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Psychic Clairvoyant Terry Kite

Gift of Light New Age Radio Psychics Clairvoyants Spiritual Mediums

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About Psychic Clairvoyant Terry Kite

My work began way before I was ready. By age 5, I was seeing spirit and traveling into other dimensions. This experience was really scary for a 5 year old, so I spent lot’s of time screaming bloody murder in my room. It always seemed like things happened in the evening. I was lucky enough, to have a grandmother whom was a medium to explain to me what was happening. Grandma helped me to believe it was real and that It was ok seeing, but it took be many years to understand what I was to do with my gifts of the spirit.

I graduated from school with a degree in Music and spent much time out on the road performing. I was always predicting things for my friends and family through those years, but didn’t want to seriously work in the Psychic Sense. 

At 31, I was asked by a friend of mine that worked at a radio station to do a nationwide radio show with my psychic gifts. My first comment wanted to be a big No Answer, but I slept on it and awoke with a Huge Yes that I must do this work. I was really scared to death when I began, but things ran really smoothly and I enjoyed helping people. I produced, hosted, and did my Psychic reading on the show, CRN, Cable Radio Network for 6 years. CRN goes out to a nationwide audience. It comes through the audio on your T.V. If you are interested in listening to their shows you can find them on the internet. I am not on the air with them any longer. I am only in private practice with my work, but they still have some Psychics on the air if you are interested in listening in with them.  

I did receive some attention doing my radio show, which lead to an interview on E Entertainment Channel, Predicting the Romantic outcome of the relationship of Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake. It was a fun interview, and as far as the tabloids go lately, my reading was ahead but very accurate. I just did an interview with T.V. guide predicting the success of the New Fall Shows. The article will be In September 2004 New T.V. Guide, should be out in the stores, the first week in September. These shows aren’t even on the air yet, so time will the outcome. Three Psychics did the predictions, and I was honored enough to be one of them.

I have been helping people privately through my Clairvoyant readings and private healing work for the past 20 years. I am blessed and gifted to see ahead. It’s more like I see the whole picture from your current choices. I see the past, I see the present, and I can see the future. It all comes forth at once. I always tell my clients I see from their past and present choices. The wonderful thing about a gifted Psychic Reading and an Angelic connection is you can feel the truth, the healing, and the guidance for your own clarity. This allows you the opportunity to shift the things you don’t want to see show up in your life. I do see ahead, but it is up to you to move ahead with faith and your true heart.

I consider myself a Light worker and God directed Intuitive. We are not limited in Spirit and can look at anything that is on your heart. 

I am a Southern California Native Resident, whom may decide to move back to North Carolina within this next year or two. I have a daughter and 2 grandchildren living there whom I really miss.  

I’d be honored to assist you in Spirit.

I look forward to sharing my gifts with you.  

Blessings, Love, and Light, 

Terry Kite.

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