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« Chapter 1 »

~*~ November 1998 ~*~

"Where did I leave my keys?" Chantal said a little bit angry to herself. When she found them, she opened the door to her boyfriend's apartment. Her mouth fell open from amazement. Was this real? Or was this a nightmare? She couldn't believe it. There she stood in the middle of her boyfriend's apartment, her hands full with groceries staring at her boyfriend who lay in bed with another woman!!

"What are you doing?" She yelled at him after she threw the groceries at him.

"Ooh I'm sorry you had to see this" Bastian said.

"What? Do you mean you would rather have, that I wouldn't have seen it, so you could go on cheating on me?" She said even angrier.

"No it's not like that. It's hard to explain…" He said and then he stopped for a second.

"Well then try to explain because I'm waiting" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, it's like this: I really like you but you never said we were exclusive. So I thought it was okay for me to date other women and well if you look at it that way I didn't really do anything wrong right ?" He said cautious. He looked at her to find out if she was buying it. When she heard him say that, she was even angrier than when she saw him in bed with this other girl.

"What are you talking about? How can you say that? I said I love you and you said it back and then the first thing you do is go off with another girl? I can't believe you! We are finished and I never want to see your face again! Do you understand me!?" She threw the key, she just recently got, at him and walked out the door crying.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Her brother Bryant asked when she got home. He immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"Nothing happened, everything is fine" She lied trying to walk by him as quickly as possible. He grabbed her arm and said: "What's wrong sis? I can tell that you have been crying. Come here" He pulled her closer to him and hugged her.

"It's Bastian. I just went over to his place. I wanted to make him a nice diner and I find him there in bed with another girl" She told him after a few minutes of crying and him comforting her.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I told you, you shouldn't trust a person so quick. Not everybody is as trust worthy as you are. You know, if he cheated on you he didn't disserve you. Common he's just a jerk you will find someone heaps better than him. Trust me, he isn't worth all the tears" He said while he wiped away her tears.

"You know what we'll do? We'll rent a movie, a comedy so we can laugh our heads off…" He said smiling. "...make some popcorn and just eat all the junk food we've got. How is that?"

"Thanks" She said with a smile on her face.

~*~ 5 months later, March 18th 1999 ~*~

Chantal walked through the mall at the crack of dawn. It was only 8.00am and she was strolling through the mall to get the latest edition of her favourite magazine. She walked into the bookstore and her eyes immediately scanned the magazines area looking for Soccer International. Her eye fell on the bright colours of the magazine and she put her hand out to get it. A guy next to her did the same thing and they both had their hands on the same copy. Their eyes met and for a few moments they gazed into each others eyes.

"You like soccer too?" He asked while he kept his eyes on her.

"Yes, I love this magazine" Chantal said after letting go of the magazine.

"Yeah me too" He got another magazine and gave it to her.


"I'm Justin" The guy said.

"I'm Chantal, nice to meet you" She said while she shook his outstretched hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Chantal is not really an American name is it? How did you get such a beautiful name?" He asked while smiling at her.

"Thank you. It's my parents fault actually. I was born in The Netherlands because they loved it there, because of that they gave me a Dutch name. We lived there for a long time. We moved to Orlando a few years back" They immediately hit it off. They both felt like they had known each other for years.

"Wow" He said impressed while he nodded his head.

"So what about you? Are you an Orlando native?"

"No, I'm originally from Tennessee"

"Long way from home" She smiled. "What brought you here?"

"I came here about 5 years ago for a television show"

"Which one?"

"Mickey Mouse Club….. but it was a while back" He said when he saw it didn't sound familiar to her.

"Sorry, I did hear something about a show on the Mickey Mouse channel being cancelled, when I just moved here. Was that the show, you were on?"

"Yes, yes it was"

"So what kept you here after the show?"

"A friend of mine called, he wanted to start a music group. So I stayed"

"So did the music group go better than the TV-show?" She asked him friendly.

"Yeah, luckily it did" He answered, aware of the fact that she didn't seem to recognize him.

