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« Chapter 2 »

~*~ Next day at school March 19th 1999 ~*~

"Well, how was your date?" Stephanie asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Chantal asked sarcastic. She knew Stephanie was curious and Chantal was enjoying this. Finally having something she was jealous off.

"I'm just being friendly" Stephanie said with the nicest smile she had.

"Since when? I don't remember you being friendly to me. Do you remember that Lianne?" Chantal playing dumb.

"No, actually I don't. But maybe it's just my memory" Lianne said going along.

"Okay fine! I'm being friendly now! So, when is your boyfriend coming back here?" She asked a little bit too interested.

"I don't think that's any of your business. Let's go Lian" Chantal said before Lianne and Chantal walked away.

"We HAVE to know when he's coming back. I need to take that picture!" Stephanie said.

"Go ask around!" She commanded her friends. But they did it anyway. After all Stephanie let them hang out with her. They had to do something in return.

"God I hate her!" Chantal almost screamed after Lianne and she walked away from Stephanie and her gang.

"I know but don't let them get to you" Lianne said.

"I know and I'm trying but I hate her"

"That makes two of us. Anyway let's just stop talking about her. She isn't worth talking about"

"Yeah you're right!" Chantal agreed with her friend. They walked outside to get some air before classes would start again.

~*~ March 27th 1999 ~*~

*ring ring*

"I'll get it!!" Chantal yelled.

"Hello, Chantal here"

"Hey Chantal, it's Justin" Justin answered. She laughed when she heard Justin say her name. It wasn't exactly an American name so Justin was struggling to pronounce it correctly. However, she was really happy to hear from him because it was over a week ago since they went out for coffee.

"Hey, how's life?" She asked him.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Fine. I was a little worried because I didn't hear from you"

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry but we have been so busy the last week that I wasn't able to call you" He apologized.

"That's what I thought. It's okay, I'm just happy to hear from you again"

"I had a good time on Wednesday" He said with a really sweet voice that made Chantal melt.

"Me too"

"I hope we can do it again real soon"

"Yeah" Chantal agreed.

"By the way, did you read the paper this morning?" He asked, hoping she did.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did. I saw an article about Nsync being sued. Is that true?"

"Yes, it is" He confirmed. He wanted to let her know why they were being sued. It was weird but he just wanted to explain the whole situation to her.

"But why are you being sued?" Chantal wondered.

"We are being sued because we switched record companies last month and our old record company, BMG, believes the name Nsync belongs to them. They want to stop us making records under the name Nsync"

"But why? Do they own the name?"

"No, my mom came up with it. We believe it's our name but they don't agree"

"It'll be okay then right?"

"Yes, we hope it will"

"When is the lawsuit?"

"At the end of next month. I don't know the exact date but around that time" He paused for a second thinking what else he wanted to say to her. When he remembered he said.

"Another thing I wanted to tell you is that I'm probably not going to be able to call you this week because we got a lot of press conferences. We have to tell our side of the story about the lawsuit so we'll be busy all week"

"When do you start?"

"Um, tomorrow. We got a lot of conferences planned all over the country so I'm going to be really busy. I'll try to call you though"

"That's okay. Just see if you have time. Otherwise I'll talk to you in a week, okay?"


"Hey Justin, get off the phone!!" Chantal heard someone yelling in the background.

"Who was that?" Chantal asked giggling.

"That was Chris. I'm sorry, I got to go. I'll call you as soon as possible"

"Alright bye, take care of yourself" She said.

"You too. Bye" He said quickly and then he hung up.

"Who was that?" Bryant asked her when he came down the stairs.

"Justin" She said smiling.

"That took long. You went out a week ago. Most guys call the day after" He said accusingly.

"Yes, but he isn't like most guys. He's sweet and he doesn't have that much time"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't I tell you about his job?"

"I don't remember" Bryant shrugged. Chantal gave him an angry look and suddenly he seemed to remember.

"Ooh yeah, he was an actor right?"

"No, he's a singer! He was really busy last few days so he wasn't able to call"

"Ooh like that"


"Do you think it's wise to date a guy who's famous and away all the time?"

"Probably not but he's so nice and we'll see how it goes. We've only gone out once. We'll see"

"Alright….." Bryant said while he walked away. She watched him leave and thought about what he'd just said.

'We'll see how it goes….' She said to herself. Then she went into the living room to watch TV.

~*~ March 28th 1999 - April 2 1999 ~*~

"Lance!! Hurry up. We don't have all day!!" Joey yelled at Lance, who was late. Lance was never late so it was a big surprise that this time they'd to wait for Lance instead of Justin or Chris.

"What's wrong with you?" Justin asked when Lance got in the car after he threw his suitcase in the trunk.

