Date City Venue Phone
November 1-2 Atlantic City, NJ Harrah's Casino Hotel 609-441-5000
November 5-6 Kansas City, MO  Harrah's Kansas City 816-472-7777
November 9 Manchester, England  The Apollo SOLD OUT!
November 11 Glasgow, Scotland  Clyde Auditorium SOLD OUT!
November 14 Newcastle, England City Hall SOLD OUT!
November 16-17 London, England London Apollo, Hammersmith SOLD OUT!
November 22-24 Las Vegas, NV Rio Hotel / Casino 702-252-7777
November 30 Anaheim, CA Sun Theatre RESCHEDULED
December 1-2 Lake Tahoe, NV Harrah’s 775-588-6611
February 14, 2002 Anaheim, CA Sun Theatre New date!

Dates are subject to change. More dates will be added.


November 1 - 2, 2001: Atlantic City, NJ

First night

David was awesome last nite. I got a seat right up against the stage.During the show people were handing David things. I was handing him a playbill and he said " what did you do write some music for me?" and I said it's a playbill of your Dad's, and I had to repeat it. He took the playbill and said "what's your name?" I said Nadine and he said over the mike (which was too cool) "This lovely lady Nadine just gave me a playbill of my Dad's called Sandhog and I remember seeing this play when I was 3 years old, there's a ticket and this was a Broadway show and the ticket was $4.60. After the show I asked Robyn to make sure David got the playbill off the stage and she said she put it in his dressing room.She also said she was going to UK with him.

I went to get something to eat with Barbara P. and Tina Funk and another fan Fran.We had a blast, can't wait till tonite.

Second night

David said his new CD just went gold. He was very proud of that. He also said he will be playing at the Tropicana in AC in April. OMG can't wait. Last night was rockin' some fans had signs that said we love you David. I had a seat right up against the stage again. When he did "Tenderness" down on his knees he was right in front of me. OMG Got real close up pics hope they turn out well.

I was wearing a Yankee cap and he took it off my head and put it on his head and said "beat the diamondbacks" then he put the cap back on my head. LOL sooooo coool. He took the flowers I gave him and he winked and smiled right in my face and took the flowers. My flowers were the only ones he took off stage with him at the end of the show. There was a lady in the audience and she said she wanted to tell him a story. He made a little joke about it first but I guess he saw that she was serious and he stopped to listen. It seems that she had a phobia and was afraid to leave the house, but she did it to see him and he said she was very brave and told her friend to take a pic of them together and posed for the pic, he gave her a big hug and said she was very couragous to come to see him.

The whole night was awesome. A friend of mine took me in the high rollers club to see if David would show up there, but he didn't. She said the last time he was there he showed up with Sue and Beau and she got to talk to him for 10 min. But no such luck last night.

Tina Funk is so sweet and she speaks English better then me LOL. (president of the Germany fan club) Guess what ladies, you cant' buy choclate chips in Germany. She said Chips Ahoy cookies are $10.00. Barbara P. said that Tina likes Kentucky fried chicken, so when she went to Germany to visit Tina she brought a bucket of chicken with her. LOL She was
hoping there wern't any drug sniffing dogs at the airport. LOL

See ya at the Trop in April,


My friend and I arrived in Atlantic City about 4 ish... We headed right for the box office and it wasn't opened yet to pick up our tickets... But we heard Candice practicing "Rescue Me"... So I figured we would try to go in and listen... I remembered there was an entrace upstairs but figured it would be locked... it wasn't... We went inside and listened for a few minutes but No David so we left... I went downstairs and asked a few die hard David Fans if he had rehearsed yet and they said no... So we went out to dinner... On the way back we walked past those same fans and they had their ear close to the door and I could hear David rehearsing... So we went back upstairs and the door was open and we went in.... We watched David rehears "Echo Valley 26809"... I was practically hyperventillating... he sounded delicious.... Anyway we snuck back out and went to get ready....

The concert was an absolute blast... Unfortunately I cannot afford 250 dollar seats... I was towards the back which really sucks... he sang Tenderness and it was absolutely wonderful...he also made a comment about the floor being slippery and how he likes slippery things.... Whooohooo... I just love that man.... Anyway... everytime I am in A.C. I end up sneaking backstage (yeah this is where i get the hate mail)....

Anyway I snuck backstage and jumped in the elevator I believe he had just been in... it smelled like he would smell. (not that I
would know)... One of his bandmates was in the elevator and as the door shut he said where to girls? (may I remind you I look very young)... This is when I began pleading to see David with my biggest puppy dog eyes... he said "girls I know nothing"... He pushed the floor buttons and when it got to David's floor the doors opened and he said "okay girls go"... What a nice guy.... That is when I hit my brick wall... Robyn was just walking out of his room... This is my 3rd encounter with her.... I think I kinda amuse her now... Anyway she wouldn't let me see him.... But she was holding his guitar.... My friend said I was white as a ghost... I don't know what I would do if I did see him up close... I may have passed out... So we turned around went backstage and then went to gamble... I lost 100 bucks gambling... But all in all I had so much fun.... David rocks me baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hi all! I was lucky enough to get front row seats for David's first night in Atlantic City. He looks fabulous and his voice is tremendous.  He was very friendly with the audience and even stopped to take pictures with some fans. The best parts of the show for me were when David sang "Ain't No Sunshine" and "Hollywood Nights" and, of course, when I got to give him a kiss! That man smells wonderful!!!!! He MUST put "Hollywood Nights" on his next album.  His version is absolutely unbelievable!  He does such a wide range of music in his show that you can really see how talented he is. All I can say is that all you David fans in the UK better get ready because David is gonna rock you!  I'm am still on a David high and can't wait until he returns to my area again for more shows!

When David came around the first time to shake hands and give out kisses, I froze when he got to me and I just gave him my hand.  My girlfriend said to me "why don't you kiss him".  I said "I can't, I'm too nervous".  Then he came around again when he was singing ITILY and I couldn't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime so I found the courage to give him a kiss.  But my feeling is this man whom you admire so much is actually in front of you in the flesh and it's just alot to take in all in one single moment.  But I went for it and I was glad that I did. Two women at the table next to me got their picture taken with him.  The were practically standing in his crotch.  Boy was I envious!!!  That was a real Kodak moment. There was a time while he was singing and he looked right into my eyes, kept staring and gave me a really big smile. So that was special for me too.

Another sweet thing that David did.  After he passed my table and went to the far end of the stage, two women were standing there and one woman gave David this sign that said "C'mon Make Me Happy, Take A Picture With Me" and he read it and said "ok". So her girlfriend took the picture of them together.  I saw them after the show, she was so excited.  I just thought it
was really nice of him to take 2 seconds out of his show to make her evening. He really does love his fans...... just as much as we love him!

To all my fellow fans in the UK..... I am soooo envious that you are going to be seeing him so soon. I hope that you all enjoy his show as much as I did. I said it once and I'll say it again...... Hollywood Nights was awesome.  I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Seating was handled much better this time.  The maitre'd held the tickets for all the higher priced tickets and you were seated
immediately.  No standing on line like last year.  My girlfriend and I went in at 7:00 and got a table right at the stage.  I think maybe they learned something from last year's fiasco.