"So you're a singer?"


"Cool" Her eyes drifted off for a second while he shyly stared at the floor. She caught a glimpse of the clock above the counter. '8.20?' She quickly checked the clock again. 'It couldn't be 8.20!'

"Shoot, I'm going to be late" She said when she saw it really WAS 8.20.

"Yeah, I'd better get going too" He said before they walked to the counter to pay for the magazine. Silently they stood in line, they paid and together they walked out of the store.

"It was nice to meet you, Justin"

"Nice to meet you, Chantal" He said smiling.

"Hey, would you like to go and get some coffee? I know this great place where they have the best coffee you've ever tasted" He suggested forgetting the fact that she already said she had to go.

"I would love to but I have to go to school" She said a little disappointed.

"Too bad"

"What about after school? Let's say 3pm?" She asked.

"I don't know if I will be able to make that" He said humbling to himself while he was thinking and checking his watch. He looked up from his watch and looked into her multicoloured eyes.

"Yes okay, 3pm is fine"

"Great, where do you want to meet?"

"I could come by your school and pick you up. If you want?" He said cautious, maybe it was too much because they'd only just met. But till his surprise she agreed.

"Yeah, that's ok. I'm at Wilkinson High school"

"Ooh, I know where that is. I went there myself a few years ago"

"Really?" He nodded his head to confirm.

"I really got to go now, I'll see you then. Bye" She said while raising one hand to wave goodbye, she turned around and walked away.

"Bye" Justin said smiling as he watched her leave.

"There was nothing anybody could do or say that could ruin her day" She thought while she walked out the mall to Bryant's car, which was waiting for her to drive them to school just like every day. However this was not a day like any other.

"Are you ready?" Bryant asked a little annoyed that it took so long.

"What did you do? Couldn't you find the magazine?"

"No, I found it but…"

"But what?"

"I met someone. A very cute guy, Justin. We're going for coffee this afternoon" She said while she smiled brightly.

"You meet someone at this hour?!" He said yawning.

"What kind of idiot would stroll through the mall at this hour?"

"Another crazy soccer fan, just like me" She said while she got in his car.

"Idiot" He stated simply.

"Can you start the car now? We're going to be late" She said reacting to his statement.

"Now, I'm the one holding you up? Excuse me!" Angry they looked at each other, and then busted out laughing at the same time. They could never be mad at each other for long. They always ended up laughing about their arguments. They drove to school and arrived just in time.

"Hey girl. How are you?" Lianne said to her best friend when she saw her.

"Great, never been better" Chantal said with a huge smile on her face.

"You're in a good mood"

"I have no reason to be unhappy"

"How come?" Lianne asked confused. Chantal continued to smile and her face totally lit up, as well as her eyes they sparkled like never before.

"What? Tell me!" Lianne said curious.

"I met a guy"

"Well that's new!" Lianne exclaimed. Chantal gave her a look.

"It's great, but is that so special? You meet guys all the time" Lianne continued.

"I know but he was so sweet and cute! DANG GIRL!"

"You say that all the time. About every guy!"

"No, I don't!" She defended.

"Yes, you do. Remember Darien, Dennis, Tom… all looked cute, all ended terrible" Lianne summed up her boyfriends, she underlined her point by counting them on her fingers. "…Not to mention Bastian!"

"Okay, okay point taken!" Chantal said when she re-lived her memory of Bastian.

"But he's different" She said quickly after she kept quiet for a few seconds.

"He was so sweet and cute and those eyes!! Ooh dude! Justin…" She sighed when she thought of him.

"Justin? I love that name, you know there's a Justin in Nsync. He is sooooo cute" Lianne cut her off when she heard the guy's name.

"Yeah I know" Chantal said rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean, you know there's a Justin in Nsync? You don't know Nsync"

"You told me about it a thousand times!"

"Ooh" Lianne said.



"That Justin guy…. Did he perform on a show? The Mickey Mouse Club?"

"Yeah why?"

