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« Chapter 6 »

(A/N) Before you guys read this chapter I have to explain something. I wrote some things in Dutch (it's for the effect) and well because I'd imagine there aren't that many people who will understand what I wrote, I translated it. I put the translation between these marks: Dutch sentence (= translation). In that order, first the Dutch sentence and the English translation is right behind it. And well I would appreciate it, if you guys just take a look at the sentences in Dutch Thx and enjoy….

~*~ April 14th 1999 ~*~

"Ah common in" Johnny said to JC who was the last person arriving.

"Okay, you know we are going to South America for Childs Wellfair next week and there for we need some shots" Johnny said.

"You mean like with a needle?" JC asked scared.

"Yeah that's the idea" Johnny said grinning at JC.

"When?" JC asked. He was getting scared. He was terrified of needles so a shot was the last thing he wanted.

"We'll go to the doctor right away because it takes some time to work and we don't have that much time. We got a lot of things to do"

"Um I have to go to the bathroom" he said and then ran to the door as fast as he could.

"Ooh no you don't" Justin said when he blocked the only way out.

"What?" JC said mad.

"You're just going to make a run for it. We don't want to spend our whole afternoon chasing you. So you are staying right here"

"But I really have to go to the bathroom" JC said indignantly.

"Joey could you give me a hand?" Justin asked Joey while looking at him. Joey already knew what to do. Justin and Joey grabbed JC by his arms.

"Hey what are you doing?" he asked shocked.

"Let go of me!" JC screamed. Without saying a word they dragged him to the car. Chris and Lance followed Justin and Joey who dragged a kicking and screaming JC with them. They put JC in the middle. Justin and Joey sat each on one side of JC so he couldn't get out of the car. Every time JC had to go to the doctor he made up every excuse not to go. It wasn't any different this time…

"Alright, take a seat" the doctor said very calm to JC when they arrived at the doctor's office a while later. He didn't move a muscle. Joey helped him by pushing him forward to make him sit on the table.

"Alright alright I'm going" JC said mad.

"Finally!" Chris said while rolling his eyes. JC climbed on the table. His last chance to get out of the shot was by saying,

"I'll give you 100 bucks if you don't give me that shot"

"Mr. Chasez it's for your own good" the doctor said.

"Now JC be a good boy and let the doctor give you your shot" Lance said as a father talking to his son.

"I'll hold your hand" Chris said. JC dropped his head when he saw he couldn't get out of the shot. The doctor gave him his shot and Lance said while he stroke his hair playfully.

"Isn't he a good boy? Here is a lollypop for you" Lance said. JC said in a childish voice.

"Thank you daddy" After JC the rest also got their shot and they were ready for their trip to South America next week.

~*~ April 15th 1999 ~*~

"Hey Chantal wait up" she heard someone yell. She turned around.

"Hey Bryant what is it?" she asked when she saw him.

"I just wanted to let you know I got detention this afternoon" he said a little embarrassed.

"Why? From who?"

"From Mister Derecks he said I was annoying. That was so not true. But anyway you know him if you fight it you'll end up with twice as much detention so I just didn't say anything"

"Smart but still sucks! Ooh crap I don't have a ride home then" Chantal said. She could drive, but Bryant didn't want anyone else driving in his car. It was ridiculous and she'd said that to him a million times but he still didn't give in.

"Yeah that's why I came to tell you. I'm sorry. Or you can wait?"

"Until 5 o'clock? No way it's your punishment not mine" she said calling forth a comment.

"Yeah yeah ok but I didn't deserve it either" he said with a sad face.

"What if you let me drive home and I will come back later to pick you up" she suggested. She already knew what the answer would be but she kept trying. He would give in eventually.

"Nope" he said. "Nobody drives my baby but me"

"Dude, you're crazy! You're 'baby' will be fine" she said sarcastically.

"You knocked over a mailbox the other week, you really think I'd let you drive my car?"

"That's not fair, the mailbox came out of nowhere!" she defended herself. He laughed at her and she understood he wouldn't give in this day, but she would persuade him into letting her use his car someday!

"Well fine! Thanks for telling me. I'll better find a ride home. I'll see you later, Bye" she said and she walked to her locker to get her mobile phone. She saw someone had called her. So she checked her voicemail.

"Hi Chantal this is Justin. I just wanted to ask you if you're free tomorrow. Maybe we can go to the beach. Me and the guys got the afternoon off and we were wondering if you want to join us? Lianne can come too! If you hear this just call me back. Ok bye, kiss" she felt all weak inside. He is so cute she thought. She called him back immediately.

"Hello this is Justin"

"Hi it's me" Chantal said.

"Who is me?" he asked. You could hear him laugh when he said that.

"Don't tease me! It's Chantal" she said laughing.

