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Indoor Yield-O-Rama

Preface to Moon Doggie's Analyses of the YOR Database

What has been discovered from the YOR database
In the final analysis, 53% of crop yield variations found in the YOR database can be uniquely explained with just four key influences every indoor cannabis garden has in common.

These findings put to rest two of the most debated questions among cannabis cultivators.

Which spectrum produces higher cannabis yields?

Does hydroponic media yield more than soil?

Until now, matters surrounding these questions have been restricted to the realm of personal subjective opinion and experience. Growers with enough experience to have successfully used different light spectrums and growing media concur that HPS lamps and hydroponic media have indeed delivered higher yields. But because spectrum and media alone do not account for all the yield a grower sees from his indoor garden there has been no way to quantify these experiences with facts or numbers, or in a manner that's convincing to growers with conflicting opinions or limited lamp and media experience.

Source Data
The analyses began with the root entries from the first 160 records in the YOR database, some of which didn't qualify. It's recommended that you view the qualifying records. You can also view the YOR Document and Database Records as last posted on the Internet to see a complete record listing, as well as the instructions made available to growers while they were actively contributing to the database. A goal of the analyses is to address each database field tracked by the YOR and come up with a garden configuration that tends to produce the highest yields.

Why so few discoveries from so much data
This has everything to do with the 99.9% level of confidence the four discoveries carry. As you review Moon Doggie's analyses you'll see many references to the significance of certain data items. In fact, he's gone through the painstaking process of doing several preliminary analyses just so his final analysis can have the highest level of confidence.

Defaults Used in the Analyses
Defaults are certain YOR database fields which can be said to contain information that is consistent from entry to entry. As a result the four fields shown below will not be examined in detail.

Grams Dry Weight

The default weight is dry grams per square foot of canopy space. Dry weight can be either the actual reported dry weight, or dry weight calculated from fresh weight. For reasons mentioned in the definition for this field, the latter takes priority over the former when both figures are available. For all intents and purposes it can be assumed that dry weights border 25% of fresh weight.

Harvest Type

Manicured bud is the default harvested product being weighed. Consequently two records not meeting this criteria were removed from the original 160 records mentioned above.


The effect of different flowering photoperiods will not be examined due to the overwhelming use of 12 hour photoperiods.


Since much of the body of data for variety lies in component entries, and since only root entries are being analyzed, variety will not be addressed at this particular time. The default variety is cannabis:-)

Below is a partial list of database fields compiled for each YOR record during the analysis. Custom database fields are not shown in the YOR Document, they were created only for this analysis by reviewing the texts from each of the 160 original YOR contributions. At the very least this list gives an idea of the thoroughness of Moon Doggie's approach, and how difficult it really is to glean reliable cannabis cultivation information from even a large data set.

YOR Database Fields

Custom Fields

Available Lumens

Canopy Square Footage

CO2 Enrichment and/or Active Venting



Light Mover

Dry Weight Type c & d Indicators

Lumens Estimated

Grams Dry Weight (see defaults above)

Lumens Derived

Harvest Type (see defaults above)

Lumens Manufacturer Specifications

Hours (see defaults above)

Lumens Measured

Irrigation Method

Lumens Percent from HPS

Light Type

Lumens Percent from MH

Medium Type

Lumens Percent from Fluorescent

Plant Spacing

Lumens Total from HPS

Primary Medium or Soil Mix

Lumens Total from MH

Primary Method of Growth Control

Lumens Total from Fluorescent

Primary Nutrient Formula (fertilizer)

Sequential Lighting HPS

Primary and Secondary Limiting Factors

Sequential Lighting MH

Sequence Number

Sequential Lighting Weighted (days & lumens)

Sequential Lighting

Side Light (additional) Type


Side Light (only) Type

Supplemental/Component Indicator

Top Primary Light Type

Variety (see defaults above)

Top Secondary Light Type


Watts Total from HPS


Watts Total from MH


Watts Total from Fluorescent

For more detail see the hyperlinked list on the second page of Moon Doggie's Analyses - Original & Created Fields and Variables. From that list you can peruse links containing field definitions, lists of variables, and frequency distribution charts showing how many of the analyzed records apply to each variable. His analyses starts on the next page.

ImageMoon Doggie's Analyses

Next -

Introduction and Results of the Model


Original & Created Fields and Variables


Correlations (analyses of field variables)


Final Analysis & Conclusions

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