This page will feature quotes from Jimmy himself or his characters. Email me any other Jimmy quotes you have!
From articles about Jimmy~
"When I first came out to L.A., I didn't really date anyone. I had culture shock. I just thought, 'Wow, the girls are so liberal here.'" - from Teen Movieline, Summer 2000
"The thing that would drive me crazy is not having my own life." - on Stardom.
"There are people who are incredible because they're sending letters and watching your career and you don't even know who they are." - on Reaction to fan websites.
"Do I look like I'm wearing blue contacts?" - after seeing a site which claimed he wears blue contacts.
"They took me away, they made me dream." - on Movies.
"I was the dorky, quirky friend who was in the drama club." - on his high school years.
"I lose more jobs because I'm told I'm 'too good-looking' or 'too-clean cut.'" - on how his good looks worked against him in Hollywood.
"They're cheaper and no one's in the theater, so nobody's on their cell phones or Palm Pilots. I mean, it's nice that you can get a message anywhere, anytime, but come on!" - on Matinee Movies.
"It's terrible, but I can't help it. Should we move on?" - on his Nintendo 64.
"I'm terrible at leisure time. I'm only happy when I'm working." - on how he'll spend his break.
"Wolverine: What about harbor patrol? Radar?"
"Cyclops: If they have anything that can pick up our jet, they deserve to catch us."
"Wolverine: You actually go outside in these things?"
"Cyclops: Well, what would you prefer? Yellow spandex?" (on the X-Men's uniforms)
"Cyclops: Blast him, Storm!"
"Magneto: Send a bolt of electricity into a large copper conductor? I thought you lived in a
"Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: There are more powerful mutants out there. Why should this one be so important?"
"Cyclops: Maybe it's his way with people."
"Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: You don't like him?"
"Cyclops: How could you tell?"
"Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Well, I am psychic, you know." (on Wolverine)
"Wolverine: You going to tell me to stay away from your girl?"
"Cyclops: If I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl."
"Wolverine: Well, then I guess you've got nothing to worry about, do ya, Cyclops?"
"Cyclops: It must burn you up that a boy like me saved your life, huh? Gotta be careful. Might
not be there next time. Oh, and Logan -- stay away from my girl."