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Jessa's a...flit?

Hall's Lounge
Cozy to the point of downright stuffy this lounge exudes a salty briny air. Overstuffed and comfortable looking are the chairs of dark blue that reside at one end of this circular room. The smattering of tables that they surround are nothing more than tops with scarred wooden legs attached as well they should be. The bases of the tables and chairs are waterstained and marked by mild salt buildup. Rugs worn with age decorate the polished floor of this relaxation area soft greens and browns making barefeet swoon. Paintings of charts and various sea mammals and fish have been painstakingly added to the walls creating the atmosphere of their mother sea. To one side of the bridge is a wide ledge... [look closer]
To the northeast, you see one person.
To the north, you see one person.
Settled near the water are Terpsichore, Minty, and Senile
Swimming about is Tursi
You see Dartboard here.
Kyu is here.
Obvious exits:
Baths Men's Dorms Staff Hall Women's Dorms Infirmary Bridge Sea Lane

Shadis walks in from the Men's Dorms.

Jessa has, as usual, made herself quite comfortable in a chair and has a nice plate full of food. But what else do people really expect Jess to do in her free time?

Tie knots, perhaps. No, not ship knots, but miscellaneous free-and-easy messy knots. Like Kyu is doing, or at least valiantly attempting to do.

Shadis curls in a chair, half-asleep, and most likely murmuring about maps. He's a bit out of it, so you wouldn't want to startle him... He might have a heart attack. Or fall and get a boo-boo.

Oooh, a sleeping person in the lounge. Quite fun. Why shouldn't Jess take advantage of that? Afterall, anytime she falls asleep in the lounge someone does something to her, like throw her in the water or step on her. The senior appy grins and throws a piece of meatroll at Shadis, then resumes eating and looks innocent. It wasn't her. Nope.

Kyu glances up. It's a firelizard! It's a dragon! No, it's the Flying Meatroll! Umph, somehow that just doesn't have the sting something else does. She stifles a giggle, having been a victim of /that/ predator once before, and looks back down before anyone can notice, hopefully.

Almost at the same moment that the meatroll hits him, Shadis begins snoring. This is certainly a most unseemly picture of the Sr. Apprentice; snoring in the middle of the lounge even while being hit with meatroll bits. Laugh all you want... He'll prank you later.

Jessa snickers and casts a glance over at Kyu. Hm, should they have fun? Maybe they could tie him up with Kyu's bits of strings, or maybe just decorate his hair with the strings? Or, they could do something else fun. Jess throws another bit of meatroll at him.

Kyu ponders. Braids, for sure. Like them 'Padawans' she dreamt about once. If anything, they'll make him look more *cough* Manly *coughcoughcough*. Strings are useful in mapping, too. Carefully, a knotted string is slipped to Jessa as an evil twinkle gleams in one eye. The other one's asleep, don't mind it.

Shadis's hair is certainly too short for braiding, unless you have /very/ tiny fingers... Well, maybe not, but you'd really have to work at it. Of course, the girls would be able to do anything they want to Shadis, unless Senile happens to bust out into his screaming again...

Jessa grins and sets her food aside. It can wait for pranks and silliness, really. She won't starve or anything while doing something silly to Shadis. The senior appy winks at Kyu and slips quietly over to Shadis. She loosens the knot, then carefully pulls up a bunch of hair and ties it within the knot and pulls it tight, all that provided that Shad doesn't wake up while she's messing with his hair. Then she motions for Kyu to come over and help.

Kyu chuckles silently. Doesn't it look weird, mouth moving without a sound? Fishing around in her pocketses, she finds the precious. An outrageous, bright flaming red long braided piece of string. It's the motherlode. Creeping over to Jess and Shadis, she knots it to... an ear. Yup, you read that right.

Shadis groans softly in his sleep, his frame scrunching then rearranging itself in his sleep. See what you did Kyu? Of course, Shadis is not awake yet, so continue on! Ride Sally Ride!

Jessa grins and takes some smaller pieces of string from Kyu and ties them into his hair. Gorgeous, simply marvelous darling. Then the senior appy silently questions Kyu, mimicking a piece of very long string? What for? Well, stay tuned to find out.

Kyu ponders, and holds up a finger. Be right back. And she proceeds to slippy slip into the dorms, and back out again, trailing a long string. Well, the ball part of it is in her hand, and a belt knife is ready to take it out.

Shadis snores loudly, oblivious to the world around him. Ahhhh peace at last. And a few moments rest, even if it is in a chair... That's much better than the floor in the records room, or even one of the library chairs. And comfortable as his cot is, it's very rare to find Shadis sleeping in it... No, the only time he sleeps is when he's just sitting... Not intending to sleep at all.

