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To me, Sahaja is a rather enlightened being with whom I had the pleasure of interacting with.
I learned a lot...


the heart’s gift

Beloved: The Greatest Teacher is in the Silence of the Heart. This is no ordinary silence. This is the silence of a still mind, empty mind, no mind. Feel into your heart. Let go of everything. If you trust your Heart, I will invite you to connect with me.

Sit quietly. Take slow deep breaths. Place your fingertips on your Spiritual Heart, feel. Now feel Gratitude. Keep feeling Gratitude. Let go... As you are safe within your Heart, invite me to come to you. I will reach out to touch you, to bring you deeper into your Heart. Don't look for anything with the mind. Just feel Gratitude, for no reason. Stay with it as long as you can comfortably.

We are all connected through the Oneness of our Hearts. Just slightly using the mind to tune in to someone, you can enter their energy presence and exchange gifts, so to speak. My gift to you is to point out to you, as you have created the space of emptiness, the ocean of Love that is your Home.

As you have let go of the mind enough and rest into your Beautiful Heart, you will begin to feel peace. As you stay with it, you will start to feel happiness, happiness for no reason.

And as you continue to honor your wonderful Heart and let go of the mind, you will experience Bliss, there we will meet. But there is no goal to meet me, this is all for YOU. I am nothing but your Self, playing in this body. There is only Oneness, the Bliss and Ecstasy of Oneness. I have a gift for you my Beloved. Meet me in the Silence of the Heart, and receive It. :)

Dear Sweet Beloved:

It is so easy to become identified with this illusion, yet there are no problems. It is only the mind that projects its concepts that would have us believe in anything. You are not who you think you are, no one is. Who you are cannot be thought. Who you are is so far beyond the mind's capacity to comprehend that the mind can't believe it.

Even as we experience who we really are, the mind can't understand nor accept our reality. So what do we do? We simply let go. We let go of our identification of the mind and observe, from a detached perspective. You are pure light. And what does that mean to the mind? If there is a concept of you being light, it is only a concept, still an illusion of the mind. The reason you are feeling something from these words is that your heart is giving you a feeling. Who you are is awakening, through the Source of your Being, the portal to the realm of Oneness, your Spiritual Heart. And the mind cannot go there. The mind can only help by letting go, by being willing to surrender itself into your Beloved Heart.

It is Bliss. And it is waiting for us all, the illusion of us all, for there is truly only Oneness. But this is too much for the mind alone. If we stay in the mind, we will try to find something, someone, somewhere to go to attain what the heart is, what the mind intuitively feels, yet can only look outwardly for it. Let go of the mind. It will become empty. And it is through this emptiness that the power of the heart's love will flow through us. We have become identified with the vessel. We are Spiritual Beings of Light. And we are here to have this wonderful human experience. My life is a continuous surrender of everything. And when we become empty, Love, that which the mind sees as "out there", becomes us. Yet we are now and have always been, Love.

It is just that the mind cannot know this. So we must become free of the mind. And that is what Freedom is, freedom of the mind. And when we are free of the mind, then the fun really begins. But don't take my word for it. Find out for yourself. See through the trickery of the mind. Don't believe in it. Let it go. Sometimes what it takes is for us to become so sick and tired of this limited world that we realize that there is nothing really here for us that will truly make us happy. And this is a very rare thing. Most of us keep looking, we don't stop. But eventually, we begin to awaken. And everything is perfect. This world is just as it is supposed to be. It is our Disneyland, our playground, our earthly adventure. And all is well. So when we really want to be free, all we have to do is to let go of the mind and live in our Heart.

The mind won't like it at first but as it surrenders more and more, the Divine sweetness of our true nature will draw us. And we find it, we find ourSelves by loving our Hearts, being in love with the Divine Beloved Self through our own heart. And sometimes we can know ourSelves as love by loving a Heart that is Free, because that Free Heart is open to the Oneness that we all are.

It is a reflection of The Self, our Self. When you either look into the eyes of the Beloved through another aspect of the Self or go within yourSelf and recognize the Beloved as you, it is all the Beloved, playing with ItSelf, in our Cosmic Dream, the infinite One, as the many. I bow to you my Awakening Sweet Divine Beloved.

The fire of my heart is burning so brightly that I can see you. Letting go, becoming nothing, empty, the whole universe is contained within my Heart, in Love. Namaste, my Beloved Self

P.S. Waking up is fun.