"I'm sorry, but I was talking to Lynn and I forgot the time"

"You were talking to my mommy?"

"No you idiot! I was talking to my girlfriend" Lynn was Lance's girlfriend they had known each other for quite a while and they were actually the dream couple the rest of the guys of Nsync were jealous of. They were waiting for them to get married. Lance was probably the first one to get married.

"How is she?" Chris asked.

"She's fine" Lance said happy.

"Can we go now? We're late!! Again!!" JC said while looking at Lance.

"Hey, I said I'm sorry" Lance said apologizing.

"I know and you were not the only who was late" JC said while he turned his head to Justin.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm here now, right?" Justin said.

"You have enough clocks in your house, don't you?" JC asked Justin


"How come you're late all the time?"

"What do you mean all the time? I've been late once and that was today"

"Ha!! Once, that's funny!! You're always late, dude. Al-ways!!" JC said.

"That is soooo not true!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it isn't!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it isn't!"

"Okay okay now shut up. I don't want to hear another word from you again for at least half an hour" Chris said playful.

"Yes, mom" Justin said in a childish voice.

Lance was the last one they picked up on their way to the airport. Their schedule this week was hectic. They had to go to New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and then at the end Orlando. The media heard about their lawsuit and they wanted to hear their side of the story so every TV-show, magazine and radio station in the country wanted Nsync to come and explain the situation. Of course, they couldn't go everywhere so they had to choose. That didn't mean that this week was going to be an easy one. It would be very tiring and busy. But they were kind of used to it.

When they finally arrived at the airport their manager was already waiting for them.

"Finally" Johnny said when he spotted the guys.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault" Joey said all defensive.

"No? I don't believe it"

"Really! It wasn't his fault. Believe it or not it was Justin…" JC began.

"I thought that would be the case. Justin can't you buy a really big alarm clock?"

"Hey, it wasn't entirely my fault. Lance was late too" Justin said defending himself.

"Yeah right! You guys really need to be on time. Understand? No more being late"

"Yep" They mumbled.

"Alright well you guys take a seat over there and I will go check us in" They nodded their head in agreement and picked up their luggage before they walked over to some chairs and plumped down. It was still so early and everybody was sleepy and a little bit cranky. Except for Joey, he saw a cute girl and was wide awake. He walked over to her and started to flirt.

"Look at Joey" Justin said laughing.

"How does he do it?" Chris wondered.

"Well, he's got a lot of practice and I mean A lot!!" Lance said.

"Yeah, that's true but still" JC said.

"Come on guys, you're ready to go?" Johnny asked when he got back.

"We are but I don't know if Joey feels the same way" JC said. They walked to the gate and Johnny yelled to Joey. "Joey let's go common!!" Joey said a quick goodbye and ran to his luggage to get it, he waved at the girl he'd just met and caught up with the rest real soon.

"Look, she gave me her phone number!!" Joey said happily.

"That's great Joe!! You can be a phone operator with all those phone numbers!!" JC said laughing at his friend's happy face. They boarded the plane which would take them to New York.

The flight went okay and after about 3 hours they landed at Kennedy Airport in New York City. "New York!!" Chris screamed like he was in concert.

"New York New York….." Justin started singing while they got their luggage and walked outside, there was already a limo waiting for them to take them to the hotel.

"Ooh!! Turn it up!" JC yelled to the driver when he heard '500 miles' on the radio. They all started to sing along.

"And I would walk five hundred miles……" When the song was over Chris got bored. He opened the window and stuck his head out.

"Yihaaaaa" He yelled. He was so busy yelling that he didn't see another car approaching. Lance did and he pulled Chris inside before he lost his head.

"Watch it man!!" Lance said.

"Hey Chris almost lost his head" Joey said laughing. They headed to a radio station for their first interview of the week. There would be a lot more to come.

"Okay people, we're here with Nsync this morning" They replied cheerful.

"What better way to spend your morning!" The host said.

"Yeah" They said.

"So guys. How's life?"

"It's okay" JC replied.

"You flew from Orlando?"

"Yeah, this morning" Justin said.

"Cool. Alright guys lets talk about the lawsuit. Because what is the real reason? You hear so many different stories that we want to know the real story! What's going on?" They told the whole story again while they thought 'How many times have we told this?!'

"Okay thanks for clearing that up, guys!"

"Thanks for giving us the opportunity to explain" JC said.

"Okay let's look at some questions from your fans. Melanie from LA wants to know if we can we expect an album soon?"

"We're not thinking about the album right now. Our main focus is on the lawsuit…." Justin answered.

"When is the lawsuit?" The host interrupted

"End of April" Lance said.

"Our main focus is on that but we'll start writing songs next week or something" Justin finished his sentence.

"Okay, but when we can expect the album is unknown?"

