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Brokil Entertainment Presents:

Who’s The Real Gigolo?

Where:The Whole World Theater, 1226 Spring Street, NW Atlanta, Georgia
Date:Sunday, June 27, 2004
Time:2:00 pm, and 7:00 pm
Cost:$10 in advance and $15 at the the door.

Click Here for a copy of the program!!!!

Greetings! Please be our guest for a private showcase production of "Who's the Real Gigolo?" It is an inspirational dramatic comedy that is sure to make you laugh, cry, sing and think.

As you learn more about this "must-see" theatrical event, look at what others are already saying:

"Refreshingly unique... an inspiring and memorable theater event that's bold and timely."

"I laughed, cried and sang as the characters got caught up in the grand sweep of relationships between men and women."

"Fascinating new play... entertaining and thought- provoking."

Mark your calendars!! On Sunday, June 27, 2004, there will be two performances, 2:00p.m. and 7:00p.m.

Location: The Whole World Theatre at 1226 Spring Street, NW in downtown Atlanta.

Come out and support Towonda Kilpatrick in her final "Showcase for National Touring". This is the last chance to view the showcase before its "tweaked for the Fox".


Towonda Kilpatrick, Playwright & Director

Who's the Real Gigolo

Towonda KilPatrick, the playwright and director reveals clever and ironic ways of dramatizing the question, "Who's the Real Gigolo?". She brings an intimate look at relationships between men and women to the stage, while achieving an abstraction of emotion and intellect that encourages an audience to think. A cast of thirteen gives one much to contemplate, starting with the notion that conventional wisdom may not be so wise after all. Do you manipulate the one you say you love? "Who's the Real Gigolo?" makes the question relevant.

Take a sneak peek into the lives of five major characters as MomSalli, the been-there done- that elder, orchestrates their stories to make sure they proceed in the right direction. "Who's the Real Gigolo?" is a fascinating new play in which humor is the great leveler, and no one remains the same as he/she starts out to be.

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