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Chapter 12

“I’m sorry” Justin told him once again, as soon as Josh had opened the door. He was sick of those words but truth was he was sorry and he still wanted Josh to like him. Josh looked bored.

“Sure” Josh said simply, not going into the apology, getting ready to close the door. But Justin pushed the door open and stepped inside before Josh even had the chance to react.

“Okay, you’re obviously not going to believe me” Justin said suddenly, grasping Josh’s upper arms to make him look him in the eye after closing the front door, Josh still in shock.

“Tell me; how can I make it up to you?” he questioned finally, willing to do whatever it took to get Josh to like him, to forgive him.

“I mean it, just tell me what I have to do” he added as Josh didn’t answer right away.

Josh sighed, not really wanting to answer the question, he looked away wanting to avoid the question then suddenly an idea popped in his head and he said the words before he could stop himself.

“Be my slave” Josh grinned. Josh watched how Justin’s eyes grew in shock and he took a step back, releasing Josh’s arms. Justin’s seemingly great plan, came back to bite him in the ass. Josh figured Justin’s response would be ‘Screw you’. However it was Josh’s turn to open his eyes in shock when he heard Justin’s next words.

“If that is what you want, it seems only fair, doesn’t it?” he agreed, ending in a question, still looking ashamed.

“What?” Josh gasped.

“You didn’t think I was serious?” Justin asked.

“No, I thought… I didn’t think you’d do that… for me” Josh breathed in shock, sure he wasn’t worth the trouble, sure Justin wouldn’t want to go through so much trouble to prove he did really like him. What would Justin want with him?

“I would, I like you Josh and I want to get to know you. I know I handled it wrong and I want to make it up to you, if you want me to be… your slave fine I’ll do it”

Josh had trouble grasping the words. How could Justin agree to this? Did he really want to get to know him this bad?

“Are you serious?” Josh asked still astonished.

“I am, yes. Anything to make it up to you” Justin told him honestly, gently grasping Josh’s hands. Josh didn’t pull back this time, he stared at their entwined hands before lifting his eyes slowly to meet Justin’s. He looked sincere, he seemed to mean it, honestly. If this wasn’t prove that Justin did indeed mean it, he didn’t know what else was. He was definitely serious about wanting to be with him and the trust would have to grow just like in any relationship. Josh smiled finally, for the first time at Justin and it made the butterflies in his stomach go wild.

“Okay” Josh nodded once, agreeing.

“Okay what?” Justin questioned; they were okay or he would be Josh’s slave?

“Just shut up and kiss me” Josh demanded, smiling at Justin’s confusion.

“Yes sir” Justin agreed, Josh wouldn’t have to tell him this twice and his first duty as a slave was easily fulfilled as he brought Josh closer and their lips met in a gentle kiss.

Weeks went by without anyone noticing about the new relationship that had arisen in their school. Josh and Justin were pleased with that; they wanted to keep their relationship a secret it was something they’d decided together. Justin had reassured Josh that if he wanted to tell the whole world he didn’t mind. He wanted to make sure Josh realized that he wouldn’t let his reputation come between them, not again, Josh was more important than his reputation. The last thing Justin wanted was for Josh to think he didn’t want everybody to know about their relationship because of his stupid reputation. The only reason he wanted to keep it a secret was because he just didn’t want to share Josh with anyone else and Josh’s trust in Justin grew a little bit more with those words. However he didn’t really need to test Justin’s words and he really didn’t want everyone to know either nor did they want the attention and so they’d occasionally seek eye contact in class or talk in the hallways but they never touched or kissed each other at school. They didn’t want to share it with the whole world, this was private.

Josh’s suggestion for Justin to become his slave now was pretty much dropped instantly. Justin had insisted that if Josh needed prove that he was serious he would do it, not realizing that by simply saying that he was already proving his sincerity about their relationship and it was prove enough for Josh. He really didn’t want a slave, he wanted a boyfriend.

“Justin?” Josh addressed his boyfriend as they hung out at his place.

“Uh-hum?” Justin acknowledged, sitting up a little as they were sprawled out on the bed, turning to face his love.

“I want to tell Chris” Josh said in one go, not looking at Justin.

“About what, sweetie?” Justin asked gently, seeing Josh was nervous. He wondered what he was nervous about.

“About us being together” Josh told him softly, for some reason expecting him to say no although he’d reasoned with himself that Justin wouldn’t do that, the thought still wouldn’t go away.

“Oh” Justin said a little taken aback.

