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- A Tribute by a Die Hard Fan

This Way For A Shroud

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     The brutal murder of June Arnot, glamorous actress, and the massacre of her servants,  is the curtain raiser to this novel. The DA, Charles Forest, is convinced that it is the work of racketeer, Jack Maurer, whom he has been trying to nail for several years. Forest assigns the case to his special agent, Conrad, who has his own family problems. With Maurer on the run, the gang's day-to-day affairs are handled by Gollowitz, Maurer' legal man. But without Maurer's finesse, Gollowitz turns the already volatile situation into a bullet ridden one. The DA's case depends on only one, terrified and unwilling eye-witness, Frances, with a shady past.....and the DA must pull out all stops to protect her. But Gollowitz has the mafia's professional killer  to back him.....

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