Beth F


Day 1:
This past weekend was so incredibly wonderful.  Many of you probably remember me posting that my flight was canceled to AC and panicking about what to do.  Thanks to everyone who sent me ideas on what to do, I was extremely grateful!!  Donna heard about my problem and contacted me to let me know that she lived in Philly and would be glad to pick me up from the airport and I could drive with her to AC--which is exactly what happened.  We got to Harrahs around 3:30 and meet up with Janie and Judi who were waiting at the box office for us.  We began the wait for the doors to open.  In one way it seemed to take forever because we were all so excited to see David, and in another way the time seemed to fly by as we all talked and shared stories about our lives.  It is always so amazing to me how easy it is to talk to other David fans!!  Finally it is 7:00 and the doors open and we head in for our seats.  As I'm praying for the perfect seats, we keep heading up closer and closer and closer till we are at the front table dead center.  Janie and Judi are seated at the first seats since they were first in line, and Donna and I are seated in the second seats--absolutely wonderful seats--you can touch the stage from the second seat--thats how close we were.  My prayer had been answered and I sit down in my perfect seat to wait for the concert to begin.
Finally it is 8:00 pm and the lights go down, the curtain goes up and the band begins.  David comes out and looks so absolutely beautiful.  The songs are similar to the prior concerts I've seen, but this time he does America and he sings it so beautiful and with so much feeling that when he finishes singing and I look around at the other fans, most of them are either cryng like I am or are misty eyed.

A bit later, David makes a comment to the audience and Judi responds with a quick yell--the only one who yells--this of course catches the attention of David who walks on over to our table, bends down to us and asks what we are drinking.  We of course are on a David high and the only thing we have is water.  Judi replies to him "water" and he gives a little laugh.  He than notices this little sign that Janie and Judi made for him which said "Thanks David for a wonderful year!" (or something very similar to this).  He says thank you to both of them and holds both of their hands.  It was so very special.  I am constantly amazed at how special David treats his fans.  He continues the evening singing to different people in the audience, shaking hands with all of us, and making eye contact with us.  So incredible!!  During Cherish (at least I think that was the song) David again comes over to our table to sing to us, he also reaches out for Judi and caresses her face with his face-it was incredible and it seemed to last, and last and last!!  Even though he wasn't caressing me, I was so close to Judi that I could smell David and he smelled incredible!!!!!!

He later talked about his new CD that came out in the UK and the fact that it had just gone Gold.  He talked about the single of Ain't No Sunshine being released and than sang it for us.  Those of you who have heard it on CD will be amazed when you hear him sing it live!!

His last song of the night was Hollywood Nights.  Once again, the way his voice sounded on that song was fabulous.  Whoever said that they'd like to hear that song on his next CD, I whole heartedly agree with you!!  The concert was than over, but that incredible feeling that you get when you see him is still with me.  We ended the evening by getting something to eat and than spending hours talking and playing David CD's and tapes. The first of the concerts was over, but there was one more night to look forward to and also the arrival of Meesh and Rin who would be joining us for Friday nights concert.

Day 2:
I have spent an entire day with the girls, so I decide to take a chance and ask the girls why it is that David seems to see all the girls in the audience except for me.  They look at me and almost in unison they say "Because you look like jail bait"  Now those of you who have met me before know that my dressed up look includes comfortable clothes, brushing my hair, some clear mascara and for a really special occasion I use an extremely light eye shadow.  Now this was more than a special occasion, this was David!!!!  I look at the girls and say "Can you guys PLEASE do my hair and make-up tomorrow?"  They very politely reply "Of course we will"  So with visions of myself looking gorgeous, I drift off to sleep.

Ok, so it is now Friday morning and after 3 hours of sleep we are up and ready to go. As we head down to the box office--which is conviently located next to the coffee bar--we begin the wait for Rin and Meesh to arrive.  After what seems like a really long time they arrive.  We spend the rest of the day catching up on each other lives, telling stories and just having fun.  It is so cool to feel like your 16 again!!!!  The time is getting close to doors opening and the anticipation of seeing David is growing--you can just feel the excitement flowing through all of us waiting.  The doors open and we begin our trip towards the front of the showroom.  We are at the same table we were last night, plus there are two addtional first row seats at the table next to the one from last night.  Guess what, Meesh allows me to sit in her front row seat rather than the 2nd row seat I was at last night!!  I can't believe it, she says that she has been in the front row at other concerts and that now its my turn.  Oh my god, I can't believe that she is giving me the front row seat, my excitement can't get any higher!!!  Finally the lights start to dim and the band begins to play and out comes David!!  Every time I see hiim, he just gets better and better!!!  That voice of his is just so amazing, you melt when you hear it.

Once again David heads over to Janie and Judi and comments on how beautiful they look, and what a wonderful view he has from the stage.  He than says that the whole audience should get to see what he sees and makes them stand up and turn to face the audience!!  I think I'd have died if he did that to me!!!  After they are seated, he smiles at them and says he hopes he hasn't embarassed them too much.  It was way too cool!!  Thanks to the efforts of the girls, David did notice me that night and held onto my hand and looked over at me several times that evening--definitely a night to remember!!   As is always the case with wonderful things, the concert came to a close much to soon.  I wish we could have just frozen time and stayed there forever.
The rest of the evening was once again filled with girl talk , eating, and listening to lots of different David tapes and CD's.   I think that we finally all fell asleep around 4:00am.  We woke up Saturday morning with sore throats, and tired bodies and slowly began to gather our belongings knowing that within a few hours we would have to say goodbye to each other.  After finishing packing and deciding to get something to eat, came the part I hate the most, saying goodbye.  I wish just once I could say goodbye without crying.  Donna has been kind enough to drive me back to Philly and even offered to let me stop at her house for a few hours so I don't have to sit in the airport.  We arrive at her house, and I get to meet her husband and her 2 year old daughter who is just the cutest little girl!!  She sent her husband off to get Philly cheese steak subs since I had never had one, and we watch David videos on her big screen TV--I really need to get me one of those!!!  A short time before we are ready to go, I read a quick story to her daughter before she heads up for her nap and than  on her way up for her nap, she stops looks over at me and says "Kiss??" I of course say "sure" to this beautiful little girl, and she comes running over to me and gives me a great big hug and kiss.  What a wonderful way to end this weekend.  Once her daughter is in bed, we are off to the airport to say our goodbyes.  Once again my tear ducts start a flowing.  As I sit waiting for my flight, I realize what an absolutely wonderful weekend it has been, and how fortunate I am that I not only got to see David and had wonderful seats, but that I got to make some wonderful friends, and have memories I'll cherish for a lifetime.



November 5 - 6, 2001: Kansas City, MO

I got in line at about 6:15 and they opened the doors a little after 7 p.m. The show started on time at 8:00. I sat about 8 rows back, in the center.

David's 9 piece band started out with a quick medley of PF tunes. They were LOUD and I LOVED IT! There were also three singers. Twelve people in all CRAMMED on the little stage at one end of a meeting room. The keyboard player had to sit in the middle of the stage!

David came out in a white shirt and the black jeans. He had unbelievable eye contact with the audience and was quite sensual.

Song Line-up...
1. Heartbeat
2. Summer Days "Where you YOU in the summer of '72?"
3. Meet You Halfway (played his red guitar)
4. Oh Beautiful.....
5. Echo Valley
6. Songs from "Copa"
7. Candace sang something. (Man, was she skinny!!!)
8. Rescue Me...duet with Candace. (She wore a see-thru top and low, low jeans.)
9. Mac The Knife....audience participation. We snapped. (He is a very sexy snapper!!!)
10. Aint No Sunshine.....this was just plain SULTRY!
11. Lyin to Myself...."This song allowed me to rise from the ashes..."
12. Rock Me
13. Cherish
14. C'mon get happy..."Once there was a boy on a TV show..."
15. I think I Love You
16. encore...Hollywood Nights

Then it was done. I hung around to see if we could get autographs, but he was nowhere to be found. I don't blame him.

Mary Beth, Nebraska


This has been a whirlwind week...and my first chance to post. I will skip the horrific flight/communications problems...but let's just say I literally went from the airport to the venue....no make up....my luggage didn't arrive...so I wasn't exactly "dressed" for the concert. This was the best Harrah's venue I have been to yet...the staff there was wonderful. It didn't matter if you were a high roller or not....whoever was in line first...got first choice (and who could RUN the fastest). This secured us a 2nd row center stage seat.

