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« Chapter 4 »

When Justin pulled up the parking lot, he saw her already sitting on the staircase just like on their first date. It brought a smile to his face. When she saw him, she stood up and quickly to walked towards the car. He got out of the car and met her half ways. Although it was only 2 days ago since they'd seen each other they hugged like it was 3 years ago. They held each other until they were brought back to reality by Stephanie and her gang.

"So, you're back" She said looking at Justin. He looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"I saw you on TV last night. Congrats on the moon man, btw" Stephanie said really friendly. But Justin and Chantal didn't know what she did before she came bugging them again…

"Ooh my God, Stephanie!!!" Mary yelled when she saw a familiar car pull up.

"What is it now?!" Stephanie said angrily.

"Look!" She said while pointing her finger towards the car.

"YES!" She yelled and commanded,

"Grab a camera now!" Mary ran out the door as fast as she could to get a camera. She returned a few minutes later with a camera and gave it to Stephanie. She made the pictures, she'd wanted for almost two weeks.

"Leave us alone" Chantal said angrily. She felt sad because of her dad and didn't really need the mean remarks of her enemy.

"Fine" Stephanie said before she headed back inside. Her little fan base followed.

"That was easy" Chantal said happily she got rid of them right away.

"Maybe too easy" Justin said distrustful. But he forgot it and they walked to the car and drove off.

~*~ In the mean time ~*~

"Why did you give up so easily?" Janet asked when they were inside.

"Because I don't want to waste my time, talking to them. When I could be in the dark room developing the pictures I just took"

"Good point" Mary said sucking up to her 'friend'. With the camera in her hand they walked to the dark room. They were in for a surprise……

"Okay, Mary give me the film role?"

"Coming up" Mary said while she opened up the camera to get the role. Her jaw dropped.

"Give me that role! I don't have all day!" Stephanie said irritated when it took a few seconds longer than she wanted.

"Um..." Mary started.

"What?!" She yelled.

"Um, their is no role" Mary said slow and softly.

"What!? Give me the camera!" She snapped and grabbed the camera out of Mary's hand. She looked at it again checking if she really saw what she thought she was seeing. Her face went red from anger when she saw there was no role in the camera.

"How could you be so stupid!!!" She yelled.

"What a bunch of morons! I can't believe it. You better make sure, you find those two and make new pictures or else I'll make sure your time here in this school will be the most miserable time of your life!!!!!!!" She yelled at her friends then stove off.

"Let's go upstairs" Chantal said when she closed the front door behind them.

"I'll find Bryant to let him know, I'm home. You go ahead, I'll be right up" She said and walked to the living room to find Bryant. Justin watched Chantal leave, he turned and made his way up the stairs.

"Freeze! Stay right there!" Justin heard someone say.

"Turn around slowly" A voice commanded. He turned around to face a guy with an extremely angry look on his face and a baseball bat in his hand.

"Wow, chill!" Justin exclaimed, while raising his hands in front of him in defeat, when he saw the guy was about to strike.

"Walk down the stairs, slowly" The guy said. Justin slowly walked down the stairs with his hands still in the air.

"Stay right there, I'm calling the cops" The guy said before he picked up the phone.

"What for?" Justin asked.

"How dare you break into my house?!" The guy said angrily.

"What do you mean!? I didn't break in here!!" He said indignantly. Then it hit him.

"You must be Chantal's dad!" He said while he let down his hands.

"How do you know Chantal?! What have you done to her?!" Craig said while he advanced quickly with the baseball bat in front of him.

"Wow!" Justin said shocked while he raised his hands again.

"I didn't do anything to her…" He started but was cut off by Chantal who walked into the hall.

"What is going on here?" She asked confused when she saw her dad threatening Justin with a baseball bat.

"Chantal, do you know this guy?!" Craig asked her. She shared a look with Justin before she said.

"Yes, I know him. Dad what are you doing?!" Craig let down the baseball bat and Justin lowered his hands. She walked over to Justin and wrapped her arms around his waste.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend Justin Timberlake. Justin, this is my father Craig Montgomery" Justin looked at him a little scared, he was still holding the baseball bat, but Craig started laughing. Justin shook his outstretched hand and he started laughing too.

"Dad, don't attack my boyfriend again!" She said playfully. Her dad smiled and said to Justin.

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok" Justin said reassuringly. Craig smiled then he said to Chantal.

"I have a meeting tonight and it could take a while"

"What is a while?"

"I won't be back until tomorrow evening. Is that okay?"