"Yeah, actually. First the lawsuit and then we're going to think about the next album" Joey confirmed.

"What about the VMA's next week? You're nominated for best single and best album"

"Yes we're excited about that!" JC said.

"We actually have a new slogan for the VMA's" Chris said while he eyed Justin. He got the message and together they said the slogan they came up with on the plane.

"Tune in to watch us NOT win" Chris and Justin said together.

"Ah come on a little confidence. I think they're going to win!"

"We'll see next week" Joey said. "Okay we'll be back in a sec with Nsync, keep listening!

"We're back with Nsync live in the studio, talking about the lawsuit. Send in your questions for the guys of Nsync. Okay, there are a lot of emails here with messages like: Good luck with the lawsuit, we believe in you and we'll pray for you. How does that make you feel?"

"It's amazing!!" JC said.

"It's great when your fans appreciate you and stand by you no matter what" Justin completed.

"We're just glad they didn't abandon us!" Chris said like it was a joke, but he meant it.

"Yeah because people write a lot about you and most of it is not true, so fans easily get the wrong idea of what's going on" JC said.

"That's why, we do a lot of interviews on TV and radio to tell the fans ourselves what's going on" Joey completed.

"They can hear it straight from you! Alright Jamie from Miami says: 'I just wanted to wish you luck with the lawsuit. I believe in you guys and I'm sure everything will be fine!'

"Thank you" They all said.

"Our last mail is from Carol and she also wants to wish you luck and wants to know if you guys are dating anyone at the moment"

"I'm dating someone" Lance said.

"I'm not" Justin said.

"Me neither" Chris said.

"I am" JC said.

"I'm not" Joey said.

"I think that is the question you get asked the most isn't it?"

"Yeah I think it is!" Justin said.

"Okay to finish it up is their anything you want to say to your fans?"

"We just want to say thank you so much for supporting us. Don't worry about the lawsuit, everything will be fine and we'll see you all soon!" JC said.

"Alright! Thank you for being here! That was Nsync everybody! Let's play a song from the boys" The DJ said and then Tearin' up my heart came in.

~*~ In the meantime in Orlando ~*~

Chantal was listening to the radio when she heard the DJ say 'Okay people, we are here with Nsync this afternoon!' she sat down on her bed and listened. When she heard the DJ ask: 'Are you guys dating anyone at the moment?' she was curious what he was going to say. She knew he couldn't say that he was but she still hoped he was going to say that he was dating someone. Then she heard the word no came out of his mouth.

"Hey, how are you?" Justin asked still cheerful after an exhausting day of radio, TV and magazine interviews.

"I'm ok" He heard by the sound of her voice that she wasn't, because she said the words very slow and quiet.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just tired"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" Justin wasn't convinced though and asked. "Chantal, what's wrong?" It was quiet for a few seconds on the other side of the line before she started.

"I heard you on the radio today" She said slowly.

"And some girl asked if you're dating anyone …."

"And I said I wasn't" He slowly completed her sentence.

"Yes" She confirmed.

"Does that mean I don't exist to you?" She asked trying to sound calm.

"No not at all. That means you don't exist to the public" He explained.

"That's a good thing right?" He asked her.

"Yes, it is"

"It's better to keep it a secret for a while"

"I don't mind keeping it a secret, I just wanted to know if I existed to you"

"Well you do" He said while he smiled.

"That's good to hear"

"I don't know how long we can keep it a secret though. Eventually people will find out and there will be rumors. People will want to know but I'm not going to fill them in as long as they don't know we're dating. I'm not going to lie about it but I'm not going to tell them flat out"

"I understand" She said relieved. She was glad he explained it because she really was confused about it all.

"Thank you" She said sincere.

"For what?"

"For explaining things and for realizing I exist" She said sarcastic.

"Well it's kind of hard to NOT notice" He said sweet. She giggled nervously and the smile that was already present lengthened across her face.

"So how was your day?" She asked after a few seconds.

"It was exhausting. We did interviews all day" He answered. She could hear in his voice that he was tired.

"Where are you now?"

"On a plane to Chicago"

"But you just arrived in New York!"

"Yes, but we have to go to as many city's as possible"

"So we're you going after that?"

"We'll stay in Chicago also for a day, then the next day to Las Vegas and on Monday we'll be in LA. We'll stay there for 2 days and then on Wednesday we head back to Orlando were we have interviews again, all day!" He said getting tired when he just said it.


"So, how was your day?"

"It was okay. I went to school. But the weird thing was that those stupid girls, you know the ones who bugged us when you came to pick me up….." She waited for him to say yes before she continued.

"They kept asking me about you. When is he coming back? Is he your boyfriend? And questions like that" Chantal imitated the girls from school which made him laugh.

