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« Chapter 5 »

"I'm going to kill her" Lianne thought when she sat in the car with Justin. She was a little uncomfortable sitting alone with Justin. She has been a fan of Nsync for almost 2 years and now she was sitting next to THE Justin Timberlake. She didn't know what to say or how to act. She didn't even know how to sit. She was that nervous! After 5 minutes of silence Justin asked her.

"How did you and Chantal met?" Lianne froze in her seat when she heard him speak.

"Um…. I….. we….um….. well" She stuttered. She was really embarrassed the way her words came out of her mouth and she put her hands in front of her face. Justin noticed that she was really nervous and he didn't like it making people nervous. I'm human too! Why don't people see that? He wondered once in a while. Sometimes he wished he could just talk to people without them freaking out. Silence filled the car again. She looked up to him and stared at him. She was just so amazed and thought she was dreaming.

"So you noticed?" Justin asked out of the blue. It startled her.

"What?" She asked shy.

"That I'm an alien" He said dead serious.

"What do you mean?" She still didn't know what he meant. What a weird guy she thought.

"You were staring at me and I thought you might spotted the antennae on my head" He said when he smiled at her. She broke down laughing when she realized he was just teasing her. That calmed her down a bit. She was still a little embarrassed cause she didn't get it right away.

"Sorry" He said still laughing.

"It's okay. Actually I should apologize"


"Because I acted like a total moron! But it's just that, DUDE, you're a celebrity and…"

"I'm an idiot" He said dismissing the celebrity thing.

"But anyway I'm sorry"

"It's okay, don't worry about it"

"So…." Lianne started.

"So…..what?" He asked curiously.

"How is it like being successful?"

"It's great! It's the best feeling in the world to perform your songs you worked so hard on and have everybody singing them back to you"

"I can imagine…… Actually I can't" She said laughing. He smiled and then turned on the radio. *It's Tearin" up my heart when I'm with you. But when we are apart I feel it too……..* the radio blurred. They looked at each other and started laughing. Then Lianne started to sing along really loud while she turned up the volume.

"Not so loud!" He screamed but she pretended she didn't hear him and kept singing along. Justin put his hands over his ears but Lianne pulled them away and he gave in. Together they sang along with the song really loud. When they stopped for a red light, people looked at the car to see where the noise came from. Some of them recognized Justin and started to scream. Cheerful he waved to the people on the side walk. When the light went green he hit the gas pedal. Driving to Lianne's house.

"Thanks for taking me home" Lianne said while she opened the door.

"Your welcome, I'll see you around. Bye"

"Bye" She said and got out of the car. She waved one more time before she turned around and walked inside.

~*~ April 6th 1999 ~*~

"Why did I ever agree to letting them use my house?" JC asked himself when he saw Joey, Chris, Lance and Justin coming up the drive way with their hands full of stuff.

"What was I thinking?!" After the VMA's, the busy week of interviews all over the country and their day off they wanted to concentrate on the main thing in the music business: writing the songs. They had a lot more freedom concerning the songs and they wanted to use it. The guys decided to withdraw in JC's house because he had the best equipment, like his own recording studio. They could completely focus on writing songs, without anyone bothering them.

"Dude, what in the world did you bring with you?!" JC asked when he saw Joey approaching with a huge pile in his hands.

"Just some stuff I might need" Joey said while he walked passed JC into his house.

"It's only for a week, NOT a year, Joe!!" JC yelled over his shoulder. When everybody was inside JC shut the door. "This is going to be a rough week" He said while shaking his head.

"NO!" JC yelled when he walked into the living room and saw Justin was about to drop his stuff all over the floor.

"What?!" He asked while he dropped his stuff on the floor.

"Don't…. drop that on the floor" He said slowly when he saw it was too late.

"Pick that up and take it upstairs!" JC ordered while pointing to the staircase.

"God, you're worse than my mother" Justin said while bending over to pick up his stuff. He walked upstairs with Lance and Joey right behind him. In the meantime Chris had already set out his videogames and started a game.

