CoVid Blunders 2020


(Effective: October 1, 2019)

The following table shows how to calculate the Senior’s Supplement (SS) based on October 1, 2019 federal Old Age Security (OAS)/Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)/Allowance payment levels.

Senior's Supplement Rate Table

ERRONEOUS July 29, 2020 OAS/GIS reduction ~

(THERE WAS NO INCOME IN 2019 OTHER THAN OLD AGE PENSION and now CoVid holds & regimens fight hobby careers and nickels & dimes to make ends meet!!!

Erroneous July, 2020 GIS clawback was NOT readjusted with September 28, 2020 payment.)

2. $300 monthly aid announced for senior British Columbians on income, disability assistance during COVID-19 ~





The GST net 51.00 was not deposited into the right account (a closed Toronto account which bounced the payments), nor was the Ontario GAINS or BC Senior Supplement since May, 2020. It is questioned as to why the CPP benefits count as income and get the OAS/GIS benefit clawed back??? Apparently according to Service Canada, there will be another clawback next July from a full year of CPP benefits!! The Survivor Benefit is also (5 years?) past due.


N.B. ~ With permanent senior relocate from Ontario to British Columbia, unwarranted Scarborough, Ontario GIS clawback rate (erroneously claiming over $2000 in INCOME was received) was deposited on September 28, 2020 (B.C. senior rate is approximately $200 more a month) and additional minimal CPP benefit was not direct deposited (an obvious plot on what would have shortchanged rent payment). Upon checking the Service Canada account online, the old Toronto bank was listed for the CPP benefit. This old account had been closed. In fact, the benefits had been deposited into the new Vancouver account for the same bank for the past month or two, so this was a definite hack job. Now we cannot even change our bank deposit information with either our Service Canada or our Canada Revenue accounts online. Still no GAINS from either Ontario or BC since May (as of September 28, 2020), no Ontario Senior Drug Copayment for prescriptions since April, and no survivor benefit past due from 2014-2019 (around 220/mo amounts to approximately $10,000 lump sum).

With no past due or copayments, plus NO CPP benefit received on the September 28, 2020 benefit date, it clearly makes it impossible to make ends meet much past the October 5th GST due date, resulting in the premature death {if not received by October 9th, 2020} ~ [which almost happened October 13th] ~ caused by government short staffing as a result of 'CoVid' regimens, of this gifted Canadian born 66 year old medium of royal European descent and victim of MKUltra. (The fentanyl pain patch was on its last refill, and the limited use code was renewed by the Urgent Care Centre until next April.)

* * * * * * * * * *

FEBRUARY 14, 2021 ~ Snow flurries after spring weather in Vancouver! Something has the HAARP! BC Hydro has been disconnected since Thursday, January 28, 2021. No heat, no light, no amenities for a disabled senior in a month to month 'low rent' building. And the rent is paid. They used a cable guy because of immigration violation fines on illegal U.S. monitors. Payments have been made for December, January and February plus a reconnect fee which is not due until next month. February payment deadline is the 11th. BC Hydro office is still on lockdown with only a security and one employee at the front desk with bill payments piling up. There is no way to make payments with visa, and if the low rent senior month to month building refuses to help with the hydro payments like the high rent building did, it is not wise to give out any banking information online to make payments. Their letters say that monthly payment plans can be made, so there should be no reason for additional security deposit controls for this type of month to month only rental agreement for low income seniors. Some BC Hydro correspondence states that a security deposit is required because of past history in this unit, which is brand new, which probably means that the building did not pay their bill for the unit prior to occupation, and hydro was working for views. The heat took at least a week to work in December. Everything that happens counters the building senior charity mandates. On top of it, every time there is an attempt at U.S. internet access, a tenant gets 'EMS' or 'PD' harassment using the building manager/s and/or Canadian-born family in the U.S.