The playlist was pretty much the same as all the rest of the concerts I have been to except DC did do Ain't No Sunshine which was AWESOME!!!! DC was in a rather friendly mood on Monday night. We were allowed to go up to the stage and dance for awhile and fans were able to shake hands with DC. At one point DC even jumped off the stage into the front row and grabbed this little girl and embarrassed her a bit and as people started to approach the area... DC jumped right back on stage.

There was a funny moment in the middle of the concert... now this is a family board so I will try to explain this in an acceptable manner. DC first starts to explain the fact that he has not had a drop to drink before the concert. He asks the audience if he is seeing things or imagining his mic stand is crooked. He said he wants to keep hitting it from the other side to straighten it out. So he asks the audience if it is crooked. Of course, me and my big mouth shouts "David it IS leaning to the left" (please note....I said leaning...not "hanging")... David breaks up laughing and I don't get it.... and he was at a loss for words and the best he can come up with is.... as he is looking straight at me, "Are you calling me an alcoholic?" I am totally puzzled (and do you all understand why my name is KeithsBabe..... it takes me awhile... in fact people told me in the bar what the joke was... cause I still at that point didn't understand what it was that I said that broke him up!!) and reply...."No."

Many fans were able to get up close and have hugs, songs, etc. on Monday night and when the group at the stage was asked to return to their seats David looked like where did y'all go?

David's encore on Monday was Hollywood Nights. No Bridge, Ricky's Tune and Cry were all missing from the playlist.

Tuesday night we were able to secure front row center seats. We were able to go up to the stage to dance during Rock Me Baby and at the end when he did I Think I Love You. I informed David it was my friend Michelle's b-day and David pulled her close and gave her a birthday kiss on the lips (it was a quickie folks...don't get too excited). She was thrilled. David again did Ain't No Sunshine but the encore was CC Rider/Jenny, Jenny... which was great!!!! This concert was a bit somber as one of the band members had to leave suddenly to be with his father who was very ill. David mentioned it during the concert and a local guitar player from KC took Jimmy McIntosh's place.... and he did a great job!!!

Despite the problems getting to KC... it was one of my favorite concerts (it may have even been a bit better than Green Bay... and that was pretty wild).

Oh....here is something else I forgot. During the concert a girl was trying to show DC her Cmon Get Happy shirt and he explained he couldn't see her... so to come on up. So I was little usher girl and sent her up there in between our seats. Then the girl behind me was talking about cassidyland (before the concert and talked about the lyric quiz and wondered what happened to the girl who used to do it)... so of course I turned around and introduced myself. She was embarrassed that she was talking about me but I said I was very flattered. She then showed me her DC scrapbook she made when she was 16. During the concert after the girl with the shirt...she starts waving her scrapbook and DC again can't see it.... so I usher her through between my seats and DC spends his time looking through it and then asks her if she has a pen.... so I throw him my sharpie and he signs it for her.

DC came out on Monday night wearing a "white" shimmery velour shirt (not tucked in) and his black jeans. It was nice to see DC in another non-color.... in all black he tends to blend in with the background on some pictures I have taken. NO pictures were allowed in KC at all. People were warned once and then their film was confiscated (no I was good and put the camera away).

During the concert a bra flew up on the stage. The crowd was trying to tell David it was there and he just looked confused so I yell..... UNDERWEAR... STAGE RIGHT and he turns and sees it and walks over to pick it up. He takes it over to the mic and comments on the serious cup size. Then he notices there are two names written on the bra Lori & Lori.... so he tells them to come up to the stage. He embarrassed them and thanked them for being brave and coming up to the stage. Then DC not knowing what to do with the bra hands it over to Gary (the bari-sax player) claiming he would have a use for it. So Gary takes the bra and starts looking it over and DC says, "Cmon Gary you know you want to put it on your head.... don't be afraid" so Gary proceeds to put this bra on his head and DC starts cracking up. As David walks away Gary moves the bra so that the cups are over his eyes (he now looks a bit like a lacy version of ET) I was crying and DC didn't see it and when DC turns around to see what is going on Gary whips the bra off his head. It was hysterical!!!!!

David did sing America the Beautiful both nights and the audience was singing along. He talked a bit about how since 9/11 things have changed and he was born about a block and a half away from the WTC. On Tuesday he invited the audience to sing along to him. He mentioned it was a song he learned when he was about 7 and someone yelled something to him which I didn't hear but his response was "Yes, I too was 7 once." He did an AWESOME rendition of the song and his voice sounded absolutely stellar.



November 9, 2001: Manchester, England

My oh my what a voice!!!!

My oh my what eyes!

My oh my......!!!

Well it was certainly worth waiting for...'cept could have done with less of the chat - only a little less though!.... and more songs - where was I Am A Clown???? and Cry?  Well I did fill up a little.... ha ha!

Can't wait till London next week - though he seems to have forgotten that the last time he was in Manchester was October 1985! Maine Road certainly wasn't his last 'gig' in Manchester!

Though this slight err has taken nothing away from his performance tonight - what a versatile performer - can turn his hand to any kind of song.  Intimate with the audience - more rapport with the audience than norm.

Shame his encore wasn't 'more', when you see the show you'll know what we mean - though he admitted that he had only just (how just not sure!!) arrived in the UK - ie jet lagged.

He's still a - how can we put it? - but my oh my he gets to us still in a way no other does.... no not even our hubbies (sorry chaps!... Thank God they don't know about this website!!!! ha ha.....

Roll on London!!! See you all there!

Luv 'n' stuff

Lesley and Sandra xxxxxx


Hi Lesley, Sandra and Joy,

Well yes it was worth the wait!!! Where did those 2 hours go? Counting the days to Hammersmith now.

What did you think of security, a little over the top in my opinion, but in the end there were that many cameras going off, that they just gave up.

Went to the stage door after the concert, but David had left straight after coming off stage, while we were all waiting and shouting for more, he sped off in a black Mercedes. He could have hung on a couple of minutes, there wasn't that many of us.

I managed to get his song list that he taped to the stage floor, The Last Kiss was dropped for Mack The Knife and Ricky's Tune. I loved Try A Little Tenderness, but would have liked to hear Cry, don't suppose he can do them all though.

Does anyone know who the professional photographer was?

OK, best moments in the show were, Tenderness, Rock Me Baby, and when he held my hand so tight, looked straight into my eyes and sang I Think I Love You. He's a wonderful performer, very professional in what he does (anyone notice the bit of a strop he had when the amp was playing up on his guitar?) He said he was jet-lagged, but gave the best performance I've ever seen him do.

See you all in London, got my pics developed this morning,  only about 10 out of the film were really good. I'll have to learn how to use my camera better, before next week.



Hi Mandy!
It was a really great concert I thought and he held my hand for a line in "I Think I love you". For me that was just the ultimate moment!! I wouldn't have liked to have been the sound engineers on stage - he was pretty stressed with them at some points! I agree with you about the Bouncers - very heavyhanded and over the top. He seemed blown away by the amazing reception he got. His voice was just fabulous though wasnt it? You did well to get the song list- was it hand written? Maybe he will stay a little longer at Hammersmith when he is not so jetlagged.

It was really nice to meet you by the way- I think I remember seeing you on a train after "BloodBrothers" one Saturday evening when he was performing in London- I remember because you had a programme in your hand and I realised where you'd been. Anyway looking forward to London!
See you there.