"Yeah sure" She said turning her head away from him. She didn't want him to see how disappointed she was. However Justin did see it.

"Nice to meet you, Justin"

"Nice to meet you to sir" He said with a smile. Chantal and Justin went upstairs and Craig got his briefcase and headed for his meeting.

"Your dad isn't that bad" Justin said sarcastically.

"Smart ass!" She said smiling at his sarcasm. Then she went serious and asked.

"Sorry, he didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, don't worry I'm okay!" He said in a funny voice. She sat down on the bed and he in a chair. But when he leaned back in the chair he fell backwards. She was laughing her ass off when he crawled out from underneath the chair.

"You think that's funny, huh?" He said when he walked towards the bed looking for revenge.

"No, no, no don't!" She said when she saw the revenge look in his eyes. But their was no escaping. He jumped on the bed taking her down. Now they were both lying on the bed when he started to tickle her. She didn't give up that easy so she tickled him back. They rolled from one side of the bed to the other. He lay to close to the edge, lost his balance and on the way down, he dragged Chantal with him continued by a loud thud when they hit the floor. They were both lying on the floor laughing so hard they could hardly catch their breath. After a few minutes they calmed down, he wrapped his arms around her and she put her head on his chest.

"I'm so glad to see you again" She said softly. "I really needed you, thank you for being here" She said grateful. He smiled when he heard her sweet words. She felt so safe lying in his loving arms.

"What if he takes off again?" She said all of a sudden after 15 minutes of silence.

"Your dad?"

"Yes, Bryant said he wouldn't be here long"

"God works mysterious ways" Justin said. Chantal raised her head then looked at him like he was some sort of idiot.

"What?" She asked.

"I mean everything happens for a reason" He chuckled.

"Probably…" She said. She rested her head on his chest again and thought about it. She was worried her dad would take off without saying goodbye. She could take it if he would say goodbye. But the thought of him disappearing without a trace scared the hell out of her.

"Ok folks this is not looking good" Bryant heard the newsreader say.

"It's going to be a stormy night. Winds up to 80 miles an hour and heavy rain. So it's wise to stay home. Don't go on the road if you don't have to. Stay safe and goodnight." Bryant turned off the TV and walked upstairs.

"Chantal?" Bryant asked when he walked into her room but didn't see anyone. He looked around then he saw two pair of feet sticking out from behind the bed.

"What are you two doing on the floor?!" He asked laughing.

"You got a bed don't ya?" Then two pair of eyes peeked over the edge of the bed and Bryant chuckled.

"What's up?" Chantal asked her brother.

"Did you guys hear the weather report for tonight?"

"No, why?" Chantal asked.

"It's going to storm"

"Oh cool!" Chantal said.

"What is so cool about that?" Justin asked confused.

"Because that's cosy and you can't go anywhere" She said while she cuddled up to Justin.

"I'm not going anywhere even without the storm" Justin said while he pulled her closer.

"Well anyway, I'm going to ask if Jen wants to come over"

"I would do it quickly, if I were you. When do they expect the storm?"

"In a few hours or so. We got plenty of time" Bryant said while he walked out the door.

"Where is Craig?"

"DAD had to go to a meeting" She said putting the emphasis on dad, she was mad he called him Craig instead of dad.

"He won't be back until tomorrow night. What if he gets surprised by the storm?" Chantal asked frightened.

"Don't worry he'll take care of himself. He always has" Bryant said, his voice softening when he said the last sentence.

"What if...."

"Chantal stop it" Bryant interrupted her.

"Can you call and warn him?" She asked her brother.

"Me? No way!!" He said immediately.

"Please Bryant?" She pleaded.

"Fine" He said against his will.

"I'll call him then get Jen and stop on the way back for some food"

"Okay, thanks"

"I'll be back in an hour"

"Okay" Chantal said. Bryant left the house, after calling Craig, to pick up Jen and to get some food. Chantal and Justin called some people to come over. An hour later Bryant was back with Jen.

"Hey guys, come on in" Chantal said when she opened the door and saw JC, Lance, Lynn, Chris and Joey standing in front of her.

"So we're hiding from the storm!!" Chris said when he came in. He took off his jacket and threw it on the floor.

"Yes we are" Chantal chuckled.

"Hey Justin, long time no see" She heard JC say.

"Not long enough" Justin said with laughter in his voice. When Chantal closed the door it almost hit Lianne who'd just arrived.

"Hey, watch it!" Lianne said smiling.

"Ooh sorry Lian. I didn't see you"

"It figured" She said smiling.

"Make your way to the living room. Everybody is already there"

"Who is everybody?" She asked curiously.