“I really want to and....” Josh started immediately, but Justin cut him off, putting a finger to his lips.

“Of course” he smiled in agreement. “If that’s what you want, do it, tell him”

“But aren’t you...” Josh started, trailing off.

“Angry?” Justin filled in for him watching as Josh nodded his head in confirmation.

“Of course not, I was just surprised you hadn’t told him already” Justin smiled softly, Josh was so cute.

“Oh, I thought... I mean... you” Josh stuttered a little, annoyed he couldn’t explain himself.

“It’s okay baby, tell him, I don’t mind”

“Can we do it together?” Josh asked once again a little insecure about Justin’s reaction but feeling more comfortable asking this question than the first one.

“Sure” Justin once again agreed easily. He understood Josh was a little hesitant and he knew it was his own fault but he was determined to make Josh see he’d meant what he said about his reputation, that he’d meant what he’d said about wanting to be with Josh; whatever it takes and Josh seemed to realize more and more everyday that Justin was indeed very serious about this and had meant what he’d said. Josh smiled leaning in, reassured, kissing him sweetly.


“You don’t have to thank me Josh, I really do mean it, I really like you, a lot” Justin told him, cupping his boyfriend’s face in his hands.

“I like you too, a lot” Josh said smiling. He’d thought Justin was sexy but he hadn’t really known him. It had changed though over the last couple of weeks. They’d gone out a few times and they got to know eachother more and more. Josh realized that he was beginning to enjoy Justin’s company and not just because he was gorgeous to look at no because he was very smart and he could make him laugh like no one else could. Justin in his turn had had a crush on Josh for quite some time already but it was more than his looks and attitude that had appealed to him. He hadn’t really known Josh either, not really anyway but he got to know him more and more and the more he found out the more he liked him.

“And I believe you” he added. Justin smiled wider, leaning in for another kiss, grateful Josh was starting to trust him more and more.

“Can we go to Chris tomorrow?” Josh asked him as they broke away, settling himself against Justin’s chest.

“Sure” Justin smiled, kissing the top of his head before whispering reassuringly,

“Whatever you want baby”

“He’s your what?” Chris exclaimed as if he’d heard it wrong. He’d frowned when his friend stood on the doorstep with Justin Timberlake but now that they’d settled on the couch and Josh had revealed the news he couldn’t believe his ears.

“He’s my boyfriend” Josh repeated although knowing Chris had heard him.

“But… when did this happen?” Chris started, thinking better of it and starting with another question.

“A few weeks ago” Josh answered, studying Chris’ face.

“Have you completely forgotten what he’s done to you?” Chris asked incredulously. The last time they’d talked about Justin, Josh had been furious and here he was holding his hand for crying out loud!

“No” Josh admitted, he hadn’t forgotten.

“But I’ve forgiven him” he added.

“What?” Chris exclaimed once again. He knew Josh was too soft, he should have just kicked his butt for him.

“What’s your scam?” Chris asked suddenly, directing his attention towards Justin who was just sitting by listening to the conversation between the two friends.

“I... um... what?” he stuttered, shocked Chris’ angry eyes were now on him.

“What is your scam?” he repeated simply, ignoring Josh’s protests.

“There isn’t, I’m not…” Justin defended. Chris cut him off.

“Josh how can you be so stupid? How can you fall for his tricks?” Chris scolded his friend as he jumped up and started pacing the floor, he didn’t often scold at anyone and he was just worried, expressing it by being angry.

“I’m not” Josh told Chris firmly, standing up himself.

“He tricked you before, how can you simply forgive him for it?”

“He...” Josh started defending Justin before Justin cut him off himself.

“I tricked him yes, I treated him like crap but I do really like him” Justin told him as he stood, looking him straight in the eyes. Chris said nothing, he waited, staring into the boy’s eyes, wanting to find out if he was serious. Justin sighed.

“Look. I know you don’t like me for what I did to Josh and I don’t like me either, I handled it all wrong but I really meant no harm, I just wanted to get to know him” Justin explained sincerely. Chris sighed, eyeing the couple in front of him, seeing how close they were standing together.

“I really like Josh” Justin told him honestly, proving his words as he came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Chris watched how Josh allowed it, how he even leaned back into his boyfriend’s touch and he came to only one conclusion.

“You like him that much huh?” Chris asked knowingly. Josh half turned and looked up slightly at his love, meeting his eyes with a smile before turning back around toward his friend.

“Yeah” he nodded. “I do”

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