"I don't trust it at all but anyway the rest of the day I watched TV and surfed the web. I went to some Nsync sites"

"Why?" He asked laughing.

"Because I was curious what people were saying about you. I saw a picture of you! I was laughing so hard it almost killed me!"

"Why?" He asked pitiful.

"It was an old picture…"

"Ah! That is not fair!! I can't check out your old photo's" He protested.

"But I can! And it's so much fun! You were so cute" She said.

"I was a dork!"

"No, you weren't" She said.

"But I'm going to hang up now cause it sounds like you could fall asleep every minute" She said when there was not much of a response from him.

"Actually I could. The only thing that keeps me up is hearing your voice"

"Ah what a charmer" She said sarcastic while the corner of her mouth twitched in a smile.

"That's me!..... But I'll call you soon, Bye" He said.

"Bye sweet dreams" She said and then they hang up. Justin put his phone down and fell asleep with a huge smile on his face while Chantal was so happy she started dancing in her room.

The next city was Chicago. They all slept well on the plane. Ready for the next day. After a whole morning of interviews, they had a couple of hours of. They barrowed a car and went off exploring Chicago.

"Come on JC get a move on!" Chris yelled.

"We only have 2 hours before we have to be back again. If we don't leave now, we won't be back in time!" Joey said.

"You're right. And we don't want that cause I hate being late"

"Yeah we know!" Lance and Justin said at the same time while rolling their eyes. They got in the car and drove off. They didn't know exactly which way to go. Because they weren't familiar with Chicago. They didn't have a plan where they wanted to go. They just wanted to get out of the hotel room for a few hours.

"Those stupid stop lights they are all against us" JC said angry when he had to stop for the umpteenth time.

"Come on give me green!" He yelled at the stop lights.

"JC that is not going to work trust me I've tried it a million times" Chris said.

"Just drive!" Justin said.

"But it's not green yet!" JC said.

"So what? Look at the road there is nobody else on it but us. We are waiting for nothing!" Justin said frustrated.

"No I can't just drive through red"

"Yes you can just put your foot on the gas pedal and then you drive!" Justin said with sarcasm in his voice.

"If you know everything so well why don't you drive!" JC said angry.

"Alright I will, move over" JC and Justin switched seats and when Justin sat behind the wheel, he pressed his foot on the gas pedal and the car shot off.

"See this is how you drive a little bit faster, granny" Justin said smiling.

"What do you mean a little bit faster!? You are driving way harder than is allowed here! You little juvenile"

"You're just as bad" Lance said very calm. He was watching JC and Justin argue from the backseat. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere they heard a police siren.

"See!" JC said giving Justin the "I told you so" - look.

"It's probably on it's way to something else don't worry" Justin said calm. He wasn't as calm as he wanted his friends to believe.

"I don't think so Justin! It's coming to get you!" Chris said overreacting.

"Look!" They saw the police car come closer. They were asked to pull over.

"Pull over!" Joey said quickly commanding Justin.

"This is going to go wrong!!" JC said.

"Just shut up!! I've had about enough of you" Justin said angry, eyeing JC. They saw two police officers. One came towards them the other stayed behind.

"What's the matter, officer?" Justin asked Officer Williams with an innocent look on his face. The officer gave the young man behind the steering wheel a fake smile and said.

"You drove through a red light and you were speeding"

"I was? It couldn't have been a lot" Justin said innocently.

"Actually it was. Can I have your driver's license please?"

"Sure" Justin said before he began looking for his license.

"It has to be here somewhere. Just a sec" He said while he searched every pocket over and over again.

"Would you mind stepping out of the car sir?" Officer Williams said after waiting a few minutes.

"No just one more second. It has to be here somewhere" Justin said in a little bit of panic.

"Sir, step out of the car please" the officer said bored. Justin angrily opened the door and stepped out of the car.

"So you don't have a driver's license…." The officer started.

"I have a driver's license!" JC interrupted in an attempt to get his friend out of trouble.

"That can be but you were not driving"

"Yes, but I was a few minutes ago we changed seats. He wasn't expecting to be driving" JC explained.

"Well he should have thought about that sooner. Mr.….."

"Timberlake" Justin's shoulders slumped while he slowly finished Officer Williams' sentence.

"Alright Mr. Timberlake you don't have a drivers license…" again he was interrupted.

"I do have a driver's license, I swear. I just don't have it with me…." He went silent at the end of the sentence.

"Well you always have to bring your license but you were also speeding and driving through a red stoplight"

"That is your version. I don't believe I was speeding" Justin said daring. That was the last straw. The officer had about enough of his excuses and said.

