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Carly Pope aka Sam McPherson

Carly Pope plays seventeen year old Sam McPherson on Popular. Sam is considered one of the un-popular kids on the show. (She's actually my favorite character & very much like me.) Her friends include Carmen Ferrera, Lily Espizito, and Harrison John. Sam McPherson is very much like Brooke McQueen her soon to be sister. Sam's mom and Brooke's dad are going to get married. Sam's mom is pregnant with Mike's baby. Sam is constantly searching for her identity. She's lets her personal agenda take over, but don't we all. She's dating George Austin, a newcomer to the show. Her best friend Harrison has a major crush on her. She just doesn't know that yet. Sam's dad died when she was younger from cancer. Ironicly enough Harrison has cancer, but is recovering from it. Sam is considered alternative. She is studying to be a journalist and is involved with the Kennedy High newspaper.

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