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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan


      Clive Thurston is a hard, ruthless, successful Hollywood writer with a shady past. Actually, his fame and reputation rests on the work of  another man - a brilliant playwright, who had conveniently died. However, it goes to Clive's credit that he does have talent and manages to produce bestsellers, through his own efforts, till he meets Eve, a prostitute, with an enigmatic personality. Clive develops a fatal attraction for Eve, who rejects him and heaps insult on him.  Eve's spurning has the opposite effect, and Clive gradually becomes a wreck, having lost his wife, his career and his reputation. He contemplates on murdering Eve, but is again, unsuccessful.  He never comes to term with himself and his addiction for a wanton woman, and till the very end, he tries to rationalize his fatal relationship with Eve, but does not succeed.  

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