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Dolphincraft Specialty - Dolphinhealing Book
1 - Purpose
The purpose of this book is to record the lesson plan for class 'Introduction to Dolphinhealing'. This class should be offered to any student who is considering whether they desire to follow the dolphinhealing career path.
2 - What is a Dolphinhealer?
A dolphinhealer is a dolphincraft / healercraft crosscrafter who has achieved journeyman rank in both crafts.
The dolphinhealer takes specialized training in dolphin health and anatomy. Also, they receive training from the healing craft in human healing techniques.
The dolphinhealer is responsible for treating dolphins as well as humans located at her posting wherever it may be.
The dolphinhealers are also the best crafters to work with dolphins in the matter of dolphin/human diagnosis based on the incredible symptoms identified by the dolphins.
3 - What is a Dolphinhealer Trainee?
If you are selected to receive dolphinhealing training, your rank is that of a dolphinhealer trainee within the crafthalls. Essentially you will be a member, usually an apprentice, in both halls. Of course, Journeyman may also choose to crosscraft as a dolphinhealer and you maintain the rank and privileges that you have received your journeyman knot in.
4 - Training Requirements
The following is the training requirements a student fulfill in order to become a dolphinhealer:
From the dolphincraft:
Basic Classes/Milestones:
* Contract & Rank Duties
* Dolphin Anatomy/Bloodfish
* Floating a Dolphin
* Basic Diving
Sr. Classes:
* Common Dolphin Injuries
* Dolphin Physicals
* Apprentice-Level Swim/Dive Log
* The Deep Dive
* Elementary Backstroke
--These classes would be taught by the dolphinhealer.
*Dolphin Midwifery & General Info
From the healercraft:
Basic Classes:
* Apprentice Oaths
* Received Physical Exam
* Hall Basics
* Physicals
* Midwifery
* Herbalry
* Has Given a Physical
Advanced Classes:
* Two Advanced Classes.
* Has Taught a Basic Class.
* J'man Project.
5 - Some Considerations
1) What kind of a student are you? You essentially need to earn your journeyman knot in two different crafts. This is no easy task and takes a contentious student. Promotion to dolphinhealer takes time.
2) Do you enjoy getting wet? Remember, a dolphin can not come to a dry and cozy infirmary. You go where the dolphins are which means you are going to get wet.
3) Do you enjoy the sea? You will be living near the sea or even on the sea if you are posted to a seacraft vessel. If you get seasick, you might reconsider.
4) Do you have a strong stomach? Can you stand the sight of human blood? You must consider if you can handle the full responsibilities of a healer. Does the smell of fish make you ill? Remember, you might be posted with the seacraft or sea-centric holds which means the smell of fish is prevalent. Some people have serious problems with the smell of fish - do you? A dolphinhealer must have a strong stomach for this career path.
6 - How to become a Dolphinhealer
So you still want to be a dolphinhealer? The following is the basic procedure that a student should follow if s/he wishes to continue with this career path.
1) Contact your mentor - verify craft procedure for requesting training.
2) Home Craft permission - get your current craft's permission to seek out dolphintraining.
3) Send IC message to the craftmaster with your request to crosscraft. (OOC: Send note to staff mailer for the new craft)
4) If accepted, notify home craft and mentor that you have now receive official permission to crosscraft and train as a dolphinhealer.
5) Study, study, study. You are on your way!
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights
reserved, and used by permission of the author.