Phillip b.1742 - <, , Germany>
Albright, Phillip b.1714 - , , Germany
Albright, Simpson b.1804 - Lewisburg, Preble, Ohio
Albright, Sophia Catharine m.1770 - Guilford, North Carolina
Albright, William b.1799 - Guilford Co., Nc
Aldrich, Elizabeth m.1732 - Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts
Aldrich, George b.1580 - of, , Norfolk, England
Aldrich, Jacob b.1620 -
Aldrich, Lorenze - Living
Aldrich, Mariam b.1654 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldrich, Martha (or Mattithiah) b.1656 - , Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldrich, Miriam b.1651 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldrich, Mrs-George b.1580 - of, , Derbyshire, Engl
Aldrich, Mrs-William b.1580 - of, , , England
Aldrich, Sarah b.1646 - of, Providence, Providence, Ri
Aldrich, William b.1575 - of, , Norfolk, England
Aldridge, Abel b.1633 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Ma, Died Young
Aldridge, Experience b.1641 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldridge, George b.1604 - of, , Derbyshire, England
Aldridge, John b.1644 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldridge, Joseph b.1635 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldridge, Mary b.1637 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Ma, Died a Spinster
Aldridge, Mercy b.1650 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldridge, Miriam b.1639 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Aldridge, Peter m.1701 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Aldridge, Peter b.1648 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Alecy, Elizabeth or - Living
Alger, Ruth Betsey b.1751 - Killingly, Conneticut
Alger, Thomas m.1665 - Taunton, Bristol, Mass
Allen, Benjamin - Living
Allen, Elnathan m.1694 -
Allen, Fanny m.1786 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Allen, William m.1649 - Inkburrow, Worcester, Eng
Allerdale, Waltheof Lord of b.1064 - of, Allerdale, , Scotland
Allerton, Edward b.1590 - London, Kent, England, U.K.
Allerton, Edward b.1555 - St. Dionis, Backchurch, London, England
Allerton, Isaac b.1586 - St Andrews under, London, London, Eng
Allerton, Joan b.1580 - St Dionis Backch, London, London, Eng
Allerton, Mrs b.1530 - , , England
Allerton, Sarah b.1588 - N. Andrew Par., Undershaft, London, England
Allerton, William b.1529 - , , , England
Almescombe, John - Living
Almisleher, Maria m.1656 -
Almy, Catherine m.1664 - of Malford, Worcestershire, England
Almy, Katharine West Brown - Living
Alrop, Elizabeth m.1644 - Museworth, , Buckinghamshire, England
Alsop, Elizabeth m.1618 - England
Alvord, Sarah b.1660 -
Amariah, Unknown b.845 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Amariah, Unknown b.1094 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Aminidab, Unknown b.1280 - Bc, of, Judea, Egypt
Amram, Unknown b.1414 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Anchmedy, Mary m.1754 - Westerly, , Rhode Island
Anderson, Augusta b.1859 - Sweden
Anderson, Betsy b.1829 - Sweden
Andomache, Unknown b.1160 - Bc, of, Troy
Andrew, Rebecca m.1666 -
Andrews, Elizabeth m.1662 - Boxford, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Andrews, Rebecca m.1648 -
Andrus, Elizabeth Col - Living
Andrus, Mrs. Elizabeth Cole m.1746 - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Angel, John m.1811 - Rutherford, NC
Anne Joan, b.1513 -
Anptye, Anna - Living
Anstye, Mrs. Walter b.1524 - Tibbenham, Long Row, Norflk, Eng
Anstye, Walter b.1525 - Tibbenham, Long Row, Norfolk, England
Anstye (Anstyne), Anna b.1568 - Tibenham, Norfolk, England
Anstye (Anstyne)(Anstyle), Anna b.1553 - Tibbenham, Long Row, Norfolk, Eng
Antage, Christian b.1392 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Antage, John b.1354 - of Otterton, Devonshire, England
Antage, Mrs-John b.1358 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Apoke (Apuke), Ellen Pooke or b.1507 - of Aston, Clinton, Bucks., England
Apple, Catharine - Living
Applegate, Hannah m.1857 -
Applegate, Martha m.1864 -
Applegate, Samuel m.1837 -
Appleton, Sarah - Living
Apuke, John Pooke or - Living
Apuke or Pooke, John (Pooke) - Living
Aram, Unknown b.1320 - Bc, of, Judea, Egypt
Aram, Unknown b.1663 - After Adam
Arbogast, Louisa C m.1880 - Clark Co., IL
Arcedekne, Philippa L' m.1397 -
Archer, Humphrey m.1547 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Arches, Joan b.1410 - of Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Arches, John b.1410 - of, Eythorpe, Buckinghamshire, England
Arches, Lucy Mrs b.1388 -
Arches, Richard b.1384 - of, Eythorpe, Buckinghamshire, England
Armestone, Mr - Living
Artys, Joanne b.1570 - of, Dennington, Suffolk, England
Arundel (Arundell), Elizabeth b.1484 - of Landerns, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Alice (or Maria) b.1483 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Edward b.1477 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Eleanor b.1485 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Humphrey b.1482 - of, Yewton, Devonshire, England
Arundell, John b.1474 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Arundell, John Knight m.1493 - of, Trerice, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Roger b.1480 - of, Helland, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Thomas b.1479 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Arundell, Thomas Knight b.1454 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Asenath, of Egypt b.1500 - Bc
Asher, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30, Caanan
Ashley, David m.1688 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Ashley, Joseph m.1699 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Ashley, Rebecca m.1709 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Ashley, Sarah m.1832 - , Darke, Ohio
Aske, John m.1415 -
Asshur, Unknown b.1656 - After Adam
Astley, Alice b.1350 -
Astwood, John Capt m.1643 - Milford, New Haven Co., Ct.
At Present, Unknown b.1584 -
Atherton, Elizabeth b.1676 -
Atkinson, Frances b.1730 - <, Albemarle Parish, Va>
Atkinson, Thomas b.1725 -
Atte Wode, John b.1400 - Sanderstead, Surrey, , England
Atte Wode, Mrs. Isabella b.1405 - Sanderstead, Surrey, , England
Atte Wode, Mrs. Laurencia b.1324 - Woods Place, Surrey, England
Atte Wode, Mrs. Petronilla b.1364 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atte Wode, Peter b.1321 - Sanderstead, Surrey, , Eng.
Atte Wode, Peter b.1360 - Sanderstead, Surrey, , England
Attwood, Harman Attorney b.1569 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Attwood, John b.1538 - of, Deynton, Gloucestershire, England
Attwood, Mrs-William m.1563 - of, Deynton, Gloucestershire, England
Attwood, Richard b.1543 - of, Deynton, Gloucestershire, England
Attwood, William b.1535 - of, Deynton, Gloucestershire, England
Atwood, b.1534 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Abigail b.1648 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Atwood, Agnes b.1496 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Agnes b.1617 - of, London, London, England
Atwood, Alice b.1573 - St Martin, London, Middlesex, England
Atwood, Edward b.1494 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Elizabeth m.1675 - Ma
Atwood, Elizabeth m.1685 - of Sandwich, Barnstable, Mass
Atwood, Elizabeth b.1646 -
Atwood, Hannah b.1660 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Atwood, Harmon Wood b.1613 - St. Martin's, Surrey, England, England
Atwood, Henry b.1484 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Isaac b.1653 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Atwood, Jacobus or James Twin b.1580 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, Johanna b.1611 - St Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, Johanna c.1611 - St. Martin in, The Field, London, England
Atwood, Johannes or John b.1576 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, John b.1498 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, John b.1486 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, John b.1445 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, John b.1569 -
Atwood, John Hewson b.1509 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, John II Jr b.1647 - of Boston, Suffolk, Plymouth, Mass
Atwood, Margaret Mrs b.1505 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Mercy b.1656 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Atwood, Mrs. Denes b.1454 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Mrs. Thomas - Living
Atwood, Nathaniel b.1651 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Massachusetts
Atwood, Nicholas b.1500 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Nicholas b.1539 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, or Woode Derick Twin b.1582 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, or Woode Oliver b.1572 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, or Woode Thomas b.1579 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, Phillip b.1619 - Chancery Lane, London, England, England
Atwood, Richard b.1492 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Robert b.1536 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Sarah b.1645 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Atwood, Sarah Mrs. John (Wood) m.1612 - of, , , Eng
Atwood, Son b.1503 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Son b.1502 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Son b.1534 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Stephen b.1616 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Atwood, Susanna or Susan b.1575 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood, Thomas - Living
Atwood, Thomas b.1499 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, Thomas b.1540 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Atwood, William b.1622 - of London, London, England, England
Atwood (Wood), John Rev. b.1614 - St Martins, London, England, England
Atwood or Wood, Henry b.1620 - London, London, England, England
Atwood or Woode, Nicholas b.1578 - of, St Martin-in-the-Field, Westminister, Middlesex, England
Atwood or Woode, or Woode Richard b.1584 - St. Martin, London, London, England
Atwood Wood, Miss b.1644 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Auchmady, Isabel m.1762 - Charlestown, Washington, Ri
Audley, Humphrey Touchet de Knight m.1462 - of, , Staffordshire, England
Audley, Thomas - Living
Austin, Edith (Edy) m.1799 -
Austin, Gardiner - Living
Austin, Rachel m.1800 - Westford, Chittenden, Vermont
Austye, Anna - Living
Aylesbury, Jane b.1443 - , Oterarsfee, Buckinghamshire, England
Aylesbury, Mrs-Richard b.1415 - of, Oterarsfee, Buckinghamshire, England
Aylesbury, Mrs-Robert Le b.1388 - of, Oterarsfee, Buckinghamshire, England
Aylesbury, Richard b.1414 - , Oterarsfee, Buckinghamshire, England
Aylesbury, Robert Le b.1386 - , Oterarsfee, Buckinghamshire, England
Ayscough, William - Living
Azariah, Unknown b.644 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Azariah, Unknown b.733 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Azariah, Unknown b.881 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Aziariah, Unknown b.952 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Babcock, Ann or Susannah b.1669 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Elizabeth m.1665 - Westerly, Ri
Babcock, Elizabeth b.1674 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, George b.1622 - Dorchester, Sffld, Massachusetts, United States
Babcock, Hannah b.1650 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Hannah b.1676 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, James Jr. b.1612 - , Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Babcock, James Sr b.1580 - Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Babcock, James b.1554 - , , Essex, England
Babcock, James b.1666 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, James b.1641 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Jane (Jean) b.1666 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Babcock, Jemima - Living
Babcock, Job b.1616 - Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Babcock, Job - Living
Babcock, Job b.1649 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, John b.1614 - Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Babcock, Joseph b.1639 -
Babcock, Mary - Living
Babcock, Mary b.1648 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Mary b.1618 - Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Babcock, Mary b.1672 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babcock, Mary m.1717 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Babcock, May - Living
Babcock, Mrs Mary b.1584 - Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Babcock, Richard b.1620 - Wivenhoe, Essex, , England
Babcock, Robert b.1610 - of Essex, England
Babcock, Robert m.1700 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Babcock, Sarah b.1670 - , Westerly, Washington, Ri
Babcock, William b.1678 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island, United States
Babington, Elizabeth b.1396 - of, Chilwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Babington, Henry m.1545 - of Allerton, Nottingham, England
Babington, Margaret b.1455 -
Bachelor (Batcheldor), Rache m.1652 - Malden, Essex, Massachusetts
Bachiler, Elizabeth m.1567 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Badcock, Hannah b.1676 - Westerly, Ri
Badcock, James II m.1640 -
Badcock, James b.1666 - Westerly, Ri
Badcock, Jane b.1668 - Westerly, Ri
Badcock, John - Living
Badcock, John b.1638 - , Wivenhoe, Essex, England
Badcock, John b.1646 - Portsmouth, Town Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
Badcock, Mary m.1647 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Badcock, Mary b.1672 - Westerly, Ri
Badcock, Sarah b.1669 - Westerly, Ri
Badcock, William b.1678 - Westerly, Ri
Badcock Babcock, David m.1602 - , , Essex, England
Badlam, Samuel m.1716 - Boston, Ma
Badlington, Judith b.1389 - Thame, Oxford, England
Bagley or Bayley, Thomas m.1662 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Bailey, Elizabeth m.1709 -
Baker, m.1626 -
Baker, Elizabeth m.1560 - Bradfield, St. George, Suffolk, England
Baker, Henry - Living
Baker, John m.1670 - Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Baker, Margaret b.1558 - Sudbury, Suffolk, England
Baker, Thomas - Living
Baker, Thomas b.1527 - Rustington, Sussex, England
Baker, Unknown m.1626 -
Baker, William m.1626 - England
Baker, William m.1626 - of Wayhill, Southhamps., England
Baldington, Thomas Sir Knight - Living
Baldre, Edith - Living
Baldwin, Agnes b.1545 - Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Agnes II b.1532 - Prob. Dundridge, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Agnes b.1616 - Chesham, Buckingham, England
Baldwin, Agnes or Ann b.1516 - of, Hayle, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Agnes or Anne b.1579 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Alice b.1605 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Alice b.1509 - of, Hayle, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Alice b.1552 - Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Alice b.1535 - Aston Clinton, Ashton Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Anne m.1631 - Milford, , Ct.
Baldwin, Anne b.1563 - Aston Clinton, Buck, Eng
Baldwin, Catherine Alice Anne b.1499 - of, , Surrey, Englnd
Baldwin, Cecily b.1547 - Aston Clinton, Bucks., Eng.
Baldwin, Cicely b.1534 - of Dundridge, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Elizabeth m.1694 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Baldwin, Elizabeth b.1634 - Aston Clinton, Aston Clinton, Buckingham, England
Baldwin, Elizabeth m.1664 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Baldwin, George b.1590 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Grace b.1592 - of Braintree, Essex, England
Baldwin, Hannah - Living
Baldwin, Hannah Mrs m.1638 - of Chesham, Buckingham, England
Baldwin, Harry b.1592 - Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, England
Baldwin, Henry b.1558 - of Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Henry b.1529 - of Aston, Clinton, Bucks., England
Baldwin, Henry b.1593 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Jane b.1577 - of Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, Eng
Baldwin, Jane b.1603 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Joane m.1604 - of North Church, Herts, Eng
Baldwin, John b.1507 -
Baldwin, John b.1470 - Aylesbury, Domesday, Surrey, England
Baldwin, John III b.1528 - Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, John b.1599 - Amersham, Buckingham, England
Baldwin, John b.1599 - Cholesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, England
Baldwin, John b.1635 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, John Sr. b.1565 - Arton, Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Lettice b.1549 - Aston Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Lettice b.1536 - of Dundridge Man, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Martha m.1667 - Hadley, Hampshire, Mass
Baldwin, Martha b.1628 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Mary b.1575 - of Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, Eng
Baldwin, Mary b.1575 - of Aston Clinton, , Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Mary b.1625 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Mrs Hannah m.1589 - of Arton, Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Richard b.1468 - Aylesbury, Domesday, Surr., England
Baldwin, Richard b.1530 - Cholesbury, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Richard b.1503 - of, Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, Richard b.1556 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Richard b.1597 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Richard b.1622 - Aston-Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, England
Baldwin, Robert b.1563 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Baldwin, Ruth b.1630 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Samuel m.1623 - Eng.
Baldwin, Samuel b.1632 - Aston Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Sarah m.1638 - Springfield, Hampden, Ma
Baldwin, Sarah b.1621 - Aston Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Sylvester b.1560 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baldwin, Sylvester b.1590 - Astanclinton, Bucks, Eng.
Baldwin, Temperance b.1622 - Oyster Bay, Nassau, Long Island
Baldwin, William b.1441 - Aylesbury, , Bucks., Eng
Baldwin, William II b.1514 - of, Hayle, Buckinghamshire, England
Baldwin, William b.1608 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Baley, Thomas m.1552 - of Swanhall, Suffolk, England
Ball, Abigail b.1686 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Ball, Abigail b.1658 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma.
Ball, Abigail b.1622 - <, , , England>
Ball, Abigail b.1719 - Framingham, Ma.
Ball, Abraham b.1707 - Framingham, Mass.
Ball, Alis b.1570 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Ball, Alling b.1617 - New Haven, Connecticut
Ball, Als (Sic) b.1589 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Benjamin b.1676 - Watertown, , Ma
Ball, Benjamin b.1704 - Framingham, Mass.
Ball, Daniel b.1683 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Ball, Daniel b.1722 - Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Ball, Dorothy Adelia b.1591 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Edith b.1572 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Ball, Edward b.1507 - Barkham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Elizabeth b.1585 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Esther b.1644 - Norwich, Norfolk, , England
Ball, Esther b.1655 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Ball, Francis b.1584 -
Ball, George b.1579 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, George b.1576 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Isaac b.1710 -
Ball, Jacob b.1712 - Framingham, Mass
Ball, James b.1670 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Ball, John b.1643 - Watertown, Middlesex Co., Ma
Ball, John b.1668 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Ball, John b.1580 - Barkham Manor, Barkham, Berkshire, England
Ball, John b.1706 - Framingham, Mass.
Ball, John b.1620 - Norwich, Norfolk, Eng
Ball, John Jr. b.1548 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Ball, John Paris b.1525 - Workingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Jonathan b.1680 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Ball, Joseph b.1674 - Watertown, Middlesex, Mass
Ball, Joseph b.1669 - Lancaster, , Mass
Ball, Lydia b.1686 - Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Ball, Martha b.1579 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Ball, Mary b.1675 - Watertown, , Ma
Ball, Mary b.1651 - Lexington, Middlesex, Ma
Ball, Mary b.1593 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Mary b.1717 - of, Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Ball, Mrs Mary m.1605 - of, Wokingham, Berkshire, Engl
Ball, Nathaniel b.1625 - Wiltshire, , Eng
Ball, Rachel b.1583 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Rachel b.1553 - , Berks, , England
Ball, Richard - Living
Ball, Richard b.1588 -
Ball, Richard b.1577 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Richard b.1553 - Workingham, , Berkshire, England
Ball, Robert b.1553 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Ball, Robert b.1475 - Barkham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Samuel b.1586 -
Ball, Samuel b.1581 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Sarah b.1666 - Watertown, Middlesex, Mass
Ball, Sarah b.1655 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Ball, Susan b.1587 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Thomas b.1575 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Thomas b.1555 - Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Ball, Thomas b.1714 - of, Brookfield, Worcestershire, Ma
Ball, William b.1573 - Wiltshire, Millenbeck Co., , England
Ball, William b.1590 -
Ball, William b.1505 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Ball, William b.1450 -
Ballard, Ann b.1604 - of, Southwell, Nottingham, England
Ballard, Catharine b.1602 - of, Southwell, Nottingham, England
Ballard, Elizabeth b.1638 - of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England, Great Britain
Ballard, Elizabeth b.1599 - England, Nottinghamshire, England, Great Britain
Ballard, Elizabeth b.1646 - Andover, Essex, Massachusetts
Ballard, George b.1590 - Southwell Nottingham England
Ballard, Henry b.1575 - St. Mary, Southwall, Nottingham, England
Ballard, Hester Ester b.1632 - of, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Ballard, John b.1634 - Selford, Warwick, England
Ballard, Joseph Twin b.1634 - of Bradwell, Warwick, Eng.
Ballard, Mary m.1639 - Bardwell, Suffolk, England
Ballard, Mrs. - Living
Ballard, Mrs. Rebecca m.1650 -
Ballard, Nathaniel b.1636 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Ballard, Philip b.1517 - of, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Ballard, Philip b.1580 - of, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Ballard, Philip b.1609 - of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England, Great Britain
Ballard, Phillip b.1597 - England, Nottinghamshire, England, Great Britain
Ballard, Sarah b.1669 - Andover, Essex, Ma
Ballard, Thomas b.1600 - of, Southwell, Nottingham, England
Ballard, Thomas b.1630 - of Williamsburg, King James, Virginia
Ballard, William b.1544 - of, Southwell, Nottingham, England
Ballard, William II b.1580 - Evesham, Worcestershire, , England
Ballard, William b.1557 - of, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Ballard, William b.1617 - of Bradwell, Suffolksssss, , England
Ballard, William Senior b.1603 - Southwell, Nottingham, , England
Ballou Gardner, Lydia m.1668 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Banaster, Margaret Mrs - Living
Banbury, m.1640 - of Ridgewell, Essex, England
Banbury, Anne m.1643 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Banbury, Miss - Living
Bancroft, Elizabeth m.1674 - of Reading, Middlesex, Mass
Banister, John m.1621 - Southwark, , England
Barber, m.1588 -
Barber, Dorcas m.1800 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Barber, Dorothy b.1577 - Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Barber, Henry m.1476 -
Barber, James b.1588 - Berkshire, England
Barber, James Mrs. b.1596 - of Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Barber, Mary b.1618 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Barber, Mr - Living
Barber, Mr. b.1539 - of England
Barber, Mrs Thomas b.1567 - , , , Eng
Barber, Mrs. b.1543 - of England
Barber, Thomas b.1565 - Berkshire, England
Barber, Thomas b.1552 - London, Middlesex, England
Barber, William m.1616 - of Providence, Providence, R.I.
Barbor, Nicholas m.1566 - Prob. So. Elmham, Norfolk, England
Barbor, Sibilla Gould m.1549 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Bare, Elynor b.1446 - <, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England>
Barentyne, Katherine m.1494 -
Barker, Ann m.1664 - Marshfield, Plymouth, Ma
Barker, James - Living
Barker, Joyse m.1612 - St. Mary's, Nottingham, Nottingham, England
Barker, Mary b.1697 - Newport, Ri
Barker, Mary m.1667 - Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Usa
Barlow, Agnes b.1455 - of Barlow, Derbyshire, England
Barlow, Mrs-Robert b.1433 -
Barlow, Robert b.1429 - of, Barlow, Derbyshire, England
Barnard, Anne - Living
Barnes, Elizabeth m.1721 - Watertown, , Mass
Barnes, Richard m.1630 - Penton Grafton, Wayhill, Hamp, England
Barnewall, Margaret b.1556 -
Barret, Elizabeth b.1620 - Meymouth, Essex, Ma
Barrodel, Isabel m.1748 - , Washington, Ri
Barstow, William m.1638 - Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Bartlett, - Living
Bartlett, Arthur Emmett b.1872 - Blackhawk Co. Iowa
Bartlett, Charles b.1870 -
Bartlett, Daughter b.1825 -
Bartlett, Daughter b.1820 -
Bartlett, Elias S. b.1845 - Wabash, Indiana
Bartlett, Eliza b.1824 - New York
Bartlett, Ellen M. b.1848 -
Bartlett, Elmer E. b.1863 - Bristol, Kendall Co.Illinois
Bartlett, Emeretta "Emma" b.1851 -
Bartlett, Florence Lucille b.1906 - Waterloo, Blackhawk, Iowa
Bartlett, Francis C. b.1858 - Bristol, Kendall Co.Illinois
Bartlett, Franklin R. b.1858 - Bristol, Kendall Co. Illinois
Bartlett, Harold Burtis b.1904 - Waterloo Iowa
Bartlett, Harriet Marsella b.1835 - Leon, Cattaraugus County, New York
Bartlett, John m.1629 - Smithfield Twp, Providence, Providence, Ri
Bartlett, John J. b.1854 - Bristol, Kendall Co. Illinois
Bartlett, Johnnie O b.1902 - Waverly Iowa
Bartlett, Kenneth Arthur - Living
Bartlett, Lelah Annabelle b.1910 - Waterloo, Iowa
Bartlett, Leonard L. b.1867 - Lisbon, Illinois
Bartlett, Leslie Elias - Living
Bartlett, Mary b.1900 - Waterloo, Blackhawk, Iowa
Bartlett, Milton Zenas b.1860 - Bristol, Kendall Co. Illinois
Bartlett, Newton E. b.1856 -
Bartlett, Norman b.1843 -
Bartlett, Owen Wendell - Living
Bartlett, Reuben Walter b.1869 - Pearlrock, Iowa
Bartlett, Samuel Milo b.1822 - Leon, Cattaraugus County, New York
Bartlett, Scynthia b.1827 - Cattaraugus Co., NY
Bartlett, Son b.1815 -
Bartlett, William B. b.1796 - Marlboro, Windham Co., Vermont
Bartlett, Zenos Zelouts b.1818 - Leon, Cattaraugus County, New York
Barton, Alice b.1493 -
Barton, Mercy m.1716 - Oxford, Worcester, Mass
Baskerville, Elizabeth b.1495 -
Baskerville, Humphreyh m.1537 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Baskerville, Mr. b.1470 -
Baskerville, Richard m.1342 -
Bass, Thomas b.1635 - Roxbury, Norfolk Co., Ma
Basset, Ann m.1554 -
Basset, John Knight m.1504 - of Tehidy, Cornwall, England
Basset, William Knight m.1535 - , Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Basset, William Sir m.1515 - of Blore, Staffordshire, England
Batchelder, Elizabeth b.1545 - (Unknown), Buckingham, ?, England
Bate, b.1482 -
Bate, Ellen b.1576 - , , , England
Bate, Henry b.1572 - , , , England
Bate, William b.1508 -
Bate, William b.1569 -
Bate, Winifred b.1574 - , , , England
Bates, (Unknown) b.1514 -
Bates, Andrew b.1522 - Lydd, England
Bates, Anna b.1645 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Bates, Catherine b.1575 - Aston, Clinton, Buckingham, England
Bates, Clement b.1614 - Lydd, England
Bates, Edmund b.1579 - Boston, Lincolnshire, England
Bates, Edward b.1606 - England
Bates, Edward b.1655 - Ma
Bates, Elizabeth b.1610 - Boston, Lincoln, England
Bates, Increase b.1641 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Bates, J b.1657 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Bates, James b.1614 - Lydd, England
Bates, Jeboshbeath b.1657 - , , Ma
Bates, John b.1600 - of Boston, Lincoln, England
Bates, John b.1485 - Lydd Parish, All Hallows, County Kent, Engl
Bates, John b.1533 - Lydd, England
Bates, John b.1641 - Ma
Bates, Mary b.1645 - Ma
Bates, Prudence b.1639 - Ma
Bates, Sarah m.1720 - Ma, Weymouth, Weymouth
Bates, Susanna b.1633 - Weymouth, Ma
Bates, Susanna or Anna b.1646 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Bates, Thomas b.1460 - Lydd Parish, All Hallows, County Kent, Engl
Bates, William b.1540 - (Unknown), , England
Bathsheba, Unknown b.980 - Bc, of, Judea
Battles, Benjamin m.1802 - Reedsborough, Bennington, Vt
Battles, John - Living
Baumbartner, Anna m.1685 - Neuenburg, Baden, Germany
Baumgaerttner, Anna m.1685 - , , Germany
Bayley, Christian m.1682 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ms
Bayley, Thomas Jr. Jr. m.1686 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Bayley, Widow Elizabeth m.1741 - Ma, Weymouth, Weymouth
Baylie, Jane m.1606 -
Baylie, Joan (Jane) m.1606 - , , England
Baynham, Agnes or Susanna b.1480 - of, Badminton, Gloucestershire, Engl
Baynham, Anne b.1473 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, Christopher Knight b.1478 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, Elizabeth b.1471 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, Isabell b.1475 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, Jane b.1472 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, Margaret b.1424 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, Thomas Esquire b.1422 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Baynham, William b.1426 - of, Callis, Kent, England
Baynton, Robert Sir - Living
Beadle, Sarah m.1872 - Clark Co., IL
Beauchamp, Alice b.1366 -
Beauchamp, John Knight b.1348 - of, Arundel, Norfolk, England
Beauchamp, Margaret Duchess of Somerset b.1410 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Beauchamp, Marguerite b.1374 - of, Arundel, Norfolk, England
Beaufit, Agnes (Beaufill) b.1431 -
Beaufort, John Duke of Somerset m.1439 -
Beaufort, Margaret m.1455 - of Littlecote Manor, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Beaumont, b.1447 - Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Alice b.1470 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Alice b.1445 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Anne b.1468 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Christopher b.1435 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Edward b.1462 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Elizabeth b.1457 - of, Whitley, Beaumont, England
Beaumont, Elizabeth b.1443 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Henry Baron Beaumont b.1340 - of, Falkingham, Lincolnshire, England
Beaumont, Henry b.1366 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Joan b.1441 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, John b.1466 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, John de Baron Beaumont b.1318 - of, Bortant, Lincolnshire, England
Beaumont, Joice b.1347 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Beaumont, Maud b.1356 - of, Sherrill, Devonshire, England
Beaumont, Mr. b.1447 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Richard b.1460 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Richard b.1396 - Whitley, Beaumont, Berks, England
Beaumont, Richard b.1437 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Robert b.1458 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Robert b.1433 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, Thomas b.1315 - 0f. Beaumont, Warwickshire, England
Beaumont, Thomas Esquire b.1431 - Whitley, Beaumont, England
Beaumont, William b.1464 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beaumont, William b.1439 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
Beckering, John de Sir b.1354 -
Beckering, Millicent de b.1384 - Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Beckerlein, Anna Catharina m.1705 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bedding, Mrs. Sarah m.1761 -
Bedingfield, Agnes b.1485 - , , England
Bedingfield, Alice b.1453 - of, Bedingfield, Suffolk, England
Bedingfield, Alice b.1480 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, Edmond Knight b.1450 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, Edmund Knight b.1483 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, Elizabeth Mrs m.1484 - of, Rollesby, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, John Knight b.1490 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, Mary b.1451 - of, Bedingfield, Suffolk, England
Bedingfield, Peter b.1487 - of, Quindenham, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, Robert b.1482 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Bedingfield, Thomas Knight b.1449 - of, Bedingfield, Suffolk, England
Bedingfield, Thomas Knight b.1428 - of, Denham Castle, Suffolk, England
Bedingfield, Thomas Knight b.1479 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Beers, Mary m.1669 -
Beke, Elizabeth m.1564 - , , England
Belcher, Frances m.1619 - Colchester, Essex, Eng, Eng
Belding, Mrs. Sarah m.1761 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Bele, Alice - Living
Belgrave, Abraham b.1569 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Barbara b.1575 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Barbara b.1577 - Leverington, Cambria, England
Belgrave, Catherine b.1566 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Christopher b.1562 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Elizabeth b.1564 -
Belgrave, Jacob b.1573 - Leverington, Cambridge, England
Belgrave, John b.1530 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Mrs. Jacob - Living
Belgrave, Richard b.1509 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Thomas b.1567 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Belgrave, Thomasine b.1560 - of, Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Belknap, Alice b.1475 - of, Giddy Hall, Sussex, England
Belknap, Deborah m.1749 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Belknap, Edward Sir b.1498 -
Belknap, Elizabeth b.1411 - of, Chartley
Belknap, Hamon b.1394 - Griffe, Warwick, Eng.
Belknap, Henry Knight b.1434 - Griffe, Warwickshire, England
Belknap, Robert b.1368 -
Bell, Agnes m.1568 -
Bell, Daughter m.1490 -
Bellingham, Edward - Living
Belnap, Elizabeth b.1452 -
Bemis, James m.1711 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Bender, Anna Barbara m.1694 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Anna Catharina b.1686 -
Bender, Anna Catharina b.1698 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Anna Margaretha b.1684 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Anna Maria b.1687 - Lambsheim, Germany
Bender, Claus b.1647 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Georg Michel m.1703 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Georg Peter b.1667 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Hans Michel b.1665 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Helena b.1681 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Johann Georg m.1698 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Johann Kaspar b.1672 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Margaretha b.1765 -
Bender, Margaretha b.1675 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Maria Eva b.1670 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Ursula m.1728 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bender, Ursula b.1679 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Benedict, Sally - Living
Benjamin, A. m.1808 -
Benjamin, Nye - Living
Benjamin, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Bennett, - Living
Bennett, John m.1656 - , , Weymouth, England
Bennett, Samuel m.1656 -
Benson, Susanna m.1696 - Prob. Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Bent, Agnes b.1602 - England
Bent, Agnes Ann b.1582 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hamsphire, England
Bent, Alice b.1579 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Ann b.1582 - Wayhill, Penton Grafton, Hampshire, England
Bent, Anne (Agnes) m.1646 - of Penton, Grafton, Hamp., Engl
Bent, David b.1568 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Dennis b.1599 - of Wayhill, Southhamps, Eng
Bent, Dennis b.1599 - Penton Grafton, Par of Weyhill, Hampshire, Eng
Bent, Edith b.1564 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Edith Wife of John I b.1544 - Penton, Grafton, Hampshire, England
Bent, Edward b.1509 - , , , England
Bent, James b.1602 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Jane b.1631 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Jennie (Dennis) b.1599 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Joan b.1570 - Penton Grafton, Par of Weyhill, Hampshire, Eng
Bent, Joan II b.1574 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, John b.1585 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hamsphire, England
Bent, John b.1596 - of, Wayhill, Southhamps, England
Bent, John b.1535 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Margery b.1590 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Maria b.1598 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Maria b.1572 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Marie b.1584 - Penton-Grafton, England
Bent, Mrs Richard m.1596 - of Wayhill, Southhamptonshir, England
Bent, Richard b.1577 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Richard II b.1592 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Robert b.1566 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bent, Robert b.1606 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Bentley, Caleb m.1737 - North Kingstown, Washington Co., Ri
Beowa, Bjaf Beaw b.150 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
Bere, Agnes de La m.1440 - of London, Middlesex, England
Berkeley, Alianore (Ellanora) m.1439 - of, Beverstone, Gloucestershire, England
Berkeley, Mary m.1579 - Down Ampney, Glcstr, England
Berkeley, Mary - Living
Bernard, Robert m.1578 - Prob. Laxfield, Suffolk, England, England
Berney, John - Living
Berney, Ralph m.1511 - , Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Bernwick, Grace m.1647 - Andover, , Ma
Berry, - Living
Berry, Alice m.1485 - , , Essex, England
Berry, Elizabeth b.1755 - Betetrout, Virginia
Bertram, Ida Mrs de m.1273 -
Berwick, Grace m.1647 - Andover, , Ma
Bessiles, Elizabeth b.1465 - Bessils Leigh, Berkshire, England
Bessiles, Thomas de b.1390 - Bessiles Leigh, Berks, England
Bessiles, William b.1444 - Bessiles-Leigh, Berkshire, Eng
Bessils, Cecilia m.1454 - Bradford, , Wiltshire, England
Best, Elizabeth (Bridget) b.1592 - Holdsworth, Ovenden, Halifax, York, England
Best, Henry b.1527 - Harley, Yorkshire, England
Best, Henry b.1544 - Ovendon, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Best, Isabella b.1559 - Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Best, Johanna ,mrs., b.1505 - of Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Best, Margareta b.1557 - Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Best, Mary - Living
Best, Richard b.1501 - Ovenden, , , England
Bethuel, The Syrian b.1700 - Bc, of, Padanaram, Genesis 25:20
Bevil, Matilda m.1527 - of, Gwarnock, Devonshire, England
Bicknell, Elizabeth m.1694 -
Bicknell, John m.1645 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Bicknell, Zachariah m.1720 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Bigbery, Elizabeth m.1451 -
Bignett (Bignette), Grace b.1566 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bilhah, Hand Maiden Rachel b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Billett, Christian b.1354 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Billett, John b.1324 - of, Devonshire, England
Binder, Anna b.1646 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Binder, Anstett b.1612 -
Binder, Margaretha b.1652 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Binder, Michel b.1638 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Bingley, Anna m.1687 - Milton, Suffolk, Ma
Birchard, Hannah (Burchard) m.1653 -
Birdsall, Benjamin - Living
Birdsall, Nathan m.1645 - New Haven, New Haven, Ct
Birney, Adam m.1828 - , Darke, Ohio
Bisbee, Ebenezer m.1745 - Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Biscoe, Sarah m.1630 - , , , England
Bissell, Nathaniel m.1692 -
Black, James m.1795 - , Rutherford, Nc
Blackburn, Mary E. m.1875 - Charles City, Iowa
Blagge, Samuel m.1707 -
Blakely, Ann m.1761 -
Blanchard, - Living
Blanchard, b.1639 -
Blanchard, ??? b.1639 -
Blanchard, "Child" b.1639 -
Blanchard, Abigail b.1711 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Abner b.1742 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Adam b.1740 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Anna b.1783 - Guilford, Vt
Blanchard, Daniel b.1727 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, David b.1730 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Ebenezer b.1744 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Ebenezer b.1774 - Guilford, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, Edward b.1668 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Elisha b.1752 - Braintree, Ma
Blanchard, Elizabeth m.1658 -
Blanchard, Elizabeth b.1734 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Elizabeth (Betsy) b.1776 - Guilford, Bennington, Vt
Blanchard, George b.1622 - Penton, Hants, England
Blanchard, Hannah - Living
Blanchard, Isaac b.1787 - Guilford, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, Jedediah Littlefield b.1790 - Guilford, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, John Deacon b.1631 - of, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England
Blanchard, John b.1588 - Normandy, France
Blanchard, John Sr. b.1660 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, John b.1720 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, John b.1691 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Jonathan b.1701 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Blanchard, Jonathan b.1759 - E. Stoughton, Ma
Blanchard, Joseph b.1608 - Normandy, Surrey, , Eng.
Blanchard, Joseph b.1756 - Stoughton, Ma
Blanchard, Joshua b.1729 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Lemuel b.1750 - Braintree, Norfolk, Ma
Blanchard, Martha m.1644 - Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Blanchard, Mary b.1662 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Mary b.1689 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Mary b.1754 - Braintree, Ma
Blanchard, Matthew b.1665 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Blanchard, Mercy b.1674 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Mrs b.1570 - Near, Coutances, , France
Blanchard, Nathaniel b.1636 - Penton, Hants, England
Blanchard, Nathaniel b.1618 - , , England
Blanchard, Nathaniel b.1665 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Nathaniel b.1701 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Nehemiah b.1738 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Blanchard, Nichaloas b.1736 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Nicholas b.1713 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Peter b.1590 - , , Normandy, France
Blanchard, Phebe b.1785 - Guilford, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, Pierre (Peter) b.1590 - , Coutances, Normandy, France
Blanchard, Pierre Jean b.1566 - Calentine Penins, Coutances, Normandy, France
Blanchard, Polly b.1776 - Guilford, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, Rachael b.1778 - Guilford, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, Samuel b.1724 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Blanchard, Samuel b.1616 - , , England
Blanchard, Samuel b.1744 - Braintree, Norfolk, Ma
Blanchard, Samuel b.1629 - Penton Grafton, Hants, England
Blanchard, Samuel b.1697 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Samuel b.1744 - Braintree, Ma
Blanchard, Sarah b.1686 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Sarah b.1794 - Reedsborough, Windham, Vt
Blanchard, Susanna b.1671 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Theophilus b.1733 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, Thomas b.1625 - Penton Grafton, Hants, England
Blanchard, Thomas b.1586 - Penton, Hants, England
Blanchard, Thomas b.1698 - Weymouth, Ma
Blanchard, William b.1747 - Braintree, Ma
Blanchard 2nd, Mary b.1760 - Braintree, Norfolk, Ma
Blankenbaker, Abraham b.1758 - , , Virginia
Blankenbaker, Amanda m.1841 - , , Kentucky
Blankenbaker, Anna Maria b.1700 - , , , Germany
Blankenbaker, Anna Maria b.1687 - Neuenbuerg, Baden, Germany
Blankenbaker, Dorothea b.1730 - Madison, Madison, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Elizabeth b.1754 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Elizabeth b.1731 - Germanna, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Elizabeth b.1788 - <, , Va>
Blankenbaker, Felix b.1801 - , Madison, Va
Blankenbaker, Frank b.1756 - , , Virginia
Blankenbaker, Hans Balthasar b.1683 - Neunburg, Bruchsal, Baden, Germany
Blankenbaker, Henry b.1756 - Near Madison, Culpeper Co., Va
Blankenbaker, Infant b.1736 - Madison Co., Virginia
Blankenbaker, Joel b.1791 - , Culpeper, Va
Blankenbaker, John Nicholas b.1695 - Bavaria, Germany, , Germany
Blankenbaker, Joshua b.1794 - , Culpeper, Va
Blankenbaker, Levi b.1794 - <, , Va>
Blankenbaker, Lucinda b.1787 - <, , Va>
Blankenbaker, Maria Barbara b.1714 - Neuenburg, Baden, Germany
Blankenbaker, Mary Margaret b.1719 - Alsace, , , Germany
Blankenbaker, Mary or Margaret b.1690 - , , Alcase, Germany
Blankenbaker, Michael b.1728 - Madison, Madison, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Millie m.1847 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Blankenbaker, Millie b.1785 - <, , Va>
Blankenbaker, Nicholas b.1758 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Rhoda m.1834 -
Blankenbaker, Rhoda b.1790 - <, , Va>
Blankenbaker, Samuel b.1754 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Susannah b.1721 - Alsace, , Germany
Blankenbaker, Susannah b.1696 - , , Alcase, Germany
Blankenbaker, Ursula b.1732 - , , Virginia
Blankenbaker, Ursula b.1720 - , , Virginia
Blankenbaker, Zacharia b.1722 - , Madison, Va
Blankenbaker, Zacharias b.1726 - , Spotsylvania, Virginia
Blankenbaker, Zacharias I b.1715 - Neuenburg, Kraichtal, Baden, Germany
Blankenbaker or Blancenbuehler, Matthias b.1684 - Neuenburg, Baden, Germany
Blankenbecker, Jacob b.1725 - Germanna, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Blankenbecker, Julian b.1792 - , Jefferson Co, Ky
Blankenbecker, Thomas b.1762 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Blankenbeker, Amalia b.1798 - , Culpeper, Va
Blankenbuehler, Hans (John) Nicolas b.1682 - Neunburg, Bruchsal, Baden, Germany
Blankenbuehler, Johann Thomas b.1655 - Baden, Baden, Germany
Blankenbuehler, Matthias b.1621 - Gresten Parish, Plankenbhl, Austria
Blankenship, Henry m.1849 - Fayette Co., IL
Blankenship, Joseph m.1856 - Fayette Co., IL
Blatchford, Peter m.1663 - New London, New London, Ct
Blatchley, Thomas m.1643 - New Haven, New Haven, Ct
Blechenden, Anne - Living
Blechenden, Elizabeth - Living
Blessing, Joanna (Joan) b.1594 - Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, England
Blessing, John b.1568 -
Blewet, Anne m.1520 - of, Kittisford, Somersetshire, England
Bliven, Edward m.174 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Bliven, Isabel m.1743 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Blount, Catherine or Katherine m.1537 - of, Newport, Devonshire, England
Blount, Edmund (John) b.1439 - of, Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, England
Blount, John Knight m.1365 - of, Stringtson, Somersetshire, England
Blount, Margaret b.1465 - of, Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, England
Blount, Margery - Living
Blount, Morris - Living
Blower, Thomas Jr. m.1612 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Bluet, Richard m.1509 -
Blunt, Mary - Living
Blunt, William m.1668 - Andover, Mid., Massachusetts
Boaz, Unknown b.1159 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Bodfish, Robert m.1730 -
Boggas, Margery m.1585 -
Bogs, Dorothy m.1634 - Hackington, Kent, England
Bogs, Thomas - Living
Bohun, Ursula m.1524 - of, Midhurst, Sussex, England
Boithes, Grace m.1577 - Halifax, York, England
Boleyn (Bullen), Margaret - Living
Bolton, Elizabeth b.1302 - of, , Yorkshire, England
Bond, John - Living
Bonus, James - Living
Bonus, John or James m.1597 - of Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Bonvile, John - Living
Bonville, Anne - Living
Bonville, Margaret m.1450 - of, Chewton, Somersetshire, England
Bonville, Philippa b.1405 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Booth, Henry Knight b.1402 - Harleston, Derbyshire, England
Booth, Mariam m.1764 - Stoughton, , Ma
Booth, Michael m.1686 -
Booth, Phillip - Living
Booth or Bothe, Alice b.1415 - Harleston, Barrow on Trent, Drbysh, Engl
Borough, Elizabeth - Living
Bosum, Jennet - Living
Bosvile, Richard - Living
Bosworth, A. - Living
Bosworth, Hannah m.1686 - Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
Botiler, Joan b.1395 -
Botiler, Katherine m.1585 -
Botiler, Thomas b.1362 -
Botreaux, Margaret Baroness Hungerford b.1410 - 000 Farleigh-Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Bottum, Philicta - Living
Boulton, Elizabeth de b.1222 -
Boulton, William de b.1196 -
Bourchier, Fulke Baron FitzWarine m.1467 -
Bourchier, John Earl of Bath - Living
Bourchier, John m.1504 -
Bourdon, Elizabeth b.1408 - Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Bourdon, John b.1350 - <, Leicestershire, England>
Bourdon, Nicholas Sir b.1380 - , , Leicestershire, England
Bowen, Ann - Living
Bowen, Mrs. Richard - Living
Bower, John m.1594 - Ringwood, Hamps, Eng
Bowle, John - Living
Bowles, Thomas - Living
Bowling, Francis (Faith) b.1567 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowling, Thomas b.1540 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bowlinge, Anne c.1572 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowlinge, Cicely b.1568 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowlinge, Frances b.1569 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Bowlinge, Francis (Faith) b.1585 -
Bowlinge, Henry b.1571 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowlinge, John c.1574 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowlinge, Mrs Elizabeth b.1540 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bowlinge, Rebecca b.1566 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowlinge, Thomas b.1565 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bowser, Abi m.1610 - Glemsford, Suffolk, , England
Bowyer, Martha A. m.1862 -
Box, Martha b.1545 - Oif, London, London, England
Box, Mrs William b.1513 - of, London, London, England
Box, William b.1513 - of, London, London, England
Boyde, Lucida b.1820 -
Boynton, Mr. - Living
Boys, Isabel b.1427 - of, , Norfolk, England
Boys, John Esquire b.1401 -
Boys, Mrs-John b.1405 -
Boys (Bois), Alice b.1420 - of, Woode, Devonshire, England
Bozom, Henry Sir - Living
Brackett, Hannah m.1663 - Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Bradborne, John - Living
Bradbourne, Jane m.1518 -
Bradbourne, Mary m.1601 - of South Elmham, Suffolk, England
Bradford, William m.1678 - Duxbury, Marshfield, Mass.
Bradshaigh, Thomas Sir b.1400 - of, Haigh, Lancaster, England
Bradshaw, Alice b.1426 - Haigh, Lancashire, England
Brakenberg, Gilbert de - Living
Branbury, Miss - Living
Brancestre, Agnes de b.1374 - of, Ipwell, Oxfordshire, England
Brand, Rose m.1593 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Brandon, Robert - Living
Brandon, Thomas Knight - Living
Braun, Arthur - Living
Braun, Arthur William b.1926 -
Braun, Charles - Living
Braun, Delores Irene - Living
Braun, Edward Eugene - Living
Braun, Ernest Oliver Jr. b.1932 -
Braun, Ernest Oliver b.1904 - Dugger, In
Braun, Jacob -
Braun, Jaunita Marie b.1942 -
Braun, Mary Emma - Living
Braun, Robert Lee - Living
Braun, Sharron Rosanna - Living
Braun, Shirley Marlene - Living
Braun, Virginia Rose - Living
Braun Jr, George Jr. m.1734 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Brayn, Mary (Maria) - Living
Bread, Allen m.1656 -
Breck, Edward - Living
Bredmeydew, m.1436 -
Brenton, b.1595 - of, Hammersmith, Middlesex, ?
Brenton, Catherine b.1628 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Bret, Barbara b.1503 - of, Cossington, Somersetshire, England
Brett, Joan (Jane) (Brite) - Living
Brewer, (Unknown) b.1575 - (Unknown), , England
Brewer, Abigail b.1682 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Capt.John b.1642 - Cambridge, Mass
Brewer, Chrispus b.1660 - Lynn, Essex Co., Ma
Brewer, Christopher b.1616 -
Brewer, Christopher b.1636 - Roxbury, Mass.