"Hi so you got my message"

"Yep and we're done early tomorrow so I think we'll be able to make it. I have to ask Lianne if she can make it but I think she can"

"Cool I'm already looking forward to it"

"There is only one more thing" she said hesitating.


"It's silly and if you can't make it just say so ok?"

"Yes ok common tell me what is it?" Justin asked curious.

"Could you come and pick me up this afternoon?"

"Um…" he hesitated while he thought what his obligations were for this afternoon.

"If you can't just say so"

"No no I think I'll be able to make it. What time?" he said.

"3 o'clock. I'm sorry for asking this because I know you're very busy but I don't know anyone else I could ask"

"It's ok. I can make it but I can't stay long because I got an appointment at 4. And I can't be late" he said smiling when he thought about their first date.

"Thank you so much. Ooh shoot I got to go. I see a teacher coming my way. Bye see you this afternoon" she said quickly and hung up the phone. Justin laughed at the last words. She always made him smile. Chantal quickly put her cell phone away but the teacher walked by. However, she didn't know that Mary heard the conversation and went to Stephanie to tell her everything. That meant that they would be sitting in the hall waiting for Justin to arrive. This time WITH a film role in the camera so they could make pictures of Justin and Chantal together.

"Hey girl, wait up!" Chantal yelled down the hall when she spotted her best friend. Lianne turned around and asked,

"What's up?"

"I want to ask you if you want to come to the beach with me, Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance tomorrow?"

"Yeah cool!" she said enthusiastic.

"Our classes end at 11 right?"

"Yes" Lianne confirmed.

"I'll come with my own car tomorrow so I can drive us back to my house because I think Bryant has classes until 4 or something. He picked the wrong class" Chantal said laughing. Bryant and Chantal were both in their last year of high school. Bryant failed his exams last year so he tried again this year. Although they were both in their last year, they weren't in the same class. They did have the same subjects so they could help each other anyway. It was probably a good thing they weren't in the same class because they saw each other enough as it is, being in the same class would just be too much.

"Yeah cool!"

"Great!!" she said happily she wanted to come while they continued their way to their next class.

"By the way how's Jamie?" Jamie was Lianne's boyfriend. They'd been together for quite some time now.

"Huh" she said totally wrapped up in her thoughts.

"Jamie? Your boyfriend remember?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"How is he?" she asked again.

"He's ok"

"Everything okay between you too?"

"Yeah, yeah! We're great!" she said cheery.

"There is nothing better than being in love right?" Chantal asked happily. Lianne agreed but she wasn't in love with the person Chantal thought she was.

~*~ That afternoon at 3 "o clock ~*~

Chantal saw Justin pulling up the parking lot and she walked to his car.

"Hi" he said when he got out of the car. He met her halfway and gave her a kiss.

"Don't do that here silly. You don't know who might see us" Chantal said. They knew they had to be a little careful because the lawsuit was coming up soon and they couldn't have another scandal which involved an Nsync guy.

"I know you're right but I just can't help myself" he said while wrapping his arms around her. He held her in his arms for a while. He just didn't want to let go but he knew he had to.

"Come on let's go. I'll drive you home" Justin said when he forced himself to let go.

"Okay and again thank you"

"I'm glad to do it, it gives me a good excuse to see you again" he said while he gave her a kiss then they got in the car and drove off. In the meantime Stephanie and her group were ecstatic.

"This is great exactly what I wanted. We got a picture!! I even made a picture of them kissing. How can this day get any better? I'm sure they don't want they're 'relationship' revealed" Stephanie said sarcastically with an evil smile.

"They won't know what hits them when they see this in our new edition of the school newspaper"

"Maybe we can even sell it to a local newspaper. I think they would like to know about Justin's new girlfriend" Mary said.

"That's a great idea Mary. We could actually make some money out of this. We can sell it to everyone. This is great" Stephanie said with a huge smile on her face.

"Can we actually do that?" Ruth said doubtful.

"What do you mean you're not scratching down are you?" Stephanie said threatening.

"No no of course not. But is it ok for us to print those pictures? It's private isn't it?"

"So what? Justin is a celebrity. He's used to it and besides who cares how they feel?" Stephanie said.

"They are humans too. You can't just print them for the whole world to see" Ruth said. She made it obvious she didn't agree with Stephanie's plans.

"Well if you think you're so right why don't you just go away!" Stephanie said angrily. That was what always happened. That was the way Stephanie dealt with 'friends' who didn't agree with her. She just 'threw' them away like some old socks. Everybody wanted to know her so it wasn't difficult for her to find a new friend.

"Fine!!" Ruth said angrily and she walked away. She wanted to tell Chantal but she knew she wouldn't have a life in this school if she did because everybody knew Stephanie. She had a lot of power in school and she knew she was going to be hassled for life if she told her. That's why she decided not to tell Chantal but she wouldn't help Stephanie either.