"Chris what are you doing?" JC asked while he walked over to Chris. He rested his hands on his hips while he waited for a response.

"CHRIS?!" He said a little louder this time.

"Huh, yeah man?" Chris responded without taking his eyes off the game.

"Why did you bring that thing?" JC asked and again there was no answer.

"Huh?" He said a while later.

"Dude!" JC said frustrated, walked to the TV and yanked the plug out. Chris jumped up from his seat, still pushing the buttons. Thinking that would actually help the machine to work again.

"What did you do that for?" He yelled indignant when he saw it was JC who made the machine broke down.

"Because you weren't paying attention. Dude, focus!"

"But I was doing so well!" Chris whined.

"Man, don't whine you just started!" JC said.

"Yes, but I'm very good at this"

"Whatever, let's eat first I'm hungry"

"Fine" Chris said while he threw his control panel on the couch. Then he followed JC into the kitchen.

"So what are we having for diner, mom" Lance asked when he walked into the kitchen with Justin and Joey a while later, and saw JC was wearing an apron!!

"You're not going to cook, are you?" Justin asked full of disbelief.

"Actually I am! Is there something wrong with that?" Justin and Joey shared a look then they busted out laughing.

"I think we better order a pizza!" Joey said still laughing.

"Hey! I'm a great cook" JC said insulted.

"Anyway it doesn't matter either way because you're in MY house so you have to eat what I'm cooking or otherwise GET OUT" He said pointing in the direction of the front door with a ladle. Defeated they plumped down in the kitchen chairs. After 30 minutes, there still wasn't any food on the table. It was already 7pm and they were getting hungrier by the minute.

"JC, how long is it going to take?!" Joey asked while rubbing his tummy.

"I'm getting hungry"

"Yeah, me too" The rest agreed.

"Here it is" JC said when he put a pan full of food on the table. They all bend over to find out what kind of food was in there.

"I'm not eating that!" Chris said when he saw the pan was filled with something unknown. Despite their refusal JC started serving out the food.

"Me neither" Justin agreed.

"It looks like brains or something!" Joey said while he poked in his food.

"It's delicious" JC said after he swallowed. Lance was curious and scooped a little bit of food on his spoon. He slowly put it in his mouth while Justin, Joey and Chris all looked at him like he was eating eyeballs. After he swallowed he said,

"It's delicious!! Try it!"

"No way!" Chris persisted.

"Okay, but if it tastes just as disgusting as it looks I'd suggest you run!" Justin warned Lance before he also tasted JC's homemade food. Justin looked horrified when he held the spoon in front of his mouth but once he swallowed it became a huge grin.

"It's great! JC you're a great cook!" He said while patting JC on the back.

"See I told you?!" JC said sticking out his tongue to Joey and Chris who still didn't believe it tasted good.

That night, they decided they'd chill a bit and start writing the next day. Justin and Chris were in the playroom playing videogames, JC was watching TV, Lance went swimming and Joey wasn't doing anything in particular. He was just walking around curious at what everybody else was doing.

"What are you watching?" Joey asked when he walked into the living room.

"Steve Irwin" JC said excited.

"Who the heck is that?" Joey asked confused after he took a seat next to JC.

"That guy with the cool Australian accent" JC said.

"Ooh that guy. I don't like him" Joey said simply.

"Why not?" JC asked indignantly.

"He is so irritating and his accent is fake!" Joey said.

"It is NOT! It's real and sounds very cool!! Besides he isn't irritating he's cool. His show is very interesting" JC said happily but he felt a little bit attacked by Joey's comments.

"If you say so…" Joey said then got up and left the room. He heard JC talking to the TV. He was trying to talk just like Steve Irwin with the Australian accent. He was always going on about that. He loved the Australian accent, it fascinated him. After the show was over, JC turned off the TV and said to himself in the Australian accent:

"Where are my mates?" Then walked out of the living room heading for the playroom. He had a strong feeling they would be in there. Playing videogames as usual. Sometimes he could throw the thing out the window. It drove him crazy. Lance and Joey but especially Chris and Justin loved the videogames. When they were on tour, they would play it whenever they had the chance. It was not that he didn't like it, it was just that JC didn't have a chance to try it because Justin and Chris were always playing it. And between them it would always end in a fight, because one cheated or lost and couldn't face it. They both hated to loose so that caused irritation.

