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Chapter 1

Justin stood up a little straighter as his eye caught that beautiful boy he’d had an eye out for, for quite some time. He was however still unsure what to do with his feelings. He stood off to the side, there were a lot of people around in the mall and therefore he knew Josh wouldn’t see him but Justin saw him.

He watched how Josh walked alongside a much taller guy. He was at least 6”2, brown hair and pretty muscular. They headed towards the movie theatre. Justin could see how the tall guy bought two tickets and passed a smile to Josh who was standing next to him. Justin noticed how Josh returned the smile and he had hope; it looked like a date. Although Josh wasn’t his date, it at least meant he dated… guys!

Once the two had disappeared into the movie theatre Justin turned around and headed for the exit. He walked home quickly, a smile on his face and a plan already forming in his mind. He was going to walk up to him and ask him out.

Justin went to his car after a long day of school, thinking about his plan once again; he was going to walk up to his crush and ask him out. He’d been thinking about it all day. He was going to do it, well not now but he was going to. He’d made the decision and now all he had to do was wait for the opportune moment. One; it’d have to be in a private place, two; his crush would have to be alone and three; there had to be no one within earshot. He knew what he was going to say too, he’d thought this through all the way, he’d make sure nothing would go wrong and he’d walk away with a date.

He unlocked his car and turned to get in, he stopped however when something on the other side of the parking lot caught his eye. More like someone and it was the person that always caught his attention. He frowned as he saw a guy run up to his crush. Justin was too far from them to see who it was but it seemed to be the guy Justin had seen Josh with at the movie theatre three days ago. The guy tried to put an arm around Josh but the blue eyed angel pushed the arm away with a scowl. Justin couldn’t see what was going on exactly but he could see his crush wasn’t happy with the affectionate gesture. Uncertainty crept into his heart as he watched the scene play out in front of him. The guy once again tried to put his arm around Josh but it got shoved away in anger. His crush then walked away quickly, almost fleeing.

Justin watched him go before he turned to his car in a daze and got in. He drove off quickly, seeing the guy who’d tried to hit on his crush in his rear-view mirror. The guy looked stunned, in shock almost and confused. Justin knew one thing for sure as he set his gaze back on the road ahead; that’s not gonna be me.

“How was your… date” Chris whispered after he’d quickly looked around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear.

“With Billy” he added. Josh sighed.

“Not great” Josh revealed.

Chris frowned. “Why not?”

“He just, he got all clingy and possessive. He even came here at school!” Josh explained shuddering a little, adding the next bit of information in a somewhat angry tone of voice, remembering what had happened.

Josh went down the steps, intending to go home after a long day at school.

“Josh!” someone called out his name and Josh turned to the voice curiously, frowning when he saw who it was.

“Billy, what are you doing here?” Josh asked surprised.

“Just came by to see you” he smiled.

Josh smiled back weakly, they’d gone out together but Josh wasn’t planning to repeat it Billy however seemed to want to. Billy stepped forward and Josh saw his arm coming up to hug his shoulders. He reacted quickly; stepping back. He was in the middle of the parking lot!

“What are you doing?” Josh panicked, pushing his arm away.

“What if someone sees us?!”

“Oh come on baby, no one will see us and if they do; what does it matter?” he asked, his arm going once again around his shoulders. Josh pushed it away in temper.

“It matters!”


“No, I can’t not here, I’m sorry” he said somewhat apologetically before walking off quickly, praying to God that no one had seen anything.

“Ah” Chris said shortly, already knowing what was going on.

“What?!” Josh demanded, frowning.

“Someone gets clingy and possessively very quickly according to you” Chris said lightly, trying to be gentle.

“What?” Josh said simply.

“Just because I don’t let everyone touch me doesn’t mean I’m distant” he argued.

“I didn’t say that” Chris denied, shaking his head.

“Whatever he just wasn’t for me” Josh dismissed not wanting to get into this again.

“So you dumped him?” Chris sighed.

“Yesterday, yes” Josh answered, remembering that too. Billy hadn’t exactly accepted it right away but eventually Josh had managed to make him see that they were not going on a second date.

“Okay well you know who you like” Chris conceded.

“Exactly” Josh smiled, his attention still on his friend as Chris smiled back, therefore being unaware of the fact that Justin had walked into the cafeteria and glanced his way, his eyes always sought him out. Josh didn’t notice it as always.

“Let’s just hope someone will get past first date”

Josh nodded his head. “Yeah”

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