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Day 8
Sunday, July 31st 2005

“Hey,” Josh greeted Justin after the last of his quarter final games. Justin was surprised but a smile came to his lips almost immediately.



Justin frowned.

“I watched your games, I’m glad you won, congrats.” Josh elaborated before kissing him quickly.

Justin smiled, “You watched my games?”

Josh nodded. He’d made sure he was out of sight. He didn’t want Justin to think he was only there to throw him off.

“You did good, especially the last game, you blew that kid away.” Justin laughed softly.

“So the semi finals eh?”

Justin nodded, “Yeah.” He really didn’t want to talk about this anymore. With every step up in the competition his father became more demanding and competitive. Justin wanted to ignore it for now and talk about anything but bowling. He changed the subject.

“I had a really good time yesterday.” Justin told him, accompanied with a smile that lit up the room.

“So did I, actually I wanted to talk to you about that,” Josh replied, it had been the reason he’d waited for him.

Josh had been thinking about when they’d be able to go out again. He’d looked at the game schedule and he’d seen Justin had had all his quarter finals games today. Josh himself had all his games on Tuesday. That would make tomorrow the perfect day to go out. He knew Justin would have two days off then and would less likely think he was just asking him to take him down although Josh didn’t know if Justin still felt that way.

“I know you had all your games today and the semi finals won’t be till Wednesday and since I don’t have a game tomorrow either, I was wondering if we could maybe do it again. Go out, I mean.” Josh wondered. Justin smiled still.

“I’d like that. I think I’m free or I can make sure I am.”

“Yeah?” Josh wondered, knowing Justin’s father was more behind this than he’d known when he’d asked him out the first time.

Justin nodded. “I’ll ask.”


Justin nodded too, great indeed.

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