"I thought you were in here!" JC said when he stepped into the playroom and saw Chris and Justin playing videogames while Joey was shooting some pool.

"Where the videogames are you can find Chris and Justin" Joey said smiling. JC sat down on the couch, watching Chris and Justin play. After a while he wanted to give it a try.

"Okay so how does it work?" JC asked when Justin handed him the control panel. Justin looked at him like he was from outer space.

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to figure it out by myself?" JC asked a little angry.

"Alright chill, I just thought you knew how to play a videogame" Justin said.

"I don't get the chance with you two video maniacs! Now tell me" Justin explained what the point of the game was and where the buttons where for.

"Okay I'm ready to go" JC said while he sat on the edge of the couch. Justin started the game and Chris and JC started playing it.

"What?! I'm dead! No way! Already?" JC yelled when he saw the words 'Game Over' on the screen after only 5 seconds. Justin laughed at the expression on JC's face and said,

"You suck at this...."

"Hey watch it! It's my first time! I want to try again. Start it up" JC said and there he went again but just like before he was dead after just a few jumps.

"How is this possible?!" JC asked frustrated. Chris raised his hands in the air because he beat JC. JC gave him an angry look then Lance popped his head around the corner.

"What's going on in here? I can hear JC yell on the other side of the house!"

"JC is learning how to play a videogame" Joey said teasing.

"Lance, you want to join? We can play competition?!" Chris asked confident after kicking JC's ass.

"Yeah sure, but first I'll have a shower"

"You just went swimming!" Chris said not understanding why he needed a shower after he laid in the water for an hour.

"Water in a swimming pool is not the same as water from the shower! Besides I like to be clean" he said then walked upstairs and took a shower.

When Lance was clean he joined them. And they played one videogame after another. JC lost everything and after 2 hours he had enough.

"I quit! I'm going to go to bed" he said while he threw down the control panel.

"Alright man, thanks for letting me kick your ass" Chris said teasing.

"Yeah whatever dude" JC said then left the room and went upstairs.

"Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked!" Justin said while they played a game.

"Ooh yeah, still number one!" Chris yelled when the game was over.

"My turn!" Lance said and he sat down next to Justin, he grabbed the control panel out of Justin's hands.

"Hey, I was playing that" Justin said indignant.

"Not anymore, you lost and that means next person and that's me. So move over and give the master some space" Lance said.

"We have a new number one!" Joey said after the game while he held Lance's arms up.

"Let's leave it at that" Lance said while he got up and made his way to the door.

"You're afraid, you won't be so lucky next time huh?" Chris said challenging. Lance turned around slowly and said,

"Lucky?! We'll see about that" They played another game but Lance really was to strong for Chris and he beat him again.

"Enough said I'm off to bed. Goodnight" Lance said and laughed satisfied at Chris who was still in shock the younger man had beaten him. Joey, Chris and Justin played a few more games before they also got upstairs to get some sleep.

The next morning when JC came downstairs he saw Chris and Justin already playing videogames. Surprised he asked them,

"Did you played that game all night?!" Since he was the first person who went to bed last night and the last who got up.

"No…. we did….. went….. to bed" Justin said slowly while he pushed the buttons and moved the way he wanted the person in the game to move.

"Can you come to the kitchen?" JC asked them.

"….What…for" Justin asked since Chris was too rapped up in the game to even hear his question.

"Because I want to make some sort of schedule"


"Because I want to! Come!" They didn't move an inch.

"God, you guys are addicted!!" JC said while he threw his hands in the air out of frustration then walked to the TV and yanked the plug out, for the second time.