"Alright that's it! You're under arrest. Put you're hands on top of the car and spread your legs" Justin looked at the officer like he spoke Chinese and didn't move a muscle. When the officer saw he didn't made a move, he turned him so that he faced the car, grabbed Justin arms and put them on top of the car. Then he frisked Justin, read him his rights, took out his handcuffs and put them on Justin. Justin didn't know what was happening just like the rest of the guys who were still sitting in the car gazing at the scene in front of them. Chris was the first to respond.

"What? You've got to be joking!" He said while he came out of the car and walked over to the officer. He tripped and fell against the officer who thought he deliberately pushed him. He threw Chris against the car and put him next to Justin

"He didn't do it on purpose man!" Justin said angrily.

"I would watch out if I were you!" the officer said while handcuffing Chris. He was losing his patience and was getting mad. He waved the other officer to get back-up. Then he got out his gun because there were only two police officers and five guys. He pointed his gun to Lance, Joey and JC who were still sitting in the car. Officer Williams said to them.

"You three come out of the car slowly with your hands up"

"What did we do?" Lance asked confused.

"Shut up. Put your hands on the car and spread your legs" They followed the instructions and then waited. The officers held them at gunpoint while they waited for back-up. After half an hour the back-up came and all five of them were put in a van.

"Hey what about the car?" JC asked when he sat down in the van.

"Yeah, it's not our car" Justin stated.

"Stolen maybe?" The officer asked Justin while giving him an inquired look. Lance smacked him on the back of the head and said.


"You're lucky I can't use my hands now, Lance!" Justin interrupted while he shot him an angry look.

"Will you shut up? Or I'll do it again, there's not much you can do about it now" Lance said daring.

"Just wait I'll…" Justin started but was cut off by the officer.

"What about the car!?"

"Ooh yeah, it's not stolen seriously. We barrowed it from a friend" Lance stated and the officer jotted it down so he could check it later. He closed the door and drove to the police station downtown.

At the police station Justin and Chris were still cuffed. The other three were guided inside by a few other officers. They were sat down on some chairs while they waited. It was extremely busy.

"Ah" Justin groaned.

"Those cuffs hurt! What's up with him?"

"Yeah dude, I tripped I swear" Chris said defensive.

"Yeah and why did they bring us too? We didn't do anything. Justin is guilty as charged…" JC started.

"Heeeey!" Justin yelled.

"Alright he overreacted a little" JC admitted.

"A little? Since when do you get arrested for speeding, driving through a red stoplight and misplacing you driver's license?"

"Since now I guess" Lance said very calm while he looked around.

"Ok gentleman follow me" An officer said. They were brought to the back of the station. Then they saw the jail cells.

"Where are we going?" Lance asked scared.

"You'll have to wait in there" The officer said while pointing his finger to the jail cells.

"I don't want to go in there! We didn't do anything!" JC yelled.

"Just go!" The officer said while he pushed JC, Joey and Lance in. He removed the cuffs from Justin and Chris' hands and then pushed Justin in, Chris however desperately hung onto the bars while he pleaded.

"No, don't put me in there. I'm claustrophobic"

"Let's go" The officer said calm, he wasn't impressed at all by his play and Chris abruptly let go of the bars and walked in before saying.

"Fine, but if I go mad. It's on YOUR head"

"Sure" The officer said in the same tone while he locked the cell.

"I think it's a little late for that Chris. You're already crazy!" Lance chuckled.

"Shut up Poofoo" Chris countered.

"Well great!" Joey said while he took a seat.

"Way to go Justin" JC said.

"Yeah nice move" Chris added.

"What do you mean? It's not my fault." Justin said defensive.

"Not all of it but a big part is. Now we are going to be extremely late!" JC said.

"JC will you shut up! There are worse things. In case you haven't noticed we're in a jail cell!!" Lance said frustrated.

"Hey don't I know you guys from something?" A huge guy with tattoos all over his body asked Lance.

"Um" He said while he looked at him from head tot toe and back. The guy was taller than him and was twice as big. He swallowed hard before he answered the guy.

"I…. don't think….. so" He stuttered scared before he quickly turned around and went hiding behind Justin and Joey. Then Chris stood in front of the guy. He also went hiding behind his mates.

"Oooooh!!" The guy yelled all of a sudden which scared the crap out of the guys and made all five of them jump about 5 feet.

"You are Nsync!!"

"Ooh no" JC groaned.

"Well this is a good place to get recognized" Joey said.

"Hey Barry!" The guy yelled to the guard.

"Yes?" The guard responded looking up from his paper.

"Can you give me a few pieces of paper and a pen?"

"Okay" Barry said while he put down his paper and opened a desk drawer to get out some paper. He handed it to Bob whose hand was reaching for it through the bars.

"I'm Bobby Trooper" The guy said when he turned after getting a hold of the pieces of paper.

