David Cassidy chat at LasVegas.com on October 30, 2001

Never before has so many people joined a chat at LasVegas.com. 95 fans joined and 517 questions were asked.Of course David didn't have the time to answer them all, but here's a few things that we can expect from David in the future:

Chances are pretty slim that David will release another live album. As he said, live CDs are for the most part greatest hits albums, and he said he'd rather go back in the studio and record some new music. There might be a chance of a pay-per-view (TV) concert in 2002.

"Then and Now", the CD that has been available for a month in the UK only, might see its worldwide release in the first half of next year. There are now conversations with Universal regarding this. The CD was at number 5 on the official UK charts, and just went Gold.

On the question what David would record to surprise his fans, he said that he'd be doing a record that has a mood concept, something for lovers, romantics. This would involve a large orchestra, strings, great arrangements, great old songs as well as a few new ones. But he has no plans of doing such an album, he added. Many fans have asked David if he would make a new Christmas album, and he said  that the Partridge Family Christmas album from 1971 was very successful, and 30 years later it might be time to do his own.

David will continue touring in 2002. He's looking at doing between 25 and 40 dates in the United States, and then he'll be doing some concerts in Europe, Australia and hopefully Japan.

He might also consider new roles on Broadway, but right now he doesn't have the time. Besides, living in Las Vegas makes it difficult starring in a show in New York. He is, however, moving back to New York some time in the future.

And for the ones who have never heard about David's first conversation with Elvis Presley, here it goes in David's own words: "The conversation that I first had with Elvis Presley would require a little bit of setting up. It was 1973 or 74 and I was on the set of the Partridge Family, and we had a first assistant director by the name of Chris Morgan. Harry Morgan's son -- the actor Chris was a notorious practical joker and he and I had a great rapport -- we were constantly doing things to make each other look foolish. In front of the cast and crew I had known that Chris had done a couple of movies with Elvis prior to working on the Partridge Family, so one day Chris came in and told me that he had spoken to Elvis, and that Elvis was going to call me, which immediately made my antennas go up for a sucker punch. The following day -- while we were rehearsing a scene on the
set -- he yelled across the soundstage for me that there was a phone call, and that Elvis was on the phone and wanting to speak to me. Suddenly, everyone was silent and watched as I walked to the phone knowing surely it was an imposter, I picked up the phone and was very cavalier, and began a conversation that had real sarcasm from my end such as "Elvis! Babe! What's shaking?" "How's Vegas, baby?" I heard him laughing as he too knew Chris and his ways. He then said that his daughter had become enamored of me and wanted to meet me. And I, of course responded with "Sure! No problem! Bring her down!" And he said that Priscilla would bring her, and that is all that I remember about the conversation until I hung up with him and turned to see everyone staring at me, and I was laughing as I was walking back on the set, feeling sure that I hadn't let him dupe me. The next day, just after lunch, the enormous double doors of  the soundstage were opened and as I glanced out, I saw a large white limousine pull up -- a very large man opened the back door to which I saw two of the more beautiful women I have ever seen step out of the limo. The first was Priscilla Presley, the second was a golden-haired child somewhere about 4 or 5 years old named Lisa Marie. You can't imagine what I had to go through from everyone on my set and Chris Morgan for the rest of the year... That was my first encounter with Elvis."

To read the whole transcript go to www.lasvegas.com/events/chat/103001cassidy.html