"Bryant, Jen, Justin, Lance, Lynn, JC, Chris and Joey"

"What am I going to say to them?"

"You can just say hello?" Chantal said sarcastically.

"Ha-ha very funny!" Lianne said giving her a friendly punch.

"Just relax, dude" Chantal said while she pushed Lianne in the direction of the living room.

"Here I come!!!" She yelled.

"Guys, this is Lianne" Chantal introduced her to the people in her living room. She turned to Lianne and said.

"That is Lynn…" She pointed to a girl who was sitting next to Lance.

"I don't think I'll have to introduce the rest" She finished her sentence and winked at her. She gave her a friendly push towards the couch and walked to the kitchen while Lianne made her way to the couch.

"Hey everybody" Lianne said while she raised a hand to greet them.

"Hi" They said. She sat down next to JC. After a while Chantal came into the living room with snacks and drinks.

"Wow you're great hostess!" Joey said admiring the food.

"Yeah, I know how to take care of my guests" She said with a smile.

"Bryant, what movies did you get?"

"Um, let me see Scream, Scream 1, Scream 2, Scream 3, Scream 1000"

"Ooh no, you know I don't like scary movies" Chantal said.

"I thought about that so I also brought Titanic!"

"Oh, I love that movie! Can we see that one first?!" Lynn said.

"Yes, I agree with her. That is so romantic!" Jen said.

"What is it with Titanic and girls?" Justin asked.

"It's a great movie!" Chantal said.

"I think it's more about Leonardo Dicaprio" Chris said in a funny voice.

"It is not!" Jen said. "Ok maybe a little" She admitted.

"It's a chick flick!" Joey said.

"I like it!" Lance and JC said at the same time.

"You two are soppy!" Justin said.

"I don't mind" Lynn said while she gave Lance a kiss.

"Ok fine let's start with Scream. But I want to see Titanic tonight, and I want to see it with you!" Jen said to Bryant.

"That goes for you too!" Chantal said to Justin. Bryant and Justin looked at each other and said at the same time. "Damn!"

"I don't have to watch it and you guys doho!!" Chris sang teasing them.

"Ooh yeah you do. Because it already started to storm so you can't go anywhere!" Lynn said. Justin and Bryant grinned and then Lianne who was closest to the TV put the video in. They watched Scream while it stormed outside.

"Aaaaah he is going to kill her!!" Lynn screamed.

"Ah Lynn, you scared the crap out of me!" Lianne said. *The killer held up his knife ready to stab his victim …. * Lightning struck outside and all the lights went off and the TV went out.

"Aah!!" Jen screamed when she couldn't see anything.

"Everybody relax!!" Bryant said it's just because of the storm. The power must have fallen out.

"Yes! No Titanic then!" Justin said happy.

"Excuse me?" Chantal asked angrily staring in the direction Justin's voice came from.

"That's terrible!! I was so looking forward to see that movie. I guess it's not going to happen" Justin said acting like it was terrible.

"Maybe not tonight but we will see that movie….. TOGETHER!" Chantal said.

"Ha-ha!!" Chris laughed at Justin.

"At least I HAVE a girlfriend" Justin argued.

"Ohhh…" Chris said surprised at his comeback.

"Did he use the g-word on me?" Chris asked offended.

"YES HE DID" JC, Joey and Lance called out answering Chris' question.

"If you just…"

"Maybe it's more important to make sure we get some lights!" JC said interrupting Chris who was about to tell Justin off.

"Yeah JC is right, Chantal, do we have some candles and flashlights?" Bryant asked her.

"Um, I don't know. I think in the kitchen. I'll get them" Chantal said when she stood up.

"I'll go with you" Justin said.

"Ooh, you don't have to. I know the way and I'm not scared in the dark"

"Even not after the movie?"

"Maybe you should come" She said quickly when the images of the movie came back to her. They got up and made their way out of the living room which wasn't easy because they couldn't see a hand in front of their eyes.

"Ouch!!" JC yelled all of a sudden.

"Ah! JC, you scared me half to death!!" Lianne said who was sitting next to him.

"I'm sorry, but someone was standing on my toes"

"Ooh I'm sorry, dude" Bryant apologized.

"It's okay" He said.

"We'll go get the flashlights" Bryant said while he took Jen with him.

"Okay, we'll just wait until you guys get back" Chris said.

"When is this storm going to be over?" Lianne asked.

"I think it just started" JC said.

"You know the whole neighbourhood is dark, so it's not our fault" Joey said, who had made his way to the window. Then they heard a loud crash and a painful groan.

