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Jessa, Shim, Mai, Ganya, and 'Ailla in the lounge!

Hall's Lounge
Cozy to the point of downright stuffy this lounge exudes a salty briny air. Overstuffed and comfortable looking are the chairs of dark blue that reside at one end of this circular room. The smattering of tables that they surround are nothing more than tops with scarred wooden legs attached as well they should be. The bases of the tables and chairs are waterstained and marked by mild salt buildup. Rugs worn with age decorate the polished floor of this relaxation area soft greens and browns making barefeet swoon. Paintings of charts and various sea mammals and fish have been painstakingly added to the walls creating the atmosphere of their mother sea. To one side of the bridge is a wide ledge... [look closer]
Settled near the water is Terpsichore
You see Remailla here.
Shimmer is here.
Obvious exits:
Baths Men's Dorms Staff Hall Women's Dorms Infirmary Bridge Sea Lane

Jessa scuttles into the area. Yes, that's right, Jess is back to practicing her scuttling. Good for the arms, and upper body strength is what Jess needs. Really. "Hi Shimmer." Ah, one of her favorite jmen. Fun.

Shimmer flops in her chair happily, arms and legs sprawled over her 'pet' chair broadly before she blinks and straightens slightly at the entrance of a scuttling Jessa...maybe she's going through a crab stage. In any case, Shim'll go with a simple, "Hullo! How've you been!?" is questioned with a grin...

Jessa prefers non-conventional means of motility. It's more fun like this. And it expends energy. Which might be why Jess eats so much and so often. She beams up at Shimmer. "I've been good. And you?"

Shimmer eyes Jessa, but says nothing about the scuttling. Nope. She's seen stranger things in her time. Why, once, Shadis...ahem, but that's another story. Yep. "Oh, not bad at all." she replies, beaming back brightly. "Almost taught a class the other day to Shad and Yyth before Shad suddenly had to go. Quite a curious circumstance, it was. Shad seems to have recovered, though, and was flirting with Yyth." Shim rolls her eyes playfully and smiles, apparently un-concerned about this circumstance.

Jessa blinks. Shadis was flirting with another girl, and in the presence of Shimmer? And Shimmer didn't mind. Interesting. Surprising. Jess would never have guessed. The apprentice nods her head, and scuttles over towards the lounge furniture. Then the apprentice hoists herself up into a chair and curls up, leaving one foot extended to wave in the air.

Shimmer shakes her head slowly at the scuttling girl, and muffles a giggle with a hand, azure eyes dancing merrily. Yep. Shim's decided to take a more laid-back outlook on the topic of Shadis. He'll come back to her eventually. Hopefully. Shim finally decides to organize the arms and legs sprawled across her pet chair, and gets up, heading over towards the handy-dandy pitcher of klah. "Want anything while I'm up?"

Scuttling is fun, and it makes people smile. Jess peers at the table, "Is there any food there?" Of course the girl would be thinking about food. Because food is wonderful and delicious and just simply great.

Shimmer pokes around the table, moving pitchers and mugs carefully, before an "Aha!" springs from the girl, and she beams back at Jessa, "Somewhat stale meatrolls?" she offers, snatching one herself and chomping on it as she informs the girl, grinning. A mug of klah is poured, and another clean mug is scooped up, pitcher poised over it, "Klah?" is called back...

Food! Now Shim has Jess' full attention. "No klah, but a couple of meatrolls would be nice." Of course, a whole lot of meatrolls and some other foods would be good. But Jess feels like being lazy right now and not getting food from the kitchens.

Ganya walks in from the Women's Dorms.

Shimmer grins and nods. "Awrighty." she agrees, stealing the plate of meatrolls from the table and bringing it over to the table near to Jessa's chair, she places her klah there too before going back to her pet chair and dragging it over. Because, you know, a normal chair just isn't the same. Shim plops herself down and curls her legs beneath her carefully, before beaming at Jessa and nodding. "So, what've you been up to recently?"