Hi there! DC was brilliant. We had very goods seats and a good view of him. He is really well for his age.  He sang a mixture of old and new songs. When he sang I Think I love everyone went wild.  My favourite was Could it be Forever and I must admit I shed a tear.  It was the best night out I have had for ages. I bought a programme and a t shirt. Well worth it.  If I had tickets I would go the London show next weekend but never mind, last night will stay in my memory forever.

NO 1 Dc fan


David came on stage at 8pm wearing tight black trousers and a gold shirt--- he looked fantastic! He opened with "I can feel your heartbeat" and got the most amazing reception.He seemed genuinely surprised. Everyone was on there feet shouting and cheering.

He then sang  "Summer Days", "I woke up in love this morning", "I'll meet you halfway" and "I write the Songs".

David said he was jet lagged after a 19 hour flight but he certainly didn't show it ,although a couple of times he wasn't with the sound.

A 10 year old girl caught his eye and he chatted to her and joked about knowing the perfect 10 year old boy for her!! He also chatted to the audience about how he thought of his fans as his extended family and how grateful he was for our support over 30 years.

I loved "Lying to Myself" (he said this song got him back on track)--it was wonderful live. Also "Rock me Baby" got everyone on their feet."Rickys Tune", "Cherish", "Could it be forever" and "Ain't no Sunshine" followed--- but not necessarily in this order!!

We had brilliant seats, row 10, but dead central and I swear he was looking and smiling at me!! He just oozes charm and sex appeal! "Tenderness" was very special and very emotional.

David had no support act but he did sing "River deep ,mountain high" (I think!) with Candace Davis-Martin. She also sang one song herself so David could change. He returned wearing a white shirt. He also sang "Mack the knife", as he was briefly Johnny Flamingo!

David joked about getting electrocuted when he split water near the microphone  and I yelled "We're nurses -- we'll help!", but don't think he heard me! He also had some fun with a couple of pairs of knickers thrown on stage -- then turned round and showed us his cute bum when someone asked to see it!!

He also sang "C,mon get Happy",and "Hollywood nights". He introduced his band to us and asked us to applaud them. Finally just as I thought it was over he sang what he called his "anthem" - "I think I love You". The crowd went mad -- some people got to hold his hand but security were abit O.T.T and pushed us back which was disappointing. His final song was my favourite ever "How can I be sure" and I went wild!!

The lighting was also brilliant,I loved David's red guitar and overall it as a fantastic night -- pity security were abit heavy handed, but we had an awesome night and David still does it for me big time!! He's an amazing performer and just gets better and better.
Roll on London --------!!

Nicky H.

November 10, 2001: Bolton Evening News (Bolton, England UK)

David's a darling - 30 years on

By Karen Stephen 

The last time I saw David Cassidy in concert I was wearing my very best clothes - a rather fetching ensemble consisting of pale blue fake-fur bomber jacket, petrol blue parallel trousers and the highest pair of metallic blue platform clogs ever. 

Thankfully last night my best clothes had grown up a little. But then, I suppose, so have I. 

However, as soon as the love of my youth stepped on stage I, along with a theatre-full of other 40-something women, was transported back to the days when I would spend hours in my bedroom, reading David's column in Fab 208 and putting his Cherish LP on replay .. again. 

It's been 30 or so years since this Partridge Family heart-throb graced our shores but he still looks good. Yes the famous shaggy hairstyle has disappeared and in its place rests a somewhat bouffant hair-do but, it was still our darling David up there and I was surprised to discover he actually has a jolly good voice. 

I had never heard him sing before, I was always screaming you see. 

And I have to admit to doing a bit of the old yelling last night, especially when he launched into the oldies we all wanted. Pity he insisted on intercepting it with bits of his Las Vegas-style shows which came across a tad shambolic I thought. 

However he did not let us down completely and the strains of Could It Be Forever, Cherish and I Think I Love You soon echoed round the Apollo. 

And with an encore of the spine-tingling How Can I Be Sure there wasn't a dry eye in the house. 

But the night was for all those women who, probably like me, had been waiting for years to see their idol again. We had been waiting for him to transport us back in time even if only for a couple of hours, to those days when our only money worries were finding the 50 pence for his latest single and we thought a spare tyre was something our dad had in the back of his Ford Capri. 

And as my poor bewildered husband sat and watched his wife lip-synch to every memory, it happened, just like it had in 1971 - David Cassidy was singing to me and no one else! 

November 11, 2001: Glasgow, Scotland

November 13, 2001: The Herald (Glasgow, Scotland UK)

David Cassidy, Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow

     By John Williamson

The  problem  here,  and  it  is evident from the opening bars of I  Can  Feel Your Heart Beat, is that  the limitations imposed by out-and-out   pop  music  -  the clothes,   the  tunes,  and  the words  -  do not sit comfortably with the 50-plus performer. 

As  part of an unlikely comeback that  has  yielded  a  top-10 Greatest   Hits   album   and  a sold-out  tour, Cassidy at least seems  aware of the absurdity of  the  situation. He pulls all the pop-star  poses,  but repeatedly tries  to  disguise  them  in  a  combination  of self-deprecating asides  and  corny  showmanship, picked  up  on the Vegas cabaret circuit,   where   he  has  been earning   his  crust  in  recent times. 

In    purely   physical   terms, Cassidy has aged well, and this, more  than the music, allows him to  strike  up  a  bond with his  older,  though  not  all  wiser, seventies  teen audience. By the time  his  shirt is fully opened during  the  encore,  there is a gentle  rush  towards  the stage and  opera  glasses are utilised in  even  the  front  rows for a better look. 

The   desired   impact   -  some screaming   women  -  is consolidated  by  some anecdotes that centre on nostalgia for the early seventies and his hometown of New York.

He even manages strategically to position his biggest hits in the set. I Write The Songs, Cherish, I  Think  I Love You, and 1985's comeback  single,  The Last Kiss elicit  the greatest enthusiasm, but,    unlike   many   of   his contemporaries, Cassidy  seemed to   be   bypassed  by  anything resembling  a  truly classic pop song. 

It is padded out by instrumental sections, highlighting the technique-over-feel   nature  of the band, and a brief foray into  soul  that  is truly calamitous.  Though   the   backing   singer,  Candace   Davis-Martin,  redeems  River  Deep  Mountain  High  and Rescue Me. 

Cassidy's  heavy-handed  take on Try    a    Little    Tenderness epitomises  the problem with the show. He may be entertaining for a  while,  but  he  is  utterly, utterly soulless. 

November 14, 2001: Newcastle, England

November 15, 2001: The Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England UK)

We wish this could be for ever - say fans

David Cassidy fanatic Linda Robinson's dream came true last night when she met her idol - thanks to the Chronicle.

The Gateshead mum chatted to the 1970s pop heartthrob before his sold-out Newcastle City Hall gig, and, in the words of one of his biggest hits, told him: "I Think I Love You."

It was the culmination of a 30-year dream for the schools' drugs advisor, who entered a Chronicle competition an incredible 943 times to meet the star!

And although she didn't end up the winner, Cassidy personally invited her, to go backstage.

Linda gave the singer flowers, but was denied a kiss - as it would upset his stage make-up!

"It's a dream come true. I can't thank the Chronicle enough," she said. "I can't really remember what David said to me, but he did say he thought it sweet I brought him flowers, and he signed a poster for me.

"He was much skinnier than I thought - but I still love him! I just wish I could have kissed him."

Linda, 44, of Low Fell, was joined backstage by her cousin Julie Davis, of Lobley Hill.

She was still hoarse today after the gig. "I was like a goldfish throughout the show. I was just screaming and couldn't speak," she said.

"Gary, my husband, just thinks I'm sad, and my son Jonathan, 11, can't believe I can't remember what he said to me," Linda said.

Also backstage was our competition winner, Gillian Bainbridge, 42, of Whitley Bay, who also won front row tickets to the gig with her friend Deborah Brown.

