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    Images of Egyptian Temples

Abu Simbel

RamsesII Abu Simbel

Throne RamsesII Abu Simbel

 Prisoners of War -                    Base of Throne Abu Simbel

Pylon of Philae

Pylon of Philae Relief

Hathor Head Detail Philae

Unfinished Obelisque Aswan

Relief Kom Ombu

Relief II  Kom Ombu Horus

Esna Colomns

Esna Ceiling I

Edfu Pylon

Edfu Inner Court

Edfu Colomns

Mythological Symbols

Mythological Symbols Ankh

Arch Medinat Abu Temple

Luxur Temple RamsesII #1

Luxur Temple RamsesII #2

Luxur Temple RamsesII #3

 Luxur Temple RamsesII Head

Base of Ramses II Luxur

Sakara  -                Mastaba of Mereroka

 Temple of Hatapshut - Luxur

Wall Painting  with Original Colors Temple of Hatapshut

Flying  Vulture with Sun - Temple of Hatapshut