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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

Believe This... You'll Believe Anything

      Clay Burden is a moderately successful travel agent, married to a sluttish wife, Rhoda, when suddenly, out of the past, comes Valerie, whom Clay had loved and idolized. Now Valerie is married to millionaire wheeler-dealer, Henry Vidal. When Vidal, impressed by Clay's abilities, gives him an offer to join his organization, Clay jumps at it. In this way, he would be next to Valerie all day. But he does not reckon for the complications that can arise out of such an arrangement. For one, Rhoda objects, but her misgivings are cast aside. Secondly, Vidal's financial dealings are mysterious and it appears that his organization can fold up in no time at all. And most importantly, Valerie is now a cranky, terrified woman, who beseeches Clay to rescue her from the hypnotic powers of her husband, Henry Vidal......

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