"When I went to see him in 1974 in London and Glasgow, he was like a dot in the distance. He was right above me this time around, a fantastic view, so thank you very, very much," Gillian said.

The atmosphere at the City Hall was electric when Cassidy, 51, took the stage.

Most fans were women of a certain age who needed no encouragement to step back in time with the man who used to adorn their bedroom walls.

Cassidy didn't disappoint, and by the end of the night, underwear and flowers were being hurled on stage at him.

He sang all his old hits, including I Think I Love You and Cherish, as well as new tracks.

"Everyone was singing along, but the old songs got the best response," said long-time fan Lorraine Watts, of Wallsend.

November 16 - 17, 2001: London, England

November 18, 2001: The Independent (England UK)

Could it be for ever?
Cassidy fans think so

By Simon O'Hagan

It was hard to imagine Jackie Roberts, a respectable 41-year-old mother, being hosed down by security guards as she and her friends tore at the fence that separated them from their heart-throb David Cassidy. But that was more than 25 years ago, when Cassidy was one of the biggest teen idols pop music had ever known, and the young Jackie was part of the hysterical throng at White City. Now she was back to swoon over him once again and relive the thrill of an early 1970s girlhood.

"I was a mad person, screaming and crying," Mrs Roberts recalled outside the Apollo Theatre in Hammersmith, west London, on Friday, where Cassidy, now 51, was giving the first of two London concerts that were the culmination of a short British tour, his first for 16 years. "It was his face," Mrs Roberts said. "His eyes. Oh and you mustn't forget his lovely voice."

When 1970s revival acts come along – and hardly anybody who was anybody then has failed to capitalise – they often attract a sizeable number of newer fans, the curious offspring of the people who loved them the first time round. Not David Cassidy. The narrow demographics of Friday's audience – almost exclusively women in their early 40s – spoke of an act that still commands a huge nostalgic following but could surely never enjoy wider appeal. A few women had brought their daughters along, having apparently convinced them that Cassidy had been the Robbie Williams of his day.

"I thought he was excellent," said 11-year-old Natalie, whose mother Brigette, 42, had been deemed too young to see Cassidy 30 years ago. Her friend Ali, who had her 12-year-old daughter Yasmin with her, said she had dreamt she would marry Cassidy; even today she hadn't forgiven him for finding someone else. "I still wouldn't say no."

After a string of hits and the phenomenally successful TV series The Partridge Family, Cassidy turned his back on stardom when he was still in his mid-20s. There were the almost obligatory lost years of drink and drugs, but by the standard of many contemporaries he could hardly be described as one of rock's casualties. His acting career took him to the West End in the 1980s, where he played in Willy Russell's Blood Brothers, and he has latterly starred in a Las Vegas show that has put him in the Barry Manilow class.

Cultural historians don't get much mileage out of a figure whose blandness and sweet smile may have been just what was required after dark excesses of the late-1960s music scene. In The Seventies: The Age of Glitter in Popular Culture, a terrifically earnest collection of essays, Cassidy rates only a passing mention, for his role in "the domestication of rebellion".

Nobody at the Apollo on Friday looked as though they had gone in for too much street protest, and Cassidy was likewise true to a self that was nothing more and nothing less than consummate entertainer, mingling romance, charm and self-deprecation in roughly equal measure. He laughed at himself, and he managed to laugh with an audience without ever making them feel embarrassed by their memories. "We want David," they cried, and he noted that their voices had dropped an octave since he was hearing screaming like that in his heyday.

He looked great, younger than his years, in untucked shirt and neatly pressed jeans. And the songs, and the voice, stood up well. "Could It Be Forever?" "I Think I Love You", "Cherish" and "How Can I Be Sure" – testaments to teenage doubt in matters of the heart that took 3,500 people back to a time of sexual awakening. In an act of homage, a pair of knickers was duly thrown at him.

For Stephanie Currie, 44, a veteran of a Cassidy concert at Wembley in 1972, there was only one regret – that a lack of space made her sell her collection of David Cassidy LPs about 20 years ago. So she's been unable to listen to David Cassidy all these years? "Oh no," she said. "I just download the stuff off Napster." 

Before I start, I'd like to say a big 'hello' to all the wonderful fans I managed to meet over the two nights at Hammersmith. To Joy, Nicola, Chris, Mark, Jan, Karen, Christiane, Elke, Lynn and Irene. Everyone was so friendly, showing photos, sharing memories and stories,exchanging phone numbers, hope we all keep in touch through sites like this and also Lynns UK site.

OK, Friday night.....
Arrived at the Apollo at 7 o'clock to see David's name up in lights with large posters with 'sold out' slashed across them, plenty of tickets were still available through the touts (how do they do it?)the auditorium opened at 7.15 with strict handbag searches!!!my friend and I had row C, to the right of the stage, the concert started around 8.10pm, the seats in front of us were empty, so we got to the front of the stage really easily, as soon as David came on to Heartbeat, everyone was up dancing singing claping and waving, the playlist was similar to Manchester only he included CC Rider, No Bridge, Last Kiss and Cry, security would not allow fans to give David flowers, but he did take a cuddly toy when singing Cherish, He ran along the edge of the stage, shaking hands with as many people as he could,

He talked about his Gold Disc for Then and Now, that he had recieved that morning also he said Ain't No Sunshine, should be released tomorrow, he also talked about Sept 11 in NY and he thanked his record company for giving him the opportunity to come back here again..

He had tight shiny jeans and an ivory velour type shirt on, half way through he changed to a mustard shirt, by the second half, the audience were really going for it, girls shouting 'I love you David' (no, it wasn't me) knickers were thrown, he picked a pair up, that had his picture on, he really enjoyed inter-acting with the crowd, by now cameras were flashing away, the 2 hours flew by again, he finished with I.T.I.L.Y. and ran the length of the stage slapping hands as he went.  After a couple of minutes of screaming and shouting for more he ran back on and did How Can I Be Sure, there were quite a few tears, he left stage again and came back and sang Cry, he puts everything into this song, he left the stage again, and after more cheering, he came back and finished with Hollywood Nights.

As the lights came up, I called over to the drummer(Eddie) and asked him if I could have David's towel, and the sweet sweet man said 'sure' and brought it over for me, he also gave us his drumsticks, the towel was quite wet, and had David's stage make up on it, I coudn't believe my luck.!!!

We hung around at the stage door, but no sign of David.

And if you think that sounded exciting, wait until you read about Saturday Night!!!!!!

Saturday Night

Arrived earlier, around 6.30, where there was already a large crowd around the foyer, at the bar, buying t-shirts, posters and programmes. We had a brandy (to warm us up and calm us down!!)

At 7.15 the doors opened to the auditorium, we went and sat down, looking around and trying to remember faces, waving to each other, as the lights went down, Sue and Beau were ushered in by security, they were on around Row D, Beau looks like David, Sue looked really happy, hugging friends and fans, and Beau was shaking hands.

David ran on stage to 'heartbeat' and everyone jumped out of the seats, there was quite a surge down the aisles to the front of the stage, he shook hands with fans, some wouldn't let go, he had his ivory shirt on, and the play list was the same as Friday, David said he had wanted to come back here for so long, and talked about going to Australia, and Europe next year, he thanked alot of friends and colleagues, he also thanked his family.

Half way through David changed into a shiny black shirt, which he looked gorgeous in, when he sang Rock Me Baby, I looked across and Sue and Beau were up dancing and singing, in fact they were up joining in with the fans all night, When he sane I.T.I.L.Y. he pointed at Beau.

Cameras were flashing all around the theatre, but security were alot more relaxed about photos, they had enough to do trying to get fans to return to their seats (no chance).