Brewer, Elizabeth b.1671 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Hannah b.1672 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Hannah b.1645 - Cambridge Br., Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Hannah b.1630 - of Andover, Essex, Ma, (Abt 78)
Brewer, James Deacon b.1675 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, John Jr. b.1642 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, John Senior b.1662 - of, Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Brewer, Jonathan b.1689 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Lt. John Lt. b.1669 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Martha b.1685 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Mary b.1679 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Mary b.1625 - Hampton, Rockingham, Nh
Brewer, Mary b.1655 - Lynn, Essex Co., Ma
Brewer, Mary Rebecca b.1653 - Lynn, Essex Co., Ma
Brewer, Mrs Ann Anne m.1687 - of Lynn Essex, , Ma
Brewer, Mrs Mary - Living
Brewer, Peter b.1644 - of Ipswich, Essex, Ma
Brewer, Sarah b.1677 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Brewer, Sarah b.1646 -
Brewer, Sarah b.1638 - Roxbury, Norfolk, Ma
Brewer, Thomas b.1600 - of Roxbury, Suffolk, Ma
Brewer, Thomas b.1658 - Lynn, Essex Co, Ma
Brewes, Beatrice b.1352 -
Brewster, Fear m.1626 - St Andrews under, Shaft, London
Bridges, Caleb m.1700 - of, , Essex, Massachusetts
Bridges, Edmund b.1660 -
Bridges, Edmund m.1659 - Rowley, Essex, Ma, England
Bridges, Henry m.1618 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Bridges, Martha m.1732 - Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Briggs, - Living
Briggs, Clement m.1671 - Prob. Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Brigham, Mrs. Mercy - Living
Brigham, Thomas m.1665 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Ma
Brighte, Margery - Living
Brightman, Thomas m.1782 -
Bringbourne, Jane - Living
Britain, Coel "Old King Coel" (Coilus) King of b.125 - of, , , Britain
Britain, Cyllin of b.99 - of, , , Britain
Britains, Althildis, Princess of The b.125 - of, , , Britain
Brittayne, - Living
Britton, Nancy m.1815 - Brownville, Jefferson, Ny
Brock, John m.1831 - , Darke, Ohio
Brock, Jonathan m.1835 - , Darke, Ohio
Brock, Mary Elizabeth m.1639 - Dedham, Suffolk Co., Ma
Brock (Brocke), Mary m.1639 - Dedham, Suffolk, Ma
Bromford, Jane (Isabella) - Living
Bronde, Susan m.1584 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Bronne, Thomas - Living
Brook, David Knight m.1517 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brooke, Elizabeth m.1628 -
Brooke, Joane b.1302 - of, Devonshire, England
Brooker, John m.1618 - Wayhill, Penton, Grafton, England
Brookins, Julia A. b.1808 -
Brooks, Hannah (Anna) m.1672 - of Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Broughton, John m.1678 - Southington, Hartford, Ct
Broughton, Nicholas - Living
Brown, Abraham Sr b.1642 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Adam - Living
Brown, Agnes b.1449 - of, Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, England
Brown, Agnes b.1492 - of Stanford, Lincs., Eng.
Brown, Agnes m.1864 - of, , In
Brown, Alise b.1429 - of Stamford, Lincoln, Eng
Brown, Ambrose b.1572 -
Brown, Ann m.1760 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Brown, Anne b.1486 - of Stanford, Lincs., Eng.
Brown, Anthony b.1630 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Chaddus - Living
Brown, Child b.1633 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Brown, Cornelius b.1632 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Brown, Daniel m.1669 - Providence, , Providence, Ri
Brown, Edward b.1451 - of, Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, England
Brown, Edward b.1586 - of Inkburrow, Parish, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Edward b.1640 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Elizabeth b.1452 - of, Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, England
Brown, Elizabeth Twin b.1647 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Elizabeth (Browne) m.1568 - , Little Bradfield, Essex, England
Brown, Ephraim m.1702 -
Brown, Frances Mrs. m.1656 - Portsmouth, Newport, Ri
Brown, George - Living
Brown, George Knight b.1439 - of Beechworth Castle, Bechworth, Surrey, Eng
Brown, George b.1488 - of Stanford, Lincs., Eng.
Brown, Grace b.1452 - , Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
Brown, Jane b.1445 - Bechworth, Surrey, Eng
Brown, Jane b.1645 - Malford, Portsmouth, Worcester, England
Brown, John b.1380 - of Stanford Draper, Tolethorpe, Rutlandshire, England
Brown, John b.1449 - of, Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, England
Brown, John b.1425 - of, Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, England
Brown, John b.1631 - Plymouth, Mass
Brown, John b.1405 - of Bekonsfield, Bucks, Eng
Brown, John Browne Capt b.1634 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Josiah b.1630 - Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Katherine b.1435 - Bechworth, Surrey, Eng.
Brown, Katherine b.1495 - of Stanford, Lincs., Eng.
Brown, Lycia b.1602 - Inkborrow, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Lydia b.1602 - Inkburrow, Inkburrow, Worcester, Eng
Brown, Lydia - Living
Brown, Lydia - Living
Brown, Margaret Mrs m.1597 - Prob. Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Brown, Martha b.1630 -
Brown, Mary m.1636 - Plymouth, , Massachusetts
Brown, Mary m.1666 - of Malford, Worchestershire, England
Brown, Mary b.1653 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Mary (Mercy) m.1661 - , Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Brown, Mary Mrs. m.1627 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma.
Brown, Matthew - Living
Brown, Mehitable Mehitabel b.1656 - Reading, Middx, Massachusetts, United States
Brown, Mrs - Living
Brown, Nathaniel m.1680 - of Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Brown, Nicholas b.1593 - Inkborrow, Worcester, , Eng
Brown, Nicholas b.1639 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island
Brown, Nicholas b.1601 - of, Inkburrow Parish, Worcestershire, England
Brown, Peter m.1625 - Plymouth Colony, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Brown, Preserve Preserve b.1604 - Inkberrow, Worcester, England
Brown, Pricilla b.1590 - Inkburrow, Worcester, Eng
Brown, Rebecca b.1632 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass
Brown, Richard b.1600 - Llwyngwair, Pembroke, Wales
Brown, Robert b.1497 - of Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Brown, Sarah b.1650 - Malford, Worcester, England
Brown, Sarah b.1616 - of, Essex, Essex, England
Brown, Son b.1498 - Bekonsfield, Bucks, Eng
Brown, Son b.1523 - Beaconsfield, Bucks, England
Brown, Thomas b.1437 - Bechworth, Surrey, Eng.
Brown, Thomas b.1625 - of, Inkborrow, Worcester, England
Brown, William b.1441 - Bechworth, Surrey, Eng
Brown, William b.1427 - of Stamford, Lincoln, Eng
Brown, William b.1638 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Brown (Browne), Ambrose b.1580 - of Hawkedon, Suffolk, England, England
Brown (Browne), Peter b.1596 - of, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Brown (Browne), Priscilla b.1627 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Brown (Browne), Sarah b.1584 - Hawkedon, Suffolk, England, England
Brown (Browne), Thomas m.1568 - of, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Brown (Browne), Thomas b.1573 - Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Brown Browne, Ann b.1603 - Inkberrow, Worcester, /Ma/, England
Brown(Browne), Edmund b.1480 - of Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, b.1499 -
Browne, b.1523 - Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England
Browne, Agnes b.1528 - Swanhall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Ambrose b.1583 - Somerton, Suffolk, England
Browne, Christopher b.1450 - of, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
Browne, Christopher b.1522 - of Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Christopher b.1482 - of Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Elizabeth - Living
Browne, Elizabeth b.1524 - Swanhall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Henry m.1537 - , , , England
Browne, Isabel b.1636 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Browne, John b.1598 - of, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, John b.1574 - Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, John b.1555 - of Flamberts, Essex, England
Browne, John b.1374 - of Bekonsfield, Bucks, Eng
Browne, John b.1503 - of, , Beckonsfield, Buckshire, England
Browne, Joseph (Twin) Twin b.1647 - , Malford, Worcestershire, England
Browne, Margaret b.1520 - Swanhall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Margaret b.1562 - Beaconsfield, Bucks, England
Browne, Martha m.1680 - of Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Browne, Mary b.1596 - , , , England
Browne, Mary b.1627 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Browne, Mrs Anne m.1572 - Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Mrs Elizabeth m.1595 - of Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Mrs Thomas b.1525 - Beaconsfield, Bucks, England
Browne, Preserve b.1604 - Inkberrow, Worcs., England
Browne, Priscilla b.1629 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Browne, Richard b.1575 - Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Robert Sir b.1433 - of Chilham, Kent, Eng.
Browne, Robert b.1512 - Swanhall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Robert b.1440 - Bekonsfield, Bucks, Eng
Browne, Sarah b.1587 - Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Susanna m.1641 - Watertown, Middlesex, Mass.
Browne, Thomas Knight b.1402 - of Bechworth, Surrey, England
Browne, Thomas b.1577 - of Hawkedon, , Suffolk, England
Browne, Thomas b.1533 - Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England
Browne, Thomas b.1514 - , London, Middlesex, England
Browne (Brown), Anthony Knight b.1443 - Bechworth Castle, Surrey, England
Browne, Jr., Thomas b.1531 - Beaconsfield, Bucks, England
Browning, Elizabeth m.1661 - of, Salem, Essex, Ma
Browning, Mary m.1653 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma, England
Broyl, John m.1740 -
Broyles, Nicholas m.1756 - , Culpepper, Virginia
Broyles (Breuel), (Breil) Johannes m.1703 - Otisheim, Wurttemburg, Germany
Bruen, Hannah (Brewers?) m.1663 - Milford, , Ct
Bruen, Mary m.1653 - Milford, , Ct
Brugge, Alice b.1460 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Anne b.1473 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Eleanor b.1463 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Elizabeth b.1459 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Giles Baron Chaundos b.1396 - , Haresfield, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Jane (Joan) b.1469 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Thomas b.1471 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brugge, Thomas Esquire b.1427 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Bruley, Joane b.1406 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Bruley, John b.1375 - Waterstoke, Oxfordshire, England
Brumbach, Maria Gertrude m.1738 - Opequon, Orange, Va
Brundage, John m.1629 - Belstead, Suffolk, England
Bryan, b.1574 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bryan, Alice b.1609 - Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Amy b.1601 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Anne b.1607 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Austin b.1593 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Christopher b.1565 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Elizabeth b.1516 - Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Bryan, Elizabeth b.1606 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Elizabeth b.1590 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Faith b.1599 - , Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bryan, Frances b.1604 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Jane b.1567 - , Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bryan, John b.1595 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, John b.1609 - Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Margaret b.1574 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Mary b.1606 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Michael b.1588 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Mrs Joane b.1534 - , Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Bryan, Mrs. m.1579 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Mrs. Ellen - Living
Bryan, Nicholas m.1635 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Bryan, Rebecca b.1596 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Robert b.1569 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Robert b.1530 - Aylesbury, , Buckingham, England
Bryan, Robert b.1587 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Sarah - Living
Bryan, Susan b.1571 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan, Thomas b.1554 - Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England
Bryan, William b.1591 - of Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Bryan (Astwood), Sarah b.1602 - Aylesbury, Bucks, England, United Kingdom
Bryan(T), Alexander b.1602 - Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, , England
Brydges, Anne b.1496 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Catherine b.1497 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Ciceley b.1422 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Florence b.1493 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Giles (Brugge) b.1435 - of, Hasesfield, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Henry b.1464 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, John Baron Chandos b.1491 - , Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Margaret Mrs (Brugge) m.1460 - of, Hasesfield, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, Thomas Knight b.1496 - of, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire, England
Brydges, Ursula b.1500 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges, William b.1498 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Brydges (Bruges), Giles Sheriff of Gloucester b.1462 - of, Cubberley, Gloucestershire, England
Bryknell, Richard m.1570 -
Brylande, Catharina b.1609 - of Altenstedt, Hessen, Germany
Buck, Jeremiah b.1799 -
Buck, John m.1592 - St Martin in the, Field, London, England
Buck, Mary Anne - Living
Buckman, Martha m.1761 -
Budokshide or Budockshide, Roger m.1540 -
Buidhe, Eochaidh I b.448 - <, , , Scotland>
Bukki, Unknown b.1236 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Bulkeley, Elizabeth m.1682 - of Malford, Worcestershire, England
Bullard, b.1570 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Benjamin b.1600 - of, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Elizabeth Barnes m.1720 -
Bullard, Ellen b.1591 - St. Martins, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Ellen b.1567 - St Martin, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, George b.1607 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Grace b.1588 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Henry or Buller b.1536 - England
Bullard, Jacob b.1642 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Bullard, Joane b.1605 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Johanna b.1649 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Bullard, John b.1602 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Jonathan b.1647 - Watertown, Middlessex, Ma
Bullard, Katherine Twin b.1598 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Katherine b.1567 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Margaret b.1609 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Mary b.1640 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Bullard, Mary Twin b.1598 - St. Martin's, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Mary Buller or Twin b.1599 - Barnham, Suffolk, Eng, England
Bullard, Mrs. Margaret b.1539 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Robert b.1599 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard, Sarah b.1644 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Colonies
Bullard, William b.1562 - Saint Martin, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard (Buller), Ason b.1570 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard (Buller), Henry Junior b.1574 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard (Buller), John b.1537 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard (Buller), William Junior b.1594 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard Buller, John Buller or b.1485 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullard Buller, Mrs. John b.1489 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
Buller, John b.1537 - Barnham, Suff., Eng.
Buller, or Bullard Ellen b.1567 - St Martin, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Buller (Bullard), Ellen b.1569 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Buller (Bullard), Henry b.1535 - of Barnham, St. Martin, Suffolk, England
Buller (Bullard), John b.1510 - Barnham, Suffolk, England, England
Buller (Bullard), William b.1562 - Barnham, Suffolk, England
Buller or Bulewe, Son b.1571 - Barnham, Suff., Eng.
Buller or Bullew, Margaret b.1564 - St Martins, Barnham, Suffolk, England
Bullock, Asa m.1815 - Reedsborough, Vt
Bulmer, Aschetil de b.1070 - of, Bulmer, Yorkshire, England
Bulmer, Aschetil de b.1136 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, Englan
Bulmer, Bertram de b.1100 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Emma de b.1144 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Mrs-Aschetil de b.1085 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Mrs-Stephen de - Living
Bulmer, Ralph de b.1107 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Robert de b.1105 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Sibil de b.1102 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Stephen de b.1103 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Bulmer, Stephen de b.1144 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, Englan
Bulmer, William de b.1143 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, Englan
Bulstrode, Jane (Bolstred) b.1446 - of, Upton
Bulstrode, John b.1386 -
Bulstrode, Thomas - Living
Bulstrode, Thomas (William) Knight b.1416 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Bunce, Katherine m.1650 - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Burbank, John m.1692 - Springfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Burcham, Frances m.1660 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Burchard, Hannah - Living
Burdett, Robert b.1507 - of, , Warwickshire, England
Burdett, Samuel b.1602 - <, , England>
Burdett, Thomas b.1535 - of, , Warwickshire, England
Burdett, Thomas b.1565 - , , England
Burdick, Benjamin b.1665 - Westerley, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Deborah b.1660 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Ebenezer m.1789 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Eunice m.1763 - , Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Hubbard b.1675 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Marcy or Mary - Living
Burdick, Mr m.1661 - , , Rhode Island
Burdick, Naomi b.1657 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Burdick, Robert b.1630 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Burdick, Robert b.1674 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Burdick, Roger b.1664 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Ruth b.1659 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Burdick, Samuel b.1667 - Westerley, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Son b.1678 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Burdick, Tacy b.1667 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Burdick, Thomas b.1655 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Burges, Alice b.1486 - of, Brydges Sollors, Herefordshire, England
Burges, Cessely b.1452 - of, Brydges Sollors, Herefordshire, England
Burges, Elizabeth b.1486 - of, Brydges Sollors, Herefordshire, England
Burges, Henry b.1482 - of, Brydges Sollors, Herefordshire, England
Burges, John Lord Shandoyes b.1510 - of, Brydges Sollors, Herefordshire, England
Burgess, John m.1670 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Burgess, Joseph m.1670 - "of" Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
Burgess, Patience m.1678 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
Burghurst, Margaret m.1409 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Burke, Alanson - Living
Burke, Elinor m.1740 - , Fairfax, Va
Burke, Elinor - Living
Burke, Isaac m.1793 -
Burke, Sarah Ann b.1795 - , , North Carolina
Burkhard, Margaretha m.1663 - Beyerberg, Mttlfr, Bavaria
Burlingham, Margaret or Juliana m.1306 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Burnap, Robert m.1662 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Burnell, Margaret b.1410 -
Burnett, Sarah m.1657 - of Malford, Worcestershire, England
Burrow, Ephriam m.1790 - , , Guilford, Nc
Bush, Deborah m.1656 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma
Butcher, Hugh m.1586 - , , , England
Butler, Alice b.1290 -
Butler, Ralph m.1510 - Badminton, Gloucestershire, England
Butler, Thomas - Living
Butterworth, Mary m.1695 - of, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Button, John m.1769 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri
Button, Mary - Living
Button, Matthias II m.1682 - Westerly, , Ri
Button, Peter m.1682 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Button, Thomas - Living
Buxton, Anthony - Living
Byam, George - Living
Byam, Nicholas m.1638 - Weymouth, ?, , Ma
Byers, Rutha m.1790 - Rutherford Co., , Illinois
Cackler (Kaskler), Elizabeth m.1800 - , , Pa.
Cadman, George b.1583 -
Cadman, Hanna or Elizabeth b.1608 - of Boston, Norfolk, Mass.
Cain, Unknown - Living
Calston, Elizabeth b.1400 - of, Childrey, Berkshire, England
Calthorpe, Anne m.1596 - , , Norfolk, England
Calthorpe, Ursula m.1511 - , Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, England
Calwoodly, Joan m.1512 - of, Calwoodly, Devon, England
Cambria, Dolfin King of b.1060 - of, Dunbar, East-Lothian, Scotland
Cancefield, John b.1196 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Cancefield, John b.1263 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Cancefield, Richard b.1226 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Cancefield, William b.1265 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Candler, William m.1603 - South Elham, Suffolk, England
Cansfield, Agnes b.1267 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Capell, Dorothee m.1520 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Capell, Dorothy m.1509 -
Capen, Dorothy m.1692 -
Carew, Catherine (Katherine) b.1500 - of, Ottery Mohun, Devonshire, England
Carew, Edmund Knight b.1466 - of, Mohun Ottery, England
Carew, Elizabeth - Living
Carew, Jane b.1460 - of Clovelly, Devonshire, Eng.
Carew, John m.1476 -
Carew, John - Living
Carew, Nicholas b.1445 - of, Mohun Ottery, Devonshire, England
Carew, Thomas Knight b.1425 - of, Mohun Ottery, England
Carey, Mary m.1630 - of Bristol, Rhode Island
Carey, Mr - Living
Careye, William Esquire - Living
Carlin, Anna m.1683 - Neuenbrg, Baden, Germany
Carman, Deliverance (Townsend) m.1694 -
Carminow, Joane (Jane) b.1427 - of Trenowyth, Crnwll, Engl
Carminow, Margaret m.1448 - of, Boconnoc, Cornwall, England
Carne or Crane, John m.1525 - , , England
Carnoffel, Kunigunda b.1551 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
Carnoffel, Kunigunde b.1577 - <, Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria>
Carnoffel, Leonhard b.1516 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
Carnoffel, Stephen b.1487 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
Carpenter, Agnes m.1585 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Carpenter, Andrew - Living
Carpenter, Michael m.1760 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Carpenter, Solomon m.1695 - Rehoboth, Bristol, Ma
Carter, Alice b.1519 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Carter, Faith m.1625 - Mere, Wiltshire, Engl
Carter, Janey m.1843 - Fayette Co., IL
Carter, John b.1519 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Carter, Margaret m.1643 - , Essex, Eng
Carver, David m.1696 - Ma, Weymouth, Weymouth
Cary, Mr. m.1474 -
Cary, Robert - Living
Cary, Robert m.1414 - of Holway, Devonshire, Engl
Cary, Robert m.1474 -
Cassandra, Unknown Princess b.1070 - Bc, of, Troy
Cassy, - Living
Caternell, Humfrey - Living
Catesby, Dorothy m.1552 - , , England
Cathorpe, Brouysia b.1562 - England
Caunton, Isabelle b.1335 - of Caunton, Nottinghamshire, England
Cecil or Cyssell, Joan m.1537 -
Celly, Mary - Living
Chalke, John m.1605 - So Elmham, Suffolk, England
Chalker, John - Living
Challie Chalke, John Callie or Chalke Chalker m.1602 - of St. James, South Elmham, Suffolk, England
Chamberlain, Benjamin m.1677 - Sudbury, , Mass
Chamberlain, Benjamin m.1677 - Sudbury
Chamberlain, Mary - Living
Chamberlain, Mary m.1691 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Chambers, Mary m.1707 - of Malford, Worcestershire, England
Chamond, Johanna m.1431 -
Champernon, Alexander b.1356 - of, Bere Ferrers, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Arthur Knight b.1524 - of, Dartington, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Elizabeth b.1521 - of, Bere Ferrars, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Frances b.1522 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Hugh b.1416 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Jane or Joan b.1514 - of, Dartington, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Joan b.1460 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Joan b.1505 - of, Bere Ferrars, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Joan b.1382 - of, Bere Ferrers, Devonshire, England
Champernon, John b.1438 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, John Knight b.1458 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, John b.1518 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, John b.1413 - of, Bere Ferrers, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Katherine (Catherine) b.1519 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Margaret b.1396 - of, , , England
Champernon, Otho (Otis) Knight - Living
Champernon, Philip Sheriff of Devon b.1495 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Roger b.1411 - of, Bere Ferrers, Devonshire, England
Champernon, Thomas b.1440 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernon, William b.1442 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Champernoun, Oates Knight - Living
Champlin, William m.1674 - of, Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Chandler, Thomas II m.1659 - Andover, Essex, Ma
Chapman, Alexander b.1475 - Raynsthorpe H, Norfolk, England
Chapman, Alice b.1540 - Saxlingham, Norfolk, England
Chapman, Caleb m.1782 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Chapman, Mrs Thomas b.1509 - Saxlingham, Norfolk, England
Chapman, Mrs-Alexander b.1479 - Raynsthorpe H, Norfolk, England
Chapman, Thomas b.1510 - Saxlingham, Norfolk, England
Chapman, Warren m.1861 - Clinton Co., IL
Chard, Patience m.1710 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Chard, William m.1656 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Charmond, John - Living
Chase, - Living
Chase, Anna b.1719 - Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Chase, Isabel m.1562 - of Cholesbury, Bucks, England
Chase, Mirriam b.1716 - Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Chaundos, Roger Knight m.1315 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Chechily, Mr - Living
Cheek, Alexander Sir - Living
Cheeke, Richard m.1572 - , , , England
Cheney, Dorothy b.1570 - Drainton, Bucks, England
Chichley, William (Thomas) - Living
Chidderleigh, John b.1414 -
Chidderleigh (Chiderlegh), Elizabeth b.1440 - of, Chuderleigh, Devonshire, England
Child, Rebecca m.1610 -
Childbirth, Twins Died At b.1875 -
Childbirth, Twins Died At b.1875 -
Childs, Rebecca m.1610 - Middlesex, England
Choch, Alex m.1622 - , , England
Chrisler, Jermima b.1768 - Hebron, Madison, Va
Christler, Catherine b.1754 - Culpepper Co, Va
Christler, Christianus b.1717 -
Christler, David [Theobald] b.1742 - , Culpepper Co, Va
Christler, Dorothea b.1735 - , Washington, Tennessee
Christler, Elisabetha b.1774 - <, Culpeper, Va>
Christler, Elisamargaret (Mrs.) - Living
Christler, Elizabeth b.1744 - Virginia
Christler, Elizabeth b.1758 - , Culpepper, Va
Christler, Heinrich b.1776 - , Culpeper, Va
Christler, Johann Theobold b.1709 - Lambsheim, Palatinate, Germany
Christler, Joseph b.1763 - <, Culpeper, Va>
Christler, Leonard b.1683 - Canton Bern, Switzerland
Christler, Leonard b.1742 - , Culpepper, Va
Christler, Margaret b.1748 - , , Culpepper Co, Va
Christler, Margaret b.1760 - Culpepper Co, Va
Christler, Mary b.1736 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Christler, Michael b.1752 - Culpepper Co, Va
Christler, Tosanus b.1713 - Lambsheim, Palatinate, Germany
Chubb, Lucy b.1789 - Prob. Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Chudleigh, James Knight - Living
Church, Richard m.1692 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Churchill, Agnes - Living
Chyde, Frances Rebecca m.1610 -
Circle, Elizabeth b.1789 - Virginia
Clanvowe, Elizabeth de b.1312 - of Denchurch, Irchenfield, Herefordshire, England
Clanvowe, Philip b.1286 -
Clanvowe, Philippa Mrs de b.1288 -
Clap, Johan Jost b.1669 - Istha, Hesse, Germany
Clapp, - Living
Clapp, Aaron Hamilton b.1858 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Adam b.1754 - , Orange Co., North Carolina
Clapp, Anna Catharine b.1745 - Orange, North Carolina
Clapp, Anna Christina b.1756 - Orange, North Carolina
Clapp, Anna Maria b.1751 - Orange, North Carolina
Clapp, Anna Maria b.1772 - Guilford, North Carolina
Clapp, Barbara b.1742 - Guilford, North Carolina
Clapp, Barnhardt Barney b.1741 - Oley Twp., Berks, Pa
Clapp, Catherine b.1768 - Orange Co., North Carolina
Clapp, Charles b.1736 - , Berks, Pa
Clapp, Christina m.1764 - of Oley Twp, Berks, Pennsylvania
Clapp, Clinton Eldon b.1889 - Dolson Twp., Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Elias b.1816 - Guilford Co., North Carolina
Clapp, Eliza b.1835 - Clark Co., IN
Clapp, Eliza Jane b.1850 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Elizabeth b.1774 -
Clapp, Elsie m.1894 - Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN
Clapp, Emanuel Wesley b.1845 - Clark Co., Indiana
Clapp, Ernie Emel - Living
Clapp, Esther (Hester) b.1738 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Clapp, Eve b.1774 - Guilford, North Carolina
Clapp, Fanny b.1814 - Guilford Co., North Carolina
Clapp, George b.1739 - Oley Twp., Berks, Pa
Clapp, George Tobias b.1735 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Clapp, George Valentine b.1702 - Weisenheim-Berg, Vic.Bad Durkheim, Hesse, Germany
Clapp, Henry b.1814 -
Clapp, Hugh b.1895 - Dolson Twp., Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Jacob b.1784 -
Clapp, Jacob b.1747 - Oley Twp., Berks, Pa
Clapp, Jacob b.1735 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Clapp, Jane m.1659 - Dorchester, , Massachusetts
Clapp, Joel b.1829 - Clark Co., IN
Clapp, John b.1753 - Oley Twp., Berks, Pa
Clapp, John b.1742 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Clapp, John b.1759 - Orange Co., North Carolina
Clapp, John David b.1803 - North Carolina
Clapp, John Henry b.1821 - Guilford Co., Nc
Clapp, John Ludwig b.1742 - Oley Twp., Berks, Pa
Clapp, John Ludwig b.1704 - Weisenheim-a-B, Pfalz, Hesse, Germany
Clapp, John Phillip b.1731 - Oley, Berks, Pa
Clapp, John W (Wasson) b.1853 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Joseph b.1741 - Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania
Clapp, Kenneth Bluford b.1906 - Dolson Twp., Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Leslie b.1892 - Dolson Twp., Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Lloyd b.1901 - Dolson Twp., Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Ludwig m.1812 -
Clapp, Ludwig b.1613 -
Clapp, Ludwig (Lewis) b.1789 -
Clapp, Ludwig (Lewis) b.1770 - Guilford, North Carolina
Clapp, Lyman Francis b.1858 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Magdalena (Molly) b.1764 - Orange Co., North Carolina
Clapp, Margaret m.1767 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Clapp, Margaret b.1745 - Oley Twp., Berks, Pa
Clapp, Margaret Isabelle b.1854 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Maria b.1806 -
Clapp, Maria Veronica b.1733 - Oley, Berks Co., Pa
Clapp, Mary b.1818 - Guilford Co., North Carolina
Clapp, Mary Barbara b.1762 - Orange, North Carolina
Clapp, Peggy b.1824 - Clark Co., IN
Clapp, Robert Bruce Valentine b.1862 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Ruby Mildred b.1898 - Clark Co., Il
Clapp, Sally b.1827 - Clark Co., IN
Clapp, Samuel b.1812 - Guilford Co., North Carolina
Clapp, Sophronia Ellen b.1867 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp, Thomas b.1563 - of Istha, Hessen, Germany
Clapp, Ulysses Pinkney b.1865 - Clark Co., Il
Clapp, Unnamed Child b.1725 - Weisenheim am Berg, Hessen, Germany
Clapp, Valentine b.1752 - Orange, North Carolina
Clapp, Valentine Jr. b.1794 - North Carolina
Clapp, William b.1832 - Clark Co., IN
Clapp, William Martin b.1847 - Dolson Twp, Clark Co., IL
Clapp?, Ann or Anne b.1609 - Dorset, Dorchester, England
Clark, - Living
Clark, Hannah m.1728 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Clark, Jesse m.1805 - , Washington, Rhode Island
Clark, John b.1569 - , Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clark, Joseph m.1725 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Clark, Joseph m.1635 - Dorchester, Ma or, Windsor, Ct
Clark, Mary m.1730 - Newton, Middlesex, Ma
Clark, Rebekah b.1662 -
Clark, Ruth m.1690 -
Clark (Clarke), William b.1611 - Great Bromley, Essex, England
Clarke, Agnes b.1534 - Westhorp, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Carew b.1572 - of, Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Carewe b.1602 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Christopher b.1574 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Datrie m.1627 - of Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Dorothy m.1575 - Finningham, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Ellen (Elyn) b.1538 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Joan b.1578 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Joan b.1547 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, John Reverend b.1609 - of, Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, John b.1541 - Westhrop, Suffolk, England, England
Clarke, John b.1569 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, John b.1541 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Joseph - Living
Clarke, Joseph b.1618 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Joseph Jr m.1664 - Westerly, Town of Westerly, Washington Cnty, Rhode Island
Clarke, Margaret b.1600 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Margaret b.1579 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Margaret b.1597 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Margaret b.1536 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Margaret - Living
Clarke, Margery Margaret m.1636 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Mary b.1607 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Mary b.1581 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Mrs Margaret b.1513 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Pasor c.1574 -
Clarke, Thomas b.1570 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Thomas b.1605 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clarke, Thomas b.1543 - of, Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Clayce, John m.1748 -
Clayes, James m.1701 - of Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Clayes, Peter m.1674 - Salem, Essex Co, Ma
Claypool, Artelia m.1897 - Clark Co., IL
Claypool, Eliza m.1884 - Clark Co., IL
Claypool, Sperry m.1898 - Clark Co., IL
Clere (Clare), Elizabeth m.1515 -
Clifford, Catherine b.1401 - of, Framptn-on-Sevrn, Gloucestershire, England
Clifford, Henry m.1455 - of, Frampton, Gloucester, England
Clifford, Henry de Baron Clifford m.1486 - of, Skipton, York, England
Clifford, Henry F. m.1570 - , , , England
Clifford, Mary (Margaret) m.1499 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Clifford, Thomas m.1528 - Berkshire, , England
Clifford (?), Alice m.1600 - Lincolnshire, Enland
Clifton, Gervase Knight m.1456 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Clinton, Ann - Living
Clinton, Joan Ann Jentlemen b.1592 - of Bath, Somerset, England
Clinton, Thomas b.1592 -
Clitheroe, Mary de m.1392 - of, Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, England
Clore, Aaron m.1820 - , Madison, Va
Clore, Adam - Living
Clore, Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.) m.1760 - Va
Clore, Anna Barbara b.1706 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Clore, George (Klaar) m.1746 -
Clore, Johann George - Living
Clore, Johann Michael b.1687 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Clore, Susannah b.1691 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Clyde, Rebecca m.1615 - Greenford Magna, Middlesex, Eng
Cobb, Sarah b.1754 - <, Pa, Poss. Germany>
Coble, Mary m.1823 -
Cock, Jurg m.1731 - of, , Hessen, Germany
Cock (Cox), Alice m.1453 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Cockaine, Anne (Cokayne) b.1514 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cockaine, Anthony b.1510 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cockaine, Ellen or Alice b.1420 - of Ashburne, Derbyshire, England
Cockaine, Francis b.1506 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cockaine, Henry b.1478 - of Ashbourne & Pooley, Derbyshire, England
Cockaine, John b.1412 - of Ashburne, Derbyshire, England
Cockaine, Miss b.1484 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cockaine, Mrs-Thomas m.1531 - , Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Cockaine, Reginald b.1418 - of Ashburne, Derbyshire, England
Cockaine, Roger b.1416 - of Ashburne, Derbyshire, England
Cockayne, Elizabeth b.1509 - Sussex, England
Cockayne, Jane b.1507 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cocke, Mrs-Thomas b.1558 - of Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Cocke, Mrs. b.1528 - of Mendelsham, Suffolk, Eng.
Cocke, Naomi b.1582 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Cocke, Robert b.1525 - of Mendelsham, Suffolk, Eng.
Cocke, Thomas b.1555 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Cockes, Naomi b.1570 - Ipswich, Essex Co, Eng
Cogan, Elizabeth m.1392 - Pardon, Bampton, Devonshire, England
Cokayne, Anne b.1495 - of Overton Ardsey, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Beatrice (Cockain) b.1455 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cokayne, Edmond b.1376 - of Ashborne, Derbyshire, Eng
Cokayne, Edmund b.1356 - of Ashbourne, Hatley, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Elyn b.1382 - of Ashborne, Derbyshire, Eng
Cokayne, George b.1378 - of Ashborne, Derbyshire, Eng
Cokayne, John Baron of Exchequer b.1358 - of Ashbourne, Hatley, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, John Knight b.1325 - of Ashbourne, Hatley, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, John Knight b.1388 - of, Ashbowne, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, John b.1475 - of, Ashbowne, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Richard b.1380 - of Ashborne, Derbyshire, Eng
Cokayne, Roger b.1451 - of, Ashborne, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Roger b.1481 - of Ashbourne & Pooley, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Thomas b.1374 - of Ashborne, Derbyshire, Eng
Cokayne, Thomas b.1479 - of Pooley & Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Thomas b.1451 - of, Ashbowne, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, Thomas C. b.1501 - Overton Ardsley, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne, William b.1473 -
Cokayne, William b.1414 - of Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Cokayne (Cockaine), Beatrice b.1482 - of, Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Cokayne (Cockaine), Margaret b.1485 - of Ashbourne & Pooley, Derbyshire, England
Coke, John - Living
Colby (Celly), Sarah m.1685 - Tiverton, Town of Tiverton, Newport County, Rhode Island
Coldom, Clement m.1639 - Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts
Cole, Elizabeth b.1714 - Hartford, Hartford Co., Ct
Cole, Emma b.1866 -
Cole, John b.1451 - of, Ashe, Dorsetshire, England
Cole, Margaret b.1476 - of, Ashe, Dorsetshire, England
Cole, Thomasine m.1411 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Cole, William m.1538 - , Modbury, Devonshire, England
Coles, Edward (Colles) m.1557 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Coleson, Joan b.1570 - of, St. Martins, In the Field, London, England
Coley, b.1525 -
Coley, Frances b.1551 - of, Wendover, Buckingham, Eng
Collen, Lawrence m.1613 - St Mary's, Bury St Edmunds, England
Coller, Henry - Living
Collier, Lawrence m.1613 - of Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Collin or Collen, Lawrence m.1613 - St. Mary's, Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., Eng
Collingbourne, Joan m.1452 - of Collingbourne, Kingston, Wiltshire, England
Collinridge, Bartholomew b.1383 -
Collinridge, Ursulla or Ethyld b.1407 -
Collins, Sarah Tibbetts - Living
Collwey, Angharad - Living
Colton, Ephraim Jr. m.1700 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Colton, George m.1543 - , , , England
Colton, Mr. m.1868 - of, , In
Colwell, Robert - Living
Combs, Anna E b.1878 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Claris Ethel b.1886 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Dora Alice b.1868 - Clark Co., Il
Combs, Edward S b.1869 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Fayette b.1889 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Floyd b.1892 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Jacob P. b.1813 - Tennesse
Combs, Lola M b.1881 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Milo C b.1875 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Myrtle A b.1884 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, Nora Belle b.1868 - Clark Co., IL
Combs, William A b.1843 - Grandview, Edgar Co., Il
Combs, William W b.1873 - Clark Co., IL
Comley, Anne m.1527 -
Cone, Nathaniel Sr m.1697 - East Haddam, Middlesex, Ct
Coney, Agnes b.1517 - , Frampton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Agnes Mrs m.1519 -
Coney, Alan b.1425 - <, , Lincolnshire, England>
Coney, Alice Mrs - Living
Coney, Alice or Alison b.1512 - , Frampton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Anthony b.1460 - of, , Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Geoffrey b.1420 - , , Lincolnshire, England
Coney, John b.1548 - of, Frampton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, John b.1555 - Frampton, Gloucestershire, England
Coney, John b.1445 - of, , Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Katherine Mrs - Living
Coney, Margaret b.1526 - of Frampton, Gloucestershire, England
Coney, Margaret b.1560 - Frampton, Gloucestershire, England
Coney, Margaret b.1514 - , Frampton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Marguerite b.1615 -
Coney, Marguerite b.1550 - Panington, Gloucester, England
Coney, Mrs m.1470 -
Coney, Mrs b.1452 - of, , Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Robert b.1443 - , Kirton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Robert b.1397 - <, , Lincolnshire, England>
Coney, Roger b.1520 - Frampton, Gloucestershire, England
Coney, Roger b.1465 - of, , Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Thomas b.1546 - Frampton, Gloucestershire, England
Coney, Thomas b.1450 - of, , Lincolnshire, England
Coney, Thomas b.1485 - , Kirton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, William b.1565 - of, Frampton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, William b.1488 - , Kirton, Lincolnshire, England
Coney, William b.1465 - Prob, Kirton, Lincolnshire, England
Conley, Mildred Ann m.1789 - Taylorville, Jefferson Co, Ky
Conn, Alfred F. b.1822 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Conn, Allen Joshua b.1816 - , Jefferson Co, Kentucky
Conn, Ann b.1739 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Conn, Anna "Nancy" T. b.1804 - , , Kentucky
Conn, Coxon b.1762 - , Loudoun Co, Ky
Conn, Edmund Edward b.1765 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, Edward Hugh b.1828 - , Jefferson Co., Kentucky
Conn, Eliza Ann b.1837 - , Clark Co, In
Conn, Elizabeth b.1742 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Conn, Elizabeth "Polly" b.1800 - <, , Kentucky>
Conn, Elizabeth Jemimah b.1824 - , Jefferson Co, Ky
Conn, Frances M. b.1835 - , Jefferson Co, Ky
Conn, George m.1805 -
Conn, George b.1732 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Conn, George W. b.1811 - , , Kentucky
Conn, George Washington b.1831 - , Jefferson Co, Ky
Conn, Gerrard Trammell b.1759 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, Gerrard Trammell b.1761 - , Garrard, Kentucky
Conn, Hugh b.1685 - MacGilligan, Ireland
Conn, Hugh b.1723 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Conn, Hugh G. b.1788 - Fairfax, Jefferson, Virginia
Conn, Isaac b.1792 - , , Virginia
Conn, James b.1725 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Md
Conn, James F. b.1833 - , Jefferson Co, Kentucky
Conn, Jane b.1796 - <, , Kentucky>
Conn, John m.1810 -
Conn, John b.1730 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Va
Conn, John b.1761 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, John Trammel b.1826 - , Jeff., Ky
Conn, Joseph b.1746 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Conn, Julia Ann b.1829 - , Jefferson Co, Ky
Conn, Levi Nelson b.1819 - Clark, Hibernia, Indiana
Conn, Margaret b.1794 - <, , Virginia>
Conn, Mary b.1800 - <, , Kentucky>
Conn, Mary Polly b.1766 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, Mrs b.1765 -
Conn, Richard Reece b.1820 - , Jefferson, Ky
Conn, Ruth b.1758 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, Samuel b.1736 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Conn, Samuel b.1760 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, Samuel Jr. b.1813 - <, , Kentucky>
Conn, Silas Columbus b.1821 - , Jefferson Co, Ky
Conn, Thomas b.1765 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Conn, William L. b.1814 - , Jefferson Co, Kentucky
Constable, Agnes b.1455 - Allerton, Nottinghamshire, Eng
Constable, Robert - Living
Cook, Alzira Alvira b.1864 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, America Em b.1868 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Ashley R b.1830 - Christian Co., IL
Cook, Barnabus Riley b.1849 - Sangamon Co., IL
Cook, Benjamine Harris b.1818 - Wayne Co., Tn
Cook, Catherine b.1663 - , , , England
Cook, Darcy A b.1862 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Drucilla b.1827 - Wayne Co., Tn
Cook, Ebenezer b.1864 - Weymouth, , Massachusetts
Cook, Ebenezer b.1684 - Mendon, Worcester, Ms
Cook, Elizabeth b.1831 - Christian Co., IL
Cook, Experience m.1716 - of, , Massachusetts
Cook, Experience b.1682 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Cook, Experience b.1682 -
Cook, Experience Mrs - Living
Cook, Frances b.1816 - Rutherford Co., North Carolina
Cook, Hannah b.1650 - , Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Cook, Hannah b.1695 - Mendon, Worcester, Ms
Cook, Henry b.1860 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Homer b.1877 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, James b.1866 -
Cook, John b.1654 - Weymouth, Braintree, Norfolk, Ma
Cook, John Wesley b.1847 - Illinois
Cook, John Wesley b.1838 - Christian Co., IL
Cook, Jonathan b.1872 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Jonathan Alexander b.1793 - North Carolina (Probably Guilford)
Cook, Jonathan Wilson b.1834 - Christian Co., IL
Cook, Joseph b.1690 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Cook, Joseph b.1683 - Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
Cook, Laura B b.1863 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Lydia b.1686 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Cook, Martha b.1842 - Christian Co., IL
Cook, Mary (Polly) b.1821 - Wayne Co., Tn
Cook, Mrs Abigail m.1714 -
Cook, Mrs. Catherine m.1647 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Cook, Mrs. Experience - Living
Cook, Nicholas b.1659 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Cook, Paulina Isadore b.1875 - Fayette Co., Il
Cook, Peter b.1664 - Weymouth, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Cook, Samuel Jr b.1698 - Mendon, Worcester, Ms
Cook, Sarah b.1812 - Rutherford Co., North Carolina
Cook, Sarah F b.1855 - Sharon Twp. Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Selah b.1814 - Rutherford Co., North Carolina
Cook, Thomas m.1681 -
Cook, Virgil S. b.1870 - Fayette Co., IL
Cook, Walter b.1701 - Mendon, Worcester, Ms
Cook, William m.1469 -
Cook, William Thompson b.1823 - Wayne Co., Tn
Cooke, (Unknown) b.1585 - (Unknown), , England
Cooke, Daniel b.1691 - , Mendon, Worcester, Ma
Cooke, Ebenezer b.1656 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Cooke, Elizabeth b.1666 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Cooke, Humphrey b.1485 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke, Joan b.1543 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke, John b.1553 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke, Katherine b.1541 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke, Mary b.1538 - , , England
Cooke, Mary b.1546 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke, Mary (Sarah) m.1574 - , Suffolk, England
Cooke, Philip Knight m.1472 - of Giddy Hall, Romford, Essex, England
Cooke, Samuel Sr b.1659 - Weymouth, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Cooke, Sarah b.1690 - , Mendon, Worcester, Ma
Cooke, Walter Jr. b.1657 - , Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Cooke, Walter b.1618 - Leeds, Kent, England
Cooke, William b.1552 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, , England
Cooke, William b.1552 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke Carewe, b.1525 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke Carewe, Alice b.1527 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke Carewe, John b.1515 - ., Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke Carewe, Robert b.1510 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke Carewe, Thomas b.1520 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cooke Carewe, William b.1518 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Cookery, Hannah (Long) b.1637 - Charlestown, Ma
Cookery, Henry m.1657 - Charlestown, Middlesex, Ma
Coombs, John m.1625 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Coon, Benjamin b.1748 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coon, Caleb b.1769 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Elias b.1771 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Elias b.1775 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Eliash m.1786 - Hopkinton, Washington, R.I.
Coon, George Washington b.1788 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Jemima b.1743 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coon, Mary (Polly) b.1773 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Peleg b.1741 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coon, Phebe b.1782 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Ruth b.1784 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon, Thankful b.1778 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coon MacCoon, Joseph b.1735 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coon MacCoon, Joseph b.1707 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coons, Anna b.1746 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coons, Elias b.1739 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Coons, Jeremiah b.1744 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coons, Ross b.1751 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Coons, Thomas b.1737 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Coons, William b.1746 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Cooper, Agnes b.1593 - , , England
Cooper, Edmund b.1542 - Henlow, Bedford, England
Cooper, Feis m.1682 - Evesham a.S., Worchester, England
Cooper, James c.1580 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, , England
Cooper, John b.1601 - Hingham, Norfolk, , England
Cooper, John c.1538 - Arlesey, Bedfordshire, , England
Cooper, Martha b.1578 - of, Henlow, Bedfordshire, Engl
Cooper, Mary Magdalena b.1729 - <, Frederick, Va>
Cooper, Michael b.1510 - Arlessey, ?, Bedford, England
Cooper, Richard m.1682 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Cooper, Richard c.1541 - Arlesey, Bedfordshire, , England
Cooper, Robert b.1607 - , , England
Cooper, Sarah - Living
Cooper, Sarah - Living
Cooper, Tasy Tacy b.1609 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, Englnad
Copeland, Lydia m.1681 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Copledike, Elizabeth b.1423 - of, Harrington, Cumberland, England
Copledike, John b.1425 -
Copledike, Margaret b.1428 -
Copledike, William b.1402 - of, Harrington, Lincolnshire, England
Copley, Bridget m.1554 - of, Rougham, Suffolk, England
Copley, Mary m.1520 - of Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Copley, Roger Knight m.1529 - of Michelgrove, Sussex, England
Copp, Ann m.1646 - Boston, Massachusetts
Coppinger, Eleanora m.1505 - Sutton, Valence, Kent, England
Copshouse, Joan b.1540 - (Unknown), Buckingham, England
Corbet, Margery m.1726 - Bellingham, Norfolk Co., Ma
Corbman, Phillippi m.1607 - Aylesbury, Bckngh, Eng, England
Corey, Mrs Elizabeth - Living
Cornwall, Thomas m.1447 - of, Hampton Court, Herefordshire, England
Cortner, David m.1836 - , , Clark, Indiana
Cortner, Laura m.1874 - Clark Co., IL
Cosam, Unknown b.592 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Cotton, George - Living
Cotton, John - Living
Courtenay, Agnes b.1380 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Agnes (Anne) b.1392 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Anne b.1426 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Catherine b.1438 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Edmund Knight b.1442 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Edward Earl of Devon m.1474 -
Courtenay, Edward Earl of Devon b.1357 - of, Haccombe, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Edward Knight b.1329 - of, Haccombe, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Edward Knight b.1417 - of, Haccombe, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Elizabeth Countess Ofdevon b.1455 - of, Molland, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Elizabeth b.1430 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Hugh b.1427 - of, Basenthorpe, Cornwall, England
Courtenay, Hugh Knight b.1360 - of, Haccombe, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Humphrey Knight b.1405 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Humphrey b.1444 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, John b.1467 - of, Molland, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, John Knight b.1384 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, John b.1446 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Margaret m.1513 - of Powderham Castle, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Margaret b.1459 - of, Molland, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Margaret b.1342 - Exeter, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Margaret b.1383 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Margaret b.1419 - of, Haccombe, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Margaret b.1381 - of, , Cornwall, England
Courtenay, Peter b.1434 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Philip b.1469 - of, Molland, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Philip Knight b.1346 - of, Exeter, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Philip Knight b.1432 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Philip Knight b.1400 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Philippa b.1442 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Richard Bishop of Norwich b.1382 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, Walter Knight b.1438 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, William b.1471 - of, Loughton, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, William Knight b.1386 - of, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, William Knight b.1428 - of Powderham Castle, Powderham, Devonshire, England
Courtenay, William Mrs. - Living
Courtney, William m.1449 -
Cowper, Benjamin c.1575 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, Elizabeth c.1565 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, Joan c.1567 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, John c.1583 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, Mary c.1588 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, Michael c.1571 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, Robert c.1590 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cowper, Thomas c.1583 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Cox, Mr. m.1876 - of, , Ia
Crackbone, Grace b.1565 - Payne's Hall, Yeldham, Essex, England, United Kingdom
Crackbone, Mrs. Robert b.1537 - of Essex, England
Crackbone, Robert b.1533 - of Essex, England
Cracken, Margaret m.1859 - Clinton Co., IL
Craft, Griffin Lt m.1689 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Crandall, Abijah b.1720 - of Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Anna m.1763 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Anna b.1779 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Anne (Nancy) b.1783 - Hopkinton, , R.I.
