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Season One

Episode #1 - Pawn To King Four
At Pyramid Productions, the champagne is flowing - the network has just ordered another 20 episodes of "The Sword of Damacles". But Richard Strong (Rick Mercer) won't be happy until his fortunes change. As a lowly script reader, Richard's progress at Pyramid depends on Raymond Drodge (Ron James) moving up or moving out. While Richard plots, Pyramid President Alan Roy (Peter Keleghan) and Senior Production Advisor Veronica Miller (Leah Pinsent) try to puff up the damaged ego of Damacles star (Alex Carter).

Episode #2 - Dining Out
President Alan Roy (Peter Keleghan) plans to reorganise Pyramid Pictures putting Victor Sela (Dan Lett) in charge of both the Film and the Television Divisions.

This is not good for the new Head of Television Richard Strong (Rick Mercer) or for Senior Production Advisor Veronica (Leah Pinsent). Office politics makes very strange bedfellows.

Episode #3 - A Death in the Family
Walter Franklin (Gordon Pinsent), star of Pyramid's hit family series "Beaver Creek" dies. The company's stock plummets. The perfect opportunity for Richard (Rick Mercer) to sink to his creative, Machiavellian depths.

Episode #4 - Second In Command
Pyramid's Head of Television Richard Strong (Rick Mercer) is put in charge of an under-cover cop show ordered by an American network. The "done deal" is going soft. Richard has two challenges - fix the problem; punish the guilty.

Episode #5 - The Mill Show
President Alan Roy dispatches his secretary Wanda to Buffalo to buy a new not-yet-available-in-Canada- drug. Richard Strong is yanked from the US network cop series and saddled with a "mill show". The question is: how to crank out 52 shows with no budget and no concept in four languages. The answer: with Veronica and Richard and passion.

Episode #6 - And The Winner Is...
Awards night. Who cares? Everybody. Pyramid President Alan Roy is to receive a lifetime achievement award. But tuxedos and sequins do not guarantee a good time. The dismissed Raymond returns to the company with a series idea, a good series idea. Richard oversteps his bounds. Tides are turning at Pyramid Productions.

Season Two

Episode #7 - Merger
Punished for dipping his pen in the company ink at the end of Season I, Richard (Rick Mercer) craftily maneuvers his way back to Pyramid by duping the competition, Prodigy, led by the penny-pinching CEO, Dennis Weston (Bruce Gray). Blackmail and deceit lead to a powerful merger between the two that results in a new powerhouse entertainment company, Pyramid/Prodigy.

Episode #8 - New Office
With Alan (Peter Keleghan) at the helm of the newly formed Pyramid/Prodigy, any concerns about merging these two distinct corporate cultures are dealt with quickly. Alan invites the former Prodigy staffers to a company mixer, passes out the pink slips and watches the stock soar. Richard and Victor (Dan Lett) play good cop/bad cop with the sole Prodigy television exec (Bob Martin). Little do they know that this lowly exec has yet to reveal his ace in the hole. He's Kiefer Sutherland's brother-in-law and Kiefer wants to do TV. (Kiefer Sutherland as himself).

Episode #9 - Damacles Directs
"What I really want to do is direct..."
The star of "Sword of Damacles" (Alex Carter) wants to direct. Unfortunately, walking and talking at the same time is a Herculean task for the steroid-enhanced actor. Complicating things is Alan's daughter, Siobhan (Emily Hampshire), who is guest starring in the episode. Richard is sent to the set with simple instructions: babysit Damacles and the voices in his head.

Episode #10 - Buy The Book
Why bother reading it when you can watch it? Alan and Richard jump into a bidding war for a hot literary property. Alan will do anything to stop his major competitor (Albert Schultz) from getting the rights to the prestigious book. Alan and Richard don artsy sweaters and head to the hippest literary event of the season hosted by Evan Solomon (as himself). Richard's plan is foiled when Alan ignores his advice: "Don't drink the free wine, it comes in a box."

Episode #11 - For The Children "Beaver Creek is edgy... well, turn-of-the-century edgy..."
Victor's plans to cash in on the children's merchandising game are thwarted when Pyramid's children's TV icon Captain McGee (Maury Chaykin) is caught with his pants down in a local tabloid. Meanwhile, Alan is about to land a major European sale for "Beaver Creek". A delusional German TV buyer (Andy Jones) is under the impression that "Beaver Creek" is like Dawson's Creek only edgier. All Richard has to do is make the sale, keep the Captain's true identity out of the press and blackmail the over-sexed children's entertainer into selling out.