A huge pair of knickers were throw on the stage with NOW printed on, he held them up with a skimpy pair and said 'That was THEN this is NOW, The crowd were very noisy, lively and occasionally shouting out when he was trying to tell us things, in the end he gave up and said 'I'll just shut up then' and grabbed his guitar, it must be so annoying for him when he's talking and some idiot shouts out 'David, I Love You' I mean,I'm sure he's heard that one a thousand times already, I know we're all hyped up and excited but GOD, let the man speak!!!

After 3 encores the same as Friday, he left the stage, and as people started to leave, we got down to the front of the stage, where fans had left letters, cards and flowers, I looked up and Beau came walking onto the stage, and he went to the front and signed fan's programmes, he was loving every minute, it was so comical to watch, he is adorable.

We decided to go to the stage door again, we stood around chatting to fans, when after about 45 minutes there were screams and cameras flashing, I looked up and David was on the balcony above the stage door!!!!He asked us to be quiet (which took a while)and he said ' I just want to tell you I really love you and I promise that I'll be back in the Spring' he talked about touring Europe and Australia, He applauded us all, waved and blew kisses (yes, I cried), then Beau came out, and they gave one another a massive hug, Beau waved and smiled, then they went back inside.

After another 30 minutes, David came out again and shouted jokingly 'GO HOME', Sue and Beau both joined him, and they all waved goodnight.

As fans started to drift away, someone heard he was getting ready to leave we dashed round to another exit, and after about 10 minutes David's car pulled out of a different exit, the chaffeur pipped his horn, and David had his window fully down, he had his arm out of the window and waved to us all and shouted 'BYE' It was a wonderful end to a great couple of days.

Finally, I just want to say hi to Mandy H, who I spent the weekend with, Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. SEE YOU IN THE SPRING


(Photos taken by Patty den Dekker, Holland)

Hi to everyone that was at the Apollo last night (Sat) especially Agnes and Mandy -it was great to meet up with you! Mandy - you amaze me I can't get my head around all that happened last night, things are still coming back to me now but here's a quick version of my night!!

What a night it was! Manchester was fantastic but his was extra special because ut was the last night. It was lovely to see Sue and Beau there.We got a wave from Sue!

The place was rocking from the start and David was astounded by our singing abilities again! We'd been told cameras weren't allowed but no one was stopping anyone, security were much more friendly! My friends and I got to the front from Row 5 at the start and stayed there! I got to touch David's hand 3 times during different songs and it was a dream come true! I can't remember the order of songs but he opened with "I can feel you heartbeat" and then sang "ccrider", "Rock me baby", "Daydreamer", "The last kiss", "Mack the knife", "I think I love you", "Cherish", "Could it be forever", "How can i be sure" and"Cry", and probably others that I haven't remembered yet!! Bits keep coming back to me! He chatted alot with the audience alot and seemed so relaxed! He changed 3 times and did 3 encores !! No one wanted it to end!

After the show lots of people went to the stage door and chanted and sang! Finally David appeared on a balcony just above us and spent several minutes chatting to us all (once he'd got everyone quiet!!) about what we meant to him and his plans to come back for a world tour in the spring!! Oh yes! Beau also came out onto the balcony -- it was an unbeliveable experience and meant alot to us all! Earlier inside Beau had even been signing autographs!

Forgot to tell you what David was wearing! Told you things keep coming back to me! He first came on wearing a shiny white shirt and tight black jeans. He then changed into a sparkly black shirt which was very yummy and then finally for an encore he put on his gold shirt! Also I can remember him singing "I woke up in love this morning" and "Hollywood nights", both songs brought the house down and are responsible for me losing my voice!! Still haven't got it back properly! I'm not used to so much singing!! Sorry this is all abit confused but still on a David high and still remembering some details!

I have wonderful memories and lets hope it all works out and David comes back soon! I'm going to miss him! I'm going on holiday tomorrow so at least the depression may not set in for another week or so!

Love to all
Nicky H.

(Photo by Sue Dawson)


Hi Everybody!
Just want to say saw David in concert last night and about from a few moments as a new friend who shall remain nameless but I`m sure she knows who she is  (hi Cheryl) calls them (times when I just break down and cry cos its over) I`m still on a high. He was absolutely fantastic. The energy he exudes is amazing. I could have sung and danced with him all night. 2 1/2 hours was not long enough. Mind you 2 1/2 days would not be enough LOL the atmosphere was electric and David feeds on that so you can imagine what he was like, even Beau was dancing just offstage for about 15 mins at the end. Talk about keep it in the family.



Hello out there


i mean.. MY GOD!!!

I have just had one of the best nights of my life!

I was at the 17 Nov concert at the apollo.. will my life ever be the same again???

David was Brilliant.. just perfect.. fun, sexy and polished.. and excellent performance.. A night to truly Cherish ... Forever! and his voice is beautiful.

Yes, i screamed.. Yes, i cried... Yes, i sang!.. .and Yes.. i went to the Stage Door..

David Came out and spoke to us.. once everyone was quiet. He allowed Beau out too.. What a man! What a lovley caring man he is!

OOO... and we got to see him leave.. he waved us goodbye..

Yes i cried some more.. Oh.. Only one bad bit.. lots of people got stuff stolen and i was no exception. :((

I have to thank My neighbour Mary and Elaine K and her friend Christine for making it a night to remember..

Hugs to you all.. :)

Cheryl E.
who is still crying!xxx

(Photo by Sue Dawson)


November 20, 2001: The Guardian (England, UK)

David Cassidy

4 stars
Hammersmith Apollo, London

Caroline Sullivan

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be, but then neither is David Cassidy, who last weekend ventured on to a London stage for the first time in 15 years. The prototypical teen idol, now 51, has grown up and slightly out - those old size 26 flares would jam somewhere around his thighs if he tried to winch them on now - and has developed a self-mocking wryness that says, "Don't worry, I won't be doing any alarming remixes or Michael Jacksonesque attempts to be down with the young folk." Cassidy tells us he's missed the UK and, unexpectedly, the UK seems to have missed him. A string of sold-out dates and a number five comeback album, Then and Now (re-recorded versions of 23 of his 1970s hits), suggest there's a hidden corps of fans who have been biding their time until this day.

When he bounds on stage, all glossy hair and rock'n'roll splayed legs, the squeals are as shattering as if he had never left. His public may have acquired bosoms and wedding rings in the interim, but in their hearts they are 12 again, and Cassidy is still cuddly Keith Partridge, the original pop idol.

Ironically, if he were auditioning for Pop Idol, the TV series, Pete Waterman would dispatch him with withering comments about lack of star quality (Cassidy's simply too nice) - but no matter. His vocation is light entertainment, at which he's as accomplished as old rival Wacko. He's also more realistic, recognising that the additive-laden pop of Cherish and Could 
It Be Forever are not going to save the world, so he might as well have fun with them. He retains a genuine fondness for the hits, even the too-bouncy-by-half C'mon, Get Happy, which is interrupted by a pair of knickers swatting him in the knees. "These have my face on them," he drawls, not remotely taken aback by the fact that somebody has hung on to her official 
David Cassidy drawers for 30 years.

Cassidy spends much of his time in Las Vegas these days, which shows in the choice of cover versions: a zippy Mack the Knife; I Write the Songs. Vegas has endowed him with an improbable belting voice that is all the odder given his small stature. There's more of the Engelbert Humperdinck than the Keith Partridge about this mid-life Cassidy, but as far as 3,000 overheated women are concerned, he's still sex on legs.

November 22 - 24, 2001: Las Vegas, NV


OK- I've given away the punchline, but I'm still punchy from the last 2 1/2 days!

