Dolphin Diagnosis Guide
1 - Introduction by Apprentice Delphina
This hide is the result of a project by Apprentice Delphina of SeaCliffs. It should be noted that Dolphinhealer Jathen supported and supplied much of the necessary information required for the completion of this project. The project was completed in the winter of the thirty-first turn of the Tenth Pass.
The purpose of this hide is to document what a dolphinhealer needs to know in order to translate dolphin communication for diagnosing dolphin and human ailments.
For each ailment, the book will list:
A) Symptoms - List of common symptoms in human terms.
B) Dolphin Ailment - Dolphin Communication Example if dolphin has ailment.
C) Human Ailment - Dolphin Communication Example if dolphin is diagnosing human with ailment.
If dolphins would not be able to diagnose the ailment or the ailment is one where healers would not seek dolphin help, the text "NO DOLPHIN HELP" will be displayed. If you have any questions about this guide or have suggestions and/or modifications, please contact Delphina.
2 - Toothaches
A) SYMPTOMS: A pain in or about the tooth.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - Dolphin clicks his teeth several times, wincing every time and then lets out a high pitched whine of pain, "Tooth no goo-ood. Badbad. No bite down."
3 - Headaches
A) SYMPTOMS: - Stress and muscle tension, pain in the head.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Mel-lon hurt 'side. No out. In. No pat water! I hea-earrrr!"
4 - Minor broken bones
A) SYMPTOMS: -Bruising, tenderness to touch, Severe pain, especially in one spot, Increased pain with any movement
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "No go fas'. Hurt, 'ow', no touch, p'ease. No 'wim. Still."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - Dolphin looks over the injured person and then lets out a very high pitched whine and then nods his head furiously, "Bone no straight. Nopenopenope. Stick, greeeee-eeen. Ouchy. Mus' hurt lot!"
5 - Poisonings of all sorts (non-food), mild and serious.
A) SYMPTOMS: - Drowsiness, stomach pain, vomiting, sweating, drooling, irritability, signs of fear, or other sudden changes in behavior.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Me tire'. No play. Uh uh. Fissies come up. No stay down. Don' look me! Bluffiss af'er me!" The dolphin lets out a high pitched whine of frustration.
6 - Arthritis
A) SYMPTOMS: - Persistent joint pain and inflammation.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Tail hurt 'side. No good. No wan' use. I go on shi-ip. Go colder wat-ter."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Move arm? Leg? Head? Wris'? No goo'? Hurt? Hur' lot. Annoying. No wor' good. Pain."
7 - Rheumatism
A) SYMPTOMS: - Inflammation, soreness and stiffness of muscles, joint pain.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "No move. No! No move! Hurt! Tail no wan' move. Gimme push. Maybe go d'en."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Move arm? Leg? Head? Wris'? No goo'? Hurt? Hur' lot. Annoying. No wor' good. Pain. Burn, must. Yup."
8 - Migraine
A) SYMPTOMS: - One-sided headache, throbbing quality, sensitivity to light or sound, nausea or vomiting.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Head hurt in'ide on port side. Go "vooo-OOOOooo-oooooOOOmmm". The dolphin makes a sound that starts low in volume and then the volume goes up and down, and up, and down, "No wan' see sun o' glow. Go down deep. Pressure migh' be good. No keep fissies in..."
9 - Concussion
A) SYMPTOMS: - Repetitive vomiting, unequal pupils, confused mental state or varying levels of consciousness, seizure-like activity, or the inability to wake up (coma).
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - The dolphin swims up and suddenly his body rolls completely to the right and he spins until he comes right side up again. He looks very confused, "Bad fissies...t'ink dey hit me's on head...badbadbad. Where go sleep...tire'."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Eyes all big. Why you move funny like da'at? Head mus' hurt. No good hurt on head."
