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SHANGRI-LA * Parfums & Living Essences

Teresa Foxworthy - Artist, Mystic, Author, Consultant
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Welcome to the world of naturally fine fragrances . . .

SHANGRI-LA Parfums & Living Essences

As both visionary and pragmatist, Ms. Foxworthy's parfum creations are imbued with a rich combination of the finest ingredients. Please bookmark this page now for future reference and visit often to keep up with the dynamic evolution of Teresa's parfums.


SHANGRI-LA LIVING ESSENCES bring you a world where mystic poetry meets the realm of the sublime...where the sacred feminine takes you deeper than you ever ventured alone.
A land where the noble warrior wins his lady's heart with honor.

Let the magic of these natural fragrances take you to a place within yourself where you are lifted you up to a higher realm of sense and sense-ability.

For more info: 415.339.8131


Chakra Oils
Essences for Warriors
Essences for Goddesses