I arrived on Fri morning, about 2 hours before Meesh & Tina were due in, so I rented an electric skooter to zip around the Rio & scout locations before they got there.  By 2:30, they still hadnt come, so I left a message at the front desk that I would be at the Ron Lucas 3pm show (Ron's a ventrloquist who was the opening act for the Osmonds in Branson MO & is so funny!).  The show was at the Copa showroom (former home of At the Copa) & it was strange being there & not seeing the stage set for At the Copa.

When I got out at about 4:30, Tina & Meesh were waiting.  We went up to the room & turned on the in-house promo tv station.  Who should show up but David, in a 30-secons promo for the concert!  I waited for the next viewing (the time seemed to drag), then took a few TV captures.  We discussed what to do about dinner (nothing!), & got ready for the show.  Meesh did her darndest to try to upgrade our 6th row seats for Tina & Gail, who traveled from England, but no luck.  All the comp seats were filled, with little chance of them opening.

We went down to the Theater at around 8:30 & met the rest of the ladies.  It was great fun meeting all the names from the lists 7 putting faces to them.  Carol made us fantastic I (heart) David Cassidy T-shirts. (Thanks C!)

David's concert was brilliant.  He opened with Heatbeat, then went into CCRider/Jenny Jenny.  Another new song was Aint No Sunshine, which sounds fantastic Live!  He closed with Hollywood Nights.

One lady (who will remain nameless, for the sake of friends & family) threw a red thong panty up on stage!  He wore it on his head a bit, then hung it on the mike stand. Sue was there in the crowd, laughing!  She got up & boogied in her seat to Rock Me Baby with all of us, but it almost didn't happen.  Some security guards (who must have been in their 70's!), in their white shirts & black bow ties, tried to force the fans to sit down when RMB started.  David saw this & told them to "let them stand up" to which we all cheered!

When David was singing Cherish, a young girl came up to the front of the stage & caught Davids eye.  When he was singing to her, he held the mike down & she sang along.  It was so sweet.  She said she was 12.

I ran up to the stage at ITILY, but didn't get there fast enough & David passed right over me.  I thought to myself, "wait til Tomorrow".  Boy was I right.............................

I was disapointed that David didn't sing any patriotic songs in Vegas.

After the show, Gail, Carol, Tina, Meesh & I went up to the voodo Lounge at the top of the Rio.  There was a line around the corner, but when the guard spotted my electric skooter, we were allowed to the head of the line!  I didn't even have to pay the cover charge.  Meesh commented that I should go with them everywhere!

We had a view on the outside deck &  it was a gorgeous night.  I was too chilled & went back to the room early.  Meesh & Tina showed up about 2:30.  They finally drifted off to sleep, snoring in unison, about 3:30.

After we got up about 10 & tried to decide what to do.  We thought about hiitting the strip, when  Christine & her husband called & we decided to meet them for brunch at the World Buffet.  We made reservations for dinner at buzzios for dinner, & shopped around the masquerade village until they showed.  None of my photos turned out (I'll never use this camera for
non-flash photos again!), so that was disapointing.

Unfortunately, after the buffet, Meesh wasn't feeling too well, so we just collapsed in the room.  It started pouring rain, so it was a good thing we didn't go out.  At least we could rest up for the night ahead & from the previous night.

I started getting ready & found the skirt I wanted to wear was ripping at the zipper.  Luckily, I had a "back-up" outfit ready, so it worked out.

We left ar 6:45 & got into the restaurant right away.  The ladies ordered "Sexual Trances" (a red & green layered drink) & I ordered lemonaide & linguine primavera (the only non-seafood item on the menu- I'm not a big seafood fan).

I hung out at the theater for awhile & met up with Sherry from the Shaun Chat list, & a few more ladies from the lists.  There was a lady with a hat with a stand-up photo of David from the Copa show mounted on the top.  I took a photo of it too.  Both Sue & Beau were there & I spotted Beau talking to a few young people in the audience. I decided to take flash photos tonight, as I noticed everyone else had flash & they weren't complaining.

He was even better on the second show.  He didn't screw up the lyrics of Hollywood Nights (as he did on Friday), & he seemed to talk less & sing more. He got even more thong panties (none of them mine) including a few from names familiar to this list! (no names please-I'll let them come forward).

After changing my second roll of film, the battery died, so I just enjoyed the last of the show (photos posted in the Gallery section).  I decided to get to the front of the stage before ITILY started, & when he saw me, his eyes opened wider & yes HE REACHED OUT & CARRESSED MY LEFT CHEEK!  It was a sweet gesture.  I went back to the seat & stood for Hollywood nights.

After the show was over, I approached the stage, hoping to get a copy of the set list, but someone beat me to it.  I asked the guard if there were any other souvenieers back there & they came back with one of David's guitar picks!  Wahoo, what a night.  It was instantly absorbed into the depths of my purse.

I went back to the room while the ladies went to Martinis.  I got my two rolls of film & was able to get them developed in 45 mins, ready to take home, as I was leaving early in the morning.

Sunday, I was out to the van at 8.  I was able to get the last copy of Showbiz weekly, as they were already putting out the new ones.  They were really stingy with them, they seemed to take out the extra stands.  I managed to get ahold of 3 copies total, & an extra copy of Whats on. It was a fast weekend, after 5 months of planning & waiting.  What was even better was meeting a bunch of great DC fans!

(Visit Cheryl's site at http://cassidyfanclub.homestead.com/index.html)


The only thing wrong with my vacation was lack of sleep and waiting in long lines.  I couldn't believe the line at the seafood buffet at the Rio.

I got into Vegas around 10:00 am pst  on Friday.  I waited in line for check in for about 1/2 hour and I was hungry.  After I checked into my room I went over to the Rio to get my tickets.  Front row seats for both nites.  I will never be this lucky again.

I don't have much to add to Cheryl and Carol's story except on Friday David sang to a young girl age 10 or 11 during Cherish.  She was singing every word with him, forehead to forehead.  He was so cute with her.  And the look on her face, reminded me of my teen years.

And the underwear David received.  On Friday, one of them he got was for one of the members in the band.  He put one on his head, and then placed it on the mike during his songs.  I love how he sits down and just talked to all of us.

And, to Carol, you do girl, for having the guts to caress David's leg like you did.  And your husband is great, taking our picture, listening to us go on about David.  He is a keeper.

I got to meet a lot of new fans, some who aren't on the list.  I passed out the business cards that I made for Lynn.  Hopefully we will have some new people on the list.  Want to say hi to Cheryl, Tina, Meesh, and Gail, and oh, yes, Carol, and Suzi, and Michelle.  It was so good to finally meet up and match the faces with the names.  Also met Sherry from Shaun list and the lady with the hat.

David was awesome, and he is so funny.  There were times, like on Saturday, you could see him getting a little frustrated with his guitar not working, he kept looking back at the band, like let's get it going here.  And he also mentioned on Saturday about how we can't hear these things, but he can, and he heard one person going to the restroom, literally, and also someone looking for the restroom.  Too funny.

And my hats go off to David for telling the security guards to let us stand up.  You go, David.  These security guards really wouldn't have been able to stop us, though.  They were older men.  One part on Friday, David jumps off the stage to talk to this guy on the right of me, telling him, that if he doesn't get up and move and clap, he was going to come over to him.  Then I wondered how was David going to get back up on stage.  The security guard got up, and David stepped up onto the chair onto the stage.  And that guy did get up and clap.

I felt younger than nite.  Friday I was up over 26 hours straight.  I lacked sleep, more than I could get caught up with.   I never stayed up that late, even when I was a teenager.

As Cheryl said, no American songs.  He did do Ain't No Sunshine and Hollywood Nights, which I love.  Cherish is still my favorite.

That is all I can think of.  I know what everyone meant by being in a David fog.  It took me days to remember everything that I could of what happened.