10 - Bronchitis
A) SYMPTOMS: - Constricted bronchia in the lungs, wheezing, tightness in chest, coughing.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Bell-lly hurrrrrt. Bad. No breath. No go un'er wat-ter long..." He pants, obviously having a hard time speaking, as if it wasn't hard enough."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Brea'f bad. Got no air in...what word? Take in air in self? Word? Lurnges? Somet'ing. Flame in lurnges."
11 - Food Poisoning
A) SYMPTOMS: - See symptom list for Chapter 5 (Poisonings of all sorts (non-food), mild and serious.)
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Urt, bell-lly. Ow. No good. Curl up."
12 - Pneumonia
A) SYMPTOMS: - Cough, fever, easy fatigue, chest pain, head ache, loss of appetite.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - The dolphin opens his mouth wide and then shudders, imitating a human cough as best he can, "Hot. Wan' go s'eep. No good belly and mel-lon. No fissies...bad fissies..."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Hot...pain chest, go breeaf ri-ight.' He makes a coughing noise as best he can, 'Coos, coos, coos. Why no eat much. Wan' fiss?"
13 - Colic
A) SYMPTOMS: - Sudden excessive crying, abdominal pain, irritability.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Why stand there whi' I in pain? Naw good! It naw good! Go 'way. Tummy hur'. Badbadbadbadbadbad!"
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Cry? Why you cry? Pain 'domin? Eh? Cry and mean? Mean. Me no talk to more"
14 - Firehead
A) SYMPTOMS: - Severe fever, eye sensitivity to light.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Ba' ligh'. No goo' for Why so hot here? Sout'?"
15 - Typhus
A) SYMPTOMS: - Headache, backache, arthralgia (pain in one or more joints), extremely high fever, rash, nausea, hacking dry cough, abdominal pain.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Itchy. Nee' rock. Bump'sall o'er. Head hur'. Back hur'. Tummy hur'..fissies wan' come up. Tail no wan' go..."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Bones hurt. Badbadbad. You hot. Got dot'sall o'er. Itcyitchyitchy. Go coos, coos, coos."
16 - Oldtimer's Disease (Alzheimer's Disease)
A) SYMPTOMS: - Confusion, masses in brain, progressive loss of memory, inability to concentrate, decrease in problem solving skills and judgment capability, delusions, altered sensation or perception , impaired recognition of familiar objects or persons, altered sleep patterns.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Dart sa-ays somet'ing wrong in me 'ead." Alpha says, sounding very unsure as he nearly bumps into the wall, "Wait...who you? Good? Ba-ad? No get. Wha's going on? Wat-ter all 'round!"
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Got somet'ing in head? No good. Why you look me funny. No see 'phin 'fore?"
17 - Diptheria
A) SYMPTOMS: - Sore throat. Low fever. Swollen neck glands, Airway obstruction and breathing difficulty.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Why sore ra-aw? Hot...neck get all big li' blowup fiss...No breaf goo'." He weezes, breathing labored.
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Got bi' neck t'ings. Breeeeafing no good. Nyup!"
18 - Scalatina (Scarlet Fever)
A) SYMPTOMS: - Nasty sore throat and fever. The rash is a fine, raised, red rash (feels like sandpaper).
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "T'roat a' scratchy and me's hot. Ge' bumbs all o'"
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Say have sore t'roat? Yup, got prickleprickle bumps. Itchyitchyitchyscratchy. No fun."
19 - Tumors
A) SYMPTOMS: - Masses in body regions (Ex Brain), abnormal lump or swelling on the skin.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Dark say somet'ing in head. Me feel bumb in mel-lon. No likey...badbadbadbadbad..."
C) HUMAN AILMENT - "Youse got lumpies in 'ead. Badbadbadbadbadbadbadbad. Bumpbumpbumpbumpbump, badbadbadbadbadbadbad. Go see doc'ter!"
20 - Shock
A) SYMPTOMS: - Low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, paleness, cold skin, sweating, and anxious appearance.
B) DOLPHIN AILMENT - "Cold...breathin' fas' but naw move. T'ink I no look color...wha's doin'?"
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights
reserved, and used by permission of the author.