Episode #12 - It's a Science
Flaky new age religion brainwashes and blackmails the gang at Pyramid when a former Pyramid writer (and Spirentology devotee) claims he created the profitable "Sword of Damacles" series. Alan refuses to settle, fearing that every writer that he has ripped off in the past will come out of the woodwork with their hands out. Victor infiltrates the cult, only to fall under the spell of its' enchanting and charismatic leader (Sarah Polley). Features Sarah McLachlan's hit, "I Will Remember You".

Episode #13 - Diva
A washed up American star is always better than a good Canadian star. It's Sweeps Week and Pyramid lures fading diva Dian Del Largo (Margot Kidder) to the set of "Beaver Creek". Redefining the phrase "high maintenance" , Dian serves tantrums and abuse as appetizers, with hallucinations and a complete mental breakdown as the main course. Realizing that ratings are at stake, Richard has no choice but to make the call of last resort. Master Diva wrangler Gino Empry is brought in to save the day. (Gino Empry as himself).

Episode #14 - Connect The Dots
Shifting the paradigm. Thinking outside the box. Vertical integration. Alan takes on the role of management guru and corporate buzz words pollute the Pyramid offices. Through the "Success Through Failure" management philosophy, Richard is expected to merge Kung Fu with "Beaver Creek".

Episode #15 - Life in the Woods
Executive producers. When things go well, they take the credit - when things go wrong, they spread the blame. Alan wreaks havoc on the set of "Beaver Creek" while in hot pursuit of investment money from Harold Putman (Peter Donaldson) at a charity golf tournament hosted by Peter Gzowski. (Peter Gzowski as himself).

Episode #16 - The Christmas Show
Corporate Christmas has become too expensive to swallow. In a grinch-like fit of cost cutting, Alan announces a new policy effectively canceling Christmas.

Episode #17 - Girls' Night Out
After Alan returns from a winter vacation in Jamaica, he regales "the boys" with stories of his frolics on the beach. Ignoring Veronica's pleas for a meeting, she dismisses the staff for the afternoon and takes Wanda (Jackie Torrens) and Lisa (Janet Kidder) out for an extended liquid lunch.

Episode #18 - Creative Deadline
A new temp, (Sheila McCarthy) mistakenly puts a call through to Alan from Diane Summers (Ann Medina), one of the country's most successful investigative journalists. Convinced they're the target of an expose, they plan to beat her at her own game.

Episode #19 - NATPE
It's the most important event of the year. The National Association of Television Executives (NATPE) assemble each year to sell their wares. Pyramid goes head-to-head with "the King of all Media" Moses Znaimer. (Moses Znaimer as himself).

Season Three

Episode #20 - Richard Returns
Last time it got him fired, this time it buys him a one-way ticket to Colombia, courtesy of Moses Znaimer (as himself). Richard (Rick Mercer) is in trouble again and after his helicopter crashes in the jungle, everyone at Pyramid assumes he's dead. However, opportunity knocks and Richard returns, with his trump card in hand - an epic mini series, just in time to save Pyramid from its sinking stock price and bad press.

Episode #21 - Damacles... What A Doll
After years of fighting evil Greek gods and his own evil twin, Richard, in an attempt to boost sagging ratings on Sword of Damacles, gives Damacles (Alex Carter) a side-kick named Boy. Desperate to take the first merchandising contract offered to him, Damacles sells his image to a novelty gift company that makes dolls... that are anatomically correct.

Episode #22 - Beaver Creek - The Movie
Oh those thankless, ego-maniacal child stars. You make them a star and they claim you stole their childhood. Adelle (Megan Follows), star of "Beaver Creek" drives a hard bargain when Alan plans to capitalize on their most profitable show by making a "Return to Beaver Creek" movie of the week. Clinging to what made her famous, but desperate to move on, Alan offers Adelle his ingenious new project called "Water".

Episode #23 - Ohm Dot Com
In spite of what everyone is telling him, Alan (Peter Keleghan) is convinced the Internet will go the way of 8 tracks and the Edsel. When a young, hip Internet company approaches Pyramid for their content, both Richard and Veronica (Leah Pinsent) take advantage of the possible rise in stock price and engage in a little insider trading. Meanwhile, all this talk about the Internet has made Victor (Dan Lett) want to rediscover that fountain of youth - the rave club.

Episode #24 - Wrongfully Convicted
Nothing makes better TV than someone else's misery and suffering. Wrongly imprisoned Dean Sutherland (Mark McKinney) brings his story to Pyramid. It sounds like a hit until Alan is convinced that DNA evidence can't be trusted and the former prisoner stole his new Palm Pilot. Meanwhile, competition for the new man in the office send Wanda (Jackie Torrens) and Veronica into a cat fight.