Jessa repositions herself slightly, so that she can eat better. But the one foot is still waving in the air, because Jess just can't sit still or something like that. The apprentice grins, "Thanks!" Isn't Shim just so nice an' sweet? Awww. She takes a meatroll and begins to eat. "Well, I had a lesson today, floating a dolphin." Aside from practicing scuttling and swimming and all. "And I ran over to the Harper Hall to get some ink for Mailli. She was doing something with the maps and needed some."

Shimmer nods, and finishes off her meatroll happily. So what if it's a little stale. Adds...flavor. Yep. Shim grins, and mumbles around the meatroll, "That's exciting!" Chew...chew...swallow! "With Ol' Ironsides?" she questions with a laugh. "Harper Hall? That's always an adventure. See anyone exciting?"

Ganya trots in, happily stroking her little flit reasuringly. She stops, however, when she sees Shimmer and Jessa, and their food. Uh oh, she was just on her way to feed Rush, too. Maybe they'll share with her, if Rush doesn't just invite himself. She smiles happily at them. "Hello, Shimmer, Jessa. Nice to see you gals again. Mind if I sit down?" she asks as she motions for a chair.

Jessa staleness is no problem. Jess will eat practically anything. Jess grins and nods, "Yup, with Ol' Ironsides." That sad hunk of metal. "Nope, didn't see anyone terribly exciting though." At least not exciting according to Jess' definition of exciting. "Hi Ganya," she says, waving at the fellow apprentice.

Shimmer grins at Ganya and waves. "Hullo! Yes, of course, you're welcome to join us!" she exclaims, waving her over and beaming, "We can even offer you slightly stale meatrolls!" Shim takes another off the plate and wiggles it slightly, before chomping on it happily. Yep. Food can do a body good.

Ganya grins and takes a seat next to the fellow dolphineers, and then reaches for a meatroll. This will surely satisfy Rush's hunger, even if it isn't red meat. She pulls one apart into small enough peices for the flit to eat, and then grabs one for herself, gladly munching. "Thanks," is said through bites, and she then states, "Rush was bugging me to feed him. He seems fine now..."

Oh no, the food is being eaten by others. Perhaps a trip to the kitchens will be necessary. Jess nods to Ganya, "Yeah, 'lizards tend to bother folks when they get hungry. Mine will drive me crazy sometimes." And Jess has five of the stomachs. Joy.

Shimmer nods. "My flizzen seem to be able to fend for themselves." Shimmer shakes her head curiously, and shrugs. "It's quite odd. If I'm eating, they won't hesitate to beg some of it off of me, but as of late, they seem to be getting food from /somewhere/. The blues adore fish, so they probably spend their days amusing themselves by catching them, but I don't have a clue how the browns get their food." Shim rolls her eyes. Flizzen. Strange things.

Ganya smiles. "It would help me out a lot if Rush decided to fend for himself. He never hangs around and bugs me until he's so hungry he's ready to eat anything," she waves her hands, trying to encompass that.

Jessa grins. "Mine just like to beg for food. But not all the time, at least." And luckily Jess doesn't have them flocking to her at this moment. It gets quite amusing, as Jess tries to defend her horde of food from them. "They're fun though, well, sometimes they're fun."

Shimmer beams and shrugs. "It strikes me as somewhat odd. I used to not be able to go anywhere without them around me, constantly, and now it seems they keep away from me!" Shim laughs wryly, "Until the browns get too hungry, that is." she corrects herself, blue eyes dancing. "Helpful little critters, though. Great for message-carrying." she adds with a nod.

Remailla blinks and murmurs as she wakes from a rather long nap, "Mum?" blinkblink.

Ganya nods. "Yep, very helpful. And freinds forever. Gotta have those." she winks and then strokes Rush softly, his stomach bulging after his gorging. "I'm so happy I got this little one." she says softly.

Mailli walks with slow and deliberate steps in from the Arched Bridge.

Mailli walks in and quietly takes a seat by the hearth. She nods to all present, and scoops up her child shortly after sitting down.

Mailli picks up Remailla.

