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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

Tell It To The Birds

     Insurance agent, John Anson, sexually starved and perpetually in debt, comes across Meg Barlowe, the sultry but sluttish wife of  Phil Barlowe, and together they cook up a plan to insure Phil for fifty thousand dollars, before finishing him off. The plan is fine except for the following: (1) Anson works for the National Fidelity, whose Claims Department is headed by the notorious Maddux, (2) Phil Barlowe is not only an impoverished horticulturist, he is himself a murderer and a sex maniac and (3) Meg has her own boyfriend, Jerry Hogan, a tough,  who is bent on making Anson's life a misery. With so many odds, its no wonder that the carefully thought out insurance fraud soon falls to pieces ....

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