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« Chapter 3 »

"Finally!" Chantal said frustrated when she parked her car. Justin had given her the address of the studio where they'd be, but it wasn't easy to find it. She was glad she made it. She stepped out of the car when she saw Justin. He was already waiting for her outside.

"Hey!" He said and walked over to her. She gave him a kiss and hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you again!" She said when she let go of him.

"Me too" He said while he grabbed her hand.

"Wow, where did you get that car?" Justin asked while admiring her car.

"Fell off the back of a truck?" She said innocently.

"Couldn't you have stolen a better one?" He teased her.

"Actually…" She winked at him. "No, my father gave it to me when I got my drivers license" She said while she looked at the car. She stared down at the floor while she thought about her father.

"I would like to meet him sometime" Justin said still staring at the car. It was a New Beatle convertible and it had been her dream car for some time but she never thought she would get it from her father. He was never around and tried to make it up to them by buying all kinds of presents while all they wanted was having him around.

"Yeah me too" She said softly with sadness in her voice. Justin turned his head away from the car to look at her.

"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

"Nothing" She said.

"Ooh. Well let's go inside I want you to meet the rest of the guys" He said cheerful. They walked inside and she saw 4 guys. One was holding a camera and he was taping the other three guys. They were acting so weird it made her smile. When he noticed Chantal and Justin come in, he focused his camera on them.

"Guys, I want to introduce you to someone" Justin said interrupting the weird scene that was going on when they walked in.

"These idiots are JC, Lance, Joey and Chris" Justin introduced the four guys as his band mates.

"I'm not an idiot!" Chris said.

"Yeah, only Joey is!" JC said.

"Yeah, I just hang out with these guys, for free T-shirts" Joey stated simply while giving her a weird look.

"Well nice to meet you all" She said laughing.

"I'm Chantal" She said, she pronounced it with a Dutch accent which made it difficult for them to get the name right.

"Say what?!" Chris said confused.

"I'm Chantal" She said again.

"How the hell do you spell that?" He asked.

"Why would you care? You can't spell!" JC said before he chuckled.

"Ooh JC is funny today!" Chris mocked him, JC smiled at him still amused with his own joke.

"Anyway how do you spell it?" Chris repeated his question while he ignored JC.

"C-h-a-n-t-a-l" She said.

"Ooh Chantel" He pronounced in American.

"Exactly! Chantal" She said her name again with a Dutch accent, to tease him.

"Lance put the camera down!" Justin said.

"God, haven't you recorded enough the last few days!" Joey said.

"I just like filming things" Lance said.

"Guys, we need to make some pictures!" Johnny yelled from across the room.

"Okay!" They yelled back.

"Nice to meet you" JC said while he shook her hand.

"We got work to do" Chris said in a weird voice before JC, Joey, Lance and Chris walked over to a big screen.

"I have to go. Later on they're going to make pictures of us individual so I'll have more time then" He apologized.

"It's okay. I'll just sit here and watch" She said smiling. He kissed her and walked over to the rest of the guys. She watched them, while they were taking pictures of them in all kinds of positions and different clothes. About an hour later a girl walked into the studio. When Lance saw her he completely forgot about the photo shoot and walked over to the girl. They started kissing when Chris yelled at him.

"Hey, what about us? Get over here!!"

"Just a minute" He said while he hugged her. Then Lynn walked over to the rest of the guys and kissed them on the cheek.

"How are you doing" They asked.

"Fine!! You?"


"Guys, we have to continue!" Johnny said. Lance kissed her again and then she walked over to Chantal.

"Hi, I'm Lynn" She introduced herself.

"Chantal" She said while they shook hands.

"You know one of the guys?" Lynn asked curiously.

"Yes, Justin. I just met the rest. Have you known them for a long time?" Chantal asked Lynn.

"Yeah, I went to high school with Lance" She answered her question. They talked a little more while the guys where still posing for the pictures.

"Hey someone just grabbed my but!" Chris yelled all of a sudden.

"Shut up Chris! Just smile, is that so hard to do?" JC asked him a little irritated.

"Actually it is! My cheeks hurt! Actually my whole face hurts!" Chris complained.

"Okay, Chris take a break. I'll start the individual shoot with JC. The rest take five" JC went to the wardrobe and changed clothes while the rest of the guys sat down in some chairs. Justin sat down beside Chantal after he grabbed a bottle of water and asked.

"You like it?"

"Yeah, it's funny to watch. But how can you stand there and smile all the time?"

"The smile was painted on my face" He joked around.

"Hey you know what?" He asked.


"We heard we have the evening off tonight. Because the VMA's are tomorrow. We can relax a little bit. So I was thinking….."