"Hi Bob" Lance said who cautiously came out from behind Justin and Joey.

"I'm a huge fan of yours can I have your autograph please?" Bob asked. He looked like a ten year old the way he just asked them for an autograph. Justin was trying not to laugh but he couldn't prevent a giggle from escaping his mouth. Bob walked over to Justin because he thought Justin was laughing at him.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"Um no of course not" He said quickly when he saw the angry look on his face. Bob was almost a foot taller than Justin so he didn't want to make him angry. He took the paper and the pen and signed it. The rest followed and then Bob asked.

"Can you sing Tearin' up my heart for me? I love that song?"

"Um…." Chris hesitated but then Bob got the angry look on his face again. Lance noticed it and said quickly.

"Sure!! 1, 2, 3…" They started to sing. Bob loved it and sang along with every single word. When the song ended the guard said.

"Bob, you're bail just got paid. You're free to go"

"Bye guys so nice to meet you" He said while he shook their hands.

"Keep up the good work you are the greatest!!" He continued and then hugged, well more like squeezed, each and every one of them and left while singing.

"Here we go……. See ya fella's" They heard the song fade away. They laughed out of relief but it was also pretty funny to meet a closet fan in jail!!

"Well that was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced" Chris stated. The guard interrupted by saying.

"Alright you all have the right to make one phone call. Choose it wisely because when I say ONE I mean ONE"

"But we don't know anyone here" JC said looking at the rest.

"Let's call Johnny" Lance said simply.

"I don't have his number with me" Joey said.

"It's in my cell phone!!" JC said happy like he struck gold.

"But my cell phone is…." JC continued while his shoulders slumped.

"In the car" They all finished JC's sentence.

"What do we do now?" Joey asked. Every guy was lost in his own thoughts thinking of a solution.

"I got his number at home! I put it on our notice board" Justin shrieked.

"Sometimes he does get in handy" JC stated referring to Justin, he shot him an offended look before he mumbled.

"I only hope someone is home…" The guard opened the door for Justin. He dialed his mother's number.

"Hello this is Lynn" He heard his mom say.

"Hi mom this is Justin"

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

"Actually not that good" Justin carefully started.

"What's wrong?" She asked a little worried.

"Um well mom doesn't freak out okay?"

"Justin…?" She said sternly. Justin still didn't say anything.

"Say something, you're making me nervous!"

"Well… I'm sort of in jail" He said cautiously.

"What?!?" His mom yelled. He took the phone away from his ear and his shoulders slumped.

"Not good!" Lance said who was watching from the jail cell.

"Mom, it wasn't my fault…" He started defensive after she stopped yelling.

"Well not exactly anyway" He continued.

"Where were you arrested for?" His mom asked.

"Um well I'll explain later. But I want to ask you something else"


"Johnny's number is on the notice board, right?"

"Um, yeah I think I so. Why?"

"Can you give me the number? We need to call him and we don't exactly remember the number"

"Really smart!!" His mother said sarcastic.

"MOM!" He sighed.

She gave him the number and he wrote it down. He hung up after he said that he would call her soon. Then picked up the phone again to make the phone call to Johnny.

"What do you think you're doing?" The guard asked.

"Calling our manager, to get us out of here" Justin said giving him a confused look.

"You had your 1 phone call. I told you to choose it wisely!"

"But that's not fair!" Justin shrieked.

"That's the way it works...." The guard said simply.

"Someone else can call your manager. You had your one phone call" At that moment an officer walked in.

"Okay you three come with me" He said while he pointed at Lance, Joey and JC. The guard opened the door and the officer took Lance, Joey and JC with him while Justin was guided inside the jail cell.

"Hey what about my phone call?" Chris yelled.

"In a minute" The guard said calmly while he took a seat and continued to read his newspaper.

"Damn!!" Chris said before he plumped down next to Justin.

JC, Lance and Joey were brought to an office down the hall where a commanding officer was waiting for them.

"Alright gentlemen take a seat" Officer Davis said.

"Officer Williams, the officer who arrested you was wrong and he apologizes. He hasn't been with us for very long and he went a little bit overboard. Our sincere apologies. You are free to go" They were just as surprised as when they were arrested but also relieved.

"Just like that?" JC asked confused.

"What about our friends?" Joey quickly asked before the officer could answer JC's rhetorical question.

"They DID something wrong" Officer Davis said.

"Yeah okay they did but not enough to get arrested for" JC said defensive.

"Assault is a criminal offence" Officer Davis said filling JC in on the charges.

"But they didn't assault the police officer" Lance said defending his friends.

"Officer Williams said they did"

"Chris tripped and fell against the officer. Justin never touched him at all. I don't understand where this is coming from?!" Lance continued because just like JC and Joey he wanted answers. It was all very confusing.