"You know it might be possible…" She started but Lianne cut her off.

"When did you become so interested in 'that Justin guy' "

"I think I kind of met him this morning"

"You're not telling me you met Justin!" Chantal nodded silently.

"Are we talking about the same Justin here? THE Justin? JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE, JUSTIN OF NSYNC?!" Chantal continued nodding occasionally while she saw her friend getting more and more excited with every word she spoke.

"How many Justin's are there who performed on the Mickey Mouse Club and are now a part of…." She continued quickly because her friend was freaking out in front of her eyes.

"Nsync?!" Lianne shrieked so everybody could hear it.


"Ooh my God" She kept screaming. She drew a lot of attention and also the attention of some people she didn't want the attention from.

"Keep your voice down! I don't want the whole world to know!"

"What do you mean?" Lianne said incomprehensible.

"You are going on a date with Justin from Nsync" Lianne said softening her voice but it was still loud since Lianne was so excited she couldn't control her voice.

"Shhhhhhh. It's not like a real date. We're just going for coffee after school. Besides 'from' is a really crappy middle name" She teased her friend while she made inverted commas, around from, with her fingers.

"Okay okay whatever! You have to introduce me! Please….?" She begged.

"I'll have to think about it...." She answered with an evil grin.

"Ah, common! You can't do this to me, you've been my best friend since…. EVER please introduce me, please!!"

"Al..right" She gave in slowly.

"But don't freak out okay?"

"Of course not, what kind of idiot do you think I am?" Lianne answered insulted while she raised her hands in defeat.

"Promise me you won't freak out" Chantal insisted because she knew Lianne would freak out. Lianne had talked about Nsync for quiet a while now and she knew for a fact, she would act crazy to say the least.

"I promise. Happy now?"

"Yeah, overjoyed. Thank you" They hadn't notice that a group of girls were standing behind them and heard everything.

"So you really think you're going on a date with Justin Timberlake?" Stephanie asked. Stephanie and Chantal couldn't stand each other from the first moment that they'd met. Stephanie always teased her and she always made fun of her.

"That's none of your business" Chantal said with anger in her voice.

"That explains it. You were just dreaming. Okay for once you're right. Your dreams are none of my business and I don't want to make it any of my business. Who knows what you dream about?" Stephanie said laughing. The rest of the girls surrounding her laughed with her.

"Fine, why don't you just leave then?" Chantal said sarcastic.

"Yeah, I think we'll do that. It's not like you're so interesting" She said disgusted and then she and the rest of the girls walked away. Leaving a very astonished Lianne behind.

"Why didn't you say that you really have a date with Justin?"

"They wouldn't believe me anyway and it's really none of their business" Chantal shrugged.

"But you could have just showed them off"

"Whatever, I just want to get to know him better"

"Yeah, screw them" Lianne said and then they walked to their next class.

~*~ After school ~*~

Lianne walked over to Chantal and she was already showing the first signs of freaking out. "Ooh my God I can't believe I'm going to meet Justin!!"

"Just control yourself ok?"

"Yeah yeah, I said I would"

"Common let's go to the entrance, we would meet each other there" Chantal and Lianne walked to the main entrance. They sat down on the staircase and began to talk a little bit. It was only 2.50pm so Justin would arrive in 10 min. They didn't notice that Stephanie and her group were following them.

"Why are we following this stupid girl?" Janet asked.

"Because I don't know if she was dreaming. I've known her for a long time and crazy as it sounds, I think she wasn't dreaming" Stephanie said.

"What do you mean you don't actually think that she has a date with Justin, do you?" Mary said.

"Ooh common you got to be joking!" Ruth said.

"I don't know lets just check it out. Common!" Stephanie said and the rest followed her.

Ten minutes later Justin arrived in his fancy Mercedes Jeep. Lianne's mouth fell open from amazement. "Lianne close your mouth. You're not a fish" Chantal said while pulling her best friend down the stairs to Justin.

"Ooooooooh my God look at that?" Mary said when she saw the car pull up.