Knowing The Self Beloved Self:

What is the last thought you embrace before letting go of the world at night?

What is the first feeling you feel as you awaken in the morning?

Are you willing to let go of the limitations of the mind?

Does your heart yearn for love so much that at times it hurts?

Do you have a feeling in your heart that you are not really a limited human being confined to the realms of the mind only?

Are you willing to let go of everything and become empty, to be filled with Love, to become Love?

Would you like to be free of all fear and in Freedom, knowing yourSelf as Pure Unconditional Love, play, explore, enjoy and have fun, whether you are doing anything or not?

Would you like to play with me?


sea of bliss

Sweet Beloved Beloved:

You are a child of innocence. Your heart is pure and your mind is letting go to become your loyal servant.

Forget everything else and live in your heart. Your beautiful heart is the portal to our true home. The mind cannot go there, but you can. Let go of the mind, it only keeps us here in the illusion of illusions. Let your mind become empty by feeling Gratitude. Then the love of your heart, its intuition, will guide and inspire you. Continue to trust your beautiful heart Beloved. When I tune in to your wonderful heart, I become intoxicated by its love, bliss. Let us meet, my Beloved, our hearts know the way.

Let go of the mind and feel into your heart, there I will meet you in a more real way than your mind can imagine. Feel Gratitude. Gratitude brings your awareness from the mind into your heart. Welcome love from your heart, my Beloved. Words only touch the truth with imagination, but we will use words until the sweetness of the heart is so inviting that nothing else can take us. Sit still, feel Gratitude and how your heart opens. Dive into your open heart and awaken to your reality. You will not lose anything but gain everything. I bow to the pure innocence of the Child of your Heart.

We are here to awaken and play, have fun and enjoy this wonderful journey. Let's play my Beloved Divine Playmate. Trust your Heart and you will intuitively know the Way. Meeting you in the Silence of the Heart, Your friend and playmate, :)

P.S. I love your beautiful words that so sweetly flow from your Heart.

You are so sweet. The innocence of your heart is so beautiful. I love the pure child of your heart. She touches me deeply. She knows how to steal the silence of my heart and render me helpless. Few touch me so. But the child's mind looks for me in the world, I live in the Heart. Go deeper my Beloved. You have touched me, you know where to find me. Not through the mind, you know where. I do not mean to withhold anything from you, and I won't.

But first, know me, otherwise it will be like all the rest of the sleeping Ones who live and believe in the illusions of the mind. Meet me through the Oneness of our Hearts by feeling Gratitude. Let go of the mind. You can only see me, know me, make love and be one with me, through the Silence of the Heart.

I invite you to let go of the mind, and feel Gratitude, for no reason. You will find yourself in the openness of your Beautiful Heart, where you, the real you exists. The Treasures of this realm are endless. I welcome you here, to come home and share all the wealth and Freedom that is your Divine Right.

Let go and allow the mind to become the loyal, faithful servant to your Beloved Heart. It is time to wake up and be free my Beloved. I bow to the blissful presence of your Beautiful Heart, I feel it. I love you with all of my Heart, Namaste, me

[i implored him to listen to my heart...]

oh, sahaja,

your words reveal the wisdom that you have cultivated
in the silent sweetness of your being
i do know this experience
and happily return here
to the inner knowing of my trueSelf

i feel such beauty in my being
what a gift i may give myself
yet this same gift was given
as you described it to remind me

sweetness and tenderness are the food for my soul's longing
listening to the moments unfold
i discover the truth of pure being
there is no better pursuit
yet so many resist
fearing their magnificence that calmly awaits surrender

the divine blessed me long ago
and that gift has always helped me
through moments of illusion and fear
yet your words pierce the core of my understanding
in a way that few have ever even attempted

the journey is frought with distractions
perhaps because we must consciously choose bliss
for our self-realization to be truly attained

awakening to our true nature of divine love is supreme
the light, the colors, the subtle and not-so-subtle...
alive as never before in our sleepy states of desire
though desire can be the impetus toward such enlightenment

where is there to go or what to do
when we go within, the world dissolves into eternal being
until some forces leads us away
we may stay centered in that divine love state
even as we move in the world

love guides me to such awakening
and i thank you for your sweet spiritual carresses
you are love as you reach out to inspire
the magnetism of your love must attract many who long for their own awakening
you found the source and make your home there

in one of my early poems i wrote that
i long to be with a man who has seen the face of God...
so that together we could share this knowing
are you not married?
have you not wanted your beloved to manifest through a person?
to share the richness of your love ?

