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A visit by a (semi)scary bluerider!
Neither too large, nor too small, this kitchen area of the hall is overall, rather comfortable with its three long-benched tables and the large serving hearth with its bottomless cauldron of hot klah resting over it. Lying just beyond the doors, the tables are often occupied by apprentices hanging around looking for snacks while they do their work, for not only is this area used as an eating place, some come here to study as well. To the far back, away from the tables themselves, a few drudges and cooks works industriously to feed the crafters that live in the hall, preparing all the meals every day from the hot ovens that are constantly in use.
You see Dorran here.
You notice Rowainne asleep here.
Shimmer and Sveidelni are here.
Obvious exits:

Jessa skips in, following the smell of fresh food. Aaah. Food. Yum yum. The best. Jess beams as she notices two other occupants, "Shimmer! Sveidelni!" Apparently the time Jess met Svei has been forgiven or forgotten.

Shimmer is quite sneaky...well, in her own mind, at least. It doesn't help that her fair of flizzen is swooping around the kitchens and every so often cheeping in her direction, which Shim seems to be valiantly ignoring as she darts from table to table. close...suddenly, Shim spots movement out of the corner of her eye, and sapphire eyes search out that flicker of movement carefully as Shim crouches lower and finds herself looking at a nearby Svei. "Oh!" is the breathless exclamation emitting from the girl as she narrows her eyes curiously, raising an eyebrow while she's at it, though sapphire gaze flicks back to the steaming bubblies...

Jozzie moves gracefully with a habitual swing of her hips, in from the Main Hall.

Shimmer is quite sneaky...well, in her own mind, at least. It doesn't help that her fair of flizzen is swooping around the kitchens and every so often cheeping in her direction, which Shim seems to be valiantly ignoring as she darts from table to table. close...suddenly, Shim spots movement out of the corner of her eye, and sapphire eyes search out that flicker of movement carefully as Shim crouches lower and finds herself looking at a nearby Svei. "Oh!" is the breathless exclamation emitting from the girl as she narrows her eyes curiously, raising an eyebrow while she's at it, though sapphire gaze flicks back to the steaming bubblies...

Sveidelni is under the table, trying to creep stealthily past Shimmer, when Jessa calls out to him. Apprentice jumps, at least until the tabler runs in the way, and plops back down on the ground. Head cranes backward, Jessa earning a wry: "Hi there, Jessa."

Jozzie comes into the 'craft, carrying with her a load of scrolls and such under her arm. She peeks in through the doorways, finding only the kitchen to have voices spilling into the corridor. "Hello?" the bluerider calls out. She just makes herself right at home wherever she goes.

Jessa eyes the apprentice and journeyman. Too bad she couldn't have started playing run around under the tables with them as well. That would have been fun. Jess has always loved running around under tables. Got an early start at it too. At the sound of a voice, a somewhat familiar voice at that, Jess' head turns to look at the owner of the voice. "Jozzie?" Is that -really- her old friend there?

Shimmer wiggles her eyebrows at the not-so-sneaky Svei...until she is found out, too. Shim gazes longingly at the tray of bubblies, glances from side to side, then quickly makes a break for the tray, snatching a bubbly then sprinting for the entrance to the kitchens, plopping herself down on a chair at one of the tables near the door and contriving to look innocent. Well, as innocent as she can with a steaming bubbly sitting in her oh-so-innocent hand. "Hello, Jessa! Hullo..." Shim glances to the knot on the shoulder of the 'rider, and grins brightly, "...bluerider!" she nods in a friendly manner. Right. Yes. The journeywomen of the craft are completely sane, what /are/ you talking about? Shim's stolen bubbly is delicately bitten into, and a happy look crosses her face...

"At least one person knows that I am here..." Jozzie lingers off for a moment as she sees Jezza. "Shells, woman!" she exclaims, "When did you leave Keroon to become a Dolphineer?" Then she looks to Shimmer, giving her a studying look. "That is Wingleader Jozzie, ma'am." she replies. Scrolls in arms are forgotten -- at least for a few moments.

Sveidelni, attention off him, takes the moment to creep out from under his table, oh-so-casually dusting off his knees and the toes of his boots. Apprentice sort of saunters sideways in a continuance of that cool, gradually heading towards a tray of cooling cookies. Whistle. Saunter. Whistle. Saunter.

Food or friend? The bubblies are looking just delicious, and they're the ultimate reason that Jess came into the kitchens. But then ... there's a friend here. An old one that Jess hasn't seen for /Turns/. Gaah! Too many choices! The decision is too hard. Should Jess eat or go visit with her friend. Hm. Friend. Definitely. The senior apprentice's eyes widen and her grin broadens. "Jozzie!" she shouts out and bounds over towards her old friend.