Crandall, Archie Harry b.1876 - Chickash Co., Iowa
Crandall, Benajah b.1724 - of Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Blain Vicent b.1883 -
Crandall, Cecil Dennis - Living
Crandall, David b.1740 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, David b.1766 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Deborah b.1712 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Deborah b.1688 - Westerly, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Dennis b.1842 - W. Pierponte St. Lawrence, New York
Crandall, Donna Irene - Living
Crandall, Eber b.1676 -
Crandall, Elias b.1765 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Elijah b.1722 - of Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Elijah b.1734 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Elizabeth b.1718 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Hannah Mrs b.1701 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, James b.1651 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Crandall, James b.1801 - Westford Vermont
Crandall, Jane b.1653 - of Newport, Newport, Ri
Crandall, Jemina b.1770 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Jeramiah b.1673 -
Crandall, Joanna m.1695 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, John m.1738 - , , Rhode Island
Crandall, John b.1778 - Westford, Chittenden, Vermont
Crandall, John - Living
Crandall, John b.1682 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, John Jr. b.1705 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, John b.1617 - Shropeshine, England
Crandall, Joseph b.1683 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Joseph b.1661 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Crandall, Joseph C. m.1772 - , Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Levi b.1718 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Lydia b.1683 - Westerly, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Martha b.1736 - Hopkinton, Washington, R.I.
Crandall, Mary m.1730 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Mary b.1714 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Mary b.1709 - Newport, Newport, Ri, United States
Crandall, Mary (Polly) m.1776 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Mary Mrs - Living
Crandall, Mercy b.1780 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Mildred Eliza b.1892 - Nashua, Chickash Co., Iowa
Crandall, Mrs Elizabeth - Living
Crandall, Mrs James m.1672 - , , Rhode Island
Crandall, Nancy b.1785 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Owen Moody - Living
Crandall, Peter m.1690 - Westerly, Ri
Crandall, Peter m.1717 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Peter b.1654 - Newport, Newport, Ri, United States
Crandall, Ruth Olive - Living
Crandall, Samuel m.1681 - of, Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Samuel b.1662 - Newport, Newport, Ri, United States
Crandall, Sarah b.1744 -
Crandall, Sarah b.1696 - Westerly, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Sarah b.1654 - of, Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Crandall, Sarah Ann b.1762 - Hopkinton, , Ri
Crandall, Stephen b.1742 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Sybil May b.1878 - Woodbine, Harrison, Iowa
Crandall, Tacy b.1695 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Crandall, Tacy or Elizabet Lacy b.1721 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Thankful b.1690 - Westerly, Washington, Ri, United States
Crandall, Tracy b.1711 -
Crandall, Zebbius b.1774 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Zelsk [Telek] b.1776 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Crandall, Jr., John b.1649 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Crandell, James b.1586 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Crandell, Polly b.1799 - Westford, Vermont
Cranston, Caleb - Living
Cranston, Lydia m.1687 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Cressy, Agnes Mrs b.1341 -
Cressy, Elizabeth b.1378 - Braytoft, Lincolnshire, England
Cressy, John b.1339 - Hodsock, Lincs., Eng.
Crickemer, Catherine b.1580 - , , England
Crickland, John m.1474 -
Crigler, Aaron m.1776 - Culpeper Co., Va
Crigler, Anna Elizabeth m.1767 - Culpeper Co., Va
Crigler, Elizabeth - Living
Crippe, Agnes - Living
Crisler, Adam b.1740 - Culpepper Co, Va
Crisler, Andrew b.1747 - Culpeper, Co, Va
Crisler, Anna b.1771 - <, Culpeper, Va>
Crisler, Benjamin b.1760 - , of Madison, Virginia
Crisler, Christianus b.1717 - Lambsheim, Palatinate, Germany
Crisler, Dinah b.1762 - <, Culpeper, Va>
Crisler, Elias b.1766 - <, Culpeper, Va>
Crisler, Fawatt - Living
Crisler, Jemima - Living
Crisler, John George b.1738 - Culpeper, Co, Va
Crisler, Rosanna b.1787 - , Madison, Va
Crispe, Agnes m.1560 - of, Laxfield, Suffolk, Eng
Crispe, Joan m.1593 - of, Laxfield, Suffolk, Eng
Cristler, Henry b.1737 - Culpeper, Co, Va
Crofts, Jane b.1470 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Crofts, Richard Sir b.1444 - <, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England>
Croke, Cicely m.1608 -
Cromley Gomley, Mr - Living
Cromley or Gomley, m.1512 -
Cromwell, Macil Madge - Living
Cronkhite, Margaret Jane b.1835 - Terre Haute, Vigo Co., In
Crossman, Irene b.1799 - Rutland, Rutland Co., Vermont
Crouch, Sarah - Living
Crow, Agnes Nancy Johnson m.1799 -
Crow, Catherine b.1775 - Wheeling, Greene, Pa
Crow, Christina b.1783 - Wheeling, Greene, Pa
Crow, Elizabeth b.1769 - Drunkards Creek, Greene, Pa
Crow, Esther b.1785 - Wheeling Creek, Greene, Pa
Crow, Frederick b.1762 - , York, Pa
Crow, Jacob b.1732 - Richhill, Greene, Pa
Crow, John b.1767 - Drunkards Creek, Greene, Pa
Crow, Lydia b.1787 - Penn.
Crow, Martin b.1765 - Drunkards Creek, Greene, Pa
Crow, Mary b.1787 - Wheeling, Greene, Pa
Crow, Michael b.1771 - Richhill, Greene, Pa
Crow, Peter b.1763 - Drunkards Creek, Greene, Pa
Crow, Susan b.1773 - Wheeling, Greene, Pa
Crowe, Sarah m.1671 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Cruff, Rhoda m.1740 - of Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Crunkerene, Anna m.1580 - Wiscombe, Devon, Eng
Cruwys, John b.1396 - Cruwys-, Morchard, Devon, England
Cruwys, Miss b.1422 - Cruwys, Morchard, Devonshire, England
Cumberland, Eugene, Prince of b.899 - of, , , Scotland
Cumberworth, Anne b.1502 - Cumberworth, Lincoln
Cummings, Sarah m.1707 -
Curson, William m.1559 - of Beckham, Bellingham, Norfolk, England
Curtis, Rebecca m.1707 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Curtis, Samuel m.1758 -
Curtiss, (Lt.) John m.1639 - of, Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut
Curtiss, John m.1640 - of, Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut
Curzon, Bridget b.1535 - <, , England>
Curzon, Joan m.1475 - , Brightwell, Suffolk, England
Cuthbertson, Cuthbert m.1621 - Leyden, , , Holland
Cuthburtson, Miss m.1630 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Cutler, Ebenezer b.1695 - Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Cutler, Rebecca m.1649 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Cutter, Rebecca m.1649 - , Somerset, Eng
d'Oyly, Anne m.1581 - , , Eng.
Dabridgecourt, Joan m.1402 - of Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Dacre, Joan - Living
Dafydd, Daughter Verch - Living
Dafydd, Gwenllian Verch b.1411 - of Abergavenny, Gwent Uwch Coed, Monmouthshire, England
Dafydd, Gwilym ap b.1409 - of Llanwenarth, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England
Dafydd, Gwladus Verch b.1405 - of Peutun, Llan-Ddew, Breconshire, Wales
Dafydd, Morgan ap b.1415 - of Abergavenny, Gwent Uwch Coed, Monmouthshire, England
Dafydd, Rawling ap b.1417 - Lyfhnglystmlywrn, Llandeilo United, Monmouthshire, England
Dafydd (Morgan), William ap - Living
Daggett, Hannah m.1673 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Dake, (Unknown) - Living
Dake (Deake), Richard - Living
Dale, William - Living
Dallison, Jane - Living
Dan, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Daniels, Fanny m.1799 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Danno, Alice b.1364 - of, Cople, Bedfordshire, England
Danvers, b.1458 - of Culworth, Northampton, England
Danvers, Agnes b.1420 - of, Cothorp, Oxford, England
Danvers, Alicia b.1432 - of, Prescote, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Amicia b.1426 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Anne b.1491 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Bova b.1440 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Constance b.1495 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Dorothy b.1485 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Edward b.1444 - of, Cothrop, Oxforshire, England
Danvers, Elizabeth b.1428 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Elizabeth b.1451 - of Culworth, Northamptonshire, England
Danvers, Elizabeth b.1493 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Henry b.1434 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Joan b.1422 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, John b.1426 - of, Ipwell, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, John b.1390 - of Cothorp, Oxford, England
Danvers, John b.1506 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, John Knight b.1452 - of, Culworth, Northamptonshire, England
Danvers, Margaret b.1438 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Margart or Margaret b.1504 - Culworth, Oxfordshire, Or Dauntsey, Wiltshire Engl
Danvers, Margery b.1449 - of, Culworth, Northamptonshire, England
Danvers, Margery b.1507 - of, Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Miss b.1436 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Mrs-John - Living
Danvers, Richard b.1330 - of, Ipwell, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Richard b.1447 - of Culworth, Northamptonshire, England
Danvers, Richard b.1428 - of, Prescote, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Richard b.1487 - of Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Robert Sir b.1424 - of, Ipwell, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Simon b.1442 - of, Cothrop, Oxforshire, England
Danvers, Susan Baroness Hungerford b.1478 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Thomas Sir Knight b.1430 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, Thomas b.1500 - Dauntsey, Or Prescote, Oxford, Engl
Danvers, William Knight b.1432 - of, Cothrop, Oxfordshire, England
Danvers, William b.1495 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, England
Darcy, Joan m.1423 - of, , Lincolnshire, England
Darcy, Mary b.1528 - of, Danbury, Essex, England
Darcy, Mrs-Thomas b.1502 -
Darcy, Thomas b.1498 -
Darcy, Thomasine m.1543 - , Danbury, Essex, England
Darell, Alexander b.1422 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Constantine b.1427 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Edmund b.1488 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Elizabeth m.1560 - Litlecott, England
Darell, Elizabeth b.1420 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Elizabeth b.1492 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Florence b.1425 - of, Littlecote, Wiltshire, England
Darell, George Knight b.1419 - of, Littlecote, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Jane b.1421 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Jane b.1490 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, John Esquire b.1496 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, Richard Knight b.1429 - of Littlecote Manor, Ramsbury, Wilts, Engl
Darell, Thomas b.1423 - , Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Darell, William Esquire b.1384 - of, Littlecote, Wiltshire, England
Darling, Elizabeth m.1650 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Darrad, Dy m.1626 -
Darrell, Edward Knight b.1471 - of, Littlecote, Wiltshire, England
Darter, Barbara m.1813 - Fayetteville, St. Clair Co., IL
Daubeney, Elizabeth b.1339 - of, Kempston, Bedfordshire, England
Daubeney, Giles Baron Daubeney b.1337 - of, Shepton, Somersetshire, England
Daubeney, Giles Knight b.1370 - of, South Inglby, Lincolnshire, England
Daubeney, Joan b.1393 - of, South Petherton, Somersetshire, England
Daubeney, John b.1394 - , Kempston, Bedfordshire, England
Daubeney, Katherine b.1360 - <, , Devonshire, England>
Daubeney, Matilda b.1392 - , South Petherton, Somersetshire, England
Daubeney, Thomas b.1368 - of, Arundel, Norfolk, England
Daubeney, Thomas b.1397 - of, Kempston, Bedfordshire, England
Daubeney, William b.1365 - of, Arundel, Norfolk, England
Daubeny, Giles Sir Knight b.1395 - of, Kempston, Bedfordshire, England
Daubeny, Jane Frances b.1440 - of, Houghton, Norfolk, England
Daubne, Alice (Anbney) Mrs - Living
Daunsey, Thomas m.1541 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Davenport, Ethel Lorraine - Living
David, King of Judea c.978 - Bc, , King of, Judea
Davidson, Allan - Living
Davidson, Martha Ann m.1854 - Fayette Co., IL
Davis, b.1768 -
Davis, Aaron m.1846 - Fayette Co., IL
Davis, Ebenezer m.1700 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass
Davis, Mr b.1530 - , , England
Davis, Mrs b.1531 - , , England
Davis, Priscilla - Living
Davis, Rose b.1559 - St Peter, Cornhill, London, England
Davis, Sarah m.1634 - of Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Davis, Thomas William m.1737 - Westerly, Washington Co, Ri
Davis, William "Thomas" - Living
Dawnay, Emmeline b.1328 - of, Ingoldsby, Lincolnshsire, England
de Bellomonte, Henry b.1336 - of Whitley, Beaumont, Berkshire, England
de Clifford, Alice Lady m.1639 - , Lincoln, , England
de La Grove, Anna b.1424 - , Grove Place, Buckinghamshire, England
de La Grove, Hugh b.1398 - <, Grove Place, Bucks., England>
Deerhurst, Thomas - Living
Deffner, Johann m.1714 - Obermichelbach, Nurnberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Delano, Susanna m.1717 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Deming, Elizabeth m.1646 - , Wetherfield, Hartford, Ct
Dennis, Jane - Living
Dennis, Phillippa m.1594 - Wiscombe Parrish, Devonshire, England
Denny, Anthony Knight m.1525 - of, Modbury, Devonshire, England
Densloe, Elizabeth (Denslow) m.1597 - Wiscombe, Devon, Eng
Denton, Ann b.1575 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Denys, Walter (Sir) - Living
Derby, Jane m.1727 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Derby, Rebecca m.1729 -
Deuclive, Joan b.1339 - of, Halsbury, Devonshire, England
Deuclive, Richard b.1309 - of, Halsbury, Devonshire, England
Devereux, Sybil b.1474 -
Devereux, William m.1578 - of, Chartley, Staffordshire, England
Devioke, Jane - Living
Dewey, Abigail b.1681 - Westfield, Hampdon, Ma
Dewey, Adijah b.1666 - Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Dewey, Anna b.1643 - Windsor, Hartford, Ct
Dewey, Elizabeth b.1676 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Dewey, Esther m.1761 - Westfield, , Ma
Dewey, Experience Mrs m.1681 -
Dewey, Frances Clark b.1611 - , , Eng
Dewey, Hannah b.1672 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Dewey, Israel b.1686 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Dewey, Isrell (Israel) b.1645 - Windsor, Hartford, Ct
Dewey, James b.1678 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Dewey, James b.1683 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Dewey, Jedediah b.1647 - Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Dewey, Jededitah Sr. b.1647 - Windsor, Hartford, Ct
Dewey, John b.1649 - Windsor, Hartford, Conn
Dewey, Joseph or Josiah b.1641 - Windsor, Hart., Ct
Dewey, Mary b.1668 - Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Dewey, Mrs. Sarah m.1697 - Westfield, Hampden, Mass
Dewey, Samuel b.1670 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Dewey, Sarah b.1741 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Dewey, Simeon Sir b.1555 - , , Eng
Dewey, Thomas Jr. b.1606 - Migrated From Sandwich, Kent, England
Dewey, Thomas b.1639 - <, , England>
Dewey, Thomas Sr. b.1577 - of Sandwich, Kent, England
Dewey, Thomas m.1706 - Westfield, Hampdon, Ma
Dewey, Thomas 3rd b.1664 - Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Dewey, Tom - Living
Dexter, Elizabeth m.1658 - Malden, Middlesex, Mass.
Dickerman, Ellen m.1662 - Medfield, Norfolk Co., Ma
Digby, b.1396 -
Diggs, Joan b.1458 - of, Barham, Kent, England
Diggs, John b.1426 - of, Barham, Kent, England
Dimmick, Wilson H. b.1821 - New York
Dinah, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Dinham, Charles b.1435 - of, Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Dinham, Edith b.1448 - of, Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham, Elizabeth b.1449 - of, Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham, Ellen Mrs m.1379 - of, Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham, Jane b.1446 - of, Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Dinham, Joan Baroness Zouche b.1455 - of, Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Dinham, John b.1359 - of Hartland, Devon, Eng
Dinham, John Baron Dinham b.1434 - Nutwell, Devonshire, England
Dinham, John Baron b.1406 - Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham, Margaret b.1441 - of, Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham, Margery b.1436 - of, Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Dinham, Mrs-Charles m.1465 - of, Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham, Oliver b.1440 - of, Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Dinham, Roger b.1440 - of, Hartland, Devonshire, England
Dinham (Dynham), Catherine b.1453 - of, Steeple Ashton, Oxfordshire, England
Disney, John - Living
Dix, Mary m.1668 - , Marlboro, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Dix, Sarah m.1679 - Reading, Middlesex, Mass.
Dixon, Mary - Living
Dod, Edmond m.1628 - of Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Dodge, Lucy m.1840 - Vt or Ny
Dodson, Sarah m.1820 - Hickman Co., TN
Doe, Mary m.1642 - Massachusetts
Dogged, John m.1667 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Doggett, Thomas m.1643 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Ma
Dollinger, Bartl m.1617 - Segringen, Mttlfr, Bavaria
Dolphin, b.1110 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Donaldson, Thomas m.1833 - Washington Co., IL
Done, Alice m.1521 -
Dormer, Agnes b.1482 - of, Wycombe, Buckshire, England
Dormer, Ann b.1525 - of, Ascot, Buckshire, England
Dormer, Bridget b.1483 - Wycombe, Buckshire, England
Dormer, Geffery b.1385 - West Wycomb, Buckshire, England
Dormer, Geoffrey b.1408 - West Wycomb, Buckinghamshire, England
Dormer, Jane b.1527 - ., Hayle, Buckinghamshire, England
Dormer, Joan b.1479 - Wycombe, Buckshire, England
Dormer, Margeri b.1480 - Wycombe, Buckingham, England
Dormer, Robert b.1485 - Wycombe, Buckshire, England
Dormer, William Knight b.1503 - ., Hayle, Buckinghamshire, England
Dormer, William b.1438 - Wycombe, Buckshire, England
Doups, Mary m.1813 - , Jefferson Co., Ky
Dover, Joan m.1601 - Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, , Eng.
Dow, Phebe m.1694 - , Essex, Massachusetts
Downes, Joan b.1553 - of Ardleigh, Essex, Eng.
Downes, Miss b.1369 - of Norbury, Drbysh, Engl
Downes, Mr b.1531 - , , England
Downes, Mrs b.1531 - , , England
Downing, Anne - Living
Downing, William m.1619 - of, Dennington, Suffolk, England
Dowsing, Anne m.1607 - of Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Doyley, Margaret b.1429 - of Ewedon, Hambledon, Buckinghamshire, England
Drach, Maria m.1755 -
Drake, Abigail m.1668 - Northampton, Hampshire, Ma
Drake, Agnes b.1482 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Agnes b.1542 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Alice b.1506 - of Ashe, Dorset, Eng., England
Drake, Amey m.1685 - Weymouth, Norfolk Co, Ma
Drake, Amy b.1547 - Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Barnard Sir b.1528 - of Mt. Drake, Ashe, Devonshire, England
Drake, Bernard b.1559 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Bernard b.1517 - of Ashe, Stourpaine, Dorset, England
Drake, Elizabeth m.1690 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Mass.
Drake, Elizabeth - Living
Drake, Elizabeth b.1585 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Experience m.1706 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Drake, Gertrude b.1563 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Gilbert b.1504 - of Ashe, Dorset, Eng., England
Drake, Gilbert b.1476 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Gilbert b.1536 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Gilbert b.1521 - of, Ashe, Dorsetshire, England
Drake, Henry b.1555 - Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Humphrey b.1551 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Joan m.1711 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Drake, Johane b.1546 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Johanna (Alice) b.1519 - of, Ashe, Dorsetshire, England
Drake, John m.1820 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Drake, John b.1350 - Ashe, Dorset, England
Drake, John b.1418 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, John b.1474 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, John b.1549 - Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, John b.1500 - of, Ashe, Dorsetshire, England
Drake, John b.1448 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, John b.1534 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, John b.1388 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Mrs-Gilbert m.1547 - of, Ash, Devonshire, England
Drake, Nicholas b.1561 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Richard Esquire b.1535 - of, Esher, Surrey, England
Drake, Robert b.1553 - Wiscombe, Ashe, Devonshire, England
Drake, Robert b.1528 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, Robert b.1478 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Robert b.1538 - Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Thomas b.1480 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Drake, Thomas b.1540 - of Ottery-St.Mar, Devonshire, England
Drake, Ursula b.1557 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drake, William b.1564 - of Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Drr, Veit m.1716 -
Drury, Dorothy m.1629 - Rushbrooke, Suffolk, England
Drury, Hugh m.1672 - , Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Drury, Thomas Esq. m.1687 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Mass
Drury, Thomas - Living
Dunbar, Agnes m.1180 -
Dunbar, John m.1679 - , Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Dunbar, John - Living
Dunbar, Maldred Earl of b.1015 - of, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Dunbar, Mr. - Living
Dunbar, Mrs-Gospatrick Earl of m.1087 -
Dunbar, Waltheof Earl of b.1062 - of, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Duncan, William m.1905 -
Duncombe, George b.1564 - , , , England
Duncombe, Lettice b.1586 - England
Dunham, Abigail m.1644 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Dunnett, Leonard - Living
Durham, Frances - Living
Durneford, Joan - Living
Dutton, Raffe m.1561 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Dwight, Mary - Living
Dwight, Mary - Living
Dye, Anna m.1786 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri
Dyer, Mary m.1731 - Newport, Newport, Ri
Dyggs, Isabel b.1465 - Burham, Kent, England
Dyggs, Mrs-John b.1430 - Burham, Kent, England
Dyngley, Etheldreda m.1548 - of, , England
Eames, Martha m.1674 -
Earl, Mary m.1708 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Earle, Marle m.1708 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Earle, Martha m.1662 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island
Earliwine, Susanna m.1795 -
East, William m.1655 - of, Milford, New Haven, Conn.
Easter, Mary - Living
Easterford, - Living
Easterford, Mr. - Living
Eberhardt, Barbara b.1579 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Eberhardt, Stephen b.1515 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Eberhardt, Thomas b.1547 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Echingham, Anne Baroness Audley m.1447 - of Echingham, , Sussex, England
Eden, Joan m.1495 - of Penhurst, Kent, England
Edgcombe, Joan - Living
Edgecombe, Piers Knight - Living
Edgeley, - Living
Edgeley, Mr. - Living
Edmond, Elizabeth - Living
Edmonds, Capt. Andrew m.1675 -
Edmunds, - Living
Edmunds, Andrew m.1675 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Edson, Elizabeth m.1659 - Salem, Essex, Mass.
Edwards, John m.1629 - of Cholesbury, Bucks, Eng
Edwards, Nathaniel m.1728 - of Springfield, Hampden, Mass
Egerton, Ellen m.1509 -
Egerton, Ralph m.1606 - , Richmond, Surrey, England
Eilzer, Unknown b.687 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Eisen, Barbara b.1625 - of Sinbronn, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Eisen, Hans (Johann) b.1600 - , , , Austria
Eisen, Mrs Hans b.1597 - , , , Austria
Eisen, Warggraeff b.1574 - <, , , Austria>
Elainge, Robert m.1570 -
Elam, Unknown b.1536 - After Adam
Elder, Edna M. b.1875 - Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Eldred, Mary m.1666 - Ri
Eleazer, Unknown b.1342 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Eliakim, Unknown b.877 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Eliashib, Unknown b.406 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Eliot, Lydia - Living
Elizabeth, Elizabeth - Living
Elliot, Lydia b.1718 - Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Ellis, Anne b.1364 - , Hunslet, Yorkshire, England
Ellis, Henry b.1338 - <, Hunslet, Yorkshire, England>
Ellis, Katherine b.1288 -
Ellis, Matthias (Twin) m.1678 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Ellyott, Jane b.1394 -
Elmodam, Unknown b.616 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Elms, John m.1472 -
Elsinge, Robert m.1570 - Stoke-by-Nyland, Suffolkshire, England
Elyot, Richard - Living
Emmenzetter, Maria m.1661 - Dottenheim, Mittelfranken, Germany
Emmons, Mercy b.1700 - Gloucester, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Emmons, Polly b.1802 - Moretown, New York
Endoe, Mary m.1631 - of Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut
England, Aethelreda Princess of b.1042 - of, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
England, Alfgifu (Aelflaed) Queen of b.968 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Alfred "The Great" King of b.848 - of, Wantage, Berkshire, England
England, Athelstan Prince of b.986 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Ealdgyth (Algitha), Queen of m.1015 - of, London, Middlesex, England
England, Ealhswith Queen of b.852 - , Mercia, , England
England, Ecgwyn of - Living
England, Edburh Princess of b.918 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edgar "The Peacable", King of b.943 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edgar Prince of b.994 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Edgiva Queen of b.896 - , , Kent, England
England, Edgiva, Princess of b.920 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edith Princess of b.995 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Edmund I "The Magnificent" King of b.922 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edmund II "Ironside" King of b.988 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Edmund Prince of b.873 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edmund, Prince of b.966 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edred King of b.924 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edred Prince of b.990 - of, , , Wessex, England
England, Edward I "The Elder" King of b.871 - , , Wessex, England
England, Edward Prince of b.992 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Edwig Prince of b.991 - of, , , Wessex, England
England, Edwy "The Fair", King of b.940 - Wessex, England
England, Egbert Prince of b.987 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Elfgifu Princess of b.997 - , , Wessex, England
England, Elfleda Queen of - Living
England, Elfrida (Elfthryth), Queen of b.947 - of, , Devonshire, England
England, Elfridam Princess of b.877 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Elgiva Queen of - Living
England, Elgiva Queen of b.922 - , , Wessex, England
England, Ethelfleda Princess of b.869 - , , Wessex, England
England, Ethelfleda Queen of - Living
England, Ethelfleda Queen of m.961 - of, , , England
England, Ethelgiva Princess of b.875 - , , Wessex, England
England, Ethelred II "The Unready" King of b.968 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Ethelwerd Prince of b.879 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Miss Ethelred of b.1001 - of, Wherewell, Hampshire, England
England, Miss Princess of b.1000 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Mrs-Edwy of Concubine - Living
England, Mrs-Ethelwerd of - Living
England, Viola m.1898 - Fayette Co., IL
England, Wulfhild Princess of b.998 - of, , Wessex, England
England, Wulfryth of - Living
Engle, George m.1771 - , Guilford, N.C.
Englefield, Thomas Knight m.1487 -
Enochs, Rachel m.1781 - , Greene, Pa
Enos, John m.1709 - of Westerly, Washington, R.I.
Enox, Susan m.1832 - , , Ohio
Ensign, - Living
Epes, Daniel m.1644 -
Epps Read, Martha m.1637 - , , Eng.
Er, Unknown b.640 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Er, Unknown b.1400 - Bc, , , Caanan
Ernley, Michael - Living
Ernlo, Michael - Living
Errington, Robert b.1626 - of St. Botolph's, London, London, England
Esau, Unknown b.1700 - Twin, Son of, Jacob, Genesis 25:20
Esse, Alan b.1343 -
Esse, Elizabeth b.1375 - of, Thewborough, , England
Esse, Ingaret b.1373 -
Esten, Isaac - Living
Ester, Isaac - Living
Estey, Isaac b.1658 -
Estey, Isaac m.1655 - of, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Evaline, Grace m.1902 - Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN
Evans, Lewis m.1901 - , Utah, Utah
Everingham, John - Living
Eynon (Baynham), Robert ap b.1400 - of Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Ezell, Agnes b.1709 -
Ezrom, Hezron or b.1345 - Bc, , , Caanan
Fabian, Edward b.1409 -
Fabian, Jane b.1435 - of Childrey, Berks, Eng.
Fabian, Joan m.1515 -
Fadburn, Eadburh b.830 - of, , Mercia, England
Fairbanks, Lydia m.1640 - Boston, , Ma
Falknor, Nancy Morris m.1869 - Minn.
Fallowell, John m.1667 - , Plymouth, Ma
Farley, Edith - Living
Farringdon, John - Living
Farwell, Mary m.1665 -
Fastolfe, Alice b.1443 -
Fauconer, Katherine m.1417 -
Faust, John b.1719 - Langenselbold, Hesse, Germany
Faust, Philip b.1714 - Langenselbold, Hesse, Germany
Faxon, Thomas b.1662 - Braintree, Ma
Fayerfoxe, Elizabeth (Fairfax) m.1578 - St.James Parish, Bury St.Edmunds, Co.Suffolk, Eng.
Fellows, Mary m.1666 - Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Fenn, Benjamin Junior m.1663 - Milford, Middlesex, Connecticut
Fenn, Berry or Fenn Berry or m.1640 - Museworth, Buckinghamshire, , England
Ferrel, John m.1794 -
Ferrers, Joan b.1360 - of, Bere Ferrers, Devonshire, England
Ferrers, William de Knight m.1437 -
Fettiplace, Anne b.1512 - of Shefford, Berks, Engl
Fettiplace, Anthony b.1461 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Anthony b.1486 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Bridget or Margaret b.1514 - of, Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Dorothy b.1485 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Edmund b.1505 - of Shefford, Berks, Eng
Fettiplace, Edward b.1495 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Eleanor b.1498 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Eliszabeth b.1524 - of Shefford, Berks, Engl
Fettiplace, Elizabeth b.1494 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Jane b.1490 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, John m.1549 - , , England
Fettiplace, John b.1427 - Childrey, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, John b.1507 - Shefford, Berks, Engl
Fettiplace, John Knight b.1484 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Margaret b.1463 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Mary b.1492 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Miles b.1508 - Shefford, Berks, Engl
Fettiplace, Richard b.1460 - of, Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Susan b.1488 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Susan b.1510 - of Shefford, Berks, Engl
Fettiplace, Thomas b.1397 - of East Shefford, Berks, Eng
Fettiplace, Thomas b.1458 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Thomas b.1493 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace, Thomas b.1506 - Shefford, Berks, Engl
Fettiplace, William b.1459 - Shefford, Berkshire, England
Fettiplace (Phetiplace), Anne b.1496 - Shelford Parva
Fferrers, John m.1472 -
Ficke, Anna Magdalene m.1722 - Frankenhouse, , Bavaria
Ficke, Barbara Anna m.1722 - Frankenhouse, , Bavaria
Fickel, Anna Magdelena m.1722 - Frankenhofen, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Field, Sarah b.1701 - Hatfield, Hampshire Co., Ma
Fields, Abner m.1818 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Fiennes, Edward L Saye And Sele m.1529 - , Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England
Fiennes, Elizabeth m.1522 - of Broughton Castle, Oxfordshire, England
Fiennes, Henry m.1474 -
Fiennes, Isabel - Living
Fifer, Christopher d.1824 - Clark Co., Il
Fifer, Mary b.1797 -
Fincham, John m.1471 - , Bedingfield, Suffolk, England
Findern, Isabela b.1390 - of, , , England
Finks, Elizabeth m.1750 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Fisher, Anthony Sr. m.1606 - Syleham, Suffolk, Eng, England
Fisher, William b.1550 - Stradhaugh, Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fisk, Eleazer b.1562 - of St. James, Suffolk, England
Fisk, Eunice b.1564 - of St. James, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Abigail b.1675 - Wenham, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, Abria b.1606 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Agnes b.1545 - Stadhaugh, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Anna b.1526 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Anne m.1677 - Chelmsford, Middlesex Cty, Mass
Fiske, David b.1568 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Eleazer - Living
Fiske, Eleazer b.1576 - St James, So. Elmham, Suffolk, Eng
Fiske, Eleazer b.1556 - Fressingfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Elizabeth b.1669 - Wenham, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, Elizabeth b.1684 -
Fiske, Elizabeth b.1558 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England, England
Fiske, Elizabeth b.1572 - Laxfield, Suffolk, , England
Fiske, Elizabeth b.1522 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Elizabeth m.1693 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, Elizabeth ,mrs., - Living
Fiske, Elizabeth Mrs. m.1576 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Esther b.1621 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Esther b.1546 - So Elmham, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Esther (Hester) b.1582 - St James, So Elmham, Sfflk, Eng
Fiske, Esther (Hester) b.1597 - Weybred, Suffolk, Eng
Fiske, Eunice b.1578 - St James, So. Elmham, Suffolk, Eng
Fiske, George b.1529 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Hannah b.1580 - St. James, South Elmham, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Hannah (Anne) b.1595 - of Weybread, Suffolk, , England
Fiske, Hester b.1568 - St. James, South Elmham, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Jeffrey b.1552 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England, England
Fiske, Jeremy b.1535 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Joan m.1570 - St. James, South Elmham, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Joan b.1541 - Stadhaugh, Suffolk, England
Fiske, John b.1630 - Weybred, Suffolk, England, Eng
Fiske, John b.1654 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, John b.1655 - Wenham, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, John b.1538 -
Fiske, John b.1592 - St. James, So. Elmham, Suff., Eng
Fiske, John b.1527 - Stadhaugh, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Margaret b.1658 - Wenham, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, Margery Mrs m.1610 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Martha b.1666 - of, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Fiske, Martha b.1617 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Mary b.1661 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, Mary b.1570 - Dennington, Suffolk, England or South, Suffolk
Fiske, Mary Anne b.1586 - South Elham, Suffolk, , Eng
Fiske, Mrs. Jeremy - Living
Fiske, Nathan b.1615 - Loxfield, Framingham, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Nathan b.1632 - Weybred, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Nathaniel b.1672 - Wenham, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, Nathaniel b.1586 - Ditchingham, South Elmham, Weybred, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Nathaniel b.1602 - South Elmham, Weybread, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Nicholas m.1540 - of Laxfield, , , Eng
Fiske, Nicholas b.1522 - of, Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Richard b.1554 - Fressingfield, Suff., Eng.
Fiske, Richard b.1554 - Fressingfield, Suff., Eng.
Fiske, Richard b.1527 - Stadhaugh, Sfflk, Eng, Gb
Fiske, Robert b.1525 - Stadaugh, Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Sarah b.1653 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Fiske, Sarah b.1602 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Thomas b.1570 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, Thomas b.1532 - Laxton, Wenhaston, Suffolk, England
Fiske, William b.1663 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Fiske, William b.1566 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske, William b.1537 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske ?, Elizabeth b.1505 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Fiske (Ffiske), Jeffrey b.1568 - Laxfield, Suffolk, England, England
Fitch, Susan Whiting m.1660 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Fitswilliam, Edward b.1518 - of, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Fitswilliam, Joanna b.1530 - of, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Fitz, John - Living
FitzAlan, Alice b.1385 -
FitzAlan, Margaret m.1387 - of, , , England
FitzAlan, Richard "Copped Hat" Earl of Arundel m.1344 - , Ditton, , England
FitzAlan (de Arundel), Eleanor b.1428 - of Bechworth, Surrey, England
FitzDolphin, Maldred b.1157 - of, Raby, Durham, England
FitzGeffery, Mary - Living
FitzHerbert, Barbara b.1482 - of, Etwall & ash, Derbyshire, England
FitzHerbert, Hemry b.1426 - Norbury, Drbysh, Engl
FitzHerbert, Henry b.1365 - Norbury, Drbysh, Engl
FitzHerbert, John Esquire b.1453 - of, Etrall ash, Derbyshire, England
FitzHerbert, Nicholas b.1410 - Norbury, Drbysh, Engl
FitzHerbert, Ralph (Radus) b.1428 - Norbury, Derbyshire, England
FitzHerbert, Robert b.1424 - Norbury, Drbysh, Engl
FitzHerbert, William b.1308 - Norbury, Drbysh, Engl
FitzHerbert, William b.1330 - Norbury, Drbysh., Engl
FitzHervey, Agatha b.1201 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
FitzHervey, Henry b.1167 - of, , , England
FitzHervey, Mrs-Henry b.1179 - of, Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England
FitzMaldred, Robert b.1170 - of, Raby, Durham, England
FitzNichol, Katherine b.1378 - of Hull, Nympsfield, Gloucestershire, England
FitzNichol, Thomas Knight b.1352 -
FitzRoger, John Gentleman b.1335 - , , , Eng.
FitzRogers, John Knight b.1386 - , Ashington, Somerset, England
FitzSiward, Sibyl Queen of Scotland m.1030 - , , , Scotland
FitzWalter, Elizabeth Baroness Dinham m.1469 - of, Woodhouse Walter, Essex, England
FitzWilliam, Ellen (Helena) b.1523 - of, Melton, Northamptonshire, England
FitzWilliam, Mary b.1510 - of, Milton, Kent, England
FitzWilliam, William Sir Knight b.1440 - of, Gainfpark Hall, Essex, England
FitzWilliams, Hen. m.1622 -
Flagg, Allen m.1685 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Flamburg, Isota (Flamburgh) b.1300 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Flamburgh, Robert b.1274 -
Fleishman, Cyriacus (Ziriakus) m.1701 - Neuenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
Fleming, Alice b.1118 - of, Furness, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Alice b.1245 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Alzina Relief - Living
Fleming, Alzina Relief b.1841 - Crown Point, Essex, Ny
Fleming, Anselem b.1156 - of Stanton, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Ashbill b.1831 - Crown Point, Essex, Ny
Fleming, Daniel b.1162 - of Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, David b.1834 -
Fleming, Edger Lee b.1860 -
Fleming, Eleanor or Ada (Mrs) b.1155 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Eliaum b.1832 -
Fleming, Elijah b.1830 -
Fleming, Everette Dain b.1875 - Nashua, Clayton, Ia
Fleming, Frank Authur b.1838 - Nashua, Chickasaw, Ia
Fleming, Fuller b.1840 - Charles City, Floyd, Ia
Fleming, Goditha b.1164 - of Aldingham, Lancashire, Eng.
Fleming, Harriet b.1845 - <, , Holland>
Fleming, John b.1120 - of, Furness, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Jonet b.1365 - of Pen-Llin, Ogmore, Glamorgan, Wales
Fleming, Jordon b.1160 - of Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Leuina b.1847 - <, , Holland>
Fleming, Lucien West b.1872 - Nashua, Clayton, Ia
Fleming, Marcelius b.1158 - of Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Margery b.1247 - of Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Maryjane b.1856 - Monona, Clayton, Ia
Fleming, Michael b.1124 - Caernarvon Castle, Beckermet, Cumberland, Engl
Fleming, Michael b.1241 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Michael b.1085 - Caernarvon Castle, Beckermet, Cumberland, England
Fleming, Michael b.1197 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, Moses b.1797 - Crown Point.Essex Co., New York
Fleming, Mrs Eleanor b.1221 - , Aldingham, .Lancashire, England
Fleming, Mrs. Richard m.1168 -
Fleming, Richard b.1147 - Caernarvon Castle, Beckermet, Cumberland, Engl
Fleming, Rosina b.1849 - <, , Holland>
Fleming, Susan Anabel b.1863 - , , Ia
Fleming, Sybil Alzina b.1859 - Nashua, Chickasaw, Ia
Fleming, William - Living
Fleming, William b.1059 -
Fleming, William b.1122 - of, Furness, Lancashire, England
Fleming, William b.1243 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, William b.1219 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleming, William b.1153 - of Aldingham, Lancashire, Eng.
Fleming, William b.1843 -
Fleming, William Eugene b.1861 - Boone, Boone, Ia
Flemming, Daniel b.1199 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Fleshman, John m.1753 - of Culpeper, Virginia
Fletcher, Jane m.1671 - of Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Flye, Alice m.1506 - of Littlecote Manor, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England
Fogge, John Sir m.1462 -
Folg, Anne Margaret m.1710 - , , Germany
Folger, Dorcas m.1675 - Charlestown, Suffolk, Ma
Folsom, Anna (Elizabeth) b.1690 - , , Germany
Foorde, Martha Mrs b.1580 - of, Inkburrow, Worcestershire, England
Foorde (Ford), William m.1599 - , , Devon, England
Ford, m.1617 -
Ford, Mary m.1658 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Fordyce, James m.1710 - Probably, Westerly, Rhode Island
Fortescue, Gertrude m.1563 - of, Filleigh, Devonshire, England
Forthe, Margaret b.1570 - Bracon-ash, Norwich, Norfolk, Eng
Forthe, Robert b.1540 - London, London, Eng
Forthe, Thomas Esq. b.1567 - of Middle Temple, London, London, England
Fortiscue, Mary m.1517 -
Fosbrook, Susanna m.1602 - Glemsford, Suffolk, , England
Fossard, Agnes b.1105 - of, Doncaster, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, Aufrida - Living
Fossard, Emma b.1112 - of, Hutton-Mulgrave, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, Geoffrey b.1114 - of, Doncaster, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, Gertrude b.1084 - of South Otterington, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, Mrs-Nigel b.1044 -
Fossard, Mrs. William m.1143 -
Fossard, Nigel b.1040 - of, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, Robert b.1068 - of, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, Walter b.1070 - of, Yorkshire, England
Fossard, William b.1108 - of, Doncaster, Yorkshire, England
Foster, m.1604 - , , , England
Foster, - Living
Foster, Joseph - Living
Foster, Mary m.1690 - New London, New London, Ct
Foster, Mr. - Living
Foster, Mr. m.1605 -
Foster, Rebecca m.1700 - New London, New London, Ct
Fourman, Viola m.1893 -
Foust, Anna Barbara m.1772 - Brick Church, Guilford, North Carolina
Foust, John Jr m.1780 - , Orange, North Carolina
Foust, Judith m.1777 - Guilford Co., North Carolina
Foust (Faust), John Philip m.1763 - , Berks, Pa
Fowell, Jane or Joan m.1486 -
Fowler, Richard - Living
Fowler, Thomas - Living
Fox, Elizabeth Twin m.1665 - , , Ma
Fox, John b.1562 - Walcott, , England
Fox, William b.1534 - , , England
France, Judith Princess of Queen of England m.856 - , , , England
Franceis or Francys, John - Living
Francis, m.1563 -
Franke, (Margaret) Agnes b.1312 - of, Alwoodley, Yorkshire, England
Franke, Nicholas b.1286 -
Franks, Marcomir Iv, King of The m.129 -
Frauncys, Joan m.1457 - of Osmaston, Derbyshire, England
Frea, Frigg (Friege) - Living
Freeman, Mary m.1716 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Mass.