February 14, 2021 ~ Today is the coldest day this winter, first snowfall in Vancouver, B.C. And they expect a frail senior with multiple disabilities to survive no heat, light, amenities after almost 2 weeks? Voice is not admissible in court, so why can things not go in writing with hand delivery? Water main is also back between walls in building, and intermittent with outside, going all night. That very well could have caused the blackout, that together with unwarranted cable fines because of illegal immigration monitors, and/or Telus Smarthome FUSE box, which tenants cannot get into. After last episode with building manager fighting water main complaints to city (which he did nothing about to begin with), internet and/or (other tenant) cell access continues to bring harassment to senior tenants. If there is no freedom of speech in own our 4 walls with rent paid (and it's not senior rates), then why give it to porn, and why should porn channels be free?

February 14, 2021 ~ Why would B.C. Hydro make calls when everything is in writing and hand delivered to expedite after 3 months and advance re-connect payments have been made, and when it's a senior building with priority mandates, and there is no landline, just voip, and cannot reach their 800#, nor can afford to hold for hours on a prepaid cell, or standing at a pay phone on hold with back injuries after big commutes back to central area??? This is clear negligence and senior abuse, which counters the senior building mandates after even they went in reverse with no assistance? Tell me why the tenant needs to be present for entry after 3 days notice to 'clean the vents' and rent payments are made, then still get FOIB stakeouts with EMS and PD harassment while there are daily emails to the family.

A French-Israeli person in retail informed today (February 8, 2021) that Israel already has a CoVid vaccine, and that either Switzerland or Sweden does not require mandatory masks. So what is wrong with this picture, if we are run by U.N. Geneva CoVid controls as well as Sweden reverse SETI computer (mass hit) programs and it is mandatory to wear masks for purchasing/using essential services??? Communism was always illegal in North America, so our governments have gone completely illegal. And why would they barricade/shut down socialized medicine, when botox and fillers places are open for business without social distance??? (Because only money talks. That's fascist.)

Service Canada has the same problem with skeleton staff only doing telecommunutes with phones (can't even fix their website for online accounts to change banking information). Cannot even reach BC Hydro 800 customer service # because of long holds. Don't have time or budget for same with no land line. Canada Revenue letter admits to cyberattacks (see link below). So CoVid has illegal controls on province and feds, while retail, transport and production is going full force with masks. Our country clearly has a problem that they can't get to the bottom of the CoVid mandates using their deputies with U.N. Geneva as a cover. Government employees should stop using cell phones with CoVid apps for government calls and they should go back into work so we can have the services we are paying for, especially if we are low income seniors.

If BC Hydro doesn't restore, could be with Telus SmartHome setup, which building also does not help us with. It only harasses with fake repair guys and/or EMS crackpots trying to us Vancouver PD acting like it's family with building. The EMS from Thanksgiving is automating memory hacks every mid month and that was a serious attempt at self outtake, but in the ideal with all the comforts and certainly not slumming it like this has turned out to be. What a slimey thing to do to a frail senior that has been/is being erased with CoVid mandate controls. Unforgiveable, unwarranted and low class, with serious monitoring immigration violations. At least 250G plus 25 years and it automates all day long using Ark, WVa and Sweden reverse SETI program recruits that will cause the Big Crunch and World Nukes. It will certainly erase the best angel guidance and planet protects. If this New World Order tyranny continues with the hacked SETI reverse order automates it would take decades for the closest planets to return from far orbits and for leading guidance to find our planet, which by then will be nothing but debris after the Big Crunch and World Nuclear Warhead setoffs (which is even in jeopardy with daily automated simulates and pyramids). Ask any astrologer/astronomer.

Deadline for regional code change for BC Senior Supplement past due since May 2020 and BC Bus Pass was due January 18th. Still no BC Senior Supplement with January Old Age Pension. (Service Canada offices are still closed just like BC Hydro. All should be ordered back to work. A peer support caseworker with Transitional Care Centre (Police Foundation) put in a call to Service Canada in late November and not even this helped. And calls from family in the U.S. caused hacks on the TCC (PF) computer right beside their phone. Our Feds and Ministries clearly have a serious problem with illegal controls orchestrated by CoVid mandates after almost a year. If this doesn't quit soon, CoVid will be nothing but a cover for mass takeouts. Break out of it, Canada!!!l We are not run by the U.S. It is our Queen and I am sure she does not approve, nor does the ex PM Mulroney.)