Shimmer immediately composes her face and places the bubbly upon the table, standing and, walking forwards a few steps, extending her hand to the 'rider. "My apologies, Wingleader." she says remorsefully, eyes apprently intent upon her bare feet, though they do flicker over to Jessa. A friend of hers? Svei is also glanced at, and a smile tugs at the edges of her mouth before the girl picks up her gaze from the ground to look at Jozzie carefully...

Jozzie gives Jessa a hug as she ranges closer. "S'been quite awhile," she admits. Then she rests her hands on her friend's shoulders as she takes a step back. "Let me have a look at you," she says with a wide grin. "Naw, you haven't changed a bit." the dragonrider teases.

Jessa can't quite remember just /how/ many Turns it has been. A lot. Indeed. Jess beams and wrinkles her nose at Jozzie. Although it's mostly true, since the Selen-incident Jess prefers shorter hair and all, and although she may have grown in height, she hasn't change too much, right? "How've you been? How's your dragon? Shards, it's been /Turns/ since I last saw you!" The senior appie begins to go into Hyper-Jess state. Too much excitement!

Sveidelni finally reaches his goal with much of the super not-obvious sideways shuffling, backing up to the oven and putting his hands behind him. Features twist in consternation, as fingers come in contact with the still-hot sheet, and he quickly pulls a cookie off, juggling it behind his back while innocent mocha eyes watch the reunion.

Shimmer blinks, tilts her head to the side, then returns to her seat, deciding to let the two have their reunion in peace. Meanwhile, a steaming bubbly with only a single bite out of it is resting on the table...and Shim just can't seem to resist the tantalizing scent. Jessa's excitement is grinned at, though the grin is hidden behind her bubbly and another bite is stolen from the warm bubbly as Jessa and Jozzie are watched. Svei is blinked at as the man seems to be...moving in an odd manner, but Shim stays silent...though that could mostly be because she's still chewing on her bubbly...

Jozzie chuckles softly, "It has been," Jozzie replies. "Riyth is doing great. He's out in the courtyard." The Istan rider jabs her thumb out towards the door. "I have two children now too." she says with a small grin.

Eyes widen slightly at the mention of /children/. Jess gapes. "Jozzie, you have /kids/?" Imagine that! The senior apprentice beams, and begins to bounce on the balls of her feet, because somehow energy has to be gotten rid of, right?

If Jozzie is not mistaken, Jessa is a bit more calmed down than she used to be. As if the young bluerider was ever as troublesome herself. Not that she is not now of course as she handles one of the most outspoken wings at Ista Weyr. "A boy and a girl," she retorts, "Enos and Corona." The rider gives a glance to Shimmer. "Pardon for me being so..." she lingers off for a moment, "Anyway, these are the 'crafts I do believe. Some wind current charts or somesort." she smiles as she sets them onto the table.

Shimmer continues chomping on her bubbly, though Jozzie is peered at silently at the pardon statement, and Shim shakes her head slightly, as if to convey no hard feelings. Reunions are exciting things, don'tcha know. Shim curls a leg beneath her in her chair and watches. Silence from the peanut gallery, currently...

Jessa shifts her weight restlessly from one foot to the other. Jess, troublesome? Never. Never in her life did Jess cause any bit of trouble. Really. Children, eh? So Jozzie has children. May they wreak as much havoc as Jessa and Jozzie once did.

Jozzie has it coming, that is for sure. "So, where are you at in rank?" she asks. The bracelet is then spotted, "Senior Apprentise?" She lightly taps her lip. "You've been here for awhile then? I guess I haven't been paying mush attention."

Sveidelni eyeballs Shimmer's silence, and snatches another cookie off the sheet, cooling that behind his back as he edges towards the Journeywoman. Reching her chair, he leans to the side, slightly, and murmurs out of the side of his mouth: "I'll give you a cookie if you let me have one've those bubblies."

Jessa had better never have kids of her own in that case. Jess beams and continues to shift her weight and move around. Standing still is just too hard. She nods, and then shrugs, "I don't know, maybe two Turns?" Apparently Jozzie hasn't been paying much attention, although Jess didn't make a big deal of leaving Keroon at the time. Cookies? Bubblies? Food? Where's Jess' share of the food, folks?

Shimmer nods at Jozzie, swallowing and mentioning brightly, "Jessa's our newest senior apprentice. Just promoted a sevenday ago, wasn't it?" she questions at Jessa, pleased to be able to sneak a way into the conversation. Svei is glanced at covertly, and a bubbly is sneaked out of her sleeve and palmed to Svei with a wry wink...

Jozzie nods her head to Shimmer, while looking to Jessa. "Well done then," she replies. "I am sure you still have got some ways to go before becoming a Journeyman, yes?" The bluerider looks out of the doorway, into the corridor for a moment before she returns her attention back to those gathered in the kitchen.