French, Alice b.1609 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Ann b.1617 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Dorcas b.1614 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Edward b.1612 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Elizabeth b.1586 - of Bures St Mary, Suffolk, England
French, Ephraim b.1643 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
French, Jacob b.1555 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Jacob Jr. b.1582 - ., Bures St Mary, Suffolk, England
French, John b.1599 - of, Compton Dundon, Somersetshire, England
French, John b.1635 - Ipswich, Suffolk, Massachusetts
French, John b.1622 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, John b.1596 - ., Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Margaret c.1619 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Mary b.1603 - of Misterton, Somersetshire, England
French, Mary c.1634 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
French, Mary b.1632 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
French, Mary b.1624 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Maude - Living
French, Richard b.1573 - of Misterton, Somerset, England
French, Robert b.1600 - ., Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Samuel b.1639 - of Ipswich, Essex, Ma
French, Sarah b.1630 - England or Massachusetts
French, Stephen b.1601 - Misterton, Somerset, England
French, Susan b.1616 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Susan b.1589 - ., Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Thomas c.1608 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, Thomas b.1635 - Ipswich, Essex, Ma
French, Thomas b.1584 - Assington, Suffolk, England
French, William b.1580 - ., Bures St Mary, Suffolk, England
Frisby, Anna m.1819 - Gaines, Orleans Co., Ny
Fritz, Elizabeth b.1833 - Preble County, Ohio
Fritz, Jacob b.1808 - , , Penn
Fritz, Michael b.1835 - , Preble, Ohio
Fritz, Nancy C b.1834 - , Preble, Ohio
Frogentall, Richard Sir - Living
Frognall, Ursula m.1541 - , , England
Frost, b.1538 - Glemsford, Norwich, Suffolk, England
Frost, Alice b.1594 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Alice b.1577 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Ambrose b.1575 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Andrew b.1570 -
Frost, Anne b.1586 - Suffolk, England, England
Frost, Anne b.1592 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Anne b.1572 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Edmond b.1573 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Edward b.1561 - of, Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Edward Jr. b.1605 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Elizabeth b.1588 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England, England
Frost, Elizabeth b.1570 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Elizabeth b.1582 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Erasmus b.1564 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Francois b.1580 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Gelielinne b.1558 -
Frost, Grace b.1560 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, Henry b.1568 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, John b.1610 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, John b.1540 - Stanstead, Sudbury, Suffolk, England
Frost, John b.1559 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Frost, John b.1508 - Somerton, Suffolkshire, England, England
Frost, Mary b.1596 - Stanstead, Suffolkshire, England, England
Frost, Mary b.1607 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Thomas b.1615 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Thomas b.1616 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frost, Thomas b.1594 - Hartest, Suffolk, England
Frost, Thomasine b.1600 - Stanstead, St. James, Suffolk, England
Frost, William b.1589 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Frye, - Living
Frye, William m.1638 - Weymouth, Dorsetshire, Eng
Fulford, Thomas m.1466 -
Fuller, Etheldred Mrs m.1600 - of, Takely Grange, Hertfordshire, England
Fullman, Alice Pulman or m.1599 - Prob. So. Elmham, Norfolk, England
Fulwater, b.1569 -
Fulwater, b.1567 -
Fulwater, b.1561 - St. Ann Parish, Blackfriers, London, England
Fulwater, b.1557 - St. Ann Parish, Blackfriers, London, England
Fulwater, Aguila b.1589 - Blackfriar, London, England, Great Britain
Fulwater, Aquila b.1594 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Child b.1579 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Child b.1576 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Elizabeth b.1577 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Ezekiel b.1583 - Blackfriar, London, England, Great Britain
Fulwater, Henry b.1545 - of St. Ann Par., Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Isaac b.1581 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Jacob b.1571 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Joane or Jane b.1591 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, John b.1575 - St. Ann Parish, Blackfriers, London, England
Fulwater, Mary b.1593 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Mary b.1587 - Blackfriar, London, England, Great Britain
Fulwater, Mr. b.1519 - of Germany
Fulwater, Mrs. b.1523 - of Germany
Fulwater, Mrs. Ann m.1603 -
Fulwater, Mrs. Mary m.1596 - St. Anne Parish, Blackfriars, London, England
Fulwater, Sarah b.1573 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Furneaux, Elizabeth b.1321 - of, Stringston, Somersetshire, England
Fush, Joanna b.1589 - , , Dorsetshire, England
Fyske, -Mrs Jeremy m.1587 - Laxfield, Suffolk, Eng
Fyske, -Mrs William m.1554 - Laxfield, Suffolk, Eng
Gaar, Catherine b.1699 -
Gaar, Catherine b.1688 - Frankenhofen, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Gaar, Hans b.1545 - Kolmbach, Oberpflaz, Bavaria, Germ
Gaar, John b.1693 - Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germany
Gaar, Rosina b.1713 - Illenschwang, , Dinkelsbuhl, Ger
Gaar, Thomas b.1575 - Bayern, Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany
Gaar (Gahr), Anna Catharina b.1633 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bav, Ger
Gaar (Gahr), Anna Maria b.1634 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Gaar (Gahr), Apollonia b.1669 - Ehigen, I/Ries, Schwaben, Bavaria
Gaar (Gahr), Catharina b.1626 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bav, Ger
Gaar (Gahr), Eva b.1666 - Ehigen, I/Ries, Schwaben, Bavaria
Gaar (Gahr), Johann Andreas b.1629 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bav, Ger
Gaar (Gahr), Wolfgang b.1661 - Ehigen, I/Ries, Schwaben, Bavaria
Gaar (Garr), John Adam b.1711 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Gabb, Joan b.1552 - of Painswick, Gloucester, England
Gad, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Gage, Edward m.1558 - , , England
Gahr, Thomas b.1565 - Beyern, Regensburg, Germany
Gahr (Gaar), Barbara b.1570 - Beyern, Regensburg, Germany
Gahr (Gaar), Elizabeth b.1573 - Beyern, Regensburg, Germany
Gainai, Ethelred "Mucil" Eald of The b.825 - of, , Mercia, England
Gale, Abraham m.1673 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Gamage, Katherine b.1500 - of Coety, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gamage, Margaret b.1439 -
Gamage, Margaret Baroness Howard b.1515 - of Coety, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gamage, Margaret b.1536 - of van, Montgomery, Wales
Gamage, Margred b.1473 - of, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gamage, Mary b.1527 - of Coety, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gamage, Morgan b.1447 - of, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gamage, Robert b.1510 - of Coety, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gamage, Thomas Knight b.1484 - of Coety, Coety, Glamorganshire, Wales
Gar, Anna Magdalena (Mrs.) m.1722 - Frankenhofen, Bavaria, Germany
Gardener, Thomas m.1594 -
Gardiner, (Sir) Thomas Sir b.1591 - Greenford, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Anne b.1593 - Greenford, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Anne b.1475 - of, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England
Gardiner, Benoni b.1637 - , Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Dorcas b.1653 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Gardiner, Edward b.1505 - of Standon, Hertford, England
Gardiner, Edward b.1477 - of, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
Gardiner, Elizabeth b.1686 - Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Gardiner, Elizabeth b.1543 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Frances - Living
Gardiner, George b.1599 - Greenford Magna, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, George b.1647 - Newport, Newport, Ri, Rhode Island
Gardiner, George b.1554 - Jenynsbury, Hertford, England
Gardiner, Henrie b.1587 - Gt. Greenford, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Henry b.1648 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Gardiner, Henry b.1525 - Jenynsbury, Hertford, England
Gardiner, Henry III b.1526 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Henry Sr. b.1500 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, James b.1550 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, John b.1595 - Greenford, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, John b.1551 - Jenynsbury, Hertford, England
Gardiner, John b.1527 - Jenynsbury, Hertford, England
Gardiner, John b.1501 - of Standon, Hertford, England
Gardiner, Michael Reverend b.1552 - Greenford Magna, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Mrs. - Living
Gardiner, Mrs. Joan - Living
Gardiner, Nicholas b.1653 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Gardiner, Rebecca b.1639 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Gardiner, Thomas b.1475 - Stanton, Hertford, England
Gardiner, Thomas Knight b.1449 - of, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
Gardiner, William b.1422 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Gardiner, Jr., Michael b.1589 - Greenford, Middlesex, England
Gardiner?, Sarah - Living
Gardner, Dorothy - Living
Gardner, Henry III b.1550 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Gardner, Mary m.1667 -
Gardner, Mrs George - Living
Gardner, Mrs. Thomas m.1557 - , Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Gardner, Rachel - Living
Gardner, Rachel b.1608 - England
Gardner, Sarah m.1755 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Gardner, Thomas b.1529 - of Sproughton, Suffolk, England
Gardner, William - Living
Gardner Gardiner, William Sr. b.1650 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Gargrave, Robert - Living
Garland, Jane - Living
Garment, Alice b.1600 - of, Weymouth, Dorset, England
Garr, Anders (Johan Andreas) b.1629 - , Regensburg, Oberpflaz, Bavaria
Garr, Andreas b.1718 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Andreas b.1685 - Bayern, Mittelfranken, Dinkelsbuhl, Bavaria, Germany
Garr, Anna Barbara m.1725 -
Garr, Anna Margharetta b.1721 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Catharine b.1683 - Frankenhofen, Frankenhofen, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Elizabeth m.1748 -
Garr, Elizabeth Barbara b.1715 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Elizabeth Barbara b.1728 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Eusebia Nevilla m.1837 - Danville, , Indiana
Garr, Eve Maria b.1719 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Hans (John) Johannes b.1657 - Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germany
Garr, Johannes (John) b.1657 - Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
Garr, John Leonard b.1726 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, John Leonard b.1724 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, John Martin b.1697 - Frankenhofen, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr, Louis m.1818 - of Madison Co., Madison, Virginia
Garr, Nicholas m.1797 - , Culpeper, Va
Garr, Theodore George b.1722 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garr (Gaar), Lorenz b.1716 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germany
Garr or Gaar, Elizabeth Barbara b.1730 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Garrad, Dy m.1627 -
Garrard, Dyana (Dy) m.1627 - Nayland, Suffolk, England, England
Garrett, Kerhappach - Living
Garriott, Ambrose S m.1776 - , , Virginia
Garrold, Rose m.1561 - Belchamp, Saint Paul, Essex, England
Gary, Sarah - Living
Gascoigne, Alice b.1390 - , Hunslet, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Anne b.1351 - of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Elizabeth b.1392 - , Hunslet, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Elizabeth b.1353 - of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Joan b.1394 - , Hunslet, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, John b.1343 - of, Lythe, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Miss b.1355 - of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Nicholas b.1358 - of, Lasingcroft, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Richard b.1355 - of, Hunslet, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Thomas b.1388 - , Hunslet, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, Thomas b.1347 - of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1089 - of, Lasingcroft, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1120 - of, Lasingcroft, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1151 - of, Lasingcroft, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1218 - of, Harewood, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1250 - of, Harewood, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1182 - of, Lasingcroft, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William Knight b.1293 - of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England
Gascoigne, William b.1335 - of, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England
Gate, James - Living
Gates, Caroline m.1824 - Orleans Co., Ny
Gates, Thomas Esquire - Living
Gator, John b.1555 - , of Sussex, , England
Gator, Katharine b.1580 - Chelmsford, Essex, England
Gaucell (Gasnell), Frances m.1616 - of, Watlington, Norfolk, England
Gavitt, Mary m.1723 - Westerly, Washington Co., Ri
Gawkethorp, Matilda de m.1292 - of, Harewood, Yorkshire, England
Gaylord, Hannah b.1647 -
Geilo, Wilhelmina b.1835 -
, Cook, IL
George, Elizabeth m.1830 - , , Virginia
George, Magdalene m.1639 - Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
George, Sarah - Living
George, Susannah m.1648 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Gersholm, Ralph - Living
Gibbs, Hannah m.1675 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Gibbs, Sarah m.1675 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Mass.
Giffard, Alice b.1445 - of, Thewborough, Devonshire, England
Giffard, Andrew b.1369 - of, Thewborough, Devonshire, England
Giffard, John - Living
Giffard, John b.1408 - of, Thewborough, , England
Giffard, Mrs-John b.1318 - of, Yeo, Devonshire, England
Giffard, Stephen Thomas (Gifford) b.1438 - of, Thewborough, Devonshire, England
Giffard, Thomas b.1367 - of, Halsbury, Devonshire, England
Gifford, Walter b.1303 - of, Halsbury, Devonshire, England
Gifford (Giffard), John b.1334 - of, Yeo, Devonshire, England
Gifford (Giffard), Miss b.1360 - of, Yeo, Devonshire, England
Gilbert, Ambrose m.1568 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Gilbert, Isabella b.1445 - of, Compton, Devonshire, England
Gilbert, Martha m.1680 - Ipswich, Essex, Ma
Gilbert, Otho m.1531 - of Compton, Devon, England
Gilbert, Otho (Otes) b.1419 -
Gilbreath, James m.1820 - , Guernsey, Oh
Gillet, William m.1603 - , , , England
Gillett, Mary m.1658 - Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Gingles, Thomas B m.1854 - Clinton Co., IL
Glass, Anna Mary m.1764 - of Oley Twp, Berks, Pennsylvania
Glass, Anna Mary m.1773 - Brick Church, Guilford, North Carolina
Glaucell, Frances m.1616 -
Gleason, Experience b.1730 - Oxford, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Gleason, Mary m.1685 - "of" Malden, Middlesex, Ma
Gleason, Patience b.1729 - Framingham, Middlesex Co., Ma
Gleason, Susanah m.1655 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Gleason, Thomas -
Gleason, Thomas m.1695 - Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Glinn, Hannah m.1634 - Saint Dustan, Stepney, London, England
Goble, Daniel m.1663 - Sudbury, Mass.
Godberton, - Living
Godbertson, Godbert m.1621 - , Leyden, , England
Goddard, Ann or Anna - Living
Goddard, John - Living
Godrington Cutterington, John - Living
Gold, Alice b.1408 -
Gold, Sibilla m.1565 -
Goldhop, Agnes b.1531 - Horsham, Sussex, England
Goldthwait, Betsey m.1790 - E. Stoughton, , Ma
Goodale, Alice b.1560 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, Anne b.1599 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Edward b.1603 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, Elizabeth b.1610 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Elizabeth b.1574 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, Elizabeth b.1608 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, Elizabeth Mrs b.1540 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, George b.1600 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, George b.1564 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, John b.1602 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, John b.1566 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, John b.1540 - Warmsworth, York, England
Goodale, Margaret b.1598 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Margaret b.1562 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, Margarette b.1593 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, Martha - Living
Goodale, Mary b.1591 - Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Goodale, Mary b.1590 - Leicester, Leicester, England
Goodale, Mrs. Thomas b.1510 -
Goodale, Richard b.1594 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Robert b.1604 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Robert b.1568 - of, Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Thomas b.1510 - Downham, , England
Goodale, Thomas b.1608 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Thomas b.1572 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, Thomas b.1610 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, William b.1606 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodale, William b.1570 - Dennington, Suff, Eng
Goodale, William b.1596 - Dennington, Suffolk, England
Goodell, Robert b.1601 - , of Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng
Goodman, John m.1685 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Mass.
Goodman, Mary m.1684 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Goodsel, - Living
Gore, Maria m.1593 -
Gorges, Elizabeth b.1421 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Gorges, Theobold b.1395 -
Gorton, Elizabeth m.1672 - Warwick, Town of Warwick, Kent, Rhode Island
Gosling, Agnes or Annis b.1570 - of Penton Grafton, Weyhill, Hampshire, England
Gosling, Mr b.1535 - , , Hampshire, England
Gosling, Mrs b.1540 - , , Hampshire, England
Goss, Margaret m.1800 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Gould, b.1529 -
Gould, b.1531 -
Gould, Abigail - Living
Gould, Adam b.1655 - Prob. Salem, Essex Co., Ma
Gould, Adam b.1712 -
Gould, Ann - Living
Gould, Anne b.1714 - Kingstown, Ri
Gould, Dorcas b.1683 - Groton, Middlesex Co., Ma
Gould, Dorcas b.1716 - Kingstown, Ri
Gould, Elizabeth - Living
Gould, Elizabeth b.1733 - South Kingstown, Ri
Gould, Elizabeth m.1733 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Gould, Frances - Living
Gould, Isabella b.1540 -
Gould, James - Living
Gould, John b.1710 - Kingstown, Ri
Gould, John b.1679 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Gould, Joshua - Living
Gould, Mary b.1730 - South Kingstown, Ri
Gould, Mr. b.1515 -
Gould, Mrs Abigail - Living
Gould, Patience - Living
Gould, Patience - Living
Gould, Peter - Living
Gould, Rebecca b.1678 - Salem, Essex Co., Ma
Gould, Tabitha b.1738 - South Kingstown, Ri
Gould, Thomas b.1690 - Prob. Chelmsford, Middlesex Co., Ma
Gould, Thomas - Living
Gould, Unknown -
Gould, Wait - Living
Gould, Waite b.1736 - South Kingstown, Washington, Co., Ri
Gould, William b.1707 - Kingstown, Ri
Gould, William m.1761 -
Goulding, Arabella m.1717 -
Grange, William Isabel m.1566 - Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, , Eng
Granvile, Theodore de Knight - Living
Granville, b.1512 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, b.1514 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, b.1518 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, b.1520 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, b.1516 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, b.1510 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, b.1508 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, Digory b.1506 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, John b.1554 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, Mary b.1478 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, Richard Knight b.1495 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, Theobald b.1326 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Granville, Theobald b.1367 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville, Thomas Knight b.1417 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Granville (Grenville), William Knight b.1395 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Graves, Elizabeth b.1622 - of, Lynn, Essex Co, Ma
Graves, Mary m.1668 -
Graves, Mary Smith m.1704 - Springfield, Hampden Co, Mass
Graves, Thomas b.1596 - of Lynn, Essex Co, Ma
Gray, Hiram m.1800 - , Greene, Pa
Gray, Mary m.1671 - of New London, New London, Conn
Gray, William - Living
Grazebrook, Avery b.1530 - of, Middleton, Warwickshire, England
Grazebrook, Margaret b.1556 - Middleton, Warwickshire, England
Green, Mary m.1718 -
Green, Mary Grey or m.1671 -
Greene, Ellen b.1544 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Greene, Mr b.1518 -
Greeson, Isaac b.1712 - , , , Germany
Greeson, Jacob b.1744 - , , Pa
Greeson, John b.1748 - <, , Pa>
Greeson, Margaret b.1750 - , , Pa
Greeson, Nicholas b.1746 - <, , Pa>
Greeson, Unitie b.1752 - <, , Pa>
Greet, John - Living
Grenville, Agnes b.1498 - of FitzFord, Devon, England
Grenville, Agnes b.1479 - of, Stowe, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Anne (Amy) (Greenfield) b.1513 - , Stow, Devonshire, England
Grenville, Catherine b.1480 - of, Stowe, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Ellin b.1450 - of, , Cornwall, England
Grenville, Henry b.1294 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Honor Viscountess Lisle b.1476 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Jane b.1474 - of, Stowe, Cornwall, England
Grenville, John Knight b.1379 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Grenville, John Priest b.1452 - of, , Devonshire, England
Grenville, Margery b.1415 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Philippa b.1419 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Phillipa b.1502 - of, Bideford, Devon, England
Grenville, Phillipa b.1486 - of, Stow, Devonshire, England
Grenville, Richard b.1473 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Roger Knight b.1477 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Grenville, Thomas Knight b.1449 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Gresebroke, John b.1500 - of, Middleton, Warwick, Eng.
Gresham, Joan m.1614 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, , England
Grey, Anne - Living
Grey, Edith (Ida) de m.1405 - of, Cockayne Hatley, Bedfordshire, England
Grey, Eleanor m.1499 - of, Groby, Leicestershire, England
Grey, Elizabeth m.1429 - of, , Derbyshire, England
Grey, Elizabeth Baroness Chandos m.1512 - of, Wilton on Wye, Herefordshire, England
Grey, Elizabeth (Eleanor) m.1469 -
Grey, Lucy b.1403 - of, Codnor, Derbyshire, England
Greystoke, Thomas de - Living
Griffin, Mary m.1553 - Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Griffith, Margaret b.1431 - of, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, Enggland
Griffith, William Knight - Living
Grimm, Appollonia b.1630 - Ehigen, I/Ries, Schwaben, Bavaria
Grimm, Georg b.1591 - Ehingen, I/Ries, Schwaben, Bavaria
Grimm, Michael b.1572 - of Ehingen, I/Ries, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Griswold, Elizabeth m.1679 - Lyme, New London Co., Ct
Griswold, Mary Mrs m.1653 - Prob. Barnham, Suffolk, England
Griswold, Mrs. Mary m.1619 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
Gross, Elizabeth b.1698 - Hingham, Ma
Gross, Isaac b.1672 -
Grosse, Christopher - Living
Grout, Elizabeth m.1703 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Grover, Elizabeth m.1675 - Malden, Middlesex, Ma
Grover, Mrs Elizabeth(2) m.1675 -
Grubbs, Jane b.1550 - Inkburrow, Worcestershire, England
Gruffudd, Lleucu Verch - Living
Gruver, Solomon - Living
Grymes, Jemima - Living
Guildford, John - Living
Guildford, Thomas Knight m.1556 - , , , England
Guillim, Walter m.1592 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Guise, Reignold m.1400 - of, Elmore, Gloucester, England
Gunnarsson, Mrs-Thored b.948 - of Wessex, England
Gunnarsson, Thored Ealderman b.938 - of, , Wessex, England
Gunnor, b.908 - of, , Wessex, England
Gunstone, Isabella b.1368 - of, Shilston, Devonshire, England
Gunter, Katherine - Living
Guyse, Reynold (Anselm) - Living
Gwilym, Dafydd ap b.1384 - of Abergavenny, Gwent Uwch Coed, Monmouthshire, England
Gwyn, Felice - Living
Hackley, Ann m.1649 - , Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Hadelstone, Elizabeth b.1513 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Hadley, Dennis m.1721 - Watertown, , Mass
Hagar, Unknown - Living
Hagney, Conrad - Living
Hains, John m.1686 - Evesham a.S., Worchester, England
Haley, Bathsheba m.1796 - Prob., Franklin Co., Georgia
Halford, Andrew m.1812 - Rutherford Co., Nc
Halford, Lucy Caroline m.1860 -
Hall, - Living
Hall, - Living
Hall, Beatrice b.1610 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
Hall, Blan Wesley m.1855 -
Hall, Elisha m.1740 - , , Ri
Hall, Elizabeth - Living
Hall, Ellen b.1441 -
Hall, Mary Ann m.1857 -
Hall, Mr. m.1711 - , , Rhode Island
Hall, Samuel Sr. m.1663 - Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
Halle, Christina b.1456 - of Sallesbery
Halle, John b.1426 - of, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Hallett, Alice m.1664 - Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts
Hallford, - Living
Halse, Richard - Living
Ham, Unknown b.1550 - After Adam
Hamblin, Rose m.1638 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Hammer, Margaretha b.1569 - Segringen, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germany
Hammer, Urig b.1543 -
Hammond, Joseph - Living
Hammond, Mary m.1584 - of, Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Hamon, Ann m.1744 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Hampden, Edmund Knight - Living
Hampton, Alice b.1328 - Musbury, Devonshire, England
Hampton, Joan b.1330 - Musbury, Devonshire, England
Hampton, Lucy - Living
Hampton, Warren b.1300 - of, , Devonshire, England
Hamul, Unknown b.1350 - Bc, , , Caanan
Hanchford, Joan b.1399 -
Hancock, Charolette b.1787 - , , Milford, Ma
Hancock, Elizabeth - Living
Hancock, Fanny b.1770 - , , Hopkinton, Mass.
Hancock, George b.1797 - Milford, Worcestor Co., Mass.
Hancock, John b.1774 - , , Hopkinton, Ma
Hancock, Joseph b.1743 - <, , , Mass.>
Hancock, Louiva b.1793 - , , Milford, Ma
Hancock, Maggie - Living
Hancock, Phoebe b.1784 - , , Hopkinton, Ma
Hancock, Polly b.1784 - <, , Hopkinton, Ma>
Hancock, Samuel b.1776 - , , Hopkinton, Ma
Hancock, Sene b.1790 - , , Milford, Ma
Hansard, Anthony - Living
Haran, Unknown - Living
Harcourt, Alice b.1450 - of, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
Harcourt, Anne b.1448 - of, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
Harcourt, Christopher Knight b.1444 - of, Stanton, Oxfordshire, England
Harcourt, Edward b.1446 - of, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
Harcourt, Mrs-William m.1482 -
Harcourt, Richard Knight b.1416 - of, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
Harcourt, William b.1452 - of, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England
Harding, Isabel m.1560 - of, , Buckinghamshire, England
Harding, John b.1594 -
Harding, John b.1601 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Harding, John b.1597 - of, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Harding, Mary m.1777 - , , Massachusettes
Harding, Mrs. Joseph b.1600 - of England
Harding, Richard m.1619 - Braintree, Norfolk, Ma
Harding, Sarah b.1637 - of, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Hardres, Christopher b.1543 - Hardres, Kent, England
Hardres, Elizabeth b.1539 - Hardres Court, Hardres, Kent, England
Hardres, James b.1539 - Hardres, Kent, England
Hardres, Richard b.1537 - Hardres, Kent, England
Hardres, Thomas Sir Sir b.1511 - Hardres Court, Hardres, Kent, England
Harges, Elizabeth m.1637 - Wreslingworth, Bedford, England
Harington, Frances b.1584 - of, Kelston, Somersetshire, England
Harington, Francis b.1564 - Kelston, Somerset, Eng
Harlakenden, Anne c.1597 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Anne b.1546 - Warehorn, Kent, England
Harlakenden, Dorothy b.1596 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Harlakenden, Elizabeth b.1538 - Warehorn, Kent, England
Harlakenden, George - Living
Harlakenden, George b.1575 - Kenardington, Kent, England
Harlakenden, John b.1534 - Warehorn, Kent, England
Harlakenden, John b.1482 - of Warehorn, Kent, , Eng
Harlakenden, Katharine c.1604 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Lmehetable b.1607 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Mabel b.1571 - Kenardington, Kent, England
Harlakenden, Mable c.1602 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Richard b.1568 - Earls Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Harlakenden, Richard b.1543 - Warehorn, Kent, England
Harlakenden, Richard Dr. b.1602 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Roger b.1594 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Roger b.1541 - Kenardington, Kent, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Roger b.1577 - Kenardington, Kent, England
Harlakenden, Thomas b.1568 - Kenardington, Kent, Kent, Eng
Harlakenden, Thomas c.1599 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, Thomas b.1508 - Warehorn, Kent, England
Harlakenden, William b.1595 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, William b.1605 - Earls Colne, Essex, England
Harlakenden, William b.1536 - Warehorn, Kent, England
Harlakenden, William b.1456 -
Harman, Mrs-James b.1532 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Harman, Mrs. - Living
Harman, Olive b.1548 - Sanderstead, Crt, Surrey, England
Harman, Thomas m.1566 - of, Cannington, Somerset, England
Harman, William - Living
Harmen or Harmon, James b.1522 - of, Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Harmon, Mr. b.1500 - Surrey, Eng
Harrington, b.1597 - Bath, Som, England
Harrington, b.1585 - , Bath, Somerset, England
Harrington, Abigail b.1694 - , Providence, Ri
Harrington, Alexander b.1500 - of Stepney, Middlesex, England
Harrington, Alice b.1651 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Harrington, Amey b.1723 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Benjamin b.1692 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Benjamin Jr b.1650 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Deliverence b.1734 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Edward b.1593 - Bath, Somerset, Englbell, England
Harrington, Elisha b.1694 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Elizabeth b.1559 - Kelston, Somerset, Eng
Harrington, Elizabeth b.1597 - , Bath, Somersetshire, England
Harrington, Elizabeth b.1634 - of Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Harrington, Elizabeth Haverington b.1325 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Harrington, Elizabeth m.1503 -
Harrington, Esther - Living
Harrington, Freelove - Living
Harrington, Freelove b.1732 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, George b.1591 - Bath, Somerset, Englbell, England
Harrington, Hannah - Living
Harrington, Hannah b.1600 -
Harrington, Helena b.1591 - Bath, Som., Eng.
Harrington, Henry b.1589 - Bath, Somerset, England
Harrington, Hezekiah m.1750 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Isaac b.1660 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington, James b.1565 - Exton, Rutlandshire, Eng
Harrington, James b.1592 - Bath, Somerset, Englbell, England
Harrington, John b.1525 - of, Stepney, Middlesex, England
Harrington, John Knight b.1561 - Cannington, Somersetshire, Somerset, England
Harrington, John b.1734 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, John b.1662 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Harrington, John de b.1281 - of, Aldingham, Lancastershire, England
Harrington, Judith m.1752 - Smithfield, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Mary b.1599 - , Bath, Somersetshire, England
Harrington, Mary b.1656 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Harrington, Mercy b.1722 - Chepachet, , Ri
Harrington, Michael b.1293 - of, Farleton, Lancashire, England
Harrington, Mrs-Robert de b.1193 -
Harrington, Penelope b.1710 - South Kingstown, Washington, Co., Ri
Harrington, Peter b.1727 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Rachel b.1736 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Rebecca b.1625 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass.
Harrington, Robert b.1551 - England
Harrington, Robert b.1602 - , Bath, Somerset, Eng
Harrington, Robert b.1616 - of, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Harrington, Robert Sir b.1262 - Flemingby, England
Harrington, Ruth m.1740 - Smithfield, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Sarah b.1654 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Stephen b.1740 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, Thomas b.1738 - Chepachet, , Ri
Harrington, Thomas b.1689 - , Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Harrington, Thomas b.1665 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington, William b.1718 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Harrington, William b.1692 - , Providence, Ri
Harrington, William b.1660 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harrington (Errington), Abraham b.1622 - New Castleton, Tyne, Northumberland, England
Harrington (Hearnden), Benjamin b.1618 - of Bath, Somerset, Eng
Harrington Hearnden, Joseph (Twin) b.1652 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Harris, Benjamin b.1795 - , Burk, Nc
Harris, Benjamin b.1762 - , Southhampton Co., Virginia
Harris, Caleb Richard m.1844 - Washington Co., IL
Harris, Catherine b.1800 - Burke Co., Nc
Harris, Elizabeth b.1765 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co., Va
Harris, Frances b.1793 - Burk Co., North Carolina
Harris, Francis m.1503 -
Harris, Isaac b.1729 - , of Brunswick Co., Virginia
Harris, Joel b.1791 - , Burk, Nc
Harris, John b.1757 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co., Va
Harris, Martha "Patsy" b.1786 - Rutherford Co., Nc
Harris, Martha (Patty) b.1896 - , Burk, Nc
Harris, Mary b.1768 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co., Va
Harris, Mary "Polly" b.1767 - <, , Nc or Va>
Harris, Mary "Polly" b.1803 - Burke Co., Nc
Harris, Mrs. Isaac b.1732 - , of Brunswick Co., Virginia
Harris, Reuben Sr. b.1771 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co., Va
Harris, Sterling b.1784 - , Burk, Nc
Harris, William b.1754 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick Co., Va
Harris, William B. b.1798 - Burke or, Rutherford Co., Nc
Harris, Wooten b.1759 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick, Va
Harris, Zachariah b.1773 - Meherrin Parish, Brunswick, Va
Harrison, James m.1850 - Fayette Co., IL
Harrison, Jane m.1849 - Fayette Co., IL
Harrison, Thomas m.1648 - , , , Massachusetts
Harriss, Elizabeth (Betsy) b.1788 - , Burk, Nc
Hart, Charity b.1646 - Prob. Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Hart, Daughter1 b.1642 -
Hart, Daughter2 b.1644 -
Hart, Edmund b.1627 - of Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
Hart, Elisha d.1683 - Windsor, Hartford Co., Ct
Hart, Elizabeth b.1638 - Prob. Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Hart, Eva Susannah Margaretha - Living
Hart, Experience b.1653 - New England
Hart, Martha b.1640 - Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Hart, Mary b.1650 - Prob. Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Hart, Sarah b.1653 - Prob. Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Hartlieb, Anna b.1650 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Hartlieb, Claus b.1612 -
Hartlieb, Eva b.1648 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Hartlieb, Georg Adam b.1656 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Hartlieb, Hans Georg b.1661 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Hartlieb, Hans Ulerich b.1655 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Hartlieb, Maria b.1652 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Harvey, Sarah m.1637 - Ipswich, Mass.
Hatch, Agnes b.1510 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Alice b.1466 - of, Allers, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Andrew b.1478 - of, Aulers, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Edith - Living
Hatch, Elizabeth (Edith) b.1555 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Gilbert b.1276 - of, Wolley, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Jeffery de b.1238 - of, Wolley, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Joan b.1463 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Hatch, John b.1264 - of, Wollegh, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Mrs-Jeffrey de b.1242 - of, Wolley, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Mrs-John m.1289 - of, Wollegh, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Mrs-Richard b.1316 - of, Walleigh, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Richard b.1312 - of, Wolley, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Robert b.1354 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Thomas b.1394 - of, Walleigh, Devonshire, England
Hatch, Thomas b.1476 - of, Aulers, Devonshire, England
Hatch, William b.1430 - of, Aulers, Devonshire, England
Hathaway, Hannah b.1587 -
Hathoway, Agnes b.1529 - , , England
Hathoway, Mrs Richard b.1505 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Hathoway, Richard b.1503 - Wokingham, Berkshsire, England
Haute, Joan b.1436 - of, Littlecote, Wiltshire, England
Haven, Susanna m.1714 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Haven, Susannah -
Haven, Susannah m.1744 - , , Framingham, Mass
Haverington, de b.1241 - Flemingby, England
Haverington, de b.1215 - Flemingby, England
Haverington, Mrs de b.1218 -
Haverington, Mrs de b.1245 -
Haverington, Robert de b.1189 - Haverington, Cumberland, England
Haward, Mary b.1528 - Jenynsbury, Hertford, England
Haward, Michael b.1500 - Jenyngsburg, Herts, England
Haward, Mrs Michael b.1504 - Jenyngsburg, Herts, England
Hawes, b.1582 - <, , , England>
Hawes, b.1586 - <, , , England>
Hawes, b.1588 - <, , , England>
Hawes, Alice b.1567 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Alice b.1545 - Allscot, Shrops, England
Hawes, Amey b.1569 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Ann b.1584 - <, , , England>
Hawes, Anna b.1633 - Dorset, Dorchester, England
Hawes, Anne b.1589 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Benedict b.1578 - <, , , England>
Hawes, Benett b.1565 - Princes-, Risborough, Bucks, Eng
Hawes, Bennett Benedict b.1583 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Bethiah (Bethel) b.1637 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Hawes, Cisley b.1577 -
Hawes, Constance b.1642 - Suffolk Co., Dorchester, Ma
Hawes, Dtr. b.1587 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Dtr. b.1591 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Dtr. b.1593 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Eleazer b.1642 - Dorchester, Dorset, England
Hawes, Elizabeth b.1610 -
Hawes, Elizabeth b.1611 - Great Missenden, Buckingham, England
Hawes, Faythe b.1573 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Frances b.1575 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Jeremiah b.1639 -
Hawes, John b.1572 - Allscott, Shrops, England
Hawes, Mary b.1571 - Alscote, P. Risborough, England
Hawes, Miss b.1578 - Allscott, Shrops, England
Hawes, Obadiah b.1635 - Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, England
Hawes, Richard II b.1606 - Great Missenden, , Bucks, England
Hawes, Richard b.1580 - of, Gt Missenden, Bucks, Eng
Hawes, Richard b.1574 - Alsecott, Risborough, Bucks, England
Hawes, Richard b.1542 - Allscott, Risborough, Bucks, England
Hawes, Richard b.1568 - Allscot, Shrops, England
Hawes, Thomas b.1576 - Allscott, Shrops, England
Hawes, Thomas b.1507 -
Hawes, William b.1570 - Allscott, Shrops, England
Hawkes, Adam m.1630 - Charlestown, Suffolk, Mass
Hawkins, Susan M m.1880 - Clark Co., IL
Hawkwood, Beatrice b.1432 - of Rye, Sussex, England
Hawkwood, John b.1350 -
Hawley, Elinor b.1402 -
Haws, Jeremiah b.1644 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Haws, Mrs. Richard b.1584 - of Gt. Missenden, Buckingham, England
Hawte, Alice b.1432 - of, Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, Anne b.1434 - of Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, Edward b.1440 - of, Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, Elizabeth b.1443 - of, Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, James b.1445 - of, Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, Margaret b.1443 - of, Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, Richard b.1438 - of Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, William Knight b.1430 - of, Waltham, Kent, England
Hawte, William Knight b.1390 - of, Waddenhall, Kent, England
Hay, Margery de La - Living
Haynes, Alice m.1546 - Workingham, Berkshire, England
Haynes, Deliverance b.1640 - Dorchester, Dorset, England
Haynes, Ruth m.1670 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass
Hayward, m.1564 - , , Eng.
Hayward, Huldah m.1710 - Prob Mendon, , Massachusetts
Hayward, John m.1596 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Hayward, Judith Phippen - Living
Hayward, Margaret m.1601 - Glemsford, , Suffolk, England
Hayward, Mehitable m.1712 - Mendon, , Massachusetts
Hayward, Susan - Living
Hayward, Thomas m.1638 - Prob.Bridgewater, Plymouth, Ma
Hearnden, Mrs Sarah - Living
Hearnden, Mrs Sarah m.1671 -
Hearne, - Living
Hearne, Catharine (Mrs) b.1582 - , Horton, Buckshire, England
Hearne, Edward b.1616 - Horton, Bucks, England
Hearne, Elizabeth m.1593 - , Tibenham, Norfolk, England
Hearne, Ellen b.1605 - Horton, Bucks, England
Hearne, George (William) b.1578 - of Horton, Colnbrook, Bucks, England
Hearne, Joan (Jone) b.1607 - St. Anne, Blackfriers, London, England
Hearne, John b.1575 - Colnbrook, Horton, Bucks., England
Hearne, Margaret - Living
Hearne, Margaret b.1612 - Horton, Bucks, England
Hearne, Mr. b.1520 - of England
Hearne, Mrs-William b.1554 - of Colnbrook, Bucks, England
Hearne, Mrs. b.1524 - of England
Hearne, William b.1548 - Colnbrook, Bucks., England
Heath, Daniel B. m.1864 -
Heck, Jacob m.1753 - , Berks, Pennsylvania
Heck, John Jacob b.1727 - , , Germany
Hector, Unknown Prince b.1060 - Bc, of, Troy
Hecuba, Unknown Queen b.1100 - Bc, of, Troy
Hele, John - Living
Helena, Anna b.1664 - Germany ?
Helenus, Unknown Prince b.1070 - Bc, Prince of, Troy
Helms, Jimmie - Living
Hemenway, Margaret m.1734 - Hopkinton, Middlesex, Ma
Hempstead, Patience m.1715 - New London, New London, Connecticut
Hempstead, Robert m.1658 - , New London, New London, Connecticut
Hend, Alice - Living
Henderson, America G m.1869 -
Heneage, William m.1495 - of, , Kent, England
Henel, Alice b.1580 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Henry, Jenet ap b.1464 - of, Llangathen, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Herbert, Cecilia m.1538 - , , Wales
Herbert, Jane b.1457 - of Itton, St Arvan, Monmouthshire, England
Herbert, Joanna(Joan) Fitz b.1446 - Norbury, Derbyshire, England
Herbert, John b.1404 - of Itton, St. Arvan's, Monmouthshire, England
Herbert, Margaret - Living
Herbert, Margaret - Living
Herbert, Mathew m.1546 - of Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
Herbert, Walter - Living
Herbert, William m.1545 - of Ragland, Monmouthshire, England
Hercye, Elizabeth b.1348 -
Herendeen, Thomas b.1729 - Glocester, Providence, Ri
Herendeen (Marcy), Mercy b.1721 - of, Providence, Providence, Ri
Herle, Andrew Knight m.1380 -
Herr, Marie Magdelena b.1693 - of, Frederick, Virginia
Herrington, Robert m.1613 - of Southwald, Suffolk, England
Herthull, Elizabeth b.1360 - of Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Herthull, Gyles b.1374 -
Herthull, Richard de Sir b.1348 - of, Pooley Hall, Warwickshire, England
Hesingham, Dorothy m.1573 - , , Eng.
Hess, -
Hess, Samuel - Living
Heveningham, Dorothy m.1593 -
Hicks, James Thomas - Living
Hicks, John m.1637 - St. Faith, St. Paul's, London, England
Higford, - Living
Higford, Mr. - Living
Higford, Thomas - Living
Higgins, John - Living
Higley, Katherine m.1704 - Westfield, Hampden, Mass.
Hilkiah, Unknown b.700 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Hill, Ebenezer m.1691 - Sherborn, Mdlsx, Ma
Hill, Elizabeth b.1540 - England
Hill, Elizabeth b.1423 -
Hill, James A m.1892 -
Hill, Jane m.1491 - of, Stow, Cornwall, England
Hill, John - Living
Hill, John b.1420 - of, Shilston, Devonshire, England
Hill, Margaret b.1419 - of, Shilston, Devonshire, England
Hill, Robert b.1421 - Spriddlestone, Devonshire, England
Hill, Robert b.1392 - Shilston, Devonshire, England
Hill, Thomas b.1423 - of, Shilston, Devonshire, England
Hill, William b.1422 - of, Shilston, Devonshire, England
Hillen, Ellen m.1580 - of Ottery-St.Mar, Devonshire, England
Hills, Elizabeth m.1653 - of Burstead, Essex, England
Hinckley, Thankful m.1745 - Tolland, Tolland, Ct
Hingeston, Robert b.1408 -
Hinton, Cintha b.1827 -
Hinton, Elizabeth b.1822 -
Hinton, Hardy -
Hinton, Hardy b.1825 -
Hinton, Harriet b.1824 -
Hinton, James b.1832 -
Hinton, Jane b.1834 -
Hinton, John b.1828 -
Hinton, John Scott b.1846 -
Hinton, Mary Mahala b.1837 - Fayette Co., Il
Hinton, Michel b.1829 -
Hinton, Polly b.1819 - Illinois
Hinton, Riley b.1831 -
Hinton, Sally b.1823 -
Hinton, William b.1795 - North Carolina
Hinton, William R b.1821 -
Hitchcock, Elizabeth Gibbons m.1661 - of Springfield, Hampden, Mass.
Hlodversson, Sigurd II "Digri" Earl of Orkney And Caithness m.988 - , , , Scotland
Hloritha, Loridi b.900 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
Hoare, Elizabeth - Living
Hobert, Jane m.1620 -
Hodgson, Anne m.1634 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Hody, Margaret m.1458 - of Stowell, Moorlinch, Somersetshire, England
Holbrook, Experience m.1685 - of Weymouth, Worcester, Massachusetts
Holbrook, Samuel - Living
Holbrook, Sarah m.1665 -
Holbrook, Thomas - Living
Holdyche, John - Living
Holiday, Margaret Hollidaie or m.1619 - Farleigh, Hungerford, Somerset, Eng
Holman, Jeremy or Jeremiah m.1666 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma
Holmes, John m.1661 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Holmes, Mrs. Sarah - Living
Holmes, Sarah m.1678 -
Holmes or Morse, Esther m.1675 -
Holt, Barbara m.1842 - , Orange, North Carolina
Holt, Henry m.1669 - Andover, Essex, Massachusetts
Holt, Jeremiah b.1756 - , Orange, North Carolina
Holt, Martha Elinor b.1769 - , Orange, North Carolina
Holt, Miss - Living
Homann, Marguerite Frances - Living
Homer, Lydia b.1817 - , , Penn
Horn, Martha b.1532 -
Horne, Joan m.1461 -
Horne, John - Living
Horton, Margaret b.1461 - of, South Moulton, Devonshire, England
Horton, Mrs-Thomas b.1439 -
Horton, Thomas b.1435 - of, South Molton, Devonshire, England
Horwood, Thomas m.1638 - Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng
Hoskins, Anthony m.1656 - Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Hovel, A. m.1600 - Suff. Co. Eng.
Hovel(Leman), Abria - Living
Hovey, Priscilla m.1737 - Oxford, Worcester, Mass
Hovey, Sarah m.1765 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
How, Thomas m.1585 - Aylesbury, Buckingham, England
Howard, Anne m.1574 - Jenynsbury, Hertford, England
Howard, Catherine m.1605 - of Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Howard, Elisha b.1759 - Bridgewater, Ma
Howard, Kathryn - Living
Howard, Ralph X Jr. - Living
Howard, Sarah m.1682 - Bridgewater, Plymouth Co, Mass
Howard, Walter L - Living
Howard, William Baron Howard m.1536 -
Howe, Rachel m.1738 -
Howell, Miss - Living
Howlett, Thomas m.1634 - Ipswich, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Hoxie, Orrie Ray - Living
Hubbard, Anna b.1605 - Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Hubbard, Benjamin b.1608 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England, Eng
Hubbard, Bertha b.1616 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Hubbard, Bertha b.1644 -
Hubbard, Bethiah b.1646 - Agawam, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Hubbard, Child b.1618 -
Hubbard, Child b.1616 -
Hubbard, James b.1603 - Mendelsham, , Suffolk, Eng
Hubbard, James b.1578 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Hubbard, John b.1614 - Mendlesham, Suffolk, England
Hubbard, Mrs Esther m.1629 - , , , England
Hubbard, Mrs. Thomas b.1550 - of Mendelsham, Essex, England
Hubbard, Naomi b.1638 - Agawam(Springfie, Hampden, Massachutes, United States
Hubbard, Naomi b.1637 - Agawam(Springfie, Hampden, Massachutes, United States
Hubbard, Rachel b.1642 - Agawan, Springfield, Hampden, Ma
Hubbard, Rachel b.1611 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Conn., United States
Hubbard, Ruth b.1640 - Agawam (Springfield), Hampden, Massachusetts
Hubbard, Samuel b.1644 - Agawam(Springfie, Hampden, Massachutes, United States
Hubbard, Samuel b.1636 - Warden, Hartford, Connecticut
Hubbard, Samuel b.1649 - Agawam(Springfie, Hampden, Massachutes, United States
Hubbard, Samuel b.1610 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, Eng
Hubbard, Sarah b.1593 - of Yarmouth, Suffolk, England
Hubbard, Sarah b.1597 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Hubbard, Thomas b.1601 - of Freemans Lane, Southwark, Suffolk, London
Hubbard, Thomas b.1525 - Hornden-on-Hill, Essex, , Eng
Hubert, Jane m.1620 -
Hubert(Huberd), Margaret - Living
Huddesfield, Catherine b.1481 - of, Shillingford, Devonshire, England
Huddesfield, Elizabeth b.1479 - , Shillingford, Devonshire, England
Huddesfield, William b.1410 - Shillingford, (Near Exeter)
Huddesfield, William Knight b.1436 - Shillingford, (Near Exeter)
Huddleston, John m.1800 - , Rutherford, Nc
Hudson, Rebecca m.1662 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Huffman, Mary Barbara - Living
Huggins, Aggy (Peggy) b.1780 -
Huggins, Anabel - Living
Huggins, Carol Ann - Living
Huggins, Charles Edward b.1921 - Terre Haute, In
Huggins, Claude Cook b.1895 - Fayette Co., Il
Huggins, David b.1800 - South Carolina
Huggins, David b.1760 -
Huggins, David b.1843 - Nashville, Washinton Co., Il
Huggins, David Leroy b.1875 - Marion Co., IL
Huggins, David Muriel - Living
Huggins, Edney b.1822 -
Huggins, George Louis b.1872 - Keyesport, Clinton Co., Il
Huggins, George Newell b.1909 - Fayette Co., IL
Huggins, Grace Mildred b.1896 - Fayette Co., IL
Huggins, James b.1829 -
Huggins, James Francis b.1878 - Illinois
Huggins, Leslie - Living
Huggins, Lewis b.1794 - Tennesse
Huggins, Mahala b.1819 -
Huggins, Martha Ruth - Living
Huggins, Nancy b.1825 -
Huggins, Nancy - Living
Huggins, Patrick b.1795 -
Huggins, Patsy b.1795 -
Huggins, Richard Lewis - Living
Huggins, Robert b.1838 -
Huggins, Robert - Living
Huggins, Robert Eldon b.1922 - Terre Haute, In
Huggins, Sally (Sarah?) b.1787 -
Huggins, Susan b.1836 - Washington Co., IL
Huggins, Thelma Pauline b.1899 - Fayette Co., IL
Huggins, Theodore Eugene b.1925 - Terre Haute, In
Huggins, Virginia Mae - Living
Huggins, William b.1840 -
Huggins, William b.1787 -
Hughes, Lewis m.1676 - Lyme, New London, Ct
Hulmul, Unknown - Living
Humphrey, Alice b.1591 - Wendover, Buckingham, Eng.
Humphrey, Alice b.1624 - Wendover, Bucks., England
Humphrey, Ann b.1585 - Wendover, Buckingham, England
Humphrey, Ann b.1626 - Wendover, Bucks., England
Humphrey, Elizabeth b.1589 - of Wendover, Burke., England
Humphrey, Elizabeth b.1602 - Wendover, Bucks, England, England
Humphrey, James b.1608 - of, Wendover, Bucks, Eng
Humphrey, John b.1595 - Wendover, Buckingham, England
Humphrey, John b.1622 - Wendover, Bucks., England
Humphrey, Jonas b.1565 - of, Wendover, Buckingham, Eng
Humphrey, Jonas Dea b.1620 - Wendover, Bucks., England
Humphrey, Jonas b.1609 - Wendover, Buckingham, England
Humphrey, Jonas m.1683 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Humphrey, Jonas Sr b.1587 - Wendover, Bucks., England
Humphrey, Martha m.1648 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Mass.
Humphrey, Mary m.1662 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
Humphrey, Mrs. Mary m.1635 - Dorchester, , Massachusetts
Humphrey, Richard - Living
Humphrey, Sarah b.1589 -
Humphrey, Sarah b.1628 - Wendover, Bucks., England
Humphrey, Sarah b.1615 - Wendover, Buckingham, England
Humphrey, Susanna b.1612 - Wendover, Bucks., Eng.
Humphrey, Susannah b.1615 - Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Hungerfford, Anthony b.1484 - of, Downe Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerfford, Christian b.1526 - of Downe Ampney
Hungerfford, Edward b.1530 - of, Windrush
Hungerfford, Elizabeth b.1495 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerfford, Elizabeth b.1524 - of Downe Ampney
Hungerfford, Elizabeth b.1598 -
Hungerfford, Frances b.1522 - of Downe Ampney
Hungerfford, Friswold b.1444 -
Hungerfford, Isabel b.1474 -
Hungerfford, Jane b.1561 -
Hungerfford, John b.1532 - of Downe Ampney
Hungerfford, John b.1606 -
Hungerfford, Son b.1497 - of Down Ampney
Hungerford, Alice (Eleanor) b.1426 - of, Swanborne, Hampshire, England
Hungerford, Alleyne b.1462 -
Hungerford, Anne b.1446 -
Hungerford, Anne b.1493 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Anne b.1546 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Anne b.1574 - Farleigh, Hungerford, Somerset, Eng
Hungerford, Anne or Joanne b.1615 - of Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Anthony Sir b.1485 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Anthony Knight b.1540 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Anthony Knight b.1567 - of, Black Bourton, Oxfordshire, England
Hungerford, Arnolph b.1430 - of, Farleigh-Hngrfrd, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Bridget b.1548 - of, Down Ampney, Glocester, England
Hungerford, Bridget b.1566 - Down Ampeny, Gloucestershire, Engl
Hungerford, Bridget b.1598 - Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Bridgett b.1442 -
Hungerford, Catherine Baroness La Warre b.1438 - of, Farleigh-Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Catherine b.1444 -
Hungerford, Christina b.1466 -
Hungerford, Dau b.1535 -
Hungerford, Dorothy b.1550 - of, Down Ampney, Glocester, England
Hungerford, Edmound b.1460 -
Hungerford, Edmund b.1516 - of Down Ampey, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Edmund b.1562 - of, Farley, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Edmund Knight b.1409 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Edward b.1454 - of Downe Ampney Com, Glouc.