"No way….." Janet said.

"Common, let's check it out" Stephanie said and they walked out the hallway down the stairs heading for Lianne, Chantal AND Justin.

"Hi" Chantal said.

"Hey yourself. I'm sorry. I'm a bit late. I was held up"

"That's okay" She'd just finished her sentence when Lianne nudged in her side to introduce her.

"Ooh" Chantal said when she understood what Lianne was doing.

"Justin, I would like you to meet my best friend and huge Nsync fan: Lianne. Lianne I don't think I'll have to introduce Justin" Chantal said giving Justin a smile.

"So you figured it out?" Justin asked Chantal talking about the fact that he wasn't just a singer but was in fact a successful singer. A part that Justin left out when they had met this morning.

"Yeah well what can I say with a huge Nsync fan as my best friend, the mystery is soon unfolded" He smiled back before turning his head to Lianne who was gazing at him, like she was dreaming.

"Ooh my God I can't believe this. Chantal pinch me"

"Nice to meet you" Justin said and shook her hand.

"Wow. I still can't believe this. You guys are so great"

"Thanks" Justin said shy.

"Lianne stop staring at him!" Chantal whispered in her friend's ear.

"Ooh I'm sorry. This is amazing…" Lianne said still in awe. Justin stood in front of her, calm and patiently waiting for her to calm down.

"You know what?" She said after a few seconds when she finally got her act together.

"I'm going to go home. I'll call you?"

"Yeah okay" Chantal said and then Lianne walked away with an amazing feeling, turning around once in a while to look back at Justin. Making sure she really wasn't dreaming.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Chantal heard someone say when she reached out for the car door. It was Stephanie and her little group of fans.

"No! Common Justin, let's go" Chantal said quickly to get away from her enemies. But Stephanie already made her way to Justin and said sweetly while grabbing his hand.

"Hi Justin, I'm Stephanie" Chantal saw Stephanie all over him. When Stephanie finally let go of his hand she also introduced her so called friends.

"Guys say hi!" Stephanie said when they just stood there with their mouths wide open.

"Hi" They mumbled.

"Hi nice to meet you all" Justin said friendly.

"Chantal you're ready to go?" He said when he saw this weren't really her closest friends. He didn't want to stay either so he was relieved when she said yes.

"Okay let's go. Excuse me ladies. Bye" Justin said when he opened the door for Chantal and waved her in. He closed the door, walked to the other side waved one more time at the girls who were still standing next to his car, got in and drove off. Leaving Stephanie and her little group behind in astonishment.

"Sorry about that" Chantal said a little ashamed when they were on their way to the mall.

"It's okay"

"No I'm really sorry. I hate those girls. They are always bothering me and I was so careful when I told Lianne about you. How could they find out? It's like they wired me or something. I can't get rid of them" Chantal said mad. Justin chuckled when Chantal said she thought they had her wired.

"What's so funny?" Chantal asked confused.

"The way you said that" He was still laughing and Chantal began to laugh too when she looked at Justin.

"Well anyway I'm sorry" Chantal said when she stopped laughing.

"Hey it's okay. Really, I understand. I'm used to it. I deal with it everyday and really it's not worth worrying about. Because you can't do anything about it. Trust me"

"Yeah you're right but I've just met you and I just want to get to know you better without those stupid girls interfering" She said with a tempting smile.

"I want to get to know you too so we're not going to let them bother us okay?"


"Are you ready to go to the best coffeehouse in the world?"

"Yeah!! Let's see it" She said enthusiastic.

~*~ At the coffeehouse ~*~

"What can I get you?" The waiter asked Justin and Chantal who had found a nice table. It was in a corner so they were out of side. It was nice and quiet.

"I would like to have a coffee with sugar" Chantal said.

"The same for me please"

"Two coffee with sugar coming right up" The waiter repeated their order and left.

"So, tell me something about yourself" Justin said.

"What do you want to know?"