"Don't you want to come in for a second?" Chantal asked when they arrived at Chantal's house.

"No I'd better not" Justin said. Chantal didn't understand why he didn't want to come in and asked disappointed,

"Why not?" Justin saw she was disappointed and said,

"It's not that I don't want to come in. I would love to but you know when I'm with you time just goes by so quickly and I don't want to be late. I have a signing session in the mall in half an hour. Johnny is getting a little tired of us being late all the time" he said with a smile.

"Ha-ha" she laughed.

"Ok well I'll be going then. Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12.15 okay? Because we've got to find a beach" he said smiling.

"Yeah, cool. Are we all going in one car?" Chantal asked disbelieving they could fit in one car.

"Yes! We'll try and Lance got a van so we'll fit in there"

"Cool, can you come and pick us up at home because we only have classes until 11, and then we can get our bathing suits and stuff from home"

"Yeah, alright! I'll be there around 12.15"


"Bye" he said smiling, he gave her a kiss and drove off.

~*~ April 16th 1999 ~*~

"So is your dad home?" Lianne asked as they entered the house.

"No. Why? What are you up to?"

"Nothing" she exclaimed giving her friend the most innocent look she got.

"Not yet anyway" she continued and winked at her. They had about an hour before Justin would pick them up so they grabbed some stuff together before Lianne turned on the the tv while chantal started up the computer. She just wanted to check her mail.

"Man! Don"t I have any friends?!" she said when she saw her mailbox was empty.

"I guess not" Lianne said teasing her friend.

"You could mail me sometime!"

"Why should I? I see you everyday! Besides I don"t like computers they"re mean to me" she said shaking her head. Chantal laughed at her best friend while she turned her head back to the computer screen. She decided to check out '' Lianne said it was an incredible site and however her dislike of computers, she went there very often. She checked out some pictures and fanfiction while Lianne flipped through the channels.

In the meantime Justin was about to head out the door to pick up Lianne and Chantal.

"I"ll pick up Lianne and Chantal, anyone wants to come?" he asked.

"Yeah, me!" JC said a little too anxious to come. Justin gave him a weird look before he looked at the others.

"We have to go by the house to get some stuff, we"ll meet you back here in half an hour?" Lance asked.

"Alright" they yelled before Justin left the room with JC right behind him.

Ater a while Chantal entered the chatbox, curious where people were talking about.

~Hi~ suddenly appeared on the screen.

~Hey~ she answered.

~How are you?~ she asked.

~I'm good, what about you?~ appeared on the screen.

~Everything's fine~

~What's your name?~

~Chantal, what's urs?~

~Evelien, but please call me Lien~

~Where are you from?~

~I'm from the Netherlands. You know where it is?~

~Dat is toevallig, ik ben geboren in Nederland. Woon nu al een tijdje in Amerika~ (=That's a coincidence, I was born in the Netherlands. But I've been living in America for quite some time now)

~Vet, leuk om eindelijk eens iemand te spreken die ook uit Nederland komt en fan is van Nsync!!~ (=Cool, finally someone from the Netherlands who likes Nsync)

~Hoezo, zijn er niet zoveel mensen fan van Nsync in Nederland?~ (=What do you mean? Aren't there any Dutch Nsync fans?)

~Niet zover ik weet, hier is het meer BSB~ (=Sure there are but not that much. I think there are more BSB fans)


~Maar het komt denk ik ook omdat Nsync bijna niet optreed hier. Vind ik niet leuk L~ (=But I think it's because Nsync doesn't perform here very often. I don't like that L)

~Snap ik~ (=I understand)

~Hey waar woon je eigenlijk in US?~ (=Where do you live in the US?)

~Orlando, Florida~

~Nsync hoofdstad J~ (=Nsync capital)

~Precies LOL~ (=Exactly LOL)

*Ding dong* the doorbell rang. Chantal didn't hear it because she was too wrapped up in the conversation. Lianne turned off the TV, got up and walked to the front door. She swung it open and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him standing in front of her.

"Hey, you're ready?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, common in" Lianne said while she gestured for them to come in.

"You remember JC don't you?" Justin asked Lianne when he stepped inside.

'How could she forget him?' she thought. JC shyly smiled at her before following Justin inside. They walked into the living room where Chantal was still busy typing messages to the girl on the other end of the world.

~Wie is jouw favoriet?~ Lien asked. (=Who is your favorite?)

~van Nsync?~ (=of Nsync?) Chantal didn't really know what to say

~Ja, we zijn in een Nsync chat box right? LOL~ (=Yes, we are in an Nsync chat box, right? LOL)

~LOL, um ik heb niet echt een favoriet. Jij?~ (=LOL, I don't really have a favorite member. What about you?)

