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My Geneology

Hugh Shirley 1 was born <1350> in . He married Beatrice Brewes.

Beatrice Brewes 1 was born <1352> in . She married Hugh Shirley.

They had the following children:

  F i Issabell or Isabel Shirley

John Cockaine [Parents] 1 was born about 1412 in of Ashburne, Derbyshire, England. He died in 1505. John married Anne Vernon about 1442.

Anne Vernon 1 married John Cockaine about 1442.

Ralph Shirley 1 married Ellen or Alice Cockaine about 1436.

Ellen or Alice Cockaine [Parents] 1 was born about 1420 in of Ashburne, Derbyshire, England. She married Ralph Shirley about 1436.

Richard Vernon Knight [Parents] 1 was born <1425> in of, Harleston. He married Benedict.

Benedict 1 was born <1427> in . She married Richard Vernon Knight.

They had the following children:

  M i Richard Vernon Knight

Fulke Pembridge 1 was born <1427> in .

He had the following children:

  F i Elizabeth Pembridge

William Vernon Knight [Parents] 1 was born <1477> in of, Haddon, Derbyshire, England. He married Margaret.


John Bradborne

Anne Vernon [Parents] 1 was born <1477> in of, Haddon, Derbyshire, England. She married John Bradborne.

William FitzHerbert [Parents] 1 was born about 1330 in Norbury, Drbysh., Engl. He married Alice Longford.

Alice Longford [Parents] 1 was born about 1330 in Longford, Drbysh, Engl. She married William FitzHerbert.

They had the following children:

  M i Henry FitzHerbert

John Southwell Esquire 1 was born about 1363 in of, Felixhall, Essex, England. He married Agnes (Pryde) Samon in 1393 in , Annersleywoodhse, Nottinghamshire, England.

Agnes (Pryde) Samon [Parents] 1 was born about 1372 in of, Annersleywoodhse, Nottinghamshire, England. She married John Southwell Esquire in 1393 in , Annersleywoodhse, Nottinghamshire, England.

They had the following children:

  M i Robert Southwell
  M ii John Southwell

John Boys Esquire 1 was born <1401> in . He married Mrs-John Boys.

Mrs-John Boys 1 was born <1405> in . She married John Boys Esquire.

They had the following children:

  F i Isabel Boys

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