Hungerford, Edward Knight b.1472 - of, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Edward b.1565 -
Hungerford, Edward Sir b.1558 - of, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Edward Sir b.1596 - of, Corsham, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Eleanor m.1554 - , , England
Hungerford, Elizabeth b.1464 -
Hungerford, Elizabeth Countessofbath b.1503 - of, Hadon Hall, Derby, England
Hungerford, Elizabeth b.1568 - Down Ampeny, Glouceshire, Engl, England
Hungerford, Elizabeth - Living
Hungerford, Elizabeth b.1400 - of, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Elizabeth or Dorothy b.1528 - of Downe Anapney, Wilts, Eng
Hungerford, Frideswide Nun b.1446 -
Hungerford, Frideswide b.1485 -
Hungerford, Grace de b.1379 - of, Heightesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Hannah b.1659 - of Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Hungerford, Henry b.1544 - of, Down Ampney, Glocester, England
Hungerford, Jane b.1452 -
Hungerford, Jane b.1503 - of, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Jane b.1566 - (of, Farleyhungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Jane b.1600 - Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Joan b.1411 - of, Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Joann b.1568 - Down Ampeny, Gloucestershire, Engl
Hungerford, John b.1414 -
Hungerford, John b.1464 - Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, John Knight b.1460 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, John Knight b.1513 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, John Sir b.1566 - Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England, England
Hungerford, John b.1383 - of, Farleigh-Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Leonard b.1444 -
Hungerford, Lettice b.1460 -
Hungerford, Lucy b.1560 - Farley, Hungerford, Somerset, England
Hungerford, Margaret b.1448 -
Hungerford, Margaret (Mary) b.1413 - of, Farleigh, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Mary b.1432 - of, Farleigh-Hngrfrd, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Mary b.1552 - of, Down Ampney, Glocester, England
Hungerford, Miss (Anne) m.1498 - of, Newbury, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Peter b.1385 -
Hungerford, Philippa b.1433 - Farley, Hungerford, Somerset, England
Hungerford, Philippa b.1450 -
Hungerford, Ralph b.1383 - of, Farley-Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Richard b.1542 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucester, England
Hungerford, Robert Baron Hungerford b.1431 - of, Farleigh, Berkshire, England
Hungerford, Robert Baron Hungerford b.1409 - Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Robert (Rhodolph) b.1383 -
Hungerford, Sarah b.1659 - New London, New London, Connecticut
Hungerford, Susan b.1540 - of, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Susan b.1554 - of, Down Ampney, Glocester, England
Hungerford, Susan b.1564 - of Farleigh, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Thomas Knight b.1437 - , Farleigh, Berkshire, England
Hungerford, Thomas Knight b.1450 - of, Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England
Hungerford, Thomas b.1569 -
Hungerford, Thomas b.1648 - ., Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
Hungerford, Thomas b.1602 - Farley, Hungerford, Somerset, England
Hungerford, Thomas b.1383 - of, Farleigh-Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Thomas b.1330 - of, Farleigh-Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Thomas b.1404 - of, Heightesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Ursula - Living
Hungerford, Walter Knight b.1428 - of Farleigh, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Walter b.1451 - of Doune Ampney Com, Wilts
Hungerford, Walter Hon. Sir b.1442 - of, Farleigh, Berkshire, England
Hungerford, Walter Baron Hungerford b.1503 - of, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, Walter Knight b.1527 - of, Farley, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Walter b.1407 - of, Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, Walter Baron Hungerford b.1378 - of, Farleigh-Hungergford, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, William b.1431 - of, Farleigh-Hngrfrd, Somersetshire, England
Hungerford, William b.1466 - Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, William b.1505 - of, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England
Hungerford, William b.1417 - of, Farley, Hungerford, Somersetshire, England
Hunkins, Lydia m.1728 - Oxford, Worcester, Mass
Hunt, (Unknown) b.1544 - <(Unknown), Buckingham, England>
Hunt, Elizabeth m.1615 - England, Warwick, England
Hunt, Elizabeth b.1566 - (Unknown), Buckingham, England
Hunt, Hiel b.1782 - Lebanon, Windham, Ct
Hunt, Joan - Living
Hunt, Sarah m.1661 - Weymouth, Nrflk, Ma
Hunter, Rosa Lee - Living
Hunting, Ann m.1641 -
Hurd, Mercy (Mercie) m.1655 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Hurst, John Landy m.1870 - Clark Co., IL
Hurst, Margaret m.1540 -
Hurst, Mary m.1620 - Charlesburg, Buckinghamshire, , England
Hussey, Elizabeth Baroness Hungerford m.1532 -
Hussey, Elizabeth - Living
Hussey, Joan b.1349 - of, Holbroke, Somersetshire, England
Hussey, Thomas m.1536 - of, Shapwick, Dorset, England
Hutchings, Aquilla b.1802 -
Hutchings, Eliza Ann b.1847 - Clark Co., In
Hutchings, Elizabeth b.1828 -
Hutchings, Emily b.1830 -
Hutchings, Esrom b.1792 - Virginia
Hutchings, Frank b.1790 -
Hutchings, George b.1817 -
Hutchings, John b.1764 - Virginia
Hutchings, John b.1798 -
Hutchings, Joseph b.1800 -
Hutchings, Lee b.1826 -
Hutchings, Malinda b.1819 -
Hutchings, Margaret b.1796 -
Hutchings, Marth Jane b.1838 -
Hutchings, Mary Catherine b.1842 -
Hutchings, Nancy b.1821 -
Hutchings, Nellie b.1794 -
Hutchings, Sarah Ann b.1833 -
Hutchings, Stephen b.1824 - Clark Co., IN
Hutchings, William Harrison b.1836 -
Hutchinson, Thomas m.1616 - of, , Massachusetts
Hutt, Gerard -
Hutt, Mary Garrard b.1676 - , , Va
Hylton, Anne - Living
Hynardeston, Joan - Living
Hyndeston, Elizabeth Mrs. b.1434 - of, Wonwall, Devonshire, England
Hyndeston, William - Living
Hywel, Miss Verch - Living
Ieuan, Hywel ap - Living
Ieuan, Llywelyn ap b.1341 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Ieuan, Mathew ap Knight b.1368 - Castell Kibwr Brynwith, Glamorgan, Wales
Ieuan, Miss Verch b.1366 - of Llantrisant, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Illesworth, Alice b.1504 - of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England
Illesworth, Henry b.1478 -
Imler, Christoph m.1706 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Ingram, Anthony m.1568 - , , England
Irande, Martha m.1612 - St Anne, Blackfriars, London, Engl
Ireland, Aedh Finnliath King of - Living
Ireton, Robert m.1384 - of, Ireton, Derbyshire, England
Isaac, Ruth m.1760 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Md
Isaac, Sarah m.1760 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Va
Isachar, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Ishbak, Unknown - Living
Ishmael, Unknown - Living
Ives, Sarah m.1628 - of Mendelsham, Suffolk, Eng.
Jackson, John m.1614 - Eng
Jacob, Unknown - Living
Jaddual, Unknown b.276 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Jaeger, Philip Carl m.1728 - , Weisenheim, Am Berg, Germany
James, Pytts m.1530 - Berks, England
Japheth, Unknown b.1554 - After Adam
Jasper, Ann m.1605 - Redgrave, , Suffolk, England
Javan, Mary b.1735 - <, Fairfax, Virginia>
Jeffery, Joan - Living
Jenckes, Abigail b.1676 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Albert Carlisle b.1671 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Daniel b.1663 - , , Rhode Island
Jenckes, Dorothy b.1537 - Clun, Shropshire, England
Jenckes, Ebenezer Rev. b.1669 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Eliza b.1665 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Elizabeth b.1630 - Colnbrook, Horton, Buckinghamshire, England
Jenckes, Elizabeth b.1657 - Lynn, Essex, Ma or Kingston, Washington
Jenckes, Esther b.1663 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, George Foster b.1667 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Jenckes, James Varnum b.1663 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Joanna b.1672 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, John b.1537 - Clun, Shropshire, England
Jenckes, Joseph b.1607 - , , , England
Jenckes, Joseph III b.1656 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Joseph II b.1628 - Colnbrook, London, Middlesex, England
Jenckes, Lemuel Holmes b.1661 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Lydia b.1600 - of, , Rhode Island
Jenckes, Mary b.1679 - Pawtucket, Providence, R.I.
Jenckes, Mary b.1666 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, Richard b.1535 - Hobendred, Clun, Shropshire, England
Jenckes, Sarah b.1660 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenckes, William b.1630 - of Colnbrook, Horton, Middlesex, England
Jenckes, William b.1674 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenkes, Mrs Ann m.1559 - Clunbury, Shropshire, Engl
Jenkes, Mrs. John m.1555 - St Anne, Blackfriers
Jenkin, Morgan ap b.1413 - of Langstone, Llebenydd, Monmouthshire, England
Jenkins, Alice Verch - Living
Jenks, Alicia m.1561 - of, Clun, Shropshire, Engl
Jenks, Dorothy b.1541 - of New Chapel, Clun, Shrpsh, England
Jenks, Hugh b.1510 - of, Holbendred, Shropshire, England
Jenks, John b.1534 - of, Bucknell, Shropshire, England
Jenks, John b.1610 - Tower of Ldn Pct, London, England
Jenks, Jonas b.1562 - of, Hammersmith, Middlesex, England
Jenks, Jonas b.1580 - St Alphage, London Wall, Cripplegate, England
Jenks, Joseph B b.1607 - , , , England
Jenks, Mrs Richard m.1560 - of, Clunbury, Shropshire, Engl
Jenks, Richard b.1532 - , Clun, Shropshire, England
Jenks, Sarah b.1596 - St. Anne Blackfriars, London, Middlesex, England
Jenks, William b.1484 - of, , Shropshire, England
Jenks, William b.1536 - of Shrewsbury, Clun, Shropshire, England
Jenks (Jenckes), John b.1556 - of St Anne Blackfriars, London, Middlesex, England
Jenks (Jenckes), Joseph b.1599 - St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, England
Jenks or Jenckes, Nathaniel Miller b.1662 - Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Jenkyn, Morgan ap b.1436 -
Jenney, Abigail m.1644 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.
Jensen, Maria - Living
Jensen, Richard - Living
Jentilman, Joan m.1613 - Bath, Somerset, England
Jepson or Jewson, Elizabeth b.1612 - of, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Jepson(Jusson), Richard m.1607 - Wendover, Buckingham
Jeremiah, Unknown Prophet b.668 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Jesse, Unknown b.1040 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Jewson, b.1556 -
Jewson, Henry b.1614 - Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Jewson, Richard b.1582 - Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Joachim, Unknown b.450 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Joanna, Unknown b.426 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Jobes, Ervin - Living
Johanan, Unknown b.320 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Johanan, Unknown b.916 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Johanna, Catherine or b.1512 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
John, Alice ap b.1469 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Johnson, Eleanor m.1714 - Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
Johnson, Nancy Agnes m.1799 - , Greene, Pa
Johnson, Samuel - Living
Johnson, Willard m.1866 - of, , In
Joiadah, Unknown b.363 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Jokshan, Unknown - Living
Joktan, Unknown b.1759 - After Adam
Jonan, Unknown b.853 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Jones, m.1665 -
Jones, Hannah m.1693 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Jones, Judith m.1712 - Smithfield, Providence, Ri
Jones, Mr m.1672 - Prob. Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Jones, Nakiesha Lynn - Living
Joole, Jefery - Living
Jordon, James m.1823 - Hickman Co., TN
Jorim, Unknown b.711 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Josceline, Jane - Living
Joscelyn, Elizabeth - Living
Jose, Unknown b.664 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Josedech, Unknown b.539 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Joseph, Unknown b.838 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Joseph, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30, 30-46
Joshuah, Joshua b.494 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Juda, Unknown b.806 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Juda, Unknown b.403 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Judah, Judah Ibn Jacob b.1450 - Bc, of, Judea, Genesis 38:6-30
Judd, Mary m.1705 - of Milford, New Haven, Conn.
Judkins, Sarah m.1662 -
Judkins, Widow Sarah - Living
Kaefer, Elizabeth m.1739 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Kaefer, Maria Appalonia b.1694 - Ansbach, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Ger
Kaefer, Wolffgang b.1664 - of Ansbach, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Kaifer, Barbara m.1751 -
Kaifer or Kaeffer, Wolff Michael m.1720 -
Karne, John Sir m.1586 - Heytesbury, Wilts, Eng
Keene, Margaret b.1530 - of, Warwick, Eng.
Keene, Thomas b.1500 - of Sutton, Coldfield, Warwickshire, England
Keeney, John m.1702 - New London, New London, Connecticut
Keeney, Sarah m.1682 - of Glastonbury, Hartford, Connecticut
Keep, Joseph m.1737 -
Keep, Josiah m.1737 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Keith, Greenfield m.1859 -
Keith, Keziah b.1804 - Kentucky
Keller, Anna Margretha b.1735 - Naumburg, Weierbach, Offenburg, Baden
Keller, Anna Maria b.1742 - Germany
Keller, Anna Maria b.1733 - , , Germany
Keller, Christopher b.1751 - Bucks Co., Pa
Keller, Dorothea b.1749 -
Keller, Elizabeth Barbara b.1740 -
Keller, Heinrich b.1755 - Bucks Co., Pa
Keller, Heinrich b.1708 - , , Germany
Keller, Johan Peter b.1729 - Naumburg, Weierbach, Offenburg, Baden
Keller, Johanes b.1733 - Naumburg, Weierbach, Offenburg, Baden
Keller, John Heinrich b.1745 -
Keller, John Peter b.1747 -
Keller, Maria Elizabeth b.1737 - Weierbach, Offenburg, Baden
Keller, Willhelm b.1682 -
Kelloway, Agnes b.1452 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Kelloway, Anne m.1491 - of, Rill, Devonshire, England
Kelloway, John b.1427 - of, Otterton, Devonshire, England
Kelly, Elzira - Living
Kelly, Emory - Living
Kelly, Jonathon m.1831 -
Kemeys, Catrin - Living
Kemp, Isabell b.1427 - , Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Kemp, John b.1380 - Ashford, Kent, England
Kemp, Thomas b.1354 - , Kent, England
Kenney, Daniel m.1727 - Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Kenney, Sarah II m.1719 - Oxford, Suffolk, Ma
Kent, Ealhmund, under-King of b.758 - of, , Wessex, England
Kent, Mrs-Ealhmund of b.762 - of, , Wessex, England
Kent, Mrs-Sigehelm of b.876 - of, , Kent, England
Kent, Sigehelm, Earl of b.871 - of Kent, England
Kent, Essex And Sussex, Athelstan King of b.838 - of, Wantage, Berkshire, England
Kenyon, Thomas Jr. m.1733 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Kepner, Mary Elizabeth m.1808 - , Monroe, Oh
Kerans, Rebecca m.1840 - Edgar Co., Il
Keridge (Kerrich), Rose b.1572 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Annes b.1510 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Christiana b.1512 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Isobel b.1566 - Saxsted, , County Suffolk, England
Kerrich, John b.1535 - ., Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Margaret b.1568 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Margaret b.1482 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Margery b.1574 - ., Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Mary b.1570 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Miss b.1516 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Mrs Robert b.1507 - of, Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Mrs Thomas m.1564 - Saxted, Suffolk, Eng
Kerrich, Mrs William b.1482 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Robert m.1534 - of, Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, Thomas b.1538 - ., Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, William b.1508 - Saxsted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, William b.1508 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerrich, William b.1450 - Saxsted, Suffolk, , England
Kerrich, William b.1418 - Saxsted, Suffolk, , England
Kerrich (Mnu), Margery b.1542 - Saxted, Suffolk, England
Kerridge, Giles b.1545 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerridge, John c.1574 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerridge, Robert b.1505 - ., Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerridge, Rose b.1543 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Kerridge, William b.1540 - of Saxtead, Suffolk, Eng
Keturah, Unknown - Living
Keyes, Phebe m.1659 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Kibby, Eliza m.1640 - , , of Dorset, England
Killham, Henry m.1582 - Dennington, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom
Killiam, Catherine m.1629 - of Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Kilrington, Alice m.1488 -
King, Aaron m.1743 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
King, Clement Jr m.1655 - Marshfield, Coventry, Mass.
King, David - Living
King, Elizabeth m.1655 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Mass
King, Experience - Living
King, Joan m.1597 - St Gregory, London, Middlesex, England
King, Joanna b.1558 - , Wiltshire, England
King, Joanna b.1598 - Wiltshire, England
King, John or Samuel m.1658 -
King, Lydia b.1712 - Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts
King, Margaret m.1573 - Boxted, Essex, England
King, Martha m.1653 - Sudbury, Mddx, Mass
King, Mary m.1651 - Sudbury, , Massachusetts
King, Mr. - Living
King, Samuel Sr. m.1658 - Weymouth, Norf., Ma
King Kinge, John b.1489 - <, Essex, England>
Kinge, Alice b.1533 - Donrig Aston, Clinton, Bucks., England
Kinge, Beatrice b.1403 - of, , , Portugal
Kinge, Cecily b.1519 - Purleigh, Essex, Eng
Kinge, Marie b.1547 - of Purleigh, Essex, Eng
Kinge, Thomas b.1543 - of Purleigh, Essex, Eng
Kinge, William b.1515 - Great Baddow, Essex, England
Kingham, m.1682 -
Kingham, (Edson) Elizabeth - Living
Kingham, Agnes b.1570 -
Kingham, Aveline b.1577 - Aston-Clinton, Buckingham, , England
Kingham, Elizabeth b.1600 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks, England
Kingham, John b.1540 - (Unknown), Buckingham, England
Kingham, Robert b.1572 - Aston-Clinton, Buckingham, , England
Kingham Klingham, William b.1571 - Aston Clinton, , Buckinghamshire, Eng.
Kingman, Elizabeth Edson m.1690 -
Kingman, Lydia - Living
Kingman, Miss m.1674 - Prob Bridgewater, Plymouth, Ma
Kingman, Thomas m.1697 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Kingsbury, Freedom m.1654 -
Kingsley, Candace b.1793 - Royalston, Ma
Kingsley, Freedom (Mary) m.1654 - Rehobath, Bristol, Ma
Kingston, John - Living
Kipping, Elizabeth b.1586 - of, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Kipping, John b.1564 - , Suffolk, England
Kirby, Eliza m.1640 -
Kirkby, John - Living
Kirkhan, Robert - Living
Kirner, Catharina b.1562 - , Walderbach, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Kirner, Hainrich b.1530 - , Walderbach, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Kirner, Mrs Hainrich b.1534 - , Walderbach, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Klaar, Anna Barbara b.1670 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Anna Barbara b.1696 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Anna Catherina b.1659 - Stetten, Wurttemberg, Germany
Klaar, Anna Margaretha b.1663 - Gemmingen, Wrttemberg, Germany
Klaar, Anna Maria b.1673 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Anna Maria b.1698 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Hanns Michael (Clar) b.1630 - of Stetten am, Heucheiberg, Neckar, Wuertt
Klaar, Hans Adam b.1704 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Hans Martin (Clore) b.1665 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Hans Michael b.1687 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Klaar, Susannah b.1691 - Gemmingen, Baden, Bav, Ger
Klapp, Anna Catharina b.1708 - Istha, Hessen, Germany
Klapp, Anna Margaretha b.1710 - Istha, Hessen, Germany
Klapp, Geisa b.1619 - of Istha, Hessen, Germany
Klapp, Maria Elisabeth b.1706 - Istha, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia
Klapp, Maria Elisabeth b.1726 - Weisenheim am Berg, Hessen, Germany
Klapp, Maria Veronica b.1716 - Weisenhm-am-Berg, Phalz, Germany
Klapp, Nikolaus b.1644 - of Istha, Hessen, Germany
Kleindinst, Juliana b.1711 - , , Germany
Kleindinst, Peter b.1685 -
Knapp, Timothy m.1626 - of Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Knight, Marjory m.1670 -
Knight, Mary m.1645 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Knight, Mr - Living
Knight, William m.1653 - Lynn, , Massachusetts
Knight, Wilmot - Living
Kniveton, Jane b.1312 - of Murcaston, Drbysh, Engl
Knolles, Margaret b.1432 - of, Sussex Co., England
Knollys, Richard b.1425 - of, Mimms North, Heretfordshire, England
Knollys, Robert b.1451 -
Knowlton, Martha m.1680 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Koath, Kohath or b.1450 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Konkler, Myrtle - Living
Kraus, Hans Ulrich m.1689 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Kraus, Helena b.1630 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Kraus, Margaretha b.1616 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Kraus, Michel b.1593 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Kraus, Michel b.1617 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
L.Fitkin, Nellie m.1891 -
l'Estrange, Nicholas m.1536 - of Melton, Suffolk, England
Lacy, Thomas - Living
Lamb, Lucy b.1775 - Vt
Lamb, Sarah m.1722 - Oxford, Essex, Massachusetts
Lambert, Sarah b.1661 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Lambert, William -
Lamore, de m.1472 -
Lamson, Martha m.1654 - , Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Lamson, Sarah m.1665 - Reading, Middlesex, Mass
Landers, Isaac m.1838 -
Landstetter, Maria Margaretha m.1727 - Neuenbrg, Baden, Germany
Lane, William m.1656 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Langeston, John - Living
Langford, Alice b.1466 - of, , Berkshire, England
Langford, Edward b.1440 -
Langford, Margaret m.1525 - of, , England
Langley, Walter - Living
Langrake, Agnes b.1492 - <, Kirton, Lincolnshire, England>
Langrake, Mrs b.1466 - <, Kirton, Lincolnshire, England>
Langrake, Roger b.1462 - <, Kirton, Lincolnshire, England>
Langston, Elizabeth b.1432 - of Culworth, Northampton, England
Langston, John b.1406 -
Langton, Rachel b.1706 - Northampton, Hampshire Co., Ma
Langworthy, Anna m.1716 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Langworthy, Samuel m.1736 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lantersee (Lawter), Anne Lanteroot or m.1605 - South Elham, Suffolk, England
Lantz, Carrie - Living
Larkin, Elizabeth m.1757 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Larkin, Husband - Living
Larkin, Rebecca m.1735 - , , Rhode Island
Larkin, Robert m.1671 - , Newport, Ri
Larkin, Roger m.1699 - Stonington, Ct
Larkin, Timothy - Living
Lasling, Thomas m.1593 -
Lathrop, Eliz. - Living
Lathrop, Elizabeth m.1681 - , Bridgewater, Norfolk, Mass
Latimer, Elizabeth m.1560 -
Lau, Mary - Living
Launcelyn, Jane or Agnes b.1460 - Launcelynbury, Hantshire, England
Launcelyn, John b.1434 -
Lawrence, Elizabeth m.1597 - St Gregory, London, Middlesex, England
Lawrence, Thomas Capt. m.1631 - of Boston, Lincoln, England
Lawson, Phebe - Living
Lawson, Phebe - Living
Lawton, Mary - Living
Lawton (Laughton), Mary m.1662 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Layman or (Lyman, John Lt. m.1654 - Branford, New Haven, Ct
Layton, Hannah m.1858 - of, , Oh
Lazenby, Margaret m.1669 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Leach, Sarah m.1678 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Leatherer, Charlotte m.1791 -
Leathers, Katherine Ellen m.1852 -
Leathers, Magie m.1899 - Vandalia, Fayette Co., IL
Leathes, Katherine Ellen m.1852 -
Lechaber, Kenneth Thane of - Living
Lechmere, Frances b.1568 - Town Hope, Herefordshire, England
Lechmere, Roger b.1538 - , Herefordshire, England
Lee, Ann m.1612 - of Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Lee, Elizabeth b.1608 - , Suffolk, England
Lee, John - Living
Lee, Joyce m.1695 - of Grt Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Lee, Mr. b.1577 - of England
Lee, Mrs. b.1581 - of England
Lefler, Sperry m.1904 -
Leibacher, Catharina Barbara m.1680 - Dottenheim, Mittelfranken, Germany
Leids, Elizabeth b.1605 - of, Malford, Worcestershire, England
Leids, Jane b.1578 - of Inkburrow, Parish, Worcestershire, England
Leids, Thomas b.1546 - of, Inkbarrow, Worcestershire, England
Leigh, Oliph m.1471 -
Leigh Lee, John m.1638 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Leke, John Knight b.1360 - of, Cotham, Nottinghamshire, England
Leke, Mary b.1417 - of, Cotham, Nottingham, England
Leke, Simon b.1390 - of, Cotham, Nottinghamshire, England
Leman, - Living
Leman, Alice Henel m.1596 - So Elmham, Suffolk, England
Lenthall, Elizabeth b.1424 - , Hampton Court, Herefordshire, England
Lenthall, Katherine Baroness Zouche b.1434 - of, Hampton Court, Herefordshire, England
Lenthall, Rowland Knight b.1398 - of, Hampton Court, Herefordshire, England
Leonard, John m.1743 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Leonard, Samuel m.1676 - Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Lester, - Living
Lester, Andrew m.1655 - New London, New London, Ct
Lester, Mrs. Anna m.1670 - , New London, Connecticut
Leverett, Elizabeth b.1571 - of, No.Searles, Lincolnshire, England
Levi, Unknown b.758 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Levi, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30, Padanaram
Lewis, (Unknown) - Living
Lewis, Abigail m.1713 - Richmond, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Abigail b.1693 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Abner b.1787 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Lewis, Amelia P. b.1820 - Barre, Ny
Lewis, Ann b.1566 -
Lewis, Ann b.1665 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Anna b.1691 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Anthony b.1586 - of, Llystatybont, Glomorganshire, Wales
Lewis, Benjamin m.1721 - , , Rhode Island
Lewis, Daniel - Living
Lewis, Daniel b.1663 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, David b.1671 - of Hopkintown, , Rhode Island
Lewis, David b.1667 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, David b.1697 - , Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Dorac b.1650 -
Lewis, Dorcas b.1673 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, Edmund b.1564 - of van, Montgomery, Wales
Lewis, Edmund Captain b.1601 - of, Llysalybont, Glamorganshire, Wales
Lewis, Edward b.1508 -
Lewis, Edward Sir b.1560 - MacHen, Monmouth, Wales
Lewis, Edward Sir b.1586 - Llystabout, Wales, Eng.and
Lewis, Elizabeth b.1693 - , Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Elizabeth b.1720 - Westerly, Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Elizabeth b.1803 - East Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Esther b.1686 -
Lewis, Florence b.1572 -
Lewis, George b.1560 - Llystalbont, Glamorganshire, Wales
Lewis, Gideon Shepard b.1792 - Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Gould b.1760 - East Greenwich, Ri?
Lewis, Hannah m.1755 - Westerly, , Ri
Lewis, Hannah Mrs - Living
Lewis, Hugh - Living
Lewis, Husband - Living
Lewis, Husband - Living
Lewis, Israel b.1661 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, James b.1670 - Westerly, Ri
Lewis, James b.1730 - East Greenwich, Ri?
Lewis, James b.1801 - Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Jane b.1570 -
Lewis, Jenkins b.1689 - , Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Jerusha b.1707 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, John - Living
Lewis, John - Living
Lewis, John b.1574 -
Lewis, John b.1631 - Westerley, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, John b.1678 - Westerley, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, John b.1650 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, John b.1698 - Westerly, Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, John H. b.1812 - Prob. Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Jonathan b.1659 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, Lucena b.1833 - Conewango, Cattaraugus Co., Ny
Lewis, Lydia b.1784 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Lewis, Lydia Marie b.1815 - Tinmouth, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Mary b.1568 -
Lewis, Mary b.1691 - Westerly, Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Mary b.1689 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Mary b.1762 - East Greenwich, Kent Co., Ri
Lewis, Mrs Edward m.1604 - Penmark, Glamorgan, Wales
Lewis, Mrs. Edmund b.1601 - East Greenwich, , England
Lewis, Mrs. John b.1639 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, Ozro W. b.1818 - Gaines, Ny
Lewis, Patience b.1699 - Westerly, Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Phebe Experience b.1823 - Barre, Orleans County, New York
Lewis, Philip b.1785 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Lewis, Philip Henry b.1828 - Conewango, Cattaraugus Co., Ny
Lewis, Roswell Rice b.1794 - Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Ruth b.1702 - Westerly, Washington, R.I.
Lewis, Ruth b.1701 - , Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Samuel b.1671 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, Samuel C. b.1796 - Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, Samuel M. b.1826 - Barre, Ny
Lewis, Sarah b.1720 - , , Ri
Lewis, Sarah b.1690 - , Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Sarah b.1687 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, Son - Living
Lewis, Thomas b.1534 - of van, Montgomery, Wales
Lewis, Thomas William m.1737 -
Lewis, Unknown -
Lewis, Waite Gould b.1799 - Poultney, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis, William b.1702 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Lewis, William b.1678 - Westerley, Washington, Rhode Island
Lewis, William b.1783 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Lewis, William b.1756 - East Greenwich, Kent Co., Ri
Lewis, William R. b.1810 - Castleton, Rutland Co., Vt
Lewis Jr., Israel m.1718 - , , Rhode Island
Lewis Sr, Joseph b.1683 - of Westerly, Wshng., Ri
Lewknor, Eleanor m.1452 -
Lewys, Elsbeth Verch - Living
Lewys, Miss Verch b.1436 - of Sain Pyr, Matharn, Monmouthshire, England
Lillie, Margerie m.1617 - of, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England
Lincoln, Mary m.1756 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Linda, Barbara m.1603 - , Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Gavaria
Lindner, Kasper m.1667 -
Linfurth, Elizabeth m.1669 - Haverhill, Essex, Ma
Lingen, Jane Lingeyn or m.1543 - of Clapham, Sussex, England
Lisle or Lisley, Mary - Living
Lisley, John or Lisle b.1493 -
Lisley, Mary b.1519 - Isle of Wright, Sthmpt, , Eng
Lister, Thomasine m.1599 - of, Rippingale, Lincolnshire, England
Little, Altha Ann - Living
Littlefield, Mary b.1752 - East Stoughton, , Ma
Litzenberger, Adam m.1770 -
Llewelyn, Daughter Verch - Living
Llewelyn, Morgan ap b.1378 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Llewelyn, Thomas ap b.1364 - Lngtwgdyfrynwysg, Abergavennym, Monmouthshire, England
Llywelyn, Cecily Verch b.1380 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Llywelyn, Crisli Verch - Living
Llywelyn, Gwenllian Verch b.1387 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Llywelyn, Ieuan ap b.1384 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Llywelyn, Margred Verch b.1382 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Llywelyn, Margred Verch b.1375 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Llywelyn, Miss b.1387 - of Tredegyr, Dyffryn, Monmouthshire, England
Llywelyn, Miss Verch b.1385 - of Radur, Meisgyn, Glamorgan, Wales
Lnu, Margery - Living
Lockwood, David m.1844 - Elkhart, Ind.
Loker, Henry m.1604 - of Bures Saint Mary, Suffolk, England
Londenoys, Mary b.1512 - Brede, Sussex, England
Londenoys, Richard b.1486 -
London, Alice m.1525 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Long, Alice b.1582 - St Albans, Herts, Eng
Long, Anna b.1588 - St Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Long, Deborah b.1642 - Charlestown, Mass
Long, Edward m.1546 -
Long, Elizabeth Mrs b.1603 - of, Dunstable, Beds, Eng
Long, Hannah b.1637 - Charlestown, Ma
Long, Hannah b.1637 - Charlestown, Massachusetts
Long, Henry Knight - Living
Long, Herodias b.1623 - Southwark, London, London, England
Long, John b.1560 - , Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England
Long, Joshua b.1634 - Dunstable, Bedford, Eng
Long, Marie Mrs b.1569 - of, St Albans, Herts, England
Long, Mary m.1690 -
Long, Richard b.1586 - St Albans, St. Albans, Herts, England
Long, Robert b.1590 - of, St Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Long, Ruth b.1639 - Charlestown, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts
Long, Steven b.1584 - St Albans, Hertfordshire, England, England
Long, William b.1592 - St Albans, Hertfordshire, England, England
Longbathome, Elizabeth b.1560 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Longbotham, Brian b.1520 - Northowram, Halifax, York Cty, England
Longe, John b.1596 - St Albans, Herts, Eng
Longe, Marie b.1594 - St. Albans, Herts, England, England
Longford, (Sir) Nicholas b.1285 - of, Longford, , England
Longford, Alice b.1330 - Longford, Drbysh, Engl
Longworthy, Andrew m.1658 - Newport, Town of Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island
Loombs, John m.1631 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Loomis, Samuel m.1703 - Westfield, Hampden, Mass.
Loomis, Samuel m.1738 - Colchester, , Ct
Lovel, Philippa b.1391 - Titchmarsh, Northa., Eng.
Loveland, Thomas - Living
Lovell, Eleanor m.1585 - of, East-Harling, Norfolk, England
Lovell, Robert m.1484 -
Lovell, Ruth m.1731 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Lovett, Thomas m.1514 -
Lovys, Humphrey - Living
Low, Christian b.1734 - <, Orange Co, Nc>
Low, Frederick b.1732 - <, Orange Co, Nc>
Low, Margaret b.1736 - <, Orange Co, Nc>
Low, Margaret b.1769 - , Guilford, Nc
Low, Samuel b.1730 - <, Orange Co, Nc>
Low, Thomas b.1728 - <, Orange Co, Nc>
Low (Lau), Conrad b.1694 - , , , Europe
Low (Lau), David b.1726 - , Holy Roman Empir
Low (Lau), Peter b.1747 - , , Pa
Lowe, Clement - Living
Lowe, Humphrey m.1509 - , Pooley, Warwickshire, England
Lowe, Vincent - Living
Loy, Margaret Ann b.1773 - , Orange Co, Nc
Lozier, Levi m.1862 - of, , , In
Lucas, Mary m.1683 -
Lud, Unknown b.1660 -
Ludden, Benjamin (Jr.) Jr. m.1704 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Ludden, Enos b.1825 - McDonough, Chenango County, New York
Ludlow, Isabella - Living
Luger, Adam - Living
Lungvillers, Agnes de b.1232 -
Lungvillers, John de b.1210 -
Lungvillers, John de b.1236 -
Lungvillers, Margaret de b.1242 - of, Farnley, Yorkshire, England
Lunn, Anne b.1558 - of, Welby, Nottingham, England
Lupton, Joan m.1634 - Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, , England
Lurvey, Mary b.1684 - Massachusetts
Lusher, Elenor - Living
Luther, Consider m.1814 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Lutten, Joanna b.1618 - of New London, New London, Ct
Lutterell, James m.1450 - Lic
Lycan, Rosa Belle m.1899 -
Lygon, William - Living
Lyman, Hepzibah m.1662 - Northanpton, Hamp., Ma
Lyman, John m.1654 -
Lynch, Mary "Polly" m.1838 - , McDonough Co, Illinois
Lynn, Thomas m.1857 -
Lysley, Anne - Living
Mablethorpe, Anne b.1440 - , of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, England
MacCay, Mary m.1730 - , Anne Arundel, Maryland
MacCoon, Daniel b.1668 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
MacCoon, John m.1744 - Hopkinton, Washington, Ri
MacCoon, John b.1631 - Aberdeen, , Scotland
MacCoon, Mrs Ann - Living
MacCoon Meechome, John Jr b.1666 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
MacKenneth, Anleta "Thora Donada" b.968 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
MacKenneth King of Scotland, Malcolm II (Melkolf) b.970 - , , , Scotland
MacKenneth Queen of Scotland, Mrs-Malcolm b.962 - , , , Scotland
MacOmber, Ursilla m.1673 -
Madog, Hywel ap m.1408 - of, Rady, Glamorganshire, So Wales
Malephant, Edmund - Living
Maleverer, Halnathe - Living
Mallet, Mary m.1463 -
Mallet, Thomas - Living
Malpas, David - Living
Malte, Ethelreda m.1546 - , , England
Manchester, Thomas "Immigrant" m.1650 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island
Manfield, Dorothy m.1599 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, , England
Manning, Margaret - Living
Mansel, Ralph (Richard) (Rhys) Knight m.1520 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Mansfield, Miss m.1629 - Bracon Ashe, Norfolk, England
Manston, Beatrice b.1340 - <, Hunslet, Yorkshire, England>
Mapes, Leonard m.1580 - Eng.
March, Elizabeth m.1669 - , Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
March, Elizabeth - Living
March, Sarah b.1842 - Vermont
Margaret, - Living
Margaret, Webster - Living
Markham, Adela b.1398 - Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Alice b.1502 - Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, Catherine b.1481 -
Markham, Elizabeth b.1452 - of Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Elizabeth b.1477 -
Markham, Frances b.1524 - of, Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, Henry b.1400 - Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Isabella b.1527 - of, Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, John Sir b.1368 - Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, John Sir Knight b.1472 - of, Sedgebrooke, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, John Sir Knight b.1500 - Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, Katherine b.1460 - of Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Margaret b.1454 - of Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Margaret b.1445 - of, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, Richard b.1373 - of Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Robert b.1370 - of Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Robert Sir b.1322 - of West Markham, Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, Robert Sir b.1406 - Sedgebrook, Lincolnshire, England
Markham, Robert b.1475 - Octon, Nottinghamshire, Eng
Markham, Robert Sir Knight b.1435 - of, Cotham, Nottinghamshire, England
Markham, Thomas b.1528 - Ollerton, Nottingham, Kirby Bellars, England
Markham, William b.1526 - of, Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Marleville, William m.1590 - Sanderstead, Surrey, England
Marley, Emma Ruth m.1780 - Orange Co., North Carolina
Marney, Grace m.1508 - of, Holme Hale, Norfolk, England
Marplehead, Mary m.1655 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Marquette, Carrie Ella - Living
Marrow, Dorothy m.1528 - of, Ashburne, Derbyshire, England
Marsh, Elizabeth - Living
Marsh, John m.1613 - Braintree, Essex, England
Marsh, Mary m.1718 - Westerly, Washington Co., Ri
Marshall, Anne m.1571 - St.Marys, London, Eng.
Marshall, Elizabeth - Living
Marshall, Mary or Mercy m.1698 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Marshall, Mercy or Mary m.1698 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Marshall, Ralph - Living
Martin, Chestor -
Martin, Elsie Lucille b.1901 - Illinois
Marvin, John - Living
Mary, - Living
Mary, Plumb b.1644 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Mash, Mary b.1690 - <, Westerly, Washington, Ri>
Mason, Bethiah m.1688 - of Weymouth, Massachusetts
Mason, Betsey b.1801 - Cheshire, Ma
Mason, Cyrus b.1795 - Fort Ann, Washington Co., Ny
Mason, Elcena b.1800 - Granville, Washington Co., Ny
Mason, Joseph Sr. m.1684 - Watertown, Middlesex, Mass.
Mason, Sybil b.1540 - Halifax, York, Eng
Mason, Thomas b.1500 - Halifax, York, Eng
Masters, Lee - Living
Masterson, b.1555 - (Unknown), , England
Masterson, Nathaniel b.1620 - Leiden, Holland, Netherlands, Netherlands
Masterson, Richard or Margeson b.1590 - Sandwich, Kent, England, England
Masterson, Sarah m.1640 - , , New England
Masterson (Coleson), Sarah (Joan) b.1612 - Leyden, South Holland, Netherlands, Holland
Mate, Noah m.1840 - , Darke, Ohio
Mather, Lucinda - Living
Mathew, Alice b.1550 - of Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Catherine b.1508 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Catherine b.1545 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Dafydd Knight b.1411 - of Llandaf Court, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, David b.1442 - of Trevor Oenb, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, David b.1458 - Radyr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Edmund Sir b.1543 - , Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Ellen b.1445 - Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Florence b.1549 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, George b.1535 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, George b.1486 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Henry b.1488 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Henry b.1533 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Hopkin b.1467 - of, Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Humphrey b.1567 - of Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Jane b.1430 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Jane b.1440 -
Mathew, Jane b.1504 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Jane b.1547 - of Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Janet b.1468 - of Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Janet b.1506 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Jenet b.1551 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Jenkin b.1446 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, John b.1440 - Llandaff, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, John b.1431 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, John b.1502 - of, Bristol, Gloucershire, England
Mathew, John b.1537 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Lewys b.1409 - of Carn-Lwyd, Llancarfan, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Margaret b.1472 - Radyr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Margred b.1440 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Miles b.1514 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Miles b.1541 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Miss b.1427 - Castell y Menych, Pen-Tyrch, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Miss b.1553 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Morgan b.1470 - Sweldon, Glamorgans, Wales
Mathew, Morgan b.1431 - Os Saint-y-Nyll, Stbridessuperely, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Morgan b.1470 - of Sweldon Caerau, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Rimron b.1434 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Robert b.1407 - Castell y Menych, Pen-Tyrch, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Robert b.1465 - of Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Robert b.1546 - of Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wiles
Mathew, Son b.1468 - of Radyr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Son b.1462 - of Radyr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Thomas b.1512 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Thomas b.1539 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, Thomas I b.1438 - of Llandaf Court, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, Wenllian b.1510 - of, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, William b.1469 - of, Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, William b.1429 - Castell-y-Menych, Pen-Tyrch, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, William Knight b.1460 - , Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, William b.1530 - of, Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, William b.1516 - of Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Mathew, William "Fawr" b.1436 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathew, William "Leia" b.1448 - of Llandaf, Cibwr, Glamorgan, Wales
Mathews, Susanna m.1782 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Mathewson, Winchester m.1742 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Mattat, Unknown b.735 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Mattatha, Unknown b.948 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Matthew, Catherine b.1569 - of, Castell-y-Mynach, Glamorganshire, Wales
Matthew, Humphrey - Living
Matthew, Miles b.1544 - of Castell-y-Mynach, Pentyrch, Glamorganshire, Wales
Matthew, Woodruff m.1668 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Maud, John or Johis b.1502 - of Halifax, Yorks., Eng.
Maud, Mrs. b.1506 - of Halifax, Yorks., Eng.
Maud (Mawd), Margarita b.1531 - Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Mauntell, Walter - Living
Mautravers, Maud m.1396 -
Maveric, Mary m.1744 -
Maverick, Mary m.1640 - Malden, Ma
Mawd, Alice b.1539 - Northowram, York, Eng
Maxon, Hannah m.1714 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Maxon, Mary m.1701 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Maxson, Joseph Reverend m.1691 - Westerly, Wash, R.I.
May, Daniel m.1770 -
May, George -
May, John II m.1658 - Roxbury, Mass. 12 Children Born Roxbury
May, Julia Grace b.1904 - Dugger, In
May, Mirandi Judith - Living
May, Mollie m.1813 - , Orange, North Carolina
McBride, John - Living
McDaniel, Joseph - Living
Mears, Samuel - Living
Mecklin, Anna Maria m.1714 - Oberderdingen, Wuerttenberg, Germany
Medan, Unknown - Living
Medders, Aaron b.1860 - , , Ia
Medders, Aaron b.1816 - , , Pa
Medders, Christine b.1843 - , , In
Medders, Elizabeth b.1840 - , , In
Medders, Emily b.1845 - , , In
Medders, Lydia A. b.1847 - , , In
Medders, Mary b.1850 - Indiana
Medders, Nathaniel b.1849 - , , In
Medders, Nellie b.1862 - , , Ia
Medders, Samuel b.1838 - , , Oh
Medders, Sophronia b.1855 - , , Ia
Medders, William b.1844 - , , In
Meekcoon, John b.1686 -
Melch, Unknown b.547 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Melea, Unknown b.900 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Mellen, David b.1721 - , , Framingham, Mass
Mellen, Edward b.1761 -
Mellen, Elizabeth m.1691 - Framington, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Mellen, Esther b.1724 - , , Framingham, Mass
Mellen, Israel b.1724 - , , Framingham, Mass
Mellen, James b.1681 - Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Mellen, James b.1685 - Watertown, Ma.
Mellen, James b.1642 - Charlestown, Middlesex, Mass.
Mellen, James b.1698 - Framingham, , Ma
Mellen, Johathan b.1745 -
Mellen, John b.1685 - Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Mellen, Mary b.1675 - Malden, Ma.
Mellen, Mary b.1712 - , , Framingham, Mass
Mellen, Mary - Living
Mellen, Mrs John b.1595 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Eng
Mellen, Mrs Mary - Living
Mellen, Richard b.1671 - Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Mellen, Richard b.1672 - Malden, Ma
Mellen, Richard b.1620 - Weymouth, Dorset, Eng
Mellen, Richard b.1649 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Mellen, Sarah b.1643 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Mellen, Simon b.1640 - Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Mellen, Simon Junior b.1716 - Framingham, Ma.
Mellen, Simon - Living
Mellen, Susannah b.1754 - Hopkin, Ma
Mellen Jr, Simon b.1690 - Framingham, , Ma
Mellen, Jr., Simon Jr. b.1665 - Winesimet, Sherburne, Massachusetts
Mellens, John b.1595 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Eng
Mellens, Jonathan b.1718 - , , Framingham, Mass
Mellin, Mary b.1641 - Charlestown, Ma
Mellins, John b.1714 - , , Framingham, Mass
Mellins, Mary b.1643 - Malden, Essex, Ma
Mellins, Mrs. - Living
Mellon, Abigail b.1757 -
Mellon, Mary b.1686 - Sherborn, Middlesex, Ma
Mellon, Simon m.1711 -
Melluish (Melhuish), Joan b.1389 - of, Walleigh, Devonshire, England
Memnon, Munon King b.1050 - Bc, Illiad, of, Troy
Menan, Unknown b.926 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Meraioth, Unknown b.774 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Meraloth, Unknown b.1130 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Mercia, Alfgar III Earl of - Living
Mercia, Edric, Streora, Earl of - Living
Mercia, Ethelred, Duke of - Living
Mercia, Ethelswith Queen of b.846 - of, Wantage, Berkshire, England
Mercklin, Anna Maria m.1714 - Oberderdingen, Wrttemberg, Germany
Mercy, Mary or - Living
Meres, Laura m.1447 -
Merfield, Cecilia b.1400 - Whitley, Beaumont, Berks, England
Mering, Elizabeth - Living
Mering, William - Living
Merrett, James m.1777 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Merynge, (Unknown) b.1505 - London, Middlesex, ?, England
Merynge, Margaret b.1536 - St Mary, Woolchurch, London, England
Merynge, Mrs b.1509 - of Woolchurch, London, England
Messex, Samuel m.1814 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Methley, Thomas - Living
Mettup, Bethia m.1689 - , , , Colonies
Meverell, Elizabeth m.1506 -
Meynell, Robert de m.1099 - South Otterington, Yorkshire, England
Meynell, Stephen de m.1129 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Michelgrove, Elizabeth b.1458 - of Clapham, Sussex, England
Michelgrove, John b.1424 -
Michelston, John - Living
Midian, Unknown - Living
Milcah, Unknown - Living
Mill, Elizabeth b.1411 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Millard, Charity m.1716 - Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
Millard or Mille, Ephraim m.1701 - , Mendon, Bristol, Massachusetts
Millard(Willard), Samuel m.1700 - Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Ma
Millen, Daniel b.1721 - Framingham, Ma
Millen, Thomas b.1668 - Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Miller, Aaron b.1817 -
Miller, Eliza b.1825 - Clark Co., Indiana
Miller, Elizabeth m.1739 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Miller, Elizabeth A. b.1826 -
Miller, Emanuel b.1818 - Ohio
Miller, Emanuel m.1838 -
Miller, Ephraim m.1701 - Rehoboth, Bristol, Ma
Miller, Frederick m.1832 - Monroe Co., Oh
Miller, Harriet b.1814 -
Miller, John W. b.1828 -
Miller, Judy b.1819 - Ohio
Miller, Martin b.1767 -
Miller, Martin b.1791 - Pennsylvania
Miller, Mary m.1832 - , Monroe, Ohio
Miller, Mehitabel m.1690 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Miller, Sarah m.1839 -
Miller, Sarah Mariah b.1820 -
Miller, Solomon b.1823 - Ohio
Miller, William b.1829 -
Millins, Mary b.1695 - Framingham, Ma.