"Did it hurt?" She teased him. He pouted and she gently cupped his cheek in her hand.

"What were you thinking?" She asked smiling.

"Maybe we can go over to my place and watch a movie. Hang out"

"Yeah, I'd like that" She said while she leaned over to him and kissed him.

"We'll be ready in a few hours" Justin said. It was only 5pm.

"You know what. The mall isn't far from here so I'll just let you go on with your work and I'll go shopping. Would you like to come?" She asked Lynn.

"Where to?"

"The mall"

"Yeah, sure. I'd love too" Lynn responded. She turned back to Justin when she said.

"We'll be back in a few hours and then we can go to your house"

"Okay, you like shopping huh?"

"Yeah, doesn't everyone?"

"I think so" He said smiling.

"At least every girl. Call me when you're ready, okay?"

"Yep, I will!" He said smiling then he gave her a kiss.

"Bye guys!" Lynn and Chantal yelled before they walked out the door. Heading for the mall.

Around 9 Justin called that he was ready. So she drove back to the studio and picked him up because they came with a van straight from the airport. They picked up a video on the way before they headed for his house.

"Okay turn right here. Now left and okay here we are!" Justin showed her the way to his house.

"Wow, nice place!" She said admiring his house. They walked inside.

"I'm so tired" Chantal said while rubbing her eyes.

"From what?"

"I don't know, I just am"

"I think from shopping!"

"Yeah maybe! You have now idea how tired you get from shopping!"

"I don't actually. Well you just take a seat and I will get some popcorn and drinks"

"Thank you. I would like a coke"

"I guessed that" He chuckled. She smiled at him.

"I will put the DVD in the player. If I know how this huge thing works!" Chantal said while Justin walked to the kitchen. She looked at the DVD player and the huge TV screen. There were cables everywhere.

"Come on open up!" She said to the DVD player actually believing it would listen to her. Justin giggled when he came into the living room and saw her struggling with the DVD player.

"It's not going to work that way, sweetie"

"Ha-ha, I know but I don't understand this machine….. Common PLEASE open up!" She pleaded with the machine.

"Ooh wait!!" She said when she finally spotted the button she was looking for. She pressed the button and it opened.

"Yihaaa" She screamed cheerful.

"My little technician" Justin said still laughing over her struggle with the DVD player.

"Well, start it up" She said while she took a seat in the extremely comfortable couch. She nervously sat down next to Justin. He got her hand and pulled her his way until she lay down against him. She relaxed in his arms. She looked up and locked her eyes on his while she smiled at him and when he returned the smile he leaned in for a kiss.

"So what did you get?" She asked curious after they pulled away from each other and she rested her head against his chest again.

"A very scary movie. I don't remember the name" He answered while he pressed play. There were a lot of scary parts in it and Chantal was holding a pillow where she continuously disappeared behind when a scary part came up.

"You can't see anything with that pillow in front of you" Justin said sarcastic.

"I know but this is scary! I can't watch it!" She said while diving behind her pillow again.

"If you don't want to watch it anymore. I could turn it off" He suggested.

"No it's ok. You like it right?"

"Yeah it's ok"

"Alright I'll just close my eyes for a second"

"Okay" He agreed and after a few minutes she was out cold. She was sprawled out sideways with her head resting in his lap. Justin looked at her with an adoring look in his eyes and stroke her hair. When the movie was finished. He turned off the TV.

"Sweetie wake up, the movie is over"

"Ooh" She said slowly opening her eyes but she didn't move. "What time is it?"

"Um almost 11" He said looking at his watch.

"Do you want to go home, sleepyhead?" He asked while his hand was still resting on top of her head.

"No, we just got here and besides I want to spend time with you. There is always time to sleep" She said while she shifted. He wrapped his arms around her and his head was resting on hers. They were so comfortable. They never wanted to get up from the couch.

"Where would you like to live?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"If you could live anywhere where would you live?" She explained her earlier question.

"Around my family and friends"

"Alright let me rephrase that. You're family and friends will move where ever you want to go. Where do you want to live?"

"Um I've always been interested in small countries. They have something unique. I love America it's my home but small countries intrigue me"

"I've always thought about America in that way. Different countries are more interesting than the country you live in right?"

"Yeah, I guess so"

"So what's Memphis like?"

"It's a small city, only 650.000 people live there"

"ONLY? My hometown, Eindhoven, is in the top 5 of the biggest cities in the Netherlands and only 220.000 people live there"

"Yeah, well that's the charm of a small country"

"I always thought it was a big city until I came to Orlando" She said looking down at her hands.

"Do you miss Holland??" He asked her.

