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Day 13
Friday, August 5th 2005

It was another day off and it should have been a fun day for Justin and Josh. They’d planned to go out together again but it was everything but a fun day today.

Josh woke up late to discover the room was empty, Eric had left and on one hand Josh was relieved he’d checked out. On the other hand now he wouldn’t be able to ask Eric again what had happened, although Josh didn’t really believe Eric would tell him he could have at least tried. Now he didn’t even have the option to.

As he went about his daily routine of watching a little TV, getting dressed and having breakfast downstairs his mind wasn’t really with it. He kept wondering what had happened exactly between Eric and Justin last night, it must have been something bad or Justin wouldn’t have reacted the way he had. Josh didn’t understand and he hated the fact that Justin wasn’t talking to him, explaining what was wrong so he could make it better. Justin didn’t allow him to explain and it frustrated Josh, he didn’t want to lose Justin. And certainly not because of a jealous asshole like Eric.

Justin didn’t wake up in a good mood either. His eyes felt puffy and his head hurt. He really wanted to go home now. Josh went through his mind and he quickly shook his head to rid himself of the image and the words Eric had pushed into his mind that accompanied Josh’s picture now. Just yesterday all Josh’s picture brought was a smile onto his face, now it brought a fresh stab of pain to his heart. He squeezed his eyes closed, he couldn’t help the few tears that dripped onto his pillow.

“Hey you’re awake, how’s my finalist doing?” Randy greeted happily. Justin groaned inwardly, it really wasn’t something he needed this morning.

“Fine,” he answered nevertheless, knowing there were going to be questions he did not want to provide with an answer.

“What time is it?” he wondered.

“Almost twelve, we missed breakfast.”

“I’m sorry.” Justin apologized, all the while realizing his father had let him sleep.

“You looked exhausted yesterday, thought you could need some sleep.”

Justin nodded. “Thanks.”

“Go take a shower, we’ll get some lunch.”

Justin nodded, hoping he would feel better after a shower. He pushed himself to a sitting position and stumbled to the bathroom so he could wash Josh’s picture from his mind.

It was almost eight p.m. Josh couldn’t hold back any longer. Justin hadn’t come to him all day and he hadn’t really expected him to but he’d hoped. It really looked like he wasn’t coming and so Josh went to the eleventh floor. He once again stood in front of the door nervously. He took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock.

It was then that he heard it. A voice. Lecturing. Angry.

“You know how important this is, don’t you Justin?”

Justin was sitting on the hotel bed, obediently listening to his father’s ranting. It seemed this was more important to his father than to him. It probably was. Always had been.

When Justin had woken up this morning his father had been pretty considerate but as the day passed the consideration turned to non-existent. He was strict and harsh, maybe more than ever. Justin had more or less expected it being only a day away from finals but it really wasn’t something he needed right now. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to go to Josh. Somewhere during the afternoon Justin had realized maybe he needed to give Josh a chance to explain. He didn’t say he was going to believe him but he could at least listen. His father hadn’t allowed it though. He needed to train and rest according to him. What if he would be just as tired tomorrow as he had been today? They couldn’t have that he’d lectured. Justin had nodded then and he was nodding again now.

“Sure,” he mumbled. His father was in his face before he could even look up, grasping his chin and making him meet his eyes.

“Don’t you?” he questioned again, harsher this time not pleased with the nonchalant answer his son had given him.

“Yes.” Justin answered this time, quickly and clearly. His father nodded and backed away.

“We can win this Justin, we are going to win this.” Justin wondered why he was speaking of we, he would be the one doing it, not his father.

“Dad it’s just a game,” he said before he could stop himself, discretely telling his father to lighten up. But his father understood and was not amused. He slapped him across the cheek, not hard enough to cause any real damage but enough to make it painful and serve as a warning. Justin berated himself immediately as he held his cheek protectively in his hand.

“Watch it son.” His dad warned and Justin nodded.

“I will win dad, I will.” Justin said determined, knowing that was what his dad wanted to hear.

“Good, now go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a big day.”

Justin sighed inwardly, it was only eight-thirty but he said nothing and obeyed. He undressed, washed up and crawled in bed, turning his back to his father as he held his cheek that was now glowing and let silent tears fall from his eyes. He knew he couldn’t fail tomorrow, he couldn’t but he wasn’t convinced he could prevent it from happening. He fell into a restless sleep, dreaming of failure and his father’s consequences.

Josh pulled his ear back from the door, he’d been shamefully listening in but what he’d heard hurt him. He’d known Justin’s father was bad but he didn’t know it was like this. Josh had heard the smack, flesh on flesh, he knew what it meant. Justin was hurting and at the moment there was nothing he could do. With the conversation between father and son ringing in his ears he turned and went to the elevators, going back to his own room with a heavy heart.

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