Jessa grins at Kyu. Ah, that's it. She holds out her hands for the knife and string, so that she can cut her own piece of it.

Kyu quivers and shakes oh-so-slightly from the effort of holding laughter in. She hands said string and knife over to Jessa, and quickly flees to the ledge, dipping her own head below water to let out all the giggles. One bubble, two bubble, three bubble plop!

Jessa grins, but doesn't laugh, at least not yet. Then she very carefully and slowly attempts to slip the string around one of Shad's wrists and tie it in a knot.

Suddenly Shad's snores stop, and for a heartstopping moment, it seems as though he's awakening, but after another moment, it becomes obvious he is not. No, the movement of his head has cleared out his nose... Or whatever it is that causes snoring, and he continues to sleep peacefully.

Jessa tenses as it appears that Shadis is waking up, and then relaxes when it becomes clear that he is not. Jess quickly and carefully ties a sturdy knot, so that Shadis' wrist is now tied. Then the senior appy grins and proceeds to tie the other end of the string to the chair's leg. Bwah.

Shadis shifts in his sleep again, this time rolling almost onto his stomach, although how he can stay in such a small chair like that is anyone's guess. The string about his wrists isn't noticed, even though it constricts his rolling a bit.

Kyu retrieves her head aggrievedly out of the water. Wet again... well, not that it's a chore. And back to Shadis, and motioning to Jessa to duck somewhere there's cover, proceeds to shake her head vigorously. Splish splash, pitter patter. Water droplets everywhere, don't you love it when it rains?

Jessa grins and cuts another piece of string, and then looks around for Shad's other wrist. Because wouldn't it just be funny to tie him up completely like that? Oh yeah.

Shadis? Hah, you'll never wake him up like that... The boy practically lives in the water, a few drops wouldn't affect him, although he rolls slightly back the other way, trapping his free wrist beneath himself unintentionally.

Well, if his other wrist is inaccessible, she'll just have to move on to other parts of his body. Like his feet. Jess ties one string around an ankle, and another string around another ankle, then proceeds to tie the free ends to the chair. Fun fun. Is water really disturbing? No, not really. Jess can handle it.

Kyu ponders. You know, Shadis might make a really cute landdolphin. And how do you make one? Simple, you turn two legs into the approximation of a fluked tail! And so, with another bitty bit of string, she proceeds to wind it round legs. Carefully. Shadis', of course.

Shimmer bounces with a light step, sapphire eyes sparkling... in from the Journeymen & Masters Hall.

Shimmer calls to Minty, who flies over and lands on her shoulder.

Oooh, a Sharky Shim! Jess grins and scoots away from Shadis, looking quite innocent, despite the incriminating string in her hand. Oh, how'd that get there? She drops the string and looks innocent, then waves at Shimmer, "Hiya Shim!" Just a routine day, ayup. Jess has her food, she's curled up in a chair. They didn't just tie anyone up. Nope.

Shadis mumbles something in his sleep, fidgeting again, this time freeing his hand. He's certainly become uncomfortable.

Shimmer cartwheels in happily, rounding off her cartwheel by boinging up and bowing dramatically. "Heyla, all!" What /are/ you talking about? Shim didn't just cartwheel in. Well...maybe a little..."Heyla, Jess, Shad, Kyu!" Shim chirps brightly, before gaping at the sight. "Shadis...what...?" she questions, outright staring. Innnteresting...

Shadis is extremely uncomfortable. With a loud groan, he tosses his body around in the chair, this time going just a little too far. With a loud thunk, he falls from his perch, hitting the ground in an awkward position due to the stings about his hand and feet. Well, Shadis is definately awake now.

Jessa starts to giggle at Shadis and his predicament. Silly boy. The senior appy grins at Shimmer, and then giggles some more. "Sorry, I gotta go. I have a lesson to be at." Another glance is cast at Shadis and the senior appy runs off giggling with her plate in hand. Fun times. Oh yeah.

Kyu is back in a chair. With an oh-so-innocent look on her face, nevermind that her wet hair is dripping onto the back of the chair. And if that's not a telltale sign, nothing is, all right.

Shimmer eyes Shadis, and decides not to question anymore. Okeeey. Shim waves at Jessa, "Bye!!" she chirps happily, beaming brightly. Shim knows she's not teaching this one. She's got the day off. Phewf. Kyu is eyed, and Shim decides to perhaps pretend everything is normal in the 'phinhall, and wanders over to the klah pitcher, going to pour herself a mug. "Anyone else want something while I'm over here??"

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.