Shimmer grins at 'Ailla and nods at Ganya. "Mai!! Hello!! How're you?" she exclaims and questions, beaming at the appearing journeywoman. "Haven't seen you around in a while." she mentions offhandedly, winking outrageously. Apparently, Shim-babe is in a good mood. Yep. Her meatroll is happily chomped on...

Mailli chuckles softly, "I've just returned from SeaCliffs. Geraint wanted to show me something he had found, but he wasn't there."

Jessa beams at her mentor and waves, "Hi Mailli," and she starts to eat yet another meatroll. Jess is kind of like a firelizard herself, what with her bottomless pit of a stomach and all. At Mai's daughter Jess waves too, and sticks her tongue out at the child. Mai's kid is fun.

Mailli waves to Jessa as she tries to get Ailla to eat something, "Hello Jess," Uh-oh, she's getting formal... Not overly formal mind, but still... Kind of makes one wonder what Geraint may have done to upset Mai?

Shimmer grins at Mai. "Really? Where d'ya think he went?" Shim drawls curiously. Gossip. Ooh. Excitement. She'll never miss a chance to catch up on the latest gossip, you know. Her meatroll is finished with a happy flourish of her fingers before she finally gets around to drinking some of that klah she rescued a while back...

Mailli shrugs and drops the meatroll she's been trying to get her stubborn child to eat, who of course.. Wants down to get the meatroll, "Good question. I never know with him.. It isn't that I mind... Exactly, just that it is a touch annoying to travel all that way and find he isn't even home." Snort!

Grr, all these folks here, competing with Jess for meatrolls. Well, not actively competing, but still, they're eating meatrolls as well. Which means they're competition. And Jess is still hungry. Jess peers at her mentor and listens. Ooh, gossip. That is a good thing. Poor Mai, sounds like her mentor just hasn't been doing good lately.

Shimmer grins at Ailla and nods in a friendly fashion, giggling at the indecision. Ah, the cuddliness of kidlets. Shim nods sympathetically. "I'm sure he'll have a very good excuse when he returns." she says soothingly, before sighing at the slowly disappearing meatrolls upon the plate and considering getting up to go to the kitchens and rescue fresh meatrolls...or perhaps some pastries...

Mailli sets Ailla on the floor and disappears only to return a short time later with a tray loaded with fresh meatrolls and still steaming bubblies, "Ro won't care. And if she says something, just tell her I pinched them," she winks at the others present and sets the tray down.

Oooh food! Good thing that is. Jess quickly nabs a steaming bubblie and bites into it, getting her face dirty of course. But that is part of the enjoyment of bubblies.

Shimmer beams at Mai and grins, "Thank you!" she chirps excitedly, subtly sneaking a bubbly off the tray and chomping into it happily, making soft happy sounds every so often. Yes, food makes a Shimmer happy. Swallow. "So...what've you been up to recently?" she questions curiously.

Shimmer pages, "About Seacliffs. We're trying to decide what to do about it. It's mostly just an outpost, now. Like a Harper is posted to a Hall, we've got a journeyman posted to 'Cliffs." From afar, Shimmer mrrs. And a few random appies.

Mailli chuckles as she too takes a bubbly, "Oh, mostly I was trying to find out whay Geraint wanted me to see. Since he isn't home, I'll have to wait. I think he found where Boric's been hiding though," she takes a bite of said bubbly and washes it down with klah. Mmmmm klah and bubbly... yumm.

Jessa finishes her bubbly, and wipes at her face, then licks her fingers. Delicious. Then the apprentice snags another bubbly and starts in on it. All the she's listening to gossip. Gossip is grand. Gossip is also fun.

Ganya goes home.

Shimmer nods at Mai slowly. "Ah, well, yes." she says vaguely. Yep, Shim's quite talkative currently. Her bubbly is chewed on before the girl abruptly shoots out of her seat and squeaks. "Darn it!!" she mutters under her breath, shaking her head. "Sorry, but I promised to help..." she notes and sprints out. And...vamoosh, the Shim has left the building.

Mailli yawns hugely and finishes bubbly and klah to promptly fall asleep. It is too be assumed that the long journey to SeaCliffs and back is what wore Mai out.

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.