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“You’re amazing Josh” Justin told him as he kissed him passionately, moving off of him so they could lay next to eachother.

“I know” Josh smirked, still panting lightly.

“Oh you know huh?” Justin teased him, pulling the covers up and over the both of them. Josh still smirked smugly as he nodded.


They sighed as they settled in each other’s arms.

“I can’t believe we’ve been together for four months already” Josh said smiling as he rested his head on his lover’s shoulder.

Four months.

Time went so fast and things had changed. For one people in school had found out about their relationship. Not that either of them cared about that and they really didn’t mind either, they were actually lucky because there hadn’t really been any incidents. People hadn’t harassed them, they pretty much left them alone and in Justin’s basketball team not much changed either despite the fact that they knew their captain wasn’t into girls. It didn’t really matter, much to Josh’s and Justin’s surprise, they probably respected Justin’s basketball skills and didn’t pay attention to anything else. The fact that they needed him could have something to do with it also but they all ignored it, so Justin wasn’t the one to make a big deal out of it. It was fine this way.

Something else that had changed was that Josh had showed him his paintings, Justin was extremely proud of the fact that Josh found him special enough to show him his personal things. It felt wonderful and he’d in his turn played a little something for Josh on his guitar. It had been great and he was happy he’d gotten what he wanted; a relationship with Josh. He knew he’d handled it the wrong way and he still felt guilty but Josh never brought it up and when Justin would, Josh dismissed it. It was in the past he’d say.

The last thing that had changed was that trust was no longer an issue. Josh wouldn’t have showed him his paintings if he didn’t trust him, Justin wouldn’t have played guitar for him, Josh would not have showed him the sketch he’d made wherein Justin was playing basketball and Josh would have certainly not allowed Justin to make love to him, twice, if he didn’t trust him. Justin had never, up until this point, betrayed his trust and Josh was sure he wouldn’t.

“Me either” Justin agreed.

“At least we celebrated it well” he added, smirking as he brought his arm up to hug Josh’s naked chest. Josh was almost glowing.

“We sure did” he giggled.

“Maybe we should try something different” Justin suddenly told his lover.

“Like what?” Josh asked curiously. Justin’s eyes twinkled as he met Josh’s.

“Roleplay” he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Hmm” Josh pondered.

“What would you want me to be?” Josh challenged him sexily.

Justin smiled mischievously, moving over so he was on top of Josh once again, kissing him sweetly before a big grin appeared on his face, kissing Josh’s neck, then moving up to his cheek, all the way to his ear. He brought his lips closer to Josh’s ear as he whispered,

“Be my slave”

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