It was a weekend to remember, that's for sure!  We arrived in Las Vegas on Friday morning, but found out we couldn't check into our hotel until 4:00.  So my husband and I drove around, ate lunch, and cruised over to the Rio to pick up our show tickets.  When the box office lady showed me the seating chart, and said "you're right here, front row!" I just got teary-eyed and Norm knew he was in for quite an evening LOL!  I had Norm take pics of me in front of David posters around the casino and then we left to go get ready.

Around 7:00 we headed for the Rio and intended to eat dinner there, but every place had a huge wait and we ended up not even having dinner.  I was too nervous to eat anyway.  We headed into the "Samba Room" around 8:15, the show was to start at 9:00.   I about PIMP when I saw my seat.  It was no more than 3 feet from the stage, and in the very center.  OMG, now I just have to wait... and find the "list girls".  There were a few girls at the end of the front row, I asked them if any of them belonged to a DC chat?  One said yes, and it turned out be Charmaine!  I was so happy to find her, and right down the row from me.  So I found my first "list girl", yay!  We laughed together about how close we were, and how unbelievable it was to be in the front row.

My heart was pounding a million miles an hour....hurry up time...where are the other girls....OMG....my husband is getting the camera ready.....

Soon I see Meesh, Tina, Cheryl and Gail come in.  They are 5 rows behind me.  I run back there and we chat nervously and I give them the t-shirts I had brought.  The room is starting to fill up so I go back up front.

Right before the show starts I see Dawn in the row right behind me.  I give her a t-shirt and we wait some more... The girl next to Dawn says "are you Carol?" and I find out she's Michelle!  Well, this is going great!  We wonder where Suzi is, and finally she comes down front to say hi.  There was an empty seat next to my husband, and Suzi decided to just stay there until
someone came and claimed it, which they didn't, so Suzi got to stay in the front row too.  OK David, WE ARE READY.

The lights dim and the band starts....OMG...Candace and Lisa come out on the right side....then Lisa says "let's give it up for David Cassidy" and the time is here.

David ran out, and ran to the edge of the stage, not more than 3 feet in front of my face.  I am literally looking up at a 45 degree angle right into David's face.  I couldn't have possibly been closer unless I was on stage!  I'm shaking now...my husband is glancing over at me again and again, because I'm all teary-eyed and I just keep going OH MY GOD!

There were security guards in chairs at the end of each aisle at the very front.  The audience was very well behaved until Rock Me Baby started.  Suzi looked at me and said LETS STAND UP and we did.  Here came security....we need to sit down.  David looked at the security guy and said "OH LET THEM STAND!!" and from then on, whoever wanted to come down front, they let them, and everybody danced and stood in the aisles.  (I kinda thought it was neat that the old security guys didn't put up a fuss.  They looked kinda amused over the whole scene!)

OK, here comes my best part:

While David is talking with the audience (he has the sexiest voice, and he just loves to talk to the audience), I'm thinking, man, he is so close to me I could touch him.  Maybe I will.  He won't notice.

So I bent forward and touched the tip of his shoe.  He STOPPED talking and looked directly down at me.  I put my hands over my face and said "Sorry....you're just SO CLOSE to me, I couldn't STOP myself...." and David said "WELL DON'T STOP THERE!"  and people laughed, and I thought, well, he asked for this....and I grabbed his pants leg and rubbed it up and down up to his knee (and no further, I swear) and David laughed at that too, and I just sat back in my seat and started crying!!

Norm is looking at me unbelieving....the show goes on.

As David is singing I Think I Love You, everybody stands up and rushes to the stage.  He's shaking hands all up and down the stage.  When he gets to me, he shakes my hand, and I hold on for just one extra second, and then, am I dreaming???? David bends down and puts his forehead to mine.  David Cassidy's forehead touched mine. As he was holding my hand.  Did I dream that?  Norm didn't get a picture, it happened too fast. I'm pretty sure it happened.

Backing up a little, when David sang Tenderness, and got down on his knees, OMG, he was PUMPING right in front of me....later my husband said "I was scared you were going to grab him during that song" and I thought "so was I." (Both shirts that David wore during the night were not tucked in, so Mr. Happy did not make an appearance)    :(

After the show several of us went to a restaurant & talked & showed each other pictures.  Suzi had some great pics from Phoenix, which I definitely wanted to see since I was there too.  We didn't get back to our room until 2:30 am and even then I couldn't even sleep.

It was such a fabulous night, I still feel like I'm dreaming.  I'll tell you about the Saturday show later.  Hope I didn't ramble too much here.



I did not see concert reviews from local newspaper or from Rio.  Unfortunately, I only saw them in Showbiz  (dated November 18, 2001 with David Cassidy on the cover) and What's On in Las Vegas (dated November 13 to 26, 2001 with Macy Gray on the cover) magazines.   I had harder time getting Showbiz magazine than I did with What's On in LV magazine.  I got my copy of Showbiz magazine from other DC fan at the concert.  I saw there are some What's On magazines on the rack as late as yesterday afternoon, and planned to take some home.  Unfortunately, it rained like hell.  I decide to pick them up today or tomorrow.  If you happen to be in LV area now and want to pick this up before you go home tonight, you could go to Round's Table Pizza at Sahara and Ft. Apache (many miles west from Sahara Hotel and Casino).  The best bet is to use your rental car or take a bus to Sahara and Ft. Apache, and then ask people around where the Round Table Pizza is.  Don't use taxi cab from the Strips area to this area.  It is more expensive Round trip than using rental car.  It is at the back of Rite Aid and close to the movie theater.
        The Rio Hotel did the publicity for David Cassidy at last minute, just like few days before Thanksgiving that about two weeks ago, some staffs there did not even know that he would be performing on Thanksgiving weekend.  I had to ask front office for ticket information, because staffs at other departments were not aware of his concert.  I finally saw David Cassidy concert publicity on the marquee, inside the Rio Hotel, and newspaper the day after Thanksgiving.  I'm not sure if they had it on earlier in the week because I was busy with my classes and my job.  I know that the Rio Hotel did not have anything on David the week earlier (I came in on Thursday, November  15 with the hope I could catch any magazines that should have articles and pictures of David Cassidy).  I only managed to find ones in What's On in LV magazine.
        I came to the concert on Friday night, and glad that I did.  I choose the right night because I heard from other fans that he performed longer on Friday than he did on Thursday, and that he was very happy with his Friday concert.  I happened to talk to the ones who went to his concert on both Thursday and Friday nights.   I also had chance to meet Sue Shifrin and introduced her to myself.  She told me that she was glad that I came and thanked me for coming.  She told me that there will be concerts next year, and I told her that I will come back.  I recognized some faces of fans I know from online, but did not get chances to talk to them as I wanted to.  I hope to see them again in next year concert.  I'm glad that I had chance to meet her.
        I did not bring my camera with me so I did not take pictures that night.  I only have concert program book, my ticket, and several pieces of written materials that I plan to put in my website within the next few months.  Maybe after Christmas.  I will be busy between now and Christmas, so I will not have much time to scan pictures, upload them to my website, and then update some materials.   I did not see anything about the Lake Tahoe concert in LV newspaper.  My best bet is to check on Reno Gazette  (I'm not sure if I had the correct name for Reno area newspaper) or Sacramento Bee.  I will check them myself within the next few days or you could check them, and let us know.  Hopefully they will give David better publicity.  If I see something, I will try to let you know or you could check Las Vegas Review Journal, Las Vegas Sun, and www.lasvegas.com online.  For those who went to DC concert on Friday, I hope you had great time and that some of you had chance to touch him.  I tried to get in front to shake his hand, but he was already done.  I had chance to stand close to him when he sang his last song.  He looked monumental and bigger to me when I saw him upstage.  Did you feel the same way?