have you ever wanted to have children?
i know how to live from the source of love
yet i still benefit so from reminders
the waves of my being engage and disengage
perhaps then it is the practice of returning to our true source of love
that leads us to a state of sustaining that sacred awareness
despite the earthly dramas that would lead us astray

i rededicate my life over and over
to develop my love vibration
to be a channel for love and light
to serve the world in a way that expand the reality of love
here where illusion holds sway over the sincere souls of Earth

do you not delight in the wonder of earthly experience
to savor but not be deceived
by music, ice cream, flowers, kisses, children's laughter, dancing, colors, beaches, waterfalls,
all the many manifestations of goodness...?

do you withdraw from your time on earth
to dwell amongst the stars?
then why did you incarnate?
what engages you?
as you are so divinely rooted in the supreme vibration of love
you may fully engage with all of life
and continue your own evolution of self-realization

to be joyful and fully participate in the life we are given
is such awakening in itself
still anchored in truth and illumination
love is infinite and eternal
and the cosmic drama is perfect
yet are you not called to help others even more
as you recognize the strength of your source?

do you keep your bliss to your self?
how then, and in what ways
do you find it fulfilling to share it?

these are the questions this morning
as i continue to sit with you in my not-so-silent heart
my mind is not so eager to be dismissed
though my heart's laughter is ever-ready today
i luxuriate in the depths of my being
feeling the expansiveness
extended my bliss through space and time
dancing in the energy of my awakening

may you have a blessed day
with warm feelings embracing you
and sweetness you constant companion...

with tenderness and love,

tantric princess

...and he responded:



You are so sweet Beloved. I love the purity and innocence of your childlike spirit. With all of your questions that I always welcome, I can only smile.

If I were to share with you everything that your heart desires, you would only know the Oneness of Love, the pure white light of Love. And I will gladly meet you there through the freedom of Emptiness, No-Mind. Yet all is well. We are here to experience everything. No matter what we may believe we are experiencing, we can only know the Truth of who we are through the Heart. And that means that we must be free of the mind's illusions of fears, desires, beliefs and concepts. We are Freedom, Enlightenment ItSelf.

But we have allowed ourSelves to become identified with the body/mind experience to have this wonderful human drama. It is all so beautiful and mysterious. Yet through the heart's intuition, as we live in our heart and let go of the mind's illusory problems and projections, we know the unspeakable Truth and enjoy the heart's love as Bliss. I honor you, I bow to you, and recognize you, my Beloved Self. You are a rare diamond in this diamond field of hidden treasures. Most people are so identified with the mind that it seems impossible to let it go. As long as we are identified with the mind as real, there will always be some innocent, just, desire that will take us away from our Beloved Heart's Bliss.

When we are free, we can experience anything without being trapped by the mind, but until then, as long as we live in the mind and believe its illusions, we will always be looking for some happiness in people, places and things. The Treasure that you are is what the mind looks for in the world. It never ends. The mind and the world will always claim you if you don't claim yourSelf. And when we do claim our Self, then we are free to play in the world, enjoying everything, from a free perspective, in the Heart, in Bliss. And when we are living in this Bliss of the Heart, why would we leave for the temporary illusory pleasures and pains of the world?

You know, my Beloved, you know. When we are ready to wake up from this sleep that the mind has created for us, all we have to do is to let go of the mind, stop believing in the mind as the truth and feel love in the Heart, love your Heart. It is so Blissful.

Why would we leave our Bliss for illusions? I will meet you in the Heart, my Beloved, whether we never meet in person or engage in the ecstasy of orgasmic love making. We can really only meet in the Oneness of the Heart. Everything else is the dream illusion of the mind. What do you want, my Beloved? I can give you nothing. But if you want to know yourSelf as Bliss beyond comprehension, I will meet you in that ecstatic joy through the Oneness of our Hearts. My hand is open for you, always. And all you have to do is let go of everything of the mind. Nothing bad will happen.

Your heart will take over, and the mind in its surrender and emptiness will be able to receive your heart's intuitive guidance. And it will no longer take you away from your Beloved. You will know your Oneness with your Beloved everywhere, in everyone, everything. This is your Truth. You are That right now. It is just the power of ourSelves as Consciousness that gives the mind its power to create this illusion. It is all our Divine Play.