"Your personal history" He said in a funny voice while a smile appeared on his face, causing the whole room to light up.

"Well, we go back 17 years" She said in a weird voice.

"I was born in the Netherlands on the 4th of August…" She stopped for a second when the waiter brought them their drinks. They paid for it and when the waiter left she continued.

"My parents loved it there…." She was interrupted by a girl about 15 years old.

"Oooh my God! Is it really you?" The girl asked while looking at Justin. Chantal thought it might be an old friend but it turned out a little different.

"Justin I love you. Can I have you autograph?" The girl asked after she took a closer look and discovered it really was the man she though it was.

"OOOOH MY GOD!" The girl screamed, Chantal jumped while the girl grabbed a napkin for him to sign.

"Sure" He said calmly. A few moments after she'd left another girl came up to them and she went through the same process as the girl before her. Freak out, grabbing a napkin and saying how great she though he was. It went on and on for 15 minutes. When the umpteenth left with an autograph they thought that would be the end of the "signing session". Now they could talk without any interruptions but that wasn't true. Again people came up to Justin and glanced at Chantal for a second. Curious who the girl was Justin was drinking coffee with. Justin hardly touched his coffee. He didn't have the time for it.

"Do you want to get out of here? I can't sign autographs for the whole mall" Justin said to Chantal when he saw another group coming their way.

"Yes please" Chantal said relieved.

"Okay let's go" They stood up and walked away just before the next group arrived. The group of fans were disappointed and still wanted his autograph so they walked after him. You don't see Justin Timberlake from Nsync everyday so they grabbed the chance to get an autograph by following him.

"Justin they are following us" Chantal whispered a little bit scared. She was never followed by a group of people before.

"It's okay after a while they'll go away" He comforted her. It surprised her that he actually knew what to do and it seemed to be that this was not the first time this happened. The fans came closer and closer and at one point they walked around and next to them.

"Justin can I have your autograph?" One of them asked.

"I'm sorry ladies. Not now" He said and grabbed Chantal's hand so he wouldn't lose her. A few walked away when they heard his answer but there were also a few persistent fans there. They weren't going to give up that easily. After a while there where still about 3 fans who followed them. All the way they asked for an autograph over and over again. Justin kept cool and just kept walking. Almost dragging Chantal with him. He took way bigger steps than her so she had trouble keeping up with him. Eventually he turned around and signed the pieces of paper of the girls really fast and then he grabbed Chantal's hand again and walked away quickly. When they reached the car, they got in as fast as they could and drove off.

"Wow, I have never seen something like that before. It was actually a little scary" She said realizing what could have happened. It could easily got out of hand, luckily it didn't.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just surprised, I guess…. But I'm fine…….. " She said still a little shaken up.

"You know what we can do? We could go to the park" She suggested

"I'm not so sure about that" Justin said thinking about the people who'd be there, he didn't want to repeat the chasing scene from the mall.

"You don't want to stay in the car do you?" She asked a little confused.

"No" He chuckled.

"Ok. Um. What about my house? It might be a bit early for this but at least we won't be bothered" She suggested not really knowing how he would respond to this idea.

"Ok" He agreed. "Sorry… you know.. back there"

"Hey, it's not your fault everybody loves you. It comes with the territory" She said smiling. He grinned and said.

"Okay, let's go to your house"

When they got there, nobody was home. "I wanted to introduce you to my brother but I guess he isn't home. Maybe he's with his girlfriend. Well, anyway would you like to have a drink or something to eat?" She offered.

"Yes please, do you have coke?"

"Of course" Chantal said while getting some coke out of the fridge. Then they walked into the living room where they sat down on the couch and started to talk.

"Please tell me about yourself. We got interrupted but now I'm all ears" Justin said.

"Alright, well I told you that I lived in The Netherlands for 10 years then my mom passed away. My dad decided that he didn't want to live there anymore. Too many painful memories, I guess. So, we moved to Orlando. My dad is never home and my brother, Bryant practically takes care of me" She paused for a second but his eyes never left hers.

