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Chapter 5

“Can you get me something to eat and a few DVD’s to watch?” Justin requested as he opened the front door, meeting Josh on the other side. Josh took a step back, taking aback as he was confronted with a request the minute the door opened.

“What?” Josh asked, he’d heard it, he’d failed to grasp it.

“I want something to eat and something to watch” Justin repeated with a small smile. He was cute.

“And?” Josh asked bored.

“I want you to get it; I put it all on the list” Justin told him, pushing a piece of paper into Josh’s hands along with some money.

“See ya in half an hour” Justin dismissed, still smiling though, as he slowly closed the door.

Josh slowly walked backwards; what the fuck?! He’d turned into an errand boy, he was like his assistant dammit. He cursed all the way to the pizzeria seeing that was what Justin wanted. Bring one for yourself as well stood behind his order. Josh shook his head but ordered two pizzas. Then he went to the video store, getting the DVD’s that were on the list and after forty minutes he was back at Justin’s house with the ordered things.

Justin opened the door almost immediately taking the pizzas from him and taking it to the living room. He set them down on the table before going to the kitchen to get them a soda. Josh was already sitting on the couch when Justin came back into the living room. Justin put the DVD into the DVD player and then sat down beside his crush, taking the first slice. Josh soon followed. They watched the movie and ate; Justin once again enjoyed it immensely while Josh still felt weird.

“I hope you didn’t have any other plans tonight” Justin said apologetically suddenly, when the movie ended; the food long gone. Justin wanted to talk he wanted to get to know him, even though the feeling wasn’t mutual, yet.

“Would it matter if I did?” Josh countered.

Justin didn’t answer, he smiled inwardly and Josh saw some signs of an inward smile on his face; his eyes sparkled and the corners of his mouth tugged up lightly in a beginning smile. Josh shook his head, unbelieving and a bit angry.

“Shouldn’t the captain of the basketball team have plans on a Saturday with I don’t know your real friends?” he countered, emphasizing his words with his hands, gesturing wildly in once again disbelief and anger. Justin shrugged.

“Don’t want to besides I have a game tomorrow, can’t stay out too late” Josh snorted, fixing his gaze on the TV. Justin once again couldn’t suppress the smile. Josh was fun.

“Why don’t you come to the game tomorrow?” Justin suggested, suddenly getting a good idea. Josh’s eyebrows raised incredulously as he turned his head towards him.

“Because I don’t want to?” Josh tried sarcastically.

“Why would I come to your game?” Josh added as if it were the most ludicrous idea in human history.

“Because I know your secret” Justin countered in his turn, it was like playing tennis, bouncing the ball back and forth, hurling smart answers. Josh’s face fell, he suddenly turned away from Justin and faced forward crossing his arms over his chest. Justin watching carefully, eyeing the scowl on his face, the straight line of his lips and the harsh breathing.

“Fine I’ll come” he grumbled eventually. Justin’s smile once again appeared but he said nothing. Josh was silent as well, they watched TV and that was all.

“Chris please come with me” Josh almost begged, an hour before the game at Chris’ house.

“No!” Chris said his voice rising in volume.

“Chris please, I don’t want to go alone!” Josh cried.

“Why are you going anyway?” Chris asked, eyebrows furrowed in deep confusion. Josh had never been to one game, not one, why the sudden interest?

“I want to?” he tried, his face scrunched up doubtfully, knowing Chris wouldn’t believe him. Chris turned from helping his youngest sister to put on her T-shirt and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Josh” he said simply.

“You can’t tell me you want to go” Josh sighed, dropping to a seat while Chris turned back towards his sister.

“Get your sweater sweetie then you can go outside” he smiled, urging her on with a gentle push before he sat down opposite of his friend.

“Wanna explain this sudden interest in high school basketball games?” Chris asked as he saw Josh was kind of ignoring him, avoiding eye contact.

“Do you have an eye on someone?” he added suddenly.

“No! I was just... invited or well asked to come”

“By whom?”

“Justin Timberlake?” he said once again in a questioning tone of voice while he scrunched up his face and closed one eye; awaiting his friend’s reaction.

“Justin?” Chris repeated.

Josh nodded.

“Well great but that doesn’t mean you have to go and that I have to come along” Chris reasoned as he stood, not understanding why Josh couldn’t think of this himself.

“It kind of does” Josh disagreed, slumping.

“Why?” Chris asked suspiciously. Josh leaned forward sighing he revealed his reason.

“He found out I’m gay”

“He what?!” Chris asked shocked, sitting back down quickly. “How?”

“He saw me with Billy”

“Oh no, now what?”

“He blackmailed me, said he’d tell the whole school about it if I wouldn’t agree to… help him” Josh bended the truth a little bit, he was not going to tell his friend he was Justin’s slave; no fucking way.

“Help him with what?” Chris asked once again suspiciously.

“With certain things, nothing major”

“Like coming to his game?” Chris tried.

“For example” Josh nodded.

“That little shit” Chris cursed.

“Let’s get him” Chris said angrily, getting up at once.

“No!” Josh stopped him, grasping his arm and pulling him back down in his seat.

“I’ll take care of this, eventually he’ll get bored and leave me alone” Josh said reassuringly not at all sure this was true.

“You sure?” Chris asked, unsure as well.

“Yes” Josh sighed.

“I know where to find you Chris, thanks” Josh said, knowing what Chris had been thinking.

“Look just give me a minute I’ll go get Molly from her friend and then she can watch Taylor and I’ll come with you…” Chris ranted making arrangements so he could support his friend.

“No! Don’t do that you don’t have to, stay here. I’ll be fine. I’ll take care of Justin, I know where to find you when I need you, thanks” Josh dismissed, he didn’t want Chris to do all of that for him. He needed to take care of this himself. Chris smiled.

“If you’re sure”

Josh nodded. “Positive”

“Kay well… have fun at the game” he winked.

Josh sighed. “Yeah, thanks”

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