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Justin Randall Timberlake, captain of the basketball team, stood off to the side. As always when it came to this boy, watching him without being seen. He’d learned the boy’s name was Josh, Joshua Chasez and he also knew the boy he was watching was anything but popular but it was what he liked about him.

It was however also the reason he couldn’t go up to him. That and the fact that it was a boy he liked. As captain of the basketball team he had a reputation to uphold. And not only that; he didn’t even know if this boy was gay, what if he wasn’t and he’d come up to him, telling him how he felt and he’d been wrong. It would be oh so easy to out him, a great chance to make himself popular by outing the captain of the basketball team.

Justin couldn’t take that chance and so for now it would stay with watching him, hoping it could some day turn out to be something more.
