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Popular is the WB's hit comedy/teen drama. It airs every Friday night at 9:00 p.m. Popular is about high school life and dealing with issues that help form your identity as a teen. There are two main social groups. The popular kids and the non-popular kids. The popular kids are Brooke McQueen, Mary-Cherry, Sugar Daddy, Nichole Julian, and Josh Ford. The un-popular kids are Sam McPherson, Carmen Ferrera, Lily Espizito, and Harrison John. Brooke and Sam are old rivals who are finally learning to become sisters. Their parents Mike McQueen and Jane McPherson have plans to be married. Jane is pregnant with Mike's baby. Brooke and Sam have had thousands of back stabbing quarrels, but through all of it they learned that their very much alike. Can they except each other and BE sisters? Find out by watching the show every Friday night at 9:00. Trust me it's worth every second!

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