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Chapter 4

School let out early, two days later, it was a Friday and Justin once again asked Josh to come over to his house. Josh by then already knew that him being Justin’s slave would only exist outside of school. He’d caught Justin looking at him and he addressed him sometimes but Justin didn’t make him do humiliating things at school. He’d made him get his books in the beginning but he’d stopped doing that. He really didn’t bother him at school, he wasn’t mean but he wasn’t mean at home either. Justin loved to tease but he didn’t deliberately humiliate him, when Josh figured he could have done so, so very easily.

It made him question Justin’s motives since Josh had figured humiliating him was all he wanted. What else would he want to accomplish by making him his slave? Shortly after he’d made the deal he’d wondered if this wasn’t Justin’s sick game to degrade him and to drive him to desperation and eventually outing himself. It wasn’t that humiliating thus far, of course he didn’t know if it would get worse but the only reason he could think off now, for Justin to make him his slave was that he was planning to make it a permanent thing.

“Do you want to watch some TV?” Justin asked after Josh had finished cleaning up his room, he’d spent the whole afternoon on it and he’d finally reached the floor at 4.30, everything had been picked up from the floor and been brought to its designated place. The place looked good and Josh was glad it was done although it would probably mean another assignment.

Josh thought he could hear a bit of uncertainty in Justin’s voice but he shrugged it off; it probably wasn’t. Justin wasn’t that type of guy; he was all confidence, or so Josh believed. Justin knew better. It was exterior, he could be very insecure sometimes, more than anyone would suspect.

“If that’s your wish” he countered sarcastically although it had been a question Josh was quite sure it really wasn’t. Justin shrugged, he understood Josh would take it this way but Justin just wanted to hang out with him.

“You deserved it” Justin complimented.

Josh just stared. What did Justin expect him to say?

“Thanks” Justin thanked him for cleaning up his room. Josh still stared, hard.

“I’d say you’re welcome if I’d wanted to do it” Josh said stubbornly.

Justin just smiled. Josh had spunk alright, he’d seen more and more of it during the many hours Josh had spend cleaning up his bedroom. Josh didn’t always show it but he definitely had spunk and as Justin dropped himself on the couch, nodding his head for Josh to do the same, he knew he was going to enjoy every minute he would spend with him.

They watched TV together; Justin flipping through the channels as Josh looked on. He finally settled on a station, looking at Josh if he was okay with it but Josh didn’t meet his eyes. He didn’t care what they’d watch. Justin sighed a little then focused his attention back on the TV, scanning further. Settling on something else five minutes later. He sneaked a quick glance at Josh and although Josh once again avoided eye contact Justin didn’t change stations again. Despite Josh’s attitude Justin enjoyed himself. He was happy hanging out with Josh although Josh wasn’t happy yet; he’d be happy soon Justin was sure of it. He would be once he’d understand.

But for now Josh didn’t understand actually he was confused. If Justin wanted to use him, like he did when he’d suggested to be his slave, what would be the benefit of this? This was strange; Justin wanted to use him for stuff he himself didn’t want to do but then why were they on the couch together, watching TV? Was this Justin’s way to say thank you? Would a man who’d blackmailed him into being his slave have the heart to say thank you? Or was he just lonely? No, it couldn’t be that, the captain of the basketball team was never alone. He had plenty of friends, he practically knew the whole school; no loneliness would be a strange explanation for this. But then what? Josh really couldn’t think of one. This was just weird, period.

“You wanna come over tomorrow?” Justin asked nonchalantly as he switched off the TV and guided Josh to the front door, after he’d decided to call it a night. Josh turned swiftly, he eyed him incredulously.

“To do what?” he asked, suspicion in his voice. Justin shrugged, he wanted to say hang out but Josh would certainly frown if he really gave him that answer.

“Don’t know yet, I’ll think of something, just come over” he answered instead.

Josh sighed, he really didn’t want to. Tomorrow was Saturday, he’d wanted to hang out with Chris, his real friend, go to the movies or something. Justin raised his eyebrows at the reluctance of his slave. He knew Josh would have refused if he could have but that was just the brilliance of his plan. He wouldn’t refuse till he didn’t want to refuse. Justin was determined to win him over, make sure he was really gay and then he was his.

“Fine” Josh sighed once again, giving in as he caught the look he was being given. Justin smiled truly happy but Josh took it as a smug victorious smile.

“Can I go now?” he asked a little irritated as his plans for Saturday night had been ruined.

“Yes, just make sure you bring a smile tomorrow” Justin agreed, adding a joke. Josh glared at him.

“Whatever” he responded.

“Bye” Justin smiled, opening the door. He watched how Josh reluctantly gave him a short wave over his shoulder before he walked away. Justin knew one thing; he liked Josh more and more with every second he spend with him. He liked this boy and they would be together. Josh would feel the same for him... real soon.

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