~Ik vind ze allemaal leuk!! Alleen als ik moet kiezen LANCE!! J~ (=I like them all!!! But if I'd to choose LANCE!! J)

"Hey baby" Justin said when he walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey" she mumbled.

"Chantal turn off the computer! We're leaving" Lianne said to her.

"Yes, just a minute...." she said vaguely. They waited a minute but she made no attempt to cut off the conversation.

"Come on!"

"Alright alright!" Chantal said angry she had to go.

~Sorry, ik moet gaan~ (=Sorry, I got to go)

~Is goed, mag ik jouw emailadres, ik zou het heel leuk vinden om nog een keer met je te kletsen over Nederland en hoe het is in Orlando J~ (=Alright, can I have your email address, I would really like to talk to you again about Netherlands and what"s like in Orlando J)

~Uhhh ja is goed. Mail me maar: I'd like that J~ (=Um yeah sure. Mail me at: I'd like that J) she said before logging out.

"Finally!" Justin said teasing her. She grabbed her bag, got his hand and followed JC and Lianne to the car. They drove back to Lance's house. Joey and Chris had already driven back to their own house to get some stuff and when they pulled up the driveway, Justin and JC returned with Lianne and Chantal. Lance was already busy putting some stuff in the van. Joey and Chris each brought a surfboard, which was never going to fit in the car and on top of that Chris kept coming to Lance with all kinds of balls he wanted to bring to the beach.

"No! Chris that is never gonna fit in there! Leave it here!" Lance said to Chris tired of putting his stuff in the van.

"But Lance, it CAN fit and it will. Let me" he pushed Lance out of the way and started stuffing his stuff in the back. When he finally had all the stuff inside he closed the door. They all squeezed in the van. It was already full with stuff and the passengers weren"t even in it! They drove the 45 minutes to the beach, since there was no beach in Orlando. It wasn't a very comfortable ride but it certainly was a fun ride. When they arrived they pulled out all the stuff from the van. Chris and Joey held the surfboards and Lance was holding the volleyball, basketball, football, tennisball and inflatated beachball. You couldn't even see his face!

"Why did you bring al those things? We only got about 3 hours!" Justin asked.

"I just wanna do as many things as possible" Chris said simply.

"Come on Lance follow me" Chris ordered.

"Hello?" Lance yelled letting him know he couldn"t see anything so he didn"t know which way to follow him. Chris grabbed him by his sleeve and pulled him in the direction of the beach. Chris was the one who wanted to bring so many different balls. He'd asked Lance to help him carry them but of course, Lance had been to generous and ended up carrying them all! The man just couldn't say no!

"Did I miss something?" Chantal asked Lianne when she finally got her alone.

"What do you mean?" Lianne asked confused.

"What"s going on between you and JC?"

"What do you mean?" she repeated.

"It looks like you two are dating or something.." Chantal said.

"No… we were just talking that's all" Lianne denied while her eyes scanned the coastline.

"You sure?"

"Yes! I have a boyfriend remember?"

"Yes.." Chantal said but she wasn't completely convinced. She'd known Lianne for a long time and she just had a feeling something was going on. She just couldn't put her finger on it. When they found a nice spot on the beach Lance dropped all the balls he was holding.

"Common let's go surfing!" Chris said anxious to get in the water. "I'm with ya!" Joey screamed and the two ran off heading for the sea. Chantal sat down infront of Justin and he wrapped his arms around her. Lance was sitting next to Justin while JC and Lianne sat down next to eachother. They started or actually continued their conversation. Chantal noticed it but turned her head towards Chris and Joey when she felt Justin shaking from laughter. Joey and Chris where struggling to get on top of their surfboards. But as soon as they succeeded they fell off again.

"I don't like the water" Lianne said when she saw Joey and Chris struggling.

"Why not?" JC asked curiously.

"Don't know. I've never really liked it"

"What do you like?" he asked interested.

"I like singing, dancing and acting"


"Yes really"

"You wanna be a big movie/popstar ?"

"I don't know yet. I just wanna finish school first and we'll see. It doens't have to be big. If I can just be on stage I'll be happy"

"Cool" he said admiring her plans.

"Especially schoolplays. I love working on schoolplays. It's much smaller and more intimate than those big musicals. However I would like to be in one in the future. Just not right now" she continued.

"Yeah, I always liked schoolplays too! Are you working on a schoolplay right now?"

"Yes! We're rehearsing for Fame right now. It's just a little hectic you know with finals coming up and I gotta do a premiere too!"

"When is the premiere?" he asked interested.

