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Day 11
Wednesday, August 3rd 2005

It was the day of the first semi final and Justin was in it. Justin was pretty nervous, he had to win but he also knew that if he’d let his nerves get the best of him, he’d go down. And that was just not an option.

“Today is the day Justin,” his father began as he waited for his son to get ready.

Justin nodded as he slipped into his t-shirt.

“It’s the semi final, you’re going up against Eric. Now I’ve watched a few of his games and he’s pretty good but you shouldn’t really have any trouble. He hardly ever takes a risk, he plays it safe so that’s your way in,” Randy rattled and Justin really made an effort to listen to him. He knew if he didn’t listen and he wouldn’t make use of his dad’s advice there would be hell to pay so he took it all in and really hoped he would be able to use it in practice. He slipped a sweater over his head and watched his father as he continued to point out the obvious.

Justin could see his father was getting more nervous because the big games were coming closer. He always began to rant more and lecture more once the bigger games came up and it had started a little with the quarter finals but the semis were even more important since the final game would only be one step away now. Justin could only imagine how he would be when the final would come around on Saturday.

No use thinking about that yet, he had to concentrate on this one first. Because the same rules applied; concentrate, fight with everything you’ve got and make sure you come out as the winner in the end.

Justin took a deep breath as he hunched over the sink. He splashed some cold water on his face and tried to get himself under control.

He’d excused himself for a moment to go to the bathroom and he admitted to himself that he was nervous. He’d been fine a few hours ago when he’d gotten himself ready but now as it was coming closer the nerves formed a tight knot in his stomach and it got worse by the second.

“Hey,” a voice greeted and Justin looked up in the mirror seeing Josh’s smiling face.

“Hi,” he returned a little shaky, as he turned around.

“What’s wrong?” Josh wondered.

“Nervous,” Justin admitted sheepishly.

“You have no reason to be nervous. You’ll do great!” Josh reassured him.

“I just,” Justin sighed.

“I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I normally don’t really get so nervous but it’s just… my dad was lecturing this morning and I really can’t fail him.” Justin’s eyes glistened with tears and his voice softened at the end of the sentence. He just couldn’t help the nerves and he felt frustrated because of it.

“I’m sorry,” Josh whispered stepping up to him and slipping his arms around his waist.

“You’ll be fine, just have fun.” Josh advised, knowing no one ever told Justin to just have fun. His father always had expectations and demands, but he never told him to just have fun. Justin slumped against him, taking a deep breath. Josh let his hands rub Justin’s back as he swayed a little.

“It will be okay,” he promised, kissing the top of his head.

Justin pulled back, sniffling, “Thank you.”

Josh smiled, “Your welcome.”

“I should head back,” he said as he stepped out of Josh’s embrace.

“I can’t be late.” But it was said with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll be right behind you, okay?”

Justin nodded, then leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips.


He then left the bathroom, took another deep breath and went back to the bowling lane where he would play his semi final game. His head felt lighter and he was confident again.

He was going to win.

Josh watched from the sidelines how Justin struggled with his opponent for a spot in the finals on Saturday. He’d gotten over his first shock of finding out that that opponent happened to be his roommate Eric.

Josh hadn’t really known Eric had made it to the semi finals. He hadn’t really paid any attention to that fact. Eric was still sharing a room with him but it hadn’t crossed his mind that that was because he was still in the competition. He’d been too busy with his games and spending time with Justin that he hadn’t realized Eric had made it to the semi finals as well. It was not like Eric had told him this but the suspicious glare he’d received the night before when he’d closed the door after Justin’s departure made a lot more sense now.

Needless to say Josh just wanted Justin to win. Even though that could mean he would maybe have to go up against Justin himself if they both won their semi final game and Josh didn’t know how that would turn out. For now however he wanted Justin to win and he cheered him on inwardly, praising him silently and sympathized when something went wrong.

“We have our first finalist; Justin Timberlake!” they announced when the final scores came up on the scoreboard. There was a difference of only twenty-three but they were in Justin’s favor.

Josh watched how Justin’s father came up towards him and hugged him tightly while Justin’s smile grew. He’d won and Josh was relieved he did. Justin had taken some risks but they’d worked out well, he’d deserved to win. Josh however also noticed Eric’s scowl as he eyed father and son who were celebrating their victory. It gave Josh the creeps and he avoided eye contact, instead focused on Justin and his smile.

A row of people formed and Justin and his father walked past them to the exit. Every now and then people stopped the first finalist to congratulate him and Josh quickly joined the line. Justin saw him almost immediately and halted to a stop in front of Josh who smiled at him.

“Congratulations,” he began. Justin looked behind him quickly to see where his father was. He smiled when he saw a man had approached his father and was complimenting him as well. That was good, it would give them some time to talk.

“Thank you.”

“Meet me tonight,” Josh whispered quickly.

Justin shook his head, answering just as quietly and quickly. “You need to rest and prepare for tomorrow.”

“I don’t have to.”

“I don’t want you to risk losing because of me, I’ll come to your game tomorrow and we’ll meet after that,”

Josh sighed. “Okay then,”

“Thanks again for what you did,” Justin told him, his smile bright, his eyes grateful.

“You’re welcome.” Josh returned, seeing how Justin leaned in a little, wanting to kiss him but they both knew they couldn’t. Justin pulled back quickly.

“Thanks again, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Josh nodded and watched him go with his father. They were stopped every now and then, people congratulated him and complimented him, Justin being very humble about it all. Josh realized he might have to prepare for his own game now…

“Did you two plan this?” Josh looked up shocked. Eric was standing at the end of the short hallway that lead into their room with his right hand in his side and an angry scowl on his face. He’d obviously been waiting for Josh to get back to the room.

“What?” Josh wondered as he closed the door behind him.

“Did you two plan this?” he repeated simply.

“Plan what?”

“Plan to take me out.”

“What are you talking about?!” Josh asked incredulously, what was Eric thinking?

“Do you really think it’s a coincidence your boyfriend beat me? You two planned this!” Eric accused. Josh looked shocked.

“You think we planned to make you lose?” he wondered incredulously.


Josh couldn’t help but laugh, this was ridiculous. “Eric, Justin won, end of story.”

“Maybe, you said you weren’t planning anything going out with him but maybe you two planned something together.” He mused.

“Why the hell would we do that?”

Eric eyed his roommate up and down. “This is a competition, winning is all that matters.”

“Maybe for you.” Josh told him, walking past him to go to his bed. Eric stopped him however, he put his right arm against the wall to block the way and grabbed Josh’s arm with the other, pushing him against the wall to face him.

“Don’t walk away from me!” he warned.

“Fuck off Eric. We didn’t plan anything. He was just better for god’s sake man!” Josh cried in frustration.

“Let go off me.” Eric pulled his hands back, letting him pass.

“Justin won fair and square, what could we have done to make you lose the game? You lost, not because of us. Justin was better and that’s all.” Josh told him honestly, annoyed Eric was pinning the fact that he’d lost the game on him. He slammed into the bathroom and locked it behind him.

Eric turned away from the bathroom door after glaring at it for a few minutes. He was boiling, he’d lost the game, he was out of the tournament and of all people he’d lost the game to Justin. He’d known who Justin was as soon as he met him on the bowling lane that afternoon, he’d seen him hang around Josh a couple of times during the past few weeks.

He plumped down on his bed, taking a few deep breaths and putting everything in perspective. If he were honest with himself he knew they probably hadn’t scammed him into losing, it wasn’t really possible but that didn’t mean he could let this go, not just like that.

Josh would have his game tomorrow and if he would win as well…

Eric would be very unhappy.

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