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Gallery One

Gallery Two





14.  Reflections, 1980                                 15. Playful Thoughts, 1984              16. Lucarnes, 1990





  17.  Elevation, 1991                                 18. Interception, 1986                    19. Mirror of Time, undated





   20.  Peruvian Melodies, 1987                  21. Vision of the Sufist, 1983        22.  A Poem from Lima, 1985






  23. Soul, Mind and Body, 1982             24. Copying Time, 1981                      25.  Peruvian Harvest, 1986

   This painting is a part of the famous

   Audrey   Hepburn  Collection which

   consisted of a series of 7 magnificent

   paintings  inspired  by the noted and

   honored   English  actress  charitable

   and  humanitarian work in Africa.



  26.  Candle at Christmas            27. Wall of Immortality, 1990                     28.  The Whispers of  History, 1991


                                                        This painting was inspired by the ancient    This painting was inspired by fragments of

                                                        ruins of the old cities of Mosul and Ur in     polished  brass which  was used  in ancient

                                                        Mesopotamia,  today  is modern Iraq.  It     in the Near East as a mirror and apparel for

                                          depicts  ancient heavy walls and  towers     wealthy women.  Mythology  tells  us  that

                                                        entrances that protected the royal cities.      those mirrors kept many secrets of women,

                                                                                               lovers and confidents who looked at them.

                                                                                                                              The gray part of the paintings represents the

                                                                                                                              sad moments, while  the glowing part on  the

                                                                                                                              the paintings represents the joyful ones.



Gallery One

Gallery Two