"May 16th. You should come!" she said enthusiatic. When she realized what she just did she wanted to slap herself. 'How could I've asked him to come?!' she felt really stupid because she was convinced that he wouldn't be interested in something like that. Way too unproffesional but til her surprise he actually agreed to her invatiation instead of laughing at the thought of it.

"Yes I would love to come! Just tell me where and when" she was totally caught of guard by his answer. Her heart was pounding and she was actually scared he might here it, everything inside of her was rushing and the smile he was giving her wasn't helping her to relax. Finally she said,

"I'd like that very much!" and returned the smile.

Chris and Joey surfingskills weren't improving as time went by. "I'm gonna give them a hand" Chantal said before she stood up and made her way to the water.

"Hey Chris! Can I try?" Chantal said when she reached them.

"Sure" he said and handed her the board. She took the board from him and pedalled a little futher into the sea. After a few faillures she finally maganed to stand up straight, which was more than Joey and Chris managed to do so far. She even surfed the wave for a short while before she lost her balance and fell off. Chris was getting bored and started annoying Joey and Chantal. When they finally managed to stand on their board he gave them a little push which made them lose their balance time after time. On the beach, Justin and Lance were watching the three struggling with the waves.

"She's doing well!" Lance said when he saw Chantal managed to stand up and ride the wave for a while, without Chris bothering her.

"Yes, she is!" Justin said smiling while he kept looking at her.

"Where is Lynn by the way?"

"Don't know I coulnd't reach her. Probably working"

"Everything okay between you two?" Justin asked while he turned his head from the waterscene.

"Yes! We're doing fine" he said happily. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself. Quickly he changed the subject. He didn't want to talk about it.

"How are you and Chantal doing?" a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Great!" he said enthousiastic.

"Maybe we could double date sometime?" Justin asked him. "I haven't seen Lynn in a while" he stated.

"Yeah, maybe" Lance said softly. He turned his head to the water, avoiding eye contact.

Meanwhile Joey and Chantal were getting pissed cause they were doing well but Chris ruined it everytime. They wanted revenge and swam over to him. They were splashing water at eachother and pulling eachother under water. JC and Lianne were still talking but also saw what was going on in the water.

"Shouldn't you go help your friend?" JC asked her.

"No she can take care of herself. I much rather talk to you" she said giving him a smile. He smiled back.

"Me too" he said. She felt butterflies in her stomach and she was realizing she was falling for him….

Justin had made his way to the water where Chris and Chantal where already on their surfboards again. When Joey saw him, he got out of the water and walked over to him.

"Hey man!" Joey said when he went to stand next to Justin.

"Hey" they stood next to eachother watching Chris and Chantal surfing. At least trying to surf.

"Common sweety, the point is to stand on the thing not lie on it!" Justin commented. She gave him a smile.

"Why don't you show me, how to do it? I can't do anything without a man's help" she said sarcastically. He puffed up his chest and said macho,

"Alright, baby. Step aside, let me show you how" she gave him the board and he headed out to sea. He gave it a try but, just like her first time on the board, he fell off the second his foot touched the board. Chantal and Joey who were watching laughed when they saw him hitting the water. Chantal gave him the what-did-I-tell-you look.

"It's not as easy as it looks!" she yelled to him.

"Are you common?" she asked after he made a couple more attempts to ride the waves.

"No, I wanna try again!" he yelled back.

"I'm gonna go back" she yelled. Joey and Chris decided to stay with Justin. They still hadn't had enough of the surfing experience. Especially for Chris that didn"t happen very often. When Chantal reached the rest, she laid down on the towel next to Lance. He didn't really look like he was having a good time and she was wondering what was up with him.

"Why don"t you try it?" Chantal asked him.

"Try what?" he asked, he was totally somewhere else with his thoughts.

"Surfing" she said.

"Nah, don't really feel like it"

"Why not? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything is fine, I just don't feel like getting wet. That's all" he said simple. Something was up with him too. What was going on? Everybody was acting weird, except Chris and Joey they were just being there weird own self. When Justin was finally able to stand up straight on the board he came back with Joey and Chris. They laid down on their towels for a while when Chris said,

"Whose up for game of football? We have to use at least one ball, other whise I brought all those balls for nothing" Lance gave him an evil look when he heard what he said.

"I am!" Justin said cheery.

"Yeah, me too" Joey said, followed by a yes from Chantal and even Lance joined in after a few pleads from the rest. Lianne and JC didn't gave in to the pleadings they were still talking.

"What the hell can be so interesting that you can talk about it for hours?!" Joey asked confused.

"You wouldn't know because the minute you get a girls phone number you're finished talking!" Chris said teasing him and ran off with the ball. Joey chased after him. Chris threw the ball at Lance but Joey tackled him anyway. Chantal looked at Lianne and JC one more time, she knew Joey was right. You don't talk to someone for so long unless…. Her thoughts were interupted by Justin when he asked,

"Are you gonna play, sweety?"