"We're not here for the world championships of videogames!" JC said then he walked towards the kitchen, Chris and Justin followed.

"Alright, let's get started" Joey said when JC was done with his schedule.

"One game before we start!" Chris said as he raced over to his Playstation and started a game.

"I want to swim one lap" Lance said quickly before making his way outside to the swimming pool. Justin joined Chris and Joey and JC decided to start without them. After 30 minutes there still was no sign of Lance, Justin or Chris. The first game was finished a long time ago but they kept playing.

"Are you going to help us? We already have one song ready" JC said to Chris and Justin, but said it loud enough for Lance to hear it too.

"One more lap" Lance yelled to JC inside the house.

"Huh, what?" Chris said slowly.

"Come! Stop the game!" JC said getting annoyed they had more interest in the game then in a more important thing like a song. He was completely ignored because they were both to rapped up in the game. JC was getting angrier by the minute and to top it all off, Justin and Chris started arguing about the stupid game.

"You cheated dude!!" Chris yelled.

"No I didn't" Justin said indignantly.

"Yes, you did"

"Stop!" JC yelled but Chris and Justin didn't hear him. He yelled harder but still they didn't hear him. He said more quietly this time,

"If you two don't stop arguing about this stupid game, I'm going to throw it out the window" They still didn't hear him so he walked over to the Playstation grabbed it and threw it out the door right into the swimming pool. Justin and Chris saw it floating in the swimming pool after it hit Lance on the head. Three people looked pissed at JC who had huge smile on his face from satisfaction.

"Since when does swimming involve flying Playstation's landing on your head" Lance asked looking at JC while he rubbed the soar spot on his head, where the Playstation had landed on.

"Why….. how….. but" Chris stuttered while he walked outside to the pool. He pulled out a soaking wet Playstation. Then he turned to JC who was still smiling.

"My precious…" He started whining.

"Hey, I gave you far warning...."

"You owe me 250 bucks" Chris said when he walked into the living room again.

"Ha! Not so funny anymore is it? Mr I throw other people's Playstation's in the pool" JC gave him a look and said,

"Finally, no interruptions. If Lance can drag himself out the swimming pool, we can finally start what we came here for in the first place!" Finally they were all sitting round the table. Mixing words for a perfect lyric. Then they heard a phone ringing.

"Ah!!!" JC yelled throwing his arms in the air out of frustration.

"Whose phone is that?" Lance asked.

"I don't know since we all have the same tunes. Who ever thought of that!?" Chris said sarcastically.

"It can't be mine, because I turned it off. That's what you should have done" JC said.

"I turned it off" Justin said. Lance, Chris and Joey headed for their cell phones but came back a few seconds later when they found out it wasn't theirs.

"It's yours! Sucker!!" Chris said to Justin.

"What do you mean? Mine isn't on" Justin said not understanding, he could have sworn he turned his phone off. Still he ran off to get his cell phone.

"Hello?" He asked when he picked up his phone.

"Hi! It's me"

"Hey you" Justin said, when he recognized Chantal's voice.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"We're working on some songs. What about you?"

"Not much, as a matter of fact I'm bored! I hate Sunday's their so boring!" Chantal answered his question. She was about to tell him about her whole day but he didn't had that much time. He hung up after he gave her, JC's address just in case. She felt a little cut off. She wanted to talk to him for hours about nothing in particular but he was too busy…

Because everybody turned off their cell phones and the Playstation was soaked there would be no more interruptions. They could finally get started. Everything went so smooth. Fantastic lyrics and melodies popped into their head one by one. Sometimes they took a little break to get some food or go to the bathroom. They kept on writing and didn't realize it was getting dark until they could no longer see what they were writing on the paper in front of them. It was really late when they fell asleep on the couch and on the floor. They were so tired they didn't even go to the trouble of walking upstairs, they just plumped down on the floor and the couch.

It was 5am when Joey swung his legs from the couch to set them on the floor. The floor was awful soft he thought before standing up.

