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Chapter 27

	Even when we landed in New York I could feel the electricity of the
city. I’ve always been a somewhat country girl, but I must say, I’m fascinated
with city life. The fast paced world of taxicabs, subways, and huge office
buildings has always intrigued me. 

	Our entourage was met at the airport by two limos; one was for Brian,
Kevin, Whitney, Howie, Elizabeth and me. The other was for Nick, Autumn,
Mrs. McLean and AJ. 

	When we pulled up in front of the building where the awards were to be
held I gasped. I’d never seen that many people with cameras in my life. Not
only were they everywhere, flashes were going off a mile a minute. Whitney
and Kevin looked at me sympathetically as they each stepped out. I focused on
being visible on film, and took Howie’s hand as we stepped out of the black

	A barrage of questions followed us, “Are these your girlfriends? We’ve
never seen them before. Are they friends?” The Brian and Kevin answered with
“No comment,” and Howie just smiled and said “No, Bobbi and I are just

	Our seats were close to the front and about twenty minutes into the
awards the Boys got up and left us sitting there, because they had to go
backstage and prepare to perform. Mrs. McLean went with them, just incase
there was trouble. After all, she was the tour manager. 

	“So, Autumn,” I said trying to alleviate the uncomfortable silence that
had fallen over the group, “How long have you and Nick been together?”

	“About three months officially, but we’ve known each other since we
were children. I used to live next door to Nicky,” she said smiling fondly.

	“That’s cool.”

	“Hey look, they’re about to perform,” Whitney said excitedly.

	The boys came out with dancers and pretty cool costumes. They sang
Everybody, and even I cheered when Brian asked “Am I original?” I just
smirked over at Autumn, who blushed when Nick asked his famed question.
Again, I got this weird feeling about AJ. When he sang he was so attractive, I
almost forgot what an ass he was. Almost. Anyway, Kev and Howie were
rocking it too. The dancing was spectacular, I reminded myself to compliment
them on it when they were finished. 

	The standing ovation they got was well deserved. After the performance,
they re-dressed in their tuxedos and came back out with us. 

       “You did so well,” I said patting Kevin on the back and hugging Howie.

       “Thank you.”

       When the show was over, the Boys grabbed the array of awards they’d
won and joined the girls at the post VMA party. The lights were
flashing, the music was loud, and there was alcohol everywhere. It
seemed that it didn’t matter whether you were underage or no, you got
alcohol is you wanted it.

      “Hey babe,” I purred as I walked past Nick, talking to some girl I didn’t

      “Hi Bobbi,” he said confused. Then he looked at my face and realized I
was more than a little drunk. 

      “Whatcha up to?” I slurred taking another sip of my Bloody Mary.

      “Nothin much, why don’t you go sit down?”

      “K,” I said moving off to find someone a little more fun.

      “Hey you,” I said making my way toward AJ. In my current state I was
still conscious of who I was dealing with, but not enough to follow my
own logic. Just then I had an idea. I would turn him into a vampire it
was going to be his punishment for repeatedly pissing me off and being
mean to me. Plus, I definitely needed some blood, as I said at least I
think I said this before, vampires don’t need blood all the time, we live
on regular food, but sometimes we need blood to keep going. I knew he
was also a little more than drunk so I figured, in my fuzzy state of mind
that this would be too hard. I mean come on, all I had to do was make
out with him a little, get to his neck, and voila: instant vampire and
instant meal. 

       “What’s up babe?” he asked dancing a little closer to me. This was
going to be too easy. 

       “Nothin. Whatca wanna do?” I asked seductively, moving closer with
every second. I made sure to dance in the most provocative way I knew how 
just to keep is attention. 

       “I think you know,” he said stumbling a little. And looking me up and
down again, “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

       “I was at the awards show,” I said. It wasn’t a flat out lie. I was there.

       “Cool. Let’s get outa here and get busy,” he said. Wow. He certainly
moved fast. I wondered if he was this way normally, or just when he was drunk.

       “Let’s go to your hotel,” I offered, knowing full well we were going to
my hotel too. I just thought of something to tell you. This will clarify why I was
drunk. Sorta. Anyway, vampires have less blood than a normal human, which
makes it easier for their blood alcohol level to skyrocket. I’d only had three or
four drinks, and I was rather whacked.

       “Sounds good. Let’s go,” he said draping an arm over my shoulder and
placing a hand on my breast. Good God I thought. This is going to be a piece of 
cake. We hailed a taxi and headed off toward the hotel.  

Chapter 28

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