"I'm sorry about your mother. Why is your father never around?" He asked.

"I'm sorry it's too personal I shouldn't have asked" He said quickly when Chantal didn't respond.

"No, it's ok. My dad is a very busy man. You know with his work and stuff but Bryant thinks he still isn't over the death of our mom. When he sees us, I guess it's too painful for him"

"I'm sorry" Justin said.

"It's alright. Bryant takes very good care of me. Sometimes more than I would want him too" She said laughing, to light up the mood.

"Now tell me something about you"

"You know what the easiest answer is to that question?"

"No…. what is that?" Chantal said curious.

"Check out our website www…." He said in a funny voice while a smile spread across his face.

"Ha! Nice try, you're not getting of that easy. I want to hear it from you!"

"Alright, well I was born on the 31st of January. In Memphis, Tennessee. I grew up singing in church. When I was 11, I sang on Starsearch. I challenged a girl but I lost"

"How is it possible?"

"I don't know I think the jury messed up" He joked around.

"But anyway I got an audition for the Mickey Mouse Club and got hired. So, it wasn't all bad. Then a few years later the show got cancelled and I wanted to go back to Memphis with my mom. Because we moved to Orlando when I got the job on the Mickey Mouse Club. My mom and dad got divorced a long time before that. Anyway Chris, a good friend, called me with the idea of starting a group. I called JC and so forth. We started Nsync. That is what I am right now. NNNNNNNNsync" He said with a huge smile on his face. They both didn't know what to say next and silence filled the room. It wasn't for long however.

"You …" Chantal and Justin both started at the same time.

"You go first" Chantal offered.

"You know what Chantal?" He said after waiting a second clearing his throat.

"What?" She asked curious.

"I like you. It's weird to say that about someone you've just met but it's true. I feel different, great but different" He slowly leaned over to Chantal and kissed her. It was their first kiss and Chantal was never been kissed like that before. When they broke away Chantal said.

"I know what you mean, I feel the same way…." She said pausing a little bit on the end of her sentence.

"I feel a but coming"

"But" She said slowly.

"I don't want to go too fast. Everything went so fast with my last boyfriend that I missed a few important things. Like what a cheater he was. I'm not saying you are the same way. I actually think you're nothing like him but I just want to take it slow" She said talking faster with every word that came out of her mouth.

"I feel the same way" Justin said.

"I also trust people too quickly. I think that you can trust everybody but the reality is something really different. There are a lot of girls who can't be trusted and I always give my heart away too fast. They only want me because I am a rich celebrity"

"You're rich?" Chantal asked teasing him.

"Hell yeah! I have lots of money" He said smiling. Although Chantal was joking, she didn't feel totally happy. She was a little bit worried, maybe he would think she was like the girls he just described. Justin noticed her worries by the look on her face and said.

"Don't worry. I have no doubts at all that you might be like that"

"You can trust me" She said giving him a reassuring smile. For some reason he believed her immediately. Not completely sure if that was a good or a bad thing but he didn't think about it too long as they leaned closer for another kiss. The time flew by because they talked and talked and before they knew it, the clock read 5.45.

"Ooh no" Justin said all of a sudden when he noticed the time.


"What's wrong?" Chantal asked confused.

"I was supposed to meet the guys and Johnny, our manager, at 5 o'clock. I'm sorry, I got to go!!" Justin said in a little bit of a panic after he jumped up from the couch.

"It's okay. Don't worry. Just breathe!" She said smiling a little while she got up from the couch. She put her arms around his waist and he put his arms around her shoulders while he took a deep breath. She looked up, into his eyes and kissed him.

"I'm cured" He said with a smile on his face. Her grip loosened so he could go to his meeting. He took her hand and together they walked to the hall. He grabbed his jacket and when he stepped out the door she let go of his hand. He walked to his car as fast as he could. Halfway to the car he turned around realizing Chantal stopped walking and was standing by the front door. He walked over to her and gave her the most passionate kiss she'd ever got.

