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Rufus is a fine, handsome, British actor. He acts on stage as well as burning up the big screen. The reviews of his stage performances were wonderful.

The role I really enjoy watching Rufus play over and over again is Marco Venier in the movie DANGEROUS BEAUTY.

The story of a Venetian courtesan who becomes a hero to her city, but later becomes the target of an inquisition by the Church.

I know this is not his favorite, but he did it so incredibly well. He really came across to show the emotional pain and joy that his character must have experienced. (The forced arranged marriage for the good of his country made his character only long that much more for what could never be, his love for a poetess who lost her heart to him.) Rufus did a great job with the role. He was very convincing.

Rufus as Marco Venier

Rufus is tall, dark and handsome and has that charming smile. He always shows a lot of energy and seems to throw himself in to each role.

Rufus as Marco Venier

Thank you Rufus for bringing your talents to the big screen. Although DANGEROUS BEAUTY is my favorite, I have enjoyed each role you have ever done. ARABIAN NIGHTS was awesome. I would love to hear your comments on working with a spitting camel. Best of luck with your career, you have a lot of talent and I look forward to see you in many starring roles in the future.

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