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Day 12
Thursday, August 4th 2005

Justin was early, he knew they’d agreed to meet right after dinner, around six but he’d eaten quickly and he was eager to spend time with Josh after he’d won his game as well. They were both finalists and they would have to go up against each other on Saturday but they’d agreed not to speak about that tonight. Justin had praised Josh for his victory that afternoon, it had been an easier game than his had been the day before but Josh had brushed it off. He only wanted to speak about meeting up tonight.

Justin knocked impatiently, he heard the hatch unlock and the door swung open. It weren’t Josh’s sparkling blue eyes that met his however, it were Eric’s frowning brown ones.

Justin unconsciously took a step back and nervously stuttered out, “H…hi.”

Okay this was awkward. He hadn’t known he’d beat Josh’s roommate in the semi finals till Josh had informed him of this. He also hadn’t realized he’d meet him tonight.

Where was Josh?

“Hi.” Eric greeted in return.

“Is Josh here?” Justin wondered, wanting this uncomfortable moment to end. Eric on the other hand leaned against the doorframe completely at ease.

“He went out to eat, you want to come in?”

Justin eyed him suspiciously, wanting to say no but the intent gaze Eric was training on him was almost hypnotizing and he said yes. Eric smirked and allowed the boy to come inside. Justin stepped into the room hesitantly and jumped slightly when he heard the door close behind him.

“So you meeting up with Josh again?” Eric asked him nonchalantly as he walked around Justin to face him.

Justin nodded yes.

“Do you think that’s wise?” Eric asked as if he had Justin’s best interest at heart.

“W… what do you mean?” Justin wondered, frowning at the taller boy.

“Well,” Eric started. “You two are going to meet each other in the finals.”

“So?” Justin asked, forcing himself to be defiant, he knew Eric meant no good and he shouldn’t even be listening to him but he was and he couldn’t stop himself.

“Do you think it’s a good idea to show your opponent such vulnerability?”

“I don’t look at him as my opponent.” Justin countered, Eric didn’t know what they’re relationship was like.

“Maybe you should.” Eric said meaningfully as he turned his back towards Justin, luring a reaction from him. And he got it.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” he demanded as he took a step forward.

“Look,” Eric sighed, shaking his head.

“Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this.”

“Tell me what?” Justin wondered feeble voiced.

Eric sighed again, indecisive.

“Tell me what?” Justin repeated, his voice stronger.

“Okay.” Eric agreed.

“Look, Josh told me,” Eric began, seeing how Justin eyes grew wide in desperation.

“It’s just a scam.” Justin’s eyes grew even more as he heard what Eric was telling him.

“W…what?” Justin stammered, closing his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief.

“Josh told me he’s only hanging out with you so he can take you down.”

Justin shook his head in disbelief. “That’s not true.”

Eric shrugged. “He told me himself.”

“He, he wouldn’t do that.”

“Okay don’t believe me then but he told me a week ago Wednesday you were afraid he was going to take you down and that you should be.”

Justin shook his head.

“He told me he was going to win your trust though and he was going to win the competition that way.”

“He seemed really pleased last Saturday, I don’t know why but I guess you gave him your trust. He knew he was going to win and…”

“Stop it!” Justin cried. He wasn’t going to believe him, Eric was trying to denigrate Josh. It wasn’t true! Josh was honest, he wouldn’t betray him like this.

“I’m sorry Justin, but I thought you had to know.” Eric said, Justin looked up at him with tears glistening in his eyes. But how did Eric know all these things then? Josh must have told him. But Josh had told him they never spoke to each other. Justin’s head was spinning. He shouldn’t doubt Josh but Eric seemed honest.

“He tried to get me involved too,” Eric began again. “He asked me if I could spy on you while you were training with your father in hall three so we could use the strategies against you.”

“But I said no.”

Justin couldn’t hold his sobs in any longer. He spun around and ran for the door.

His tears falling freely, Josh had betrayed him.

