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The TANTRIC PRINCESS responds...

Read a response to a recent sincere heart inquiry:


...yes, connecting with sincere hearts is the heart dance
living one's vision is the heartdance
bhakti yoga and tantra yoga are the heart dance

california tantra tends to be so watered down that i shy away from that dance...

there are sincere hearts dancing

but the heart dance for me

is something that is unmistakeable


we've spent too many days and nights, weeks, months, years, longing and yearning, searching and distracted

and then when we find that heart connection

and remain connected

even when we want to shut down

we're dancing the heart dance

our culture doesn't support it too much

it's too yin, they think

but really it requires fierce courage and boundless compassion

so i find it a worthy practice though i can fail miserably

but i simply come back

like meditation when you get distracted and gently bring your atttention back to the breath

i hope you read deida's way of the superior man if nothing else

tonight i'm going to listen to the devotional poetry of mirabai--very engaging, like rumi and kabir

then i'm doing a 24 hr christ-consciousness meditation with a group of 12 after which we'll get breakfast and then go to the hotsprings.

anyway, i went to the vedanta society when i was in college for a world religions class and the monk i sat with was so helpful for my young and overwhelmed mind.

as far as tantra...the coolest thing ive read is that when a man finds a tantric teacher, according to ancient 'tradition', he would withstand repeated rejection so she could determine his sincerity. your heart will tell you who your teacher is. buddha has been quoted as saying, though the quote is well hidden from most, that tantra is the quickest path to enlightenment, but the one most laden with pitfalls. so be aware!

all yoga leads to the same union with the divine. the hindus recognized the variety of people and hence the many branches of yoga. my path is what i devise and call bhakti tantra, because the heart is the most important. everything else seems secondary, but i'm a goddess too. warriors, according to deida, are called more to action and a mission, while goddesses preoccupy themselves with loving and being loved.

i am a mix i suppose for i have clear missions, but they ultimately don't matter as much as my heart and soul's mission in love.

ammachi is amazing and very loving. i've spent various occasions in her presence and her unconditional heart love is unmistakeable. i love practices that bypass mental or verbal distraction. i've watched how people melt into her love and lose all the superfluous confusion and return to the unifying force of the heart's love.

i have to go for now, thanks for engaging in a heartfelt dialogue.

happy spring sunshine and fragrant flowers and butterflies,

tantric princess


i've been having an interesting conversation with a man who longs to worship his goddess...

he complains that there are more men that want to worship a goddess than goddesses who are ready, willing, and able to be worshipped...

probably just a reflection of his experience.

of course, another perspective is that there are so few men who are rw&a that women are still shut down not safe enough to fully explore their goddess self...

[more duality, i know]

but i would like to hear more dialogue about the finer shades of womyn worship...

what distinguishes a femme domme from a goddess or dominatrix?

i like the radiant goddess image who is a domiinatrix without being crude.

a graceful surrender to my divine nature allows men in my sphere to submit with a deep sense of reverence for the sacred feminine in me...

i am in awe of it almost as much as they are...the magic of life as womyn!

but, like kali, the destroyer of egos for the purpose of awakening into enlightenment, i can bring my wrath against ANYONE who is blinded by their misguided ego...

to be worshipped as goddess is to be safe enough to open the portal to mystical enlightenment...and together, from my ecstasy, bringing his ecstasy, we journey through magical dimensions that awaken a much deeper awareness...that lasts for months and years, as we further our cosmic evolution...

i seek men who are strong in the world yet submit to me...they do this because i allow the most exalted wisdom to flow through me and take them places they could never take themselves, as the feminine heart is the mystic palace.

but to find, the one to take me deeper than i've ever been...ah, yes, i am still waiting...


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