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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

Do Me A Favour - Drop Dead

     Keith Devery arrives in the small town of Wicksteed, with a criminal record and a lot of ambition. The town people respect him and he even gets an offer to run a driving school on a partnership basis. But Keith meets alcoholic Frank Marshall and his sultry wife, Beth and his ambition and lust are  fired up. Frank has inherited a million dollars and he wants to invest it according to his own ideas. However, Keith, who had worked for a broker's firm, reckons that Frank's ideas are so much crap, and that he will lose his money. So he teams up with, Beth, and together, they manage to murder Frank, before any deal is clinched on the inheritance money. Beth is the sole beneficiary and very soon she cuts Keith off from the deal. Keith investigates her, and comes to know that she was having a lover, a cop, and both of them have disappeared from Wicksteed, to enjoy the booty....

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