"AHHHHH!" Justin yelled all of sudden. Lance, JC, and Chris shot up to see what was going on. JC clapped his hands and the lights went on. They saw Joey standing on Justin.

"Get off me!" Justin said cranky while pushing Joey away.

"Joey, what the hell are you doing?!" Chris yelled angry at him, because now he was awake.

"I just thought of a really good lyric and I wanted to write it down. I didn't know Justin was lying on the floor. Sorry man" He explained and apologized to Justin. But he already fell asleep.

"He probably didn't even notice, tomorrow he'll think he just dreamt it" JC said laughing.

"What a dufus!" Chris said. "I got an idea" Chris said cheerful when he jumped up from the couch and walked out of the room. A few moments later he came back with a magic marker.

"You can't do that" JC whispered who already knew what he was about to do.

"Of course I can!" Chris said softly when he removed the cap and started drawing pictures on Justin's face.

"You're dead when he finds out!" Lance whispered trying to hold his laugh. That didn't stop Chris as he kept drawing stupid puppets on Justin face and put the word DUFUS on his forehead. Lance and JC couldn't hold their laugh any longer and busted out laughing.

"Shhh!" Chris said while he held a finger to his lips, for them to shut up. Justin didn't wake up, lucky for them he was a heavy sleeper. Joey came in the room after writing, what was according to him the most incredible lyric ever. He saw what Chris was doing and now they were all trying to hold their laugh but it wasn't easy. Especially when Justin slapped himself and almost hit Chris. He probably thought it was a mosquito attacking him. When Chris finished his drawing, Lance got a camera and taped Justin's face. He also made a picture, because it was hilarious. The way he laid there on the floor his face covered in drawings by Chris. The word DUFUS on his forehead made the job complete. They would torture him with this footage in the morning and probably for the rest of his life…

The next three days they worked really hard on their songs. It went fantastic they made a lot of progress. But Thursday they were tired after three days of intensely working on songs. They were all sitting on the couch around the TV.

"Turn it on" Lance said looking around to see who the remote control had. He saw it on top of the TV.

"Ahh, it's on the TV!" Joey said frustrated.

"Who's going to get it?" Justin asked looking at his friends.

"YOU!" Chris yelled.

"Why me?" Justin asked confused.

"Because otherwise we'll show the tape to the rest of the world…." Chris said threatening.

"You wouldn't?" Justin said disbelieving.

"I think he would, you did it to him once. I think it's pay back time" JC said thinking about the time Justin made shots of Chris in his embarrassing moments. He even titled it: 'Chris' embarrassing moments' and threatened to show it to everybody. He ordered him around for a whole week before Chris got sick of it and said to him,

"I don't care if you show it to everyone. I'm through!" That was the end of it. Justin never showed it to anyone. JC knew ever since that time, Chris wanted to get him back for that and now he had something to order him around.

"Alright alright. I'll get it!" Justin said quick when he realized JC was right. He got up and grabbed the remote control of the TV. He took his seat next to Lance. He pointed the remote to the TV to turn it on when Chris said,

"What are you doing?"

"Turning on the TV! That was what you wanted right?" Justin asked annoyed.

"Yes, but I don't want you to control the remote. Give it to me!" Chris ordered with a smile of satisfaction. He loved controlling him, getting back at him. Chris always played pranks on everyone but he didn't like it when they played pranks on him! Getting them back was the most fun part he thought. Especially this time because he was waiting to get Justin back for a long time. Justin looked at him in disbelief, but when he saw he was serious he reluctantly handed him the remote. Chris smirked at him when he pushed the button which turned on the TV.

The next day it was time for them to get back to work again. They already wrote a lot of songs but they wanted to write as much songs as possible, that way they had more songs to choose from.

"I'll get it!" Chris yelled excited when the doorbell rang. He ran across the room to the front door to open it.

"Hey Chantal" He said when he saw her.

"Hey Chris. How is it going?"

"Fine" He said.

"Good. Sorry for interrupting. Can I come in for a second? I would like to talk to Justin" Chantal asked him.