"Yeah, I'm in!" she said while looking at JC and Lianne one more time before she joined the game.

When the game was played they had to go back. Because they had an appointment at 6. They gathered up their stuff and headed to the car.

"I'm hungry" Joey said when they were about 20 miles from Orlando.

"Let's go tot McDonalds! I'm starving" Chantal said agreeing with Joey. They went through the drive in cause they didn't had the time to sit down and eat. Lance was the one who had to order because he was driving. But when it was their turn to order everbody was screaming what they wanted.

"Shut up!" Lance yelled after a few moments. Everybody in the car went silent and looked at Lance.

"Alright, one by one tell me what you want"

"I want…."

"Give me…." they all started at the same time.

"Quiet! One by one I said. Joey what do you want?"

"I want…" Joey started but was cut off by Chris.

"Why can he go first?" he yelled like a 2 year old.

"Because, he's sitting in the front and I'll work my way to the back. So just wait your turn! Now Joey again:" Lance said like a father trying to controll his kids but with kids like that it was hard. Joey ordered and so did the rest.

"Alright Sir that will be $62.55"

"Cough it up guys" Lance said while he turned around to collect the money.

"I've got ten" Chris said.

"I've got fifteen"

"I've got twenty" Lance took it and gave it to the lady. He drove to the next window and got the food. He passed it to Joey and he passed it to the back after he got out his own food. Everybody started to eat because nothing can make you hungier than a day at the beach.

"Hey, where is my cheeseburger?!" Chantal yelled when she looked in the bag to get her cheeseburger but noticed there wasn't anything in it anymore.

"Justin is eating it!" Chris yelled pointing the finger at Justin.

"Why are you eating my food?"

"I thought it was left over" he said innocently after he swallowed.

"No, I was saving that!"

"Here" he said handing her the already half eaten burger. She took it and started eating after she threw a frie his way which bounced off of his forehead.

"Hey no throwing food!" Lance stated when he spotted the starting foodfight in his rare viewmirror.

"Sorry" Chantal said with her mouth full. She shared a look with Justin and then they bursted out laughing. Pretty soon they entered Orlando again and dropped Lianne and Chantal off first.

When they entered Orlando again they drove to Chantal's house. Justin and JC walked them to the door.

"I had a really good time!" Chantal said enthousiasticly. She kissed her boyfriend who didn't get the time to respond. JC and Lianne also said goodbye to eachother. He gave her two kisses on the cheek. Before she walked into the house she gave him, her phonenumber. So he could call her about the schoolplay, he promised to come. She secretly hoped he would call her for more than only the schoolplay. Chantal gave Justin one last kiss and then followed Lianne into the house. They waved at the car who pulled out of the driveway and then closed the door.

"I had a great time!" Chantal said.

"Me too" Lianne said with a huge smile on her face, thinking about JC.

While Lianne and Chantal where home chilling the guys had to go to a tv-show.

"Stay tuned because we've got Nsync in just a few moments!" Rick, the host said. The guys where getting ready backstage as the commercials came in.

"Alright, here we are with Nsync ladies and gentleman!" the host said while the camera zoomed in on the Nsync fella's on the couch. After the applause Rick asked,

"How are you guys? Busy?"



"Very busy" were the responses.

"What did you do the last few weeks, we haven't seen that much of you"

"After the VMA's we spend most of our time writing songs, working on the new album" Justin filled him in.

"Indivudually or..?" Rick asked.

"Some indivudual and some together. It just kinda depends, when you get an idea you throw it in the group and next person will say: what if we take your idea and do this to it. That way you just help each other and think together. We complete eachothers idea's" JC said.

"Cool, is that why you withdrawed?"

"Yes, we went to JC's house. Just the five of us, writing songs. It was cool" Justin said.

"You went to JC's house, because you dont have a record compagnie at the moment?"

"No, we went to JC's because it's more quiet" Joey said.

"You have a new record compagnie?"

"Yeah, we're with Jive now" Lance said.

"And the old recordcompagnie is sueing you guys"

"Yes" they said.

"Lawsuit is in 2 weeks. Nervous?"

"Yeah, a little but we're sure everything will be okay" Chris said.

"Good, you know this morning my daughter came to me and said: Daddy can you ask Nsync something for me?" Rick started imitating his daughter. The guys laughed at his funny voice.

"Can you ask them, if they have girlfriends. They are so cute!" Rick said still imitating his daughters voice.

"Oops, I don't think I should have said the last part. Well anyway, do you have girlfriends?" he said laughing.

"You're just using you daugther as an excuse. It's YOU who wants to know" Chris said joking around.

"Yeah busted" Joey said laughing.

