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June 23-24, 2000

San Francisco Airport Westin


1.   Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Fritz Wenck. Other members present were: Kay Albiani, Carolyn Batiste, Anthony Bugarin, Carole Currey, Tom Clark, Rebecca Garcia, Chuck Hayden, Don Jenkins, Mary Mason (Saturday), William McGinnis, Maxine Moore, Jerry Patterson, Pete Tafoya and Richard Tanaka (Friday). Also present was David Viar. New board members Albiani and Batiste were welcomed.

On a motion by Clark, the board approved the minutes of the April 7- 8, 2000 meeting.

2.   Organization

2.1 FY 2000 Accomplishments

A listing of the accomplishments of the CCCT and League during the year was received and an overview provided by Executive Director Viar. Board members thanked League staff members for their tremendous effort.

2.2 Executive Director’s Evaluation

The board went into closed session to evaluate the work of the executive director and to discuss the results of the evaluation survey completed by members of the CCCT, CEOCOC and League boards. Upon return to open session, President Wenck conveyed the board’s concurrence in the outstanding work performed by Viar. Wenck said board members wanted to be sure the League board provided the support necessary to encourage Viar to remain with the League as long as possible. Board members suggested more staffing may be necessary to allow the director to concentrate on broader goals, that compensation options related to maximizing retirement benefits be considered, and that a three-month leave should be taken.

2.3 FY 2001 Goals and Activities

Viar presented the proposed goals, objectives and activities for the coming year. He said the emphasis was improved and expanded present services rather than new initiatives. Board members talked about the importance of continuing to strengthen the education and development of trustees. It was suggested development activities might emphasize financial accountability, strategic planning, mass media and communications, program analysis and evaluation, decision theory and information systems.

On a motion by D. Jenkins, the board voted to endorse for League board action the FY 2001 League Goals.

2.4 Board Meeting Schedule

      On a motion by McGinnis, the board approved its meeting schedule for FY 2001 as follows:


         1. September 15, 2000              7:00 - 9:30 PM

             September 16                         8:30 - 12:30 PM                     San Francisco

         2. November 18                         2:30 - 5:00 PM                       Los Angeles

         3. January 20, 2001                   1:30 - 5:00 PM                       Sacramento

         4. April 13                                  7:00 - 9:30 PM

             April 14                                  8:30 AM – 12:30 PM             Los Angeles

         5. June 22                                  7:00 – 9:30 PM                      

             June 23                                  8:30 AM – 12:30 PM             San Francisco


         1. November 16, 2000               TBD                                        Los Angeles

         2. February 1, 2001                   TBD                                        TBD

         3. May 31, 2001                         2:00 – 5:00 PM                       Monterey

Annual Business

            June 3, 2001                           8:00 – 9:30 AM                      Monterey

      2.5 FY 2001 League Budget and Dues

Background was provided on the proposed budget and dues formula for the new fiscal year. On a motion by Patterson, the board endorsed for League board action the proposed budget and dues formula for FY 2001.

2.6 Filling Board Vacancy

In accordance with CCCT Governing Policies, the executive committee presented in closed session the names of three trustees for consideration to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Pete Tafoya as a member of the CCCT board effective June 30. Members discussed the backgrounds and qualifications of the individuals recommended.

Following the second secret ballot election President Wenck declared Luis Villegas (Santa Barbara CCD) had received a majority of the votes cast and would serve a term on the CCCT board through May 2001.

The board recessed Friday at 9:25 PM and returned to session Saturday at 8:30 AM.


 3.   Legislation and Finance

      3.1 State Budget

An analysis of the state budget and the community colleges’ funding was provided. Members expressed appreciation for the leadership role provided by staff in development of a unified budget proposal, coordination of advocacy efforts, Capitol Days activities, provision of written materials to use in talking to legislators and keeping the districts informed.

3.2 Bills of Interest

Analysis and status of bills of interest were presented along with recommendations from staff and the Advisory Committee on Legislation and Finance on bill positions for five bills recently amended. The board discussed AB 206 (Runner), which would change the funding formula for receipt of equalization funds. Members were in concurrence there is a need for equalization funding and that the present formula is complex, not well understood and needs to be evaluated for possible change. There also was agreement this study and possible change should be done within the system and not through legislation amended late in the legislative process.

Members also discussed SB 1550 (Alpert), which would raise the permissible level of compensation for K- 12 school board members. CCCT board members debated whether the level for community college trustees also should be raised to remain consistent with K-12. Members considered what is in the Ed Code review legislation, the value of not always being tied to K-12, not providing a disincentive to run for community college board, and seeing K-12 and community college boards as local education boards with similar responsibilities and expectations.

            On a motion by Tafoya, the board voted the following positions:

                        AB 206 (Runner)        Watch, but seek to amend
                        AB 1761 (Brewer)      Oppose unless amended
                        SB 360 (Solis)            Oppose
                        SB 1550 (Alpert)        Support if amended
                        SCR 83 (Polanco)      Support


3.3 System Legislative Program

Guidelines previously adopted by the CCCT board for assessing support for proposals to include in the system legislative program were reviewed and concurred in. Board members then identified possible issues that might be addressed in the 2001 System Legislative Program. Suggestions included: student financial aid, student book cost relief, transfer guarantees, leadership development, incorporating values into the curriculum, facilities development process, employer tax credits for employing community college students, and technology support.

4.    Governance

4.1  State Board and Local Board Relations

The recent joint meeting with the Board of Governors was evaluated. CCCT board members were pleased with the good relations built with the Board of Governors as a result of the regularly scheduled meetings that have occurred the past three years. With a significant number of new Board of Governors members being appointed, CCCT board members were in concurrence even more would need to be done. Ideas presented included: maintain attendance of several CCCT board members at BOG meetings along with a briefing paper regarding the agenda; keep BOG members on the list for CCCT mailings; maximize opportunities to build teamwork to identify issues, assess need, and evaluate results; include BOG members on panels and roundtables at convention and conferences; invite BOG members to attend CCCT board meetings; more effective use of local trustees serving on the BOG; and coordinate BOG member invitations to local colleges.


5.   Education Policy

5.1 Issues for CCCT Leadership

Board members identified the issues they would like to address during the coming year. It was agreed the ideas were to guide the staff and officers as agendas for the FY 2001 meetings were developed and convention and conference topics determined. Issues brought forward were:  funding (Prop. 98, equalization and capital), diversity, transfer, leadership development, alternative approaches to schedules and calendars for course offerings, articulation, accountability, integration of reporting, economic development impact, earned value analysis, new approaches to measuring institutional effectiveness, and expanded statewide marketing.


6.   Other

At the request of a board member, it was agreed that an item would be included on the September agenda related to protocols and guidelines for campaigning for election to the CCCT board.

Members recognized Pete Tafoya for his dedicated service as a member and officer of CCCT, commended him for his leadership in building relations with the BOG and thanked him for keeping the board focused on strategic threat analysis, metrics, and action planning He was wished the best in his new endeavors.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

David L. Viar

Executive Director

Comments & Suggestions