"I'll be right back" Officer Davis said while he stood up and left the room before the guys could ask where he was going. They waited a few minutes and then Officer Davis came back with Officer Williams after they discussed the case.

"I'm really sorry" Officer Williams said.

"Your friends will also be released immediately" Officer Davis completed.

"I misunderstood you and I'm sorry" Officer Williams apologized. The guys were actually very angry with Officer Williams but when they saw how bad he felt they felt sorry for him. He was still very young and he had only been a cop for 2 months.

"It's ok" Lance said while he gave a reassuring smile.

"Our apologies" The commanding officer said again while he shook their hands before they left. In the hall they saw Justin and Chris who had already been released.

"Hey!" Chris yelled when he saw Joey, Lance and JC.

"Wow that was quick. They released you already?" Lance asked when they joined them.

"Yeah, what did you say?" Justin asked.

"Nothing much just that they should lock you up for life" JC said teasing him.

"Ha-ha very funny. Thanks anyway" Justin said grateful.

"It worked so whatever you said thank you" Chris said thanking his friends.

"Did they drop the charges?" Lance asked.

"Well the assault charge is dropped but I still have to pay the fine!" Justin complained.

"That will teach you!" JC said giving Justin an evil grin.

"Ooh I really feel like hitting you right now!" Justin said angry.

"Go ahead but I'll have you arrested" JC said and his grin turned into a full-fledged smile.

"Whatever" Justin said and he put an arm around JC's shoulder and held him in a headlock.

"Hey guys?" Lance interrupted.

"We have to get back to the hotel"

"Yeah otherwise we're going to be late" Chris imitated JC but he was too busy getting away from Justin.

"Common let's go. I'm glad we had this little time away" Joey said like they went on holiday. They all got into the car and this time they let Lance drive. At least he had his driver's license with him!!

Luckily the rest of the day and the next day in Las Vegas went better and they took a plane to LA the day after that. They would stay in LA for two days because that's the place where they record the major TV-shows. TV-shows take lot longer because you have to wait a lot longer for a TV-show than for a radio interview because in a radio interview you don't have to look your best. You don't have to brush your hair or put make-up on because nobody will see what you look like. As for TV it's so important to look your best. That's why they planned two days in LA.

When they arrived at the hotel in LA there were a lot of girls waiting for them to show up. When they got out of the limo a lot of them started to scream. They all yelled at them for an autograph and a picture. They started signing but, although they had a little bit more time than in the other city's they went to, they were on a tight schedule. Dave, the guy who made sure they stayed on schedule, said.

"Sorry ladies, they got to go" They quickly signed a few more things before they disappeared into the hotel.

"Justin, Chris and JC you got room number 659 and Joey and Lance you two got the room next door 658" Johnny said who gave them their key.

"First interview is at 3 so be back here at 1pm. Make sure you ate, okay?"

"Yep" They said and then took the elevator to the 6th floor.

"What time is it, Joe?" JC asked.

"It's 11"

"Good, plenty of time to take a shower and grab a bite to eat"

"I want to take a shower too!" Chris said.

"Yeah me too!" Justin agreed.

"I said it first, so I have the right to go first" JC said calmly.

"Saying it first doesn't matter" Justin stated.

"Exactly!" Chris supported him.

"What MATTERS is who gets to the shower first" Justin continued.

"No!! SAYING it first is what counts!" JC argued.

"It is not!" Justin said.

"Is to!"

"What do you think?" Justin asked Lance, trying to find another one supporting his idea.

"Ha! I'm not getting in the middle of this! You three figure it out by yourself. Me and Joe will discuss it and then decide that I can go first"

"Fine by me" Joey quickly agreed.

"As long as you don't use up all the hot water"

"Of course not Joe, I never do that unlike JC!" Lance said.

"Hey, I just like to be clean, what's wrong with that?" JC asked.

"Nothing, but you can go last!" Chris said.

"Otherwise we won't have enough hot water!" Justin said. JC was still letting the comment sank in when the elevator stopped at the 6th floor. Justin and Chris ran off heading for their room to make sure they would get there before JC. Chris was the one who was holding the key.

"Hurry up Chris, he's coming!!" Justin said urging him on.

"I know, I know. Don't rush me!!" Chris said panicking.

"Ooh, give me that key!" Justin said irritated. He grabbed the key out of Chris" hand and unlocked the door quickly. They rushed inside and locked it, so JC couldn't get in.

"Guys?!" JC asked when he found out the door was locked.

"Let me in!" JC yelled banging on the door when there was no response except for giggles.

"No, not before we took a shower" Justin responded.

"Ahhhh, man!! Let me in!" JC pleaded.