JANUARY 18, 2021 ~ 50% of my monthly prepaid internet got hacked just like in December ruining m~y holiday access with my family, even with enough money remaining on the account plus additional money topped up. 70% of my computer battery is hacked, giving me 20 minutes of low speed internet then a blowout with no mobile internet for the remaining month. It is impossible to do anything with the computer plugged in. The high speed internet does not get restored with top up like a cell phone, because Canada does not have their own internet, and never did. It is run by the U.S.

DECEMBER 14, 2020 ~ the frauds at BC Hydro sent a bill last minute for $144.00 security deposit just before Christmas on a month to month low income seniors building. Couldn't login to the online account, which originally stated that bills will be online only. There wasn't even a bill for the initial $12.40 plus GST, nor did the male operator take any payments with the original call ordering the account. There was no way to pay the bill without online access. This is worse than the pyramid scheme it had with the high rent buildng. Dirty pool, especially with CoVid erases because of short staff, telecommutes, skeleton or no staff and/or temps who don't know enough. The CoVid fiasco is insane. It has eliminated our best medical with virtual (all U.S.-based), social distance and social isolation (any therapist would have said is unhealthy), as well as Asian employed front desk barricades in medical offices. And now we can't buy anything without a mask. Look around you; it's a horror picture. Worse than the Soviet Union was with lineups for bread. The press needs busts, as the stats are ludicrous, not even No. 1, 2 or 3 on the death rate list, and it should be 5th because of the electromagnetic emissions, which could kill us if we are cooped up indoors. The stats are that of nursing homes. Somebody dies every minute from something else, even accidents. (It's worse now after 9 months than it was back in March, 2020.) It killed and is continuing to kill retail, jobs, other serious conditions and continues to do so. If it continues, it will erase most of the planet. Every day a politician passes around the world (see Wiki obits). Think about it. Because of reverse Seti orders using U.N. overseas to do CoVid feeds on cell apps and in the press. Eliminate the Setis. It takes out the best planets and will cause the Big Crunch and/or nuclear disaster with continual automates pyramiding and remotes using boats taking over our governments, especially our health ministries. Chagrin. Take the communist controlled CoVid apps off our banks and the press; it's using the Deputies with governments to eliminate our pensions and other past due benefits. I wish they would wake up before it's too late. The ads giving us hope at this late stage in the game are pathetic. There will be nothing left and it will be too difficult to survive, especially without proper healthcare. Your New World Order (as predicted) is pure evil, only run by money and greed with recruited military, young and old alike with U.S.-based reverse orders, even overseas. And we know who the culprit is, using Biden/Obama as covers, and it isn't Trump (he made a good attempt at ending the CoVid b.s. feeds in the press). Our oblivious/clueless/spineless overtaken government (run by infiltrated security using earbuds and bluetooth.) should be the superpower with the phone invention treaties. [And because of being brainwashed by the media and space magnets using gps stingrays affecting our front lobes, we have zombie-like subservient masses, some because it's now the only way to buy essentials. Women can't even get a haircut or anything else without wearing a mask now. Ludicrous.] Our feds are overtaken by U.S.-based FCC and get reverse computer nukes sent by the Soviets over the CoVid and the emits. The warhead points put in reverse Seti/ARK-WVA border hacker automates (near new CIA building) are taking out the better city centres.

NOVEMBER 18, 2020 ~ correspondence from Canada Revenue Agency indicates "RECENT CYBER ATTACKS" as the reason for not receiving the proper direct deposit attachment, which was scanned and sent with 2 public net cafes.