And you are so beautiful my Beloved. Come, meet me, play with me, make love with me in the orgasmic Oneness of our heart. It is everything that you have ever wanted and was distorted by the mind to take you away from your Beloved, your Bliss. But I will wait for you my Beloved, for eternity, which is always NOW.

In the Heart, only now exists. In the mind, the illusions of pain, suffering and time seem to separate us. There is only the Truth of Oneness, Love and Bliss. Why wait for happiness to come to you? It is your very Truth, Being and existence. Tonight, if you would like to, I invite you, as you lay down to rest, to imagine our two Hearts touching. Put the finger tips of your hands on the right side of your chest, just to the right of center. Feel into your spiritual heart. Let go of the thoughts of the mind. Don't try to do anything except feel Gratitude.

And as your Consciousness moves from the mind to your Heart, the experience of yourSelf will begin. Give yourself to it. Surrender to Love.

This is where we can meet. This is where our own unique experience will begin. Here is where we may truly make Love, in the orgasmic nature of the Heart. Loving you, my Beloved. Thank you for the intoxicating light that you bring. I bow to you. sahaja


autumn wind

Beloved One: Thank you for your heart's words, so beautiful. I have seen, and I am not affiliated with them. Sahaja is sanskrit for spontaneous. Perhaps I will find a photo to send to you. First, I'll have to find out how to send it. I live in the San Diego area. If you are able to recognize love by looking into my eyes, then why wait? Look into your mirror. But I would love to find ourSelves lost in the heart's love as we reflected that to each other through our eyes

What is there to tell about me? What I do? What I look like? I am very boring. All I do is live in the silence of the heart and feel the bliss of love. And just watch the Divine Beloved's play. When we allow ourSelves to be identified with the outgoing illusory producing mind, we allow the mind to take us to people, places and things to find what bits of happiness that we believe are there. The truth is, we are that happiness. Who we are is happiness ItSelf.

But since the mind's senses are all pointing outwardly, we rarely go within to discover the greatest treasure, our own Hearts. As long as we identify with our minds, we will be looking for some kind of happiness in the world. If we could actually do that, we would have found it there in a real way. But as you know, it is all temporary.

When we are vigilantly letting go of all the mind's diversions of thoughts, beliefs and the like, we begin to discover something sweet, right within our own hearts. Eventually, we realize that that sweetness is the only worthwhile experience that isn't temporary. If one can let go of the mind's problems and dive into the peace of the Heart, why leave that? There must be a feeling in the Heart that calls us, then we stop dishonoring ourSelves and just be, Love.

You know all of this, your heart knows. And when you see the truth, your heart resonates with affirmation. What is there to tell about me? I am like you. I choose love and happiness. There is only Oneness, and you are That, I am That. And this is our Divine Lila. When we truly wish to see our Beloved, we stop looking outside of ourSelves. As we experience ourSelves as the Beloved Self, we see everyone, everything as the Beloved. YOU are the One, Beloved Beloved, YOU, not your mind but who you really are, in your Heart.

And the mind cannot go there, so you have to be willing to let go of all the mind's problems, mentally. Then you rest into the silence of the heart and you will find all the love that you have ever wanted.

The truth is, I am yourSelf, there is no separation. It is just the mind that creates the illusions of time, space and separation. And when we believe in the mind, we believe that we are humans and suffer accordingly. You are the Beloved Self. The mind can never know this, only the Heart can know the Truth.

If you really want to be one with your Beloved, and make love in the bliss of the Heart, just let go of the mind that makes us believe in all of this limitation, separation, etc.. The Truth is, your heart is the most powerful place in the universe, your spiritual heart, not your emotional heart. If you let go of all the mind's problems, mentally, you will leave the prison of the intellect and return to the real wisdom of Truth in the Oneness of the Spiritual Heart. It is all so very simple. But the mind makes it seem very complicated.

Meet me in the Heart, let go and dive into your heart and just feel. As the mind continues to try to trap you with thoughts and feelings, just let them go. What doesn't leave, simply hold in your Heart. There is so much power there Beloved. As I write to you now, my Heart is burning with love, Bliss.

And you are That, Love, Bliss. Join me my sweet Beloved. Let go of your mind's dreams of limitations, desires, imaginations. I am waiting for you. This has nothing to do with the mind. Put your hands on your chest and feel Gratitude, just feel it. Gratitude will take you out of your head and into your heart. As you feel Gratitude, your heart will open, enjoy the love. Don't let the mind try to project it out to make you think that love is to be found elsewhere. It is you, my Beloved, YOU are pure unconditional Love. It is True. I am waiting for you my Beloved. And there is no where to go, nothing to do, just let go of the ego and feel Gratitude as you rest into your wonderful Heart. It is all so wonderful, You are so wonderful.