"I promise, I'll just walk over to the bed and wait until you guys are ready" He heard Justin and Chris laughing really hard on the other side of the door.

"We're not going to fall for that" Chris said in between the laughs.

"Just be patient, we'll let you in… eventually" Justin said. JC groaned loudly while Lance and Joey slowly walked passed him to their room.

"They won't let you in?" Lance asked with an amused smile on his face.

"No! Can I wait in your room?"

"Sure, but if you even try to take up the bathroom first, you'll be out the door so quick…" Joey warned.

"Yeah, yeah" JC interrupted while he put his hands in the air out of defeat.

~*~ In the mean time in Justin and Chris' room ~*~

"You go first" Chris said while he gestured to go into the bathroom.

"No, you go first, I insist"

"Okay!" Chris said quickly. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Hey, you were supposed to say, No you go first!" Justin yelled after Chris. He heard Chris laughing and then the water went on. After an hour everybody was ready. Including JC who took a shower in Lance and Joey's room.

"Let's order room service! I love that" Chris said while he picked up the phone.

"No, man! I want to go out of this hotel room!" Joey said.

"Yeah, me too" Lance agreed.

"I want to have junk food!" JC said.

"Let's go to McDonalds. I haven't eaten that in…, wow 4 days!" Justin said.

"So what? Let's go!!" JC said. They took the elevator downstairs and walked out the backdoor because the fans were still waiting outside. And they had to be back in an hour.

"I would like a burger, fries and a coke please" Lance ordered when they were at McDonalds.

"I'll find a table" he said when he got his food and walked away. JC was the last one to get his food. The rest had already joined Lance and started eating.

"Dude, I'm so hungry!" JC said when he took a seat and started on his food.

"You're always hungry" Chris said while looking him over.

"Yeah, that's true" JC agreed quickly and the next 5 minutes JC didn't say a word. He was too busy eating.

"You already finished your food?!" Lance asked while he looked at the empty tray.

"Yeah dude, I was hungry"

"Where did you leave all that food?" Lance asked.

"In my tummy" he said in a baby voice while rubbing his stomach. After diner they strolled through the mall for a while and then headed back to the hotel. To face yet another 2 days of interviews, but this time on TV. This made it a little different. It was a good change though.

After LA they were off to Orlando. First a few interviews and then the photo shoots in the late afternoon.

'Maybe I can invite Chantal? I'd really like to see her. It's in the afternoon so she'll probably won't have school then but...'

"Hello? Earth to Justin!" JC interrupted his thoughts.

"Huh? What?" Justin asked him still a little lost while he continued to stare right ahead. JC waved a hand in front of his face to catch his attention, he turned his head to JC and he said

"Ooh, I was just thinking I could ask Chantal to come to the photo shoot"

"You mean the girl you went out with last week?"

"Yes" Justin confirmed.

"The girl you only just MET last week?"

"JC!" Justin whined.

"Fine I'll shut up, all I'm saying is be careful ok?"

"K." He mumbled. "Are there going to be magazines and stuff?" He asked a while later.

"I don't know, Scoop?" JC yelled over his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Lance responded.

"Are there going to be a lot of magazine photographers this afternoon at the photo shoot?" JC asked.

"Um, no I don't think so. There is only going to be one guy there. No magazine people. Just the photographer" Lance informed them.

"Ooh great!"

"Why?" Lance asked curious.

"I was thinking about asking Chantal to come over" Justin informed him.

"The girl from last week?"

"Yes" JC answered his question before Justin had a chance.

"Ooh cool, we can meet her too then"

"We can meet who?" Chris asked who wasn't really paying attention to the conversation that was going on between Lance, JC and Justin.


"Who is that?" Joey asked. He came from the bathroom and heard a girls name so he was immediately interested.

"The girl I'm dating" Justin said proud. "Nice!" Joey said while blinking his eye.

"Why don't you invite Lynn?" Justin asked Lance after he gave Joey a weird look.

"She has to work" Lance said pitiful.

"Poor thing" JC said playful.

"Well, I'm so tired I'm going to sleep!" JC said while he put his seat in a sleep position.

"I'm going to call Chantal" Justin said.

"But it's in the middle of the night!" JC said.

"One am is not the middle of the night except for you maybe… Besides it's earlier in Orlando. So it'll be fine" Justin said when he stood up and walked away to find some privacy. After 15 minutes he came back with a huge smile on his face.

"I guess she said she wanted to come?" Lance said smiling.

"Yep, she did!"

"Good. Now get some sleep. We'll be in Orlando in 3 hours. It's the only chance to get some sleep" Lance informed him before he put his head back and drifted off. Justin was thinking about seeing Chantal again and a smile crept over his face, he fell asleep 15 minutes later tired of a hard days work.