"Ok you got me. But no do you have girlfriends?" the host asked once again.

After JC, Joey, Lance and Chris' answer it was time for Justin's. Chantal who was coincidently watching the show, waited for a no but was surprised when she heard Justin say,

"I do have a girlfriend. She's not in the entertainment business. Actually she's still in High School. We all tease her about that. I don't want to say her name if that's OK. It might be pretty pointless but I'm trying my best to keep her as a secret. I don't care if people know if I have a girlfriend or not, but I don't want people to take what we have and tear it apart, I've seen it happen before and it's sad. Not necessarily people but just the media in general. She's the kindest person I have ever met, and I like what we have together. I don't know, I can't explain it but when I'm with her I feel complete" Chantal felt like she was glued to the TV. She couldn't move or blink the whole time Justin was speaking. She couldn't believe it!

"Come on man, tell us her name!" Rick asked like he was desperate to know.

"I'll be glad to tell you but not the whole world" Justin answered simply. Rick looked at the other guys for information.

"So Lance what's this girl's name?" Rick asked.

"No I'm not getting involved in this" Lance said while raising his hands.

"Ok, somebody better tell us her name, I mean no one ever watches this show anyway except my mom and I don't think she really cares. What's the first letter?" Rick, the host asked. He wasn't giving up.

"Yeah your mom maybe and a billion other people. The first letter is C though" Justin said giving in a little.

"C? Ok, we're getting somewhere. Carry?" Rick questioned.

"Carry? Nope sorry! Ha-ha are you going to name every name that begins with a C?" Justin asked him.

"Sure why not? I've got time"

"Ha-ha alright then good luck…" Justin said. He was determined not to say her name, he wasn't going to give in either. It was none of their business.

"Catherine, Christina, Celina…" he paused to think for a second. "Clair, Caroline, Constance.... " He continued.

"There are a lot of names that begin with a C right?" Justin said amused, he knew he would never guess the right name.

"Ah common help me out a little" the host pleaded.

"No, the first letter is all you get" Justin said making sure Rick wouldn't ask anything else.

"Alright I give up" Rick said while laughing along with the guys.

"Do you guys have your girlfriends travel with you?" was the next question.

"It all depends on their schedules. They have their own lives. In fact, C..." JC said playful. "She's still in high school. So I know her and Justin don't see each other as much as they would like" JC explained while Justin nodded in agreement.

"But it is hard because they've got their own careers and they can't come on tour with us whenever we want them too. It wouldn't be fair" Joey added.

"Ok thank you for joining us tonight" Rick said, then turned to the camera and said,

"Thank you for watching, we'll see you next time"

~*~ April 17th ~*~

"How was your day at the beach yesterday?" Bryant asked when he walked through the front door and spotted Chantal in the hallway.

"It was a lot of fun" she said with a smile when she thought about it.

"Those guys are crazy but a lot of fun" Bryant smiled while he listened to her story.

"How's Jen?" Chantal asked when she finished talking about the day she'd spent at the beach.

"She's…" he stopped abruptly and gazed over her shoulder in the direction of the staircase. She turned to the staircase and saw Craig walking down and coming their way.

"Don't stop on my account" he said when he reached them. Bryant gave him a dirty look while Chantal stared at her feet. Neither one of them said something until Craig broke the awkward silence.

"We should do something together. Just the three of us. I haven't seen you two in a long time"

"That's not our fault" Bryant mumbled but loud enough for Craig to hear. Chantal nudged his side causing him to cringe.

"You've been here for almost 2 weeks why didn't you make room for us sooner?" Chantal asked a little upset.

"Because sweetie...." Bryant rolled his eyes while Craig moved closer to Chantal and put an arm around her shoulder. "I needed to settle a few things but everything is arranged now so what would you say about diner tomorrow night?"

"I'd say great!" Chantal said enthusiastic before she turned to look at Bryant for his response.

"I'd say bite me!" he snapped.

"Bryant!" Chantal exclaimed.

"It's ok sweetheart Bryant is very fond of me" Craig said pitiful.

"Ah don't gimme that!!"

"Bryant, can I talk to you for a second?" Chantal asked while piercing him with her eyes. Bryant didn't respond, he continued to stare at his father with anger in his eyes. Chantal nudged his side again and pulled him with her to the kitchen while she mumbled an 'excuse us' to her father.

"What are you doing?!" she asked angrily.

"He's playing the victim and I won't let him!"

"What do you mean? He's just trying to make it up to us!"

"Do you HONESTLY believe that Chantal? Or are you trying to convince yourself that he means it this time?!" Chantal was shocked by his comment and couldn't speak, she just gazed at him.

"I'm sorry…. I shouldn't have said it" Bryant apologized when he realized what he said in his outburst of anger.