Episode #25 - Teamwork
After obsessing over a bad dream, Alan demands that Veronica organize yet another 'team building' exercise. Frustrated by a lack of cooperation, she hires an icy corporate sergeant (Sonja Smits) to whip Pyramid into shape. Meanwhile, Alan, Richard and Victor debate the finer points of the Planet of the Apes movies.

Episode #26 - Beaver Creek: Live
When the network hates the lazy, uninspired 150th "Best Of" episode of Beaver Creek, Alan backpedals by volunteering to re-shoot the period drama... live. While he and the network executive (Chas Lawther), knock back his vintage wine collection (paid for by the production); Richard, Veronica and Victor are forced to distract Miss Barnes (Jayne Eastwood) of the Family Programming Coalition, a vocal opponent to the gratuitous sex and violence in "Sword of Damacles".

Episode #27 - Alan's Diet
You can make them work late, blame them for your mistakes, but don't take away their coffee. It's nothing short of 'Mutiny on the Bounty' when Alan jumps on the protein diet bandwagon and bans coffee and vegetables in the office as a part of his New Year's Resolutions. While he engages in carnivore-crazed hallucinations to create a new 'brand' for Pyramid, the office forms a secret coffee house in Victor's office.

Episode #28 - Happiest Girl In The World
It's all about who you know, not what you know. Siobhan (Emily Hampshire) meets Kyle (Gabriel Hogan), the man of her dreams (who happens to be an actor) at a Fashion Cares benefit and threatens marriage if her flavour of the month doesn't get a shot at producing Beaver Creek. All hell breaks loose on set, the two get married and the gang at Pyramid are forced to hatch an elaborate plan to bust her greedy boy toy for his divorce settlement.

Episode #29 - Arcadia 3000
Victor and Richard are forced to babysit the womanizing German film producer, Fritz Hoffman (Andy Jones) while trying to co-produce "Arcadia 3000", a new low budget sci-fi movie about Noah's Ark in space for the international market. Meanwhile, Alan reflects about the good old days in the 80's as he records the Director's cut for the upcoming DVD release of "Prom Night at Horny High".

Episode #30 - Husband & Wife
There's something demoralizing about someone wanting to boost your morale. In an effort to address low staff morale, Alan secretly hires a husband and wife team (C. David Johnson and Cynthia Dale) to produce an internal video for staff. Veiled in secrecy, the project inspires rampant paranoia among Richard, Veronica and Victor. To determine the real objective behind the project, the gang at Pyramid attack the power couple at their weakest point - their egos.

Episode #31 - Alan's Ex
Think Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, but without the booze and the fame. Sparks and fists fly when Alan's ex-wife Janet (Jennifer Dale) comes to visit the Pyramid offices. After being ridiculed for his insipid TV programs, Alan decides to try and buy some indie credibility by offering art film director, Adam Kalilieh (Don McKellar) carte blanche for his next project. When Adam decides to produce a film about children driven to cannibalism after a plane crash and production costs skyrocket, Richard is forced to inject the project with every indie filmmaker's nightmare - corporate sponsorship.

Episode #32 - Goodbye
While Alan resolves to end the final episode of Beaver Creek by killing off the entire cast while still ending on an up note, Richard is forced to produce a commercial for a smear campaign by mayoral candidate Don Douglas (Joe Flaherty). Meanwhile, the gang at Pyramid are inundated with threatening e-mail, which foreshadows a mysterious cliff hanger ending for the third season.

Season Four

Episode #33 - The Pitch

Episode #34 - Trojan Horse

Episode #35 - Roomies

Episode #36 - Office Rumours

Episode #37 - Corporate Retreat

Episode #38 - Everyone's A Critic

Episode #39 - Beaver Creek Commercials

Episode #40 - Creative Bookkeeping

Episode #41 - Tax Audit

Episode #42 - Alan's Brother

Episode #43 - Book Of Damacles

Episode #44 - Veronica's Friend

Episode #45 - Just Another Week

Episode #46 - The War Of 1812

Episode #47 - Damacles, Time Traveler

Episode #48 - Wrap Party

Season Five

Episode #49 - Private Sector

Episode #50 - Best Seller

Episode #51 - Acquisitions

Episode #52 - People Of The Fish

Episode #53 - Babes With Blades

Episode #54 - The Skateboard Show

Episode #55 - Beaver Creek Valentine

Episode #56 - Office Flu

Episode #57 - Alan's New Studio

Episode #58 - Victor's Dating Show

Episode #59 - Bio-Pic

Episode #60 - Dock Cops

Episode #61 - Beaver Creek Jumps The Shark

Episode #62 - Richard's Brother

Episode #63 - Requiem For Beaver Creek

Episode #64 - Producer's Cut

Episode #65 - The Last Show

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