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-- BECKHAM: Q&A --

In July 1998, "Esquire" magazine did an interview with Beckham on his life as a footballer. Now, in the 21st century, Becks is one of the finest soccer players this universe has ever seen. Check out the following interview, which was provided for by David Beckham's Corner. Mad stuff :)

Does England have any chance of winning the World Cup?
Well, of course it is something you think about. It's everyone's dream to play in the World Cup, let alone win it. No one's thinking that we're going to get knocked out at the early stages - they're all thinking that we can go all the way. It's a case of playing well and getting the right sort of luck.

The press put considerable pressure on you by calling you the new Gascoigne.
It's scary to read things like that, you know, being the best player in England, but it gives me confidence. I'm not going to go around shouting about things that people say about me, but it's nice that they say it.

Do you have a problem with your ego?
No, there's a lot of people around me who control it for me. My family and friends still treat me as if we were at school together. It's no different because I'm in the limelight and play for Manchester United.

What do you think that your greatest strength and weakness are as a player?
It's not a matter of strength or weakness; it's the ability to learn as you go along. People say how well I'm doing now but I've got a lot more to learn and a lot more to play for. People are saying "What are you going to do next?" but there's loads I can do yet.

Do you find it difficult to lose, either at club or country level?
I think it's difficult when you're playing in a team like Man United because every single team that plays against us, it's their Cup final. So it's always going to be a hard game. I love winning and I hate losing for Man United or England. Even when I was a schoolboy or when I used to play for my Sunday team, I never liked losing.

Do you have a temper to control?
People have said that in the past, but this season I wasn't booked in the Champions League, I've only had two bookings in the Premiership, yet people go on about me losing it in Le Tournoi. I got a silly booking for a tackle and then a booking for not getting on a stretcher.

So you don't feel like you've got to keep your temper in check, despite the fact that Glenn Hoddle has given you a warning about your lack of discipline?
I've got a short fuse but I wouldn't say that I'm a ... erm... horrible tempered person.

Is it true that when you used to train for Tottenham you wore a Man U kit?
Yeah. When I used to go down there as a schoolboy, I wore the United kit at every training session. I don't know how it went down but I wasn't really bothered.

So you wore a Man U kit when you were at Tottenham and it's rumoured that Paul Scholes used to wear a Man City tracksuit when training with Man U?
I'm sure he did, he's a Man City supporter.

What are the most important things in your life?
Erm...there are a few. My health...my family's health...er...Victoria, and football.

Can you imagine ever doing anything else?
To be honest, I've never, ever thought of doing anything else. I'd probably go and work for me dad. He's a gas engineer. But I can't really see me doing gas things.

What's your average week like?
We train every day. Afternoons we get some free time. When I've got some free time, I tend to want to share it with Victoria, if she's in the country. If she's not around, I spend time with friends like Gary Neville.

Is it difficult to go out in Manchester?
Yes, it's fairly difficult. It doesn't really annoy me because I'd rather have it than not have it. It's just one of those things these days. You get used to it.

Do you think footballers are paid too much?
Definitely not. A lot of money comes into the game but it's unfair to say we're getting paid too much. I wouldn't moan about it.

Does wealth alienate you from your fans?
I don't think so. We're just normal people like anyone else. I wouldn't say that it was a problem at our club to be honest.

You're signed up to Brylcreem and Adidas; why those two?
I've always like Adidas boots and gear. It was a surprise when Brylcreem came to me but it's nice to be thought of.

Did you wear Brylcreem before?

You have to say that, don't you?
I used to wear it when I was younger - stole it off me granddad.

What's your greatest extravagance?
I don't know really...I do like cars. They're probably the dearest thing I've ever bought.

How many have you got?
Just one. A Porsche. well, these days he's got more! check them out here

Wasn't one of your cars torched in Manchester?
Yes, I had a car that was burnt out, but it was a club car, so I didn't pay for it...I think some people are always going to be jealous because they see you on telly. I've started off like others start off in their jobs. Everyone has to go through apprenticeship and do the dirty things like cleaning up after people.

Who are your heroes?
I admire Glenn Hoddle for the way he played and Bryan Robson for his determination. I also admired Bobby Charlton.

Have you met your heroes?
I've met Sean Connery, which was nice. When I met Bryan Robson, I didn't think I'd be playing with him in three years' time.

And what about villains?
No. I don't bare grudges to anyone. I've not got any villains, really.

What would be your perfect night out?
I think it would be a night in. Get a take away and watch telly at home with Victoria. That's as perfect as it gets. Maybe not wine, just the company really.

I don't suppose you have a perfect evening in too often?
Not at the moment, as Victoria's away. When we get the chance, we have really nice nights together. When we go out, we get followed but that's something I've got to come to terms with. We knew what it would be like and we've sacrificed that to be with each other.

What's your favourite band or record?
I like R&B. And soul. I like a bit of dance, but not too heavy. I went to a Phil Collins concert - I got given some tickets for a box which was really good. That's about it.

I read that you like drawing cartoons. What kind of things do you do?
I copy things. I don't make my own stuff up. I copy things like "The Lion King."

Beckham's Manager: I think it's time to finish now. Thank you.

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