"Bye, I'll call you soon. If I don't get killed by the guys or our manager" She laughed and said.

"Alright. Bye" She watched him walk over to his car for the second time. But this time he got in and drove off a few seconds later. Chantal had never felt like this before. This was the best day of her life. She couldn't believe what just happened to her. She felt like the happiest person in the whole world and she wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Justin had never felt better either. He was falling for a girl he just met. Maybe it was crazy he thought, feeling this strong about her…. He would think about this later and pushed his feelings aside. First he had to think about how he could explain his being late to the guys who'd probably been waiting for him for over an hour. He drove to Johnny's house as fast as he could. He knew he was going to be late and he knew they wouldn't let him off easy. He quickly walked into the room where the rest of the guys were already busy discussing a few things.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth when they noticed him and shot him an angry look.

"You are over an hour late. We began without you. Where were you?" Johnny asked angrily.

"I got stuck in traffic. I'm sorry" Justin lied.

"I got stuck in traffic too!" Chris said to support Justin.

"I know but you were only ten minutes late while Justin is over an hour late. So, I'm wondering how that's possible" Johnny asked. He made it obvious that he didn't believe Justin.

"Okay, I wasn't stuck in traffic. I was on a date" Justin admitted.

"On a date? Way to go Justin!!" Joey yelled while blinking his eye.

"It wasn't really a date, it was more like a…." Justin quickly changed his statement when he saw the look on Johnny's face.

"Justin, can I talk to you in the living room for a second?" Johnny asked severely.

"Sure" Justin said slowly. Johnny walked out the door.

"Dude, you're in trouble!" JC said after he made sure Johnny was out of earshot.

"I know JC! Thank you for telling me" Justin said angry.

"Today please!!" Johnny yelled from the living room.

"Okay, I'm coming" Justin responded. He walked into the living room and closed the door.

"Alright, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??" He yelled.

"I'm sorry okay?"

"No not okay, we are discussing a few very important things and you should have been here but instead you go on a date?!"

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry. I've said that a million times but I'm really sorry"

"You know that you can date but don't let it interfere with your work. We agreed right?"


"Then why aren't you following that agreement?"

"Because…. " He started thinking about a good explanation for his being late but realized there wasn't really one. "I just lost track of time and I know I shouldn't have let this happen. I thought I could make it in time. I'm sorry, there is nothing else I can say"

"I know and you apologized enough. It's okay everybody makes mistakes but just don't let it happen again, okay?" Johnny asked. You could make him very mad but he was always reasonable.

"Alright. So we're cool?"

"Yes" They hugged and everything was forgiven and forgotten.

"Well let's look at the important things now" Johnny said before he opened the door. The rest of the guys practically fell in. Except for Lance he sat on the couch with an innocent look on his face.

"Why are you listening to our VERY private conversation?" Justin asked while he looked angrily at JC, Joey and Chris.

"It was Chris' idea" JC said pointing the finger at Chris.

"No, it wasn't!!!" Chris said defending himself.

"It was Lance's idea. He looks chilled just sitting there like nothing happened. But he said go over to the door and listen to what they are saying" Chris said imitating Lance's deep voice.

"No, I did not!!" Lance shouted at Chris.

"Chris is right" JC admitted.

"He looks relaxed. But he is NOT, he is controlling!! He made us do it!"

"Alright, alright. Guys, can we talk about important things now? We already wasted too much time" Johnny said while he looked at Justin. When they calmed down the guys and Johnny discussed all the things on the agenda.

"Are we done?" Chris asked bored after 2 hours of talking. It was hard listening to someone for 15 minutes let alone 2 hours!

"Yes almost. I just need some papers, I'll be right back" Johnny said while he stood up.

"So, who is she?" Joey asked Justin the second Johnny left the room.

"Yeah, who is so special that makes you come late to a VERY important meeting?" Chris asked teasing him.

"Just a girl"

"If she's JUST a girl why did you loose track of time?" JC asked.