"What's going on?" Lance yelled.

"Ooh Justin, are you okay?" They heard Chantal say. All the people in the living room were laughing at the sounds and words they heard coming from the hallway.

"Yeah I'm fine" Justin said when he got up from the floor.

"Now you dropped all the candles!" Chantal said. She bend down and searched for the candles which were all over the floor. A minute later they shuffled to the living room. Trying not to walk into anything.

"What was the noise we heard?" Joey asked.

"Justin fell over something" Chantal said trying to hold her laugh.

"Dude, can't you walk in the dark?" JC asked him.

"I can, at least if there is nothing in my way!" He said angry.

"What do you mean?" Lianne asked.

"Some idiot dropped his jacket on the floor!! Chris, as soon as I can see you, I'll get you!!" Justin said angry.

"Hey man!! I didn't do it on purpose!!" Chris said defending himself. Justin and Chantal sat down and lit the candles.

"And then there was light!!" JC said.

"Jeeeeeeey" Joey yelled from excitement. They saw bundles of light coming down the stairs.

"More light!" Chris shrieked. Bryant and Jen walked into the living room.

"Hey guys, I see you found light too"

"Yeah, we did" Chris said.

"Excuse me?" Justin asked with a surprised look on his face.

"You found it, Chantal and I found it. You were sitting here, scared" Justin said teasing him.

"I was not!! I was protecting the rest here"

"Yeah right, well if you think you're so tough, how about telling some ghost stories? It's the perfect time for it, isn't it?" JC said.

"Yeah, I'm up for it" Lance said. The rest agreed and Chris was the first one to tell them his ghost story. When everybody had their turn they wanted to do something else.

"What about 'Twister'?" Lance suggested.

"I haven't played game that in a very long time!" Justin said.

"I can't even remember the last time!" JC agreed.

"Let's do it!" Lynn said.

"I'll get the game" Bryant said he grabbed a flashlight and made his way upstairs. A few minutes later he came back with the game under his arm.

"Free play!!" Joey yelled.

"But you can play it with 4 not with… 10" Jen said.

"Bryant, didn't we have another game?"


"Didn't you get it for you birthday some time? We got another one from our grandma, right?" She asked her brother.

"Ooh yes! You're right. I'll be right back" The rest took off their shoes and set the game up.

"Ok, but that still means two have to watch" JC said.

"I will" Lance and Chantal said at the same time.

"We will spin the arrow, right Lance?"

"Yeah, sure. The one who wins can choose the one who is going to spin the arrow next"

"Good idea. Well everybody, get set. Here we go" Chantal said while she spun the arrow.

"Right foot on red" Lance said and everybody moved their feet to a red spot.

"I like it when everybody does what I say" Lance said contently.

"It's like I've got 8 puppets on strings"

"Don't get use to it, Shorty!" Chris called out and Lance chuckled.

"Ok moving on, left hand on blue" Chantal said. After a few times spinning the arrow. Lance and Chantal saw arms and legs everywhere.

"Are you guys comfortable?" Chantal asked.

"Actually it's not that bad" JC said.

"You bend so easy!" Joey said to JC.

"It's worse for me" Joey whined.

"I can't take it aaaany-mooooooooreeeeeeee!!!!" Lianne yelled and then she collapsed. This made Bryant and Justin fall too.

"You guys are out!" Lance stated.

"That's not fair! She made us fall!" Justin said while pointing at Lianne.

"It's not our fault she couldn't take it anymore" Bryant said.

"Ok, Lianne is out. But they're not" Chantal said while she pointed at Bryant and Justin. Lianne sat on the couch and watched the rest of the game. The last ones who were standing were JC and Jen.

"Come on Jen!" They cheered.

"Hey what about me?" JC asked sad.

"Come on JC" They yelled.

"Okay, right hand on green"

"I can do that" JC said while he tried to move his hand, everybody watched waiting for him to collapse.

"I can't!" JC yelled and he collapsed which made Jen the winner.

"Jen, you can choose who has to wait this round"

"Okay, I think JC and I disserve a break. We'll spin the arrow"

"Thanks Jen, I could use that!" JC said relieved. JC and Jen plumped down on the couch and the rest gathered at the cloth. Ready to start.

"Okay, here we go again. Left feet on yellow" After a while everybody was standing very uncomfortable again.

"Whose leg is leaning on my arm?" Lianne asked.

"I think it's mine" Lance said while he shifted his leg.

"Whose foot is standing on my hand!?!" Justin screamed.