Mills, Elizabeth m.1834 - , Darke, Ohio
Mitchell, Elizabeth m.1813 - St. Clair Co., IL
Mitchell, John b.1758 - Hess Miner, , Germany
Mitchell, Sarah b.1776 -
Mitchell, Susanna Catherine b.1791 - Pennsylvania
Mnu, Mary m.1652 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Moleyns, Eleanor de Baroness Moleyns b.1426 - , Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England
Moleyns, Frideswide de b.1428 - of, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England
Moleyns, William de Baron Moleyns b.1405 - , Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire, England
Molineux, Thomas - Living
Molyneux, Ellen m.1435 - of, Sefton, Lancashire, England
Mompesson, Edmund - Living
Monington, Richard m.1527 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Monnings, Alice (Moninges) m.1505 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Monroe, William m.1672 - Lexington, Middlesex, Mass.
Montague, Elizabeth m.1551 - Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Montague, Mary m.1668 - Hadley, Hampshire, Massachuetts
Montfort, John - Living
Montgomery, Adam b.1545 -
Montgomery, George b.1570 -
Montgomery, Jane b.1598 -
Montgomery, Margaret b.1550 -
Moor, John m.1661 - Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Moore, Alis b.1418 -
Moore, Elizabeth b.1622 - Sudbury, Middlesex, , Ma
Moore, Hugh m.1873 - Kendall Co. Ill.
Moore, John b.1628 - Henham, Essex
Moore, Merriam m.1669 - Haddam, Mdlsx, Ct
Moore, Mrs. Elizabeth - Living
Moore, Rebecca m.1648 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Moore, Richard m.1588 -
Moorton, Elizabeth m.1596 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, , England
Moray, Finlaech (Findlaech) Mormaer of m.1004 - , , , Scotland
Mordaunt, Eustace b.1388 - of, Cople, Bedfordshire, England
Mordaunt, Eustace b.1360 - of, Cople, Bedfordshire, England
Mordaunt, William b.1200 - of, Cople, Bedfordshire, England
Mordaunt (Mercaunt), Agnes b.1390 - of Bedfordshire, England
Mordaunte, Margaret m.1526 - England
Morel, Sybil - Living
Mores, Jonathan m.1731 -
Moreton, - Living
Morey, Mary m.1683 - Plympton, Plymouth, Ma.
Morgan, Alice b.1525 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Andrew b.1519 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Anne b.1512 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Blanch m.1585 -
Morgan, Catrin b.1487 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Catrin Verch b.1436 - Radyr, Glamorganshire, Wales
Morgan, Cecily Verch b.1439 - of Langstone, Llebenydd, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Elsbeth b.1478 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, George b.1490 - of Newport, Gwynllwg, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Giles b.1515 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Harry b.1492 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Henry b.1482 - of Pen-Coed Manor, Llanfarthin, Monmothshire, Engl
Morgan, Henry b.1521 - of Pen-Coed Manor, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Jenet - Living
Morgan, Joan or Jane b.1478 - of Pencoyd, Coychurch, Glamorganshire, Wasles
Morgan, John b.1480 - of Caerllion, Edeligion, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, John b.1518 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Margred b.1477 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Margred b.1510 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Mary b.1527 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Mawd b.1477 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Miss b.1491 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Miss b.1486 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Morgan Knight - Living
Morgan, Morgan b.1492 - of Llanmartin, Mnmth, Engl
Morgan, Morgan b.1523 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Philip b.1484 - of Kidwelly, Cadweli, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Morgan, Sybil Verch b.1462 - of, Langstone, Glamorganshire, Wales
Morgan, Thomas b.1488 - of the Ford, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Thomas Knight b.1453 - of Pen-Coed Manor, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, Thomas Knight b.1513 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Morgan, William Knight b.1483 - of Pen-Coed, Llanfarthin, Monmouthshire, England
Moring, John - Living
Mormaer, Crinan de b.975 - Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Mormaer, Duncan, Lord of b.949 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Mormaer, Mrs-Duncan b.951 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Morris, Elizabeth m.1844 - Elkhart Co. Ind.
Morris, Frederick m.1833 - , Elkhart, Indiana
Morris, Isaac m.1825 - , Monroe, Ohio
Morris, Issac A. m.1844 - , Elkhart, In
Morris, Nancy m.1869 - , Blue Earth, Mn
Morse, Alice b.1540 - of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Daniel b.1582 - Suffolk, , , England
Morse, Esther or Hester m.1669 - Watertown, Mddsx., Ma
Morse, Esther(Ester) m.1675 - Ipswich, Essex Co, Mass
Morse, Hannah b.1615 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Morse, Joan b.1525 - of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, John b.1612 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Morse, John Elder b.1520 - of Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, John Younger b.1533 - of Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, John b.1452 - of Stratford, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Jone b.1537 -
Morse, Joseph b.1613 - Henham, Essex, England
Morse, Joseph b.1587 - of, Suffolk, , England
Morse, Joseph b.1576 - of Hinderclay, Suff., Eng.
Morse, Katherine b.1535 - of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Lancelot b.1542 - Stoke-by-Nyland, Suffolkshire, England
Morse, Margaret b.1544 - Stoke-by-Nyland, Suffolkshire, England
Morse, Margaret b.1530 - of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Margaret b.1530 - Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, Mrs John m.1558 - of Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Mrs Lancelot m.1561 - , , England
Morse, Mrs Robert m.1555 - , , England
Morse, Mrs Thomas m.1565 - , , England
Morse, Nathaniel b.1579 - Suffolk, , , England
Morse, Richard b.1540 - Prob. Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk Cty, Eng
Morse, Richard b.1530 - of Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, Robert Junior b.1536 - Stoke-by-Nyland, Suffolkshire, England
Morse, Robert b.1500 - of Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, Robert b.1434 - of Stratford, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Thomas b.1519 - of Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, Thomas b.1547 - Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, Thomas b.1567 - Stoke, By Nayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, Thomas b.1454 - of Stratford, Suffolk, Eng
Morse, Thomas Richard Rev. b.1553 - Stoke-by-Mayland, Suffolk, England
Morse, William b.1492 - of Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Mortimer, Elizabeth m.1684 - New London, New London, Ct
Morton, Robert m.1525 - of, Cotham, Yorkshire, England
Moser, Anna Philipena m.1759 - Brick Church, Guilford, North Carolina
Mosier (Moser ?), Philopena - Living
Mosse, Agnes b.1499 - of Stoke by Nayland, Suff., England
Mosse, John b.1577 - Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, England
Moton, Alice b.1367 - of, Peckleton, Leicestershire, England
Mountegue, m.1567 - , , Eng
Mousal, Mary m.1648 - , , Massachusetts, Colonies
Mowbray, Elizabeth - Living
Mowery, Sarah m.1698 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Mrs Jenks, m.1560 - of Stanne, Blackfrier, London, England
Mrs., Albright - Living
Mules, John m.1361 -
Mullens, William m.1595 - of, Dorking, Surrey, England
Mullins, (or Molins) William m.1594 - of, , London, England
Mumford, Thomas m.1708 - Narragansett, Washington, Rhode Island
Munning, Elizabeth - Living
Muschamps, Cecily de - Living
Mussenden, Thomas Knight - Living
Myal, Thomasine m.1546 - , , Suffolk, England
Myers, Margaret b.1805 - Powell Valley, Claiborne, Tn
Myll, Daughter b.1398 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Myll, Thomas b.1394 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Myll, Thomas b.1360 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Mynn, Edward b.1500 - Little Fransham, Norfolk
Mynn, Thomasine (Myal) b.1527 - Little Fransham, Norfolk, England
Nahor, Unknown - Living
Naphthali, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Nashon, Unknown b.1245 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Nathan, Unknown b.970 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Nation, Jane m.1819 - , Preble, Ohio
Nation, Phillip b.1790 - , , North Carolina
Neale, Edward m.1662 - Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Nealeigh, Mary Elizabeth m.1852 - , Darke, Ohio
Nelson, John m.1667 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass
Nelson, Mrs Elizabeth - Living
Neri, Unknown b.521 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Nettleton, - Living
Nettleton, Samuel m.1682 -
Neuenschander, Jacob b.1670 - , Canton Berne
Neuenschandger, Wolfgang von b.1645 - Thurn, Canton Bern, Switzerland
Neuschwanger, Abraham b.1704 - <, Canton Berne, Switzerland>
Neuschwanger, Mary b.1717 -
Neuschwanger (Niswanger), John Jacob b.1720 - Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
Neuschwanger Sr, Christian b.1703 - , Canton Berne, Switzerland
Neuschwanger, Jr, Jacob b.1701 - <, Canton Berne, Switzerland>
Neville, Alice b.1442 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Alice Mrs de m.1227 - of, , , England
Neville, Amphilicia b.1460 - , of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, England
Neville, Anne - Living
Neville, Anne - Living
Neville, Edmund de b.1275 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, Edmund de b.1296 - of, Liversedge, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Edward de b.1422 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Elizabeth b.1434 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Elizabeth b.1432 - Liversedge, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Elizabeth de b.1420 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Elizabeth de b.1371 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Ellen b.1434 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Geoffrey de b.1140 - of, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England
Neville, Geoffrey de b.1273 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, Geoffrey de b.1225 - of, Hornby, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Geoffrey FitzRobert de b.1197 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Neville, Gilbert de b.1100 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Neville, Gilbert de b.1115 - of, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England
Neville, Henry de b.1178 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Neville, Isabel de b.1176 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Neville, Joan (Margaret) b.1201 - of Raby With Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England
Neville, Joan de b.1413 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Joan de b.1375 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, John b.1437 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, John de b.1199 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Neville, John de b.1227 - of Raby With Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England
Neville, John de b.1269 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, John de b.1299 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, John de b.1415 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, John de Knight b.1346 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Katherine b.1439 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Lucy m.1494 -
Neville, Margaret b.1430 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Margaret m.1536 - of, Mereworth, Kent, England
Neville, Margaret de b.1279 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, Margaret de b.1373 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Maude b.1420 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Miss b.1443 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Miss b.1441 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Miss b.1423 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Mrs Robert de m.1240 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Neville, Mrs-Gilbert de b.1100 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Neville, Mrs-Robert m.1298 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, Pernel Mrs de b.1273 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, Philicia Mrs de b.1132 - , Raby With Keverstone, Durham, England
Neville, Robert b.1223 - of, Raby With Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England
Neville, Robert de b.1271 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, Robert de Sir Knight b.1411 - of Liversedge, Yorkshire, Engla
Neville, Roger b.1418 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Thomas Knight m.1539 - of, Dauntsey, Wiltshire, England
Neville, Thomas Knight b.1428 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Thomas de Baron Saint Maur & Lovel m.1421 - of St. Lawrence, Jewry, London, Middlesex, England
Neville, Thomas de Knight b.1392 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, Thomas de b.1377 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, Walter de b.1144 - of, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England
Neville, William b.1435 - of, Rolleston, Nottinghamshire, England
Neville, William b.1417 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Neville, William de b.1142 - of, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England
Neville, William de b.1201 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Neville, William de b.1277 - of, Hornby, Lancashire, England
Neville, William de b.1322 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Newberry, Benjamin Captain m.1690 -
Newcomb, Peter - Living
Newcomb, Sarah m.1719 - Tolland, Tolland, Ct
Newcomen, Robert Sir Baronet m.1621 - of Gasley, Essex, Eng.
Newdegate, John b.1492 - Harefield, Middlesex, England
Newdigate, Jane b.1487 - Haresfield, Middlesex, England
Newdigate, John b.1461 - <, of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, England>
Newes, m.1606 -
Newes, William m.1606 - St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Newgate, Mary m.1613 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Newhall, Mary m.1651 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Newman, Thomas m.1665 -
Newton, - Living
Newton, Johanna m.1731 - Framingham, , Ma, Or 22 Jun 1731
Newton, Matthew m.1720 - Stonington, New London Co., Connecticut
Ney, George b.1717 - Kingstowne, Washington, Ri
Ney, Isaac b.1722 - Kingstowne, Washington, Ri
Ney, John b.1713 - Kingstowne, Washington, Ri
Ney, John b.1693 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
Ney (Nye), Phebe b.1743 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Nichols, Mary m.1796 -
Nicholson, Betsey b.1786 - Rhode Island
Niemand, John m.1760 -
Niswanger, Barbara b.1777 - , Shenandoah, Va
Niswanger, Christian b.1731 -
Niswanger, David b.1779 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Elizabeth b.1758 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Elizabeth b.1782 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, George b.1790 - Fincastle, Bototourt, Va
Niswanger, Jeremiah b.1771 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, John - Living
Niswanger, John b.1755 - Beterout, Virginia
Niswanger, John b.1720 - Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
Niswanger, John b.1786 - Rockingham Co. Virginia
Niswanger, Leah b.1760 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Magdalena b.1731 -
Niswanger, Mary b.1780 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Peter b.1755 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Rachael b.1787 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Rebecca b.1768 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Samuel b.1785 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Solomon b.1765 - , Frederick, Va
Niswanger, Susanna b.1788 - , Shenandoah, Va, Or Frederick
Niswonger, Celia - Living
Niswonger, David b.1860 - Darke County Monroe Twp., Ohio
Niswonger, Frank Alan - Living
Niswonger, George b.1852 -
Niswonger, Harold b.1904 - Blackhawk Co., IA
Niswonger, Helen - Living
Niswonger, Ira b.1878 -
Niswonger, Iren - Living
Niswonger, Jacob Franklin b.1776 - , Frederick, Va
Niswonger, Nicolas b.1820 -
Niswonger, Rachel A. b.1857 - Darke County Monroe Twp., Ohio
Niswonger, Robert Ira - Living
Niswonger, Ruthe - Living
Niswonger, Sadie b.1880 -
Niswonger, Sarah m.1879 -
Noble, Anna b.1716 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Beth b.1702 - Westfield, Hampden, Mass.
Noble, Dea Jonathan b.1721 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Ebenezer b.1711 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Elizabeth b.1673 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Noble, Elizabeth b.1705 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Noble, Hannah b.1664 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Israel b.1703 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, James b.1667 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Job b.1698 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Noble, John b.1662 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Jonathan b.1700 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Jonathan b.1721 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Noble, Lois b.1708 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Luke b.1675 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Mark b.1670 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Mary b.1680 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Matthew b.1668 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Rebecca b.1683 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Noble, Seth b.1702 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Silence b.1747 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Noble, Thankful b.1714 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Noble, Thomas b.1606 - England
Noble, Thomas b.1632 - England
Noble, Thomas b.1696 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Noble, Thomas b.1665 - Springfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Norbery, Miss - Living
Normandy, Emma Princess of Queen of England m.1002 - of Normandy, France
Norreys, Agnes b.1420 - of, Bray
Norreys, William b.1390 - of, Bray
Norris, Elizabeth m.1513 -
Norris, Mary m.1611 - , Leyden, South Holland, Netherlands
Norris, Richard m.1627 - Horton, Buchinghamshire, , England
Norris (Norreys), Katherine Mary m.1553 - of Dartington, Devon, England
North, Sarah b.1653 -
Northaller, Clare (Clara) Alicia de b.1244 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Northaller, Clare Mrs de b.1222 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Northaller, William de b.1218 - of, Aller, Devonshire, England
Northmilford, Robert de Knight - Living
Northrop, Stephen I m.1654 - of Providence, Providence, Ri
Northumberland, Ealdgyth (Aglithia), Princess of b.1020 - of, , Northumberland, England
Northumberland, Gospatric of b.1062 - of, Dunbar, East-Lothian, Scotland
Northumberland, Gospatric, Earl of b.1040 - of, , Northumberland, England
Northumberland, Uchtred of b.1080 - of, Raby, Durham, England
Northumbria, Eggfrida Countess of m.991 - of, , , England
Northumbria, Eldfrith King of - Living
Northumbria, Ughtred b.971 - of, , Northumbria, England
Norton, Elizabeth m.1668 - Milford, New Haven, Conn.
Norton, Thomas - Living
Norway, Gewar King In b.221 - , , , Scandinavia
Nourse, Francis m.1644 - of Salem Village, Danvers, Essex, Massachusetts
Nowers, John - Living
Noyce, William m.1595 - Weyhill, Penton Grafton, Hampshire, England
Noyes, Daniel m.1771 - Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Nunne, Francis m.1563 - Bradfield, Suffolk, England
Nye, Anne b.1564 - , Kent, , England
Nye, Benjamin b.1657 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Benjamin b.1620 - Biddenden, Kent, England
Nye, Bertolf b.1425 - , Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark
Nye, Caleb b.1653 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Caleb b.1720 - South Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Caleb Arnold b.1769 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Catherine b.1715 - Kingstowne, Washington, Ri
Nye, Catherine b.1752 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Ebenezer b.1646 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Ebenezer b.1695 - , Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Edmundus b.1560 - , Kent, , England
Nye, Elizabeth (Twin) b.1697 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Hannah m.1680 -
Nye, Hannah (Twin) b.1697 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Henry m.1619 -
Nye, Henry b.1588 - Bildenden, Kent, England
Nye, Henry b.1579 - of St. Andrew, Hubbard, England
Nye, Issac m.1747 -
Nye, James b.1482 - <, Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark>
Nye, James b.1455 - , Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark
Nye, Jemima b.1699 - <, Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts>
Nye, John b.1583 - of St. Andrew, Hubbard, England
Nye, John b.1644 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Jonathan b.1649 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Joshua b.1758 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Judith m.1620 -
Nye, Mary b.1566 - , Kent, , England
Nye, Mary b.1642 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Mary b.1761 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Mary (Mercy) Mrs m.1685 -
Nye, Mercy b.1652 - , Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Mrs Judith - Living
Nye, Mrs-Bertolf b.1429 - <, Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark>
Nye, Mrs. Nils b.1369 - <, Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark>
Nye, Mrs. Randolf b.1464 - , Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark
Nye, Mrs. Thomas - Living
Nye, Nathan b.1655 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, Nils b.1365 - , Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark
Nye, Phillip b.1595 - Bildenden, Kent, England
Nye, Ralph b.1560 - , Kent, , England
Nye, Ralph b.1520 - , Uckfield, Sussex, England
Nye, Randolf b.1460 - , Tudse, Holbaek, Denmark
Nye, Sarah b.1741 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Thankful b.1764 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Nye, Thomas b.1558 - Uckfield, Co. Sussex, England
Nye, Thomas b.1623 - Bidlenden, Kent, England
Nye, Thomas b.1585 - Bidlenden, Kent, England
Nye, Timothy b.1660 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
Nye, Timothy b.1691 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts
Nye, William b.1500 - , Uckfield, Sussex, England
Oabridgecourt or Dabridgecourt, Joan - Living
Obed, Unknown b.1120 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Ohmstead, Caroline H. b.1814 - New Milford, Litchfield Co., Ct
Olney, Amicia de m.1235 - of Olney, Northamptonshire, England
Onan, Unknown b.1400 - Bc, , , Caanan
Onan, Unknown b.1380 - Bc, of, Caanan
Onias, Unknown b.232 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Opp, Mary b.1633 - of, Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Opp, Mr b.1613 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Opp, Mrs b.1613 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Orange, William m.1566 - of Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Orcutt, Benjamin - Living
Orr, Sarah Jane m.1874 -
Orton, Sarah m.1672 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Osbourne, Patience m.1661 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Oslington, Alice b.1545 - (Unknown), , England
Oslington, Thomas b.1525 - (Unknown), Buckingham, ?, England
Oswulf or Osulphus, b.1189 - , , England
Otis, John m.1654 - Weymouth, New Haven Co, Conn
Ottenwalder, Margaretha m.1618 - Segringen, Mttlfr, Bavaria
Otter, Joan b.1495 - of, Walthamstow, Essex, England
Ottermalder, Margareth m.1618 -
Oviatt, Thomas m.1624 - Eng.
Owen, Foghan b.337 -
Ownstead, John Sr - Living
Oxenden, Edward b.1489 -
Oxenden, Mary b.1515 - Dene in Wingham, Kent, England
Oxman, m.1614 - of Braceby, Lincoln, Engl
Oxman, Robert m.1621 - Threekingham, Lincolnshire, England
Oyley, Anne m.1581 -
Paccard, George b.1683 -
Paccard, Mary b.1681 -
Pace, Mary Lucretia m.1550 - of Wokingham, Berkshire, England
Packard, Aaron b.1566 - Little Stoneham, Suffolk, Eng.
Packard, Abigail b.1651 - of Bridgewater, Ply, Mass
Packard, Ann b.1557 - Earl Stonham, Suffolk, England
Packard, Deborah b.1655 - Duxbury, Plymouth, Ma
Packard, Deliverence b.1652 - of Bridgewater, Ply, Mass
Packard, Elizabeth b.1646 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Mass
Packard, Elizabeth Wife of John I m.1659 - Mendlesham, Suffolk, Eng.
Packard, Ensign Samuel b.1640 - Wymondham, Suffolk, England
Packard, Frances b.1601 - Stonham Aspal, Suffolk, England
Packard, Francis b.1601 - Stonham, Aspall, England
Packard, George b.1620 - Stonham Aspal, Suffolk, England
Packard, George b.1576 - Colmans, Stonhamaspal, Whitsungrene, Suffolk, England
Packard, Hannah b.1648 - Bridgewater, Ply, Ma, (79)
Packard, Israel b.1646 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Ma
Packard, Jane b.1649 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Mass.
Packard, Jane b.1661 - of Bridgewater, Ply, Mass
Packard, Jeal b.1651 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Mass
Packard, John b.1603 - Stonham, Aspall, Suffolk, Eng.
Packard, John b.1655 - Weymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Packard, Joseph b.1659 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Packard, Margaret b.1610 - Stonham, Aspall, Suffolk, Eng.
Packard, Mary b.1618 - Stonham, Aspal Parish, Suff., England
Packard, Mary b.1636 - Wymondham, Suffolk, England
Packard, Moses b.1540 - Earl Stonham, Suffolk, Eng.
Packard, Nathan b.1614 - Stonham, Aspal Parish, Suff., England
Packard, Nathaniel b.1652 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Mass
Packard, Samuel b.1612 - Stonham, Aspal, Suffolk, Eng.
Packard, Samuel b.1638 - Hingham, Plymouth, Mass
Packard, Thomas b.1640 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Mass
Packard, Zaccheus b.1651 - of Bridgewater, Plymouth, Mass
Packer, Elizabeth - Living
Packington, Robert - Living
Page, Elizabeth b.1515 - Arlessey, Bedford, England
Paine, Elizabeth - Living
Pakington, Robert m.1516 -
Pakington, Ursula m.1531 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Palmer, - Living
Palmer, Abigail m.1731 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Palmer, Catherine m.1452 - of, Holt, Leicestershire, England
Palmer, Hannah m.1680 - New Port, New Port, Ri
Palmer, Rebecca m.1672 - Stonington, New London, Conn.
Palmer, Thomas Sir m.1545 - Parham, Sussex, England
Palmer, Thomas Knight - Living
Pannell, Ursula m.1591 - Glemsford, Suffolk, , England
Parchment, Lydia m.1656 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Paris, Unknown Prince b.1070 - Bc, of, Troy
Parker, Ann m.1590 - of Bracebie, Lincolnshire, England
Parker, Frances m.1674 - Portsmouth, Newport, Ri
Parker, Frances - Living
Parker, Hananiah m.1663 - Reading, Middx, Ma
Parker, Henry Baron Morley m.1509 -
Parker, John - Living
Parker, Leroy West - Living
Parker, Lucinda m.1857 -
Parker, Nathaniel C. - Living
Parkhurst, Elizabeth m.1701 - Watertown, Mddsx., Ma
Parkington, Ursula - Living
Parks, Abigail m.1679 - Watertown, Middlesex Co., Ma
Parks, Rebeccah m.1680 - Cambridge, , Ma
Parmenter, Benjamin m.1680 - of, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusettes
Parmenter, David m.1712 - of Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Partridge, Samuel m.1731 - Hadley, , Ct
Partridge, Samuel m.1663 - of Springfield, Hampden, Mass.
Paslewe, Thomas - Living
Paston, Elizabeth - Living
Paston, Thomas Knight - Living
Patten, Elizabeth m.1562 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Pauncefoot, Thomas Knight - Living
Paveley, Margaret b.1254 -
Payne, Edward b.1517 - , Herefordshire, England
Payne, Joan b.1547 - Holme Lacey, Herefordshire, England
Paynel, Jordan - Living
Paynell, Richard - Living
Peake, Christopher m.1636 - Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Peckham, Daniel m.1720 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Peckham, John m.1638 - Newport, Newport, Rhode Island
Peirce, Elizabeth Twin b.1643 - of, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Peirce, Hester or Ester (Pers) b.1612 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Peirce, John Twin b.1643 - of, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Peirce, Joseph b.1646 - <, , England>
Peirce, Thomas b.1649 - <, , England>
Peirce Pers, Mr m.1588 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pembridge, Elizabeth b.1453 -
Pembridge, Fulke b.1427 -
Penchant, Thomasine - Living
Pennington, Thomas de - Living
Percy, Anne - Living
Perient, John Knight - Living
Periente, Elizabeth Styles Lady b.1536 - , Suffolk, Eng.
Periente, George b.1505 - , , , England
Periente, Mrs. George b.1509 - <, , , England>
Perkins, Elisha m.1680 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Perkins, Luke m.1663 -
Perkins, Phebe m.1663 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Perkins, Phebe m.1665 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma, Massachusetts
Perkins, Phebelk - Living
Perpointe, Edmond Sir b.1348 -
Perpointe, Elizabeth b.1374 -
Perry, Arbadee m.1892 - Clark Co., IL
Pers (Peirce), Elizabeth Peirce or b.1624 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pers or Pierce, Elizabeth m.1615 -
Petit, Elizabeth b.1406 - of Rye, Sussex, England
Peto, Anne m.1612 - Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Pettis, Susanna or Lucianna m.1747 - Lanesboro, Berkshire, Mass.
Petty, Susannah (Fordice) - Living
Peverell, Eleanor b.1380 - Park Hamitilly, Penhale, Cornwall, England
Peverell, Katherine b.1380 - of Park, Hamatethy, Penhale, Cornwall, England
Peverell, Thomas Knight b.1340 - of Park Hamitilly, Penhale, Cornwall, England
Pharez, Twin b.1400 - Bc, of, Goshen, Egypt
Phelps, Elizabeth m.1665 -
Phelps, Elizabeth m.1624 - of Tewkesbury, Gloucester, England, England
Phelps, George m.1632 - , , Eng
Phelps], [Mary m.1638 - Prob. Weymouth, Norfolk Co., Ma
Philip, Gwenllian Verch b.1388 - of Sain Pyr, Matharn, Monmouthshire, England
Philip, Jenkin ap b.1377 - of Langstone, Llebenydd, Monmouthshire, England
Philip, Jenkyn ap b.1410 -
Philip, Margaret Verch - Living
Philips, m.1612 - of Braceby, Lincoln, Engl
Philips, Phillips b.1528 - <, England>
Phillipes, Joan b.1486 - of Tenterden, Kent, , Eng
Phillipps, Christian b.1613 -
Phillipps, Sarah b.1611 -
Phillips, b.1657 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Mass.
Phillips, (Son) b.1657 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, Abigail b.1609 - , , Eng
Phillips, Abigail b.1662 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, Alice b.1631 - of, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Phillips, Alice b.1637 - <, , England>
Phillips, Alice b.1645 - Dedham, Norfolk Co, Ma
Phillips, Benjamin b.1653 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, Caleb b.1644 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, Caleb b.1659 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Elizabeth b.1617 -
Phillips, Elizabeth b.1632 - of, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Phillips, Elizabeth b.1665 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Elizabeth b.1651 - Boston, Ma
Phillips, Experience b.1641 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, Hannah b.1654 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Hannah b.1697 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Phillips, Hannah b.1654 - Boston, Ma
Phillips, Henry - Living
Phillips, Henry b.1614 - Dedham, Essex, England
Phillips, Joanna m.1657 - , Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, John m.1682 - Newport, Town of Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island
Phillips, John b.1671 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Joshua b.1647 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Phillips, Joshua b.1662 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Jphn - Living
Phillips, Margery m.1605 - Aston Clinton, Co. Bucks, , Eng.
Phillips, Martin b.1615 - Wendover, Bucks, Eng
Phillips, Mary b.1657 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Mary b.1661 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Mary b.1682 - Weymouth, , Massachusetts
Phillips, Mercy b.1692 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Phillips, Mr. m.1618 - of, Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Phillips, Nicholas b.1564 - of Dedham, Essex, England
Phillips, Nicholas b.1560 - of Dedham, Essex, Eng
Phillips, Nicholas b.1586 - Dedham, Essex, England
Phillips, Nicholas b.1664 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Nicholas b.1611 - of, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, England
Phillips, Nicholas b.1660 - Boston, Ma
Phillips, Nicholas d.1657 - Boston, Ma
Phillips, Nicholas (Jr.) b.1697 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Phillips, Richard b.1667 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Richard b.1634 - Wendover, Bucks, England
Phillips, Samuel b.1670 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Sarah b.1665 - Boston, Ma
Phillips, Son b.1657 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Phillips, Thomas b.1667 - Boston, Ma
Phillips, Unk b.1657 - Wemouth, Suffolk, Mass
Phillips, William m.1689 - of Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Phineas, Unknown b.1307 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Pickering, Johanna - Living
Picts, Fergus (Ungust), King of The b.735 - , , , Scotland
Picts, Mrs-Fergus, Queen of The b.737 - , , , Scotland
Picts, Mrs-Urgust, King of The b.714 -
Picts, Urgust, King of The b.709 - of, , , Scotland
Pierce, Anne Mrs m.1633 - Watertown, Middlesex Co., Ma
Pierce, Barbara b.1621 - Norwich, Norfolk, England, England
Pierce, Barbra b.1615 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierce, Elizabeth m.1644 -
Pierce, John b.1617 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierce, John b.1644 - <, , , England>
Pierce, John Pers or b.1588 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierce, Mary b.1613 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierce, Mary Mrs m.1633 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Pierce, Richard m.1561 - , , Eng
Pierce, Robert b.1621 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierce, Robert b.1642 - <, , , England>
Pierce, Sarah b.1627 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Pierce, Sarah m.1630 - , , Ma
Pierce, Thomas b.1565 - Norwich, Norfolk, Eng.
Pierce, Thomas b.1583 - Norwich, Norfolk, Eng.
Pierce (Pers), Judith b.1627 - of, Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierce(Pers), Anthony Peirce or b.1611 - Norwich, Norfolk, England
Pierson, Hannah m.1694 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pifer, Marion Lee - Living
Pike, Jonathan m.1776 - Hopkinton, Ma.
Piles, Lucretia -
Piles, Rachael m.1853 -
Pinchard, Thomasine m.1559 - Prob. Laxfield, Suffolk, England
Pinchbeck, Grace m.1475 -
Pittee, Joseph - Living
Pitts, Ann m.1612 - Hammersmith, London, England
Place, Sarah m.1705 - North Kingston, Washington, Ri
Plankenbhler, Gertraud (Mrs.) m.1648 - Gresten, Austria
Plankenbuehler, Adam b.1630 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuehler, Blasius b.1625 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuehler, Christopher b.1632 -
Plankenbuehler, Kilian b.1585 - Plankenbuhl, G, , Austria
Plankenbuehler, Magdalena b.1629 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuehler, Paul b.1634 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuehler, Peterlaina b.1639 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuehler, Sophia b.1636 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuhler, Hans b.1615 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plankenbuhler, Thomas b.1619 - Gresten Parish, , Austria
Plantagenet, Arthur Viscount Lisle m.1530 -
Plantagenet, Eleanor b.1311 - , Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England
Plaskett, Louisa m.1844 -
Platt, m.1571 - , , , England
Platt, Mary m.1698 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Platt, Mr. - Living
Plimpton, George m.1629 -
Plimpton, Robert m.1625 - Penton Grafton, Hampshire, England
Plumauer, Susanna m.1642 - Austria?
Plumb, Abigial b.1649 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Plumb, Alice b.1534 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Ann b.1623 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumb, Anne b.1569 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Daughter b.1542 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Daughter b.1538 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Deborah b.1633 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumb, Deborah b.1655 - Beverly, Essex, Mass.
Plumb, Dorcas b.1623 - of Branford, Wethersfield, Hartford, Ct
Plumb, Dorcus b.1635 - Weathersford, Hartford, Connecticut
Plumb, Doreas b.1635 - Wethersfield, Hartford, Ct, Connecticut
Plumb, Dorothea b.1626 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumb, Dorothy m.1616 -
Plumb, Edmund b.1544 - of, Toppsfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Edmund (Edmond) b.1571 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Elizabeth b.1560 - Great Yeldham, Essex, England, England
Plumb, Elizabeth b.1629 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumb, Elizabeth Mrs b.1508 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Ethelred b.1599 - Spaynes Hall, Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Frances b.1601 - Great Yeldham, Essex, England, United Kingdom
Plumb, Hannah b.1604 - Great Yeldham, Essex, England, United Kingdom
Plumb, John b.1532 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, John b.1505 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, John b.1619 - Ridgewell, Essex, Eng., England
Plumb, John b.1594 - Spayne's Hall Gr, Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, John b.1646 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Plumb, John b.1655 - Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
Plumb, Joseph b.1559 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Joseph b.1601 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Joseph b.1655 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Plumb, Margaret b.1536 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Margaret b.1556 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Martha b.1593 - Spaynes Hall, Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Mary b.1654 -
Plumb, Mary b.1598 - of, Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Mary b.1644 - Milford, New Haven Co., Ct
Plumb, Mary Anne b.1538 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Miss b.1542 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Miss b.1538 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Mrs-Robert b.1482 -
Plumb, Robert b.1478 -
Plumb, Robert b.1530 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Robert b.1587 - of, Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Robert b.1558 - Great Yeldham, Essex, England, United Kingdom
Plumb, Robert b.1648 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Plumb, Robert b.1617 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumb, Samuel b.1625 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumb, Samuel b.1650 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Plumb, Samuel b.1652 - Milford, New Haven, Ct, Connecticut
Plumb, Son b.1575 - Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Thomas b.1540 - of, Toppesfield, Essex, England
Plumb, Thomas b.1564 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Thomas b.1596 - of, Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plumb, Timothy b.1631 - , Weathersfield, Hartford, Ct
Plumb, William b.1621 - , Ridgewell, Essex, England
Plumbe, Mary b.1566 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Plume, Ethelred b.1602 -
Plume, Frances b.1604 -
Plume, Martha b.1598 -
Plumme, Robert - Living
Plumpton, Katherine - Living
Pluschter, Anna m.1682 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Pole, Catherine de La Lady m.1477 -
Pole, Geoffrey Esquire m.1461 -
Pole, Geoffrey - Living
Pole, Richard Shf of Gloucestr m.1482 -
Pole, William - Living
Pollard, Miss b.1436 -
Pollard, Mr - Living
Polly, Elizabeth (Polley) m.1681 - of Roxbury, , Ma
Polydorus, Unknown Prince b.1035 - Bc, of, Troy
Polyxena, Unknown Princess b.1070 - Bc, of, Troy
Pomeroy, Elizabeth de La - Living
Pomeroy, Medad b.1638 - Windsor, Ct
Pomeroy, Saint Clair Sir - Living
Pooke, John b.1509 -
Pooke, Mr Apuke (or) b.1481 -
Pooke or Apuke, Ellen m.1528 - Aston, Clinton, Bucks., England
Poolam, Robert m.1569 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Poole, Leonard (Richard) Esquire m.1515 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Pope, Lola - Living
Popham, Alexander m.1515 - of, St. Donats, Somersetshire, England
Popham, Katharine - Living
Popham, Walter m.1535 - of Porlock, Somersetshire, Eng.
Popple, Elizabeth m.1758 - South Kingstown, Washington, Ri
Poppy, Alice b.1510 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Porter, Hannah m.1770 - Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Porter, John m.1671 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Potter, Caleb m.1771 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Potter, Elizabeth b.1645 - of Istha, Hessen, Germany
Potter, Mary m.1692 - Shrewsbury, , Nj
Poulsden, b.1531 -
Poulsden, Katherine b.1557 - Horley, Surrey, England
Poure, Thomas m.1459 -
Powell, Clara b.1364 -
Powell, Elias b.1754 - , , Virginia, Culpepper
Power, Mary - Living
Powtell, John - Living
Poyntz, Ann - Living
Poyntz, Anthony Knight m.1500 - of, Shillingford, Devonshire, England
Poyntz, Blanche b.1385 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Hugh b.1299 - of Tockington, Glcstr, England
Poyntz, Hugh Baron of Cory Malet b.1252 - of, Tockington, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Humphrey b.1434 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Isabel b.1387 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Jane - Living
Poyntz, Jane (Joan) b.1303 - of, Dodington, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Joan b.1389 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, John Knight b.1310 - of, Tockington, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, John Esquire b.1433 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Katherine b.1467 - , Langleys, Devonshire, England
Poyntz, Margery - Living
Poyntz, Maurice b.1383 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Nicholas Baron of Cory Malet b.1278 - of, Tockington, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Nicholas Knight b.1379 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Poyntz, Robert c.1359 - Denchurch, Irchenfield, Herefordshire, England
Poyntz, Thomas b.1381 - of, Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England
Praeg, Walburga m.1666 -
Praeg, Widow - Living
Prater, Asa m.1839 - Fayette Co., IL
Pratt, Aaron b.1654 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Pratt, Abigail m.1739 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Pratt, Bathesda b.1593 - , , England
Pratt, Benjah or Joseph b.1635 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Pratt, Daniel b.1640 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Pratt, Elizabeth b.1631 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Henry b.1565 - , , , England
Pratt, Henry b.1535 - Chesham, ?, Buckingham, England
Pratt, Joanna b.1637 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Pratt, John - Living
Pratt, John b.1530 - of, , England
Pratt, John b.1631 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Pratt, John b.1636 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Jonathan m.1690 -
Pratt, Joseph Sr b.1637 - Martha's, Dukes, Massachusetts, England
Pratt, Joseph b.1639 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Joshua - Living
Pratt, Joshua b.1593 - , , England
Pratt, Joshua b.1656 -
Pratt, MacUth b.1595 - Dinton, Bucks, England
Pratt, Mary m.1754 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Mary b.1645 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass.
Pratt, Mary b.1633 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Mary Mrs. - Living
Pratt, Mary or Mercy b.1631 - of Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma, England
Pratt, Mathew b.1600 - Aston, Clinton, Buckinghamshire, Eng.
Pratt, Matthew b.1628 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Mercy or Mary b.1642 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, England
Pratt, Mr b.1512 - , , England
Pratt, Mrs b.1513 - , , England
Pratt, Mrs. Bathsheba b.1593 - of Boxford, Suffolk, Eng.
Pratt, Mrs. Joshua b.1571 - , , England
Pratt, Mrs. Mary m.1651 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Pratt, Nicholas m.1690 -
Pratt, Peter b.1647 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Pratt, Phineas m.1630 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Pratt, Phineas b.1590 - of London, London, England
Pratt, Samuel b.1618 - , Plymouth, Ma
Pratt, Samuel b.1670 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Samuel b.1637 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Pratt, Sarah m.1684 - Hingham, Suffolk, Ma, ?
Pratt, Sarah b.1650 - , , Massachusetts
Pratt, Sarah b.1650 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Pratt, Thomas b.1563 - of Aston-Clinton, Buckingham, , England
Pratt, Thomas b.1630 - of Framingham, Middlesex, Ma
Pratt, William m.1607 - Stanstead, Suff., Eng
Pratt, William b.1630 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Pray, Richard m.1690 - , York, Me
Preaste, Joan b.1572 -
Prescott (Wheeler), Sarah m.1677 -
Preston, Elizabeth m.1486 - of London, Middlesex, England
Preston, Nicholas m.1564 - Westhorpe, Suffolk, England
Price, John m.1845 -
Prideaux, Alice b.1490 - , Theuborough, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Elizabeth b.1523 - Wiscombe, South Leigh, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Elizabeth b.1493 - , Theuborough, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Fulk b.1471 - , Theuborough, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Giles b.1364 - of, Adeston, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Humphrey b.1487 - of, Theuborough, Devon, England
Prideaux, Jane b.1469 - of, Adeston, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Joan b.1516 - of, Netherton, Devon, England
Prideaux, John b.1336 - of, Adeston, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, John b.1469 -
Prideaux, John b.1394 - of, Adestone, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Margaret b.1488 - , Theuborough, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Nicholas b.1491 - , Padstow, Cornwall, England
Prideaux, Piercy b.1310 - of, Orcharton, Cornwall, England
Prideaux, Richard b.1503 - , Tormorton, Gloucester, England
Prideaux, Robert b.1499 - , Rose ash, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Son b.1496 - , Theuborough, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, Thomas b.1534 - , Theuborough, Devonshire, England
Prideaux, William b.1424 - of, Adeston, Devonshire, England
Priest, Degory m.1611 - Stadhuis, Leyden, , England
Priest, Gregory b.1579 - London, London, Middlesex, England
Priest, John b.1613 - Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands
Priest, Mary b.1613 - Leyden, , Holland
Priest, Mary b.1612 - Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands
Priest, Peter b.1525 - (Unknown), Devon, ?, England
Priest, Sarah m.1650 - ?, , Ma
Priest, Sarah b.1614 - Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands, Holland
Prince, John m.1670 - , , England
Provence, Louis II King of - Living
Prudensteiner, Rosina m.1637 - Viechback
Prust, Hugh (Priest) b.1550 - (Unknown), Devon, ?, England
Purcas, b.1508 -
Purcas, Mrs b.1512 - , , Eng
Purchas, Elizabeth b.1534 - of, Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Purifoy, Edward - Living
Pury, Ann - Living
Pury, Mary (Pery) m.1588 - Frampton, Gloustershire, England
Quartermain, Isabel - Living
Quartermain, Matilda b.1378 - North Weston, Oxfordshire, England
Quisenbury, Robert m.1807 -
Rachel, Daughter of Laban b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Radcliffe, Mary m.1498 - of Attleborough, Norfolk, England
Raglan, Thomas Sir b.1506 -
Ragland, Alice b.1528 - of Ragland, Monmouthshire, England
Raines or Rane, John m.1659 - Weymouth, Ma
Raleigh, Walter - Living
Ramsdell, Mary m.1694 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Randall, Abraham b.1609 - of, Dorset, England
Randall, Abraham b.1640 -
Randall, Elizabeth b.1682 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Randall, Francis b.1610 - Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut
Randall, Hannah b.1648 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Randall, Hannah b.1676 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Randall, John m.1746 - Scituate, Providence, Ri
Randall, John - Living
Randall, John b.1582 -
Randall, John b.1673 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Ma
Randall, John b.1635 - of, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Randall, Mary b.1668 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Randall, Mary Wife of John m.1666 - Ma
Randall, Mercy b.1677 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Randall, Mr. - Living
Randall, Philbury b.1601 - of, Tewkesbury, Gloucester, England
Randall, Phillip b.1574 - Allington, Dorset, England
Randall, Phillip b.1613 - of Dorset, Dorset, , England
Randall, Phillury b.1618 - Windsor, Hartford, Ct
Randall, Philura b.1612 - <, , , England>
Randall, Robert b.1608 - of Wendover, Buck, England
Randall, Sarah b.1680 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Randall, Silence m.1732 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Randall, Thomas b.1630 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma, (73)
Randell, Mary b.1642 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Rannelegh, Jane b.1454 - Beverston, Gloucestershire, England
Rawleigh or Releigh, Walter - Living
Raye, - Living
Raye, Mr (Rage) - Living
Read, Margaret m.1637 - , , , Massachusetts
Reade, Martha m.1641 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Rebecca, - Living
Rebecca, Foster - Living
Rebecca, Symonds - Living
Reed, Abigail - Living
Reed, Deborah m.1710 - of Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Reed, Hannah m.1658 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ms
Reed, Hezekiah m.1766 - Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Reed, Jack Chapman - Living
Reed, John m.1715 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Reed, Jonathan m.1763 - Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Reed, Rebecca m.1799 - , Botetourt, Va
Reed, Thomas m.1701 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Regan, Mildred m.1778 - , Loudoun Co, Va
Reuben, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30, Padanaram
Reuter, Anna m.1652 - Beyerberg, Mttlfr, Bavaria
Reynolds, Crew (Carew) (Reynell) Sir - Living
Reynolds, Joseph m.1696 -
Reynolds, Mary m.1689 - North Kingston, Town n Kingstown, Washington Cnty, Rhode Island
Rhesa, Unknown b.456 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Rhese, Robert ap b.1490 - of, Washingley, Huntingdonshire, England
Rhodes, Benjamin m.1857 -
Rhudes, Penelope m.1738 -
Rhys, Griffith ap - Living
Rhys, Margred Verch - Living
Rhys, William ap b.1522 - of North Crawley, Newport, Buckinghamshire, England
Rice, - Living
Rice, Abigail b.1657 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Rice, Abner b.1734 -
Rice, Abner b.1768 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Rice, Benjamin b.1640 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Rice, Daniel b.1774 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Rice, Daniel b.1632 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Rice, David b.1659 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Rice, Edmund b.1594 - of, Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Rice, Edmund b.1636 - At Sea
Rice, Edward b.1622 - Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Rice, Elizabeth b.1648 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Rice, Experience b.1757 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Rice, Experience b.1760 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Rice, Hannah b.1766 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Rice, Hannah b.1651 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma, Massachusetts
Rice, Henry b.1620 -
Rice, Henry b.1583 - Stamstead, Sudbury, Suffolk, England
Rice, Henry (Thomas) b.1555 - of, London, Middlesex, England
Rice, James b.1642 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Rice, John b.1624 - , Stanstead, Suffolk, England
Rice, Joseph b.1637 -
Rice, Lydia b.1763 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Rice, Lydia b.1668 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Rice, Lydia b.1627 -
Rice, Margaret m.1852 - , Preble, Ohio
Rice, Mary b.1646 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Rice, Mary b.1619 -
Rice, Matthew b.1629 -
Rice, Mercy b.1670 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Rice, Rachel b.1664 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Mass
Rice, Robert b.1580 - Stamstead, Suffolk, England
Rice, Samuel b.1634 - Barkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England
Rice, Thomas b.1625 -
Rice, Thomas b.1558 - Boemar, Buckinghamshire, Eng
Rice, Thomasine b.1661 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma, Massachusetts
Rice, Unknown -
Rice, William b.1770 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Richards, Bathsheba b.1674 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Richards, Benjamin b.1660 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Benjamin b.1600 - Weymouth, , Ma
Richards, Ephraim b.1687 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Grace b.1689 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Hannah m.1699 - Watertown, Middlesex Co., Ma
Richards, James b.1552 - <, Pitminster, Somerset, England>
Richards, James b.1658 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Joan c.1576 - , Pitminster, Somerset, England
Richards, John b.1650 - , Pitminster, Somerset, England
Richards, John b.1650 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Richards, John b.1679 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Joseph b.1654 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Lydia b.1691 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Mary c.1579 - , Pitminster, Somerset, England
Richards, Ruth Bicknell m.1682 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Richards, Sarah b.1672 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Thomas b.1572 - , Pitminster, Somerset, England
Richards, William b.1524 - <, Pitminster, Somerset, England>
Richards, William b.1550 - <, Pitminster, Somerset, England>
Richards, William b.1619 - of Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.