Well of course Shimmer is allowed to sneak in. She could ask them about all the funny things they did as young 'uns, or something like that. Jess at least would be happy to reminisce and tell entertaining stories to them. Jess beams and nods at her bluerider friend, "Yup." Jozzie has that right. Hm, now if Jess could persuade her friend to sit down and start to eat? Then Jess' stomach could finally get some happiness.

And, returning the favour, Sveidelni slips Shimmer the second cookie, backing away from her chair and securing one of his own. Plopping down, he proceeds to delicately demolish the bubbly. Mmmmmmm.

Ooh. Lookit that. A cookie! Shim beams brightly at Svei and grins at Jozzie, before blinking at Svei and deciding to engage the unusually quiet apprentice in conversation. "So...what were you doing prowling around the kitchens?" she murmurs curiously, tilting her head to the side in an interested manner...

Jozzie seems to notice that Jessa is making small gestures that the dragonrider knows well. "Why don't you take a seat, Jessa?" she asks, "This is your home and I am your friend afterall..." She shrugs loosely.

Sveidelni has the grace and composure to not-look guilty. "Hmm? Oh -- just ... looking for these." The cookie is indicated with a twiddle of his fingers. "I could smell 'em when I was walking around, and figured that if I could sneak in here without the cooks seeing me, I could get some." Twinkling smile is aimed her way. "I was right, wasn't I?"

Jessa hasn't changed at all in some respects, now has she? The senior appy beams and rushes over to steal a bunch of bubblies and cookies, and a few meatrolls just to round things out. The mound of food is then set on the table, within reach of Jess and her bluerier friend, but also reachable for the journeyman and apprentice. Food! Yaaay.

Shimmer eyes Svei cautiously. "Of course." she agrees, eyes sparkling mirthfully. Jessa and Jozzie are beamed at, and Jessa is sighed at. You mean to say that Shim spent all that trouble sneaking and darting, when it was that easy to sneak by the cooks? was fun, though. Woo! " do you two know each other?" Shimmer questions of the pair...

Jozzie looks to Jess, then smiles to Shimmer at the question. "We grew-up together at Keroon, in some respects. I came to Keroon when I was eight or nine turns. Jessa and I were fast friends." Probably because they were both selfish little hold brats.

Jessa grins and nods to Shimmer. "Basically, yeah." The two had way too much fun at Keroon. Selfish hold brats? Hardly. More like hyper little hold brats with a tendency to get into trouble. Go Keroonians.

Shimmer laughs lightly. "Keroon, hmm?" she grins wryly at the two, sapphire eyes dancing before she nods yet again. "Sounds fun." is noted vaguely as the girl takes another bite of bubbly, making a happy 'mm' sound as she beams around the table. Yes, food makes a Shimmer happy. Shim swallows and abruptly takes it upon herself to introduce Svei and Jozzie, "Wingleader Jozzie, this is Apprentice Sveidelni, Svei, this is Wingleader Jozzie." Ah, yes, have to love belated introductions. Wouldn't want Svei to feel slighted, however, of a wondrous intro by Shimmer. Nope nope...

Jozzie nods her head. Then a little green firelizard sweeps in, shrieking at the bluerider. Jozzie sighs and looks to the trio accompanied in the room. "Sorry Jessa... everyone. I have important business to attend to at Ista Weyr."

Jessa looks upset that her friend has to go, "Take care, Jozzie," the senior appy will have to send a few 'lizards with messages her way to keep in touch and catch up. Sadness.

Abruptly, the exit, and Sveidelni is left to not-greet. Content despite this, he continues nibbling on his bubblie, choosing to eat rather than talk -- for once.

Shimmer curls delicately in her chair, belatedly waves at the escaping bluerider, before grinning at Svei. "So, what've you been up to recently?" she queries curiously, turning in her chair to face the apprentice curiously, placing the bubbly on the table for the moment...

Jessa watches the exit for a moment longer. And then she resumes devouring some food. Bubblies are favored, as they have always been favored by the Jess. Actually any type of food is good as far as Jess is concerned, but bubblies are a prized favorite.

"Me?" Sveidelni wonders of Shimmer. "Oh, not much. Reading alot, going to my classes, waiting for winter to go away so I can tan again." Because the sun just looooves this body. "What about you?"

Shimmer grins at Jessa before nodding at Svei and chomping on her bubbly pie. "Tanning. Mm." she notes absentmindedly before blinking. "" she questions, lips quirking in an odd sort of half-smile. "Ah, not bad. Been worse, been better." she attests with a nod, shrugging slightly and grinning, "But, life's good, currently...bubbly pie in my hand..." she murmurs, taking another chomp of said bubbly...

Jessa gives up on staring at the door after her disappeared friend. Concentration is now fully focused upon devouring the pile of food she has secured. Woe unto whoever tries to steal one of her bubblies. Or cookies.

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.