"Yeah, sometimes I do. It's weird cause I always thought I was born in the wrong country. America has always interested me but now that I live here I do miss the small-scale things. In the Netherlands everything is so small, small-scaled and that was the thing I disliked the most but now it's the thing I miss. I'm very happy here but I'm very proud that I'm from the Netherlands. You know what's the best thing about coming from a small country?" He gave her an interested look and she continued.

"The language. How many people speak Dutch?"

"Not that many, I believe"

"Exactly" She sat up and sat next to him.

"Especially in the US. You got English so why should you learn another language? And if you do learn another language it will always be either French or Spanish. Never Dutch"


"So hardly anybody understands you when you do speak Dutch. That's what I love the most, it's so much fun. They just look at you and you can see them thinking 'What is she saying?!' It's very funny"

"Yeah and you can also talk about something you don't want everyone to know. Maybe you should teach me Dutch. We could talk about everything and nobody would know where we're talking about"

"Except for my father and brother"

"Ooh yeah. I'll remember that" He said and he got a devilish look in his eyes. His eyebrows slid up and down playfully and she smiled because she knew exactly what he was thinking. She really felt connected to him and things like this gave her a really warm feeling. They leaned in closer. He put his arms around her and she tightened her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. The moment their lips made contact her knees felt week and it was good she was sitting down. When they pulled away she rested her head on his shoulder and they continued to talk.

Finally at 2am she decided to go home because Justin needed his sleep and so did she. The next day he had to refresh the dance moves, they'd learned the week before for their performance. She had school early in the morning but she thought school wasn't going anywhere Justin on the other hand was. Tomorrow he was off to New York again for the VMA's. So she wanted to spend time with him before he had to go away again. They said goodbye to each other not knowing when they would see each other again but he promised to call and after a long goodbye kiss she got in her car and drove home.

~*~ April 3 1999 (The VMA's) ~*~

Birmingson's lesson was way to boring to keep Chantal awake. Because she was hanging out with Justin the evening before she didn't get that much sleep. She came home at 2.30am and didn't fall asleep immediately. She kept thinking about Justin and when she would see him again. Although she didn't see him everyday she knew it would only get worse. They weren't so busy at the moment because the lawsuit was holding them back but she knew that when everything would be okay again they would take him away from her for a much longer time than the few days she didn't see him now. She just couldn't stop thinking about it and eventually she fell asleep when the first sun-beams peaked through the window. She couldn't help herself when she fell asleep only ten minutes after her first class had started.

"Maybe Chantal knows the answer!" Mr. Birmingson said loudly. Lianne, who was sitting next to her, pushed her to wake her up. But she pushed so hard, Chantal almost fell off of her chair. She pushed her back after her eyes opened abruptly and figured out what had happened.

"What did you do that for?!" She asked, looking at Lianne faking she was angry.

"Don't push each other!" The teacher said angry.

"Hey, I was just playin" Chantal said defensive.

"AND" He said loudly to let her know he wasn't finished talking.

"Don't fall asleep in my class! You can make up for it after school"

"But I only missed 15 minutes of it!" She said cranky cause of the lack of sleep.

"You want to stay longer?!" He said getting angrier by the minute.

"No, but…" He gestured that she should say no more.

"This sucks!" She said quietly to herself.

"You're ready at 3.30 right?" Bryant asked her when he passed her in the hall.

"Um… No, 4.30"

"I thought your classes ended at 3.30" He said while he looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"It did, it does. But not today"

"Why not?"

"Because, I got detention" She said slowly, waiting for his reaction.

"What for?"

"She fell asleep! Ha-ha!" Lianne said.

"Lian!" Chantal yelled angrily.

"Why did you fell asleep?"

"Because I was tired" She said simply. Then he thought about the fact that he didn't hear her come home last night. He had waited for her until 1am but she still wasn't home by then.

"Duh! What time did you get home last night?" Bryant asked as she stared at the floor.

"You're not going to find the answer there" He said demanding an answer.

"2.30" She said.

"Where were you?"

"With Justin"

"Why so late?!" He asked confused.

"Because he didn't have time earlier"

"So you completely adapt to his schedule?"

"No!" She said starting to get angry.

"What then? You knew you'd to go to school but you still came home at 2.30?"


"Then why didn't you think about the fact you had to get up early?!"

"Because we had such a good time! God, why do you make such a big deal out of this?!" She said angrily before walking away.

"She really likes him, Bryant" Lianne said to him.

"Yeah, just like she really liked Bastian!" He said sarcastically .

"No! It's different. She really likes Justin a lot!"