"It just happened. I don't know"

"When did you meet her?" Lance asked interested.

"I met her this morning in the mall"

"She's having a bad influence on you young man" Chris said in a fake fatherly tone.

"Yes dad" Justin responded rolling his eyes.

"So, when do we get to meet her?" Joey asked a little bit too interested.

"Watch it! I saw her first" Justin said smiling before he dived on top of Joey when Joey least expected it. They started a small childish fight but they were interrupted by Johnny who re-entered the room and stood there calmly looking at the guys who were all over the floor of his office.

"Hey guys?" Johnny asked after a few seconds. He decide to let them know he was in the room since they were to busy to notice.

"Geeeeeez, what's going on here today? You're driving me crazy!" He said while he made his way to the couch, which was a little difficult with Joey and Justin sprawled over the floor. They stopped fighting when Johnny passed them and got up from the floor. They walked to the couch and there they sat down for a few last words from their manager. After that, they called it a day and they could go home and get some rest.

~*~ That evening ~*~

Chantal was lying on her bed watching TV when she heard someone slamming the door shut. She walked downstairs to see what was going on.

"Hello?" She yelled.

"Bryant?" She didn't get a response so she yelled again then she heard Bryant saying.

"I'm in the kitchen"

"What's wrong?" She asked when she entered the kitchen.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you slam the door shut and why do you look awful?"

"Gee, Thanks!"

"I'm sorry but… common spill it!" Chantal said while she walked over to him.

"I was with Jen and she told me her parents weren't so glad with our relationship"

"Why not?"

"Because they think I'm trouble. Her father almost threw me out the door" She listened to his story and comforted him.

"It'll be fine. The key is: patience" Chantal gave him the advice, he gave her months ago when she was dating Bastian. She didn't listen then but she knew it would make him smile. She was right, he smiled but he was still a little worried. Bryant always had a smile on his face, if he didn't then there was something wrong. You could tell.

"Okay, enough about my problems. How was your day?"

"It was great. I went out with Justin, you know the guy I met this morning"

"Ooh yeah, the soccer idiot" He said joking around. It was a good sign that Bryant was making jokes. Maybe he'd listened to his own advice.

"You know he might not be ONLY a soccer idiot" She said challenging.

"What do you mean? He's a basketball idiot as well?"

"Actually yes he is but that's not the point. When I met him I kind of thought I knew him from somewhere, didn't know from what. Then I asked Lianne a couple of refreshing questions" She said her eyes twinkling.

"And?" Bryant asked curiously.

"He's a singer. You might even know him, Justin Timberlake?" Bryant thought about it but he'd never been into those boy bands and it kind of sounded familiar form somewhere but it didn't really ring a bell. He shrugged, giving up, going to his original thought about the guy his sister met in the mall.

"He's still and idiot" Bryant stated not really impressed.

"Whatever. He's very cute!"

"Where did you go?"

"Um…." She said hesitant cause she knew Bryant wouldn't be glad to hear she had been chased around by teenage girls, although she was not the reason they chased them.

"You forgot or something?" He said sarcastic.

"No, no. We went to a coffeehouse but we didn't stay there very long"

"Why not?"

"Because at the coffeehouse, people recognized him. He signed autographs but they kept coming so after 15 min or something, he had enough. We got up and walked away. A few fans kept following us. It was a little bit scary but he made sure nothing happened. We got in the car and drove over here. We talked and talked and it was great!!" Chantal was rambling again because she didn't want Bryant to interrupt her before she had the chance to tell the whole story.

"Wow, that is an exciting story. But be careful. I don't like these fans chasing you"

"But they weren't chasing ME. They were chasing Justin"

"I know but you were with him so be careful okay?"

"Yeah, I'm always careful, you know that" She said smiling, she was relieved the way he took it. She expected him to be less understanding. She felt blessed with a brother like him. She loved him so much, she didn't always realize how much.

"I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm tired. Wake me up in the morning okay?"

"Of course. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" Chantal said and then she walked upstairs after an incredible day.