OCTOBER 5, 2020 GST benefit was NOT received as of October 6th, 2020 by requested direct deposit, corrected and faxed to 3 Canada Tax Service Offices (Vancouver, Winnipeg and Ottawa) as well as mailed by Canada Post September 29, 2020 to address on direct deposit form. [Both Service Canada and Canada Revenue Agency 'my account' websites no longer allow direct deposit banking information updates, stating that the 'service is no longer available'. The Service Canada account website banking information was outdated, showing a closed Toronto account for the CPP benefit, rather than any of the new Vancouver bank accounts, prior to the 'no service' online, quite similar to what was experienced over a decade ago with the Toronto housing wait list online for subsidy housing applications.] ***


3. BC Senior Supplement (senior relocate) ~ past due for April, May, June, July, August, September 2020.

4. Ontario GAINS (birth province) ~ stopped in May, June, July, August, September 2020 (doubled with CoVid, yet BC is half!)

5. Ontario Senior Drug CoPayment program - (reimbursements past due from April, May, June, July, August, September 2020 for Ontario doctor prescribed medication) ~


6. BC Fair Pharmacare approved prescription copayments fluctuate back and forth with no rhyme or reason.

7. CRA - NO income tax refund paid April 2020 (Woodgreen Tax Clinic Accountant prepared) last 2 HST payments not received in 2019 prior to ODSP transfer to pension OAS/GIS.

8. Canada Federal Survivor Benefit ~ 60-65 (6 years past due)

9. Medical Needs (prior to OCTOBER 5, 2020 final HIT) ~ alternative health (insurance, chiropractic, rmt, dental, hearing aid, etc., including organics, vitamin/mineral supplements & the better buys, all put on hold with CoVid 'pandemic', a remote simulate computer electromagnetic torture/laser target/erase(with apps using the U.N. CoVid)/mass hit program (on activists) in the best city central areas ~ both Toronto and Vancouver 'mink miles' {similar to elitist Beverly Hills and artistic/New Age community Sedona, AZ in the early 90s after FCC Mass Media Bureau obscenity complaints fines} ~ instigated by Ark election campaign hackers using GPS stingrays/motion detect, MKUltra & SETI (space magnets/satellites/telescopes with CIA Langley recruits in WVA & Sweden overseas internet hqs, which now has been perfected into biowarfare nuke bombs disguised as vent cleaners which contain anthrax/talc/arsenic/pepper spray brought across the border via Kingston/Orillia tour/paddle boats and/or Buttonville Airport by Camp Borden SQUATS in Barrie, Ontario and Seattle, WA to Vancouver, BC English Bay barges. All the allies/support/defence monitors have U.S.-based secondary monitors doing the big erase.

Congrats, you have succeeded in eliminating the better MKULTRA psychic guidance networks and 'save the planet' special forces medium with your reverse SETI programs which have now put PLEIADES into far orbits so they lose sight of the planet and can no longer protect it, or do transition greets, also causing stillbirths and a BIG CRUNCH. A small reverse solar window (a serious manufacturing error detrimental to the planet) on a parked Virgin galactic high speed jet propulsion (which spins the guidance into far orbits) plane parked near the Great Big Telescope in West Virginia on the Arkansas border, which serial number has been put into reverse SETI programs using MKULTRA, has kept us in Armageddon, holocausting us into an Apocalypse and total erase with CoVid (virus simulate-turned-bioware) regimens, as well as causing nuclear warhead point resets on major city centres. In best case scenarios, it would have taken future decades to reduce all solar panels (causing big burns/fires to planets, guidance, medium) and jet propulsions to absolute minimums in order to reverse the humungous damage that has been done with the reverse SETI programs.

We all deserve to live out the end of our lives in comfort and dignity.

(if hacks)
False Halts
Lab Results
Brownie Points

back to ESTATE

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pandemic Pause!
OCD is a Mental Illness
It's 2 Seconds Past Midnight
CDC Leading Causes of Death
CoVid Tests ~ Negative Results
Proof of Virus Biowarfare ~ (Precedent)


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