"Can't you just give him a chance?" Chantal pleaded. Bryant realized how much it meant to her and he agreed.

"Alright but not for him!!"

"Thank you" she said grateful and hugged him. They walked back to their father and Chantal smiled while she said.

"We would love to go to diner with you, right Bryant?"

"Yes" Bryant said through clinched teeth.

"Good" Craig said conceited. Bryant noticed the arrogant tone in his response and already regretted he agreed to this ludicrous idea. Chantal however didn't see it. Or she didn't WANT to see it.

"Alright then. If you"ll excuse me, I've got a few phone calls to make" Chantal nodded while she gave him a reassuring smile. When he was completely out of sight she turned to Bryant.

"Thank you. It will be fun!" she said enthusiastic hoping the excitement would rub off on him.

"Yeah…." he said totally not convinced before he started to make his way upstairs. She followed him with her eyes until he too was completely out of sight then she sighed deeply.

"Why did he had to get dad's stubbornness?!"

~*~ April 18th 1999 ~*~

Chantal walked down the hall to her locker. She spotted Lianne standing by her locker. She was holding a phone and she had the biggest smile on her face Chantal had ever seen. Chantal noticed everybody was staring at her but she ignored it and walked to Lianne.

"Hey girl! Are you talking to your lover boy?" Chantal asked saying Lover boy in a weird voice. Lianne's eyes went wide open after her head jerked up like she was busted.

"What?" Chantal asked her confused.

"Nothing! I gotta go" Lianne said while she turned around.

"Where you going?"

"Um.. home" she said before she quickly made her way through the people in the hall before Chantal could ask her anything else. Chantal was right, Lianne was talking to her love but it wasn't Jamie like she thought. Chantal watched her friend run out the schooldoors then slowly turned around.

'What's up with her?' she thought. "Hmmm weird" She said softly to herself. She walked to her next class. Not only on her way to class also in class she noticed people where staring at her. It was driving her crazy. She tried to ignore it just like in the hallway but she couldn't do it. She couldn't stand it when people where staring at her, she was wondering WHY they were staring at her and after a few confused glances to a couple of people and no response she jumped up and said to the whole class,

"WHY ARE YOU ALL STARING AT ME?" Stephanie got an evil grin on her face when she answered her question.

"Maybe you should check out the school newspaper. There is something very interesting about this edition" Chantal looked around her with a confused look on her face while her classmates giggled at Stephanie's answer.

"Alright now you got your answer can I continue?" the teacher asked sarcastic.

"Sure…" Chantal said softly while she slowly plumped in her chair. As soon as the bell rang she stormed out the classroom and headed to the hallway to get a copy of the school newspaper. She looked through it and then saw the headline,

'JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE FOUND HIS GIRLFRIEND AT OUR SCHOOL!!!!!' Her jaw dropped and her eyes bulged out. She was shocked. She started reading the article:

Everybody knows the popular group Nsync. Some of you might know that the cute singer Justin Timberlake actually went to the exact same school as we're in right now! But what not everybody knows is that he found his girlfriend in our very own school! That's right folks! You read it correctly. Justin Timberlake met his honey here, and it was love at first sight. They have been dating for about a month. You don't believe it? Check out the picture, we took in the parking lot…………

This was only the beginning of the article. They told everything there was to know about Chantal. It looked more like an autobiography than an article!! There was also a picture of Justin and her at the bottom of the article. Although it wasn't a clear picture, you could easily see two people on the picture and it looked an awful lot like her. That was why everybody stared at her! Then she thought about Stephanie,

"The bitch! SHE did this to her. No doubt about it. How could she? Why? How?" Was a question that immediately popped in her head but she pushed the questions aside when she thought about Justin. She had to call him! She grabbed her cellphone and dialed his number. She was relieved when she heard him picking up.

"Damnit Justin!"

"Hello to you too" he said recognizing her voice.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you said you didn't want the whole world to know everything about me, well those bitches here took care of that!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they put an article about us in the schoolnewspaper with inside info, pictures everything !!!" she almost screamed through the phone.

"What?!" she didn"t respond. "Alright calm down" He said. "It"s not that bad…"

"NOT THAT BAD?! THEY SPILLED THE BEANS ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT ME !!!" she yelled. People in the hallway turned around and looked at her when they heard her scream.

"Alright, alright. Stay there, I'll pick you up and we'll…" before he could finish his sentence she said,

"No don't pick me up, that's only going to make it worse. I'll take a cab home and meet you there alright?"

"Yes, that's probably a better idea. I'll see you in 30 minutes"

"Alright" she confirmed then hang up grabbed her stuff from her locker and walked out the door. Stephanie watched her leave and a satisfied grin spread across her face. Her plan had worked, she finally got back at her. She felt like she was on top of the world and it would only get better from now on….