"Whatever!" He didn't really want to listen, he was angry with Chantal and he didn't like the way this Justin fella was messing up their lives.

"Tell her if she wants a ride home, she can meet me at the front gate at 4.30" He said short.

"Okay, I will" Lianne said.

"And you're welcome" She said quietly to herself while she watched him walk away.

"Bad day in Montgomery land I guess…"

When Chantal walked out the door after detention she saw her brother's car at the front gate. She walked over to him.

"You're still here?" She said half surprised.

"Yes, I said I would wait for you, didn't I?"

"Thanks" She said when she got in the car.

"What I said this afternoon…" He started.

"Forget it, it's okay" She cut him off.

"No, you were right. I shouldn't have made it such a big deal"

"It's cool. I know, I shouldn't have come home that late but we had such a good time. You know, we just click!"

"I know, and it's okay to have a good time but just watch the time al little bit better. You do know how to read the time don't you?" He said teasing her.

"How funny are you today!" She said after she faked a smile.

"What do you mean? I'm always funny" He said indignantly.

"Whatever, let's go home! I'm exhausted!" She said letting him win. She was too tired to discuss whether he was funny or not. She couldn't think straight cause of the lack of sleep and she was just glad she made it through the day.

They got home and walked inside but when she wanted to close the door they heard a noise upstairs.

"Did you hear that?" She whispered.

"Yes" He whispered back.

"Maybe it's just the wind" He said comforting.

"Or a burglar" She said while she hid behind him.

"Wait here" He said and before she could say anything he'd already walked away to the living room. A few seconds later he came back with a poker in his hand and she grabbed an umbrella. Bryant walked up the stairs with Chantal right behind him. She was looking over her shoulder when they came in the hall upstairs, so she didn't noticed Bryant had stopped. She walked into him which scared the crap out of him.

"Watch it!" He said frightened.

"Shhhh" She said and they headed towards the room where the noise came from.

"Okay, you open the door and I'll strike"

"Alright ready?" Chantal asked. He nodded his head in agreement.

"1, 2, 3" She showed the counting on her fingers then she opened the door as fast as she could and he was ready to strike. Their jaws dropped when they saw who the guy was, standing in front of them.

"Dad!" Chantal yelled. She dropped the umbrella which landed on Bryant's foot. She ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey" He said when he took his daughter in his arms. He looked at Bryant who was still standing there with the poker in his hand.

"What were you going to do with that?" Craig asked confused.

"We thought you were a burglar" Bryant said simply.

"You scared us! We didn't know you were going to be here?" Chantal asked.

"Yes, what are you doing here?" Bryant asked detached. He wasn't happy to see him. Bryant and Craig had never really gotten along. Bryant always felt uncomfortable and threatened by his father. He didn't want him here and wondered when he would leave again. It had been almost a year ago when they last saw each other.

"I was in town and I thought, let me visit my children" He said.

"You managed to squeeze us in your hectic schedule?! Thank you!" Bryant said sarcastic.

"I make time for you two" Craig said.

"Since when?" Bryant asked with a deathly look.

"Since now and I'm staying for a while" Craig said with a smile on his face but it disappeared when Bryant said.

"Have you booked a hotel yet?"

"I might not be here very often but it's still my house!" Craig said calm, he was well aware of the fact that Bryant didn't like him.

"Can you stop fighting please?" Chantal interfered. Bryant and Craig both looked the other way.

"Of course you can stay here, I'm glad to see you" She said to her father while she gave Bryant a severe look. She didn't want him to spoil this. She knew he probably wasn't all too happy about this but he didn't have to scare him away.

"I'll get you some sheets and blankets" She said. She gave Bryant another warning look when she passed him on her way out.

"Don't think you can rule my life! Don't even try!" Bryant warned him as soon as Chantal was out the room. Craig didn't get the chance to say anything because Bryant already left before the comment could even sink in.

"I'm off" Bryant said to Chantal when he passed her in the hall.

"Hey, where are you going? We'll eat in 30 min!" She called after him.

"I don't want to eat with him at the other end of the table!" He yelled over his shoulder.

"What about the VMA's? You said you'd watch it with me" He stopped walking and said. "We will" He made his way down the stairs and a few minutes later she heard the front door slam shut.

"This is going to be great" She said to herself and then walked to her dad's room to give him the blankets and sheets.

Bryant came back with Jen, 10 minutes before the show started. Chantal wasn't sure he'd come after what happened this afternoon, so she invited Lianne. Craig was working in his room and Lianne, Bryant and Jennifer settled on the couch in front of the TV.

"Common girl it's starting!!" Lianne yelled from the living room.