"Nope" He replied simply.

"Why not?" Chantal asked surprised by his answer.

"Because we need to work" He said. He was just teasing her but she didn't notice.

"Okay, I understand" She said while she turned around. In the meantime Justin had walked to the front door, he was curious who'd ring the doorbell.

"Where are you going?" He asked when she walked in the opposite direction of him.

"Hey" She said excited when she saw Justin and ran up to him to give him a hug.

"Why didn't you let her in?" Justin asked Chris a little bit angry.

"Because we need to work" He said.

"We can take a short break. JC has his girlfriend inside too!" Justin said indignant.

"No!" Chris persisted.

"Since when do you say no to a break? You're always the first one who needs one"

"Because, JC threw my Playstation in the pool remember?" Chris said.

"He threw your Playstation in the pool?" Chantal asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" She had to laugh. The expression on Chris' face was just too much! "Did I mention I brought donuts?" Chantal asked when she saw Chris wasn't laughing.

"Oooh donuts!!" He yelled while his face split into a huge grin. "Come on in!" he continued. She walked inside after she handed Chris the bag with donuts.

"Hey guys" Chantal said shy when she stepped into the living room.

"Hey!" They responded.

"I don't think you two have met" JC said when he saw Julie, his girlfriend, looking at him with question marks in her eyes.

"Julie, this is Chantal. Justin's girlfriend. Chantal this is my girlfriend, Julie" Chantal walked over to her to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you" She said.

"Nice to meet you too"

"Do you want to go outside?" Justin asked when she was done shaking Julie's hand. She nodded and walked over to Justin. They walked outside hand in hand.

"Why can't they just sit with us?" Chris asked confused.

"They just like to be alone I guess" JC explained to Chris.

"I never needed to be alone" He questioned JC's statement.

"That's because you never had a girlfriend in your life!" Joey teased him.

"You have no room to talk, Fatone! I don't see you dating anyone at the moment!"

"You're right, I'm not dating anyone but I've got phone numbers to choose from!" Joey said smiling brightly at his older friend.

"Can't you give me one of those numbers? What's a number anyway, right?"

"Uh- uh, don't think so mate! Get your own numbers"

"Didn't your mom ever teach you to share?"

"Yeah she tried, but it didn't stuck with me"

"How is it going?" Chantal asked when they took a seat outside, the view is incredible she thought when she looked around. When Justin spoke she turned to him again.

"It's going good, we got a lot of songs… that's not why you came right?" He changed his sentence when he realized she didn't come here to ask how he was doing.

"I came to see how you were doing and simply because I wanted to see you. That's all"

"Nothing wrong?"

"No, everything is fine" He looked into her eyes questioning what she just said.

"Really" She said. He pulled her towards him when she confirmed everything was okay. She lay in his arms while she was admiring the view.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to see you"

"It's ok, we needed a break anyway" He said while he gave her a smile. They talked until JC walked outside and said,

"Justin, we need to get started" He heard him groan but they slowly got up from the grass and walked inside.

"Bye" She said waving to the 4 guys on the couch. Julie left 10 minutes ago and when Chantal left they could get back to work. It wasn't a long visit but enough to keep her going, Chantal thought when she walked to her car. It was just what she needed after the week without seeing him. Justin also had a hard time, being away from her. Because they'd only dated for a month and that was the most exiting period of a relationship. At least he kept busy. There was always something to do which kept his mind of missing her. It was probably harder for her, especially on the weekends when her friends went out with their boyfriends. But she probably should get use to it. Not being able to go on a date every week and not seeing him for a while. Being away from him for a week was probably the minimum but she didn't want to think about that now. She was just glad, she saw him, although it was only for half an hour.