Josh waited impatiently for the doors to open. He knew he was a little late and couldn’t wait to get to his room where Justin must be waiting. He couldn’t wait to spend time with him. He turned the corner, heading for his room when someone fled past him crying out familiar sobs.

“Hey what’s wrong,” Josh asked concerned as he noticed Justin came from his room. Josh reached out to grasp his arm but Justin turned to him with fury in his eyes.

“Leave me alone!” he cried out, twisting his arm out of Josh’s grasp and continuing his flight to the elevators to get away from Josh who stayed behind in stunned silence.

“What did you do to him!” Josh demanded the second he got in the room. Eric was packing and turned to him with a smirk carefully hidden underneath a confused mask.

“What did I do to whom?”

“You know damn well who I’m talking about! You did or said something to Justin. Now what is it?!” Josh said angrily, he’d known Eric was in the room and the only conclusion was that Eric must have said or done something to get Justin to react the way he had.

“I said nothing that isn’t true.”

“What. Did. You. Say.” Josh demanded through gritted teeth, his fists clenched at his sides.

“Tell me, asshole!” Josh lashed out, taking a few quick steps towards his roommate, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards him.

“Whoa, relax dude,” Eric told him a little startled but otherwise only amused.

“What did you do?”

“Nothing he didn’t deserve.”

Josh eyed the other guy, searched his eyes and his face for clues and suddenly he had an idea what had happened.

He pushed Eric away from him, “I can not believe this, is winning really that important to you?” Josh wondered in disgust, realizing Eric’s motives.

It must have had something to do with Justin beating him in the tournament, he remembered Eric’s angry gaze from the day before. It couldn’t be a coincidence. The dark gaze Eric leveled him with told Josh everything he needed to know. He was jealous beyond belief, Josh could see it in his eyes. He was jealous, he probably thought he’d deserved to be in the finals and they’d taken that from him. Josh knew whatever he had said or done to Justin it was his revenge. Well he wouldn’t succeed.

Josh left Eric and went after what was really important; Justin.

Josh hesitated as he stood in front of Justin’s door. He wondered if he should knock, what if Justin wasn’t there and his father would open the door. How could he explain that? He debated to go and leave it. He’d already turned when he stopped dead in his tracks. He couldn’t walk away. He had to talk to him, if his father would open the door so be it, he’d say he had the wrong number or something but he couldn’t leave it like this. He turned back around, took a deep breath and knocked, quietly at first but louder the second time. He waited nervously for someone to open the door, hoping it would be Justin.

He took in another deep breath when the door opened and he was met with a mop of golden curls. It was Justin. He released the breath he’d been holding and it was then that Justin looked up. Josh saw how his eyes were red and his features were miserable.

As soon as he recognized Josh he stepped back again, telling him to, “Go away,” before trying to close the door.

Josh shoved his foot in the door and shook his head, “No, not before you tell me what Eric said to you.”

“Nothing,” Justin denied. “He said nothing, now leave me alone.”

“I can’t, he has to have said something or you wouldn’t be so upset.”

“I’m not upset!”

Josh raised his eyebrows, telling him silently ‘are you kiddin’ me?’.

“Now leave before my father wants to know who I’m talking to.” Justin told him, ignoring the look.

“But Ju…” Josh started when almost on cue a voice called from inside the room,

“Who’s at the door?”

Justin’s eyes became slightly panicked as he quickly looked over his shoulder.

“Go!” he urged silently before calling over his shoulder to his father, “No one!”

“Go!” he urged Josh again, his eyes pleading as he shoved him away, trying to close the door before his father would come closer.


Josh held up his hands, “Fine, but I want to talk to you tomorrow.” Josh whispered back.

“Fine, fine.” Justin agreed quickly and till his relieve Josh stepped back allowing Justin to close the door. He heaved a sigh of relief.

“Who was at the door?” Randy wondered as Justin came back into the room.

“No one important.” Justin answered and it was the truth, it wasn’t anyone important.

Not anymore.

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