Richards, William b.1685 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, William Jr. b.1658 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Richards, Wm - Living
Richardson, - Living
Richardson, Anna Marie m.1844 - Pleasantville, Marion, Iowa
Richardson, Beverly M m.1842 - , Darke, Ohio
Richardson, Harriett Elinor m.1845 - , Clarke, In
Richardson, Mary m.1687 - Woburn, Middlesex Co., Mass.
Richardson, Mary Saphronia b.1811 - , , Vt
Richardson, Richard - Living
Richmond, Abigail - Living
Richmond, Abigail m.1691 - Newport, Newport, Ri
Rick, Elizabeth Gertrude b.1722 -
Riddlesdale, Amy b.1530 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Edward b.1592 - Assington, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Elizabeth b.1526 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Grace b.1524 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Henry b.1520 - of Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Henry c.1566 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Henry c.1592 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Jane b.1528 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Jasper b.1492 - , , , England
Riddlesdale, Joan c.1562 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, John b.1557 - Boxted, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, John b.1536 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Julyan c.1564 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Mrs. Joan b.1519 - of Boxford, Suffolk, Engl
Riddlesdale, Peter b.1522 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Richard c.1570 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Richard b.1532 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Robert b.1554 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Robert b.1532 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Sarah b.1599 - Assington, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Susan (Susannah) (Sara) b.1584 - of Assington, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Thomas b.1560 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, Thomas b.1522 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riddlesdale, William b.1538 - Boxford, , Co Suffolk, England
Riesbach, Anna Barbara Gossauer b.1697 - , , Germany
Rigby, John - Living
Riley, Minerva b.1827 - Fayette Co., IL
Ring, Susanna m.1634 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.
Ringmere, Athelstan, King At m.1021 - of, Wessex, , England
Roberdes, Alice m.1552 - , , , England
Roberts, Robert - Living
Robins, Dorothie m.1619 - The Abbey, St. Albans, Herts., England
Robinson, Elizabeth b.1568 - , Halifax, Yorks, Eng
Robinson, Jane m.1590 - Aston Clinton, , Buckinghamshire, England
Rockwell, John Jr. m.1662 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rockwood, Joanna Rockett or m.1684 - Mendon, Worcester, Ma
Rodenay (Rodney), Walter Sir m.1447 -
Rodgers, Elizabeth m.1679 - Lyme, , Ct
Rodgers, Mary b.1565 - Cannington, Somerset, Somersetshire, England
Rodgers (Rogers), John Deacon b.1614 - , , England
Rogers, Catherin b.1545 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, Edward Knight b.1515 - Cannington, Som, , Eng
Rogers, Edward Esquire b.1563 - of, Cannington, Somersetshire, England
Rogers, Elizabeth b.1513 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, Elizabeth b.1479 - of Cannington, Somerset, Eng
Rogers, Elizabeth b.1541 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, Francis b.1573 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, George b.1475 - Luppitt, Devon, Eng
Rogers, George Thomas George Sir b.1541 - Cannington, Somersetshire, England
Rogers, Hannah b.1640 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rogers, Jane b.1547 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, John Knight b.1425 - of, Bryanston, Dorsetshire, England
Rogers, John m.1606 - Highworth, Wiltshire, Engl
Rogers, John b.1640 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rogers, Jonathan m.1678 - Westerly, Newport, Rhode Island
Rogers, Katherine b.1511 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, Lady m.1565 - of Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, Lady - Living
Rogers, Lydia b.1642 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rogers, Maria b.1754 - <, Berks, Pa>
Rogers, Mary b.1639 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rogers, Mary Elizabeth m.1583 - England
Rogers, Nicolas b.1479 - , Sutton, Kent, England
Rogers, Robert m.1625 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Rogers, Robert Elmer - Living
Rogers, Sarah b.1644 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Rogers, Sir Thomas George b.1540 - On Somerset, Cannington, Eng
Rogers, Thomas b.1580 -
Rogers, Thomas b.1408 - Ashington, Somerset, Eng.
Rogers, Thomas (John) b.1480 - of Deritend, Aston, Warwickshire, Eng
Rogers, Thomas (John) b.1435 - of, Bradford, Wiltshire, England
Rogers, Thomas George (Sir Knight) Sir b.1540 - On Somerset, Cannington, England
Rogers, Wilhelmina - Living
Rogers, William b.1569 - , Cannington, Somerset, England
Rogers, William -
Rohan-Porhoet, Guillaume (de La Zouche) b.1472 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Rohan-Porhoet, Jean II (de La Zouche) b.1470 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Rolfe, Hannah m.1646 - Prob. Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Roos, Peter - Living
Root, Azariah b.1729 - Sheffield, Ma
Root, Sarah b.1701 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Root, Sarah m.1713 - of, Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Roper, Ephraim m.1677 - Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Roscarrock, John - Living
Ross, - Living
Ross, Ann b.1726 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Ross, Anna b.1694 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Hannah b.1727 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Isaac b.1722 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Issac m.1754 - Gloucester, Providence, Ri
Ross, Jemima b.1712 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, John b.1688 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Joseph Franklin b.1809 - Connewango, Cattaraugus Co., Ny
Ross, Mary b.1700 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Peleg b.1733 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Thomas b.1685 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, Thomas b.1719 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, William - Living
Ross, William b.1660 - of Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Ross, William b.1715 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Ross, William b.1686 - of Westerly, Washington, Ri
Rotheron, Thomas - Living
Roundy, Robert m.1678 - Beverly, Essex, Mass.
Rous, Johanna b.1300 -
Rous, John Le Knight b.1267 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Rous, John Le Knight b.1298 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Rous, John Le b.1356 - of, Harascombe, Gloucestershire, England
Rous, Juliana Le b.1358 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Rous, Thomas Le Knight b.1328 - of, Harescombe, Gloucestershire, England
Rous, Thomas Le (Mrs) b.1330 -
Row, Frances m.1632 - , , Probably, England
Rowdon, Walter Esquire - Living
Rowley, Elma Mary m.1904 - Mason City, Ia
Royce, Jonathan b.1654 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Mass
Royce, Martha m.1730 - Farmington (V), Hartford, Connecticut
Rucker, Brigitta m.1692 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Rucker, Ursula m.1678 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Ruedy, Maria Elisabeth m.1682 - , , Germany
Ruop, Ursula b.1679 - Oteisheim, Wurttemburg, Germany
Rush, Fannie m.1836 - , , Indiana
Russell, James m.1643 - of, New Haven, New Haven, Ct
Russell, Robert - Living
Ruth, Unknown b.1154 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Ruth Mary, m.1625 - , , England
Ruttenburg, John b.1673 - <, , Ri>
Ruttenburg, Susannah b.1699 - , , Ri
Ryall, James - Living
Ryan, Sarah - Living
Rye, Agnes Mrs. b.1580 - Bildenden, Kent, England
Rye, Dorothy m.1612 - Aylesbury, Bucks., Eng.
Rye, Henry m.1619 - Bildenden, Kent, England
Sabcott or Sapcotte, m.1552 -
Sackett, Abigail m.1682 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Sackett, Abigail m.1733 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Sackett, Elizabeth m.1751 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Sackett, Hannah m.1688 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Sackett, Isaac m.1735 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Sackville, Anne m.1622 - , of Brecon, Wales
Sackville, Catherine b.1494 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Edward b.1378 - , Sussex, England
Sackville, Edward b.1488 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Edward b.1495 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Elizabeth b.1476 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Humphrey b.1426 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Isabel b.1498 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Joan b.1489 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, John b.1478 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, John b.1492 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, John Esquire b.1485 - of, Chiddingleigh, Sussex, England
Sackville, Katherine b.1482 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Margaret b.1497 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Mary b.1493 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Maud Mildred b.1490 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Richard b.1487 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, Richard b.1460 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sackville, William b.1474 - Buckhurst, Sussex, England
Sadlier, William m.1626 -
Sailor, Anna b.1815 - , Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Christina b.1829 - Stock, Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Elizabeth b.1804 - , Guernsey, Oh
Sailor, Emanuel b.1780 - Pa or Germany
Sailor, Esther b.1818 - , Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Frederick b.1773 - <, Harrison, West Virginia>
Sailor, Jacob b.1806 - , Guernsey, Oh
Sailor, Jacob b.1777 - Washington Co., Penn.
Sailor, John b.1784 -
Sailor, Martin b.1811 - , Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Mary Polly b.1822 - , Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Mathias b.1788 -
Sailor, Moses b.1808 - , , Pa
Sailor, Nancy b.1812 - , Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Samuel b.1783 - , , Pa
Sailor, Samuel b.1824 - , Monroe, Oh
Sailor, Sarah b.1794 -
Sailor, Susan b.1802 - , Guernsey, Oh
Sailor, William b.1792 -
Sailor, William b.1819 - , Monroe, Oh
Saint Claire, Edith (Elizabeth) b.1425 - of, Wethersfield, Suffolk, England
Saint John, Agnes b.1438 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Alexander Esquire b.1494 - Thurley, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Alice (Anne) Baroness Morley b.1484 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Ann b.1452 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Catherine b.1496 - Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Edith b.1430 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Eleanor b.1455 - Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Elizabeth b.1445 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Elizabeth b.1448 - of Bletsoe, , England
Saint John, Elizabeth b.1488 - Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, John Knight m.1582 - , , Engl
Saint John, John Knight b.1426 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, John Esquire b.1498 - Bletsoe, Beds., England
Saint John, John Knight b.1450 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Margaret - Living
Saint John, Margaret b.1436 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Margaret b.1457 - Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Saint John, Margaret b.1486 - Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Mary b.1434 - of, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Miss - Living
Saint John, Morris b.1459 - Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Oliver b.1428 - of, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire, England
Saint John, Oliver Knight b.1400 - of, Bletso, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Oliver b.1492 - Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, England
Saint John, Sybil b.1490 - Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, England
Saint Lawrence, Christopher - Living
Saint Leger, Margarett m.1480 -
Saint Lowe, Nicholas m.1510 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Saint Maur, Mr - Living
Saint Paul, Mr - Living
Salathiel, Unknown b.499 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Salmon, Unknown b.1195 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Salter, George - Living
Salter, Hannah m.1650 - Dedham, Ma
Salter, Richard m.1598 -
Salter, Richard or Robert m.1598 - of Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Salter, Robert - Living
Salway, Humphrey m.1485 -
Samon, Agnes (Pryde) b.1372 - of, Annersleywoodhse, Nottinghamshire, England
Samon, John (Pryde) b.1346 -
Samon, Mrs-John (Pryde) b.1350 -
Sampson, James m.1599 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Sampson, Sarah Lucilie - Living
Sanderson, Abigail m.1720 - Watertown, Middlesex Co., Ma
Sanderson, Dea. Jonathan Dea. m.1699 - of, Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma
Sandford, Johanna m.1489 -
Sandys, Alicia m.1527 -
Sapcot, Richard - Living
Sapcotes, John - Living
Sapcotes, John - Living
Sargent, Elisabeth b.1872 - Vermont
Saunders, Hannah (Widow) m.1733 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Saunders, Stephen m.1704 - Westerly, Washington Co, Ri
Sauselln, Hans Heinrich m.1718 - Germany
Savile, Thomas m.1491 -
Savill, Judith m.1727 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Sawter, Anne Lanteroot m.1605 - , , , England
Sawyer, John m.1686 - Worchester, , Mass
Sayer, Joan m.1586 - Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Sayles, John m.1776 -
Saylor, Catherine b.1771 - Harrison Co, Va
Saylor, John b.1750 - , Pa, Poss. Germany
Scadden, Elize m.1603 - , Pitminster, Somerset, England
Scant, Joanna b.1602 - Springfield, Hampden, Ma
Scant, John b.1580 - , , England
Scant (Searle), Mrs. b.1582 -
Scant Searle, John b.1615 - , Warwick, England
Scargill, Agnes b.1415 - of Liversedge, Yorkshire, England
Scealdea, Skjold Sceldwa b.200 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
Schaidtl, Elizabeth b.1549 - of Regensburg, Unterpfalz, Bav, Ger
Schaidtl, Michael b.1517 - of Regensburg, Unterpfalz, Bav, Ger
Schaidtl, Mrs Michael b.1521 - of Regensburg, Unterpfalz, Bav, Ger
Schallerey, Georg m.1645 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Schallerey, Georg m.1669 - Eschelbach, Hdlbrg, Baden
Schluchter, Johann Jacob m.1691 -
Schlundt, Maria Anna m.1718 - Neuenbrg, Baden, Germany
Schne, Anna Barbara m.1730 - Neuenbrg, Baden, Germany
Schnebel, Barbara Elizabeth b.1663 - Dinkelsbuehl, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Schnebel, Mrs. Barbara b.1602 - of Frankenhofen, Mittelfr, Bvr.
Schnebel, Wolf b.1605 - of Frankenhofen, Mittelfr, Bvr
Schoen, Jerg Martin b.1660 - Neuenbuerg, Baden, Ger
Schon, Anna Barbara b.1665 - , , Georgia
Schon, Pater Marrathus b.1664 - Neuenburg, Baden, Ger
Schon Schone, Jerg Martin b.1682 - Neuenburg, Schwarzwald, Wuerrtemberg, Germany
Schon Schone, Maria Barbara b.1671 - Neuenburg, Schwarzwald, Wuertenberg, Germany
Schon Schone, Peter Matthaeus b.1667 - Neuenburg, Schwarzwald, Wuertenberg, Germany
Schone, Anna Barbara b.1664 - Neuenburg, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany
Schone, Quirinus b.1626 - Neuenburg, Baden, Germany
Schools, Hattie m.1872 - Chickasaw.Co.Iowa
Schuchardt, Heinrick m.1728 - , Oley, Berks, Pa
Schuebel, Bastian b.1661 -
Schuebel, Brigide b.1644 -
Schuebel, Catherina b.1664 -
Schuebel, Georg Wolfgang b.1641 - Frankenhofen, Bavaria, Germany
Schuebel, George Wolf b.1665 -
Schuebel, Paul b.1643 -
Schuebel, Ursula b.1641 -
Schueblder, Martin m.1628 -
Schuehlein, Martin m.1628 - Segringen, Mttlfr, Bavaria
Schutte, Robert - Living
Scone, John - Living
Scotland, Aedh (Hugh) King of b.838 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Alpin King of b.778 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Aodh Hugh Fionn, King of b.725 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Bethoc (Beatrix) Princess of b.984 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Scotland, Constantine I King of b.836 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Daughter Princess of b.834 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Daughter Princess of b.1011 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Scotland, Daughter, Princess of b.842 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Dolphin Maldred, Prince of b.1042 - of, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Scotland, Donald I King of b.812 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Donald II Dasachtach, King of b.862 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Donalda Princess of b.986 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Scotland, Dongart (Eugene VI), King of b.630 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Dongart, King of b.600 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Duff (Dubh) King of b.930 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Duncan I King of b.1013 - of, Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Scotland, Duncan Ii, King of m.1094 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Dunclina Princess of b.960 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Eochaid III King of b.695 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Eochaid IV King of b.747 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Ethelreda Queen of b.1068 - , Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Scotland, Fergusa (Urgusia), Queen of b.755 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Findon (Eochaid II) King of b.660 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Kenneth I "MacAlpin" King of b.810 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Kenneth II King of b.932 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Malcolm I King of b.897 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Mogallus Prince of b.934 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs Duff Queen of - Living
Scotland, Mrs-Aedh, Queen of - Living
Scotland, Mrs-Alpin Queen of b.782 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Aodh Hugh Fionn, Queen of b.727 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Constantine I, Queen of b.840 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Donald, Queen of b.866 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Eochaid III King of b.700 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Kenneth I Queen b.814 - of, , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Kenneth Queen of b.936 - , , , Scotland
Scotland, Mrs-Malcolm Queen of b.901 - of, , , Scotland
Scots, Fergus, King of Dalraide b.733 - , , , Scotland
Scott, Edward (Edmund) b.1525 - of St George, Bradfield, Suffolk, England
Scott, Elizabeth - Living
Scott, Elizabeth b.1541 - Bradfield, St Claire, Suffolk, England
Scott, Ellen m.1853 - Unknown
Scott, George b.1495 - Bradfield, Suffolk, Eng
Scott, George b.1535 - Bradfield, St. George, Suffolk, England
Scott, George b.1470 - , Suffolk, , England
Scott, John m.1825 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Scott, Julianna m.1578 - Glemsford, , Co.Suffolk, Eng.
Scott, Margaret b.1453 - of, Scotts Hall, Kent, England
Scott, Margaret(A) b.1548 - Bradfield, St. Clare, Suffolk, England
Scott, Mrs-George b.1504 - Bradfield, St George, Suffolk, England
Scott, Mrs. Isabell - Living
Scott, Nicholas b.1521 - Bradfield, St George, Suffolk, England
Scott, Silverman - Living
Scott, Sylvanus m.1692 -
Scott, William (John) Knight b.1427 -
Scranton, Margaret b.1677 - <, , Ri>
Scribner, William Chauncy m.1882 - Riverton, Floyd, Ia
Scroggs, Smythie - Living
Scroope (Le Scrope), Elizabeth - Living
Scrope, Elizabeth m.1419 - , Bolton, Yorkshire, England
Scrope, John Baron Scrope m.1471 -
Scudamore, Elizabeth b.1528 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Gilbert c.1589 - Upton Bishop, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Jane b.1514 - of, Home Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Jane b.1534 - of Home Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Joan b.1522 - Home Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, John b.1543 - Holme Lacey, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Mary b.1612 - Gloucestershire, England
Scudamore, Philip b.1529 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Richard b.1526 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Robert c.1590 - <, Herefordshire, England>
Scudamore, Sybell b.1525 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, Walter b.1587 - <, Herefordshire, England>
Scudamore, William b.1564 - Holme Lacey, Herefordshire, England
Scudamore, William b.1591 - <, Herefordshire, England>
Scudamore or Slidmore, William John b.1517 -
Scudmore, Anne b.1520 - Holme Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Scudmore, John b.1518 - Holme, , Eng
Scudmore, Katherine b.1519 - Home Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Seald, b.1574 - , , , England
Seald, Katherine b.1609 - Derby, Derby, , England
Seald, Mr b.1573 - , Probably, England
Seales, William de - Living
Sears, William T m.1885 -
Sebastian, Elizabeth - Living
Sechrist, Susannah b.1735 - Richhill, Greene, Pa
Seidelman, George b.1593 - of Segringen, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelman, Margarethe b.1591 - Lustenau, Wuerttemberg, Ger
Seidelmann, Agathe b.1597 - of Segringen, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Barbara b.1592 - of Segringen, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Barbara b.1596 - of Segringen, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Eve b.1685 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germ
Seidelmann, Georg (Joerg) b.1565 - Steinbach, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, George b.1642 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, George Albrecht b.1691 - Illenschwang, Mithelfranken, Bavaria
Seidelmann, Hans (Johannes) b.1591 - , Segringen, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Seidelmann, Hans Casper b.1700 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Hans Christoph b.1705 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Hans George b.1698 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Johannes b.1640 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Leonard b.1626 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Mary b.1696 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Michael - Living
Seidelmann, Michael b.1645 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seidelmann, Otillia b.1694 - Illenschwang, Mithelfranken, Bavaria
Seidelmann, Stephen b.1643 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Seman, Margaret (Margery) m.1588 - Little Stoneham, Suffolk, Eng.
Seriah, Unknown b.599 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Servington, m.1585 -
Seskef, Scaef b.550 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
Severy, Joseph b.1690 - Wenham, Essex Co., Massachussetts
Sewall, Henry m.1575 - Coventry, Warwickshire, Eng
Seward Suard, Obed m.1661 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Sewell, Abigail b.1588 - Dedham, Essex, England
Sewell, Anne b.1594 -
Sewell, Henry b.1590 -
Sewell, Margaret b.1596 -
Sewell, Richard b.1592 -
Sewell, William b.1528 - Coventry, Warwick, England
Sewell, William b.1562 - of Dedham, Essex, England
Seymore, Margaret - Living
Seymour, Alice Baroness Saint Maur & Lovel b.1409 - St. Lawrence in Cripplegate Ward, London, Middlesex, England
Seymour, Richard b.1645 - Hartford, Ct
Seyntelere, - Living
Shafter, James - Living
Shapton, Anne b.1480 - of, Adestone, Devonshire, England
Sharp, Allen b.1808 - North Carolina
Sharp, Allen b.1867 - Arcanum, Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Barbara b.1810 - North Carolina
Sharp, Calvin b.1819 - North Carolina
Sharp, Calvin Coswell b.1867 - Arcanum, Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Caswell b.1814 - North Carolina
Sharp, Catherine b.1818 - North Carolina
Sharp, Christine b.1824 - Preble County, Ohio
Sharp, Daniel b.1785 - Orange County, Nc
Sharp, Daniel b.1853 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Edward B. b.1864 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Elizabeth b.1794 - , Campbell, Tennessee
Sharp, Elizabeth b.1770 -
Sharp, Emma b.1870 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Jacob b.1849 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, John b.1862 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, John b.1825 - Twin Twp., Darke, Ohio
Sharp, Levi M. b.1832 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Lydia A. b.1856 - Van Buren Twp., Darke, Ohio
Sharp, Margaret b.1812 - North Carolina
Sharp, Marion Francis b.1871 - Arcanum, Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Martha b.1851 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Mary b.1816 - North Carolina
Sharp, Nancy b.1869 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Ora b.1866 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, Rhoda b.1833 - , Darke, Ohio
Sharp, Sarah C. b.1857 - Darke County, Ohio
Sharp, William H. b.1855 - Darke County, Ohio
Shaver, Jacob m.1789 - Guilford, North Carolina
Shaw, Elizabeth b.1679 - Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Shaw, Elizabeth m.1675 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Shaw, Grace b.1621 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shaw, John - Living
Shaw, John b.1630 - Halifax Parrish, Yorkshire, Eng.
Shaw, John b.1628 - Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shaw, Joseph III m.1686 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Shaw, Joseph b.1596 -
Shaw, Joseph Jr. m.1716 - , , Mass
Shaw, Maria b.1596 -
Shaw, Maria or Mary b.1626 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shaw, Martha b.1623 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shaw, Mary m.1640 - ?halifax, Yorkshire, , England
Shaw, Mrs. Mary - Living
Shaw, Nicholas m.1686 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Shaw, Susan b.1594 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng
Shaw, Thomas b.1538 - Halifax, York, Eng
Shaw, Thomas b.1622 - of Charlestown, Suffolk, Ma
Shawe, Abraham b.1585 - Northowram, Halifax Parrish, Yorkshire, England
Shawe, Jonas b.1598 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shawe, Joseph b.1618 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shawe, Martha b.1596 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng
Shawe, Martha b.1632 - Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shawe, Sarah b.1592 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shawe, Susannah b.1622 - of, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Shawe, Thomas b.1563 - Northowram, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Shawe (Shaw), John Deacon - Living
Shedd, Esther m.1673 -
Shedd, Ether - Living
Shelah, Unknown b.1400 - Bc, , , Caanan
Shelah, Unknown b.1380 - Bc, of, Chezib, Judea
Shelley, Anne b.1490 - of, Michelgrove, Sussex, England
Shelley, Anne b.1525 - of Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Betsey b.1799 - Prob. Hartford, Washington, Co., Ny
Shelley, Bridget b.1536 - of Michaelgrace, Sussex, England, England
Shelley, Daughter b.1553 -
Shelley, Edward b.1484 - Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Edward b.1503 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, Eleonor b.1520 - of Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Elizabeth b.1479 - Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Elizabeth b.1510 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, Elizabeth b.1533 - of Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, George b.1486 - Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, James b.1497 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, James b.1531 - of, Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Jane (Mrs.) m.1718 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Shelley, Johanna b.1485 - Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, John b.1428 - of Rye, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, John b.1478 - Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, John b.1455 - of Clapham, Sussex, England
Shelley, John b.1527 - of, Clapham, Sussex, England
Shelley, John b.1506 - of, Clapham, Sussex, England
Shelley, Katherine b.1511 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, Margaret b.1499 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, Margaret b.1535 - of, Mitchelgrove, Sussex, England
Shelley, Mary b.1537 - of Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Richard b.1482 - Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Richard Knight of Rhodes b.1501 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, Richard b.1522 - of Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Robert b.1402 - of Rye, Sussex, Eng.
Shelley, Thomas b.1430 - of Hunsdon, Hertsfordshire, England
Shelley, Thomas b.1506 - of, Maple Durham, Hampshire, England
Shelley, William Knight b.1480 - of Clapham, Sussex, England
Shelley, William b.1518 - of Clapham, Sussex, Eng.
Shelton, Alice m.1475 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Shepard, - Living
Shepard, David b.1717 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, David b.1744 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Elizabeth b.1712 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Elizabeth b.1732 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Enoch b.1741 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Enoch b.1742 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Experience b.1735 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Ezekial b.1709 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Gideon b.1746 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, John b.1733 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, John b.1673 - New England
Shepard, John b.1706 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Shepard, Jonathan b.1704 - Westfield, Hampden Co., M
Shepard, Mary b.1725 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Sarah b.1715 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, Silas b.1739 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Shepard, William b.1643 -
Shepard, William b.1737 - Westfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Sherburne, Miss b.1416 -
Sherley, Richard m.1498 - of, Wiston, Sussex, England
Sherman, Katherine m.1529 - of Ashe, Dorset, England
Sherman, Sarah b.1744 -
Sherman (Dyer), Mary - Living
Sherwood, Alice b.1350 - of Liversedge, Birstall, Yorkshire, England
Sherwood, Henry b.1324 -
Shirley, Hugh b.1350 -
Shirley, Issabell or Isabel b.1376 - of Shirley, Derbyshire, England
Shirley, Ralph m.1436 -
Sholand, Sarah m.1774 - East Stoughton, , Ma
Short, Walter - Living
Shrot, Michael m.1826 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Shrot, Peter m.1827 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Shuah, Unknown - Living
Shumway, Peter m.1700 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Shurles, John m.1630 - , , England
Siday, Sarah m.1634 -
Sidney, Mary b.1428 - of Penhurst, Kent, England
Sidney, Thomasine b.1476 -
Sidney, William b.1479 -
Silber, Margaretha m.1701 - Germany
Simeon, Unknown b.782 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Simeon, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30, Padanaram
Simmonds, William b.1632 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Simmons, Elizabeth m.1642 -
Simmons, Patsy m.1825 - , Madison, Georgia
Simonds, Dorothy b.1627 - , , , England
Simonds, Harlakenden b.1617 - Toppesfield, Essex, , England
Simonds, Martha b.1619 - , , , England
Simonds, Priscilla b.1624 - , , , England
Simonds, Ruth b.1622 - , , , England
Simonds, Samuel b.1612 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Simonds, William b.1618 - , , , England
Singletary, Mary b.1707 - Salisbury, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Skamore, Thomas m.1474 -
Skedd(Shed-Shedd, Esther m.1674 - of Sandwich, Barnstable, Mass
Skerne, - Living
Skinner, John - Living
Skipwith, Alice b.1476 - Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Skipwith, William b.1451 - Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Skot, John m.1622 -
Slack, - Living
Slack, Samuel m.1714 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Slaughter, Sarah m.1630 - St.Jamesparishch, Clerkenwell, London, England
Slocum, Samuel b.1711 - Jamestown, Ri
Slye, Sarah m.1676 - of Northampton, Hampshire, Ma
Slyny, b.1493 - <, Essex, England>
Smith, Abigail m.1719 - Sudbury, Mass. 2nd Wife
Smith, Agnes m.1584 -
Smith, Alice Whipple m.1727 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Smith, Amye b.1668 - Boxford, Essex, Ma
Smith, Ann m.1654 - , England, England
Smith, Anna Magdalena - Living
Smith, Elizabeth m.1681 - , , Massachusetts
Smith, Ephraim b.1663 - Boxford, Essex, Ma
Smith, George m.1645 - of Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Smith, Hannah m.1680 - Taunton, Bristol, Ma
Smith, Hannah m.1693 - Watertown, Middlesex, Ma
Smith, Jacob b.1674 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Smith, Jeanna m.1671 - of Hamptonn, Essex, Massachusetts
Smith, John - Living
Smith, John m.1672 -
Smith, Lydia m.1673 - , Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Smith, Lydia Brown - Living
Smith, Marharet b.1710 - Andover, Essex Co., Massachussetts
Smith, Mariah b.1677 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Smith, Mary b.1658 - Ipswich, Essex, Ma
Smith, Nathaniel b.1672 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Smith, Phebe b.1661 - Boxford, Essex, Ma
Smith, Ralph Pastor m.1634 - of Leicester, Leicester, England
Smith, Richard - Living
Smith, Robert b.1626 - Kirton, Lincolnshire, England
Smith, Robert b.1599 -
Smith, Samuel b.1706 - Andover, Essex Co., Massachussetts
Smith, Samuel b.1666 - Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts
Smith, Sarah b.1670 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Smith, Thomas b.1656 - Ipswich, Essex, Ma
Smith, Thomas m.1677 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Smith, William Cheseldon b.1814 - New York
Smith (Rock), John - Living
Smith (Schmidt), Johann Michael Jr. m.1734 -
Smyth, m.1630 - of Stonham Aspal, Suffolk, Eng.
Smyth, Jasper m.1550 -
Smythe, Bridget m.1592 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Smythe, Richard m.1563 - , , England
Snocke, Clement m.1606 - , Pitminster, Somerset, England
Snoderly, Elizabeth - Living
Snoderly, Mary b.1808 - , Guilford, North Carolina
Snow, Mary m.1770 -
Snow, William m.1654 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass
Sockville (Sachville), John - Living
Solomon, Unknown King b.999 - Bc, Son of, King of, Palestime
Sorrell, John m.1589 - Great Yeldham, Essex, Eng
Sothill, Thomas - Living
Souther, Mary m.1653 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Southwell, Alice b.1494 - of, Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Amy b.1490 - of, Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Anthony b.1526 - of Windham Manor, , Norfolk, England
Southwell, Dorothy b.1540 - of, Danbury, Essex, England
Southwell, Elizabeth b.1492 - of, Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Elizabeth Dorthy b.1554 - Woodrising, Norfork, England
Southwell, Francis b.1496 - of, Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Francis b.1524 - of, Windham Hall, Norfolk, England
Southwell, John b.1414 - of, Felixhall, Essex, England
Southwell, John Esquire b.1363 - of, Felixhall, Essex, England
Southwell, Katherine b.1566 - of, Horsham St Faith, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Katherine b.1541 - of, Danbury, Essex, England
Southwell, Katherine b.1528 - of Windham Manor, , Norfolk, England
Southwell, Mary - Living
Southwell, Mary b.1556 - Woodrising, Norfork, England
Southwell, Mary b.1545 - of, Danbury, Essex, England
Southwell, Mrs-Francis m.1559 -
Southwell, Richard Knight m.1558 - , of, Essex, England
Southwell, Richard Knight b.1449 - of, Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Richard Knight b.1550 - of, Danbury, Essex, England
Southwell, Robert b.1394 - of, Felixhall, Essex, England
Southwell, Robert b.1487 - of, Wood Rising, Norfolk, England
Southwell, Robert Sir b.1520 - of Windham Manor, , Norfolk, England
Southwell, Sir Richard Knight b.1518 - of Windham Manor, , Norfolk, England
Southwell, Sir Richard b.1548 - Woodrising, Norfork, England
Southwell, Thomas b.1552 - of, Danbury, Essex, England
Southworth, Mrs. Bridget m.1749 -
Spague, Patience - Living
Spark, Alice m.1599 - Glemsford, Suffolk, , England
Sparrow, Phillip - Living
Spear, Rachel m.1771 - Braintree, , Ma
Speke, John m.1510 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Spencer, Joan b.1440 -
Spencer, John b.1414 -
Spencer, Mary m.1602 - of, , , England
Spencer, Robert m.1723 -
Spencer, Samuel m.1673 - Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts
Sprague, Joanna m.1762 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Sprague, Patience m.1703 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Sprague, Rebecca m.1697 - of Malford, Worcestershire, England
Spraiger, Thomas m.1649 -
Squier, Margery b.1504 - of, Barton, Somersetshire, England
Squire, Alice m.1593 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, , England
Squire, Margaret m.1566 - Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England
Squire, Mr. b.1520 - of, Devonshire, England
Squire, Noble m.1791 - Montgomery, Hampden Co., Ma
St Aubyn, Thomas - Living
St John, John m.1582 -
St Lawrence, Christopher b.1576 -
St Lawrence, Frances b.1617 -
St Lawrence, Nicholas b.1555 -
St Lawrence, Nicholas b.1597 -
St. Maur, - Living
Stafford, Ursula m.1553 - of, , Surrey, England
Stainford, Joan b.1201 - of, Aldingham, Lancashire, England
Stainton, Christian b.1128 - Kendal, Lancashire, England
Stainton, Gilbert b.1102 - of, Kendal, Lancashire, England
Stainton, Mrs Gilbert b.1106 - of, Kendal, Lancashire, England
Stainwood, Philip m.1648 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Ma
Stanbye, John m.1587 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Standish, Alice m.1547 - , , Norfolk, England
Standley, m.1625 - Stonham Aspal, Suffolk, Eng.
Standley, - Living
Stanhope, Richard Knight m.1497 - , , England
Stanhope, Robert Sir - Living
Stanley, m.1528 - of, Culworth, Oxfordshire, Engl
Stanley, John - Living
Stannard, Lyida Phoebe b.1864 - Shellrock, Iowa
Stanshaw, Robert - Living
Stanton, m.1599 - Herts, England
Stanton, Amelia b.1801 -
Stanton, Mr m.1599 - Herts, England
Staples, Abraham m.1660 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Staples, Ebenezer - Living
Staples, Mehitable - Living
Stapleton, Jane m.1463 -
Starkhall, Henry Stonehill or - Living
Starr, Lovel m.1815 -
Stearns, Nathaniel m.1687 - Milton, Ma
Stebbing, Catherine b.1484 - of, Townstall, Dartmouth, England
Stebbing, John b.1490 - <, , England>
Stebbins, Hannah m.1700 - Westfield, Hampden, Mass.
Stebbins, Mary m.1704 -
Steinbach, John Henry - Living
Steinbach, Michael m.1769 -
Stenhope, Joanna b.1401 -
Stenhope, Richard b.1375 -
Stenning, Mr. - Living
Stephens, Thomas m.1609 - , , Gloucester, England
Sterns, Judith m.1690 - Braintree, Norfolk, Ma
Stetson, Freegift m.1763 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Stevens, J.L. - Living
Stevens, Rebecca m.1692 -
Stever, Philip m.1756 -
Stewart, James m.1665 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Steynings, Susan b.1573 -
Stier, m.1899 -
Stiess, Anna Barbara b.1706 - of Weisenheim am Berg, Hessen, Germany
Stiles, John m.1684 - Boxford, Essex, Ma
Stillman, George I m.1706 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Stockwell, Amos - Living
Stockwell, Anna b.1816 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Cynthia b.1809 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Daniel b.1716 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Daughter b.1783 -
Stockwell, Daughter - Living
Stockwell, David b.1693 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Ebenezer b.1702 - Massachusetts
Stockwell, Eleazer b.1752 - Oxford, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Elizabeth b.1705 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Elizabeth W b.1797 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Henry - Living
Stockwell, Ichabod b.1792 -
Stockwell, Ichabod b.1791 -
Stockwell, Ichabod b.1724 - Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Ichabod b.1749 - Oxford, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Jane b.1722 -
Stockwell, John b.1776 -
Stockwell, John Jr. b.1706 -
Stockwell, John b.1686 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Jonathan b.1700 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Joseph b.1801 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Julia b.1820 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Luther b.1778 -
Stockwell, Lyman b.1806 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Mary b.1709 -
Stockwell, Mary b.1698 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Nathaniel b.1719 - Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Peter b.1751 -
Stockwell, Polly b.1804 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Samuel b.1799 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Sarah b.1712 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Sarah b.1688 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, Sarah b.1813 - Whitingham, Bennington, Vt
Stockwell, Son b.1795 -
Stockwell, Son b.1780 -
Stockwell, Synthia b.1809 -
Stockwell, Thomas b.1774 - Whitingham, Windham Co., Vermont
Stockwell, Thomas Gleason b.1755 - Oxford, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, William Jr. b.1685 - Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts
Stockwell, William b.1650 - Scotland
Stoiz, Michael b.1659 -
Stoke, Catherine b.1409 -
Stoke, John b.1383 -
Stoke, Margaret m.1436 -
Stoker, Elizabeth m.1644 -
Stolz, Margaretha b.1640 - Frankenhofen, Mittelfranken, Bavaria, Germany
Stonchill, Henry - Living
Stone, Agnes b.1529 - of Barton, St. David, Somerset, England
Stone, Agnes b.1556 - Barton, David, Somerset, England
Stone, Arme - Living
Stone, David b.1540 - Great Bromley, Essex, Eng
Stone, Elizabeth b.1562 - of London, London, England, England
Stone, John m.1664 -
Stone, John b.1528 - Barton, St David, Somersetshire, England
Stone, Katherine m.1597 - Barton David, Somersetshire, England
Stone, Richard b.1545 - Great Bromley, Essex, Eng
Stone, Simon b.1507 - Great Bromley, Essex, Eng
Stonehill, Henry Starkall (or) m.1599 - Eng.
Stoner, Clement m.1588 -
Stones, Francis b.1553 -
Stones, Katherine b.1555 - Farnworth, Lancashire, England
Story, Susannah m.1657 - Lynne, Essex, Massachusetts
Stourton, John de m.1404 -
Stourton, Margaret m.1460 - of, Stourton, Wiltshire, England
Strader, Anna Catharine b.1797 - , , North Carolina
Strader, Anna Margaret b.1717 - of Istha, Hessen, Germany
Strader, Catherine m.1815 - , Campbell Co., Tennessee
Strader, Catherine b.1760 -
Strader, George b.1755 - Guilford Co, North Caroline
Strader, Jacob b.1752 - North Carolina
Strader, John b.1758 - Orange Co, North Carolina
Stradling, Ann b.1469 - of, Dauntsey, Oxfordshire, England
Stradling, Catherine b.1512 - of, St. Donats, Somerset, England
Stradling, David b.1510 - St. Donats, Somerset, England
Stradling, Edward Knight b.1474 - St. Donats, Somerset, England
Stradling, Harry b.1476 - of St. Donats, Glamorgan, Wales
Stradling, Jane b.1480 - of St. Donats, Glamorgan, Wales
Stradling, Jane b.1505 - of, St Donats, Glamorganshire, Wales
Stradling, John b.1506 - St. Donats, Somerset, England
Stradling, Mary b.1478 - of St. Donats, Glamorgan, Wales
Stradling, Thomas Knight b.1454 - of, St. Donant's Cas, Glenmorganshire, Wales
Stradling, Thomas b.1502 - St. Donats, Ogmore, Glamorganshire, England
Stradter, Henry b.1750 -
Stradter, Johann Henrich b.1720 - Probably Eastern Pennsylvania
Strange, Anne Le m.1547 - , Hunstanton, Norfolk, England
Strange, Robert m.1623 - Farleigh, Hungerford, Somerset, Eng
Strange, Robert - Living
Strathclyde, Run King of - Living
Stream, Elizabeth b.1614 - Wymondham, Suffolk, England
Stream, Elizabeth b.1643 - Wymondham, Suffolk, England
Stream, John b.1588 - of Wymondham, Norfolk, Ma, Eng
Streame, Thomas m.1619 - St Bennets, Pauls Wharf, London, Eng
Streate, William m.1628 - , , Hamp, England
Street, - Living
Street, - Living
Street, Mr m.1607 -
Strelley, Elizabeth b.1477 - of, Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Isabel b.1473 - of, Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, John b.1396 - Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, John b.1471 - of, Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, John b.1448 - Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Joyce b.1450 - of, , Gloucestershire, England
Strelley, Margaret b.1475 - of, Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Nicholas Sir b.1370 - of Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Nicholas Sir b.1450 - Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Robert Knight b.1397 - of, Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Robert Knight b.1423 - , Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelley, Sampson Sir b.1344 - of Strelley, Nottinghamshire, England
Strelly, Anne b.1518 - of, Allerton, Nottinghamshire, England
Strickner, Robert A. m.1889 - Clark Co., IL
Strong, John III m.1656 - Windsor, Hartford, Conn
Strug, Eleanor - Living
Strutt, Alice b.1500 -
Strutt, Ambrose b.1538 -
Strutt, Ann b.1565 -
Strutt, Ann b.1579 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Audrey b.1521 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Elizabeth b.1498 -
Strutt, Erasmus b.1519 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Eustace b.1523 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Johanna b.1536 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, John b.1508 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, John b.1466 -
Strutt, John b.1494 -
Strutt, Katherine b.1502 - of Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Margery b.1504 - of Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Robert b.1496 -
Strutt, Thomas b.1542 - of Glemsford, Suffolk, , England
Strutt, Thomas b.1551 - Glemsford, , Suffolk, Eng
Strutt, Thomas b.1492 - Glemsford, Suffolk, England
Strutt, Ursala b.1525 - Glemsforg, Suffolk, England
Stuart, Nicholas m.1616 - , Kent, England
Stubbea, John - Living
Stukely, Mr - Living
Stuteville, Miss b.1088 - of Aldingham Manor, Lancashire, England
Styles, Humphrey Sir m.1553 - , , , England
Styles, John m.1684 -
Styles, Margaret m.1571 - , Ellingham, Norfolk, England
Styles, Robert m.1684 - , , Ma
Suarez, Don Gomez - Living
Summers, Henry - Living
Sumner, Benjamin m.1706 - Milton, Norfolk, Ma
Supinger, Barbara - Living
Sutley, Jemiah - Living
Swan, John m.1656 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Swaros, Abigail m.1739 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Swayne, Rebecca m.1648 - Essex, England
Swazey, Mehitable m.1682 - Mattituck, Long Island, New York
Sweetser, Mary m.1654 - Andover, Essex, Ma
Swing, Mathias m.1779 - Brick Church, Guilford, North Carolina
Swinnerton, Joanna m.1644 - Marblehead
Swinnerton, Job m.1658 - Salem, Essex, Ma
Sydenham, Eleanor b.1505 - Leigh, Wiltshire
Sydenham, Joan (Anne) m.1530 - of Orchard, St Dewman, Somersetshire, England
Sydenham, John Knight m.1515 - of, Coberley, Gloucestershire, England
Sydenham, Thomas m.1525 - of, Lanherne, Cornwall, England
Sydney, Mary b.1505 - of, Hayle, Buckshire, England
Symmes, Elizabeth m.1600 - of Assington, Suffolk, , England
Symond, Elizabeth b.1634 - Topsfield, Essex, England
Symond, Jane b.1630 - Topsfield, Essex, England
Symonds, Anne b.1622 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, Catherine b.1636 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Symonds, Catherine b.1662 - of Salem, Essex, Mass
Symonds, Dorothy b.1600 - Weybread, Or Wendham, Suffolk, England
Symonds, Elizabeth b.1624 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, Harlakenden "Lack" b.1627 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, James b.1633 - Salem, Essex, Ma
Symonds, James b.1640 -
Symonds, John b.1580 - Weybread, Suffolk, England
Symonds, John b.1569 - , , , England
Symonds, John b.1615 - Earl's Colne, Toppsfield, Essex, England
Symonds, Katherine (Jone) b.1630 - Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, Eng
Symonds, Mrs John b.1570 - of Alic-Darwyn, Lancashire, England
Symonds, Mrs. Elizabeth b.1601 - Walcott, Norfolk, England
Symonds, Rebecca m.1707 - , Essex Co., Ma
Symonds, Richard b.1618 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, Richard (Robert) m.1580 - , Great Yeldham, Essex, England
Symonds, Robert b.1629 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, Roger b.1633 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, Ruth b.1630 - Salem, Essex, Ma
Symonds, Samuel b.1638 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Symonds, Samuel b.1595 - of Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Symonds, Samuel b.1623 - Earl's Colne, Toppesfield, Essex, Eng.
Symonds, Samuel b.1627 - Toppesfield, Essex, England
Symons, Rebecca - Living
Symson, Margaret or Margery m.1586 - Boxted, Dedham, Essex, England
Symsone, Margery m.1586 - Dedham, , Eng
Taft, Joseph m.1721 - Uxbridge, Worcester Co, Ma
Talbot, Jane b.1393 - of, Swannington, Leicestershire, England
Talbot, John b.1363 - of, Swannington, Leicestershire, England
Talbot, William Sir Knight - Living
Talbot?, Susan - Living
Tashborough, Thomas - Living
Taylor, Dellie m.1899 - Clark Co., IL
Taylor, Elizabeth m.1600 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Taylor, Richard m.1677 - Sudbury, Middlesex Co, Ma
Taylor, Sarah m.1614 - Saint Albans, Hertford, England, England
Tecti, Taetwa b.100 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
Tefft, b.1640 - Providence, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, (Wilson) b.1655 - New Port, New Port, Ri
Tefft, (Wilson) b.1642 - Providence, Washington, Ri
Tefft, Elizabeth b.1687 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Esther b.1658 - South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, John b.1676 - Providence, Providence, Ri
Tefft, John b.1614 - of, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusets
Tefft, John Sr. b.1676 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Joshua b.1646 - South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Mary b.1642 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Tefft, Mary b.1658 - South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Mary Mrs m.1698 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Mercy b.1696 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Miss b.1640 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Tefft, Mr. b.1574 -
Tefft, Mrs. b.1578 -
Tefft, Samuel m.1727 - S. Kingston, Washington, R.I.
Tefft, Samuel b.1685 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Samuel b.1643 - Providence & Kingstown, Washington, Ri
Tefft, Sarah m.1666 - of Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Tefft, Sarah b.1618 -
Tefft, Sarah b.1668 - South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Solomon b.1678 - South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Susannah b.1690 - Hopkinton, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Tabitha b.1622 - , , Rhode Island
Tefft, Tabitha b.1688 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, Tabitha Bethiah b.1652 - , New Port, New Port, Rhode Island
Tefft, Thomas b.1656 - of Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tefft, William b.1616 - , , , England
Tefft, William b.1600 - England
Tendering, Dorothy b.1498 - of, Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, England
Tendering, William Esquire b.1472 -
Tenkerhem, Ephraim m.1674 - of Inkburrow, Worcester, Eng
Tenn, Benjamin - Living
Tennant, Abigail m.169 - , , Rhode Island
Terrall, John m.1662 - New London, New London, Cn
Tervyn, Mary m.1630 - All Hallows, London, Middlesex, England
Thacher, - Living
Thackmortor, Thomas m.1562 - Cannington, Somerset, England
Thayer, Hannah b.1697 - Braintree, Ma
Thayer, Hulda m.1675 - , Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Thayer, Huldah b.1620 -
Thayer, Mary m.1720 - Mendon, Worcester, Ma
Thayer, Naomi m.1684 - , Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
Thetcher, Elizabeth - Living
Thiergaertner, Margaretha m.1678 - Dottenheim, Mittelfranken, Germany
Thoma, Albrecht b.1658 - , , Georgia
Thoma, Johann Conrad b.1696 - Neunburg, Bruchsal, Baden, Germany
Thoma, Johann Martin b.1700 - Neuenburg, Baden, Germany
Thomas, - Living
Thomas, Adam - Living
Thomas, Alice - Living
Thomas, Anna m.1687 -
Thomas, Anna m.1650 - , , James City, Virginia
Thomas, Anna Dewey b.1643 - Windsor, Hartford, Ct
Thomas, Anna Magdalena b.1715 - Neuenbuerg, Kraitchal, Karlsruhe, Baden
Thomas, Annes Verch b.1409 - Lngtwgdyfrynwysg, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England
Thomas, Chauncy - Living
Thomas, Denise Verch - Living
Thomas, Gwilym ap b.1393 - of Gillow, Hentland, Herefordshire, England
Thomas, Hans Wendel b.1712 - Neunburg, Bruchsal, Baden, Germany
Thomas, Jenkin m.1498 -
Thomas, Joan Verch - Living
Thomas, Joe m.1864 - , , In
Thomas, Johann b.1685 - Neuenburg, Baden, Germany
Thomas, John - Living
Thomas, John b.1720 - <, , , Germany>
Thomas, John b.1775 - , , North Carolina
Thomas, Lewis (Lutwich) m.1840 - , Preble, Ohio
Thomas, Lewis or Ludwick m.1802 -
Thomas, Margaret b.1718 - Virginia
Thomas, Mary Ann m.1779 -
Thomas, Mary Barbara b.1737 - , Orange, Virginia
Thomas, Mawd Verch b.1409 - Lngtwgdyfrynwysg, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England
Thomas, Michael Thomas b.1721 - Culepper, Culpepper, Virginia
Thomas, Miss Verch b.1400 - Lngtwgdyfrynwysg, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England
Thomas, William Knight m.1421 - of Bredwardine, Herefordshire, England
Thomas, William - Living
Thomas, William ap - Living
Thompson, Jackson b.1844 -
Thompson, Katherine m.1590 - , Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Thompson, Sarah m.1670 - Mendon, Norfolk, Ma
Thorne, Joane b.1554 - <, Pitminster, Somerset, England>
Thorne, John - Living
Thornton, Mehitable m.1687 - Boston, Suffolk Co., Ma
Thrackmortor, Thomas m.1562 - , , England
Throckmorton, Robert Knight - Living
Thurland, Richard - Living
Tibbals, Sarah b.1654 - Enfield, Hartford Co., Ct?