"I'm coming!!" She yelled back while she grabbed the bags of chips and the soda cans.

"Ok we're ready. I got everything" She said when she entered the living room. She sat down on the couch next to Lianne. Bryant was really angry when he left the house but when he came back it was like he was a totally different person. The time with Jen did him good, she guessed.

"Hey, there's a pretty boy on TV!!" Bryant yelled referring to Justin.

"Doesn't he look handsome?" Chantal asked more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah, he does" Jen agreed.

"Hey! What about me?" Bryant asked sadly.

"You're cuter" Jen said and they started kissing. After half an hour they announced the category where Nsync was nominated for.

"These are the nominees for best song: "They heard the lady on TV say.

"Ooh this is Nsync's category!!" Lianne yelled and Chantal sat up straight.

"It is?" Chantal asked.

"Yes, you don't even know where they're nominated for?" Lianne teased her.

"No, that's why I invited you!" Chantal shot back giving her a satisfied smile because Lianne didn't know how to respond to that.

"And the winner is: Nsync - Tearin' up my heart!!" The presenter shouted.

"Yes!!!!!! They won!!" Chantal screamed and hugged Lianne. They saw Nsync standing up and walking to the stage where they collected their award. Lianne was jumping up and down from excitement when Craig walked in.

"What's going on in here?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Chantal asked confused while Lianne sat down quickly.

"I heard someone scream" He said.

"Ooh, that was me, Justin was on TV!" She explained.

"Who might that be?" Craig asked not understanding what the big deal was.

"Justin is the guy I'm dating. Look that's him" She said while she pointed at the TV.

"You know him?" He asked disbelieving.

"Yes! I just told you didn't I?"

"O-kay, if you say so" He said still not believing her. Then he spotted Bryant and said.

"Look, who found his way home again" Bryant wanted to tell him off but before he could Jen quickly said.

"Nice to see you again, Mr Montgomery"

"Hi Jennifer" Jennifer gave him a smile. When nobody said anything Craig said. "I'll just leave you to it. If you need me I'll be upstairs" He slowly turned around and walked away.

"When did HE come back?" Lianne asked.

"This afternoon" Chantal said still looking in the direction her father disappeared to.

"Ooh, how long is he staying?"

"We don't know, he said for a while. It's good to have him back. I missed him" She answered while she finally turned her head facing Lianne.

"I wouldn't get my hopes up. He said he would stay for a while last time, and he was gone after 3 days!" Bryant said.

"Even though you don't like him, you don't have to spoil it for me!" Chantal said angrily.

"Fine, enjoy it then. Cause he'll be gone in a few days!" Chantal didn't respond and focused her attention on the show. Ten minutes later they saw Nsync performing Tearin' up my heart. Lianne and Jennifer were the only two who said something occasionally in contradiction to Bryant and Chantal they hadn't said a word to each other since their disagreement. The silence was broken when the phone rang. Chantal didn't twitch and after a deep sigh from Bryant he grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" Bryant answered the phone.

"Hey. Yeah, she's here….. Just a second" Bryant said short to Justin. He tossed her the phone and she walked out the living room into the kitchen.

"Hello? Who is this?" She asked when she reached the kitchen.

"It's Justin" He said happily.

"Hey congratulations" Chantal said not sounding as happy as she wanted.

"Thanks" He said confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Almost everything"

"What do you mean?" He asked concerned.

"Forget it. You looked really cute tonight! Great performance!!" She said changing the subject.

"Chantal, what's wrong?" He asked sternly.

"My dad showed up today…" She paused for a second.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yes… No…. I don't know. When are you coming back?" She asked a little desperate.

"Probably tomorrow. Why?"

"I want to see you. Can we meet up?"

"Yeah, sure. Do you want me to pick you up at school tomorrow?"

"Yes, thanks" She paused for a second.

"I'm sorry. Congratulations!! How do you feel?" She said realizing how selfish she was. He just won an award and she was complaining about her dad showing up. Something that she'd been waiting for the moment he left.

"Great. We didn't expect to win, but it was fantastic"

"How is the rest?" She asked trying to sound cheerful.

"They're great. They're just as happy as I am, as a matter of fact Chris is jumping on the couch right now. Can you hear him?" She heard someone scream. "We won, we won!!" in the background.

"Yes" She said smiling.

"I can hear him. Congratulate the rest for me and enjoy the rest of the night"

"Thanks. Hey, don't worry okay? Everything will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow" He reassured her.

"Okay, can't wait bye" She said. She still sounded upset and he wished he was there to comfort her. He was glad he could do that tomorrow and that he would see her again. It had only been a day since he last saw her but it felt like a lot longer than that.