"You mean this?" Chantal asked while she pressured her foot a little bit more.

"OW!!" Justin yelled.

"I guess so" Chantal said smiling.

"Hey watch it!" Justin said.

"Or what?" She challenged.

"Or I'll make you lose your balance"

"Try me!"

"Okay" He said accepting the challenge. He tickled the foot that was resting on his hand and she couldn't stand the tickling and started to wiggle her way out of it and with her wiggling the rest wasn't able to keep their balance. When she collapsed, everybody collapsed. It was like domino and Jen and JC started laughing, when they saw the whole group collapse in front of their eyes. They started all over again, when they caught their breath back, with two new spinners. They played the game 'Twister' for a long time until they were too tired to stand on their feet. Everybody was so tired, they fell asleep immediately. There were people laying everywhere. On the couch, the floor and the chairs. The house was quiet and the weather cleared up outside.

~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

"Good morning!" Lance said when he came into the kitchen.

"You mean Good afternoon!" JC said.

"Wow, is it already 1pm?"

"Yes, but it was late last night" Lynn said while she walked over to Lance and gave him a kiss.

"Man!! There they go again!" Joey said.

"Ahh, just leave them Joe, they are in-love!" Chris said. Lynn and Lance looked at Chris and then went back at what they were doing.

"Whatever! Is everybody up now?" JC asked.

"Yep, everyone except for Justin" Joey said.

"Ooh I'll go wake him up" Chantal said.

"NOOOO!!" JC, Chris and Joey yelled at the same time.

"WHAT?!" Chantal asked confused.

"Don't wake him up, unless you have a bowl of cereals to give him" Chris said.

"Why?" Chantal asked still not understanding.

"Because he is the worst when he wakes up" JC explained.

"You want to know how the real Justin is? Wake him up and you'll know" Joey said in a weird voice.

"Okay, we'll see" Chantal said but she took their advice anyway. She walked into the living room where Justin was still asleep on the couch. JC, Joey and Chris followed her into the room.

"Justin, wake up. It's 1pm" She said softly. He turned around and slowly opened his eyes a little. He groaned when the sunlight fell in his eyes. She held the bowl of cereal in front of him. He opened his eyes a little more and took the bowl from her.

"Thanks, this woman knows what I want" He said to the guys who were standing in the doorway. They sighed loudly and sat down while Justin started eating. After a while he groaned loudly.

"Ouch! What did you put in the cereal?" He asked confused when he felt something hard between his teeth.

"Nothing why?"

"What is this?" He asked when he pulled a toy car out of his mouth.

"I don't know? Was that in there?"


"Ooh yeah, the cereal box said that there was a surprise in it. That's it, I guess"

"A toy car!!" Chris yelled when he saw what Justin was holding.

"Can I have it?" He childishly asked Justin.

"Sure, here" He said and threw the toy to Chris.

"I hope there are no more surprises in my cereal" Justin said playful before he continued eating it. When everybody ate and freshened up Bryant said.

"Okay everybody, I had a really good time last night. It was fun but now I think I've had about enough of you. So get out of my house!!" Lianne, Lynn, Lance, JC and Jen started gathering their stuff in the living room but Justin, Joey and Chris looked at Chantal.

"I'm with Bryant" She said.

"Even me?" Justin asked pouting. He looked at her with sad puppy dog eyes.

"Ahhh" She said sympathizing and she kissed him.

"But yeah, even you" She said when they broke away. They walked to the hallway when Chantal asked.

"Besides don't you guys have something to do?"

"Probably, Lance?" Justin asked Lance who always knew what was on the schedule.

"Yeah we're going over to JC's house to work on some songs" She turned around facing Lianne and said.

"How are you going to get home?"

"I'll walk" Lianne said.

"Justin? Can you do me a favour and drive Lianne home?"

"Yeah, sure" Justin said while he was trying to find his jacket underneath the huge pile of stuff in the hallway. Chantal was watching him throwing jackets and bags at his band mates while Lianne was pulling her arm.

"What are you crazy? Me in one car with Justin! I would die from nerves" She said softly to her best friend.

"You'll be fine" She said quickly before she pushed her to the door. The rest had already walked out the door and headed for their cars. Lianne got in Justin's car and Chantal chuckled.

"What did you do to her?" Bryant asked who saw Lianne sat next to Justin.

"Helping her out, now she doesn't have to walk" She said while an evil grin spread across her face.

"You're so mean!" He said to her before he waved one more time to the people driving away.

"Yeah I know" She said smiling while she closed the door. It had been a great evening, even with the storm.
