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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

Have A Nice Night

          Ed Haddon, king of art thieves, once again cooks up a robbery plan  - this time to rob the rich guests of the Spanish Bay Hotel of Paradise City. He teams up with Lu Brady, safe-breaker and his partner-in-crime once again; he also hires the services of the sexy Maggie, girlfriend of Lu and ex-US army sergeant, Mike Bannion, who is a dead shot. There was to be absolutely no violence - only the guests would be shot with tranquilizing darts from Bannion's gun, if so required. In a parallel development, Detective Tom Lepski of Paradise City Police shoots down a runaway killer, Pedro, a Cuban, whose fiancé, Anita,  works at the same Hotel.  Anita must avenge his death, and she turns to Fuentes, another Cuban crook and Manuel Torres, who is known to be a man of truth... but is actually a bigger crook than Feuntes.  It is no great deal that the two separate groups of crooks descend upon the Hotel and violence erupts...

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