Tiffany, Lois b.1773 - Norwich, Ma
Tifft (Tefft or Tift), Peter b.1678 - of, South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island
Tilley, Edward or Edmond m.1614 - Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
Tillinghost, Sarah m.1671 - , Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Tilney, Margaret - Living
Timion, August A b.1865 -
Timion, Eric Michael - Living
Timion, Fredrick b.1830 -, Cook, Il
Timion, Gail - Living
Timion, Kathryn d.1999 - Waverly, Ia
Timion, Louis Fred b.1896 -
Timion, Marie J. b.1873 - Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Timion, Matthew Louis - Living
Timion, Michael Louis b.1951 - Moline, Illinois
Timion, Richard - Living
Timion, Sally - Living
Timion, Wayne Martin Jr. - Living
Timion, Wayne Martin - Living
Timion, Wilhelmina Minnie b.1865 - Chicago, Illinois
Tirrell, Deborah b.1747 - Abington, Bristol, Massachusetts
Tirrell, Isaac b.1745 - Abington, Bristol, Massachusetts
Tirrell, Isaac b.1718 - Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Tirrell, John m.1722 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Tirrell, Mary b.1742 - Abington, Bristol, Massachusetts
Tirrell, William m.1738 - Weymouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Tobey, Gersham m.1728 - Sandwich, , Ma
Todd, Elizabeth m.1715 - Hyattsville, Baltimore Co, Md
Tomes, Alice m.1615 - Long Marston, Gloucestershire, England
Torrey, Elizabeth m.1737 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Tosh, Sarah m.1718 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Total, 19 Children - Living
Tothill, Katherine m.1586 - Wiscombe, Devon, Eng
Touchet, Margaret - Living
Tower, Isabel b.1364 - of, Cotham, Nottinghamshire, England
Town, b.1514 -
Town Towne, Edmund b.1628 - St. Nicholas Par, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng.
Town Towne, Israel b.1684 - , Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Town Towne, Mary b.1634 - of, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Town Towne, Sarah b.1637 - Salem, Essex, Mass.
Towne, Ann b.1610 - Braceby, Lincolnshire, England, England
Towne, Benjamin - Living
Towne, Catherine b.1662 - of--, Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, David b.1693 - , Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Deliverance Twin b.1665 - Topsfield, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Towne, Edmund b.1697 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Edmund b.1666 - of--, Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Edward b.1589 - , Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Edward b.1602 - , Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Edward b.1574 - Haydor, Lincoln, England
Towne, Elisabeth b.1604 - Braceby, Lincs, Eng
Towne, Elizabeth b.1591 - of, Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Elizabeth b.1577 - , Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Ephraim b.1688 - Topsfield, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Towne, Esther b.1686 - , Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Gideon b.1662 -
Towne, Hellen b.1606 - Braceby, Linc, Engl
Towne, Jabez b.1660 -
Towne, Jacob b.1632 - St. Nicholas Ch., Gt. Yarmouth, Co Norfolk, England
Towne, Jacob b.1660 - Topsfield, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Towne, John b.1658 - Topsfield, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Towne, John b.1682 - Topsfield, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Towne, John Jr b.1702 - , Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Towne, John b.1623 - , , England
Towne, John c.1566 - , Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Jonathan b.1691 - Topsfield, Essex, Mass.
Towne, Jone b.1567 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Joseph c.1648 - Topsfield, Essex, Ma
Towne, Joseph b.1639 - of, Salem, Essex, Ma
Towne, Joseph Twin m.1687 - Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Katherine b.1612 - Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Leonard b.1540 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Leonard c.1571 - , Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Margery b.1616 - Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Mary b.1681 - Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Mary b.1601 - Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Mrs Catherine m.1720 -
Towne, Mrs-Alice m.1615 - of, Newton, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Mrs-Thomasine m.1604 - of, Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Prudence b.1608 - Braceby, Linc, Engl
Towne, Rebecca b.1621 - St. Nicholas Ch., Gt. Yarmouth, Co Norfolk, England
Towne, Richard b.1568 - Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Richard Jr b.1587 - , Braceby, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Ruth Twin b.1664 - of--, Topsfield, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Samuel b.1695 - Topsfield, Essex Co, Massachusettes, Colonial Usa
Towne, Sarah b.1648 - of Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Towne, Steven b.1664 -
Towne, Susanna b.1625 - St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Towne, William b.1598 - Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng
Towne, William c.1570 - , Haydor, Lincolnshire, England
Towne, Zerviah b.1707 - , Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Townsend, Deliverance m.1698 - Suffolk Co, Ny
Townsend, Elizabeth b.1577 - of Tenterton, Kent, England
Townsend, Henry b.1568 - Bracon ash, Norfolk, England
Townsend, John m.1690 - of Reading, Middlesex, Mass
Townsend, Thomas b.1551 -
Townsend, Thomas b.1594 - , Bracon-ash, Norfolk, Eng
Townshend, b.1543 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Alice b.1551 - , , England
Townshend, Anne b.1541 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Anne (Alice) b.1529 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Arthur b.1595 - Bracken ash, Norfolk, Eng
Townshend, Bridget b.1547 - Raynham, Norfolk, Eng.
Townshend, Elizabeth b.1596 - Bracon-ash, Norwich, Norfolk, Eng
Townshend, Grace b.1542 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Henry Sir b.1537 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Isaac b.1535 - , , Eng.
Townshend, Robert b.1545 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Robert b.1591 - Bracken ash, Norfolk, Eng
Townshend, Robert (Townsend) Sir b.1512 - of, Ludlow, Shropshire, England
Townshend, Rodger b.1563 - Bracon ash, Norfolk, England
Townshend, Thomas b.1566 - Bracon ash, Norfolk, England
Townshend, Thomas b.1533 - Bracon ash, Norfolk, England
Townshend, Thomasine b.1539 - Ludlow, Salop, Eng.
Towse, Johanna m.1487 - of, Stowe, Cornwall, England
Tracey, Henry - Living
Tracher, Anne m.1638 - , Probably, England
Tracy, Mary m.1619 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
Tracy, Mary m.1619 - of Barnham, Suffolk, England
Trammell, b.1704 - , , Virginia
Trammell, Ann b.1695 - , Stafford, Virginia
Trammell, Daniel b.1708 - , , Virginia
Trammell, Garrard b.1702 - , Stafford, Virginia
Trammell, John b.1700 - , Stafford, Virginia
Trammell, John b.1675 - , Westmorland, Virginia
Trammell, Mary b.1735 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Maryland
Trammell, Philip d.1650 -
Trammell, Phillip b.1733 - , , Va
Trammell, Sampson b.1712 - , , Virginia
Trammell, Thomas m.1634 - Hackington, Kent, England
Trammell, Thomas b.1645 - Devonshire, , , England
Trammell, Thomas b.1710 - , , Virginia
Trammell, William b.1704 - , , Virginia
Trammell, William T b.1720 - <, , Va>
Trask, - Living
Trask, William m.1696 - Salem, Essex, Ma
Trauch, Margaret m.1778 -
Travis, Sarah - Living
Travis, Sarah m.1667 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Treadway, Lydia - Living
Tregarthin, Honor b.1432 -
Tregarthin, Margaret b.1452 -
Tregian, Agnes b.1505 - Ballance-Horned, Hertford, Eng
Tregian, Ralph b.1484 -
Tregonwell, Richard - Living
Tremayne, Leonard - Living
Tremayne, Thomas - Living
Tresham, Thomas - Living
Troxler, Mary m.1784 - , Orange, Nc
Trye, William m.1470 - of, , , England
Tryer (or Tare), Mary Apollonia m.1789 - , Lincoln Co., Ky
Tryingham, Mary - Living
Tubbs, Samuel m.1666 - New London, New London, Ct
Tucker, m.1714 - , , Ri
Tucker, Laurence James 2nd - Living
Tuckfield or (Towckfield), Christine m.1592 - of Aston Clinton, Bucks, Eng
Tupper, Henry b.1552 - of Bury, Sussex, England
Tupper, Katherine b.1623 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
Tupper, Mr b.1590 - , , England
Tupper, Mrs b.1594 - , , England
Tupper, Mrs Henry b.1548 - , , England
Tupper, Mrs. Richard b.1525 - , Essex, , England
Tupper, Richard b.1526 - , Essex, , England
Tupper, Robert b.1627 - of Bury, Sussex, England
Tupper, Thomas b.1637 - Sandwich, Barnstable, Ma
Tupper, Thomas b.1578 - Bury, Sussex, England
Turnbaugh, Frances - Living
Turner, James T. m.1851 -
Turner, Margaret m.1664 - Newport, Newport, Ri
Turner, Susan m.1628 - of Bury, Sussex, England
Tybott, m.1652 - Ma, , Glouster
Tygon, William - Living
Tyler, Elizabeth Jane m.1848 - , Jefferson, Kentucky
Tymms (Tomes), Joan m.1612 - of Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Tynes, Joan - Living
Tyrell, Alice Tyrry b.1503 -
Tyrell, Elizabeth m.1467 - of, Heron, Essex, England
Tyrrell, Thomas Knight m.1465 - Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England
Ugworthy, Alice b.1412 -
Ugworthy, John b.1382 -
Underwood, Martin m.1640 - Weybred, Suffolk, England
Underwood, Rachel b.1705 -
Unk, Maria Barbara b.1636 - of Neuenburg, Villingen, Germany
Unk, Ursula Sybilla b.1633 - , , Germany
Unkn, Anne m.1679 -
Unkn, Elizabeth - Living
Unkn, Mary Elizabeth m.1639 -
Unknown, Abigail m.1732 -
Unknown, Aedd Mawr Edward Anchises King b.1130 - Bc, Son, King of, Britian
Unknown, Alafon King b.284 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Amos b.213 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Anna -
Unknown, Annyn Tro Aeneas King b.1150 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Anyn King b.262 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Arch King b.152 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Assaracus King b.1210 - Bc, King, In, Europe
Unknown, Assaracus King b.1210 - Bc, King, In, Europe
Unknown, Astyoche of Acadia b.1300 - Bc
Unknown, Baran King - Living
Unknown, Batea of Teucri -
Unknown, Bathesheba - Living
Unknown, Berwyn King b.350 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Bleddyn King b.400 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Bran The Blessed King b.20 - Abt 10 ad, King of, Siluria, Abt 32 ad
Unknown, Brutus Brwt King b.1050 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Brydain Island Named Britian King b.1090 - Bc, First, King of, Britian
Unknown, Brywlais King b.306 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Caid King b.130 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Calchwynydd King b.550 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Callirhoe -
Unknown, Capoir King of Britian -
Unknown, Capps King b.1170 - Bc, King, In, Europe
Unknown, Caradoc Caractacus King -
Unknown, Ceraint King b.196 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Ceraint Feddw King b.328 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Ceri King - Living
Unknown, Coel or Colius King b.100 - Abt 80 ad, Britian, King of, Siluria
Unknown, Cymryw King b.1000 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Cynon Prince - Living
Unknown, Darda Dardanus Prince b.1350 - Bc, Prince, of, Judea
Unknown, Daughter of Shuah b.1400 - Bc, of, Caanan
Unknown, Daughter of Simon The Just b.189 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Dingad King b.240 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Electra -
Unknown, Elizabeth m.1661 - Springfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Unknown, Elsi b.260 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Enir Fardd King b.600 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Eos Aurora b.1050 - Bc, of, Troy
Unknown, Er b.1380 - Bc, of, Caanan
Unknown, Erichthonius of Acadia Prince b.1300 - Bc, Prince, of, Judea
Unknown, Eunice C. m.1841 -
Unknown, Eurgain Princess - Living
Unknown, Eurydice of Troy Queen b.1100 - Bc, of, Troy
Unknown, Geridiol King b.218 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Gladys Claudia Princess - Living
Unknown, Gweyrydd King b.900 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Gwyn King b.108 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Heli - Living
Unknown, Idwal King b.470 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Ithel King b.650 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Ithon King b.950 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Janna Johanna b.142 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Joseph b.375 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Joseph b.165 - Bc, of, Arimathea, Judea
Unknown, Joseph of Arimathea -
Unknown, Laomedon Troy b.1150 - Bc, of, Troy
Unknown, Laura - Living
Unknown, Levi b.100 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Linus Lleyn Martyr Prince - Living
Unknown, Llarian King b.700 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Llyfeinydd King b.800 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Llyr Lear Lediaith King -
Unknown, Llywarch King b.510 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Maath b.306 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Manogan King of Britian -
Unknown, Martha - Living
Unknown, Mary - Living
Unknown, Mary - Living
Unknown, Mary - Living
Unknown, Mattathias b.329 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Mattathias b.189 - Bc, of, Arimathea, Judea
Unknown, Matthat or Matthan - Living
Unknown, Meirion King b.174 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Melchi b.122 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Morgan King b.372 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Nagge b.284 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Naum b.237 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Penardim Queen -
Unknown, Peredur King b.850 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Piram King b.1100 - Bc, King of, Troy
Unknown, Placia Strymo Troy Queen b.1100 - Bc, of, Troy
Unknown, Rhun King b.430 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Semei b.355 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Unknown, Sibil Sif -
Unknown, Silvius Selys Hen King b.1110 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Simon The Just b.210 - Bc, of, Judea
Unknown, Teuged King b.750 - Bc, King of, Britian, Siluria
Unknown, Titonius of Troy -
Unknown, Troana Daughter Piram b.1050 - Bc, Wife of, Memnon
Unknown, Tror Thor King of Thrace b.1000 - Bc, Illiad, of, Troy
Unknown, Tros b.1250 - Bc, King, In, Europe
Unknown, Unknown -
Unknown, Vingener II b.700 - Bc, Line of, King of, Troy
Upham, Thomas m.1704 - of Malden, Middlesex, Mass
Upson, Elizabeth - Living
Uptcher, John m.1623 - , , Eng
Upther, John - Living
Upton, Marie b.1424 - of, Beverston, Gloucestershire, England
Urdiswicke, Mary m.1493 - of Patcham, Sussex, England
Urmston, m.1596 - St Martin, Surrey, , England
Urmston, Mr. m.1595 - of, , London, England
Utz, Anne Maria m.1716 -
Utz, George m.1762 - , Culpeper, Virginia
Uzzi, Unknown b.1202 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Valoignes, Geoffrey de m.1163 - of, Brancepeth, Durham, England
Vaughan, Charles - Living
Vaughan, Eleanor b.1457 -
Vaughan, Elizabeth b.1413 - of Bredwardine, Herefordshire, England
Vaughan, Miss m.1516 - of, Oxborough, Norfolk, England
Vaughan, Roger b.1410 - Tretwr, Llnfhngl Cwm du, Breconshire, England
Vaughan, Roger Knight b.1377 - of Bredwardine, Herefordshire, England
Vaughan, Thomas - Living
Vaughan, Thomas Knight - Living
Vaughan, Walter b.1502 - Hergest, Herefordshire, England
Vaughan, Watkin b.1415 - of Bredwardine, Herefordshire, England
Vaughn, Sybil b.1518 - of, Hergest, Herefordshire, England
Vaughn, Watkin b.1488 -
Vaught, Eliza A. m.1854 -
Vaught, Mary Catherine b.1712 - <, Nevenbuerg, Germany>
Vele, Henry - Living
Vere, Margaret de Baroness Beaumont m.1360 - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Verney, Beatrice m.1464 - of Middle Clayton, Berkshire, England
Vernon, Agnes b.1424 - of Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, England
Vernon, Anne m.1442 -
Vernon, Anne b.1477 - of, Haddon, Derbyshire, England
Vernon, Cecilia b.1330 - of Ashbourne, Hatley, Derbyshire, England
Vernon, Richard Knight b.1425 - of, Harleston
Vernon, Richard Knight b.1398 - of, Hadden Hall, Derbyshire, England
Vernon, William b.1399 -
Vernon, William Knight b.1477 - of, Haddon, Derbyshire, England
Vincent, Brian m.1508 -
Vincent, John m.1608 - Leyden, Holland
Vining, Mary m.1715 - Ma, Weymouth, Weymouth
Vinson, Thomas m.1652 - , Midd, Mass
Virgin, William m.1813 - St. Clair Co., IL
Vivian, Ann b.1298 - of, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England
Volpel, Johann Adam m.1726 - Weisenheim am Berg, Hessen, Germany
Vyall, John m.1476 -
Waccoon, John m.1747 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Wade, Dorothy - Living
Wade, Mary m.1665 - 4 Children Born in Ipswich, Mass.
Wahrhoffel, Anna b.1599 - Regensburg, Obernfalz, Bavaria, Germany
Wahrhoffel, Catharina b.1589 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Wahrhoffel, Johannes b.1597 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Wahrhoffel, Ursula b.1591 - Regensburg, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Waidenhofel, Catharina b.1595 -
Waidenhofel, Catharina b.1593 -
Waidenhofel, Catharina b.1589 -
Waidenhofel, Johannes b.1597 -
Waidenhofel, Ursula b.1591 -
Waidenhofel, Wolf (or Hans) b.1558 - , Sinzing, Oberpfalz, Bavaria
Wake, Anne b.1360 - of, Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England
Wakehurst, Margaret b.1383 - , Sussex, England
Waldegrave, Anne de b.1429 - of, Waldegrave, Northamptonshire, England
Walgrave, Margaret m.1515 - of, Smallbudge, Bures., Suffolk, England
Walker, - Living
Walker, Eva m.1867 - Rome (Olin), Jones Co., Ia
Walker, Hannah m.1687 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Ma
Walker, Mary m.1758 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Walker, Mary m.1821 -
Walley, William m.1659 - Charlestown, , Massachusetts
Walling, Mary m.1719 - Mendon, Worchester, Mass.
Walling, Ruth m.1714 - , , Ri
Walling, Thomas m.1669 - Providence, , Providence, Rhode Island
Waltham, Alice m.1627 - , Wiltshire, England
Walther, Hans b.1491 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Walther, Kunigunda b.1601 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Walther, Margaretha b.1523 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
Walther, Mrs Stephen b.1513 - of Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Walther, Stephen - Living
Walther, Stephen b.1568 - Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Walther, Stephen b.1509 - of Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Walther, Stephen b.1477 - , Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Baveria
Walther, Thomas b.1420 -
Walther, Thomas b.1541 - of Beyerberg, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Walton, m.1621 - Bracely, Linc, Engl
Walton, Mr m.1621 - of, Braceby, Lincoln, England
Walton, Richard m.1582 - Boxford, Suffolk, England
Walwyn, Alice b.1457 - of, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, England
Walwyn, Fulk - Living
Walwyn, William b.1431 -
Wambach, Anna b.1673 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Wambach, Barbara b.1657 - Illenschwang, Mittelfr, Bavaria
Wambach, Christoph b.1630 - Sinbronn, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Wambach, Christopher b.1669 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Wambach, Elizabetha b.1661 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Wambach, Johannes b.1666 - of Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Wambach, Margareta b.1667 - Illenschwang, Mittelfranken, Bav, Ger
Wambach, Sebastian b.1596 - , , , Austria
Ward, Alice m.1633 - Mendelsham, Suffolk, England
Ward, Eleazer m.1675 - Marlboro, Ma
Ward, Thomas - Living
Ware, Mary m.1640 - Windsor, Hartford, Ct
Warfield, John W. Deacon Deacon m.1671 - Medfield, Norfolk, Ma
Warfield, Roger m.1598 - Charlton Adam, , England
Warfield, Samuel m.1701 - Mendon, Wrcstr, Ma
Warner, Andrew m.1673 -
Warner, Anna (Eunice?) m.1824 - Gaines, Orleans Co., Ny
Warren, Julyan b.1542 - Bures Saint Mary, Suffolk, England
Warren, Susan b.1555 - of Assington, Suffolk, England
Warren, William m.1466 -
Warren, William b.1505 - of Bures, St. Mary, Suffolk, England
Warriner, Elizabeth b.1640 - Windsor, Hartford, Conn
Warriner, Hannah b.1641 - Springfield, Hampden, Mass.
Warriner, Hannah b.1643 - Springfield, Hampden Co., Ma
Warriner, James b.1641 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, New England
Warriner, Matthew b.1642 - <, , , England>
Warriner, William b.1558 - Canterbury, Kent, England
Warriner, William b.1640 -
Warriner, William b.1582 - of Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Warringer, Joseph b.1645 - Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Warringer, William - Living
Washburn, Hannah m.1729 - Bridgewater, Plymouth, Ma
Washburn, John m.1694 - , , Ma
Washburn, Samuel m.1676 - Duxbury, Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Washburn, Thomas m.1684 - Prob. Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Waters, Sarah m.1658 - Weymouth, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Watlock, Susan m.1631 - Stanstead, , , England
Watson, John m.1649 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma
Watson, John m.1702 - , , Rhode Island
Watson, Rebecca - Living
Watts, Elizabeth m.1623 - Mendlesham, Suffolk, England
Wayland, Catherine m.1737 - Virginia.
Wayland, Elizabeth - Living
Wealand, Mary m.1871 - Clark Co., IL
Weathers, Susanna - Living
Weaver, Ann b.1847 - Kentucky
Weaver, Anna Barbara b.1730 - Orange, Va
Weaver, Catherine b.1744 - Madison Co., Madison, Va
Weaver, Elizabeth b.1848 - Kentucky
Weaver, Elizabeth b.1740 - Madison Co., Madison, Va
Weaver, Elizabeth (Mrs.) m.1726 - Orange Co., Va
Weaver, Elizajane Keith b.1837 - Kentucky
Weaver, Emaline b.1839 - Kentucky
Weaver, Francis b.1834 - Kentucky
Weaver, George T. b.1804 - Kentucky
Weaver, Hannah b.1757 - , Madison, Virginia
Weaver, Hans Dietrich "Peter" b.1710 - of Gemmingen, Baden, Bavaria, Germany
Weaver, John b.1728 - Madison Co., Madison, Virginia
Weaver, Joseph - Living
Weaver, Josiah b.1842 -
Weaver, Margaret b.1742 - Madison Co., Madison, Va
Weaver, Margaret Peggy b.1715 - Madison, Madison, Virginia
Weaver, Marianna Minerva b.1843 - Kentucky
Weaver, Mary b.1845 - Kentucky
Weaver, Mathias b.1740 - , Madison, Va
Weaver, Matthias b.1725 - Madison Co., Madison, Va
Weaver, Nancy Ann b.1837 - Kentucky
Weaver, Peter b.1689 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Weaver, Peter b.1736 - , Madison Co., Va
Weaver, Peter b.1706 - Madison, Madison, Virginia
Weaver, Philip b.1840 - Kentucky
Webb, Elizabeth - Living
Webb, Elizabeth - Living
Webb, Elizabeth b.1555 - Ruscombe, Comitatis, Berkshire, England
Webb, Elizabeth - Living
Webb, Mrs Thomas b.1555 - of Ruscombe, Comitatis, Berkshire, Engl
Webb, Thomas b.1555 - Ruscombe, Comitatis, Berkshire, England
Weber, Anna Maria b.1693 - Gemmingen, Baden, Bav, Ger
Weber, Elisabeth Barbara b.1699 -
Weber, Elizabetha b.1701 -
Weber, Hans Georg b.1715 -
Weber, Hans Georg b.1709 -
Weber, Hans Martin b.1707 -
Weber, Johann Georg b.1708 -
Weber, Johann George b.1650 - Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Weber, Joseph - Living
Weber, Peter b.1680 - Gemmingen, Baden, Bav, Ger
Weber, Philipp Joseph b.1687 - Gemmingen, Baden, Bav, Ger
Weber, Sophia Maria b.1713 -
Weber, Waldburga b.1717 - of Gemmingen, Baden, Ger
Webster, Elizabeth m.1668 - Ipswich, Essex, Mass., United States
Webster, John m.1709 - Lebanon, Ct
Webster, Margaret m.1653 - Angnuring, Sussex, England
Webster, Thomas II m.1657 - Hampton, Rockingham, Nh
Weeks, Jane (Clapp) m.1660 -
Weinberger, Brigitta m.1600 -
Welby, Susanna m.1527 -
Welby, Suzanne m.1527 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Welche, Catherin - Living
Welder, Sophia Catherine b.1729 -
Wellen, Simon M. m.1711 -
Weller, Margaret m.1732 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Weller, Sarah m.1695 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Welles, Alice b.1575 - of Stourton, Whichford, Warwick, England
Welles, Alice Mrs b.1543 - Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Welles, Anne b.1537 - Whichford, Warwick, England
Welles, Daughter b.1592 - Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Welles, Elizabeth b.1605 - , , Eng
Welles, Johan m.1621 - of, Stourton, Warwick, England
Welles, Lionel (Leo) Baron Welles m.1447 - Licence
Welles, Nathaniel m.1706 - of, Westerly, Washington, Ri
Welles, Robert b.1484 - of, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Welles, Robert b.1568 - Stratford, Wichford, , England
Welles, Robert b.1575 - of, Burmington, Warwick, England
Welles, Robert b.1540 - Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Welles, Thomas b.1512 - of Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Welles, Thomas b.1594 - Stourton, Whichford, Warwickshire, England
Welles, Walter b.1542 -
Wellesborne, John Esquire - Living
Wellman, Salome m.1777 - East Stoughton, , Ma
Wells, Joan m.1574 - , , Eng
Wells, John - Living
Wells, Lois m.1739 - Westerly, Washington, Ri
Wells, Lydia m.1687 - of Providence, Providence, Ri
Wells, Tacy m.1734 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Wells, Thomas m.1702 -
Wells or Welles, Hugh (Thomas) b.1590 - ., Colchester, Essex, England
Wells or Willis, Jane (Willis) b.1571 - of Cholesbury, Bucks, England
Wells Welles, b.1592 - , , Warwick, England
Welsh, Cecily b.1380 - of Llan-Wern, Llebenydd, Monmouthshire, England
Wentworth, Elizabeth b.1575 - of Gosley, Essex, Eng.
Wentworth, John b.1520 - Pickering, York, England
Wentworth, John - Living
Wessex, Athelstan, Prince of b.810 - Wessex, England
Wessex, Ceadda Prince of b.598 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Ceawlin, King of b.547 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cenred Prince of b.644 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Ceolwald Prince of b.622 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cerdic, King of b.467 - of, , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
Wessex, Crioda, Prince of b.493 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cutha (Cuthwulf) Prince of b.600 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cutha, Prince of b.551 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cuthburh Princess of b.674 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cuthwine Prince of b.564 - , , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cuthwulf, Prince of b.549 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cwenburh Princess of b.670 -
Wessex, Cwengyth of b.672 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cwichelm, Prince of b.553 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cynebeald (Cynebald) Prince of b.596 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Cynric King of b.525 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Edith, Princess of b.808 - Wessex, England
Wessex, Egbert, King of b.784 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Ethelbald King of b.840 - of, Wantage, Berkshire, England
Wessex, Ethelburh Queen of - Living
Wessex, Ethelred I King of b.844 - of, Wantage, Berkshire, England
Wessex, Ethelwulf King of b.806 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Ine, King of b.676 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Ingild Prince of b.680 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Kenten of b.678 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Ceawlin, Queen of b.548 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Cenred Princess of b.648 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Ceowald of b.626 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Cerdic, Queen of b.471 - of, , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
Wessex, Mrs-Crioda, Princess of b.497 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Cutha (Cuthwulf) Princessof b.604 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Cuthwine Princess of b.568 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Cynric Queen of b.527 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Ingild of b.684 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Mrs-Oslac, Chief Butler of b.790 - of, Wessex, England
Wessex, Osburh Queen of b.810 - of, , Wessex, England
Wessex, Oslac, Chief Butler of b.785 - of, Wessex, England
Wessex, Redburh, Queen of b.788 - of, , Wessex, England
West, Daniel G. b.1841 - , , Vt
West, Delia Loraine b.1847 - Clermont, Fayette, Ia
West, Eliza b.1832 - West Port, Essex, Ny
West, Francis Nathaniel b.1850 - Clermont, Fayette, Ia
West, Margaret - Living
West, Melissa Sybil b.1836 - <, , Vt>
West, Parker Le Roy b.1835 - , , Ny
West, Richard de Baron de La Warre m.1451 -
West, Suzan Hannah b.1844 - Clermont, Fayette, Ia
West, Willard Wayne b.1810 - Woodstock, Windsor, Vt
West, William B b.1831 - , , Vt
West Saxons, Elesason, Princess of b.469 - , , Ancient Saxony, Northern Germany
Whale, Elizabeth m.1673 - Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Whale, Philomon m.1621 - St. Mary, Colchester, Essex, England
Whalesborough, Anne b.1412 - of, , Cornwall, England
Whallen, William m.1659 - Charlestown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Wheeler, Elizabeth - Living
Wheeler, George m.1788 - Elk Creek, Shelby Co, Ky
Wheelock, Samuel m.1692 - Marlboro, Middlesex, Ma
Wheston, Samuel m.1677 -
Whilple, - Living
Whipple, Alice - Living
Whipple, David m.1675 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
Whipple, Thomas m.1695 - of, Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Whitcomb, Mary m.1683 -
White, - Living
White, Ann b.1673 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
White, Benjamin b.1701 - Mendon, Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
White, Child b.1653 - Dorchester, Suff., Mass.
White, Cornelius b.1646 - Boston, Suffolk, Mass
White, Cornelius b.1634 - <, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island>
White, Ebenezer b.1670 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
White, Ebenezer Captain m.1671 - Weymouth, Norf., Ma
White, Elizabeth b.1643 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
White, Elizabeth b.1647 - Providence, , Rhode Island
White, Elizabeth b.1638 - <, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island>
White, Elizabeth b.1609 - Boston, Suffolk, Mass.
White, Experience b.1680 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
White, Hannah b.1681 - Mendon, Worcester, Ma, Massachusetts
White, Isaac b.1638 - , , England
White, Issac b.1649 - of Providence, , Ri
White, James b.1661 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma, Massachusetts
White, John b.1649 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
White, John b.1689 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
White, John - Living
White, Joseph Captain b.1645 - Dorchester, Suffolk Co., Ma
White, Joseph (Jr.) Jr. b.1662 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma, Massachusetts
White, Lydia b.1662 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma, Massachusetts
White, Margaret b.1630 - Boston, Suffolk, Mass.
White, Margarett b.1651 -
White, Mary b.1673 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
White, Mrs Susanna - Living
White, Mrs. Sarah - Living
White, Nicholas b.1647 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
White, Nicholas b.1618 - Rochester, Kent, England
White, Samuel b.1700 - Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
White, Samuel b.1667 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
White, Sarah m.1676 -
White, Sarah Mrs - Living
White, Son b.1651 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Ma
White, Susanna b.1653 - of Providence, , Ri
White, Susanna b.1636 - <, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island>
White, Thomas b.1688 - Mendon, Mendon, Worcester, Massachusetts
White, Thomas b.1665 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
White, Thomas m.1661 - , Norfolk, Ma
White, Ursila b.1634 - Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
White, Ursula b.1655 - of Providence, , Ri
White, Walter b.1592 - of, , , England
White, William b.1657 - of Providence, , Ri
White, William b.1632 - <, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island>
White, William b.1622 - , , , Eng
Whitehead, Jemima m.1683 - Oyster Bay, Long Island, Ny
Whiteman, (Weitman) Mathew b.1699 - , Rotterdam, , Holland
Whiteman, Barbara b.1803 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Elizabeth b.1784 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Ellis O. - Living
Whiteman, Esther b.1798 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Eveline (Eve) b.1796 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Henry b.1805 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, John b.1786 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Mary (Polly) b.1793 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Mathias b.1673 - <, Rotterdam, , Holland>
Whiteman, Mathias b.1760 - , , , Pennsylvania
Whiteman, Peggy b.1788 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Sally b.1790 - , , Guilford, North Carolina
Whiteman, Sarah b.1791 -
Whiterent, Dorothy m.1622 - Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng.
Whitleigh, Richard b.1456 - Efford, Devonshire, England
Whitley (Whitleigh), Margaret b.1474 - of, Efford, Devonshire, England
Whitman, Elizabeth b.1599 - of Wymondham, Norfolk, Ma, Eng
Whitman, John b.1598 - Holt, Norfolk, England
Whitman, Mary m.1656 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Whitman, Mrs-John - Living
Whitman, Mrs. Richard b.1574 - Holt, Norfolk, England
Whitman, Richard b.1570 - Holt, Norfolk, England
Whitman, Zachariah b.1600 - Prob., Chesham, England
Whitmarsh, Bathsheba b.1701 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, Bathsheba b.1728 - Meymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Bathsheba b.1726 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, David b.1550 - of Waymouth, Dorset, Eng
Whitmarsh, Deborah b.1659 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Deborah b.1702 - Weymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Ebeneezer b.1658 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Ezra b.1704 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Whitmarsh, Ezra b.1670 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Hannah b.1721 - Weymouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, James b.1625 - Weymouth, Dorset, England, Eng
Whitmarsh, James b.1676 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, James b.1710 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, Jane b.1628 - Weymouth, Dorset, Eng
Whitmarsh, Jane b.1675 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, John b.1635 - Weymouth, Dorset, Eng
Whitmarsh, John b.1595 - Weymouth, Dorset, England
Whitmarsh, John b.1624 - of, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, John b.1700 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, John or Increase b.1655 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Judith b.1669 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Whitmarsh, Mary b.1663 - of Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Mary b.1724 - East Stoughton, Ma
Whitmarsh, Mrs b.1573 -
Whitmarsh, Nicholas b.1622 - , Weymouth, Dorset, Eng
Whitmarsh, Nicholas b.1633 - Weymouth, Dorset, England
Whitmarsh, Onesiphorus b.1630 - Weymouth, Dorset, England
Whitmarsh, Peter b.1713 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, Richard b.1632 - Weymouth, Dorset, England
Whitmarsh, Rush b.1680 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Whitmarsh, Ruth b.1677 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Sarah b.1653 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Sarah b.1678 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Whitmarsh, Sarah b.1694 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, Sarah b.1689 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmarsh, Simeon b.1661 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Simon (Simeon) b.1637 - Weymouth, Dorset, England
Whitmarsh, Zachariah b.1667 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Whitmarsh, Zachariah b.1707 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass.
Whitmer, Mary m.1652 -
Whitmore, Mary m.1647 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Whitney, Sarah m.1709 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Whittemore, Daniel m.1662 - of, Weymouth, Norfolk, Mass
Whitter, Richard m.1583 - Ausones, Hartford, England
Whyton (Whitton), John - Living
Wife, Second - Living
Wightman, Mrs. John m.1624 - , , Stafford, England
Wilbore, Nicholas m.1586 - Braintree, Essex, England
Wilcox, Beulah b.1793 -
Wilcox, Mary m.1706 - Westerley, Washington, Rhode Island
Wilhoit, Michael m.1774 - , Culpeper Co., Va
Wilhoit Wilheit, Johann Christian m.1735 - Culpepper, Culpepper, Virginia
Wilhoite, Fanny m.1782 - , Madison Co., Virginia
Wilhoite, Frances m.1782 -
Wilkshire, Joan m.1584 - Wedmore, , England
Willard, Samuel m.1684 - of Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island
Willey, Abraham b.1650 - New London, New London, Ct
Willey, Allan c.1640 - Church of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts
Willey, Allen b.1616 - , , , England
Willey, Hannah b.1642 - Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut
Willey, Isaac b.1640 - Boston, Suffolk, Ma
Willey, Isaac b.1614 - Wales, Wiltshire, England
Willey, Joanna b.1638 - , New London, New London, Connecticut
Willey, John b.1616 - , , , England
Willey, John b.1648 - New London, New London, Ct
Willey, Mary b.1646 - Charlestown, Suffolk, Ma
Willey, Mrs. Alice b.1644 - Wiltshire, , , England
Willey, Mrs. Elizabeth m.1649 - Reading, , Massachusetts
Willey, Sarah b.1644 - Charlestown, Suffolk, Ma
Willey, Thomas or Tobie b.1610 - <, , , England>
Willheit, Johann Michael m.1710 - , , Germany
Williams, Alice or Mary b.1650 - , , Virginia
Williams, John m.1585 - Pendon-Graffon, Hampshire, England
Williams, John - Living
Williams, John b.1625 - , , Virginia
Williams, Katherine m.1498 - , , Norfolk, England
Williams, Mary m.1680 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Ma
Willington, Alianore b.1337 - of, Umberleigh, Devonshire, England
Willmote, Margaret m.1589 -
Willoughby, Elizabeth - Living
Willoughby, Henry Knight b.1445 - of, Willoughby, Nottinghamshire, England
Willoughby, Robert b.1427 - of, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, Enggland
Willoughby, Sanchia b.1452 - of, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, Enggland
Willoughby, Thomas - Living
Wilsborne, John - Living
Wilson, Ann b.1570 - <, , England>
Wilson, Anthony m.1641 - Fairfield, Fairfield, Ct
Wilson, James - Living
Wilson, Jessie m.1824 -
Wilson, Jessie m.1817 -
Wilson, Margaret b.1550 - <, , England>
Wilson, Permelia m.1824 - Prob. Montgomery, Hampden Co., Ma
Wilson, Ravilla m.1902 -
Wilson, Ruth Armenda m.1872 -
Wilson, Samuel - Living
Wilson, Samuel m.1661 - , , Rhode Island
Wilson, Thomas b.1525 - <, , England>
Wilson, Thomas b.1500 - Strubby, Lincoln
Wimmer, Adam m.1697 - Heidelberg, Gemmingen, Baden, Germany
Wimmer, Elizabeth - Living
Wimston, - Living
Winchell, Mary b.1643 -
Winn, (Unknown) b.1515 - Henlow, ?, Bedford, England
Winn, Alice F m.1898 - Clark Co., IL
Winslow, Judith m.1688 - , Taunton, Bristol, Mass
Winston, Sarah m.1717 - Boston, Norfolk, Ma
Winter, Agnes b.1528 - Lidney, Gloucester
Winter, Edmund Thomas b.1500 - , Somersetshire, England
Winter, Joan or Jane Lady b.1545 - Sydenham, Somersetshire, England
Winter, John b.1503 - Lidney, Gloucester
Winter, John Sr - Living
Winter, Roger m.1548 -
Wisdaylle, John - Living
Wiswall, Holmes Sarah m.1677 - Dorchester, Essex, Ma
Witchingham, Amy b.1465 - of, Coningsby, Lincolnshire, England
Witchingham, Edmund Knight b.1439 -
Wither or Wyther, Mary b.1574 - of Woolpit, Suffolk, Eng.
Witter, Ebenezer - Living
Witter, John m.1703 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Witter, Josiah or Joseph m.1676 - of Stonington, New London, Connecticut
Witter, Sarah m.1699 - Westerly, Washington, Rhode Island
Wodam, Thomas m.1575 - Bradfield, St. Clare, Suffolk, England
Wogan, Elsbeth - Living
Wollacombe, William - Living
Wolrich, Honor (Honora) - Living
Woman, Canaanitish - Living
Wood, (Unknown) b.1525 - (Unknown), , England
Wood, Agnes b.1555 - (Unknown), Devon, ?, England
Wood, Alias Atwood John Twin b.1582 - Sandusted, In the Field, Surrey, England
Wood, Bathsheba m.1743 - Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts
Wood, Deliverance b.1653 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, George b.1634 - Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Wood, Henry b.1614 - London, London, England
Wood, Henry b.1594 - , , England
Wood, James b.1659 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Jhon b.1612 - of Portsmouth, Newport, Ri
Wood, John b.1569 - , , Eng
Wood, Joshua b.1657 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Margaret b.1634 - of, Portsmouth, Newport, Ri
Wood, Margery Wood m.1562 - Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk, Eng
Wood, Mary b.1655 - of Plymouth, Plmth, Ma
Wood, Mrs John b.1569 - , , Eng
Wood, Mrs Sarah b.1621 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Phillip(Phillipa m.1653 -
Wood, Rachel b.1661 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Rebecca b.1659 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Rebecca Mrs m.1663 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island
Wood, Richard b.1617 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Sarah b.1643 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, Thomas b.1638 - Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island
Wood, Thomas b.1650 - Cambridge, Middlesex, Mass
Wood, William b.1642 - of Dartmouth, Bristol, Ma
Wood (Crackbone), Dorothy b.1596 - of, Takely Grange, Hertfordshire, England
Wood Atwood, Elizabeth b.1658 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Wood Atwood, Nicholas - Living
Wood or Atwood, John b.1649 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma
Wood or Atwood, Jon - Living
Woodbridge, Edward m.1619 - Eng.
Woodroffe, Robert b.1562 - London, London, England
Woodrose, Thankful - Living
Woodrove, John - Living
Woodruff, David b.1536 - England
Woodruff, David b.1587 - of All Saints, Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Woodruff, Eliza b.1651 - <, , Connecticut>
Woodruff, Elizabeth b.1651 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Woodruff, Elizabeth b.1679 - Milford, New Haven Co., Ct
Woodruff, Hannah b.1681 - Farmington, Hartford, Conn
Woodruff, Hannah b.1620 - of Farmington, Hartford, Conn.
Woodruff, Hannah b.1663 - Farmington, Hartford, Ct.
Woodruff, Hannah b.1648 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Woodruff, Isabella m.1479 -
Woodruff, John b.1672 - of Farmington, Hartford, Ct
Woodruff, John b.1643 - of, Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut
Woodruff, Joseph - Living
Woodruff, Joseph b.1689 -
Woodruff, Mary b.1654 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Woodruff, Mary b.1670 - Milford, New Haven, Conn
Woodruff, Mathew b.1612 - Prob, Essex, , England
Woodruff, Matthew II b.1655 - Ct
Woodruff, Matthew b.1669 - Milford, New Haven, Ct
Woodruff, Matthew b.1646 - Farmington, Hartford, Ct, English Colony
Woodruff, Nathaniel - Living
Woodruff, Nathaniel b.1687 -
Woodruff, Samuel b.1676 - Farmington, Hartford, Ct
Woodruff, Samuel b.1661 - Farmington, Ct
Woodruff, Sarah b.1674 - Farmington, Hartford, Conn
Woodruff, Thankful m.1742 - Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts
Woodthorpe, Miss m.1486 -
Woodward, John m.1671 - Dorchester, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Wormesley, William - Living
Wretts, Francis m.1625 - , Suffolk, , England
Wright, Elizabeth m.1643 - Stowmarket, Suffolk, Eng.
Wright, Hannah m.1740 - Framingham, Middx, Mass
Wright, Ruth m.1708 - Westfield, Hampden, Ma
Wright, Ruth m.1699 - of Westfield, Hampden, Mass
Wright, Sarah m.1707 -
Wright, William m.1737 - Framingham, Middx, Mass
Wriothesley, Barbara m.1514 -
Wriothesley, Mary or Margaret m.1611 - of, Clapham, Sussex, England
Wroth, Mabel m.1569 - of Durrants, Essex, England
Wroughton, John - Living
Wyatt, Margaret (Margery) m.1505 - Deritend, , Warwickshire, England
Wydville, Joan (Maud) b.1404 - of, Grafton, Northamptonshire, England
Wyeth, John b.1634 - Saxtead, Suffolk, Eng.
Wyeth, John b.1561 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Wyeth, Nathaniel b.1636 - Saxtead, Suffolk, Eng.
Wyeth, Nicholas b.1601 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Wyeth, Sarah b.1632 - Saxtead, Suffolk, England
Wyman, Francis m.1644 - Woburn, Middlesex, Mass., England
Wyne, Mary b.1543 - of Henlow, Beds., England
Wyther, Elizabeth b.1595 -
Wyther, Margaret b.1590 -
Wyther, Margaret Wife of Thomas b.1552 - , , of England
Wyther, Thomas b.1548 - , , of England
Yager, Amy m.1779 - , , Va
Yager, Maria Barbara (Mary) m.1715 - Virginia, , Va
Yager, Phoebe m.1782 -
Yeager, Benjamin m.1790 - Madison Co., Va
Yeakey, Elizabeth m.1842 - , , Virginia
Yeo, Mr. - Living
Yeo, Robert - Living
Yeo, William - Living
Young, Cecil m.1675 - , , Massachusetts
Young, Mary m.1750 - Bladensburg, Prince George Co, Md
Zadok, Unknown b.753 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Zadok, Unknown b.1023 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Zebulon, Unknown b.1500 - Bc, , Padanaram, Caanan
Zerah, Zarah or Prince b.1400 - Bc, of, Judea, Genesis 38:6-30
Zerahiah, Unknown b.1165 - Bc, of, Judea, House of Levi
Zeuche, Mary - Living
Zilpah, Hand Maiden of Leah b.1500 - Bc, of, Genesis 29-30
Zimmerman, Andreas (Carpenter) m.1751 -
Zimmerman, John - Living
Zimmermann, John m.1734 -
Zimran, Unknown - Living
Zorobabel, Unknown b.474 - Bc, of, Judea, Luke 4:24
Zouch, - Living
Zouch, Mr Male m.1568 - of Cannington, Somerset, England
Zouch, Unidentified Male - Living
Zouche, Cecily b.1471 - Harringsworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, Elizabeth La Rohan-Porhoet b.1406 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, Elizabeth La Rohan-Porhoet b.1429 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, Elizabeth La m.1287 -
Zouche, Jane b.1460 - Harringsworth, Berkshire, England
Zouche, John - Living
Zouche, John b.1486 - of, Harringworth, , England
Zouche, John II La Rohan Codnor m.1455 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, John La Rohan Porhoet b.1434 - of Haringworth, New Hampshire, England
Zouche, John La Baron Zouche b.1440 - of, Harringsworth, Northamptonshire, England
Zouche, Katherine b.1465 - Harringsworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, Margaret b.1436 - of Haringworth, N.Hamp, Eng
Zouche, Margaret b.1468 - Harringsworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, Margaret La Rohan-Porhoet b.1431 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, William b.1488 - of Bulwick, Northampshire, England
Zouche, William La Baron Zouche of Haryngworth b.1402 - of, Harringworth, Northamptonshire, England
Zouche, William La Rohan-Porhoet b.1428 - of, Harringworth, Northampton, England
Zouche, William La b.1432 - of Haringworth, N.Hamp, England