Your Beloved Heart is waiting to show you, teach you through intuition, give you Bliss as you awaken to the Oneness of Truth.

I bow to you, again and again, you are pure Love, and as I write to you, tuning into your heart, I am intoxicated by its Bliss. Thank you my Beloved, thank you for bringing to this planet such a beautiful heart, and coming here to awaken, sharing its Bliss with all. I love you with all of my Heart. sahaja:)


exquisite essence

Beloved: You know the Secret of the Heart It is known through the stillness of silence Where the Lover(mind)is fully devoted to the Beloved How can I hide from you now, you know the Secret Time and space melt away Your light shines, Oneness The illusions are not real In your heart, the joys of Bliss

Holding you, loving you, from everywhere Within you

I receive your love



Jewels of thought, offered to the Beloved


Love expands



exquisite essence

Thank you Beloved:

Your heart is open, opening. The light and love that you are touches me, I feel you, and I welcome you with all of my Heart. The mind would blind us from the Truth of who we are, living Bliss. You are my Beloved, the Source of all Love, and you have been hiding in the mind. It is time for Awakening Dear One. Just let go of the mind, you are not that. Just have the willingness to let go of all the mind's problems, mentally.

In Truth, there are no problems. You will find me, and yourSelf, in the silence of your heart as you empty the mind in surrender.

I feel you my sweet Beloved, your light is most Blissful, you intoxicate me. I dive into the Oneness of your heart and melt with you, there is only Love. There is only Oneness. Surrender the mind, its illusions and know yourSelf, the Truth; You are Pure Unconditional, Absolute Love.

The mind can never know who you are. Surrender the mind and all of its thoughts, beliefs and concepts. Rest into your Source, through the Greatest Teacher, Silence. Your Heart is your home. And I am waiting for your there, Always. I see you. I feel you. Welcome home my Beloved. I am here with you now, in the Silence of the Heart. Loving you, sahaja

Beloved self

Surrendering Breathing into your heart Forgetting everything else Living in your heart Bliss Oneness

The illusions of the mind cannot exist in the transmuting flame of your heart. Hold everything in your heart, surrender everything into your heart. You will know yourSelf, your Bliss, your Oneness. There is only Love, my Beloved, and you are that Love. When we really want to awaken into Bliss as love, all we have to do is to let go of everything, mentally, then we know that it is only the mind that is giving us this Cosmic Dream Play, and you are the Beloved Dreamer, awakening. I love you with all of my Heart, your Beloved


sweet beloved

Beloved: You have looked for me in other people, places and things, and yet you have not found me. I am right here, in the silence of your heart. If you look for me with your mind, you will never find me. If you can surrender your mind into the Oneness of your heart, your heart's intuition will show you where I am. When you truly wish to be one with your Beloved, there must be nothing left of the ego that would look for me through the mind's eye.

I invite you to meet me. You can meet me through the Oneness of our hearts. Just surrender your mind into your Spiritual Heart. And through your heart's silence, love, intuition, will allow us to touch. Use your imagination to cut through the beliefs and concepts of the mind. Yearn for me with all of your heart, I am waiting for you, my sweet Beloved.

I wish to give you everything and nothing, for I have nothing to give to you my Beloved, except my Heart.

You have the power to manifest anything that you wish with your mind empty and your heart open. Then, as you see clearly through your spiritual eye, you will intuitively know and feel me. Just go into your heart and feel. Imagine that I am waiting for you from my heart. In the heart there is only Oneness, so we will be able to feel each other touching. Eventually, when the mind is empty and the heart's love is flowing through it, the power of our heart's magnetism will draw us together.

The mind creates the illusions of time, space and separation. We are not our minds. It is only through the Truth of our Being, in the heart, that we can truly meet, love or touch, through these bodies. Meeting you in the silence of the Heart, sahaja

As you stay with it, you will start to feel happiness, happiness for no reason. And as you continue to honor your wonderful Heart and let go of the mind, you will experience Bliss, there we will meet. But there is no goal to meet me, this is all for YOU. I am nothing but your Self, playing in this body. There is only Oneness, the Bliss and Ecstasy of Oneness. I have a gift for you my Beloved. Meet me in the Silence of the Heart, and receive It. :)


tantric princess