The next day was a very hot day. The temperatures rose above 100 and it was so hot in JC's recording studio, where the guys where working today. They were mixing some melodies and recording some lyrics. Lance was recording his part and Chris stood next to him, he was next. He was holding a glass of water in his hand. He put two fingers in the glass and splashed the water to Lance who was in the middle of a sentence. He closed his eyes, when the few drops of water reached him, but kept singing. Chris' attempt to irritate Lance didn't work and he tried again and again until Lance got sick of it and said,

"Chris stop that!! I'm trying to record this song!" Chris, who saw he finally got to Lance and his irritation plan worked, smiled brightly. However he didn't see the water that was coming his way, after Lance threw his entire glass filled with water over Chris' head.

"Someone needed to teach him a lesson!" JC laughed, who was sitting behind the control panels. Justin and Joey were laughing too. Except for Chris he was still in shock Lance did that to him.

"You're dead!" He yelled while Lance started running. He headed out the recording studio, passed Justin, JC and Joey on his way out and ran into the living room. Joey, JC and Justin followed them, curious how this scene would end. Chris was still holding his glass and threw it towards Lance but missed. The water hit the stereo which made it explode.

"Not in the house, you moron!! You broke my stereo!!" JC yelled at Chris.

"Now we're even" Chris yelled back, referring to his Playstation JC broke, before running after Lance who headed out the door into the yard. Chris refilled his glass with water from the swimming pool. In the mean time JC, Joey and Justin stepped outside and watched Chris chasing after Lance.

After a few minutes he finally got him and poured the water over his head. Then he walked back to the pool and filled his glass again. Joey lost interest when he saw Chris got Lance so he didn't noticed it when Chris snuck behind him. JC and Justin saw what he was up to and made sure they went out of his way. However for Joey it was too late the cold shower came as a complete surprise. He turned around quickly to see Chris stove off. Justin and JC were laughing so hard at Joey's expression when the cold water had hit him. Joey chased Chris throughout the whole yard. Lance took the backdoor to get back inside without Justin or JC noticing him. He got a bucket, filled it inside and snuck behind Justin and JC, who didn't notice Lance cause they were too busy watching how Joey was chasing Chris. Their cold shower included a lot more water than Joey's. They were soaked and it had completely startled them. They were so surprised it was Lance who poured a bucket full of water over their head. Justin and JC shared a surprised look but it quickly changed to revenge. They grabbed Lance, JC took his legs and Justin his arms, and headed to the central place in the yard: the swimming pool! Lance saw what their destination was and begged,

"No, no, no please!" Justin and JC pretended they didn't hear him and when they reached the pool they threw him in. Still surprised they really DID throw him in the pool Lance faced the surface and spit out the water he swallowed when he'd hit the water. Joey in the meantime succeeded in catching Chris and dragged him to the swimming pool as well. The next victim landed in the swimming pool. Justin, JC and Joey stood on the edge of the swimming pool smiling at the two people in there. Soon there were three. JC felt a push and lost his balance which made him join Lance and Chris in the swimming pool. JC was shocked but immediately got out the pool to catch the perpetrator, which was Justin. Justin didn't think JC would get out of the swimming pool so fast but started running when he saw JC coming his way. JC pulled Justin in the direction of the swimming pool and then pushed him in. Lance and Chris already got out of the swimming pool when Justin landed in it. JC gave Joey a push then Lance and Chris. He finished the job by jumping in himself when his friends faced the surface.

After their swimming break they changed clothes and headed back into the recording studio. They recorded the songs, they'd worked so hard on the last week and then called it a day.

"It's been a pleasure" Joey said when he walked out the door with his hands full of stuff. Just like when he came in a week ago. The song writing and recording week was over. They were really satisfied the way the songs turned out. Before they went home, they all listened to the songs they recorded the previous days and couldn't do anything but smile. Proud and satisfied they all went home.

"See you tomorrow!" Justin yelled before he got in his car. When the cars drove off his driveway he closed the door and said,

"Finally a little peace and quiet"

They had a meeting with Johnny the next day, but that was tomorrow. They had the whole day ahead of them and they were free to do whatever they wanted. But they were so tired, everybody just went home and got some sleep. What do you know, you finally get a day off. You spend it sleeping all day! Life as a pop star isn't as easy as it seems to be…..
